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/lit/ - Literature

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22603021 No.22603021 [Reply] [Original]

Every story is a soul.
Good stories make good stories of stories. A statement is a story. When you make a good statement, a good statement makes something of you.
All has infinite abstract powers.

>> No.22603030
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Every poem writes back.

>> No.22603043

A goodder world has goodder stories. Write goodder realities.

Heavenly vibes grow heaven

>> No.22603047

My personal, phenomenological experience suggests that an Advaitan or Buddhist worldview is correct. My life and all the phenomena which make it up is an experience, which happens to be experienced by me, like a movie playing on a television in a room I happen to be in, or maybe like a television show I happen to be acting in. Whatever it is that produces awareness or wherever it is that it comes from, it is not what is experienced and that experience is entirely incidental to its existence, something like a cup that happens to be filled with water but remains uncaring of whether it is indeed filled or not.
However, if I accept my thoughts as more than phenomena, and from there accept that logic is possible, I conclude that a Trinitarian understanding of the relationship between divinity and the world and the individual makes more sense than Brahman deciding to create the illusion of duality because it's in his nature to do so with no other explanation of what that means or entails. Maybe my idea of a Trinitarian God is a little unorthodox, as I see God as the ground of being and being itself as well as at once immanent and transcendent through the Spirit and the Son, and God the Son as a subjective experiencer acting as a ground of awareness from which other awareness can spring while God the Father acts as an objective ground of being from which the finite, limited, and flawed may spring. I'm still working to fully flesh out the system I envision but I believe that a Trinitarian understanding allows one to reach closer to the limit of human understanding than simple monism or the Samsara-Brahman conception.

>> No.22603049

Utopias have utopian spirits

>> No.22603152

38 hours into a fast. Still feel good. Might be something to this shit, lads.

>> No.22603162

Have you looked into Eastern Orthodoxy?

>> No.22603166

I haven’t got a (you) in weeks

>> No.22603169

Bait! Do not (you) this charlatan

>> No.22603182

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.22603226

Had a moment of reflection today over the hentai I had masturbated to. The plot of the hentai is that the pregnant, apparently single mother of a family of 3 sisters and 1 son, has left to have her baby delivered at a hospital, while the kids stay at home. The son is a young preteen child, and very attached to the mother, and so is distraught at her being gone. The older teenage sisters see this and all decide to dote on him during the mother's absence. They play with him, feed him, and sleep at night with him. Before the son wakes up, the sisters decide that they should together play the role of "mama" for the brother. The brother wakes up, exits his room and there his sisters are all totally nude except for aprons. They all come to feed him breakfast, with bare asses exposed and nipples slipping out. The big-breasted sister's breasts are so apparently large that they end up tearing right out of the apron, landing in the brothers face. He has been flustered and blushing the whole while, and at this event he runs back to his room. His thoughts reveal him as apparently being grateful for his sisters intentions. The sisters then decide they're going to rape their brother. What proceeds is them entering his room and beginning a full day of non-stop raw sex with the the boy inseminating his sisters maybe a dozen times, each orgasm ejecting pornstar levels of fluid, demonstrating a superhuman seminal capacity. Later the mom comes back with the baby, sees whats going on, only to then decide to join in. I am left to imagine that the newborn baby is the son's.
So my thoughts are wide on this. First, I'm impressed by the quality. The artist is good, drawing attractive women with higher detail and better paneling than the average popular manga. Page count is high. It's an impressive work. It is also just one out of many many other doujins by the same artist, all with similar subject matter. A thought is what the average person would think of this. Disgust? Shock? What about how this is not just one isolated work of one isolated pervert, but rather just one of many other works just like it by many other artists, marketed and sold out in public stores all over glorious Nippon? That this rabbit hole does not stop here? Also, I feel much more morally comfortable masturbating to this over lolicon. (another likely far larger industry) It might be relevant that I have no sisters.
Does enjoying this make me a pedophile? After all, I am self-inserting as the child in the story, I think. Would I enjoy roleplaying something like this with a woman? How is it that I am so good at compartmentalizing this... palate of mine? I function perfectly fine publicly, with any shortcomings having nothing to do with this particular perversion. It's certainly not something that is uncommon, with all the high status public-facing full-blown pedophiles running about. Lastly, am I uncomfortable at all with it? I am much more now that I've reflected on it. Will I stop? Probably not.

>> No.22603252

I went to liturgy a couple times a few years back but I haven't read any actual texts from their tradition. I have a copy of Maximos the Confessor's works at my parents' house somewhere that I kept meaning to read but never got around to.

>> No.22603364

help me out here guys, ive gone and written myself into a plothole. the question im faced with is "if the job was so important why entrust it to some low level mercs" and im at a bit of a road block now trying to answer it.

im thinking of saying "because wealthier organized merc companies or government contractors could easily find out whats going on and exploit the situation, and it would be too high profile" whereas a few literally who nobodies wouldn't have resources or know-how to exploit a scientist, and they could be killed after and it would be low profile

but then who the hell would be the bad guys hunting my main characters and why wouldn't they be sent in the first place? could i really write it off as "theyre more desperate now"? i dont know about that, seems flimsy

if I cant think of something its going to suck having to rewrite the entire original premise.

>> No.22603417

Writing is harder than it looks. Looking is reading if that isn't clear.

>> No.22603424

Why did I read all of this

>> No.22603439

You might want to check out St. Dionysius the Areopagite.

>> No.22603442

well this is a new one. i've never gotten physically ill while writing an essay before.

>> No.22603450

>*coffee kicks in* life is actually pretty ok
>3 hours later..I don't want to live

>> No.22603465

>>*coffee kicks in* life is actually pretty ok
>>3 hours later..I don't want to live

those were the days.

>> No.22603544

“What we give in love, is essentially what we do not have and, when what we do not have returns to us, there is undoubtedly a regression and at the same time a revelation of the way in which we have failed the person"
This Lacan quote is heavy.

>> No.22603549

>Tried to start a thread on hermeneutics
>get dogpiled
>insult back
>get warned by jannies


>> No.22603553

Anybody else not buying into this AI bullshit at all? What's really exciting about this outside of the vested interests, snakeoil salesmen and collective craving of novelty?

>> No.22603559

It's helpful.

>> No.22603562

Surveillance and military. You can have AI detect criminal faces, then send an automated drone to render them incapable of continuing.

>> No.22603566

I am a puppet

>> No.22603570

I'm going to start lying much more often to spice things up a little.

>> No.22603575

The best shits you will have is in your younger years, enjoy them.

>> No.22603577
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/mu/ kpop threads are crazy. A frothing torrent of obsession.

>> No.22603590

the entire board is a cesspit. I stopped going there in 2014 and its now entirely full of coomers and underage retards with the worst taste in music imaginable. tied with /fa/ for the most worthless blue board.

>> No.22603596

I don't think it's useless or completely without application but I doubt it's a game changer.

>> No.22603604
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Everybody is using me for something. No one cares about me. I prefer to stay alone and friendless than live like this

>> No.22603606

It's really bizarre. there is always 3-5 kpop threads up and they move insanely fast. I just don't understand. Is it bots? Nobody even talks about anything there. There cant actually be that many anons obsessively posting pictures of their kpop waifus over and over and over and over.
Why do they do it??

