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File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, 220821070936-alexander-dugin-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22611366 No.22611366 [Reply] [Original]

Can any 21st century intellectual compete with him?

>> No.22611367

Yeah, pretty much all of them, easily. For one, he's not an intellectual at all.

>> No.22611372

Name one

>> No.22611381


>> No.22611386

I suppose you'd have to invent the special nobel literature prize (like special olympics) and then find someone equally retarded to compete with Dugin.

How's Darya these days btw?

>> No.22611385

I accept your defeat.

>> No.22611388

He's one of about 10 living people who have the fullest breadth of knowledge of Western civilization and literature.

I thought he was just some political prop, one of hundreds of schemers. But actually he's one of the greatest living intellectuals. And reading his cultural criticism, rather than his political science, shows it.

>> No.22611421

No. I think his philosophy is a little ridiculous, and just wrong to be blunt, but he is at least rigorous and interesting and is doing real philosophy. There’s nobody in the West doing even real philosophy. Basically nobody on the West seems to be able to even do real philosophy. We can debate about why that is, whether the universities have played a role, if we are just in an age that inhibits that, whatever, but I think it is true. Philosophy is dead in the West and where it’s alive, it’s imperceptible to us. They’re people who interest us about as much as Lucretius interested Julius Caesar.

>> No.22611434

>21st century intellectual

>> No.22611435
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Curtis Yarvin

>> No.22611823
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>greatest living intellectuals
he said Kaballah is the greatest achievement of human kind lmao

>> No.22611829

That face you get when you fuck around then find out. Probably wasn't even the Ukrainians that did it Putin was just tired of his shit

>> No.22613197

lit is so fucking contrarian that this is the only thread in months on Dugin (the most relevant intellectual alive and /ourguy/ in Russia) and the posts above show

>> No.22613293

4chan is flooded with feds and reddit niggers, and above all people who don't read.

>> No.22613313

Literally give 1 thing he was right about

>> No.22613340

the decline of the liberal world order
he is a far more valuable thinker than anyone in the west just based on that alone

>> No.22613369

grow up

>> No.22613399

That guy is a satanist. Haven't you noticed that symbol he uses all the time? The chaos magic symbol? He's not just using it fob aesthetics.

>> No.22613408

Agamben and Sloterdijk easily

>> No.22613438

fpbp, Poogin is a scam only morons fall for

>> No.22613443

that's probably one of the very few true and reasonable things he ever said tho

>> No.22613471

Yarvin is a pseud

>> No.22613484

>anything that is not Abrahamic is satanic
Tee hee

>> No.22614188

Please explain how the liberal world order is declining.

>> No.22614910

It just is, okay tranny? No explanations needed.

>> No.22614926
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crashing birth rates, institutional rot and corruption, international plutocracy strangling political-economic structures (while diseducated plebs are barely aware they exist), state of exception undermining every last liberal notion of liberty, etc etc

doesnt justify dugins eurasian-super state romantic LARP tho

>> No.22615397
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liberalism =/= cultural marxism

>> No.22615426

>talk shit
>get hit

>> No.22615429

lmao at least my daughter didn't die in a car bomb in the capital city

>> No.22615431

Literally nothing you mentioned has anything to do with the liberal world order

>> No.22615440

What's his opinion on the jewish golems (americans)? Should they be spared or is total annihilation needed?

>> No.22615462

Last smart eurasianist thinker dies in 1992.

>> No.22615477
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>"I am a supporter of blacks"
Who's side are you even on?

>> No.22615583

you are a stupid faggot

>> No.22615586

This is not a real quote.

>> No.22615600
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Read this debate.

>> No.22615613

You mean when a Jewish-Atheist regime of bankers and lawyers murders the daughter of a university professor that they insisted for years was irrelevant? That’s “Fucking around and finding out” huh?

Everyone should ask themselves if this guy has something worth listening to if the regime is that desperate to hurt him.

>> No.22615614
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>> No.22615618

Sounds like projection, bub

>> No.22615619

>everything is a dichotomy

>> No.22615620

You know that’s crazy though anon? It does equal that. They are the same at bottom. Liberalism morphed into liberal-progressivism, which is extremely similar and actually far worse in some ways than Marxism because it is cultural-Marxism. It’s the same thing.

>> No.22615627

Nope, you are clearly too stupid to understand how everything I said directly details that the liberal world order is in decline. From crap demographics to corruption to growing despotism to institutional decay.

The kids table is this >>>/pol/ way, retard

>> No.22615629

Are you retarded? They can’t even get a guy without dementia into office. They can’t get bodies to join the army. Enrollments in their universities are practically in free fall. And the central bank that pretended to have control over the economy has been exposed for having no control at all other than what is explicitly negative. Of course it is collapsing.

