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22609938 No.22609938 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche was right about many things, I admire his work tremendously, but he didn’t go far enough. It’s not enough to critique traditional ethics, we must fly in the opposite direction. I say to hell with generosity and freedom, unleash the BEAST. Allow the dark lord within to possess you. Subdue all things under your boot or die trying. All that exists deserved to perish.

>> No.22609980

Maybe try to actually read Nietzsche.

>> No.22610015
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>DUDE just make and impose your will lmao
Best philosopher ever

>> No.22610022

It’s a mixture of satisfying and frustration watching the Middle East play out. Look how efficient the Jews are at moralfagging, this is why they control the west. They know exactly how to manipulate them. Nietzsche gave us a great schematic as to start to escape this dichotomy but we’re still far from getting there it seems.

>> No.22610171

op here again, by that I mean we should rape kids

>> No.22610174

Maybe you try to read nietzsche instead of listening to what postmodernists say about him

>> No.22610701

He doesn't go into the same tier of cringe you do here but in some of his earlier works and in Ecce Homo he does discuss his desire to attack other philosophers and institutions as being something inherent. After he left his teaching gig he became a wanderer, failed to court his love interests, lost his grip on reality and was forced into the custody of his mother and sister both of whom he disliked. He famously stated he would become well known posthumously and this was true, but only because his sister edited and changed a good chunk of his unreleased material and then published it after he died so she could worm her way into the burgeoning German Nationalist movement. So perhaps instead of dark lord the use of sperglord would he more appropriate.

>> No.22610719

Nietzsche was right that philosophy must only be discussed by philosophers. You must either have a degree or read from Greeks to present the 4chan way. If you haven't done neither of it, you are not worthy of discussion. Seethe and cope, uneducated and illiterate

>> No.22610799

>unleash the BEAST. Allow the dark lord within to possess you.
>All that exists deserved to perish.

"That time doth not run backward—that is its animosity: “That which was”: so is the stone which it cannot roll called.
And thus doth it roll stones out of animosity and ill-humour, and taketh revenge on whatever doth not, like it, feel rage and ill-humour.
Thus did the Will, the emancipator, become a torturer; and on all that is capable of suffering it taketh revenge, because it cannot go backward.
This, yea, this alone is REVENGE itself: the Will’s antipathy to time, and its “It was.”
Verily, a great folly dwelleth in our Will; and it became a curse unto all humanity, that this folly acquired spirit!
The spirit of revenge: my friends, that hath hitherto been man’s best contemplation; and where there was suffering, it was claimed there was always penalty.
“Penalty,” so calleth itself revenge. With a lying word it feigneth a good conscience.
And because in the willer himself there is suffering, because he cannot will backwards—thus was Willing itself, and all life, claimed—to be penalty!"

"And then did cloud after cloud roll over the spirit, until at last madness preached: “Everything perisheth, therefore everything deserveth to perish!”
“And this itself is justice, the law of time—that he must devour his children:” thus did madness preach.
“Morally are things ordered according to justice and penalty. Oh, where is there deliverance from the flux of things and from the ‘existence’ of penalty?” Thus did madness preach. “Can there be deliverance when there is eternal justice? Alas, unrollable is the stone, ‘It was’: eternal must also be all penalties!” Thus did madness preach.
“No deed can be annihilated: how could it be undone by the penalty! This, this is what is eternal in the ‘existence’ of penalty, that existence also must be eternally recurring deed and guilt!
Unless the Will should at last deliver itself, and Willing become non-Willing—:” but ye know, my brethren, this fabulous song of madness!"

"Away from those fabulous songs did I lead you when I taught you: “The Will is a creator.”
All “It was” is a fragment, a riddle, a fearful chance—until the creating Will saith thereto: “But thus would I have it.”—
Until the creating Will saith thereto: “But thus do I will it! Thus shall I will it!”
But did it ever speak thus? And when doth this take place? Hath the Will been unharnessed from its own folly?
Hath the Will become its own deliverer and joy-bringer? Hath it unlearned the spirit of revenge and all teeth-gnashing?
And who hath taught it reconciliation with time, and something higher than all reconciliation?"

>> No.22610933
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>> No.22610966

Start with yourself, please.

>> No.22611005

I literally don't have to lift a finger for it to happen. Everything will die one way or another, whether you like it or not

>> No.22611038

>I literally don't have to lift a finger for it to happen.
"There are preachers of death: and the earth is full of those to whom desistance from life must be preached.
Full is the earth of the superfluous; marred is life by the many-too-many. May they be decoyed out of this life by the “life eternal”!"

"Many never become sweet; they rot even in the summer. It is cowardice that holdeth them fast to their branches.
Far too many live, and far too long hang they on their branches. Would that a storm came and shook all this rottenness and worm-eatenness from the tree!
Would that there came preachers of speedy death! Those would be the appropriate storms and agitators of the trees of life! But I hear only slow death preached, and patience with all that is “earthly.”
Ah! ye preach patience with what is earthly? This earthly is it that hath too much patience with you, ye blasphemers!"

>> No.22611047

You just want people to die sooner don't cha?

>> No.22611315

>Slow death is... LE GOOD and quick death is.... BAD!
He's just making a cope of death. Death is death no matter when and if you cry, it's inevitable.

>> No.22611437
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As much problems I have with the man, you cannot deny his influences.