>> No.22603608

>You can have AI detect criminal faces, then send an automated drone to render them incapable of continuing.
Sounds kinda dystopic ngl

>> No.22603610
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>> No.22603612

Also wish i could enjoy the positive effects of coffee without it increasing my anxiety to insane levels
Took a 1 day break from coffee and on that 1 day realized that all my paranoia and nervousness is caused by the joe
I can't quit it all the same.

>> No.22603626

Its the same 50 anons posting every thread, not really that many when you think about it. These people are most likely autistic/neet coomers that dont do anything else during the day

at least the girls are hot, the real problem are those blacked freaks that are genuinely mindbroken

>> No.22603628

I feel the instinctual drive to build a shrine

>> No.22603629


>> No.22603651

Don't overthink it killer, it's just good old harmless fun with your imagination.

>> No.22603659

Gonna need more context to come up with something. Why are the needs being hired?
Perhaps you could write it as the persom hired them to do something exceedingly unethical or rule-breaking that higher lvl merc companies wouldn't be willing to do.
Or maybe if they're hired to steal/loot something valuable, they don't want a professional organized group that would realize the value of what's being taken exceeds their pay

>> No.22603666

> if the job was so important why entrust it to some low level mercs
Here are a couple ideas I thought up.
> 1. The job wasn't supposed to be challenging
A company doesn't want to send their best because it's considered overkill and a waste of resources. The characters haven't proved themselves to be real trouble yet, leading the company to misevaluate how tough it would have been.
> 2. The company had no one else
There's a bigger badder event (a war? A coup?) somewhere else that occupies the main forces, so you can also throw in some foreshadowing.
> 3. They didn't.
This is usually a comical situation, but you might be able to have it where the high level mercs are actually low level. Like, the high level baddies are just based on their reputation and they never actually performed at that level. Have it revealed that the merc everyone was scared of really had just been lucky so far. All their previous victims died of dumb natural causes like being struck by lightning or erotic asphyxiation and the merc just happened to find the body first.
The point is coming up with a situation why the mercs power level hired might have been misjudged.
> 4. The job was a punishment for the low-level merc
Think of Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko is originally given a fool's errand of finding the Avatar - it's important, but the chances of it actually happening are close to 0. For example, maybe your guys are guarding a fortress that's (thought to be) already impenetrable, they were just redundant. Some bureaucratic reason or as a form of punishment might be imagined.
Hopefully one of these might be able to be adapted.

>> No.22603670
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>Think of Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko is blah blah blah blah

>> No.22603732
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My shelf grows

>> No.22603751

I unironically do not understand this quote. Is this about never being able to give what other desires from me?

>> No.22603772
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> Suddenly remember leaving a note to myself in a telegram chat about what appeared to me at the moment as a truly amazing idea for a story
> Went to check saved messages, it's not there...
> Oh, right, shit...
> Just now remembered that all of this happened only in a dream I had recently (can't even remember if this was tonight or a some time ago)
> Can't remember the idea

It was something about time and black holes behind doors, fuckk, I remember the feeling I got the moment it came to my mind, but cannot remember the content of the story.

>> No.22603778

Leaving a note to yourself in a dream to not forget about something is quite ironic kek

>> No.22603838

I wonder if there's a way to self-induce alexithymia.

>> No.22603861

Should I feel bad about going to graduate school in my 30s? I’m 30 years old and will be just starting a master’s in the spring and probably a doctorate after.

>> No.22603873

No, why should you feel bad about that?

>> No.22603876

I wish I could draw, there are so many cool things that I would draw but I just don't know how and I drop things pretty quickly if I don't see quick results/improvement.

>> No.22603905

It seems that I’m rather behind the curve and also being a bit delusional

>> No.22603910

What do you think you're being delusional about?

>> No.22603937

it means the love you give to others is the love you're not getting so when someone loves you the way you want your ability to love others decreases. not sure i agree with it, but i bet it sounded cool in french.

>> No.22603947

I bet a lot of french "wisdom" is just pretentious croaking

>> No.22603948

Well, first of all the degree I want to pursue. I would say it’s my passion interest but it has nothing at all to do with my undergraduate or my work experience. I also want to go to a fairly highly regarded school, much better that the state u (literally x state university) that I went to for undergraduate. You know, these are typical trust fund kid studies. They’re not practical person, has to work for a living studies. The other I’m considering, is less so but still somewhat the case. But also I think I’m being a bit delusional just regarding how I expect this to go and to work out. You know? There’s what I want and how I want this to work out, and then there’s what is actually likely to happen.

>> No.22603970

it sounds like you aren't already in the program? yet you say you will be staring your masters in the spring, but you haven't even been accepted anywhere? yeah that sounds delusional t b h. i know a lot of people with masters degrees from "highly regarded schools" just because i live in the nyc metro and everyone has two masters and a phd around here. maybe half of your classmates will be trustfund kids, the other half, your half, are people going deep into debt to enjoy two years of larping as an academic in the city.

>> No.22603977

The program start date is Fall, but certain students can begin in Spring. Fall acceptance is a given, but Spring acceptance hasn’t happened yet.

>> No.22603979

what school is it? why would they make you wait until the fall semester to start?

>> No.22603981

That’s just when the program starts. Typically, each new cohort starts in the Fall after they apply in the previous Fall. That’s not particularly uncommon.

>> No.22603983

Johns-Hopkins is one of the more reputable English programs in the United States…
Should anyone still aspire to any degree of any kind?

>> No.22603988

>…I move along to thinking about science fiction, or speculative fiction, COULD BE USED TO ADVANCING the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement
This is a PhD candidate in the ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. The University posted this video on their official YouTube AFTER it was reviewed and edited.

>> No.22603993

Actually, I can’t think of any really notable author that even had a PhD now that I think about it. Sure, there have been plenty who taught literature at a university, but they didn’t have PhDs. A few had an MA or an MFA, but no PhDs. If anything, getting a PhD probably a death sentence for a would-be writer if that’s what you aspire to do. Someone capable of writing great literature would never put up with what’s necessary to acquire a PhD.

>> No.22604005

the terminal degree for art is mfa. a phd is for research. umberto eco had a phd. john williams had a phd.

>> No.22604010

John Williams is an overrated writer. Umberto Eco is notable at least. But that’s it? 2 writers?

>> No.22604012

well i could probably find more but i don't care about knocking down the goofy theory of some kid on 4chan. believe the copes you like.

>> No.22604017

I don’t see how that’s a cope. What a PhD literally trains you to do is to do research and teach research. It does not train you to write, or even to read.

>> No.22604021

well pretty much every literary theorist ever has a phd, so it most definitely does train you to read.

>> No.22604040

No, it trains you to theorize. What’s unclear about this?

>> No.22604049

define "read" and define "write" since you will just change these to protect whatever you believe, actually don't, because i don't care about you or what you think.

>> No.22604052

Is that not what you’ve done?

