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22591414 No.22591414 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>22585279

This is the one that's gonna make the difference

>> No.22591473

That's so dumb hahaha.
I'd let him ruin my holes

>> No.22591482

Here is the affair.

The entire being, the entire world, the entire existence as far as it concerns the human being consists of what he knows, or is aware of. Your body exists inasmuch as you are aware of it. Your awareness of it is its reality. So your reality is effectively populated by sensoria, and by thoughts: this is what exists. External senses appear to discover a world that exists without you, which isn't really knowable, but the consistency of experience makes the impression strong. As for thoughts, it is unclear what they arise out of, but it does not appear entirely haphazard. (someone might say "they arise out of nero-activity"- this may or may not be, but either way the *experience* of thinking follows along in time just like other sensoria follow along in time).

I'd be interested to know if anyone disagrees, and why they would disagree, but I put forward that all experiences are finite, quantitatively and qualitatively. In fact I would argue that the passing of time is proof of this: the only reason we can experience time to pass is because something of our experience changes: one thing ends and another begins. If you imagine a consciousness that has no desire, no opinion, and which is poised to experience one stimulus for eternity, I doubt that that consciousness would arive at any concept of time, since there would be nothing to indicate time. There is no reason to think that any thought would arise at all, and there being no change there would be nothing to mark the passing of time.

What it means for something to be finite is that it ends. A simple venn-diagram illustrates this point well: there are conditions under which A is true, and conditions under which A is not true: the existence of A is limited, A is true under a set of conditions, and false under all other conditions.

To be quantitatively finite means to be preceded by something, and followed by something, in time. This means that the moment that an experience becomes intelligible necessarily means the end of the experience (of this sensory modality, eg "sight") that preceded it. Similarily intelligibility depends on the relative qualities of the two experiences. This means that what makes an experience intelligible is its being distinct from the experience that came before it. There are no permanent experiences (this becomes doubly clear when we consider that we have access to a faculty for directing our attention). In other words: what makes A be A is that it is not B. This means that A requires B in order to be A. The moments in time require one another in order to be "real", and the moments really only consist of experiences, of knowledge, of awareness. This means that every part of reality as we know it is contingent upon every other part of reality. They all give eachother reality by delineating one another, by being what lies beyond the border that marks the end of, for instance, A.

>> No.22591489

This means that all of reality is, in a sense, simultaneous, and that all of it is dependent upon all of the rest of it in order to be what it is (and it is what it is). This means that there can not exist a beginning on worldly terms, since all parts require all other parts to already be there. At the same time the entire system of reality has to be finite, since all the components are finite.

I thought I had a thought ready to finish this discourse, but I should give it another moment first.

>> No.22591498

Either I sacrifice some hours of sleep for a couple of years and learn a skill I can monetize, or I keep living as I have been doing these past years until I inevitably snap.

>> No.22591503

How about just snapping now?

>> No.22591507
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, _af384100-28c9-4527-9b11-42df7190d277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pretty obsessive about AI image generation the last couple of days. I think when the tech gets there I, along with many others, will disappear down solipsistic holes of hyper-personalized techno-phantasm. I would like to think otherwise, but considering the fun I have had the possibility of spinning up every whim into a ready made book, movie, possibly even game, I think will be too good to pass up

AI doesn't have to "kill" art or replace the artist, it just has to split people up into their own private worlds.

>> No.22591525

Oh yeah, it's simple:

reality is there and did not cause itself, and the reason why it didn't cause itself is that all of it requires all of the rest of it in order to be. The sum of it, therefore, is caused by something free of the entire system. In order to be free of the entire system, the difference that would mark this creator is that he would necessarily be unlimited. In other words, he would have to be 1, in the sense that his reality does not arise in a relationship (this is the definition of being limited, being finite). Therefore the exitense of reality proves the existence of God.

Now, once you realize that Gods being is necessary, you start looking at the world differently. You're no longer a dopamine-junkie monkey, or at least not only. The reason for this is that human beings are inherently moral, and human beings know this. Human beings are concerned with right and wrong, with good and evil, with what is fair, with what is beautiful. If possible they prefer to be good- circumstances could make them accept evil, but they will still recognize good as good, and on some level wish for it.

This strongly indicates that God is concerned with good and evil, that God prefers what is good. This in turn strongly indicates that God is good. Whatever his being is unintelligible, since he is 1, and to be 1 means to lack definition (same etymology as "finite"). It happens though, that experience reveals his preference.

>> No.22591537
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It's ridiculous how western women, the most emancipated women on the planet, are the ones who hate their own men and country the most.

>> No.22591541

This means that the life of the human being, the affair of the human being, is the matter of good and evil. Now, I don't know if you're ever been tormented by such a guilty conscience as makes it almost impossible to go on living, but if you have, like me, then you would know that there is no escaping Gods judgement. If you've done evil, then you've done evil, and it doesn't leave you until you confess and repent. You have to admit to it, as it really was. I say this in order to emphasize the inevidability of Gods wrath upon the wrong-doer.

This, in itself, is an adequate proof of an afterlife, since the alternative is to say that the wrond-doer can flee into the grave, which would be unfair.

If it is the case, then, that the human life is finite, and that he is created by God to be what he is (Gods ability to create being unlimited, since there is nothing to limit him), and since God holds the human being responsible, it is necessary to justice that the human being stand a chance at redeeming himself, at changing. Furthermore, since God is the Lord of man, the Lord of his circumstances; and since God is good: it is necessary to reason that God does everything in order to give the human being what he needs in order to be redeemed.

So sign me up as Candide senpai. This is the best of all worlds. All praise be to the one God, who at every single moment cares for each and every one of us in the best manner possible.

>> No.22591545

>AI doesn't have to "kill" art or replace the artist, it just has to split people up into their own private worlds.
As someone in the art space this is actually completely true, though most people seem to be selling the idea that they can't co-exist and that it's a zero sum game. The truth is that art for commissions is usually based on artstyle, you as a person and the thought you put into it, which an AI can't replicate; whereas AI can create high quality and accurate images within seconds as long as you learn prompts, something that a human being can't replicate.

I think the true form of artists going forward lays in the centre whether people like it or not, using AI to generate prompts, help storyboard and give a rough outline, with the artist adapting and changing things as necessary. Neither side is going anywhere and that's probably a good thing.
Most people that complain about AI are either doing it for fun or don't get consistent work anyway.

>> No.22591549

And Muhammad is his messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

>> No.22591621

checking in. did butterfly ever return here?

>> No.22591627

I’m 30 now. I’ve managed to secure a very comfortable remote job for myself, but I don’t make much money at all and I’m bored. I’m very dissatisfied with my life in general actually. I wonder what I should do now.

>> No.22591635

I write propaganda for a living. In my spare time I have been trying to write fiction books, and it is only now occurring to me that I need to work harder at that. On the bright side, I can do 10 pullups in a row now.

>> No.22591637

If there are two sure-fire ways to reach, but also get stuck in, it’s by investing in skills and a home. The upper middle class invests in expertise and real estate and the upper class invests in businesses. I guess decide where you realistically can end up based on where you are now and act accordingly.

>> No.22591691

I lack any sort of talent to be considered special, and am destined to be average and live a mediocre life. This is all set in stone, claiming anything else is pure delusion. I'm having trouble accepting that this is what my life is.
I find no joy in this mediocrity. Women, friends, money, clothes, whatever. It's all just a bunch of terrible moments strung together with some happy moment sprinkled in here and there. I can't go on like this but there is no way out of it either.

>> No.22591692
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Dubs and I'll die today. Trips and I'll get a publishing deal next year

>> No.22591696

chase fulfillment not glory. you don't need to be special. superheros dont exist anon. get a skill, learn to make things. start a family, be well respected in your community. praise a god. leave some sort of legacy behind.

>> No.22591710

I do not wish for any of those things. I'm unable to desire something so much that I put in the effort to get it. I don't really want anything. I don't lack love. I don't lack friends. I don't lack money. And so on. Yet these things fail to satisfy me in the slightest. I hate the comfort of my life but am too lazy to do anything about it.
I wish to have a legacy, as do most, but I recognize that I lack the ability to provide anything meaningful to the world.

>> No.22591717

Its not just those things that are a possibility. If you are feeling that the comfort of your life is causing you anguish, have you considered doing something challenging or difficult that is fulfilling to you? For example, I plan to soft retire around 45 and will be a park ranger. Live outta a van or a small cabin somewhere in a national forest. It will be challenging fulfilling work, and wont pay well but it will make me happy. What do you dream about? What did you dream about when you were young?

>> No.22591719

How about monetizing the snap the men who smash lampposts for a living?

