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/lit/ - Literature

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22608219 No.22608219 [Reply] [Original]

Is blood meridian really as good as you cringelords say or is it another overshilled scam waste of time like Call of the Crocodile or Infinite Jest?

>> No.22608228

It’s better than both of those books but it’s still Reddit shit

>> No.22608279

it's fun

>> No.22609465

your a piece of shit
clear as day

>> No.22609565

why don't you read it and find out for yourself

>> No.22610043

consider this:
1. maybe you don't like reading
2. suicide

>> No.22610259

I didn’t like it and I will never read it again nor will I want to read anything else by the author. It really impresses people who only read books sold at the airport, people who are floored but many polysyllabic words especially in dense ornate descriptions, often alliterative too.

I found it to be tedious and pedantic.

>> No.22610267

It's normie crap. Wait for the movie version with DiCaprio and Samuel L Jackson or some shit

>> No.22610297
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>> No.22610673

It's a brilliant novel, but you'll get filtered judging by how you worded your OP and the fact that you're a terminally online, irony poisoned retard.

>> No.22610796
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/lit/ hates blood meridian

>> No.22610917

>retard can't type properly
Ironic you are accusing airport readers when you seem stupider than them.

>> No.22610924

it's grim dark cringe. it's only popular because it has been referenced in a bunch of internet memes. dude the judge is so epic! dude the violence lmao so edgy!
trash book. not worth reading at all.

>> No.22610942

how did people get so soft? The "violence" in this book is overrated as fuck. What do they even do in this book that is supposedly so edgy? The scalping scenes aren't described in any particular detail and other than that it's just regular shit you'd expect from a western.

>> No.22611090

Bear in mind the average McCorny fan has read five books in his entire life. He is very easily impressed.

>> No.22611110

No, of course not. Every book ever written is cringe, and so is staring at a blank page. Not reading is cringey, too. God, what are we going to do?

>> No.22611152

Your mother sucks niggercock ESL retard. Learn to read properly.

>> No.22611153

Back to your discord, butthurt retard.

>> No.22611191

>ummmmm actually your criticism of my favourite book that I read all by myself without being told I had to is invalid because of a typo/autocorrect error

Thought make grammar Nazis look like literati.

>> No.22611202

It's popular among redditors and other people who can't think for themselves.

>> No.22611215

Now you are also redditspacing while having a low IQ to boot. Back you go, or stick to video games.

>> No.22611224

Go back to your family guy memes retard

>> No.22611227

That would still be a billion more braincells than the likes of you.

>> No.22611231

it's widely regarded as a modern classic, so it's popular pretty much everywhere where people are interested in literature.

>> No.22611239

Don't give them traction. They know as much about the book as hitler knew about the hood experience. These guys are the cockroaches of BM threads.

>> No.22611260

Lol. Lmfao

>> No.22611298

>ESL retard thinks the guy being replied to was in any way impressed by the book
>the ESL retard is so mad constantly about this book he can't even read because he was clowned for being what he is: an ESL retard
Your while life is an LOL. Eat the cum outta your mom's puss.

>> No.22611352

Lo and behold, OP
The average McCarthy's fan in full display

>> No.22611464

>please don’t make fun of this book that I am emotionally attached to because it represents a jump in my development: from pretending to be smart by namedropping books I had to read in high school (e.g. Catcher in the Rye) to namedropping a book I chose to read like a big boy


>> No.22611557

not it's not lmoa. only in america is it even taken seriously.

>> No.22611582

America has produced some of mankind's greatest literature. Nowadays we have to endure fuckin Hollywood script writers and pretend they're good

>> No.22611604

its got some good quotes
>They is four things that can ruin the earth: women, whiskey, money and niggers

>> No.22611615

>The idiot was small and misshapen and his face was smeared with feces and he sat peering at them with dull hostility silently chewing a turd.

>> No.22611635

Both of them clearly pedestrian, lackluster quotes that you would expect from some freshman tryhard MFA student at some community college in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.22611648

>some freshman tryhard MFA student at some community college in bumfuck nowhere
so actual raw talent and passion? yea

>> No.22611682

>doomer author keeps little notebook of private musings
>creates character called the judge to deliver these to the audience
>halfheartedly build book as scaffolding around this
>adds some violence and shit to keep people reading his personal hot take blog in novel form
>sells it for money

>> No.22611691

I don't think you understood what I'm saying. If there are any memorable quotes in McCarthy's work (and I remember a spare few, a couple at best) those are not it.

