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22584581 No.22584581 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every single Canadian novel some variation on:
>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
>It's sad growing up in the prairies
>Being a Jew in Montreal is hard!
>I'm a second generation immigrant I'm Toronto with...le identity issues.

>> No.22584614

Name one example of each one

>> No.22584621

Just go to the cbc books page, nigga. Nothing but chinks, chugs, faggots and roasties as far as the eye can see.

>> No.22584657

NTA but:
>>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
Emily of New Moon by Montgomery
>>It's sad growing up in the prairies
Who Has Seen the Wind by Mitchell
>>Being a Jew in Montreal is hard!
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Richler
>>I'm a second generation immigrant I'm Toronto with...le identity issues.
This one is probably mostly shit published in the last 10-20 years (I don't pay attention but can probably find a dozen examples if I Google it)
Indian Horse by Wagamese

>> No.22584663

white guilt is such a strange thing

>> No.22584666

P.S. look at the books in this article and you'll find the majority of them conform with OP. Official libtard propaganda list they do every year. They used to give out a free audio download of whichever book won but I don't know if they do that anymore.


>> No.22584671

>Why is every single Canadian novel some variation on the life and experiences of Canadians

>> No.22584685

>chinese immigrants

>> No.22584694

you forgot they also write lots of bestiality

>> No.22584695

The current trend is second generation immigrants writing generic shit about whichever country their parents came from.

>> No.22584790
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It's politics; they have state-mandated multiculturalism and they publish books accordingly pushing the ideology where people talk about their experiences in Canada
But most of it is sad so it feels like it is backfiring and in the future we may have to admit it was wrong

>> No.22584800

The worst one is probably "Brother" and "Moon on the Crusted snow"
>I am a black man in Toronto and I am... le gay

>> No.22584828

They also like to try to top each other by being more and more disturbing
Anil's Ghost casually mentions incest and goes into deep detail about torture of a cousin in some different country

>> No.22584837

Duddy Kravitz is about a jew ruining his own life by being greedy.

>> No.22584842

Also, read Robertson Davies.

>> No.22584844

Duddy doesn't deserve to be on the list; he is not a self-pitying story

>> No.22584856

Yeah, there are some good books there but most look cookie cutter or very loudly anti-White (the Marrow thieves which is a fantasy novel about White women not having souls by an obese Indian woman somehow got in)
I am surprised by how many of the winners I physically met just by walking in Ontario though; all of them are from the liberal populated area

>> No.22584935

Nick Mount has a decent lecture series about Canadian authors on YouTube. In the one about Atwood he says he took a break while writing it, walked outside, and immediately saw her husband walking down the street.

>> No.22584942

It's weirdly easy to meet mildly famous Canadians; I wonder if the American celebs wall themselves in

>> No.22584953
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Canada isn't a real country politically, economically, or culturally. It's an appendage that loses all its talent year after year

>> No.22584989

F u and whatever shitty Muslim country you came from

>> No.22584998
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I happen to live here and know what it is, a hollowed out peripheral colony

>> No.22585000
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I mean... isn't it obvious

>> No.22585008

You sound like you are probably an immigrant or a leftist who helped wreck this country, now hiding under frog

>> No.22585011

This used to be a country


>> No.22585012

This is why I only read literary fiction published a long time ago

>> No.22585019

I love it
For me its Stan

>> No.22585025

I like Gordon

>> No.22585029


For me after "a little life" and "cat person" there's no hope left for modern mainstream literary fiction. of course, there are still other interesting things to read and the backlog of literature is thankfully endless

>> No.22585038

Took a list of modern Canadian literary fiction novels and most of the writing sounds worse than genre fiction a few decades ago
It's kind of over for the mainstream, but I think after a while a mainstream that shitty is replace

>> No.22585047

There isn't a single conversation in this country worth having except the insane immigration/housing issue the political class won't talk about. All the rest is a bunch of globalist international horseshit that came to canada from influencers abroad. Great swathes of our economy are foreign owned as well, and culturally most Canadians are more interested in the latest happenings in the United States rather than their home. How anyone could conclude we're anything other than independent as a formality is ridiculous

