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/lit/ - Literature

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22599174 No.22599174 [Reply] [Original]

Gardner succeeds at this format and I hope he does more like it. Every plot line in it is filled with the Gardner magic I’ve come to love. It has the strange twists that might be now the best in the series.I also really like the return to Pete, Mark, Johnnie as the characters with Sam recurring as a villain again. The endings are all among the darkest and it’s my favorite book in the series now

>> No.22599180

Go do some marketing on tiktok

>> No.22599201

I might do videos talking about Gardner’s books.

>> No.22599393
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner's first 16 books are unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish & aren't worth the electrons it takes to store them on Amazon's servers.
But somehow, his 17th book is a vast improvement! Vastly fewer spelling/grammar/punctuation errors!
The MC is the usual self-insert, and the plot is the usual meandering dream-like incoherent babble, but you can't have everything.
So skip the first 16 garbage-tier books, and read Call Of United Airlines instead.
Even better, you can download it for free! https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf
And until Frank decides, once again, to commit abusive lawfare, you can buy a copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKB7QZ3B

>> No.22599661

I’ll have to check this one out. Horror’s Call is such a fun series.