>> No.22591724

Sharts in D Minor, if you please

>> No.22591728

I get your point and it seems like the easy solution in some ways, but to actually go out there and do something requires a strong will, or at least some will. To give up on your many benefits and to live a humble life instead. I just cannot get myself to do it. I am weak-willed and I love to whine yet hate to act. Which is why I am destined to live such a terribly boring life. People are born differently, and this is how I was born.
I never hade any dreams or ambitions as I can recall. I guess I always wanted what I lacked, but then realized that it meant nothing to me. I have repeated that cycle so many times now that I realize that "this is it".

>> No.22591735
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This tweet screencap inspired me to write, but the thread died before i posted it so i'm sharing this with you.
His ass started to gape as he smelled the emerald barons musk. He was too close behind him, hands on his hips and almost erect. In front of him he saw a naked presumably neuralinked slave. Slave to the man who's manhood he could feel elongating and hitting the his wrinkled old man buttocks. He looked around in search of meaning but it was nowhere to be found, in this symposium lit only by a handful of spotlights. On his left was the ouroboros of naked men and androids, interconnected in the most orderly and thus masculine way. He could see Joe in the ring of optimuses and slaves, standing on a stool, smoking a blunt. He tried to greet him with a fatherly smile which instantly changed to an archaic expression of pain also found in all primates as the Falcon 9" made a succesful touch down. The boring company started to operate in sync. Complete chaos ensued, bringing forth memories of Solzhenitsyns works(excluding that one). Peering to the right he could see two cyber trucks on a black velvet stand with their stainless steel hulls scattering the few light rays in the hall. His vision blurred as the circle of machines and men became one, as did the two trucks as he closed one eye to see better while on xans. His head was spinning round and round as the cyber train went on and on. His last words before losing conciousness were "Young men, defend israel".

>> No.22591744

Please fucking tell me that tweet is not real

I've spent my entire life saying shit is gay and calling people faggots and I am completely outclassed by how fucking gay this is

>> No.22591747

Smoking and drinking coffee while tradies build me a patio

>> No.22591756

as fake as it may be it's what Putterstun is thinking all the time.

>> No.22591761

Everyone at philosophy club said my point was the best of the session :)

>> No.22591770

Will it be a ginger snap? Because ginger snaps are great

>> No.22591773

This is only a problem for autists. Normal people play with ai for maybe an hour at most before getting bored

>> No.22591827

I shoud read bulgakov but im not so hyped because i almost dident get the last chapter. Mayby i will write some harry potter fanfic. gingers (women) are hot so it will be based around that. The op image was pretty funny but the photoshow was lacking. someone said dubs and ill die, he most post proof or else i wont believe in

>> No.22591902

You go home to spend Christmas time.

>> No.22591903

I want to be Christian again. When I was a kid, I'd go to church with my grandma every Sunday, I had faith, it was like a relationship. In my early teens I still had it but as I spent more and more time on the internet it started to change me. I didn't find atheism, the internet brought it to me and installed it in my head before I even knew what's what. At the time it just felt so good, being in all kinds of atheist forums and watching youtube videos where world famous atheists "destroy Christianity with facts and logic". It felt like I knew something my family didn't, like I was somehow better than all the believers around me.
But I don't want that, Christianity is beautiful and I want it back. But now no matter how much I read, how much I study, it just doesn't feel the same.

>> No.22591910

Read through Plutarch’s Lives

>> No.22591932

>the internet brought it to me
don't betray your inner child, anon, those people are all evil and you saw this far more viscerally as a child than as an adult who's learned to comprise.

>> No.22592029

I used to smoke and drink coffee while building patios. We're not so different after all.

>> No.22592034

Theres a girl who works at my university's starbucks who has a total hard on for me. How do I talk to her? The starbucks is always so busy

>> No.22592045

Taking a massive shit in the tranny bathroom *sunglassed emoji*

>> No.22592050

The shit I took was over a foot long. No wonder my tummy was so uncomfortable

>> No.22592055

Gotta pray bro. You have to let Jesus transform you back. It takes time

>> No.22592083

Jesus, James and Peter would kill you for withholding money from their Church and pester you to cut off your penis.

>> No.22592089

What was the central myth of american thought before civil rights and WW2?

>> No.22592090

i am done with shitting. time to take back control

>> No.22592093

I love porn
After the pandemic literally fell in love with porn itself

>> No.22592099

Jesus freaking away the founding fathers and English class bloating away STEM and also sportsball locally and gay jokes

>> No.22592123

That we're super alpha chad and can do whatever the fuck we want

>> No.22592131

Everyone can be rich and live modestly with industry like the Ancient Romans with agrarian economics; a tax system based on produce is the answer to the evils of banking and urban rule. Washington is a Roman Dictator of the most Virtuous model. We must continue the principles of the French Revolution and begin massacring the remaining Catholics or they will sneak back in via the Dutch port towns of the northern backwaters. Hamilton is skating on thin ice.

>> No.22592140

When I was a child we beat off quietly in the classroom to the buttocks of the lady maths teacher and her sideboob as it razzed us when she wrote upon the board,

"higher, Mrs. Astwell, higher!"

>> No.22592195

I wish I could know you
But that would be to much to ask.
It would be impossible to speak with my ash filled mouth
And to share the same breath.
I can remember someone telling me about ticks
And how they jump off leaves like how I would jump off a cliff,
For the chance to say a couple words
To you

>> No.22592215

I would say either industrial progressivism or civil war reconstruction. It’s usually wars or legal innovations that mark major changes but I would say the Industrial Revolution threw a wrench into things for everyone. Progressivism really arises out of it.

>> No.22592219
File: 136 KB, 720x888, 2c7790d44833f5260844a09bf8b0be67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it reasonable for your opinion to change on someone based on what they say to you/about you?

>> No.22592222

no it doesn't rhyme you loser, gain some talent

>> No.22592230

As a spergy egghead I never felt like I am from the same world as others. Jesus saying "my kingdom is not of this world"
Other sperg blacksheeps are my bros
Art is the only reason to attend church
Ask not what Church can do for you
But what your Bach Goldberg variation davinci judo flexing looksmaxxing can do for the Church

Yes I am a fake Christian
I am the one you beleive the most

I am only there for my own personal benefit in this plundered pocketless town of Church sovereignty

No sovereign will ever be honest with you unless youre a woman literally bent over being fucked over

>> No.22592236

My problem with Christianity is that I think it's really cool and I like the Bible, but I don't earnestly believe in God so I can't ever consider myself "true"

>> No.22592243

Poetry needs to rhyme

>> No.22592258

that's a stupid question and i have changed my opinion of you thanks to it

>> No.22592262
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Sometimes I have the sudden urge to shitpost. Both in the internet and irl. To use quotes from movies and books, as well. I often rejoice when I manage to include a quote in a conversation, even if I don't say it's a quote, even if the other person doesn't realize it.

Since today morning I had a very intense urge to come here and say: "My friends, you bow to no one."

>> No.22592264

i mean it's actually an incredibly stupid question. if you wear the wrong socks, people's opinion of you will change. WHAT THE FUCK do you think?

>> No.22592300

Anyone else hate their cushy remote job? I think I’d feel better if I had a better living arrangement, but I can’t afford one…

>> No.22592308

>dude I knew in high school hits me up with a "great opportunity" for someone to join his "sales team" as a "business partner"
I've reached the weird uncomfortable part of my 20s where desperate people start trying to get me into their multi-level marketing schemes.

>> No.22592314

Most modern Western people are more or less convinced of Christian ethics and aesthetics but unconvinced of the ontology/epistemology. I think we’ve been spooked by rationalism in this regard. The Bible tells us plainly that our problem is our heart and not our mind. Maybe we don’t find God if we open our heart but if we only try to know God through our mind and nothing else, we’re doomed to fail.

>> No.22592318

Something that annoys me is that my brothers were always ass holes who took everything too far. They got addicted drugs and went insane. Because of this my dad got a kind of ptsd. Being the youngest child my dads attitude toward my behavior totally changed. I couldn't even do normal things without him thinking I was doing drugs. Recently he found my lighter that I use for tobacco and had a mini anxiety attack thinking I'm using it to smoke meth.

>> No.22592327

>he didn't totally ghost everyone, disappear and start a wholy new life after graduating high school

>> No.22592329

That's the thing, I did. I haven't spoken a word to this dude since I was 15.

>> No.22592363

The dual of triads


Also known as

Causality —————-Ahriman

>> No.22592434

I am that dude, and I knew I'd find you eventually BRIAN MAXWELL
>pyramid scheme

>> No.22592494

if you buy 20 tupperwares for $80 and sell them at $12 a piece you've made $240, then if you buy 20 golden tupperwares for $240 and sell them at $80 a piece you've made $1,600, then if you buy 20 diamond tupperwares for $1,600 and sell them at $240 a piece you've made $4,800

but if you invest 20 tupperwares in our control program at $80 profit you've made $320, then if you buy 20 golden tupperwares for $240 to replace your lost tupperware then you're only paying $80 for 20 golden tupperwares!