>> No.22611695

>so actual raw talent and passion? yea
Wait a minute. Are that kid again?

>> No.22611699

Are you that kid?

>> No.22611708

I don't think you understood the first post talking about quotes was clearly ironic. Haha women haha niggers.
BM is full of beautiful landscapes though.

>> No.22611709

Go cry over it ESL retard. Being mad over this supposed boogeyman is all you know beside watching your whore mom suck nigger dick.

>> No.22611722

>"i have no answer because the accusations are correct. Let me spam reddit tier arguments from 8 years ago because that's all I know. I am really insecure that I didn't get anything out of an acclaimed book and must therefore pretend it's bad lest it brings back memories of my school when I was a drooling retard."
Lol. You are still a drooling retard. The way you write gives it away.

>> No.22611725

I knew it. You tried to disguise yourself with some seemingly adult (but dumb) comment, didn't ya? You can't help yourself, kiddo lmao

>> No.22611726

Keep living in fantasy. Perhaps one day they will quote autistic retards' cope fantasies from discord on wiki. Someday you might be correct.

>> No.22611727

Don't hurt yourself seething so hard

>> No.22611732

Mranwhile you are illiterate and the only chance you even know how mfa guys write would be through your other tranny friends on discord. Which is also how you know of this book because you clearly lack any braincells to read anything.

Stop being so butthurt by things that you don't know anything about. Makes you even more of human garbage than you already are.

>> No.22611741

You are saying nothing because you don't know shit. The moment somebody starts talking about shit that can't be got from wiki, you will run away like the cowardly chicken you are. You are immense loser.

>> No.22611747

>would be through your other tranny friends on discord
Tell us moar about those "tranny discords" you keep mentioning again and again and again. Please do tell.

>> No.22611750

Reply once, retard. Clearly, ou are the one seething Lol. You are seething so hard at McCarthyfags turning you into a class clown constantly that you can't even keep track of 2 replies as to what they were saying lol. The nigger cum must have gotten in your brain through telegony lmfao.

>> No.22611753

Look in the mirror.

>> No.22611754

Such a perfectly fitting intercourse for another totally organic Hollywood McCorny thread! How delightful!

>> No.22611756

This ESL retard's whore mom takes niggercock. He has to cope by posting trannies and homos

>> No.22611764

This same complete degenerate aways does it exactly the same way. Like a pornogay bot. Gotta love it

>> No.22611775

Let's be real, your whole beef with McCarthy is that you were made to look like a mentally challenged idiot for posting shit about a book you clearly never read. It's been 8 months and going by your still complete lack of ability to string any coherent sentence together, that likely hasn't changed. You are in this thread because you have some 8 years old's grudge against the fanbase, as is clearly evident here>>22611090

You are a straight up loser even by 4chan standards lol. Try to keep your posts with a single sentence. Beyond that, you might as well really be mentally challenged.

>> No.22611776

It’s good… for a while. Then it gets too repetitive. Overall it’s worth reading for the writing.

>> No.22611785

You must love it like the nigger cum. No need to change when the ESL retard is still an ESL retard and he is still seething over books and writers he only knows from wikipedia. Except that you don't even have charm, that needs some semblance of intelligence.

>> No.22611796

You are not even American, ESL. You don't understand shit.

>> No.22611797

I get the impression he simply can't help himself. It is aways some variation of black-cock-cum-guzzling-transvestite-gay-discord stuff. I'm willing to bet at least 80% of his entire /lit posting history contain some variation of these obsessions of his. A kind of monomania if you will.

>> No.22611802

>It's been 8 months and going by your still complete
I don´t even know who you´re replying to, niggercockboy. Nobody does. You have become comedy gold. Congrats

>> No.22611810

Who you talking to ESL retard? Weren't you the one who got so immensely butthurt after being made to look mentally challenged (which you are) that you started spamming the board with trannies and homosexuals? Oh it was you alright. Your extreme inability to write sentences would make you stick out even in a sea of retards like this place. Your posting history is entirely made up of butthurt posts about a hobby which you probably don't even like. I can't imagine wasting energy on shit I hate with a passion. It's literally just your and your friends' dicklet ego speaking, which makes buttblasting you with ad hominems twice funnier. They sting twice harder when you have mentally stunted opponents.

>> No.22611824

Lmao. Nobody is dumb like you to not notice. Poster's have distinct tones and writing style, but in ypur case it is the distinct inability to even write simple declarative sentences that announces you. It's all either really terrible abortions of novelistic english with a extremely retarded intuition in the choice of words. I would even go on to say that you are among the few genuinely retarded people who post here.

