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/lit/ - Literature

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22611397 No.22611397 [Reply] [Original]

>Anonymous - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations
>Burke, Edmund - Reflections on the Revolution in France
>Carlyle, Thomas - On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
>Chesterton, GK - Heretics
>Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea - For My Legionaries
>Davis, Jefferson - The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
>de Benoist, Alain - Manifesto for a European Renaissance
>Devi, Savitri - The Lightning and the Sun
>Dugin, Alexander - The Fourth Political Theory
>Evola, Julius - Revolt Against the Modern World
>Faye, Guillaume - Why We Fight
>Filmer, Robert - Patriarcha
>Ford, Henry - The International Jew
>Guenon, Rene - The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
>Heidegger, Martin - Being and Time
>Herrnstein, Richard J and Murray, Charles - The Bell Curve
>Hitler, Adolf - Mein Kampf
>Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan
>Hoppe, Hans-Hermann - Democracy: The God that Failed
>Junger, Ernst - Storm of Steel
>Kaczynski, Ted - Industrial Society and its Future
>Luther, Martin - The Jews and their Lies
>MacDonald, Kevin B - The Culture of Critique
>Machiavelli, Niccolo - The Prince
>Mason, James - Siege
>Mosley, Oswald - The Alternative
>Nietzsche, Friedrich - Beyond Good and Evil
>Pierce, William Luther - The Turner Diaries
>Plato - The Republic
>Raido - A Handbook of Traditional Living
>Raspail, Jean - The Camp of the Saints
>Redbeard, Ragnar - Might is Right
>Rockwell, George Lincoln - This Time the World
>Rosenberg, Alfred - The Myth of the 20th Century
>Schmitt, Carl - Political Theology
>Sorel, Georges - Reflections on Violence
>Spengler, Oswald - The Decline of the West
>Strasser, Otto - Germany Tomorrow
>Taylor, Jared - White Identity
>Tilak, Bal Gangadhar - The Arctic Home in the Vedas
>Tzu, Sun - The Art of War
>Venner, Dominique - The Shock of History
>von Clausewitz, Carl - On War
>Yockey, Francis Parker - Imperium

>> No.22611405

>no fiction
Go to hell, philistine!
>Strasser, Otto - Germany Tomorrow
How was that?

>> No.22611413

Damn, you could have learned so much about history and drawn your own conclusions but instead you decided to read these meme books that distort it to their interest.

>> No.22611539

based, if true.

>> No.22611553

Wouldn't reading principled and intelligent writers like Burke, Chesterton, Jünger, Nietzsche, and Plato put you off Nazism?

>> No.22611565

(((History))). Must be nice to be perfectly secure in acting like a condescending faggot just because your mommy paid your college tuition.

>> No.22611588
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>> No.22611595

Woah, You're so 'based' and 'radical', OP; can I touch You?

>> No.22611614

>Damn, you could have learned so much about history and drawn your own conclusions but instead you decided to read these meme books that distort it to their interest.
Most historical books are written with an agenda in mind, especially on wars.

>> No.22611618

Extreme levels of pseud and zoomer.

>> No.22611620

This, imagine falling for /pol/ memes and reading blatant agitprop

>> No.22611622

They would, but he obviously never read anything on that list

>> No.22611637

Yeah but it‘s different when it‘s the conventional one because then you get to act important in the company of other liberals

>> No.22611643

I bet you’re a pretty smelly guy

>> No.22611649

For you

>> No.22611662

As opposed to acting important in the company of terminally online gamers obsessed with race and sex?

>> No.22611721

>thinks you need to go to college to learn history

>> No.22611730

this is just booktok for pussy repellent men

>> No.22611737

Only fags and f*moids know about that silly gay shit. Post tits or little white cock.

>> No.22611749
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>>Yockey, Francis Parker - Imperium
Reading this now. What were your thoughts?

>> No.22611774

Yes, that's way more interesting

>> No.22611781

Is that a thumb or a toe?

>> No.22611799

Yep, that finger is about right.

