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22612034 No.22612034 [Reply] [Original]

>read a philosopher
>"wow he's completely right"
>make him my new personality
>read another philosopher who contradicts the previous one
>"wow he's completely right"
>make him my new personality
>read another philosopher who contradicts the previous one ...

>> No.22612044

literally me

>> No.22612066
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>read some shit
>'wow hes completely right'
>see jewish early life section
>immediately flip my opinion to be opposite of his
>read someone else who contradicts the previous
>'wow hes completely right'
>find out he too is of jewish origin
>immediately flip my opinion again

>> No.22612074

>read a philosopher
>"Wow, this is retarded. Who cares about any of this?"

>> No.22612076

So what will happen when you read the perfect wisdom of God, and not the vain scribblings of mortals called worldly wisdom?

>> No.22612083

provide an example, this has literally never happened to me (all jews agree)

>> No.22612087

wich god?. Uranus gets pretty deep at times

>> No.22612093

>don't read
>be Chad fuck hotties
>incels seethe

>> No.22612516

I would be Jesus christ 2.0

>> No.22612591

Hegel talked about this

>> No.22612659


>> No.22612716

>read Plato
>wow he's completely right
>never read another philosopher ever again because I am now in agreement with what is perfectly right
>contemplate forms until I escape the cycle of reincarnation

>> No.22613901

Rothbard and Marx.

>> No.22613909

However, they were both notable anti-Semitic Jews.

>> No.22613917

This is me reading the republic then the birth of tragedy.

>> No.22613965

>make him my own personality
Personality is only a real thing if you actually have a life

>> No.22613982

Marx doesnt need anyone to contradict him he already contradicts himself with his nonsense ''MUH CLASSLESS SOCIETY!'' literal retard cant believe so many pseuds actually fall for this jewish shit.

>> No.22614003

>t. never read Marx

>> No.22614007

>t. coping pseud
>n-no you h-havent actually read m-marx, STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!
Consider suicide fag.

>> No.22614020
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>be STEM god
>read philosopher
>wow he doesn't know math
>wow he doesn't know science
>wow he doesn't know philosophy
>wow he's wrong about literally everything and even my 5 y.o. former self could have easily deboonked all his retarded nonsense

>> No.22614024

This never happened, read/understand real philosophers next time

>> No.22614025
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me but with youtube videos, the retarded man's version

>> No.22614028

you'd know, fgt

>> No.22614073 [DELETED] 

plenty of jews love to hate jews and argue with jews, it's part of the show and inherent to judaism.

think of anti-Semitic Jews like the atheist bugs, especially women, who protest in the street whining about the public servants mistreating them for decades, while at the same demanding that even more public servants manage even more parts in the population's life.

The cognitive dissonance is always present in highly hypocritical societies. And the only sustainable societies with high hypocrisy in them is always with bugs inhibited to hypocrisy, ie women, bourgeois and jews. This is because those people have no introspection at all. To the eyes of the average gentile, the jews and bourgeois may seem smart, but they really are not, at best glorified book reader obsessing over sterile details about some conventions they themselves made up.

>> No.22614074

Videos are far more pedagogical than books.

>> No.22614077

plenty of jews love to hate jews and argue with jews, it's part of the show and inherent to judaism.

think of anti-Semitic Jews like the atheist bugs, especially women, who protest in the street whining about the public servants mistreating them for decades, while at the same time demanding that even more public servants manage even more parts in the population's life.

The cognitive dissonance is always present in highly hypocritical societies. And the only sustainable societies with high hypocrisy in them is always with bugs inhibited to hypocrisy, ie women, bourgeois and jews. This is because those people have no introspection at all. To the eyes of the average gentile, the jews and bourgeois may seem smart, but they really are not, at best glorified book reader obsessing over sterile details about some conventions they themselves made up.

>> No.22614090

Rothbard literally supported holocaust deniers.

>> No.22614180

I have never agreed 100 percent with any philosopher. In fact I agree with Descartes in everything except what he says about animals.

>> No.22614184

The only argument I've ever seen Marxists use is "you haven't read it!"

>> No.22614186

Gottfried vs neocons.

>> No.22614191
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read about pyrrhonism and max stirner and you will never have to pick up a philosophy book ever again, throw in descartes in there just to nail the point home, if you feel the urge to get a big head from that read about diogenes

>> No.22614197

It's just so hard to believe man

>> No.22614595
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Nothing wrong with that, pick and choose what you believe is right from each and everyone you learn from. Develop your own philosophy then you can trick other fools into believing what you do.

>> No.22614629

But in the end, you always become yourself.

>> No.22615133

>In fact I agree with Descartes in everything except what he says about animals
Kant btfo'd Descartes: the process of thinking doesn't imply a unified self, as a separate category of unity is required. Additionally, the intellect can only reflect upon intuitions in the past, and so Descartes' thought process cannot get us to a present self even if unity is assumed.
Elisabeth of Bohemia, although much less philosophically rigorous than Kant, also btfo's Descartes on the mind-body split: how does the mind cause change in the body if they are different substances. Descartes had to revert to claiming that the difference between mind and body was a "metaphysical difference" and that the interplay between the two can be explained by a union of both, falling back into the empty scholasticism that both he and Bacon wished to get rid of in philosophy.

>> No.22615300
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>> No.22615511

Why don't you rebut "I did." I'll tell you. You don't actually read. People who criticize Marx generally just have only heard hearsay from the cultural zeitgeist and end up attacking nonexistent phantom Marxs

>> No.22615993
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>read a philosopher
>hate it
>write 700 page manifesto
>make normies retarded like me

>> No.22616372

This. Math is at the core of all good philosophy.

>> No.22616417
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>contemplate forms until I escape the cycle of reincarnation
>"That's just like, your opinion man"

>> No.22616423

>read Schrodinger
>wow we really don't know fuck all about reality

>> No.22616439

>read a philosopher
>"no that's wrong"
>read a philosopher who contradicts the previous one
>"no that's wrong"
>read a philosopher who contradicts the previous one
>"no that's wrong"
>read a philosopher who contradicts the previous one
This is me. Best I've managed was some philosophers who I only agreed with on half the things they said. I feel either retarded or insane

>> No.22616605

Feel free to provide any examples and brilliant refutations your stembrain came up with, surely you're not just a larping undergrad faggot with a degree in dicksucking

>> No.22616799

People that study philosophy without a purpose tend to do everything described above.

For those who read philosophy searching for specific truths often finds them.

>> No.22616836

philosophers contradict eachother because theyre all wrong

>> No.22616923

I haven't dived into philosophy yet because I fear this will be me

>> No.22616925
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This but with specific authors instead of philosophers.
Pic related, my Ryan Gosling.

>> No.22616951

>Find specific truth
>It’s wrong

>> No.22617040

Indeed, it would appear that is indeed the case, my dear Glaucon.

>> No.22618048

>read philosophy searching for specific truths
Such as?