>> No.22611825
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>Infinite jest
Your moms waistline is the only real infinite jest you fucking phoney jabroni, you silly fool, you absolute dipshit you accidental insertion. Maybe you should learn to read and give your fat mom a break for once, you absolute idiot. Maybe you should put down a pizza once in a while and pick up a book. Mayb eyou sh oulf buy a suitcase fro all the tourism you're doing kid. Maybe get a job. Touch gras + dilate whichever applies (Probably both) You probably can't even read this right now you utter dumb-dumb.

>> No.22611835


Yeah, checks out. French psychiatrist Jean-Étienne Esquirol defined case in point around the early 1800´s. Monomania is a disease characterised by the presence of an expansive fixed-idea in which the mind becomes deranged. Fits NiggerFuckBoy to a T.

>> No.22611837

McCarthy is immensely better than whatever shitty 19th century American author you worship, esl retard. And he wrote exactly one screenplay against a body of 16 books (novel and theatre). Get some other reason to be angry about, dumb esl.

>> No.22611853

>You must love it like the nigger cum.

>> No.22611854

>French psychiatrist Jean-Étienne Esquirol defined case in point around the early
Lmao. Just stop writing in English. You couldn't then, you can't now. I don't even need psychology to know how on the head I have hit the nail.
>let me quote psychiatrists to look erudite so as to validate myself
You are really that insecure. Go eat the cum outta yer whore mom. I always enjoy ruining your day for stepping out of line in these threads lol. You are literally my bitch.

>> No.22611859

>You must love it like the nigger cum.
How can you even think this shit, let alone write it. Can you see you sound completely abnormal? Like a gay freak.

>> No.22611863

And I mean it in a fun way.

>> No.22611884

Now that's a silly post. But it is true OP's [0] mom's waistline is the only infinite jest [1] and that he is a fool and a dipshit [2] and a mistake or better known as a failed abortion, an accidental insertion resulting in the miracle of procreation and decades of life. And it is very true OP should become literate by all means and give his poor mother the break she deserves and he should put down his pizza [3] and pick up a book and buy a suitcase for all the tourism he is doing and get a job and touch grass [4] or dilate [5] whichever applies* and that he ought to learn to read so he can understand this post and pull himself up the dumb-dumb [6].

0. rhymes with obese.
1. real joke.
2. (slang, derogatory, vulgar, countable) A stupid or undesirable person, compound of dip (“foolish person”) + shit. First attested in c. 1960s.
3. ergo, he should stop overeating.
4. (modern slang) Go outside.
5. Use a dilator to treat his man-vagina.
6. sic, A reduplication of the adjective dumb, spelled dumbly. (childish or endearing) An ignorant person; an idiot.
*Probably both.

>> No.22611888

Are you new here or what? Fuck that, are you new to the internet?

>> No.22611897
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Holy fucking kek every post should be made like this.

>> No.22611913

Certainly not. It is just that someone repeatedly posting about the "taste of nigger cum", ad nauseam, on a book discussion, strikes me as particularly unique ymmv

>> No.22611916

You should have seen the mentally ill Esl 6 months ago.

>> No.22611923

I am talking about you, anon.

>> No.22611928

Are you esl too? How did that reply not make sense to you?

>> No.22611945

What a lolcow

>> No.22611951

You are that esl aren't you? Your attempts at disarming the situation? Lol.

>> No.22611961


>> No.22612047

>Call of the Crocodile
Why would you mention this amongst those you stupid fucking nigger? Kill yourself and never come back.

>> No.22612050

It's satanic garbage. Saying that as someone who uses to love that pos book.

>> No.22612058
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>Infinite Jest

this book is the reason I'll never trust any opinion on 4chan again. What a heap of trash

>> No.22612088

I’m glad to see DFW is still producing work from beyond the grave.

>> No.22612095

if someone is a newfag they dont know what call of the crocodile is WWWEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOOO

>> No.22612187

to m it sounds like the classic american bullshit; "look, wiggers killing wighers and shiieet". Why the fuck would i ever read such a thing?

>> No.22612251

American website.

>> No.22612261

It is very, very good. Ignore every other comment in this thread.

>> No.22612289

>It is very, very good. Ignore every other comment in this thread.
>t. the resident "nigger cum" expert/taster

Tough call huh, anon

>> No.22612330
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This thread is the Blood Meridian of 4chan.