>> No.22604085

I love the Napoleon quote about the way to deal with an intellectual being to shoot him. How do I make myself less of an intellectual?

>> No.22604089

Interesting conversation. Do you think it’s possible that something is birthed by the university in a way similar to how the university was “birthed” by the medieval church? Someone asked me this recently and I said I think not because the university is just a sort of secularized scholasticism and the church never moved away from theology in the same way the university is moving away from secular philosophy and science.

>> No.22604170

Jean-Jacques Rousseau self-allegedly went to school for like 3 weeks at the age of 17.
He was a great writer, and published the most famous book on pedagogy, amongst other great achievements.

>> No.22604175
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I was halfway through writing my novel before I realized I was just doing a modern sexless version of American Psycho.

>> No.22604209

>Nobody even talks about anything there
There isn't much to really talk about.

>> No.22604238

but what compels them to tirelessly churn out /kpop generals/ all day everyday? Are they deranged?

>> No.22604256
File: 831 KB, 1860x2910, 230905-NewJeans-Haerin-at-Seoul-Fashion-Week-documents-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it feels like to be a pretty girl.

>> No.22604274

>Are they deranged?

>> No.22604278

Our poor country lies in Roman decadence. Where there is no longer an aristocracy worthy of itself, a nation dies. Our Nobles are conceited fools and cowards. I no longer believe in anything nor have any views. From Louis-Philippe we shall proceed to the first trimmer who will take us up, but only in order to pass us on to another. For we are without fibre and moral energy.
Money has killed everything

>> No.22604285

You've failed succesfully. Try again.

>> No.22604288

im dying im dying im dying. rotting and dying, everything is rotting. its all falling apart, watching people decompose and bloat. rotting puppets.

>> No.22604322

Taking a massive disgusting sticky shit right now

>> No.22604339

im STONED on WEED and I am about to read Jünger

>> No.22604346

I've browsed /lit/ for a week now with particular attention to the writing threads and I'm awed at the lack of discernible talent. You'd think at least one post of one anon would stumble into quality.

>> No.22604349

some originality would be nice. Cant one of you freaks start actually being weird and write something interesting? I know one of you can do it. Come on.

>> No.22604365

It’s all genre-esque, isn’t it? The MFA English major anons have all left years ago. Not that they were all good but they were definitely better

>> No.22604387

I actually dont know whenever my desire to have things that others have is my actual desire or its just a desire to desire what others desire which causes me to seethe at myself for not having it.

>> No.22604398

or my desire to not be pestered and questioned by people for not having something others desire so I desire to acquire it so I don't have to explain why I really don't desire it at all.

>> No.22604422

Interesting. Did you really never desire what others desire from the start or was it sour grapes situation?

>> No.22604433

2 be, or not 2 be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind 2 suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or 2 take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. 2 die - 2 sleep, no more: and by a sleep 2 say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that the flesh is hier 2: 'tis a consummation devoutly 2 be wished. 2 die, 2 sleep: 2 sleep, perchance 2 dream - ay: there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may cum, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, much give us paus

>> No.22604449

Care to elucidate?

>> No.22604457

I don't know what to think. I think the only things I desire are immortality, unlimited power, or never having existed.

>> No.22604465

If I had the choice I don't believe I would have wished to be born. Countries really need to start developing and mass applying eugenics.

>> No.22604539


>> No.22604551

I hope this doesnt awakeni.. who am I kidding its been awake.

>> No.22604590

People might just have to accept that our destiny is the Anti-Racist Empire. To fight it, is to fight history itself.

>> No.22604594

Have fun!

>> No.22604606

When you realize you can become good at just about anything just by working at it over a long period of time, it feels very empowering.

>> No.22604614

Oh I just find it fun to think about it like this.

>> No.22604627

I just watched a Hamas fighter die in first person. what a time to be alive.

>> No.22604633

There's gonna be a big war.

>> No.22604642

I think all the historical drama, spectacle and emotion of war was just a construction of government propaganda and mob hype. War ultimately is mundane, feeling much like the average day to day existence, only with heightened fear and stress and whatnot.

>> No.22604665

Carry on strong my brother, open your ears to the angels and be carried by their guidance.sgwjy4

>> No.22604678


>> No.22604741

Obviously, they wanted it c. 2000 but the stupid USSR had to go and collapse.

>> No.22604746

I have a lot of insecurity about how I came up, where I came up, where I’ve been in my life thus far. I’m insecure basically about who I am and where I’ve come from, and perhaps what I’ve done as a consequence of those things.

>> No.22604752

The Western nations are among the last ones to want the war. Look up the stats. Putin deployed 10% of his army into Ukraine, 300 000 people, and another 670 000 joined voluntarily. How many does Europe have totally? Perhaps not even the total Russian threshold.

>> No.22604755

But why? Do you compare yourself to other people a lot?

>> No.22604766

I do, I also think I’m a competent person and tend to have high aspirations, and frankly, high standards, both for myself and others. I want to be very successful at things, but I also have a lot of insecurity about my potential because of life circumstances basically.

>> No.22604774

It sounds like you are forcing the story, fren. The story should tell itself. You need to relax and let this story ruminate a bit. Consider how Tolkien built his whole world worth of supporting complexities, and that only a portion of that made it into the books. You need that world to draw from. Build the whole world and tell the one story of many that are present in it. There are faggots twerking, giant corporations putting waste material into food as a means of convenient disposal, dudes pining away over some girl that smiled at them ten years ago, parents unable to console a child over a trinket that, now broken, cannot be replaced. Build all of that, and more, and pull from that mass what you need to tell your story.

>> No.22604776

You’re very off base. Western powers simply play the long game, use proxy fighters, deploy tech, legal, financial, and economic means obviously. The west is able to play ball in ways others aren’t, but they still very much want war and if it weren’t for JFK and the lousy USSR collapsing, they probably would’ve had it some time between 1990 and 2010. Iraq and Afghanistan show that impulse of anything.

>> No.22604780

What was the presumed offense?

>> No.22604791

I want to say that I understand you but I compare myself to a person who's become very successful and also shares the same background as me. I just didnt make the right decisions at the right time.

>> No.22604808

That’s interesting. I know of one very successful person that shares a similar background to me, and I desperately don’t want to become him. It’s probably terrible to admit, but I’ve never met or even seen a living man I admire.

Anyway, I wouldn’t mind hearing more about your situation and these decisions.

>> No.22604810

> . Western powers simply play the long game, use proxy fighters, deploy tech, legal, financial, and economic means obviousl
The truth is that Russia don't care. What has the West to provide them economically with anyways? They have the gas. They have enough land to provide themselves agriculturally. They have enough ties to non-Western nations not to depend on the West, and 500 days after the beginning of the Western sanctions, the war goes on.
> Iraq and Afghanistan show that impulse of anything
The American deployments into the Middle East don't deserve the name of 'wars'. The deployment of units follows smoothly after the training. They go up there, do some military mission with minimal fatalties and leave. Neither are they wars of conquest, nor anything besides training for their units. Russia, in the contrary, disposes over an ocean of warriors, and a superior nuclear armory, as was shown in the news.

>> No.22604813

It's that simple - I became NEET for 5 years and he didnt.