>> No.22592552

My plan to ghost everyone and disappear abroad got fucked midway through because my mentors wanted me to have a LinkedIn. What was the point of ghosting everyone if anyone can know which company I work for and in which city I actually am right now. Even my ex knows or my current job. Fucking glowies

>> No.22592561

I am currently in the process of becoming a glownigger

>> No.22592585

How does one do this, unironically? I also want in.

>> No.22592605

wear the flair pins of the selection given to you
by your gay supervisor who smells of poo
enter your fondest fantasies across all social media
become a pedophile by going to tinder and ulterior
congratulations you did it
you became one of the boys
now enjoy your minimum wage job and your ability to buy sex toys

>> No.22592613

where do you find people to chat about books with?
preferably people who have read our are interested in the kind of books you read
>inb4 book club
is there any place with less drawbacks and people who are desperate to have access to others that will be forced to listen as they make a display of how cultured, smart and we'll read they are?
I'm doing a masters and for lack of any better option I asked a couple of my professors who made me think they're into science fiction whether they had read stuff from Iain Banks
I don't mind chatting about whatever with them, but it seems odd to chat with professors about unrelated sci-fi novels

>> No.22592629

simply dance along to your book shop, wearing a purple hat,
slap your bottom when you enter and exclaim, "you've the look of a cat!"
to the girl at the counter to gain her initial trust,
in a Spanish accent, or Portuguese if you must,
take her by the hand and climb upon the tables
dance in a jovial fashion for as long as you both are able
then when she's exhausted take her by the face
fix her with a grimace of foreboding malice and hate,
"i want to read with you and your girlfriends," whisper into her ear,
adding, "don't worry it's nothing sexual, for you see i'm a queer,"

congratulations you did it
you became one of the readers
advance with gallant victory and take your place among the leaders

>> No.22592676
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It's time to go to bed. Good night.

>> No.22592677
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Just got offered a job:
>Pays $27 per hour right now.
>Will pay $30 per hour when I turn 21 which is in December.
>It's only four days a week.
>I would have to leave the house at 6:45 AM to get there by 8:30 since I don't drive.
>After a month, I have a chance to get transferred to a location closer to my house.
>One of the only things I do with my life happens on Sundays (not church) and they expect me to work Sundays but they said I can take every third Sunday off.
>No other job is taking me.
I don't know what to do, bros, I've got till the end of the day to figure it out.

>> No.22592690

I am disgusted and ashamed of myself
I don't what happened to me during these days. That is NOT me and it was NEVER me and it will NEVER be me.

>> No.22592703

damn them, demand $9 more when you turn 21 as surely they will want to do the sex at you

>> No.22592705

Today I learned that the state of Pergamon read as one syllable off from "Rubbish Heap, Garbage," in Roman.

>> No.22592711
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and vomit, Purgamen.

>> No.22592722

Your trouble will be cured by the imbibation of cannabis sativa and, when stoned, the ingestation of bitter orange citrus.

>> No.22592733
File: 2.39 MB, 320x568, 1697055028443059.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone need a woman hate boost?

>> No.22592735

Damn, dude. I hate myself.

>> No.22592739


>> No.22592740

If you have no other options, you don’t have much choice, do you?

>> No.22592742

I don’t. I gave up on it years ago. You can’t even find them in literature programs. It’s impossible to overstate just how far this culture has fallen. It’s too bad anonymity is a feature of this board. Otherwise, some of us might find we live near and become friends.

>> No.22592744

that is pretty bad, that woman needs beating across the head, but on the same level she gets an ice pack for being the only one brave enough to actually say what every other white whore has on her mind

>> No.22592745

Just say no. That’s what I do and it works for me. I tell my bosses no all the time.

>> No.22592802

There are many ways, depending on your definition of "glowie."
>get a STEM degree and attend a career fair hosted by MIC corps (LockMart/Boeing/Ratheon being the big ones)
>enlist as a human intelligence specialist in the military (this will push you towards stuff primarily done by the CIA)
>enlist as a signals intelligence specialist in the military (this will push you towards stuff primarily done by the NSA)
>work at either agency as an intern in college and major in polsci/int relations (CIA route) or CS (NSA route)
>get a clearance through some other means and apply for some contractor shit off clearancejobs

>> No.22592811

Please anon, I cannot physically handle hating women anymore than I do now

>> No.22592812

This is so tiresome

>> No.22592832

What is tiresome?

>> No.22592862
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>struts and frets his hour upon the stage
>tells his tale, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
>is heard from no more

>> No.22592947

Everyday I'm way too emotionally invested in a girl. Things are cool between us, but the extreme feelings are impossible to do with. I feel exhausted and can't focus.

>> No.22593035

I go to the gym at 10pm to avoid seeing those gymthots wearing yoga pants/shorts. No woman is going to go to the gym at that time as there's no one who will see them.

>> No.22593046

The only way to destroy these extreme emotions is prayer. Man is powerless to overcome the allure of a woman by himself. Indeed, the wrong woman (99.9% of them) will drag his soul down into Hell.

>> No.22593078

Eh, thanks medeival philosopher.

>> No.22593089

>No woman is going to go to the gym at that time as there's no one who will see them
It depends on the gym. Some broads lounge around the gym for hours, waiting to pick up on dudes.

>> No.22593094

Are you overinvested in her because you have a dearth of everything else?

>> No.22593095

yes, pray to god that the sex organs and act of procreation he invented and gave you will somehow go away

>> No.22593117

Nice strawman. It's about keeping your passions in check. You think going head over heels for a woman you're merely talking to is a recipe for success?

>> No.22593129

how can you keep your passions in check when you're sacrificing your sanity by bending over to pray to malum coboli

nice try rabbi

>> No.22593131

No, I don't believe so. There's of course all that projection stuff going on, as is necessary. I've just grown to really like her, and I imagine my unconscious has chosen her for very good reasons. Seeing as I haven't played the role of lover in a while.

>> No.22593130

So is it the end times guys? Is this war in Israel prophetic?

>> No.22593137
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I sometimes think that I wasn't meant to be born as a human being. I'd make a far better clump of algae or mushroom than a person. All forms of relationships continue to elude me due to my own lack of understanding and ineptitude and I wonder whether it's even possible for me to experience any form of intimacy with someone else in this life or if the lack of development through the years has strangled any opportunities that may arise before they even occur. It would be nice if I could fully embrace being subhuman and the natural urges for companionship could die rather than hurt ne.

>> No.22593141

>displaces desires onto abstract images
I thought I was the madman for feeling Eros.

>> No.22593148

Why would sand people fighting over sand be indicative of the end times? This is your brain on abrahamism.

>> No.22593155

just fuck her and get it out of your system

>> No.22593169

no u

>> No.22593223

And by her I mean me. Fuck me. Do it now.

>> No.22593262

Reading BAP and there’s so many grammatical errors I can’t tell if it just wasn’t proofread or he’s esl.

>> No.22593301

Reading Tolstoy. as i have done every week for the past year

>> No.22593323
File: 61 KB, 500x599, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find a black girl to wife but I live in the country.

>> No.22593327

What’s everyone’s thoughts on Alan Watts?

>> No.22593357

He's gay

>> No.22593382

I got the Cyber Edition of Moby Dick and it is loaded with misspellings and improper punctuation. Those guys suck. Their logo is a little robot. Avoid like the plague.

>> No.22593388

There’s this ebony goddess that likes me. I’m torn if I should have sex with her.

>> No.22593395

Repeating digits
We put so much wonder and fun into it back in the day. I even got some mighty good gets myself.

>> No.22593400

I’ve microdosed psilocybin a few times this week. It really has helped me with anxiety and getting out of my own head, been real nice. It’s also opened my mind to the universe a bit more, which feels both awesome and terrifying. Usually don’t talk or care about spiritual things either but it’s been more interesting to me lately, also spurred by a book I’ve been reading that talks about Gnosticism and various other pagan stuff. Would love to hear anyone’s stories or experiences with something similar if you’d like to share!

>> No.22593408

I'm addicted to the internet. I'm terrified of life. I'm avoidant. I'm an avoidant person. When I reflect on life, I find that, there was no period where I was fully *here*. My head had always been clouds. Daydreaming, reading, imagining. Impotent overthinking. And then the magic rectangular box provided a convenient escape from existence.

So which is it. Escape, or exist. My chest's constricting at the very prospect of having to go back to life now. I can't... I can't...

>> No.22593410
File: 14 KB, 279x181, quads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have a whole folder of reaction images that I used to use. Almost no one appreciates it anymore.

>> No.22593417

I believe in God but I do not believe in Abrahamism. I reject Moses and love Western civilization flawed as it is for having Moses stains.