>> No.22612960

Every public discord server devolves into this eventually

>> No.22612964

Is it that bad?

>> No.22612991

you got filtered

>> No.22613037

Should have read the book instead of being constantly butthurt (still) and none of this would have happened, esl.

>> No.22613085

I've read it. I thought it was shitty. It happens, niggerfuckboy. Jesus, I've just said I liked certain aspects of Atlas Shrugged in the open Ayn Rand thread. Atlas, one of the most reviled books of all time. Today, it was not even about McCarthy books (which I find mediocre). It was about making a punching bag out of you to watch you squirm desperately in your predictable homo black cocksucking cum tastin ways. Sorry, but your "defense" of McCarthy is so atrocious you made a meme out of yourself. And McCarthy by association. I agree, it didn't have to happen. Most of the crowd thinks McCarthy is a ridiculous author from a plainly decadent culture propped up by Hollywood studios. Most of his threads in here are inorganic, I even bet you make a lot of them yourself. And people shit on you. So what, cum-guzzler? So fucking what. You like McCormac, great. Make your threads, talk about what you like, but people (most of them) will shit on his idiotic drivel. So what? There are fans too, beside yourself. Live and let live, niggerdickthroater. Live and let live.

>> No.22613086

If you're a prosefag you'll probably like it. If, on the other hand, you actually have a brain, don't bother with it.

>> No.22613089

Why does /lit/ hate F. Gardner so much now?

>> No.22613226

It doesn't.

>> No.22613240

/lit/ doesn't actually read, much like how /tv/ doesn't actually watch movies or tv, /v/ doesn't play video games.
just agree with what everyone else says to feel apart of the in group.

>> No.22613256

Speak for yourself. Even a cursory look at the board shows that's clearly not the case.

>> No.22613272

uh huh, im sure you've read the entirety of the art of war, not just read the cliff notes from some website.
did i strike a nerve?

>> No.22613281

Absolutely not. What you're saying is simply untrue. I couldn't care less about your pasta, zero fucks given

>> No.22613289

k, so stop replying to me, retard.

>> No.22613301

No. You stop first. Right now in the catalog there are people reviewing obscure Arabic books, arguing interpretations, quoting from books, offering advice on intricate philosophical points. And here comes silly you with your silly pasta. I've seen tons like yours and I aways instantly forget silly things.

>> No.22613309

Is that how you cope with your buyer's remorse, by thinking you have to finish all these meme books or else you'll get filtered?

>> No.22613310

And "The art of war" is about 70 pages long you silly simpleton

>> No.22613316

Nah, I just read what I'm interested in. Sometimes I find a few gems in anon's comments.

>> No.22613542

No one likes you Frank.

>> No.22614000

>niggercumlover is triggered by an author he never read
Lol. More esl bullshit spam.
>Most of his threads in here are inorganic, I even bet you make a lot of them yourself. And people shit on you. So what, cum-guzzler? So fucking what. You like McCormac, great. Make your threads, talk about what you like, but people (most of them) will shit on his idiotic drivel.
Lol. Try writing coherent sentences, whoreson. I wish you were "inorganic". And you posting with 4 different devices doesn't make most people. You are so delusional (likely because of all the nigger cum crusted in your brain) that you literally believe half a dozen butthurt retards being mad is representative of a whole board, and for one of its most loved authors historically.

This is why garbage like you should be kept in the asylum. The esl retard is trying to convince people, even after being an embarrassment for multiple threads for half a year, that he read a book he clearly didn't, while constantly displaying an inability to write sentences properly. I love how it makes you mad, even the fact that nobody is getting behind you, forcing you to project your delusion on the back of 4 other butthurt retards because the herd all see you as a freak (same as your kind) and you can't cope with that. Your dad shouldn't have allowed your whore mother to whore herself. We have to deal with abortion worthies like you. At the end of the day, I lose nothing here. I get to shit on one of few actual mentally ill retards on this board, while said mentally ill person suffers ego death over a book he will never have the capacity to ever read because he has as much IQ as an ant does. I hope one of these days you hang yourself over one of these threads. It will be the funniest things when a freak/waste-of-oxygen hangs himself fighting over someone he never even read lmao. You can meet all the other "people" who hate his "drivel" then, because I am certain that those half a dozen trannies will hang themselves as well one of these days.