>> No.22604818

We've all suffered this, fren. Just mature everything around the concept. As you mature the concept, your missing dialectic will eventually need to rise to the surface to fill the gaps. If this idea was natural to you, then your psyche should demand it to explain the narrative that you write. As the demand is made, the idea presents itself.

>> No.22604832

Who is your idol?

>> No.22604834

Perennial tradition fused in harmony with exquisitely advanced artificial intelligence is the way forward. Archeo-futurism. Machine metaphysics. Network spirituality. Deus ex dēsīderium.

>> No.22604837

Honestly, I've never had one.
Did you?

>> No.22604843

My idol is Jean-Jacques-Rousseau because he fled away from home when he was 16, because he spoke his mind without caring what others thought about it, because he refused an offer to become a poet in the palace of Versailles by the King himself, and many other based achievements.

>> No.22604855

ok but didn't he think that man is born good and society corrupts him, which is like... super cringe

>> No.22604876

Depending on your goals and your age, I think that’s basically a non-issue. If anything it can give you a compelling biography relative to someone who I don’t know stocked shelves or worked as an accountant.

>> No.22604878

the free spirit, I can respect that.

>> No.22604883

I cant say that it's non an issue. That person is younger and earns 4 times more than me.

>> No.22604886

Well, I know Russia doesn’t care about having friendly relations with the West but it does care that the West is hostile to its own interests. There was never really a possibility of the two co-existing peacefully. They are almost existential polar opposites. The war in Iraq was most definitely a war. It just happened to be the case that Iraq wasn’t remotely a near peer. The superior nuclear armory of Russia is dubious at best. And while we’ve seen that their missile and artillery capabilities are quite good, everything else is sub-par relative to Western standards, I’d say.

>> No.22604893

The Traditionalist/Perennialist reveals himself as a run-of-the-mill futurist progressive. It’s kind of funny when you dig into Guenon and realize that his school arose out of a Christian heresy and later influenced the Enlightenment, New Age, and now the WEF.

>> No.22604894

Some people are born millionaires. Others become lucky. Others have nothing and never will. Why do you care

>> No.22604898

I think you have to keep in mind that exponential growth remains a possibility and exponential growth always beats linear growth. If one day, you undertook a single action that 5x your income, you’d be ahead. But I think income is a bad way to measure yourself regardless. I don’t really aspire to income or money in general, even though I recognize it’s important.

>> No.22604909

Progressivism has nothing to do with my vision of the future. My outlook is thoroughly elitist and I hold nothing but deep contempt for bay area rationalists. As for Guénon's "school" I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry but you sound very confused

>> No.22604912

Its hard not to care when that person came from the same background as me.
Sure, if I become writer than I could out earn him but not at the current point.

>> No.22604930

I understand but that person won't take anything with them to heaven. Death is the great equalizer, and life is not a competition. So in the long run you're good

>> No.22604939

>So in the long run you're good
I'm going to be honest - it's very hard not to compare with other people .

>> No.22604947

Maybe, but he also said that school sucks, wich is like, super based
I think I fit more the description of his older brother as someone who entered the age of libertinage before truly being in the age of libertinage. I guess I would have brought my ideas to better blossom if I would have held out longer than the age of 12 to become a full-blown idiocrat. It was too late. By that age already, the trust my parents had in me dropped from 100 to zero forever, and asking them for permission became impossible.

>> No.22604954

Why can't the West stop Russia from attacking Ukraine successfully? Why couldn't they stop them before they even started the war?

>> No.22604958

How do you’d oppose you stop one foreign country from invading another foreign country? Should they have set up a Red Rover Red Rover line between the countries? I mean, get real.

>> No.22604964

If becoming a writer is what you want for your life, you should strive for that immediately. In fact, I think a NEET or former NEET is a compelling biography for a writer. I’m an accountant at a university, dude. It doesn’t get more lame than that.

>> No.22604969

They didn't even impose actual threats on Russia when Putin said he might be starting a full-blown conquest war on Ukraine a few days before the beginning of the occupation. Macron, president of France, was the only one to show the beginning of an action, not manly threatening him with political means, but merely begging him not to start the invasion on Ukraine. What a pathetic bunch of impotent bugmen we have become!

>> No.22604970

Yeah, you only want an AI managed new age clergy state, but progress has nothing to do with your beliefs. Uh huh.

You seem to not even know that Guenon’s Traditionalism is quite literally nothing more than rebranded-for-the-20th-century Rosicrucianism, effectively the progenitor of various Christian heresies, occult groups, Freemasonry, and the enlightenment in Western Europe.

>> No.22604975

>an accountant at a university
I can even get lamer than that.

>> No.22604986

First of all, I already said the West wanted war with Russia. They wanted it to attack Ukraine. So it’s no wonder why they didn’t try really hard to prevent it. William Burns, current head of the CIA former diplomat to Russia, has been ringing that alarm bell for decades but neither the State Dept nor the President other than Trump cared. He wasn’t the only one. The American regime wanted the war to happen and that’s why they didn’t stop it. But even if they did, how do you stop someone exactly. You broker peace, like was done with the Minsk accords, which failed, but barring that you have to go war. There’s real way to stop them other than going to war, which obviously isn’t a solution since the goal is to avoid war.

>> No.22604993

I doubt it. If I were like 25 and had only done this for a few years, I’d feel better about it. But I reckon I’ve majorly fucked up somewhere and this is just my background now.

>> No.22605026

You show ignorance of European politics, ameripal. A European country would never start a war against another European country, not even Hungary, not even Serbia. The only nation that would do that is Russia.

>> No.22605034

Europeans fought each other for centuries. Crack open a history book.

>> No.22605041

Crack open a newspaper. The entire raison-d'être of current European politics is solving everything diplomatically and peacefully. Even Western countries as allegedly non-Western as Serbia participate in this form of politics concerning their conflict with Kosovo.

>> No.22605065

The absolute state of laughing out loud. Johns Fucking Hopkins. Reputable. Only in the sense that all things have reputations - whether they be good or bad.

>> No.22605080

>the way to deal with an intellectual being to shoot him
That is nothing more than a modernization of the Gordian Knot.

>> No.22605085

Be the change that you want to see.

>> No.22605087

>To fight it, is to fight history itself.
At last, a worthy foe.

>> No.22605099

>the timber of a brother's voice so easily discerned across the din of the swarm of fool, boors, and braggarts

>> No.22605105

>the stupid USSR had to go and collapse
No. That was all part of the plan. The seeds of the current war in Ukraine could not germinate without removal of the formality of the corporate structure of the USSR.

>> No.22605125

I simply hate myself for having spent a period as long as 13 years in school.. without even graduating. If it was all for nothing, why couldn't I quit earlier? Was it weakness of character, or was it the oppression from my parents side? Was it the fact that I still believed in the system? It keeps me up at night.

>> No.22605142

Guild socialism is the future. Factory production is unsustainable because it's producing large volumes of CO2 and other pollutants, trash, etc. Guilds are the future, as high quality, long lasting, artisan products are sustainable.