>> No.22615633

He's a commonplace postmodernist performing monkey who built his "philosophy" on random edgy takes to provoke le normies. No intellectual needs to compete with him because he's not part of the intellectual discourse.

He's a great incorporation of modern Russia though: all bluster and hot air, no substance.

>> No.22615640

The popularity of this guy among the highly online Western right speaks to just how bad things really are.

>> No.22615642

>t. Retards who don’t even know what liberalism is

>> No.22615650

No one who fucks bitches cares about dugin you dumb tranny fuck.

>> No.22615651

Do you have a real argument or just “nuh uh yous”?

>> No.22615656
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It's hard to argue with people who are incapable of engaging in good faith

>> No.22615658

If you’re a low IQ mouth breather that has never encountered any remotely intellectual circle at all then I could say how you would think nobody at all cared about him but for those of us without a mental clinical diagnosis, we’ve all seen that Dugin is read and appreciated in certain circles and is probably the only academic philosopher and political theorist in the world read and appreciated in those circles. So I don’t know what to say to you other than stop being such a stupid fuck.

>> No.22615667
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>> No.22615671

Take meds and stop trying to fuck kids you mindless weirdo.

>> No.22615672

The banker cabal tried to assasinate this dude with a bomb. He is certainly worth a read based on that alone. Anyone who spergs out that he supported African nationalism is a one-track minded tard.

>> No.22615681

Little pussy is buttblasted for being called a retard. Truth must hurt your little fragile ego

>> No.22615686

Did that Millerman guy ever do anything on him that is accessible?

>> No.22615695

Fuck off

>> No.22615698

>the one intellectual in the world who is threatening enough that the West tried to assassinate him
>/lit/ will tell you that he says nothing of any value

>> No.22615701
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You didn't give an actual response in the first place, you just said "these problems with liberal institutions, structures, and demographics have nothing to do with liberalism." You are a /pol/brained retard.

>> No.22615705

>one section of ukrainian special forces is the entire West

>> No.22615724

extreme levels of unself-aware irony here

>> No.22615734

it was a reference to the delusional duginoids.

>> No.22615757

>Ukrainian special forces have no ties to Western imperialists

>> No.22615768

>implying the two are monolithically one and the same

>> No.22615779

He drums up ziggers into a death cult. Perfectly legitimate target, and perfectly worthless.

>> No.22615796

Child molesting jewish hands typed this.

>> No.22615806

How do Dugin and Alain de Benoist differ?

>> No.22615855
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>Child molesting
russoid shills can't make one post without projecting

>> No.22615998

who do you think is funding them and giving them the intelligence necessary to carry it out lmao

>> No.22616089

he sucked jewish dick and jewtins dick. praised the kaballah and learned to speak hebrew. he was (his daughter) just a soft target for ukraine

>> No.22616112


>> No.22616120

he's a meme, a nothing burger. a contrarian asshole that got his daughter killed

>> No.22616139

One is at least a serious academic and the other is a weird journalism nepo hire

>> No.22616142

I hope for your sake you’re no older than 21

>> No.22616146


>> No.22616147

> implying they aren’t

>> No.22616464

>Whites bad, nonwhites good
wow deep, much insightful

>> No.22616675
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>> No.22616724

Who's that fude?

>> No.22616739
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Leon Degrelle

>> No.22616857

He is most interesting, but also most vulnerable to dismissal, when he is attempting to create space in a ideological landscape that sees itself as solved, completed, or at capacity.

For western minds political theory is exhausted by the three potentials of Communism, Capitalism/Liberalism, and, of course, Fascism. But even that is an achievement of nuance, more common than not you will find people engaging in a binary world view that collapse the two positions the don't hold in to one. For example, the Communist that considers Fascism and Liberalism distinguishable only by the presence or absence of crisis, or the Capitalist that considers Communism and Fascisms mere flavours of leftism because big government.

So Dugin comes along and does something interesting by asking the question "What if there was another way, what if there was a 4th position"? Okay, fair enough, lets hear it then. But then he devotes the rest of his efforts to explaining why he isn't going to define the 4th theory, that it is something that must arise organically via "geopolitics" and that his writings are merely anticipatory. So the crux of Dugin's supposed innovation ends up being largely a promissory blank space, with the explanatory elements lifted, admittedly, from Benoist and Mackinder. I don not think this blank space is an oversight however, and neither do I think it is Dugin simply being modest and refraining from speculation.

