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22601252 No.22601252 [Reply] [Original]

Essential /strongmind/ reads?

>> No.22601317

Stoicism is cope

>> No.22601321
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>> No.22601323
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>> No.22601361

cuck philosophy that bred commodus, the living implosion of empire

>> No.22601556

A book on therapy based on stoic teachings.You can do a lot on your own with it.

>> No.22601561
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>> No.22601564

Too based for this thread

>> No.22601625
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Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell

>> No.22602647
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>> No.22602670

Enchiridion of Epictetus
Pauline Epistles
Apostolic Fathers

>> No.22602675

yes, but especially the Enchiridion. if you're really going through some shit, that is THE BOOK.

>> No.22602693

see: brainlet that can’t control itself.

>> No.22602826


>> No.22602858

penalty for argentina

>> No.22602865

Plato, Epictetus, Xenophon, Confucious, Lao Tzu, John Locke, Edward Burke, Hugh Blair, and Herman Melville have always been my 'go to's'. Highly reccomend them to anyone, none of them thought perfectly but a lot of good ideas and philosophies in their writings.

>> No.22602873

these + Don Quixote

>> No.22603242

>Being a materialistic egotistical hedonist is bad because…well it just is OK
Cope. The logos can lick my nuts

>> No.22603469

This version any good?

>> No.22603613


>> No.22603625

Your mind isn't very strong if you need to read a book on how to discipline it. Already strong minds gravitate towards fiction or works by hedonists.

>> No.22603627
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Yes, hello!
Who's this?

>> No.22603638
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The most essential /strongmind/ "read" is yourself. Look inward. All of you have read enough philosophy and psychology. Stop regurgitating what you've read and bare yourself to yourself.

>> No.22603643


>> No.22603746

>can't come up with a stoicuckism by himself
It is literally Christianism 0.1. If you read that shit and think of it as some kind of novelty, you have to be fucking kidding me. Have you been paying attention to what people are doing/saying around you?

>> No.22605303

What is it about stoicisim that makes virgin incels seethe?

>> No.22605311

How is it cope, it’s literally just says don’t worry about things you can’t control. You’re not smart

>> No.22605320
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How little control you have of yourself to assume worried about things and being smart have nothing do with each other

Smarter things than you can kill you at everytime they find, worrying is your only salvation, what they call smarter is worrying more

>> No.22605366

Peak ESL post

>> No.22605394

Because all they ever do is whine and feel sorry for themselves, and stoicism disapproves of that.

>> No.22605418
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KEK based brainlet

>> No.22605649

>opioid emperor
no man is without vice, his son paid the price

>> No.22605732

What the fuck there is to it that there isn't on Christianity? Seriously, how hard is it to just secularize Christianity? My issue with it is those fuckers swearing by this crap and it is just another fashion shit for retards. And if they had any stupid fucking understanding of things, they would rather do a "make pretend" version of the Christian God. And I refuse to elaborate on this, because it should be literally obvious. I'm not even Christian, but this shit is getting ridiculous.

>> No.22606079

Yeah dude hunter s thompson is an actual way to help yourself instead of seeking validation in self help books once
Removed from the subtle art of not giving a f*ck. Youre wasting time that could've been spent reading fiction dumbass

>> No.22606111

I've been trying to read this but I fall asleep after every paragraph. At least I'm getting some good sleep.

>> No.22606123

nothing wrong with his philosophy, the mistake was trying to enforce those values on your childrens, it was only natural that such restrains would make Commodus seek liberation from those restrains once he was in power and his father was gone.

>> No.22606287

As an atheist ape you can't give justification to anything you just said.

>> No.22606767

Your question should be made the other way around. By the time your christ was born, Seneca - the second pilar of stoicism - was born. The old texts of the bible (2200 years ago) are not older than Zeno (2300 years ago). If copyright back then was an issue, the whole order of christianity would be sued for plagiarism.

Answering your question, praying for a higher entity to forgive random acts of sin stipulated by weebs some 2000 years ago and thinking everything will be okay after you’re long dead and buried is nothing but the opposite the stoics preach.

>> No.22606773

For the anons who are hating the stoics because they are apparently en vogue, as I’m told, are no better than mindless sheep carried away on the latest fad, just from the opposite direction. If you base your opinions opposite to what the crowd believes, you are still basing your opinions on the crowd, just in a warped contrarian way. Like what you like, whether the crowds love it or hate it, but to start by looking at the crowd first, still makes you a sheep. The stoics have a lot of valid and applicable tenets. It’s practically is very useful for life, in which bad things will undoubtedly happen. There is no sense getting overworked up one way or another, over something that happened, or something that is out of your control. It will achieve nothing. Lots of anons seem to obtusely misunderstand stoicism. It isn’t about becoming a sociopath or a cuck. Read Seneca and Epictetus sometime. It’s good shit. You may even take something valuable away. No need to label yourself a stoic, just use what you will and discard the rest or stick it in your back pocket

>> No.22607339

Only good answer.