>> No.22605146

But that single fact would be something I could live with, if it wasn't for my parents forcing me to take a student loan at the age of 18. I could kill myself for not having stopped that process, and even after paying it back, I can't get over it. It has destroyed my soul.

>> No.22605155

Guilds have always been socialist in nature. When capitalism crept up, many trades became redundant, and the same factory workers were the former respected tradesmen debased to a lower, brainless status of a low-paid factory worker. It's sad to think about it.

>> No.22605222

don't feel like starting another thread but what are some good secondary sources on Augustine? don't feel like slugging through The Confessions and City Of God and want something more condensed.

>> No.22605268

How does guild socialism work in an economy where most jobs are bullshit meaningless bureaucracy jobs that produce nothing real, hone no crafts, and involve only computer skills?

>> No.22605275

There was nothing better to do.

>> No.22605283

It was just Central Europe and Cuba back then

>> No.22605289

There was, I could have started a trade. I could have volunteered for a job. I could have fled away from home and search a better life somewhere else. I could have NEETed. I could have gone hide in the woods and live in the wild for a few years. Retrospectively, everything looks like a better idea.

>> No.22605299

It doesn't work in our economy. The system has to completely change, but this will likely happen after a collapse or some big enough catastrophe considering it's unsustainable as I've mentioned. The trash, pollution, species extinction are not stopping.

>> No.22605310

dude if ur phd takes more than 10 years it's time to cut your losses and move on

>> No.22605337

I'm talking bout high school

>> No.22605341

just take the fucking ged already high school is completely irrelevant to life

>> No.22605347

No way
Fuck school

>> No.22605350

my trust fund was squandered on fixing my parents computer after I "hacked" it because I was super obsessed with computer viruses at the time. and because I didn't qualify for a full time job since I had a developmental disability, I was forced to study autodidact.

>> No.22605357

man /lit/ sucks so bad i barely read it anymore but i drank some "preworkout" mix shit this morning and it triggered my adhd so bad that now i'm actually posting on /lit/. i'm dumping the rest of that shit in the trash as soon as i go out today.

>> No.22605361

to make matters worse, I don't qualify for a grant by virtue of owning a penis and having white skin and my parents make above average income.
>why can't your parents help you?
they're greedy Anglos, no way.

>> No.22605365

high school dropouts and the developmentally disabled, these are the great minds of /lit/ you spend hours a day interacting with here.

>> No.22605369

I knew something felt different than it did years ago

>> No.22605378

What ''it''?

>> No.22605392

What system are we talking about? We’re talking about a historically informed, highly technological, way of interacting with the world that now blankets the globe. The idea that this is even a system, let alone one that can be changed, seems ridiculous to me. You’re right. The only conceivable way out at this juncture is catastrophe.

>> No.22605404

I'm more educated than the average college graduate. AMA

>> No.22605411

How did the gentry get off scot-free?

>> No.22605417

good thing I'm more intellectual than you are.

>> No.22605496

Can somebody tell me what it means when guys stare at a girl from a distance and continue to stare when she gets closer? What goes through their minds when they stare? Should I directly confront them and demand an explanation?

>> No.22605501

it means that they have autism and do not realize that they're staring, either that or they might also have downs or they might be a minority that is too silly to understand that it is weird to stare
confront any of the formerly mentioned about their staring at your own peril, some of them might swing at you for putting them on the spot

>> No.22605504

Anon, I'm sorry to have forced you to come to church with me all those Sundays during your childhood. I'm sorry because I never took the time to explain why. There's a lot of things a parent is supposed to do for their child: Food, shelter, education, overall preparation for adulthood, and most of all, love. Now the thing about food is that there will be times when you will be hungry, the thing about shelter is that weather can blow it away, the thing about education is that it's expensive.

But as far as preparation for adulthood, there is nothing more important, the purest expression of love, a parent can provide for their child than faith. Because there will be times when you'll be hungry, times when you may not feel at home, times when all the education in the world won't ever make you prepared at all for what's ahead. And yet, faith is not something you can't lose and will be with you no matter what. I know I wasn't always there for you, which is why I hope you find guidance in a God that can be there and knows more than I'll ever do.

Because I can only watch down from heaven here and continue rooting for you Anon, and regret we didn't spent more time together on those pleasant Sunday afternoons.

>> No.22605529

Why don’t you say hello before you confront them? Maybe they’re just awkward or wanting to get your attention. Why are all you young people so damn combative and militant? It’s insane.

>> No.22605531

The global factory production market, especially China's, that relies on growth is unsustainable because quality of life is going to implode after we reach the limit of growth. People can't adapt to infinite trash, and bad air, bad water, and bad food. They've had decades trying to regulate it through policy or use engineering to stopgap its problems, but that clearly hasn't worked historically and never will. My prediction is that by the year 2100 the global economy, most industries, will completely bust at peak population from most people having too low quality of life. And thinking that people will create technologies to fix these issues is wishful thinking.

>> No.22605543

What does it mean if a strange girl tries to catch my eye or smiles at me when I make eye contact?

>> No.22605601
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 1678980177034360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although my life heads towards the gutter, I can't help but pay attention to the signs of the season: the smell of moist leaves, the white autumn sun in the autumn blue sky; a very specific tone. It's so comfy.

>> No.22605608

The real question is, ''Why are you such an asshole?''

>> No.22605615

They also may just not care about your evaluation of the situation.

>> No.22605620

staring at people makes you a retarded monkey so i think my evaluation of the situation stands just fine

>> No.22605622

>young people
Firstly, this condition mostly only affects broads. Secondly, it affects broads almost completely across the age spectrum.

>> No.22605635

They're mentally sexualizing her form and are so engrossed in the spectacle that social decorum doesn't exist for them.

>> No.22605643


all you need

>> No.22605645

I need you to write me some hobocore. Real first chirping of the birds on verdure's ascendency at the death of Winter shit. I can smell it on you. Go get a pen.

>> No.22605651

Just relax. Staring won't hurt you.

>> No.22605663

>just let me gawk at you like a brain dead monkey
don't be surprised if you get your ass beat one day for staring at a wrong person

>> No.22605664

I literally will never care. You are not master of the universe. If I want to smell a flower, strike steel on an anvil, or look at a girl, I will never first seek your approval. Nietzche might have been a faggot, but he got that slave mentality thing down pretty well.

>> No.22605670

same goes for you overfag, keep staring at people and find out why some people don't like it first hand

>> No.22605671

Look out boys. Alpha chad coming through. Make a hole.

>> No.22605678

i am teaching you common sense but if you don't know that staring at people is a way to start fights trying to teach you anything is pointless, go stare at people and die to some nut cases shot already you tard

>> No.22605681

Niggas need to learn how to glance and not stare

>> No.22605691

You are not in charge. Get past yourself. Do you walk around talking like that to people on the street? I think not. Don't tell me what I need to do to avoid getting my ass beat. You sound like the one that is off calibration.

>> No.22605698

>i am teaching you
Correction in order - alpha chad professor. How ever did we earn such a grace as thee?

>> No.22605703

keep trucking

>> No.22605706

>Niggas need to learn they place and step and fetch fo massa
The absolute state of neurotic narcissists.