Ultimately it becomes a rather useless prediction that "something, at some point, at sometime, will probably happen" if we are to interpret Dugin the philosopher literally. I think it is better to still view Dugin as something of a magician, that his work is twofold and always contains a magical component (Materialists feel free to interpret "magic" as propaganda or psyop ). The point isn't to craft a perfectly self-coherent doctrine but to influence, to orientate people in beneficial ways. Hypnosis is always consensual. A spell is a labyrinth that draws its power from those who are tempted to walk it.
A Wizard usually stands beside the King.
It is enough to gesture toward the intimate and entangled history between the occult and temporal power that one finds repeated over and over in history up to and including our present day. But that isn't all he is, as a wizard is never just a wizard. A purely magical interpretation is just as flawed.

Way over in Dugin's favourite country, England, you can see rough contemporary analogues in Land and Myatt. Philosopher-Magician Political Theorists of a similar, but varying, kind also playing at the game of being Yockey's culture-bearing elites of a nascent civilization. Having written off the West as beyond salvaging they engage in world-historic witchcraft through their geopoliticalaeonichyperstitions.

So, I think a literal unidirectional reading of Dugin is flawed. On a purely philosophical level his work is mush. But it was never intended to be purely philosophical.

>> No.22616870

Girl, get ready for all the terrorist attacks after the latest wave of Palestinian immigrants.

>> No.22616882

I thought that was varg because it isnt the answer is no

>> No.22616886

Thank you for your well written effortpost anon

>> No.22617226

How's rusnya supposed to be a better option? Shits been blowing up since 1991, Chechens etc.

>> No.22617235
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>Everyone should ask themselves if this guy has something worth listening to if the regime is that desperate to hurt him.

Maybe he was just a lackey that got cocky and learned his lesson, not everything is a plot to "silence the truth"

>> No.22617285

Maybe but he was a friend of a dude who sucked a black cock so it's more than real.

>> No.22617287

He’s russian Varg, except with influence

>> No.22617489

He got his daughter born too so it cancels out

>> No.22617582

Making fun of his daughter’s death is such a perfect signal of transsexuality. Alexander Dugin is a homosexual pseud. Why not begin and your criticism of him there? Why mention the death of his daughter in a terrorist attack? What did he personally do to you to warrant such antipathy?

>> No.22617608

>Making fun of his daughter’s death is such a perfect signal of transsexuality
bit of a leap of logic there Tina

>> No.22617650


>> No.22617654

Unfortunately not

>> No.22617657

Unfortunately, he’s accepted the Guenon/Evola Traditionalist mythology so he doesn’t realize that LHP is just Luciferianism.

>> No.22617663

Neither one of these guys are remotely interesting. What have they said that was remarkable? Agamben said some run-of-the-mill chud stuff about COVID lockdowns and refugee stuff that follows from Schmitt, which doesn’t really matter in the end. Sloterdjik wrote that one book about “changing your life” and shit about the foam or whatever. Again, academic language that has no real impact on anything. The reason people find Dugin interesting is because first of all, it’s in language that academic philosophers can read as well as readers inclined to read philosophy in general. Additionally, his philosophy has a lot to do with practical ethics and politics. Everything is very prescriptive: here’s what’s going on, here’s what we should want, here’s how we get it. You don’t find any of that in Western philosophy. It’s all le existential foam and being of being easy and let’s think about this .000001% of people worldwide who can’t get a passport.

>> No.22617669

He hates Americans and blatantly lies about them in his books to smear them. Dugin is a real philosopher, but he is first and foremost a propagandist.

I guess he was just smart enough to figure out that academia, journalism media, and propaganda are all sort of one and the same thing now.

>> No.22617674

You’re a midwit for thinking what I presented was a dichotomy.

>> No.22617677

You retards always resort to ad hom insults when you’ve been outed as mouth breathing imbeciles. It’s really so predictable.

>> No.22617680

Yeah. I can’t stand Michael Millerman but he has several lectures in which he analyzed Dugin writings on YouTube and they’re fairly decent.

>> No.22617682

Nice effort but this was a pseud post. Name-dropping Nick Land and David Myatt gave it away.

>> No.22617683

You’d be wrong though

>> No.22617687

Yeah this is why I got from him. Any serious followers of right wing thought would do best to avoid him

>> No.22617688

>*murders your daughter because you spoke out against the regime*
>”ummm not everything is a plot to silence people you fucking chud”
Really though. What did you mean by this?

>> No.22617691

Unfortunately, there are no “serious” followers of right-wing thought anymore. Who even knows what right-wing thought is now? Anything we could agree would constitute right-wing thought is totally dead. The right doesn’t even know how to be practical anymore.