>> No.22593418

1) A lie is an inherently false statement.
2) Once you recognize a statement as false, then you cannot believe it as true.
2 ex.) One cannot believe that which they know is false. I cannot convince myself that 2+2=5, even if I pretend to do so.
3) You have, in the past, found that something you believed as true turned out to be false.
3 ex.) One may believe that their newly adopted pet cat is a female, since the person who gave the cat away said it was female. Upon taking the cat home, you observe that the cat actually has a penis.
4) In the case of 3, you lacked the knowledge required to verify whether the lie was true or false.
4 ex.) I didn't inspect my pet cat's genitalia. I took the previous owner's word for it but lacked actual knowledge.
5) Upon receiving new knowledge it turned out to be impossible for the statement to be true.
5 ex.) A cat with a penis is not possibly a female cat.
Conclusion) A statement should not be accepted as true unless it is impossible for it to be false.
Further Conclusion) Conversely, a statement should not be accepted as false unless it is impossible for it to be true. Replacing true with false (and lie with true statement) results in a similar but opposite conclusion.

We often believe things to be true or false without properly investigating their validity. We don't actually know the truth of a claim until we have verified that it is impossible to be false.
This is just a late night thought. It has probably been thought before. It probably either has holes in it or is actually not that revelatory. However, if it is not revelatory— I wonder why more people aren't skeptics?

>> No.22593420

take some xans bruh

>> No.22593424

The world supply of love is rendered impotent due to finance and policy rendering man from kin

>> No.22593428

Could you elaborate on your idea of God?

>> No.22593434
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>> No.22593437


>> No.22593441

Looking from a different slant, I felt a deep disgust when I realized that communism shares the same nexus of dialectical materialism with capitalism. There is no battle to be won. They are the yin and the yang.

>> No.22593464

Good that you realised the Enlightenment was a mistake

>> No.22593468

i'm casually dating which i know i shouldn't. met an artist that's far more interesting than i am. seems that despite all of the affection she gave me, she's not interested. i think about her all the time.

>> No.22593476
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>> No.22593515

You're an evil rat.

>> No.22593527
File: 280 KB, 1072x582, 1696906391828891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghosts in Ghost. All there is. Ever was. We know so little. We are so much.
The wild voice of truth cannot be tamed. God roars his lions roar. Culture is a hindeance a shortbus if you will on the high tides of truth and the athletic seeker of noble work ethic.
Panentheism is much like the Greeks. But the Indians and nonJewish Jews contributed much with their towering intellects. Intellect alone expresses best but experience solidifies and familiarizes. That clarity of thought IS still accessible to you. Behold the rarest pepe, frogposter. Protected as a species most by some sad methhead native americans who were saved the strongest who needed this chemical jubilee. This frog shows how the brain works but also is celebrated by a mountain I call TwoToad mountain. Close to Safford there is the sinewave mountains in Apache land. Salton lake is an ugly fractal. God is a silent mathematician. Plato expresses these ideas to humans best. I think God "loves" this frog more than humanity itself. God's expression of love is stronger chemically in this frog than it is in human brains. Imagine having a DMT gland and super light spectrum vision and a map of the world in your baby brain BIOS harddrive.
Earth is very old. Men are barely bright enough to get by. "None may come to the father but through me" is a sin of Jesus Christ worthy of silencing the man from authority but not worthy of harming the boy. My idea of God is more ancient than Christendom and more Western than Dharmic thought. I am like a Mediterranean version of Tom Rowsell. I have a very Indian religious attitude towards knowledge. Mysticism is a fruit of those who know before they know that they know but they know that they know. Sol Invictus is a preferable timeline to the present and Sol Invictus glorifies God in the natural state of worship: natural creativity in high skill and high fidelity accuracy of great public care and great conscious awareness.
So many of Christendom's habits simply have no parallel to what constitutes religion. "GOD" is an English word with a strong Sapir Whorf distortion from Dios in Spanish (the older version). Older still is Dyaus (heaven) of Dyaus Piter. Olympus has these records in Greece to this day. Same in India with the older Vedas there is Dyaus in IndoEuropean and protoIndo European.

>> No.22593529

i feel like popperson himself would smirk at that meme thobeit

>> No.22593533

Feeling incredibly lost Jesus Christ. I've been feeling bad the past few weeks but it really just hit me all at once today. But just screaming into the void here really.

>> No.22593535

Original DMT frog image file got corrupted

>> No.22593537

Beautiful anon, thanks for sharing I enjoyed that.

>> No.22593538
File: 161 KB, 642x900, 1000005870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolves have become a symbol for the naturally violent and obedient nature of men. I find this interesting, Wolves who resisted domestication are the most human-esque. They represent natural rebellion, the resistance of man to be domesticated by the Civil Society. I love observing Wolves, but I hate how they've become sorta kitschy. The boomer Wolf Wallpaper or those shitty indian wolf shirts. I also find it interesting how symbols like the wolfsangel are inspired by wolf traps but would go on to represent revolting peasants. I imagine the life of a wolf is filled with danger and triumph, something I desire in my own life...

>> No.22593556

>I imagine the life of a wolf is filled with danger and triumph
Yeah, and mange. The mange that was put out for them a hundred years ago still haunts the woods. I think that the rodents acted as a carrier to keep it alive.

>> No.22593570

world is not fair. or is it?

>> No.22593574

Why doesn’t God help me?

>> No.22593577

Do you ever get the urge to read a new book? Whenever I go to a library or bookstore, or just online to a site like goodreads, I always see these newly released books with just text on their colorful cover and titles like "All the tomorrows we never had". I sometimes feel like reading one just to see what they are like, because I genuinely have no idea. I rarely read anything 21st century, let alone released this year.

>> No.22593591
File: 75 KB, 625x929, the jews did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, fren.

>> No.22593606

>You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something although it is bad for you(2:216)
keep holding on bro

>> No.22593658

For how long? I feel like I’m getting cucked by hanging on.

>> No.22593665

Not that anon, but I'm in a lot of emotional pain at the moment with no end in sight. As long as God wills. We can't say or do anything else.

>> No.22593704

1 is false, a lie can be a false statement, for example one that violates axioms, like 2+2=5, but "I didn't see the car" can be a lie or not depending on context (whether you've seen the car or not).
The conclusion doesn't logically follow what you've written before, and the whole post is based on the premise that natural language is the same as formal logics.
>why aren't more people skeptics by my definition
Because being reasonably convinced that some thing's true is good enough for most purposes, and people's cognitive and temporal resources are limited, so if you ask someone who's really into basketball, "hey, who won the game yesterday night?", and they answer it was the Lakers you're not going to go and watch the whole game online just to make sure it's the truth that the Lakers won, even though it's not impossible that your friend who's into basketball got it wrong.
To use a more extreme example, if you ask someone the time you're not going to check again using a super low latency connection to a website that is in turn connected to an atomic clock, you're going to act on the basis that it's the time you were told.

>> No.22593766

yes, but it's immediately quelled by the notion that I hate reading books without pictures

>> No.22593771

I took a shower a few hours ago and it's only a matter of time before my ass is a swamp again.

>> No.22593776

are a fucking FAGGOT.

>> No.22593787

Is there any point saving for retirement. I don't see myself living 65+

>> No.22593836
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>wife used to be kind of crazy
>literally would be insanely jealous and has pulled knives on me when she was mad
>was crazy to the point people would probably consider her abusive
>one time she was so mad she was trying to stab me but I caught her arm and stopped her
>something snapped and I just started having a mental breakdown crying in a fetal position against the wall.
>kept rambling on about I don't care if I died any more and just kept repeating that I loved her
>she didnt stab me but just held me
>From that day on she was never crazy anymore and was the complete opposite, completely loving, no more jealousy/anger and overall very obedient and follows my lead/decisions

What happened and why did it change her so much? We've never talked about or acknowledged the incident and it's almost like it never happened. There seems to be this unspoken thing between us to never even make any sort of reference to it.

Mind you, this happened 12 years ago so I don't think she's memeing her behavior lol

>> No.22593856

I think she wanted confirmation of your utmost devotion/loyalty. Fucked up way to get it though

>> No.22593860

sounds nuts but based

>> No.22593884

Least insane woman. I guess you triggered something in her, maybe some instinct to try taking care of you after she saw you so fucked up. Doesn't make too much sense for her partner though.

>> No.22593922

>This means that A requires B in order to be A.
at least while there are categories. Unclear what could or couldn't be continuous for a consciousness that experiences change but has no interest in it, has no particular desire. I believe the reason why we categorize as we do is desire, it is that we have the hope that some object or another will be useful, or should be avoided, or is perhaps desired for its own self, as in the case of watching something beautiful. Though perhaps it could be said that whatever pleasure is derived is the use, and really the motive force. I suppose it's an open question what someone with no desire would see when looking upon the world. Taken at face value there's no reason to believe a person with no preference would take part in anything, such a person would likely die, fast. But if they were for some reason kept in a state of observing- how would they categorize the world, if they had the faculty? Probably not at all, even if the world around them were to change. This could be an argument against the idea that change is itself a proof of time, or that it leads to identifying time as a concept. Though I suppose what we really are saying is that "someone who has no interest in understanding would not understand", which is perhaps not very revolutionary.