>> No.22585051

The political class thinks you are racist for even thinking about the immigration/housing issue

>> No.22585055

because blm happened in the united states and the establishment is afraid of le trump phenomena coming here as well. Every cultural-political trend in this country comes from somewhere else

>> No.22585068

Trump scares them rather ridiculously. They created a boogeyman (/pol/ helped a little through voicing support) and they can't even name one racist thing he did that isn't just protecting the borders
One leftie type I talked to says that he thinks anti-immigration sentiment only became a thing because of Trum and that before him no poor person felt bitter for competing with cheap foreign labor
All they have to do is stop mass importing people but like you said someone in another country is advocating for immigration

>> No.22585071

And Tom was a Canadian legend

>> No.22585082

Damn, this is just making me feel sad

>> No.22585089

Anyone like Loreena McKinnet

>> No.22585094

Funny, isn't it?

>> No.22585101

Yep, and almost like it was reasonable and not such a big deal

>> No.22585107

Our literature is dogshit. It's so sad, bros.

>> No.22585111


>> No.22585112

Wow how dare people write about their live experiences, they should all write about white men

>> No.22585116

Don't be sad that it's over, smile because it happened.



>> No.22585117
File: 570 KB, 1500x2250, Swallowed-300-CMYK-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read Réjean Ducharme? Was talking to a Quebec girl a while ago and she recommended him. Thought about buying an English translation of "L’avalée des avalés" ("Swallowed"), but that shit is expensive and it isn't on libgen.

>> No.22585133

>The National Film Board of Canada
Nostalgic for a time I missed whenever I watch the vids from there
And I try to smile
Maybe good things will occur again

>> No.22585142

I think a lot of it has to do with a lack of identity. I can't say a ton happens here that's worth writing about, and even when there is, the generic multicultural liberal bullshit gets pushed by the publishers instead. I still enjoy a lot of books about the Canadian wilderness, but that's about it. It makes me sad because I want to like newer Canadian literature, but it's so hard to.

>> No.22585143

Duddy was kind of based

>> No.22585153

I love Farley Mowat
Lucy Maud Montgomery's novels are peak comfy
Then there is Jack London

>> No.22585187

Wow, I didnt even know about this one


>> No.22585212

Probably because of the fed government subsidies they get for promoting Canadian "values" and content. It's the same reason channels like Much Music had to play a certain amount of Canadian music.

>> No.22585217

Plus novels about the First World War.
(Although I like those ones).

One of the greatest Canadian writers, and not only in fiction.

Unfortunately true.

>The National Film Board of Canada
They even hired Roland Barthes to make content for them.

>> No.22585233

because it IS sad growing up in canada. it's a lost country for lost people

>> No.22585249

Multiculturalism was a good idea until we realized other ethnicities were too stupid to appreciate it.

>> No.22585260

>Much Music had to play a certain amount of Canadian music
For those less familiar, this is also true for all(?) Canadian broadcasting, as far as I'm aware. Campus radio has to play 35% Canadian music (with real specific guidelines) unless it's a specialty category like "international" or "experimental", etc.; pretty sure the number is higher for commercial radio. The government also introduced a new bill (Bill C-18) meant to force similar regulations onto digital media shit, leading Facebook and Instagram (and Twitter? probably more) to mass-block Canadian news social media (including the aforementioned non-commercial campus radio pages) for Canadian users. I think reliance on social media by actual news or public entities is fucking stupid (the ban affected agencies trying to send out warnings about forest fires), but the whole situation is retarded.

>> No.22585309

I didn't know this one either; so much Canadian culture a lot of kids will never even know because schools are pushing multicultural content

>> No.22585382

Unironically yes

>> No.22585727

>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
It isn't that sad. Out of curiosity, are there any good books set in Newfoundland?

>> No.22585739

Propaganda needs to come from ALL sources.

>> No.22585783

Sounds kinda great desu.im adding this to my list.