>> No.22617693

Here’s your (((you)))

>> No.22617695

There’s a difference between your average third position apefrican worshipper and the real right

>> No.22617715

There is no “real right”. The people that call themselves “the real right”, “the true right”, “the new right”, and “the alt-right” are mostly LARPing idiots. They’ve been mindbroken by modern history and are grasping at straws. Moreover, right politics (as opposed to right ideology, which is not right wing) is quite literally illegal in every Western country. There is no real right. It’s a bunch of pseuds talking about Evola and Carl Schmitt on the internet hoping eventually they find the solution to their problems like a needle in a haystack, but it will never work.

>> No.22617745

>According to Dugin, the whole Internet should be banned: "I think that Internet as such, as a phenomenon is worth prohibiting because it gives nobody anything good." In June 2012, Dugin said in a lecture that chemistry and physics are demonic sciences, and that all Orthodox Russians need to unite around the president of Russia in the last battle between good and evil, following the example of Iran and North Korea. He added: "If we want to liberate ourselves from the West, it is needed to liberate ourselves from textbooks on physics and chemistry."

>He stated in 2007: "There are no more opponents of Putin's course and, if there are, they are mentally ill and need to be sent off for clinical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, and Putin is indispensable"

This is indeed the intellectual patron /lit/ deserves.

>> No.22617754
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Based yarvin bro

>> No.22617822
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good philosophy (free of contradictions or agendas) eventually boils down to either: 1) Berkeley (positive); 2) Schopenhauer (negative); or 3) Parmenides (philosophy is impossible as it would violate the unity of Being). change my view.

>> No.22618402

I'm forever thankful to him for making me less depressed about the Axis lost in WW2. High levels of historical morphology are needed to get it

>> No.22618810

Explain how

>> No.22618815
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Delet this

>> No.22618893

Hold the fuck up we dont know who tried to kill him, this muh joo tried to silence him bullshit you're trying to attach to it is cringe

>> No.22619139

How does he deal with the fact that Slavs are borderline subhuman?

>> No.22619164


Cope and seethe, you will never be SLAV.

>> No.22619201

What is “good”?

>> No.22619252

>(free of contradictions or agendas)
he said

>> No.22619274

>nazbol slop

>> No.22619325

>He drums up ziggers into a death cult
99% of Russians have never heard of him.

>it’s in language that academic philosophers can read as well as readers inclined to read philosophy in general. Additionally, his philosophy has a lot to do with practical ethics and politics. Everything is very prescriptive: here’s what’s going on, here’s what we should want, here’s how we get it.
Which books by Dugin have you read?

>> No.22619349

>99% of Russians have never heard of him
Doesn't need to be widely known to influence policy and ideology. Which has clearly been aligned with his ideas on geopolitics.

>> No.22619395

>to influence policy and ideology
Yeah, but that's not "drumming up ziggers into a death cult", his influence has been behind the scenes - at most.

>> No.22620612

Name at least two original ideas created by Chudgin

>> No.22621057

it's okay druže, no need to lie

>> No.22621341

He's not merely all wrong, he's contradictory to himself. Dugin is the only man who wrote about the death of America and then went on to tour around it and give speeches.

>> No.22622364

How do you know, do you read russian? his main work corpus, Noomakhia, is not translated in English.

>> No.22622379

>Leon Degrelle
i want to learn french only to understand him

>> No.22622432

John Caputo, James K. Smith, Richard Kearney, Emmanuel Falque, Brian Treanor, Clayton Crockett, Francoise Dastur, Jean-Luc Nancy (I know he's dead but I count him), Jean-Luc Marion, Francois Laruelle, Merold Westphal, Bruce Ellis Benson, Norman Wirzba, Catherine Malabou, Claude Romano, Roland Faber, Ilia Delio, Sarah Coakley, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, William Desmond, Catherine Keller, Aristotle Papanikolaou, George Demacopoulos, Rowan Williams, Raniero Cantalamessa, N. T. Wright, John Behr, Davor Dzalto, Jurgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff, Jean Borella.

These are names I get just from glancing at my bookshelf of 21st century scholars who have competitively profound, rigorous, creative, and faithful work in comparison to Dugin. Dugin has his place, and I don't regret studying him, I definitely needed to hear his voice, especially at the time I discovered it. I won't discredit him wholly -- his work is a counterbalance and subversive agent in respect to some of the numbing monotony of Western "thought". However, many of these authors actually do much more in terms of teaching you how to pray, how to orient yourself toward the grace of the Trinity, how to interrogate your life and the systems of death and domination that order them, how to respond to the radical call of the Gospel, how to maintain rigorous allegiance to the Body of Christ, and so on. They come from diverse Christian communities and lineages but I've found them all useful.

This is all under the assumption that Christian faith and Christian practice is a central element of your philosophical and political orientation. If that's not the case, there are definitely more secular scholars (or Buddhist, Muslim, etc) who are equally urgent and profound.

>> No.22622438

he is definitely not the only, or the first, or the most notable man to do that