>> No.22593938

I wonder if you'd agree with me if I said that another reason to gaze upon something beautiful is that in some intuitive way it appears to be part of revealing something important? I don't remember who it is that said that ethics and aesthetitcs are related in that both are to do with harmony. "Harmony", then, appears to be a priori.

>> No.22593942

If life's short, why does it take so long?

>> No.22594035


how she is as a partner is how she will be as a mother

this >>22593856

>> No.22594079

Your girlfriend almost murdered you dummy

>> No.22594102

Someone made a post a while ago about chronic masturbation and that the reason people do it is not necessarily because they enjoy the act, but they actually dislike sexual urges and act to remove it.

Anyway, I thought that was an interesting perspective.

>> No.22594147

I fear that I'm unfit for living these past couple of days

>> No.22594157

ah, that might be the case, but these past two days have passed and you lived through them, so learn from your mistakes and live better for the next couple of days, and then even better then following two and so on and so forth

>> No.22594194

Of all the sort of alt-right adjacent intellectuals on the internet I dislike Curtis Yarvin the most.

>> No.22594195

How come

>> No.22594215

Mr Frank had summoned me, into his office I
gingerly skipped into and then uttered a cry
for: Mr Frank was naked and beating on his cock
he cried out I should "suck it" and he'd give me the day off,
"Now Mr Frank you look here," I said with hands upon my hips,
"My name is Mary Fagin and I'm only 14 and a bit,
I don't know how you do things back where you come from, chummy,
but here if you want a blowjob you've got to offer the girl some money,"

and Mr Frank went crazy,
he started frothing at the mouth,
he insisted I was lazy,
and then we both started to shout;
him telling me I was fired if I wouldn't do what he said,
me telling him that he was too cheap to get me into bed!

Finally the dawn broke through the half-shuttered office blinds
and we'd spent most of the night discussing things for quite some time,
at last our dashing Mr Frank had got down on one knee,
you see as the time had passed along he'd come to want to marry me,
and blushing, gushing I accepted; after all he was quite rich,
but as I made my way to hug him the floorboards began to split
I crash'ed down to the 3rd floor, the 2nd then the 1st
and landed in a pencil machine where I was badly hurt,
Mr Frank rushed after me, down the stairs to one from three,
and took me in his arms and said, "Mary Fagin, speak to me!"

With my last breath I cried out, a hundred pencils pierced my breast,
but I died quite happily, for feeling Mr Franks sweet caress.


>> No.22594217

He takes advantage of the fact that the people he speaks to are desperate and usually uneducated on the topics he can go on and on about and so he often uses it as an opportunity to lie, or else state something which isn’t entirely true as if it’s just a matter of fact. He’s also clearly very full of himself and finds himself to be one of these gifted kid elves he loves so much. His vision for America is appropriately terrible.

>> No.22594260

I’ve decided that I don’t want to pursue a PhD but I’m still undecided on a JD.

>> No.22594262

That's not true, he's a Saint and a Legend. People the world over admire and respect Curtis Yarvin and come to visit him for his sagacious insights for a reason, anon.

>> No.22594266

If he's a saint he should be tortured to death like one

>> No.22594273

that's just the kind of chauvinism I would expect from a TERFy

>> No.22594280


>> No.22594281

He was always pretty vocal about his loyalty to the DC powerbroker class he was born into, and his subsequent sense of elitism because of it.
Likewise he has been remarkably consistent, despite his fluctuating terminology, about wanting to replace the current "elites" with his preferred "alt-elites".
The only reason to think he was ever anti-establishment or anti-elite is if you read a bunch of liberal hit-pieces over the years that folded him in with the general right populist swell of the previous decade that conveniently obscured the intra-class civil war that was happening that liberals couldn't call out without copping to their own part in it.

I don't like him either, and while I agree that he lies particularly and for expediency, his general world view has always been rather open and unambiguous.

>> No.22594283


>> No.22594315

What is an average and mediocre life? What are more are you looking for?

>> No.22594331

My issue with him is not simply that he is who he is and wants what he wants. And to be clear, I don’t dislike that he is anti-elite in principle, but rather who he insists is the elite and what the elite means. It’s that he lies to get it. He does this historicity project regarding American politics that just contains dubious claim after dubious claim. He deliberately tries to paint certain people as virtuous and especially as aristocratic when all the historical evidence suggests the contrary. Just one example of this: he consistently says that Jewish migrants to America in the 19th and 20th centuries were “aristocratic” because they bought up law firms and publishing houses and proceeded to thrust themselves into steering politics. What exactly is aristocratic about that? It’s easy for him to get away with because the people he’s talking to don’t actually know what aristocracy was, what it means, from a historical perspective. It’s the other side of the coin of the Evolian perspective that says “an aristocrat is anyone who fights in war and loves war”. For Yarvin, an aristocrat is anyone who has money and a degrees and tries to influence politics in a sort of Medician way. Both of these know these are historical lies. But the people they speak to can’t call them out on it because they don’t know themselves. That is just one example.

>> No.22594337

I’ve let my social and dating life slide into pessimism. I don’t want to be black pilled but I’m just not seeing enough men or women I respect enough to want to be close with. I’ve even started seeing this extend into the political, social, religious spheres. It’s becoming hard to ignore the disaster that the feminization and manchilding of this civilization from top to bottom has caused. And now I’m the loser because I’ve eschewed social life in favor of family and isolation…

>> No.22594339

Don’t you think it’s a bit nuts that the right likes this guy? I mean, his perspective is “Nice bourgeois middle class values, but I think these bourgeois middle class values should have absolute authority”. And this is the arch-intellectual of the right, I guess because he was at one point in a PhD at Berkeley and can write decently enough I guess. It’s all bit ridiculous. It’s really pretty insane just how bad the state of the right wing is.

>> No.22594345
File: 228 KB, 831x799, 1617347838664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say the same about the internet in 1995 and now every idiot with a phone is hooked

>> No.22594356

I only want to give love. So much love. I dearly hope that the expenditure will be constant and everflowing.

>> No.22594475

I'm astounded that morons haven't quite understood that all popular technology is just a marketed gimmick which, each campaign has shown, never ever ever lives up to the promises. The iphone is the crude tamagochi we kept in our pockets as babies, AI is the etch-a-sketch, etc.

A great chunk of human civilization seems to be fueled by this delusion of technological progress. The coal powered green bicycle syndrome.

>> No.22594484

The rural vs. urban divide precedes the right vs. left divide.

>> No.22594491

it remains an indisputable and universally timeless fact that any urban metropolis, no matter how much money they have, exists day by day on the generosity and kindness of the farmer who feeds it to go on letting it live.

>> No.22594493

Why is it that pre-20th century writers seem to come from all walks of life with very few of them having been journalists or academics while from the 20th century onward many notable writers first started as journalists or academics?

>> No.22594529

This doesn't apply in modern America. Farmers are subsidized with tax revenue from the cities. And have a closer look at the food in your grocery store. You'll find that a lot of it comes from other countries.

>> No.22594533

They're actually paid 'not' to produce in order that the governments can benefit from import tariffs on third world food and keep prices much higher than they ought be. But I think you missed the greater point, factoid-reaction poster.

>> No.22594569

But there’s real economy and then there’s financial economy. You can debate all you want about what is the ultimate source of the cash flow farmers receive to operate, but at the end of the day, farmers produce real goods and if those real goods weren’t there first there would be no cities to produce money to subsidize the farmers with, and moreover, it need not be the case that the farmers in question are domestic. Farming in the USA is basically cash crop farming. It’s designed to exportmax. But that’s not the case with all farming everywhere. The great delusion is that we thought we could make all our wealth off FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) and tech valuations while streamlining the real economy to max profit/valuations, but the fact remains that all those bankers and tech entrepreneurs eat real food that is grown on real farms somewhere. It’s just not in our backyard anymore.

>> No.22594599
File: 1.77 MB, 576x1024, 00926933299496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can ever understand how I feel. Nobody fucking cares about me. I am tall. I am not ugly. I am not fat. I am not socially retarded. I have a full head of hair. I even excel past the majority in most of these categories. I am unconventional enough to not be boring.
So what the fuck is wrong with me? Why do people just ignore me? Don't I deserve friendship? Don't I deserve love? Why does everyone else get these things but I don't!?!?