>> No.22612068

Evola's Revolt would have taken at least a good month to be read, same goes for The Republic rofl

>> No.22612105

Cool. And here's a list of all the pussy you've had this year:

>> No.22612106

>unironically highlighting passages in a book
absolute subhuman

>> No.22612135

History is always biased to one perspective or another you ingrate, we are honest about reading /ourguys/, but you think /yourguys/ are the unbiased ultimate galaxy brained truth... yes tell me what feminist critique class critique garbage to read.

>> No.22612139
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You don't highlight important, meaningful or pertinent parts of things you read?

>> No.22612150

Making a summary is way better. It takes quite a bit longer but you'll remember far more and are able to create a discussion about what you read at the same time promoting optimal intellectual growth

>> No.22612171

Your entire "political" ideology is just trying to become an object of disgust to spite your peers who you feel alienated from. The fact that most of them don't really care likely drives you further into it.
You aren't even a real reactionary. Actual right wingers today are hardcore kike-worshipping zionists. You're just vacantly embodying something socially unacceptable, you'd get the same rush out of openly being a pedophile.

>> No.22612176
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Id love to do that if i had the time, but im in a busy machine shop reading on my lunch. Both highlighting and summarizing fulfill different objectives, highlighting helps locate passages for quotation and reference while summarizing is ideal for greater knowledge retention. Doing both is undoubly the best.

Otherwise you are no different to the lad who refuses to get his tools dirty or roughened with work and use.

>> No.22612177

Lulz. Tis some corny shite

>> No.22612178

and? reading won't stop you from going extinct

good bait, guaranteed replies

>> No.22612181
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>> No.22612189

>Your entire "political" ideology is just trying to become an object of disgust to spite your peers who you feel alienated from.
Isn't that leftism?
Rightism turns more and more into leftism and leftism into rightism
Jews won

>> No.22612200
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>Gravitate increasingly to revolutionary systems of order and heiarchy while the world around you yields to chaos
>you're just being contarian anon

>> No.22612243
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you are threatened by the anon becoming UBERMENSCH while fat disgusting leftist stew!
I bet you look and dress bad, a herdlike over-socialized faggot creature, the 'educated' leftist, you sound like a former chud now a tranny, regretful of 'muh EXTREMISMS'
the GALL of a troon to accuse others of vacantly embodying something and getting a rush out of it, we are REALLY embodying, we are HEIGHTENING, you have fallen into the PEER HIVE, the superior man is always alienated from the mass.

>> No.22612253

Oh yeah cause basic history is feminist critique yes this is the point and view of le epic rationalist

>> No.22612272

But if you make a summary you can also more easily find it back if you note which chapter and header it fell under. The issue with highlighting is that you often end up with so many passages highlighted it'll not really be possible to find the exact one you're thinking of later anyway. It does take a lot of time though, for some books my reading bascially slowed to a crawl.

>> No.22612281
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popular consensus history focuses to much on the viewpoints and struggles of 'MUH DISENFRANCHISED'. I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT, I will not read, I zone out when I see. FUCK WOMEN, MINORITIES, and the POOR.

>> No.22612329

>his entire worldview requires painting california as a failed state engulfed in chaos otherwise it falls apart completely
your brain on agitprop

>> No.22612354

Only if you have no idea what national socialism is/was

>> No.22612355

least ESL /pol/tard

>> No.22612378
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worst bait ever

>> No.22612394
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>> No.22612430
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Spengler and Yockey discuss the view of history. It is interesting, you should read them.

>> No.22612452

Fiction sucks

>> No.22612457


>> No.22612461

Rape doesn’t actually harm women

>> No.22612467

you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.22612502

Yeah so I guess it's fine if your mother/wife/daughter got raped then?

>> No.22612636

Now that's fuckin' based.

>> No.22612640

You don't pass btw

>> No.22612648

Its not fine but your troon ass is welcome to fuck around and find out.

>> No.22612656

Midwit take.