>> No.22605718

Could be nothing. Maybe they're not even staring at you but just blankly looking past you while walking by, but it looks like they're staring at you

>> No.22605728

>I'm talking bout high school

>> No.22605734

>keep trucking
Yeah, I remember having one of those shirts. I had one of the big lapel shirts with the giant ring on the completely unwarranted half zipper, too. Fucking purple corduroy pants that made a squeaking sound when my thighs touched as I walked. Hideous shit. Hot fuck - the shitty Keds that made my parents angry when I kicked a ball and the entire toe ripped down to the sole and flipped under my foot.
Thanks for the memories. I was the first one to make ''Get rad soon / Sorry to hear that you suck'' greeting cards.

>> No.22605757

Don't judge him too hard. Look at what an absolute worthless disgrace formal education has revealed itself to be in the intervening period.

>> No.22605845

i am somewhat displeased with my decisions and inclinations

>> No.22605949

Struggling with trying to understand my reasoning for continuing to make poor decisions. To some degree I think it's a continued refusal to accept that I am fully responsible for my actions.

>> No.22605959

Man, this is probably the worst place to come with that sort of problem. The absolute state of the advice you get around here.
>Never departeth thy abode, lest thee perchance casteth eye upon roasted whores of seething vengeances.

>> No.22605975

>it's a continued refusal to accept that I am fully responsible for my actions
Take full responsibility, out loud, to whomever is concerned, for whatever you fucked up. Once you say it out loud, you will own it. There will be no waffling at that point. Go balls deep and arise a better man on the other side. Unrelated, it reminds me of a turn of words in German - An dem andern Ufer der Nacht.

>> No.22605993

as someone with autism, I think women put too much stock in staring. if it bothers you so much, get out of our field of vision. goddamn roasties.

>> No.22605999

has simping ever gotten you laid before?

>> No.22606014

>my trust fund was squandered on fixing my parents computer
No computer costs that much to fix

>> No.22606019

Information overload. I can't think. Information overload.

>> No.22606086

The modelling industry, down to the smallest local instagram account you know, ensures that no good looking women carry a good heart within them. It must be destroyed. Carve it in your mind.

>> No.22606105
File: 106 KB, 970x1344, 1691554709439128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the future of philosophy and spirituality: the collapse of the creator-creation dichotomy that is central to Western thought (mechanistic materialism retaining the dichotomy, only eliminating the creator term) into the principle (and coincident mindset and experience) of co-creativity. It is essentially the extension of ecosystemic thought to the metaphysical. It is also the heart of process-relational thought.

>> No.22606110

My favorite ones are the ones that accuse you of looking at their ass, while they are filming their ass, to post on the internet, for everyone to look at.

>> No.22606109

it was the 90s, computers were expensive back then

>> No.22606113

Your phenomenological experience sucks bro. You should have sought meaningful relationships and experiences in the world around you.

>> No.22606122

>Information overload
The absolute state of Gordon Sumner. He got information overload back in the mid 1980s. That was a dreamscape compared to now.

>> No.22606126

Do you do anything to be involved in the community somehow?

>> No.22606132

Yes. The people that deny human nature are the same that are astounded that water will run out of a hole at the bottom of a bucket. The likelihood of your observation being a coincidence is very difficult to fathom.

>> No.22606136

A bit esoteric, no?

>> No.22606139

Back in the early 90's I think that we paid 1400 USD for our PC at the print shop where I worked. Hash that against inflation for today's dollars, and that does still not sound like an astounding amount of money.

>> No.22606156

No, I do not think so. I think that fags like Zuckerberg know human nature very well. They know where to find the buckets and how to poke the holes. Consider first the nature of Zuckerberg, secondly the nature of Instagram upon his acquisition of it, and thirdly of the state of Instagram today. Is the result any other than that which one should reasonably expect?

>> No.22606163

I find my job to be quite trivial and the importance which my coworkers ascribe to it distasteful. Furthermore, I am irritated with the vapidity of my fellow man and the issues which I having with my car

>> No.22606214

>I find my job to be quite trivial and the importance which my coworkers ascribe to it distasteful
Maybe give Hitler's critique on the streetsweeper and the king a perusal. Also, some Diogenes sounds like it is in need. Denigrating your own station is unnecessarily self deprecative. Melville had something in Moby Dick about not being the best but doing the best you can at the time and being Johnny on the spot. MD is probably worth a spin, also.

>> No.22606227

>and the importance which my coworkers ascribe to it distasteful
I hate this. I just try to remind myself they are probably just trying to make themselves feel more important.
I think in some positions as well people inflate the importance and make it sound like they do more than they actually do as a form of job security, to try and convince those around then that their job is necessary

>> No.22606229

I have maybe 40 “good” real stories in my life, stories worth telling at least. I’d like to write some kind of anthology book, slice of life in the way of Bukowski or Kerouac. Not entirely certain how to go about it.

Also have an idea for a fiction novel but don’t know where to spend my time.

>> No.22606236

what is this ugly derivative retard coomer AI jpeg, angers me to even look it, just awful

i cannot trust your taste now retard

>> No.22606255

I am in the same boat. I was thinking of changing the names and pretending it was all fiction. I was thinking about doing a graphic novel for some of it. I need someone to do the graphics for me. That was another stumbling block.

>> No.22606266

i agree, really awful, kinda fucks up the whole thread. the OP image should be as unobtrusive as possible

>> No.22606278

Same here, names would all be changed and I’d take a little creative liberty but the stories would be %80 true still.

I struggle with taking a 15 minute moment out of my life that was so impactful and memorable and spinning it into a 10+ page chapter.

>> No.22606284

Is it too much of a writing sin to enjoy using the "hero's journey" format. Idk, I just seem to love using it.

>> No.22606290

Rate my concept for a novel and let me know if it’s been done before.

Man who never be touched by other human beings because they drop dead as soon as they do.

>> No.22606294

How was he born?

>> No.22606296

Out of another man's ass.

>> No.22606298

Jean Grey from X-Men
Fuuko Izumo from Undead Unluck

>> No.22606299

I'm really grateful for language AI. It's helping me everyday.

>> No.22606305

Et tu, anon-tus?

>> No.22606308

I meant Rogue from X-Men.

>> No.22606310

Still working on that angle. Don’t want to go full edgelord with the idea. Maybe it manifests itself later in his life. The theme of the book would be loneliness and finding solace in it.

>> No.22606316

Don't ask here. This place is plagued with control freaks that demand that you conform to their norm. If you must, then do it. Just do it well, is all that I would ask.

>> No.22606317

>The theme of the book would be loneliness and finding solace in it

>> No.22606318

Rouge has control over it to some degree. I’m talking instantaneous death the moment you put a finger on him. I imagine a scene where a bunch of cops try to tackle him and they fall like water off a coat.

>> No.22606327

With people. Just took a shot of liquor and puked. Super embarrassing

>> No.22606329

Capeshit is worn out horseshit.

>> No.22606332

You will never be a good writer until you’ve had an alcoholic spiral.

>> No.22606334

Then came here and posted about it for attention? Stop doubling down on retardation for starters.

