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File: 116 KB, 550x550, Game-of-Thrones-Calendar-August-Jaime-Lannister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2257207 No.2257207 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished aDwD and need to talk about this fucked up world with anyone..

so can we get some theories about the book and where its going... the wilder the theories the better.

So whos going to sit that Iron throne in the end..
my bets on Varys but only when Jon's Dragon Rhaegal Burns him alive on it when it is revealed that the spider is the true plotter behind his fathers and mothers deaths... for the good of the realm!

>> No.2257270

somewhat pissed at the "et tu brute?" ending for jon.

tyrion for the throne all the way!

or aeron (or whatever the young dragon's name is)

>> No.2257287

I'm hoping John actually survives the attack. People have survived such things irl. I'm thinking he gets transported to a certain Bolton, where he is held captive or something.

And oh yeah, Tyrion for king! :3

>> No.2257292

There will be no Iron Throne at the end

>> No.2257322

>And The Others swarmed through the broken ruins of The Wall, devouring everything that reeked of life, and Daenerys Stormborn, First of her Name, died across the Narrow Sea, without ever setting her eyes on her homeland.

>> No.2257323


I think maybe Jon jumped to Ghost's body at the very last, like Varamyr Sixskins did in the prologue

>> No.2257330

anybody got any good Esteros/Sothyros maps?

>> No.2257340
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God I can wait for Sam " the Slayer " Tarly to Blow the Horn of winter and unleash all hell down upon winteros


thats what I figured after re-reading the prologue of the book... as Wargs seem not to be able to die to easy... my guess though is that Jon goes into Ghost and then Millisandra brings his spirit back into his undead corpse ala lord Beric and thoras.

>> No.2257364

>Danys finally returns to westeros where she finds a good kitchen to inhabit.
>Arya returns to work in the kitchen at the inn with Hot Pie
>Sansa marries Littlefinger (soon to be renamed, larger than anticipated finger) and makes him a sammich
>Cersi is shipped off to casterly rock to rule as queen of the castle's kitchen
>Bran uses his time-warp tree-vision to watch Hodor's swinging cod as he lumbers around the Winterfell Godswood bare ass naked
>The other lil faggot Stark catches the Barbarian HIV from too many beastial 3ways with Osha and Shaggydog
>Jon stays dead because Martin can't think of a decent way to write himself out of this steaming pile of horseshit

>> No.2257367

Is the little shit of a prince dead yet?

>> No.2257377
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Heres what I want to see Jon in Ghosts dire wolf body slaughtering all of his Nights watch betrayers..

also Rob/Greywind rise from the bog when the horn of winter is blown and start chopping off frey heads and stiching/swatching the siblings heads for some true vengeance..

I know it will never happen but how cool would it be to see this guy fucking shit up in the final season of the HBO show.

>> No.2257385
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Melisandre resurrects Jon. (We've seen Thoros do it so why cant she?)
Jon discovers he is actually Lyanna's and Rhaegars son. Ned said he was his bastard out of love for Lyanna. He kept this secret from everyone including the king. (Think back to when the king and Ned discussed killing Daeneyres)
Stannis rallies for Jon, as he only seeked the throne through his desire to be dutiful.
Jon + Daenerys + Aegon take the throne.

>> No.2257389

I'm not convinced Stannis will ever follow Jon. He didn't seem to be in favor of a Targaryen monarchy after Aerys was deposed even though they were the "rightful" rulers

>> No.2257396

Sansa will become Queen, but everyone else will die.

>> No.2257402


Stannis did what was dutiful and stood by his older brother. Duty is all Stannis desires, we see proof of this when its mentioned he only has sex once a year, and only then because its his duty as a husband.

>> No.2257408

I understand that he's all dutiful and shit, but I don't think he will believe that it's his duty to stand by a Targaryen king after their reign has already ended.

>> No.2257416
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You're forgetting about the dragons.