>> No.22614010

>I've read it. I thought it was shitty. It happens, niggerfuckboy. Jesus, I've just said I liked certain aspects of Atlas Shrugged in the open Ayn Rand thread
Lol. We believe you. If I begin talking about stuff from the book that you can't quote (in broken English) from the wiki, you will be as quiet as a dead man. It always happens in these threads with niggercumloving faggots like you. You are a pathetic embarrassment. You have been mad and abused for over 12 hours over a book you have never even read lol. You think it's a sign of mental health? Your retarded behaviour betrays your answer. And namedropping Rand won't convince anyone. Your butthurt and low intelligence is always in full display in these threads.

>> No.22614079

I'm reading it for the first time now. I'm 230 pages in and am only continuing to finish it at this point. This is my first Cormac McCarthy book so his writing style is jarring as fuck with the run on sentences and the lack of proper dialogue formatting. From what I read after the fact, starting with this book over some of his others was a mistake. Way too much description of the landscape over developing/exploring any character not named Holden. I don't have a problem with the violence and some scenes have been pretty effective like the first time the kid encounters the Indians and the first village they wipe out. But it gets more and more repetitive as it goes on. I hear it ends on a high note, though, so maybe my opinion will turn around in the next 120 pages.

>> No.22614356

The buffalo hunter passage is awesome too. I would say the entire book has about 3 worthwhile pages in it. It should be a 3 page book.

>> No.22614361

Don't ask people on 4chan to form your opinions for you. Read books instead.

>> No.22614752

Why don't you tell us what that passage meant?

>> No.22614756

No you're thinking of dfw fans

>> No.22614760

Another plotfag filtered

>> No.22614765

Most mentally stable and coherent McCarthy hater

>> No.22614772

Anon be cry

>> No.22614796

Most of them are lying about reading books as well, especially in McCarthy threads lately. He seems jarringly unpopular among the crowd that has the highest estimation of their intelligence, yet, in reality, perhaps the lowest IQ on the board.

>> No.22614797

I was taken by the ruthlessness of it, and the visuals. The buffalo hunter passage is salvageable among the 300+ pages of sewerage.

>> No.22614799

You are describing your very self. Yours is a textbook case of projection.

>> No.22614803

All McCarthy threads seem forced, inorganic. Their content have aways, every single time, the lowest of the lowest IQ takes. Just check them

>> No.22614805

This is generic crap. You could have defined any number of books in that sentence. Tell us specifically what you liked that was so different from the rest of the book. The whole book has that vibe except perhaps less on the nose with philosophy, which I can see making the tangent more appealing among plebian readers but that's nothing to hold against it.

>> No.22614812

The irony that the ESL fails to see lol. I didn't even meant you directly but you knew what everyone knows and who is the person implied. Poser.
>Their content have aways, every single time, the lowest of the lowest IQ takes
Just fuck off and see how the collective IQ rises. 24 hours of seethe over writers never read. Even medications won't help this type of trash.

>> No.22614814

the phrase is shallow and pedantic retard

>> No.22614819

Who are you talking to? You seem genuinely retarded. You are singularly responsible for the lowest IQ showings in this very thread.

>> No.22615143

>Who are you talking to?
Anybody but you, bro. Nobody actually talks to you anymore.

>> No.22615331

>This is generic crap. You could have defined any number of books in that sentence.
How can you be such a fucktard? I´m specifically commenting on the buffalo hunting passage on this ridiculous reddit book. The book is in the OP. What else do you need? Do you need a manual or some shit, you illiterate scum

>> No.22615558

Meanwhile you are so immensely butthurt that yoi are spamming 4 replies on one comment because nobody ever agrees with you. Because nobody is actually retarded like the niggercum encrusted tranny that you are lol.

>> No.22615564

I´m sorry what?

>> No.22615577

>the passage the passage
How low iq are you to not understand what interpretation means, nigger retard? Lmao. Didn't you just happen upon some one off passage on one of your subreddits and thought that would be enough for ypur retarded pretense? It's like a physical disability. When someone asks these trannies to actually explain why they liked or disliked something in the book, this is their response lol.
>"nnoooooo don't question me about anything in a book thread"
Stick to harry potter or video games. And tell your mom to stop taking nigger cock.

>> No.22615582


>> No.22615591

McCormac theads have become the bottom of the barrel on /lit. McCarthy has become /lit´s toilet

>> No.22615605

Thank the niggercum loving esl. He tells people to let live while choking on his vomit if he sees a decent McCarthy thread. This is when he has shown an incredible lack of capacity to read two sentences together, and he expects people to believe that he knows anything about the writer beside that there is this one movie on his book.