>> No.22606336

Were you at least already drunk?

>> No.22606357

I was happy. I had a reason. It didn't make me stronger
How do I get peer past the myth of motivation?

>> No.22606420

just had an idea in my head, that if Muslims hate women, and some women fuck their dogs, and muslims hate dogs, hmmm not sure what to do with this information.

>> No.22606421

it was a lot for my mom back then.

>> No.22606423

The Police are fantastic. they're like Rush meets the Ramones.

>> No.22606428

I woke up drunk

>> No.22606442

Today according to a calculator that's about $3200. Sounds expensive to me

>> No.22606488

>it was a lot for my mom back then
Fair enough, man, but it sounded like a tad of hyperbole. We all jacked some stuff as children. It's a shame that that one bit you so.

>> No.22606491

Bro you did not have a trust fund if a couple thousand dollars was a lot for your family

>> No.22606493

Expensive? Sure. Trust fund demolishing sounded a tad bit much.

>> No.22606503

I have hated Rush since some faggot wearing one of their naked man album cover shirts threw a bottle at me.

>> No.22606506

This. Are we calling $50 weekly allowances trust funds now?

>> No.22606516
File: 814 KB, 750x755, 1561259646346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what's happening but over the last couple days I've had these episodes where it feels like the amount of processing power available to my brain plummets for no reason. I'll be at the gym or reading or whatever and all of the sudden I won't be able to comprehend what I'm seeing, it'll look like one of those old AI generated images that are totally incomprehensible but look kinda like something real if you squint, like pic related. If I'm speaking when this happens I'll start stuttering and forget the specific words I was about to say even if I know generally what I mean to express. Other times if I'm just sitting down at my desk I'll feel like I'm falling through my own body and into the floor and the perch of my own eyes feels impossibly high.
Hopefully this is just one of those random things that happen now and then and not a sign of something more serious but even if it is I'm not sure what I'll do about it.

>> No.22606528

I feel as though I'm trapped in a prison of my own making. A comfortable cell free from the scrutinizes of the world; where a digital blur of distraction can provide me a sweet dopamine drip that will distract me from the obvious reality. That this comfortable hole I've dug for myself is slowly smothering me. Dulling my senses to the point that even if I were to escape the outside world; I would be so maladjusted it illumination would melt the eyes from my head. And I will crawl blind back into the grave I have built for myself, burring myself to escape the awful light. Or maybe I just need to get laid? I don't know.

>> No.22606541

have you even seen the /vg/ or /vt/ boards? it's 1 part feelings of community and 9 parts genuine autism.

>> No.22606544

Something brain related like a seizure maybe?
I'd go to a doc or get an fMRI done personally

>> No.22606548

>Want to write a book, or comic.
>Well, my art is not great, including my Grammar.
>I want to write a story with a zombie apocalypse in a fantasy/modern setting.
>In my mind I know what I want and where I want to go with it.
>My writing is shit, though.

>> No.22606598 [DELETED] 

My sensitivity has made me useless.

>> No.22606615
File: 113 KB, 460x690, 44167662_001_622f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thing for girls who are very tall and skinny

>> No.22606631

I still agree that you never know what the future holds, but maybe certain futures can be written off on the basis of the present and the past. This thought is why I’m deeply depressed.

>> No.22606643

Your present dictates your future

>> No.22606651

I'm envious

>> No.22606653

Invest in wood.

>> No.22606654

And I stand at 168cm tall
It is a hopeless cause

>> No.22606659

>I have a thing
Same, such thing is called food.

>> No.22606674


>> No.22606684

Unironcially a great idea. Contractors are already having a hard time finding decent wood that isn’t just 20 year old pine

>> No.22606685

I love her so much. I never should have broken up with her. This is killing me.

>> No.22606690

What does a vagina taste like?

>> No.22606693

Pretty gross desu

>> No.22606701

Alright if she's hygienic. If it smells or tastes bad get her lactic or boric acid suppositories to balance her ph.

>> No.22606723

Depends on the woman.

>> No.22606729

What a depressing thought for people with a depressing present

>> No.22606730

About once every 3 months I wake up feeling genuinely well rested, and its unbelievable how much easier and more pleasant my life is. It makes me realise that truly a lot of my anhedonia stems simply from being tired. When I'm tired, I am irritable, ill disciplined, and prone to depression and despair. When I feel well rested I am clear headed, patient, productive, and generally optimistic.

The problem is that I don't know how to get any consistency from my sleep. I don't stay up late, I get 8 hours most nights, I exercise to tire my body out, I don't drink much caffeine but 99% of days I wake up feeling like shit anyway.

>> No.22606735

Kinda like when you have a runny nose and you lick a bit of snot off your lips. It's a bit metallic, can be a bit like sea urchin. It's not really nice but its not gross either, just kind of weird. It's nice in the moment though, assuming everything is normal down there.

>> No.22606738

Then do something to change it

>> No.22606748

I'm going to play Counter Strike when I get home. I have to wake up early for class, but fuck it.

>> No.22606750

Tastes like mucus, then the taste goes away. Tastes better if she's on her period, but not heavy.

>> No.22606778

? If the future is dictated by the present, then your present, the future of your past, was already dictated by your past. There’s nothing you could do to change it.

>> No.22606783

>The theme of the book would be loneliness and finding solace in it.

>> No.22606791

You can always move in the right direction

>> No.22606810

I can't write a story.

>> No.22606848

You and I are in the same boat. When I get that rare night of good sleep, I feel genuinely good about life. When I don't, the days are a chore.

>> No.22606857

>Tastes better if she's on her period
Foul. Are you serious?

>> No.22606873

NTA but I’m similar. I’ve noticed I always get tired in the afternoon and early evening no matter what. I think my natural sleep cycle would be that of a night owl, and I often stay up till 3 or 4am on days off and feel most alert and energetic after midnight

>> No.22606883
File: 1.64 MB, 670x658, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your tourism on a tigher leash, dont make me move here and /lit/e you faggots up.


>> No.22606884

God damnit, stupid fucking Heroshima-san.

>> No.22606885

It's just a metallic taste, don't be such a dunce.

>> No.22606899

If it's true that at the end of this life lies eternal nothingness, if there is no possibility of birth from a renewed body with extended consciousness, if this is the one and only life we are able to live, Then perhaps I will die without ever tasting a woman's vagina. I will never know of sex, and I will never experience any intimate sense of belonging.

>> No.22606908

>if this is the one and only life we are able to live, Then perhaps I will die without ever tasting a woman's vagina. I will never know of sex

Not true, because you could always go to a prostitute. It's possible that you will never have sex or taste a vagina without having to pay for it, sure. But if you merely want to experience the physical act there is nothing stopping you from buying it.

Yes yes yes, this might seem like a trite point. But it's not. It is a reminder that you in fact have free will, total free will over your actions.

