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22603785 No.22603785 [Reply] [Original]

>Tolkien told a story about finding himself in a carriage with an R.A.F. officer and a very nice young American Officer. When the Yank burbled about “Feudalism” and its results on English class distinctions and social behaviour Tolkien opened a broadside. An Englishman’s relations with working men was as connect to "Feudalism" as skyscrapers had to wigwams. Tolkien told the American that his "Oxford accent" was not "forced" but a middle-class invention. After telling the American that his "accent" sounded like English wiped with a dirty sponge and that the American habit of slouching indicated a slovenly and ill-disciplined people they got along quite friendly.

>> No.22603794

British people love monarchs. The thread.

>> No.22603811
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I think what he referred to here's that nazis planned to leave England more or less alone upon their victory and actually wanted it to sue for peace, whereas he knew that the Americans will take a more proactive stance on shaping their new gained sphere of influence. Tolkien repeatedly mocked nazis and their racial believes.

>> No.22603902

>Tolkien repeatedly mocked nazis and their racial believes.
As is the position of anyone when dealing with an ideologue. Nazism is regrettable not for its core beliefs but for the zealous, dogged rigidity it instilled into its adherents. To be fair, its racialism is pretty silly as well, but, similar to Nietzsche's distaste for Christianity, I think Tolkien simply looked down on strict adherence to dogma. I don't believe either man felt any particular affinity for Jews. It's just so readily apparent to any who thinks for himself that another is simply regurgitating his ideology. It's like watching a drunk dribble piss down his pantleg. He just can't help himself.

>> No.22605565

JRRT had very nuanced political beliefs; he was against cruelty of the Nazis but also against what today would be termed "globohomo

>> No.22605612

Yes many people like to keep their hands out of serious application with masturbatory larps.

>> No.22605625

Idk about many but Tolkien was not a jingoist
For example he felt that the British empire was bad not because Anglos only did evil like a modern SJW minded woman might but because it caused negative effects for the British culture

>> No.22605655

Not everything is about ideology. He probably merely saw Germany as a belligerent & conquering state that had to be opposed on practical grounds.

>> No.22605675

>feudalism has nothing to do with an Englishman's relationship to working men
>the Oxford accent was a middle class invention, not forced on anyone
>by the way, Americans are slobs and sound retarded
So what was the argument here? Did Tolkien make a point eventually?

>> No.22605696

>I regret that I am not clear what you mean by Aryan
Yes he did, lol this fucking faggot
>My paternal line is German
No shit, he could've simply continued being a parsimonious self-hating faggot and it would've become undeniably obvious

>> No.22606648

>The Hobbit got banned in Germany over this
I love JRRT

>> No.22606698

Just banter stupid faggot

>> No.22606831

>get worked into a seething shoot
>i was merely bantering

>> No.22606867

Lmao based Tolkien

>> No.22607024

Tolkien was parochial country gentleman. Just because he had a distaste for German militarism doesn't mean he would not be disgusted seeing all the Pakis, blacks, and hindoos currently squatting in the UK.

>> No.22607047

American status:
[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
[X] Fucking told

>> No.22608513

>Bong seemingly unaware as to the damage his own country inflicted on Europe and Western Civilization at large.
Many such cases.

>> No.22609338

you have to go back

>> No.22609347

>not forced
>but a middle class invention
So the Connecticut yankee made a fool of King Arthur's court yet again?

>> No.22609352

>After telling the American that his "accent" sounded like English wiped with a dirty sponge and that the American habit of slouching indicated a slovenly and ill-disciplined people they got along quite friendly.
Banter is the universal male bonding language

>> No.22609362

I've never seen a single idea applied that wasn't shit.

>> No.22610442

>I think Tolkien simply looked down on strict adherence to dogma.
Nigga he was Catholic

>> No.22610490

On all levels but physical he was Pagan

>> No.22610493

If your logic was correct he would have just written a more poetic Narnia