>> No.22615611

>niggercum loving
straight to the toilet lol

>> No.22615616

These discord trannies are the shiteaters who ruin these threads. Don't get uppity, retard. Don't open threads about books you never read, and less pretend as if you have any position to comment on the situation. You are probably the only actual mentally deranged person itt despite the buffalo fucker poser retard being here as well.

>> No.22615624

Eat that shit, niggertranny. That's all you good for lol.

>> No.22615645

I just think these lowest tier Cormac threads feel absolutely forced and artificial. As if someone would actually waste his time discussing Cormac´s turdjobs

>> No.22615673

Most of these fake McCorny threads are a one man´s job.

>> No.22615674

You have wasted an entire day being insanely assblasted over these "turdjobs". You are a literal turd lol. Imagine hating something so passionately without having the slightest idea about it. Cormac McCarthy is a great writer and you have nothing but retardation and falseflagging against it because everyone sees you for the clown that you are.

This thread is artificial, only because a turd is floating among us leaving his shitstains on the floor (you).

>> No.22615692

It is you, ain´t it? Be real. You are behind the shitshow

>> No.22615707

Are you really this insane to reply to yourself? This isn't even pretense now. You genuinely need some help. Nobody will reply in agreement with you because you are so far gone that the thread that we are reading is utterly different from what your damaged brain is able to parse lol. The passenger thread was great until you got butthurt that there were effortposts about McCarthy's work. Not that you would get anything out of them, I wonder if you can recite abcd properly at this point. Your cum crusted brain is so fried that you were practically screaming to be let off the hook in your retard ayn rand comment, yet that is exactly what you have done in McCarthy threads. Being the smelliest shitstain on the floor all because of butthurt that people here don't put much stock in whatever trashy American book (probably Faulkner or shit like james, but you probably can't even read him) you delude yourself is good writing. And then the sore asshole about being made to look retarded. I genuinely wish death upon you and your family. It's impossible you will find a mate unless you rape someone so no comments on children.

>> No.22615718

>cum crusted brain
>smelliest shitstain
>sore asshole

McCarthy´s threads are a toiletbooth

>> No.22615719

I am not posging in a thread about a book i didn't read. I am not someone carrying a year of butthurt. You are solely responsible for the shitshow and your own clowning. You have far more posts in all of these threads than I do. Hell, i am not replying to myself just to cope with the fact that nobody validates me. Just genuinely kys. I feel bad for your mother, even if she is a whore.

>> No.22615722

And you are the turd in the toilet, niggercum tranny. McCarthy threads are among the best when none of you visit them to spread your sore anal spillage lol.

>> No.22615727

>anal spillage
Pure McCarthy

>> No.22615730


>> No.22615733

I think it's worth reading at least once. As with everything, don't let the leddit faggotrons taint the book itself

>> No.22615736

My condolences

>> No.22615746

Holy FILTERED batman

>> No.22615750

>ask his interpretation about something that the retard seemed to like
>cricket silence
Goddamn if I asked what he disliked. He couldn't understand 3 pages, it's impossible with 300+. This right here is the sole reason why nobody takes McCarthy's detractors seriously. You can tell 95% of the time that they are only posers angry about some shitty console war manchildren type shit like "your writer is more liked than my writer". Case in point: the esl retard until his 8 year old's intelligence was triggered with ad hominems against him lol.

>> No.22615752

Beware, anon. This is a typical post in any McCarthy thread.

>> No.22615769

Yea like where is the dialogue? Where is the character development? There are no character arcs. Where are the flashbacks? When do we learn Glanton's backstory? When will the kid and the judge have their duel?

>> No.22615794

This has been going for 3 years. You would think atleast one of these discord trannies might have tried to read him if only for the sole reason to pick it apart. But the way these threads have progressed i am 100% certain that will never happen. Critique requires intelligence and that's the one thing they don't have in any quantity. The fact that this is pointed to in every thread yet still holds true is evidence enough. Worst cases you get this butthurt esl retard or that moortugese/favela monkey who couldn't even keep up with his own logic.

Who am I kidding? You are the butthurt esl retard aren't you? The "beware" looks so dumb there that only you could have written it and thought that this looks articulate. How difficult is not opening threads you dislike?

>> No.22615804

Beware, anon. This is a McCormac thread.

>> No.22615810

Don't talk to me, nigger. And try to finally fuck off.

>> No.22615845

I am not talking to you ever. I´m not quoting you. GTFO nobody even talks to you anymore what a pain in the ass.

>> No.22616619

Fuck off with you and your mental illness and your delusional boogeyman.