>> No.22606921

I am attempting to pick back up a reading habit i lost nigh decade ago, it is greatly confusing to find good literature to expand my mind. I seek knowledge and my zoomer brain seems too fried to read 6 pages of the foreword for julius evola's "handbook for rightwing youth" book and comprehend it all.
A saying from my mother about filtering content also somewhat impedes my capabilities of picking up a book. As she said 'what you must consume be it media be it literature make sure it brings something useful to your mind'. This makes me constantly doubt if what i attempt to read will bring me futher intellectually and add something to my life, this also makes me constantly doubt myself in my capabilities of even absorbing knowledge as i read when it is something i deem useful, of course i know rationally this is not the case as i can still record things i have learned through reading other material but the thought of that added with my mother's warning as i think about reading something often stops me of even begining a reading session.
I wish to change that, by God i do, i admire people with eclectic knowlege and i wish to become one myself, the limitaions are ones of my own machination. Has any poster itt been through something similar? If so how have you broken the cycle? How can I do the same?
i just wish to become more knowing

>> No.22606922
File: 205 KB, 1080x1240, 9b87ef72f36e7a3e222cb96f424391dcb918c1ce062e9e096d51378bcaf549b0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a picture of yourself.

Problems have solutions but there is no solution to desiring the feeling of failure until you know the feelings of a greater success.

>> No.22606950

>I will never know of sex, and I will never experience any intimate sense of belonging.
Same. I've made my peace with it, even if it hurts when I see other people.

>> No.22606957

I only go there for /meal/ general and the occasional threads on industrial and noise rock

>> No.22606960
File: 48 KB, 640x360, 1dp9dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sympathy you give yourself is still sympathy received...like a battered wife, though, you can learn to seek it out at the cost of the black eye.

Trained helplessness.

>> No.22606961

Most PhD bearers are vaxcattle and don’t believe in free will.

>> No.22606964

Off topic even though it’s literally about, ahem literature

>> No.22606998

How did it happen that people started seeing exploiting any psychological tricks or shady practices as just being 'smart' rather than being a piece of shit?

Obviously 'dating' (casual sex) is a big one but also in business.
>It's actually really smart for them to force you to claim your reward rather than just give it to you so you actually feel yourself receiving it and have to go into their online store where you might buy something

>> No.22607036

it might have something to do with a certain group of people coming into prominent positions of power and owning a large portion of media and having influence over education, this group of people has low to no morals and are encouraged to be pieces of shit to every other group of people because they do not even see them as humans, this group of people are raised to believe that they have been chosen for special role on earth and that it's well within their rights to treat everyone else like shit
it could be that or that could just be a happy coincidence, also death of religion really sped up the process of decay in morals

>> No.22607049

The short answer is capitalism and the destruction of traditional values (honesty, being a hard worker, refraining from usury). The ethics which it imposed changed getting one over on people from being a taboo to the dominant form of making profits. It’s also why people admire lawyers/vigilantes for gaming the system instead of just asking themselves why the system has to be gamed in order to reach what feels like a morally correct outcome in the first place.

>> No.22607072

Sure, I think there is another element though. Laws have gotten more complex, plugging loopholes and making more and more 'exploits' illegal and there is more counter information available to defend against bad actors. Finding a way to game the system really has gotten to be less a question of morality and more a question of intellect than previously. But yes, it's compounded with the death of morality.

>> No.22607080

>finding loopholes is clever
the sickness is present here as well it seems, not that difficult to be a successful lawyer as long as you're above double digits IQ, the shitty ones are shitty because they didn't study the law properly and put in a mediocre effort not because they're not "clever" enough
and con men are not clever either, it doesn't take much to find some loophole where you can sue your employer or some local store over some bullshit especially in america, you can get a payday just by slipping on piss in some walmart because the store failed to put down slippery signs

>> No.22607084

Yes but the point was that it becomes more difficult than previously as society gets more established, it isn't just about destruction of morality, they feed into each other.

>> No.22607088

>Trained helplessness
Its called facing the facts when taking a look over the love life.

>> No.22607090

>the increase in difficulty of scamming makes it seem clever to be able to scam
>but it's still piss easy
>yes but there has been increase in difficulty
i guess if mentally retarded people can't do it anymore it means it's now clever to be able to do it t. modern men

>> No.22607107

Cleverness is relative, yes.

90% of people would be willing to scam these days but only a handful manage it due to intelligence

>> No.22607118

>correlation (unsourced) implies causation
truly spoken like someone who doesn't have a PhD nor knows basic statistics
most people have been vaccinated against covid, so you could use that fact to say mostly every group of people is made out of [slur to make vaccinated people sound as bad as possible]
people who hold a PhD are also, on average, more intelligent and much more educated than average, so it makes sense that they would, in average, choose the most rational option

>> No.22607128

NEW >>22607124

>> No.22607131

i don't have any data to back it up but from personal experience scamming is seen as a dumb and short sighted thing to do by the ones who are actually smart enough to do it, if you're smart you don't need to scam people you can make legit long term plans that will yield you equal if not more benefits, smart people usually also realize that if you scam a lot you will eventually develop a reputation as a con artist even if the law won't touch you and your peers will look down on you (slipping jimmy, saul goodman etc)
there is a sweet spot of just smart enough to scam but too dumb to realize the long term consequences that seems to be the common cause for scamming being a thing, i would say it is around the barely 100 IQ a little bit below that tends to use their crafty minds to scam and con, there has to be something seriously wrong with your upbringing if you are above 100 IQ and still running cons or you have to have some kind of fetish for danger
source: my ass and assumptions

there are people who are pants on the head retarded that even the military wouldn't take that would like to do some cons but are way too stupid to do it and yes they are a large portion of the population

if you really want to scam and are dumb as bricks you can still do it with cult esque stuff, all you need is charisma and startup funds to pull off a cult scam or a pyramid scheme tier stuff that is legal

>> No.22607134

I remember seeing a few charts showing PhD holders were more skeptical (and at least more pro choice) than those with a bachelors. Sure, the data I saw may have been fake but by the fact that I can't easily find information of this topic on Google makes me think that it is a forbidden truth.

>> No.22607143

>Then perhaps I will die without ever tasting a woman's vagina. I will never know of sex, and I will never experience any intimate sense of belonging
Yes and? This is a good thing.

>> No.22607179

You're not being told the truth because they don't want people to panic.

>> No.22607192

>truth about what
>well let me tell you a lie because i am a chronic liar

>> No.22607214

Mormons are taking over.

>> No.22607647

I on the otherhand want to masturbate to posts like yours. Autism applied to subjects it is not normally applied to is an expression of love for life. For you are not trying to build a bridge, solve famine, or some other practical third thing - you are applying thought-energy to something for its own sake. Yes, there is some motive (you want to know if you are a pedophile), but you don't actually. That's not what I see. What I see is genuine expression of self through self-reflectivity as applied to an object where that object cannot be changed or "solved" by application of thought and there is no possible social benefit to the sharing of this thought. Therefore, misapplied autism is a form of love and I am grateful for your post.

>> No.22607710

Just watched a movie with this yesterday. They sent in a group of rando cheap mercenaries picked up in a bar because it's unlikely they won't get killed, they don't get paid until they return successfully, and they don't have a company who will notice they are missing (but do have some family to threaten if they try to nope out). It costs nothing, and you can use the money you save towards a legit security company going in as the second team.