>> No.22594616

I keep having dreams where I'm in a fight or confrontation. I also keep finding myself angry for no reason throughout the day. I cant figure out whats causing it. Maybe something hormonal or something lurking in my subconscious

>> No.22594620

as a fellow ryuk i feel your pain, kind of. but you know ingratiating yourself with vain idiots is as easy as wearing sports clothes or metal clothes or whatever demographic you're wanting to appeal to.

>> No.22594638

The "greater point" is just the usual dumbass country vs city posturing that anons who probably have never even grown a tomato always like to get into.

But that's not really "the city exists at the mercy and behest of the country," or at least not in the way people typically mean it. All the American farmers could go on strike to stick it to the degenerate city folk and functionally nothing would change.

>> No.22594640

that cat owns a liquor and gun store

>> No.22594647

Something that I'm very glad that I learned when I was a teenager is that sometimes (often, even) you have to be the one to reach out and maintain relationships. It might not feel fair but it has allowed me to make friends. Just expecting people to take an interest in you because you're tall and "unconventional" isn't going to get you anywhere

>> No.22594676
File: 879 KB, 229x188, 014114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh you don't need to be a level 33 dark triad mind reader with a psychology degree to just be able to detect when people don't care about you. Trying to form bonds with people who show literally no interest in you is an uphill battle that's so pointless that you might as well anally molest yourself instead to get the same result

>> No.22594707

Oh you seem very interested in exploring this subject, cunt, you express the same exact thing I said to the next person whilst belittling me who also said. What a sheltered socially-inept autistic fuck, and now we gonna argue for six post thanks to you

gtfo dysgenic cow

>> No.22594710

I am currently at the deciding point in my 15 years relationship, where we need to balance our avoidant/anxious dynamic and then see our relationship as it actually is.

I'm scared shitless, but I hope once we're mature enough either finding it worth continuing or deciding we should part will not be as painful and scary as I imagine it to be.

As to why I want us to do this - I just can't progress with life in current state anymore. It feels like a bog, a trap, a spiral into degradation. And I hope on the other end we'll find our lives to be richer and more meaningful, more fulfiling than before.

>> No.22594753
File: 129 KB, 312x357, 1631651103206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22594775

I feel like that’s anyone who partakes in rhetoric to a group. If those people were not desperate they wouldn’t be looking for a voice at all, a certain kind of desperation means you see and feel flaws.

>> No.22594786

That is because you are meant to be a warrior and form friendships with other warriors and do what you feel like, but it’s been denied. Read BAM.

>> No.22594793

What's a Bamb?

>> No.22594801

Congratulations, anon. Can we hear what it was about?

>> No.22594804

I don’t think that’s quite right. Whether you’re talking about the food that’s imported to the cities from all over the place or food that’s subsidized by the cities, it’s the end of the cities to cut either of those off. Cities that don’t aren’t supplied by an agricultural countryside don’t last long. We see this right now in America with all the post-industrial towns that clustered around coal mines and highways and gas plants and shipping hubs but had no countryside to speak of, in Appalachia most of all. A few decades and they’re basically rotted and rusted out. That’s just how it goes.

>> No.22594813

You’ve made a mistake actually because of appearances. If you look at a place like Iowa, they import most of their food supply from out of state. It’s a bit ridiculous considering how fertile the land is in Iowa but it’s true. So if you only consider the relationship between New York and Iowa, maybe New York is subsidizing Iowa, but Iowa isn’t New York’s only countryside. The whole country’s countryside is. And the whole country imports just 15% of its food supply. That means the collective cities or New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, all of these places that don’t have agriculture see something like 85% of their food supply vanish if the countryside is cut off. The only point to be made is really about where the subsidy money is coming from, but financial instruments don’t appear from thin air. They’re deployed by banks which are built from real economies and agriculture is a prerequisite for a real economy.

>> No.22594846

Your post reads like you are some materialistic, vapid woman. You think the world owes you something because you falsely perceive yourself to have appealing qualities.

>> No.22594904

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.22594988

What would you do if you were interested in two different careers but needed mutually exclusive degrees for each?

>> No.22594997

flip a coin baby youll either feel the hope blooming in your chest for one side or not before it lands

>> No.22595028

The author is an askhenazi jew btw

>> No.22595030

This. I hate being the one to reach out but many times the other person is simply not wired in a 'maybe I should call him...' way. Not everyone is an Indian and if someone is bothered by you they'll tell you.

Then stop being uninteresting or maybe stop talking only about yourself and start asking questions you nigger

>> No.22595055

Okay now what if there are two choices

>> No.22595066

retard i mentioned a coin flip so if you truly desire both go with the one that wins. or perform mitosis and do both

>> No.22595073

I need a vacation but I can't get one. Maybe I should wreck my leg(s) on purpose.

>> No.22595080

I sincerely fucking hate that every single entertainment-related community is so openly pornographic and welcoming of whatever fetish anyone might have, with the policy that if you don't want to see then "just don't engage with it", it's like you see people buggering loudly in the streets and if you have a problem then "hey just don't look at them lol". Except it's not even true because everyone's constantly posting pornographic memes and innuendos about fetishes so it's in your fucking face all the time. They're doing their best to bugger directly in your line of sight all the fucking time. I don't wanna see your garbage brainrot fantasies. I genuinely wish there were a strict blanket of censorship all over the internet because I fucking hate this shit so much. I'm not even a prude, I have my deviancies and fantasies but for fuck's sake I don't want a world where everyone's just screaming about what grotesque fetish he's jerking off to that day. Especially since everyone but me seems to be into the worst most fucking intolerable garbage, these people should be neutered for having taste so subhuman. How do you even have any value as a human being if your sexual fantasies are shit shit

>> No.22595127

ah sweet, I hear the Hyksos had long curly sideburns.

>> No.22595178

If having to work is the cause of my depression, then I'll be depressed until the die I die.

>> No.22595203

>entertainment-related community
What do you mean by this exactly

>> No.22595231

I have been demoralized.

>> No.22595247

I dont want to write about family law anymore. I dont care how many different types of stupid family types there are. I dont care if they're legally recognized or not. Who the fuck cares? Who honestly makes it their life mission to have 3 husbands, 4 wives and 2 adopted children? Why does the law have to be like this? To keep lawyers employed I guess.

>> No.22595251
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Life as an avoidant person is not worth the trouble as far as I can see it. You only exist to keep yourself alive, everything else besides that is unnecessary danger and a threat to your status quo, even if it is a shitty one. I have no words that accurately describe how despondent it is to have your malagdyla turn on you and ruin your whole existence. Your own survival instinct ruins your life completely. As if nothing else matters aside from pure survival. It overwrites EVERYTHING. Essentially you're not even a human being whose brain is guiding you to do human-related things. You are a meatbag whose sole purpose is to keep the dictator malagdyla up and running, nothing more. Your other autonomous systems are low priority at best. Tertiary distractions from the ultimate goal: KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE, even if it's literally for nothing.

>> No.22595395

What's there to explain? Any hobby involving entertainment media. It's revolting that art and pornography have become one and the same. But this extends to communication in general over the internet. No matter where you go you're bound to see some gross pornographic shit. It's just everywhere and you can't avoid seeing it. It's always in your face. I wouldn't mind it except for the fact that people have such a shit taste.

>> No.22595521

I made out with a cat

>> No.22595533

When you realize that in America all of the legislators are also lawyers, suddenly everything starts to make sense.

>> No.22595537

More than two choices*

>> No.22595538

>Who honestly makes it their life mission to have 3 husbands, 4 wives and 2 adopted children?

>> No.22595541
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>> No.22595550

hmm and haw until life passes you by.

>> No.22595573

Roll a die. 1 and 2 are choice 1. 3 and 4 are choice 2. 5 and 6 are choice 3.

>> No.22595576

When I'm dreaming, I'm a different person with a different personality. This other person has continuity across my dreams and remembers events from dreams I had months or years ago, which take place in a shared dream world of sorts. When waking I sometimes have a strangle feeling of vertigo as the person I am when awake and the person I am when dreaming conflict with each other before settling on my waking self. Other times, strong feelings my dream self feels will carry over to my waking self, influencing my decisions and actions for hours or days. I think the person I am when dreaming is a better person than who I am while waking.

>> No.22595580

I really don't like the smell of dogs. It makes me want to take a shower.

>> No.22595592

What? Do you mean “amygdala”?

Other than that I can relate though. It’s like I live live in a state of constant avoidance and cowardice and miss out on all the meaningful experiences that I’d like to have.

>> No.22595608

Yeah amygdala lol. Malagdyla was the product of my breakdown possessed mind

>> No.22595618

What precipitated the breakdown? I hope you’re okay.

>> No.22595633

protip: a person who does not know what a word means is simply using it in place of 'magic'

>> No.22595648

Old fashioned existential dread climax moment. Have not yet pinpointed the assumed starting time or cause but it was a steady downhill for about ten days i'd say. Based on past experience mood's most likely going to stabilize in 4-5 days time.