>> No.2257421 [SPOILER] 
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Hodor says..... "Walder?"

>> No.2257424

i think he would. we see so many examples of him abandoning common sense in favour of his duties. i don't imagine it'd be too much of a conjecture for him to favour Jon... especially when Jon would likely treat him well too

>> No.2257425
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I want to see Stannis Temper light bringer through Melisandre's Cold black heart.

>> No.2257438
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too bad light bringer will be tempered with the blood of Shireen

>> No.2257442

So whats going on with Ramsey, do you think he actually captured the Mance...

Personally I hope it was Mance who wrote that letter in a ploy to get the Nightswatch and Jon off their asses.

or Ramsey Lies....

>> No.2257460

the letter sent to jon was not written by bolton, im really surprised tyrion isnt dead. some good theories in this thread. little finger will get the throne. he has the most money, hottest bitch and fox news behind him

>> No.2257471


My mind is full of fuck, but yes yes yes yes :D

>> No.2257509

jon isnt lyanna and rhaegars son, everyone says he looks just like all the starks

>> No.2257522

duh dude, lyanna is a stark!!!! she was most likely raped by rhaegar, making jon a real bastard.i wonder what happened to the kings guard that guarded her when ed found her

>> No.2257536

She wasn't raped by Rhaegar, she and Rhaegar had a consensual love affair

>> No.2257542

the thing is supporting jon would be abandoning his duties in favor of common sense. since robert became king and he is robert's true heir to the throne, it is his duty to be king regardless of what targaryens pop up. the dragons do create an interesting variable, though.
That's interesting. Who do you think wrote the letter, then? I think Ramsay would be crazy enough to write that shit.

>> No.2257547

>i wonder what happened to the kings guard that guarded her when ed found her
Don't you remember the dream Ned has in the dungeons about meeting the three members of the kingsguard at Rhaegar's Tower of Love in Dorne or whatever it was called? He, along with several other knights and Howland Reed managed to kill them.

>> No.2257545

I think Ramsay stole the letter and has Mance, but was bluffing about having Stannis

>> No.2257769
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I don't think Melisandre is going to resurrect Jon.

When she looked into her fire, she saw Jon as a man, then as a wolf, and finally as a man again. Also, at the beginning of the book warging after death was discussed and Bran was told that if he were to die, his spirit would slip into Summer. Since Jon is also an incredibly strong Warg(even though he doesn't realize it), he more than likely warged into Ghost. Maybe we'll get a Ghost prologue. Somehow, he'll find his way back to his body, be free of his duty in the Watch (since his watch ended at his "death"), and he'll follow Stannis's lead and be head of Winterfell. That's what I think, anyway.

>> No.2257776

if he had stanis he wouldnt be asking where his reek was because he would of gotten reek when he took out stannis' host

>> No.2257800

Robbs letters declaring Jon as his heir will show up and say something about Jon Snow being entitled to his birth right, Stannis will support this and sign it himself as he conciders himself the true king then it will be revealed Jon is a secret Targ and Stannis will back him to be king

I really dont want Stannis to die I think hes the man and I really hope he ends up ruling the wall or something

also what if margery tyrell wanted moon tea because she did have sex with renly she was just keeping it a secret SHE COULD HAVE A STAG HEIR IN HER RIGHT NOW

>> No.2257903

That moon tea was actually for the queen of thorns and her lover tywin

>> No.2258048

Littlefinger was the architect of Ned's demise, though.

>> No.2258618


Wheres your proof?

>> No.2258625

I'm surprised to see no mention of Oldtown and the Maesters.

They are the ones who killed off the dragons in the first place after all.

>> No.2258633
File: 126 KB, 550x550, Game-of-Thrones-Calendar-July-Melisandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My guess is they used magix to create the stone dragons at dragonstone to fight the fuckers... I can just see stanos and sam the slayer flying a dragon against danny and dario

also phantom tortoises that were seen carrying messages between the windowless houses on Warlock's Way....

will varys cock make another apearence in the story? after all there was at least one warlock that has talked to a demon [ but was it R'hllor or the other?] or is varys fooling us all and he still pisses standing up.