>> No.22607366
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Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.22607406

It is called pragmatism. It is a matter of doing it because it works, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>> No.22607508

Yeah ok I admit I've picked shit at Aurelius obsessed fags for shits and gigs before but the stoics do have merit, a short burst is all you need to see that but I feel the gook and poojeet teachings are more direct and fulfilling, what seneca and the stoics get hung up on for long passages like the value of friendship are more immediately resolved which leads way to the true teachings and fulfilment. The gooks and the poojeets made the stoics obsolete, if you're gonna read a Roman fucking forget about emperors outside of studying them and examining their lives and reigns as an interesting case study and fucking just read aristophanes funny shit or ovids genius poetry instead.

>> No.22607521

I'm not hating the stoics, I'm hating stoicucks. It is a whole different breed of people. I'm fine with people reading whatever crap. Just don't create another fucking stupid religion that is even more dumb than the actual ones that we already have.

>> No.22607529
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you first
who is this?

>> No.22607536

I don't think they're hating on the thinkers, but on the Ryan holiday top 5 self improvement books pop philosophy crowd. This behavior is very much inline here

>> No.22607763

What would recommend instead from the gooks and poojeets?

>> No.22608786

reads like a twitter blog

>> No.22608869

I like the stoics, chinks and pajeets. I will never buy wholesale into a religion or philosophy though. I pick and choose what I like and use it when circumstances make it applicable. I have no desire to label myself so I try to take in all and use it to the best of my ability or when it is practical. Just kinda tired of the rampant tribalism here where there is no nuance or middle ground, and anons take it as a all or nothing thing

>> No.22608906

These are all good suggestions. Particularly Lao Tzu, Plato, and Epictetus.

>> No.22609816

>If copyright back then was an issue, the whole order of christianity would be sued for plagiarism.
Exactly, that is why it is Christianity 0.1. They copied a lot of things.
>Answering your question, praying for a higher entity to forgive random acts of sin stipulated by weebs some 2000 years ago and thinking everything will be okay
You are literally missing the practical part of it. And the literal reason why most people are Christians today instead of stoicucks.
The stoic rejects tragedy as something that is out of his reach and moves on with it. The Christian accepts tragedy as necessary and that is a setback for him, but part of a greater cosmic good. The Christian leads a better life. This is what I'm talking about, you can have it better by "secularizing Christianity" rather than being a stoicuck. And you would also get "not being a larper weirdo" for free.

>> No.22609830
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Retroactively refuted by Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell.

>> No.22609833

>Pauline Epistles
>Apostolic Fathers
In what way?

>> No.22609874

Why should I read it?

>> No.22611048

^ This. If you've already studied enough philosophy, you should start journaling if you haven't already.

>> No.22611885

is there more to philosophy than stoicism ? Will i find something better if i read all major philosphy works ?

>> No.22612069

They literally say to be a man and be brave all the time.

>> No.22612141


>> No.22612322

What, like atheism?

>> No.22612326

Even William James saw the usefulness of religion

>> No.22612332

There’s so much out there, pragmatism, phenomenology, objectivism, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontology, etc and that’s just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.22612446

what's that book about?

>> No.22612514
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>> No.22613246

There's a lot but most of it is theory heavy stuff and things you can actually apply in your day to day life are rare.
That's one of the reasons stoicism is so popular. It is easy to apply in your life.

>> No.22613321
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>> No.22613353

How do you do this effectively. I’ve journaled but i feel like I’m shooting in the dark when it comes to progress

>> No.22614228

The Indians and Chinese struggle to understand the importance of good behavior, and this is not an improvement in their thinking. Aurelius teaches that a person needs to be morally upright in order to live as a human is designed to be. The reason why is covered extensively in Meditations, and if you've read Meditations and can't answer it then you've failed to understand his understanding of the universe. In comparison, the Chinese and Indians don't believe it's important to be 'good', and they instead promote a kind of egotism that's unobtrusive to others. This is very inferior to what Aurelius teaches as for example the world we live in is fundamentally a social world that constantly forces us into relationships and social interaction, and so if you're just focused on your own inner peace then you're going to get rag-dolled by the agendas and hidden motivations of the people around you. Even if you find a way to flow with the terrible things that are being driven by the people around you, then you're just setting up future problems when those terrible things inevitably lead to more serious issues. These problems though aren't experienced by someone that understands what Aurelius taught

>> No.22614327

unironically atomic habits

habits and subconscious shit is like 80% of what will turn you into a living god