>> No.22595654

I had a dream that I inadvertently jacked a car that a friend and I had driven off the road. The police arrived fairly quickly and my friend completely bottled it and stood by giving his name, glancing at me with a morose expression, while I was hotwiring the car. I drove away but got hemmed in by another police cruiser. Taken to the police station and booked.

The moral of the story is this: that friend of mine, who I stopped talking to several years ago, was a fucking liability.

>> No.22595663

But i do know since i used it in the appropriate context. Only the spelling execution was lacking

>> No.22595669

Yeah, there's a short story in there, for sure.

>> No.22595703

There I was amidst an air conditioned alley. Two shimmering jewels sparkled from a frisky tabby, perched upon a stone table next to my apartment. Eye contact sync’d the virility implants in my head with IP emitted from the cranial interface in her brain.

Telepathically she said to me, “Legislators are promulgating protocols aimed at fortifying the welfare of the marginalized in the face of purported terror activity. The prevailing infrastructure, regrettably, demonstrates insufficiencies in addressing specific remedies. Henceforth, they contemplate the imposition of compulsory immunizations for individuals falling short of designated threshold immunity.”

“Oh ok. Cool.”

Off into the night I sauntered. Wondering about the chance I squandered.

>> No.22595712

Metaphysically speaking, there is little difference between having a fat gf or a skinny one

>> No.22595717

You made me laugh anon, good post

>> No.22595757

You’ve been stumped I guess

>> No.22595772

How does someone start to get believe in their good fortune again?

>> No.22595786

Observe and understand what could be classified as good fortune in your eyes. Then just keep your eyes open. They are bound to present themselves discreetly but can be noticed with the right tools in your brainbox

>> No.22595810

Good reply. Thanks for it. What I’m actually taking about is not really fortune in a lucky sort of sense but a cosmic sense, like fate or destiny-the feeling that you’ll live up to big events and undertakings in your life.

>> No.22595821

I suppose being a NEET is moral in its own way. My impact on climate change and military spending is low.

>> No.22595865

Scene: A boy named Alex (12) discovers he has a unique superpower - when he snaps his fingers, people around him automatically agree to do what he says. One day, feeling curious about his powers, he decides to test them out on someone close to him - his mother, Susan (34). She is currently preparing lunch in the kitchen, making herself a sandwich.

Alex approaches his mother cautiously, not wanting to alarm her but also eager to see if his power works as intended. He clears his throat and snaps his fingers once. His mother pauses momentarily before resuming her actions; she seems unaware of any change in their surroundings or interactions.

Undeterred by this initial result, Alex tries again, snapping his fingers more forcefully. This time, his mother stops mid-motion and turns towards him with a confused expression.

"Yes dear?" she asks politely.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Alex smirks and proposes an idea: "Mommy, why don't we add a special sauce to your sandwich?" He gestures towards his groin area subtly while maintaining eye contact with her.

Susan blinks slowly, processing her son's unusual request. After a brief pause, she nods her head in agreement and returns to assembling the sandwich. As she spreads some mayonnaise onto the bread, Alex unzips his pants and begins stroking himself vigorously. He feels a surge of excitement knowing that no one can stop him from doing this now.

As his arousal grows stronger, so does his determination to make this fantasy come true. With renewed vigor, he continues pleasuring himself until finally reaching climax. A thick stream of semen shoots out from his erect member and lands directly onto the half-finished sandwich resting on the countertop.

Grinning widely at his handiwork, Alex steps back and crosses his arms over his chest, admiring the messy outcome. He waits patiently for his mother to notice what has happened but remains confident that there's nothing she can do about it since he had manipulated her into allowing this scenario through his magical finger snap power.

Eventually, Susan lifts up the sandwich and takes a bite, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it's covered in her own son's bodily fluids. Her eyes widen slightly as she chews thoughtfully before swallowing without comment.

Finishing off her meal, Susan washes down the last bites with some water from the faucet nearby. Looking somewhat puzzled yet satisfied afterward, Alex turns to her and asks nonchalantly, "So how did you like my special sauce?"

His mother shrugs casually in response, still appearing unfazed by the entire situation. "It was... different," she replies with a small smile, clearly trying hard not to show any discomfort or concern regarding the incident they had just shared together.

Feeling satisfied with his experimentation and having successfully tested his newfound abilities, Alex returns to playing video games contentedly in his room while Susan finishes tidying up the kitchen.

>> No.22595878

Scene: The next evening, dinner has concluded, and everyone is relaxing in the living room watching TV together. Alex sits beside his father, John (35), who appears to be engrossed in the program. However, unbeknownst to him, Alex has been plotting something sinister behind closed doors.

Deciding that it's time for another experiment using his superpower, Alex summons up all the courage he can muster and snaps his fingers once more. Instantly, John looks away from the television set and turns towards his son with wide eyes full of confusion and fear.

"What have you done, Alex?" he whispers hoarsely.

Unfazed by his father's terrified demeanor, Alex grins maliciously and responds, "Nothing much dad. But I think it would be hilarious if you raped Samantha in her sleep tonight."

John's face blanches as he processes these words, his mind reeling from the horrific suggestion made by his own child. Despite the revulsion he feels deep within, he cannot resist the compelling urge to obey Alex's command due to the latter's peculiar ability. Nodding numbly, John stands up from the couch and excuses himself to go upstairs.

Later that night, in her bedroom, Samantha (9) lies fast asleep, completely unaware of the nightmarish events about to unfold. Hearing footsteps approaching, she lets out a soft whimper before falling silent upon realizing that it's only her father entering the room.

John climbs onto the bed and positions himself between Samantha's legs, his heart racing with both anticipation and dread. Without warning, he forces his way inside her tiny body, causing her to let out a shrill scream of pain and shock as she awakens instantly. Tears streaming down her face, Samantha struggles against her father's violent advances, desperately attempting to push him off but failing miserably due to his immense strength.

As John continues raping his young daughter, Alex watches from the doorway with a mix of fascination and guilt, unable to look away despite knowing that he is responsible for this terrible act taking place right before his very eyes. Samantha's cries echo throughout the house, piercing the silence like sharp daggers cutting through flesh.

After what feels like an eternity, John finally releases himself inside his daughter's bruised and battered body, leaving her curled up in a ball on the mattress, sobbing uncontrollably. He stumbles out of the room, clutching his aching genitals tightly as if trying to squeeze out every last drop of pleasure gained from such a despicable act.

>> No.22595927

and then he woke up and it was all a dream

>> No.22595930

Naw, I gotta say, anon, would it kill you to put a joke in at the end? That was kind of a waste of a build up, no pun intended.

>> No.22595937
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I am depressed, I wish I had a purpose worth living for and I wish I had a tall slender gf, I wish I was a human being worth of being loved.

>> No.22595955

Physically speaking there's a big difference

>> No.22595961

Maybe you have a more expansive version of "pornographic" than I do, but I think you could fairly easily avoid it. At least if you stayed away from 4chan.

>> No.22595967

What the fuck is an "entertainment-related community'

>> No.22595970

I love you, man. Go out there and find out who you want to be.

>> No.22595977

>uses discord as a hobby
>is shocked that everyone is a weird pervert.
Log off and meet people outside, retard

>> No.22595979
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This was me at 18

I did shit with my life... the pressure will always be there... if you're on 4chan, you're already a rebel, an outcast, you need to find something to support your life while resisting as hard as you fucking can.

>> No.22596066

I think it’s find to choose leisure over work. It should just not go to waste.

>> No.22596080

People don't know what I mean when I say "ampersand" and it pisses me the fuck off

>> No.22596143


>> No.22596159

Jim was ampersanding his lawn
Jim had ampersanded by the policeman
Jim cried out in ampersand
Jim denied he had fallen ampersand

>> No.22596164

I would suggest changing ones name to Cuthbry Sod

>> No.22596208

Nigger fatigue hitting me hard lately

It really is amazing we created space age civilization and welfare states in which the violent crime rate was literally 0%, and then immediately filled them with Africans and dysgenic cousin fucking Pakis with average IQs around 70. And then created a religion out of never noticing it. It makes one believe in Satan. This is worse than any dark age. This is the Darkie Age.

>> No.22596310

Talk us through the scenario.

>> No.22596377

Keep getting ads on Facebook to work for the state department.
What are the glowies trying to tell me and is this a trap?

>> No.22596380

And what?

>> No.22596406
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About time to go outside for a sesh and listen to my audiobook while dinner cooks.

>> No.22596409 [DELETED] 

It's not a trap if you give in to them, anon. Christ warned us against betraying Him.