>> No.22611440
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Neitzsche's will to power wasn't revolutionary or subversive, but a pure statement of the Western status quo: that human are "self-interested agents" in an eternal battle with everyone else and the whole of reality to impose their will upon the world. He failed to realize the fundamentally interrelated nature of reality. To truly transcend Christianity requires rejecting the creator/creation dichotomy entirely, a dichotomy that is merely a projection of command/obey and master/slave. The result is the principle of co-creativity.

The notion of independent existence which is central to traditional Western philosophical thought is the result of it's obsession with timelessness and permanence: what is permanent and unchanging in an entity is what remains in the face of influence by its dynamic relationships with the world. I other words, traditional Western thought is plagued by metaphysical incelibacy, and as the result the modern world it has wrought is plagued with alienation, isolation, and the "loneliness of crowds."

The cure for this is to cultivate your dynamic relationships with the world. A great way to start with this is the appreciation of nature, and the study of it through the natural sciences that can deepen this appreciation. Amateur astronomy in particular is a great way to connect with the epic of cosmic evolution elucidated by the modern sciences.

The will to learn about the world is the will to love the world. The question mark is the holiest of symbols: a symbol of life itself, of it's eternal grasping from its immediate conditions towards the possibility of what it may become. Curiosity is the true salvation of humanity.

If you strive to appreciate and learn about the world long enough, it is possible that the cumulative impressions of wonder and value can result in you falling in the deepest love for life and the universe - a love that isn't an infantilizing parent/child relationship, but co-creative love that can only be described as romance. Carl Sagan achieved such love, and was driven to share it with others.

>> No.22611506

Makes the collective nature of thought and human expressions as a solver of human expression problems, more detailed than imaginary solutions for real problems

>> No.22611592

You're a woman, Nietzsche is not for you.

>> No.22611610

>To truly transcend Christianity requires rejecting the creator/creation dichotomy entirely
"it is absurd to want to devolve human existence onto some purpose or another. We have invented the concept of 'purpose': there are no purposes in reality . . . A person is necessary, a person is a piece of fate, a person belongs to the whole, a person only is in the context of the whole, - there is nothing that can judge, measure, compare, or condemn our being, because that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, and condemning the whole ... But there is nothing outside the whole! -"

>a pure statement of the Western status quo: that human are "self-interested agents"
>He failed to realize the fundamentally interrelated nature of reality.
"Of course, 'individuals', as peoples and philosophers have understood them so far, are a mistake: individuals are nothing in themselves, they are not atoms, they are not 'links in the chain', they are not just legacies of a bygone era, - each individual is the entire single line of humanity up through himself..."

>"self-interested agents"
"Creating ones were first of all peoples, and only in late times individuals; verily, the individual himself is still the latest creation.
Peoples once hung over them tables of the good. Love which would rule and love which would obey, created for themselves such tables.
Older is the pleasure in the herd than the pleasure in the ego: and as long as the good conscience is for the herd, the bad conscience only saith: ego.
Verily, the crafty ego, the loveless one, that seeketh its advantage in the advantage of many—it is not the origin of the herd, but its ruin."

>in an eternal battle with everyone else
"A high culture is a pyramid: it needs a broad base, its first presupposition is a strongly and healthily consolidated mediocrity <...> When an exceptional person treats a mediocre one more delicately than he treats himself and his equals, this is not just courtesy of the heart, - it is his duty."

>it's obsession with timelessness and permanence
"God is a thought—it maketh all the straight crooked, and all that standeth reel. What? Time would be gone, and all the perishable would be but a lie?
To think this is giddiness and vertigo to human limbs, and even vomiting to the stomach: verily, the reeling sickness do I call it, to conjecture such a thing.
Evil do I call it and misanthropic: all that teaching about the one, and the plenum, and the unmoved, and the sufficient, and the imperishable!
All the imperishable—that’s but a simile, and the poets lie too much.—"

>the will to love the world
"Thou lonesome one, thou goest the way of the loving one: thou lovest thyself, and on that account despisest thou thyself, as only the loving ones despise.
To create, desireth the loving one, because he despiseth! What knoweth he of love who hath not been obliged to despise just what he loved!"

>> No.22611908
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You have provided quotes that contradict my claims of Nietzsche and show that he does have awareness and insight into the problems I have discussed. However I still propose that Nietzsche was unable to overcome the orthodoxy of traditional hierarchical Western thought.

I would like to recommend the work of Alfred North Whitehead as a compliment and contrast to Nietzsche. However while Whitehead's metaphysics was revolutionary for his time, he was too conservative and included eternal objects in his metaphysics, including a "God" that instead of being a creator is a sort of co-creative with thr universe that emerged with the universe. "Whitehead's Radically Temporalist Metaphysics" by George Allen is an attempt to correct these errors in his philosophy and in the process describes the alternative concept of an "ultimate community" described in the attached picture.

The true foundation of process-relationalism is expressed in calculus as the relationship between differentiation and integration as inverse operations of the same process. Integration and differentiation are also two modes of conscious perception: our experience of cumulative change over time (the mode of narrative and causal efficacy) and immediate sense-experience in the ever-changing flux of an omnipresent experiential moment. These two modes also serve an evolutionary function: the mode of presentational immediacy mutates our consciousness by exposure to novel experience, and the narrative mode of causal efficacy is selective, choosing items of experience for integration into a subjective aim.

>> No.22611939
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So what are you doing for your 17th birthday?