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/lit/ - Literature

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22601456 No.22601456 [Reply] [Original]

Hanania is right. There's no convincing reason why Shakespeare should be considered the best writer ever. Anyone can write as good as Shakespeare.

>> No.22601458
File: 366 KB, 1080x1685, han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanania's imitation of Shakespeare is indistinguishable from the real Shakespeare

>> No.22601460

he made 3 grammar mistakes in that tweet. he cannot write for shit.

>> No.22601466

Why are all the autistic libtards on twitter attacking Shakespeare all of a sudden?

>> No.22601469


>> No.22601475

In today's episode of "/lit/ Giving Attention to People Acting Retarded for Attention"

>> No.22601476

This guy is just Steven Pinker but racist

>> No.22601478

It can't be Shakespeare because by definition isn't Shakespeare

>> No.22601480

This is more or less what modern poetry would ideally be if it was well executed and trying to be good.

>> No.22601486 [DELETED] 

Full article

>> No.22601490

Not clicking your link, dyel

>> No.22601499
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He's going scorched earth on Shakespeare

>> No.22601507

He disavowed his racist past and became a globalist that thinks the US must spread liberal capitalism everywhere, yes. I can call him a neocon, if you want. They also had a brief period of hating blacks because they were attacking Jews in NY.

>> No.22601517

Hanania's a retard but he's right. Shakepeare's number is up. It's just a matter of time before AI-assisted writing replaces him and his tons of encumbering flaws.

>> No.22601521
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>Write 3 and a half lines of meaningless rhyme
>Think you're equal to a man who wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets of highest possible quality
Why are people so delusional

>> No.22601524


>> No.22601533

will we ever get a good writer or social critic from america again? i mean, like ever? these are the fucking morons we're stuck with

>> No.22601536
File: 235 KB, 752x923, sbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's building on Sam Bankman Fried's rationalist argument that Shakespeare couldn't possibly have been the best because he lived so long ago. Statistically, the greatest authors are active right now

>> No.22601542

Hanania is definitely a liberal, he's just honest about the social darwinist nature of neoliberalism and argues that it's good because some people are innately superior to others. He is pro-suicide and pro-abortion because he thinks society will be better off if the people they kill are dead, supports mass migration because superior people shouldn't be accountable to inferior people just because they're local, is a staunch Zionist despite having Palestinian parents because he thinks Palestinians deserve it for being fat and poor, anti-racist and anti-nativist because he thinks it's better for elites to associate with elites of other backgrounds rather than plebs of their own background, thinks tradition is bad because modern science can produce better stuff and so on.

>> No.22601554 [DELETED] 

This is Hanania in motion. Definitely the scariest physiognomy I've ever seen, nigga looks like a different species

>> No.22601559

This is Hanania in motion. Definitely the scariest physiognomy I've ever seen, nigga looks like a different species

>> No.22601563

He's a jew. There's no way he isn't.

>> No.22601594

>Statistically, the greatest authors are active right now
just because more people are literate today doesn't really mean anything though. That's not taking into consideration all the other things needed that make a great writer. A million tik-tok addicted zoomers who technically can write and read are far less likely to write a great novel than 100 19th century aristocrats who were taught 3 different languages from early childhood, have read all the classics of their time, were actively engaged in literature, attended theatre plays, did military service, had a very active social circle where they would actively debate politics, philosophy etc, and had no other easy dopamine distractions.

>> No.22601595

Rationalists have no soul and so cannot understand art. The world is not a math equation and no matter how complex and well thought out a system people construct to understand it they will always face to face with impenetrable irrationality.

>> No.22601596

How do you feel about Michael Lind?

>> No.22601612


>> No.22601623

I wonder what these people make of something like Beckett.

>> No.22601631

Hanania is a bullshitter perpetually drunk on his own kool-aid

>> No.22601645

Why aren’t people shitting all over this? I looked at all the responses here and not one person commented on how bad it is.

The single theme in those lines is the supposed greatness of man contrasted with his animal nature. Shakespeare would have explored this concept in great detail, going into psychology, philosophy, history. What was Hanania’s idea of why we humans are so great? Well he called us “Conqueror of stars.” That’s it. There’s no exploration, no reflection, just pure trite recycling shit he’s heard before like some AI. Terrible. Not to mention how ungraceful and amateurish the writing is.

>> No.22601664

It's inspiring really. At least people bother to shit on my writing. I'm not so bad that nobody even bothers to point it outbecause it's so bad it goes without saying

>> No.22601670

man what a based guy

palestinians are just genetic jews who converted to islam retard

>> No.22601743

>What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
Shakespeare btfo Mr Dick Hanania so hard it's not even funny.

>> No.22601760

How has humanity conquered the stars? Twelve people have walked on the moon, but they were so reliant on technology to stay alive, and so easy to die, it could hardly be said to be a conquest of the moon. And the sun, how much more difficult would the sun be to conquer, being 200 times farther away, and a blazing inferno! 'Conqueror of the stars', it doesn't even mean anything.

>> No.22601774
File: 39 KB, 731x543, 0370EB81-2E90-4FAD-AE99-F8A8A8107DF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.22601786

Angloids don't grasp the idea that history happened.
>if I would write the Bible now that would be equivalent to the Bible
So idiotic on so many levels. It's hard to say it's wrong, it's way more retarded than simply being wrong.
It's from Rick and Morty.

>> No.22601795

You could say humanity conquered the stars intellectually ie with our astronomical theories we have managed to predict their course and comprehend them, thus bringing them into our power in some way. Of course Hanania didn’t mean this because he is an absolute worthless pseud who’s just recycling cliches like an AI generator.

>> No.22601857

Whenever you feel sad about the destruction of Carthage, imagine it full of men like Hanania and Taleb

>> No.22601860

Nosferatu ass mufugga

>> No.22602296

Art is easier to exhaust than scientific/engineering/fitness feats. There isn't anything more to be said for new dixieland jazz or chivalric romance novels, for example.

>> No.22603127

Hanania sounds like such an Angloid name...

>> No.22603148

Genesis is a masterpiece. It is cryptic. Evens out the English language itself. I learned English from KJV not Sir William SodomMySpeare.

>> No.22603150

this is such a painfully obvious fact I don't get how whoever wrote that crap never considered it

>> No.22603153

Go to university and stand by a sundial. Only a math major will explain to you in depth. The public is unaware of its own shadow.

>> No.22603160

Very well said.

>> No.22603170

>Art is easier to exhaust than scientific/engineering/fitness feats.
the exact opposite is true.

If we find another space-faring species, chances are they have similar technological and mathematical advances to our own. They will have combustion engines and semiconductors and photovoltaic cells, or equivalents. They will have discovered that E=MC^2. They will have arches, and domes, and suspension bridges. But they will not have Shakespeare's tragedies, or Beethoven's symphonies, or Michelangelo's sculptures.

>> No.22603265
File: 906 KB, 2000x2456, drink-atlas-map-islay-crdt-matty-newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt they drink Indian whisky (population 1.3 billion) because the bayesian probabilities proved that Indian whisky must be superior to that produced on a small Scottish island (population 3k). What are the odds that the best whisky comes from Islay? Its a simple rationality test

>> No.22603276

>What are the odds that the best whisky comes from Islay?
The odds are 100% because the best whisky comes from Islay.

>> No.22603518

Deeper voice than I expected

>> No.22603530

this might legitimately be the worst thread on /lit/ as of now. Well done.