>> No.22596421
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>> No.22596476

I'm tired, hot, fatigued, and horny despite the fact I've accomplished nothing in my 20s up until this point. Why do I feel exhausted? It's been 10 years since I flunked out of University. My life is directionless but that doesn't disturb me. I just feel disdain for everything and everyone and I couldn't give the hour or a minute to even remotely amuse the idea of something like hope because hope itself is not a plan for anything. Most people I observed these days are resilient because of their hope for improvement but I don't even have that in my arsenal. At the very least, I can live without the burden of being suffering to new life or to those who have the misfortune to bother to hear my thoughts. Like (You).

>> No.22596557

Make a nice handwritten calling card. A short note drafted thoughtfully on good quality cardstock with your contact info and a low stakes social invitation. Address it to whatever she wrote on her name tag and drop it in the tip jar at the end of your regular purchase. If she likes it she can take you up on the offer or at least get a hold of you for a chat. Just make sure she doesn't also see Paul Allen's card.

>> No.22596592

Try and get the full $30 off the bat.

>> No.22596599

dubs and i relapse

>> No.22596636

>drop it in the tip jar
She may not manage the tip jar.

>> No.22596656

No, but whoever is in charge of it can pass the note. If she is the one at the counter when you get your drink just hand her the note directly.

>> No.22596671


>> No.22596680

Living at home with ma at 30 years old. I think will go step in front of the train now.

>> No.22596694

Yea man I feel you. I really felt like a goblin man working out of state on the railroads. I had no friends. I felt less alone when my brother whom I am not that close to came on board as well. Now I am not working, and yet, am feeling like working again.

>> No.22596708

My roommate was giving me some relationship advice a few weeks ago that can basically be summarized as "Women are shape shifters that will change themselves to suit you and your interests." There's something deeply horrifying about that to me in an existential sense. As nice as it sounds to have a female companion that's into what I'm into, that line of reasoning insinuates that half our species are these social chameleon P-zombies. Like I can't fathom living to be subservient to another being's will. Why would I every trust such an entity?

>> No.22596714

ok but not right now

>> No.22596722
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It's not just women, anon. Literally 80% of the population are what we call "hylics".
Unfortunately, without souls, they can never truly be saved. However, they do deserve better than to wallow in their own moral filth, as they do now.
We (pneumatics) were placed here to protect and guide them. Clearly, over the last several generations, we've dropped the ball in that regard.

>> No.22596803

>“The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills. ‘Behold, just now the world became perfect!’—thus thinks every woman when she obeys out of entire love. And women must obey and find a depth for her surface. Surface is the disposition of woman: a mobile, stormy film over shallow water. Man’s disposition, however, is deep; his river roars in subterranean caves: woman feels his strength but does not comprehend it.”
- Nietzsche

>Neither for music, nor potery, nor the plastic arts do they possess any real feeling or receptivity: if they affect to do so, it is merely mimicry in service of their effort to please. This comes from the fact that they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything whatever, and the reason for this is, I think, as follows. Man strives in everything for a direct domination over things, either by comprehending or by subduing them. But woman is everywhere and always relegated to a merely indirect domination, which is achieved by means of man, who is consequently the only thing she has to dominate.
- Schopenhauer

It horrifies me too but I became numb to it over time. I still find it grotesque when other men take joy in it, as if dominating a creature that actively wants to be dominated is some kind of epic proof of your power. It just makes me see them both as pathetic. However, I spent many years trying to find women who were exceptions to the rule and I've concluded it's impossible. It truly is simply wrong to force women to be men. The only thing that matters to them is securing a man.

>> No.22596804

Humans are speculating

>> No.22596822
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I swear, y'all niggas is straight lugubrious

>> No.22596846

If Israel ends up destroying Gaza and killing hundreds of thousands I think the world is actually going to fall apart. Mass protests in every country, interventions by Muslim countries, a complete and utter loss of faith in the West. We were fed propaganda about Ukraine and BLM and immigrants and minorities for years and now these same countries are going to commit a genocide on a marginalized minority. I don't think they can survive that. They survived the War on Terror with ease because the average person was psyop'd beyond belief into fearing terrorism and Islam above all else. But things are different now. And I really think the world is going to turn if Israel does this.

>> No.22596853

Should I kms for being a loser? Made some bad decisions around COVID lockdowns and never recovered. Serious q

>> No.22596857

There'll be a big war but this wont be the watershed moment for what ever moral revolution you're expecting

>> No.22596866

>No, but whoever is in charge of it can pass the note
They might make a big commotion about it and sour the interaction.

>> No.22596872

Not him, but I used to hop trains and I read a bunch of the messages that you guys would write to each other on the walls with markers. Your bitching and moaning about your shitty jobs was way more entertaining than graffiti.

>> No.22596877

The likelihood of being beyond hope is pretty small.

>> No.22596880

I’m sorry.

>> No.22596882

After they slaughter the Palestinians, the Jews are going to start the countdown for their new messiah. I hope that a 12 year old drones him while he sleeps.

>> No.22596932

I ate so much salad my stomach hurts. I must have had half of a cabbage. My stomach is rumbling. What the fuck.

>> No.22596935

The pain is so much that it makes me nauseous. It makes me sick. It’s all I’ve ever known. I carry on

>> No.22596983

I haven't had sex in seven (7) years

>> No.22597005

My life... wasn't really worth living non-mindlessly. Without something escapist, some peak into a more compelling reality, I had nothing.

Gratitude, and appreciation, had the firm prerequisites of liking oneself. Enough to fight for the right to engage with reality. Since reality was both the product and the precursor of the self. I just don't like myself. I have this deluded image of what I should be like, and reminders that I'm not that person only deflate my already disheatened will to live even further.

This isn't even an intense species of pain. But a low, constant, thrum of distaste that makes everything duller gradually.

>> No.22597008

you stupid whore.

There's a shortage of reality in my experience. and that's what fucks with me.

>> No.22597011

>hair is thinning, a lot
Around two years ago, when I was 23 I panicked since I saw my hair thinning for the first time. After taking a picture of my thinning crown I was basically red like a tomato going around my house.
It recovered a bit by itself after a few months. It was problably my shit diet. Maybe it was stress. Maybe it's my shit diet doing it again. Maybe I just got old and I have shit genetics. I'm not really panicking this time I feel. Life got worse in a lot of fronts. I got better at coping. I'm still absolute shit at writing. Maybe I'm just coping hoping it's just my absolute shit tier diet and that it will recover again

>> No.22597016

>It recovered a bit
It didn't recover a bit really, it recovered a lot actually. It's quite incredible what a lot of job/college stress and shit diet can do to your hair. But nowadays I just have the shiet poorfag diet since I don't even have a job now lol wcyd

>> No.22597018


>> No.22597019

>We (pneumatics) were placed here to protect and guide them.

guide them to what, pray tell? probably a pine box after a lifetime of debt slavery.

>> No.22597087

I'm feeling more detached from humanity than I ever have before. My housemate was just telling me about his day and I could not have cared less about anything in my entire life. That might sound like much, but the absolute depth of my disinterest was like nothing I've experienced. I couldn't even pretend to listen. I've been feeling very different lately.

>> No.22597096


Apologize immediately to your roommate.
Shed tears for him and the loss of his friend.
Punish yourself by beating yourself with a rope.
Force yourself to comprehend that solipsism is a false god. You MUST embrace the love and life of other people. At least you must if you want to be part of this world.

>> No.22597097

>Shed tears for him and the loss of his friend.

I was never his friend

>> No.22597121

You are a very callous person. Seek God. Normal people have thoughts like these and feel bad about it.

>> No.22597124


This. God isn't real, but nonetheless, seek Him.
Seek Truth. Benevolence. Love. Life.
Even as a materialistic atheistic transgender girl, even I embrace the beauty of other people. When I see any person, no matter who it is, all I want is for them to succeed in life and be happy.

>> No.22597149

“I wish I didn't feel so guilty about being upset with you. Am I allowed a moment of frustration, even if you really meant well? For once, I know how much you love me. I'm irked anyway.”

>> No.22597286

Not everyone wants to be your friend. Deal with it.

>> No.22597396

I'm tired of being illiterate. What books do i need to read to become literate? History? Philosophy? what give me books to read.

>> No.22597404

The Story of Civilization, Will Durant

>> No.22597437

Will this turn me into a giga brained nigga?

>> No.22597455

define literate, you can quite clearly already read, what end goal you hope to achieve with reading?
if it's just in general try "marcus aurelius - meditations", he's a greek philosopher stoic who was also an emperor in his time

>> No.22597482

You don't have to be friends with somebody to bond together and ease the pain from the absolute horror that is life

>> No.22597586

You're right brother. I don't mean to be an asshole, but I've been worn down.

>> No.22597621

when you're Jewish they let you do it. you can do anything

>> No.22597832


>> No.22597856

...with a yamulka, you can go anywhere.