>> No.2258634

these are as reasonable as any other potential ending.

>> No.2258643


its called sexual tension... also tywin was full of secrets and contradictions as seen when shae shows up wearing nothing but hands of gold on his bed
most likely though the Tyrell's were trolling dumb as a auroch Cerse.

but how great would it be if Loras and Margery were into winsest too.

>> No.2258660
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mmm another delicious ending..

I can see Grrm working on the second to last chapter of the book where all the characters sit down to have a 777 course feast... when his heart suddenly bursts like a ripe greatfruit as the excitement finally gets to him.

>> No.2258665
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The best part about that chapter would be each course described in epic detail. And i do not use the word epic lightly.

>> No.2258691
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his bloated corpse would be covered in jizz and A1 sauce.

>> No.2258705

I figure that Ramsay is bull-shitting and the Bolton's are still trapped in Winterfell. If he'd smashed Stannis' host like he claimed he would have found Asha, Theon and Jeyne. The letter suggests to me he caught one of the spear-wives or maybe even Mance and interrogated them. The original plan was to get Jeyne back to the wall and since the spear-wives don't know that Theon has gone to Stannis, they tell Ramsay that Jeyne is at the wall with Jon. I think Ramsay and the Bolton's are terrified of Jon revealing their secret: that Jeyne is not Arya and Ramsay's claim to Winterfell is illegitimate. If this gets revealed, then the Northern Lords will turn against Bolton and destroy him, hence Ramsay's attempt to retrieve his wife.

Apologies for the wall of text.

>> No.2258718


I think your pretty much right...
its hard to believe the mance would let himself get captured so easily. I hope Ramsey doesnt flay him too badly I always had a soft spot for the king beyond the wall..

The greatest chapter to come in the upcoming books has got to be when REEK meets Asha..

if precedence is anything in these books Ramsey going to have one fucking hell of a brutal death... I personally hope he gets captured by his father and given to Reek and Jeine to flay beyond recognition.

>> No.2258725
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after living as a warg in ghost and ultimately stealing someone else's body, the ballad ends with jon (ice) and dany (fire) taking the iron throne

>> No.2258741
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ya taking it to a pawn shop

>> No.2258747


Where the fuck is Warlocks Way and what are they doing with those dragon glass candles and tortoises and shit over there...

did they ever speak of this in the books beyond that one trolling sentence?

>> No.2259463
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So I was re-reading some of the chapters where prophecies take place in and the person that interests me the most is that PatchFace fool that hangs out with Stannis's little girl

Melisandre’s face darkened. "That creature is dangerous. Many a time I have glimpsed him in my flames. Sometimes there are skulls about him, and his lips are red with blood.

I think its implied he is a puppet of the drowned god, and i dont think a water god would have anything to do with R'hlor... perhaps that bit about blood on his lips means he may be the one to blow the true horn of winter. unleashing the undead upon westeros?

Hes also already predicted the red wedding and Melisandras Shaddow baby in his crazy songs.

"The shadows come to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord," he sang, hopping from one foot to the other and back again. "The shadows come to stay, my lord, stay my lord, stay my lord."

>> No.2259495


>the shadows come to stay

That's an interesting line right there. It implies that they don't leave once they've killed for Mel. I'm not sure of the implications of that.

>> No.2259653
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Interesting. I appreciate your input.

>> No.2259667
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I appreciate you calling my attention to that line again.

>> No.2259702
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so have all the prophecies in aSoIaF come true so far,...

if so thats some important shit right there...

wasnt didnt the dwarf forest lady tell arya something about a maiden in a castle being attacked by a giant?

time to run sansa

>> No.2259723
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>yfw the giant was Sweetrobin's doll.