I've read half of those books and have sex often. I also know people on the "far right" (i.e., aware of jewish power, race, etc.) and most are just normal people with families. This isn't even relevant btw, keep telling yourself lies to cope. Having sex isn't a hard thing to do, do you know how easy it is to get with fat hogs like your mom when you're moderately attractive? Lmao

>> No.22612662

White cocks are largest on average, specifically Nordic-Aryan countries.

>> No.22612671

>you have to read kosher books that are authorized by the system
Kek. Now go back to r3dddit you NPC fucking faggot.

>> No.22612678

>Midwit take.
its true tho

>> No.22612709

They wouldn't be harmed THO

>> No.22612714

>shitty attempt at amateur psychoanalysis / pure conjecture is true
My sides

>> No.22612745

based and redpilled

>> No.22612765
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>> No.22612771
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Are you the eastern euro JIDF guy who does this full time?

>> No.22612773

This was hilarious. Wonder how many poltards larp trying to win vulnerable young guys to their “cause”

>> No.22612778

kek gottem

>> No.22612794

Kek you btfoed that poltard

>> No.22612804

>replying to yourself 3 times
How butthurt are you, tranny freakshow?

>> No.22612815


>> No.22612819

That's cope. The average person aware of the JQ and race are normal people who you'd never guess. Meanwhile everyone can instantly tell if you're a leftcuck who simps for nonwhites and trannies, probably because you look like you belong in a mental asylum. The people I know almost all have families or at least long-term he's, good jobs, etc. I meet people all the time who open up to me about jewish power or rates of BIPOC violence and i just listen and egg them on. You mad?

>> No.22612820

Wild how it always is.

>> No.22612823

>you have to [this poster's schizophrenic delusions]

>> No.22612824

Take your meds.

You don't pass btw.

>> No.22612838

>doesn't know how to greenest
>you're schizophrenic if you read books I don't like
Keep going retard

>> No.22612851

>updated fellow redditor!
>fuck fascism!
Kill yourself samefagging tranny untermensch

>> No.22612872

>literally does not know how to greentext and even spell
Reddit is two doors down

>> No.22612889

/pol/ threads should be nuked on sight

>> No.22612914

>"and even spell"
Learn how to formulate coherent sentences you mouthbreathing nonwhite chimp.

>> No.22612917

>Books I don't like should not be allowed to be discussed

>> No.22612919

>everything I don't like should be banned
Oh look another crybaby leftist snowflake whining for xer safespace. Does poopy baby need xer diappee changed? Poor little baby

>> No.22612933

Most don’t read them. Just bring them up because they are based and redpilled. No different than threads on /pol/ because the books obviously aren’t important

>> No.22612941
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>Most don’t read them
More and more people are reading them.

>> No.22612943
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gay. read white power and the brigade

>> No.22613087

Brown hands typed this btw

>> No.22613715

>enforcing nonwhite inferiority on my /lit/ like my little monkey slave

>> No.22613729


>> No.22613750

>>no fiction
Everything is fiction.

>> No.22613903
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drawing your own conclusions is literally history. it's literally life. do you not wipe your own ass? i think you're just conditioned to feel repulsion when you see a swatsika and "buzz words" as they are defined by current mainstream society and media. i don't even read. i would cum down your throat however. naturally, you would now take everything i say more seriously and with more consideration.

>> No.22613911

shiva, the cosmic dancer.

>> No.22613968
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no. it was a reaction to a current "problem" at that time, assuming you're assuming OP is schutzstaffel ... actually, go stand by that wall.

the spite came naturally after the fact. i don't care. whose going to stop me? i want something, germany wants something, you're in my way.

>> No.22614021

morality is what holds humanity back. anyone can counter or nit-pick anyone's argument or philosophy or actions. emotion is the easiest. stop caring while caring, but be smart. basically, don't let others bother you. set a goal and stop second guessing yourself. do not misconstrue my words, i'm pro-israel ;)

>> No.22614049

total kike death

>> No.22614053

Crap, crap and more crap.

Just read the Zweites Buch, retard. Devi?? You must be joking.

>> No.22614069
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Which versions of Storm of Steel and Mein Kampf did you read? Both of those books have been heavily fucked with by translators and editors