>> No.2259738
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(nods) lol makes sense but it is a pretty worthless thing for a swamp midget to dream about... even though i guess that scene led to her aunt flying out the moon door

I feel like Grrm may be trolling us a bit I can already see zombie gregor attacking herenhaul with sansa looking on in terror from one of the towers as Sandor desperately to defend her against his brother.

all while little finger wets himself in a corner.

>> No.2260126
File: 27 KB, 452x328, 48385b6b-490c-4bef-bdf1-0ea0f4a568d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So re watching the first season...

So who do you think really killed Ned.

was it Joff for ordering his head off...
Cerse for not bitch slapping her son because she was queen regent at the time..
Illyan Payne for carying out a 10 year olds order..
Robert for not being able to hold his wine...
Catylyn for capturing Tyrion...
Varys for not rescuing Ned when he could have easily have done it...
Dany for getting knocked up...
or LittleFinger for keeping ned in Kingslanding and ushering him towards Gendry and the truth of the wincest...

>> No.2260146

you heard it here first, dany killed ned

>> No.2260166

Sansa telling Cersie that Ned was leaving
I still havnt forgiven her for that

>> No.2260167

jesus, she was a little kid, get the fuck over it

>> No.2260169
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>> No.2260173
File: 133 KB, 550x550, Game-of-Thrones-Calendar-March-Daenerys-Targaryen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lets play 10 degrees of Dany Targareon for a second.

If Dany never got knocked up, Jorah would have never told the spider, Robert wouldnt have got a hard on for killing her, Ned would have never have quit being hand, Robert wouldnt have got buthurt and demanded a Hunt, Robert would have never died, Cersei, Joffery and Jamie would never have lived once Ned told Robert about the wincest, Ned lives a happy life in Kingslanding until Robert dies of Kidney failure, ..

Ned goes back to winterfell and lets Stannis Rule.

>> No.2260175

robert and ned attempting to put down the lannisters would still have resulted in civil war, they would have been in a much better position though

>> No.2260177

I have a feeling Mormonts crow is a warg that has died

>> No.2260184


>super rare ability that is shunned by the masses
>lol just kidding everyone is a warg

>> No.2260186
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perhaps the three eyed crow...

>> No.2260357

It has gotten to the point where I'm tired of the plot always developing for the worse. And the coming books are supposed to be even darker judging by the their names. Give the Starks some rest, GRRM.

>> No.2260375


honestly i dont see any other ending than all the starks dead,... but still warged inside their wolves and led by Nimeria on a devestatingly brutal asault on kings landing.

also dany dies of bloody flox..

>> No.2260765


Everytime the term 'warging' comes up I'm unpleasantly reminded that GRRM wants to be the little furry.

>> No.2260773

Hodor. Obviously.

>> No.2261494
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Funny that never even crossed my mind,
Someone sure loved Corn in their old lives if its true though..

But their is a 1000 years of history to this damn series so its definitely a possibility of someone Warging into birds through time.

Right now ive been reading some of his mini-noveletes about Dunk and Egg, im actually liking it much more than the last 2 novels but i guess thats not saying much.

>> No.2261522
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this guy killed ned when he fucked the entire realm for his stupid Maester Chains

>> No.2261594

So who kills the maester apprentence Payte in the Prologue of a Feast for Crows...

he called him the alchemist, but it sounds like it was a Faceless man with a plain face with black hair and a hooked nose,.. (Jaqen?)

What do you think he wanted with the Key he had payte steal for him.

there must be something pretty valuable in that citadel, Secrets to killing dragons? or was it the dragon binding horn that Crows eye supposedly got from Valeria?

>> No.2261628

Whilst we're having a Song Of Ice and Fire thread, does anybody have that copy pasta of that kid going to the cinema dressed as a northman, talking down some summer islanders and then getting knocked?

Shit was funny as hell