>> No.22585797

It's sad living in Canada. Nuff said.

Isn't Ann of Green Gables set there? Pretty sure the ending is a huge downer as well.

>> No.22585807

>Anne of Green Gables
Set on Prince Edward Island, so not quite. This did remind me that I own those books and have never read them, though.

>> No.22585810

life in Canada is ridiculous. we basically have 4 sectors of industry and even high school reflects that in the funniest way.
it it basically a wealthy place where nothing epic has happened, and that is just depressing
We literally had to present one of our most well read psychologists for our bants to even be accepted as ontological

>> No.22585870

Davies is so good and so up /lit/'s alley I can't believe he doesn't get talked about more here.

>> No.22585887

Anything specific by him that you'd recommend?

>> No.22585983

The Depford Trilogy is his most famous, but my favourite is the Cornish trilogy. He also has some good non fiction about theatre (he actually helped set up the Stratford festival) and if you like what you read of him, High Spirits is a collection of silly ghost stories he'd tell to his students and is very endearing, though I wouldn't start there.

>> No.22586014

don't forget that this is the result of state funded arts. Canada assumes that they should be competing with America, who has 10x the population of Canada, in terms of media representation, which is just retarded.

The result is state propaganda, which currently exists to serve the idea that Canadians have no culture and that Indians should inherit the British Empire.

Canada was a great place to live when it was under the radar. Now you have to compete with the entire third world just to buy housing in your own country. The people born here have been sold out by our politicians, something that is supported by both of the main political parties.

>> No.22586049

I think with the end of the Iraq war and the aftermath showing how pointless it all was, we've learned the lesson that you can't just go somewhere and impose a different way of living ex nihilo on a population. I think what we will hopefully have learned in 20 years (I'd rather sooner but I'm not optimistic) is that you similarly can't impose a different way of living on a sufficiently large population that you import. It might work when there's a firm majority bought into the mainstay culture of the nation. For a while Canada's reinvention of itself in the 60s worked. People eventually bought in, but I think the combination of the scale of immigration with the fact that the Canadian worldview coming from the 60s is increasingly inadequate in dealing with the modern world means that it just doesn't have the strength to convince anyone.

>> No.22586059

Thanks. I'll start with Deptford and try Cornish out after that.

For the sake of the thread I'll recommend "The Curve of Time" by Blanchet. Haven't read anything else by her, but it was enjoyable and spoke to a specific Canadian spirit; it's a diary of her summers with her children spent boating around Vancouver. It'd appeal to the anon above who likes books about the wilderness (>>22585142). Similarly "Alone Against The North" by Shoalts, which is more non-fiction about Canadian exploration, but a lot more recent (2015). Been a few years since I read it, so I won't comment specifically on the writing, but I remember I enjoyed it.

I'm also curious about Quebec literature (having asked about Réjean Ducharme earlier). An old prof of mine went on about some of it the last time I talked to him, plus their whole culture is a lot more insular and language-focused than what you get in the rest of Canada. If I talk to the prof about it soon I'll dump his recommendations here.

Folklore is also really interesting to me. Found a copy of "Legends of Prince Edward Island" in the used bookstore in my old town, and it was effectively >>22585011 in song form. It also has some native folklore, though that stuff reads like it's a few degrees separated from the source. Hearing some "real deal" native folklore would be cool, but getting it in writing might defeat the purpose.

>> No.22586061

excuse the sophmorism but there is also this: /Garrison_mentality

>> No.22586111

You might enjoy "Legends of British Columbia". It's a fun collection of folklore. The author was a pretty interesting woman as well, and some of her poems are decent enough s folk songs.

>> No.22586202

Author name? I'm not getting anything for "Legends of British Columbia", but "Legends of Vancouver" by Pauline Johnson shows up.

>> No.22586213

My bad. I meant Legends of Vancouver. Pauline Johnson is massively underrated, a great Victorian-era poet and short story writer who's relative obscurity I'll never be able to understand.

>> No.22586221

Thanks very much, anon. I'll give her a look. Her stuff seems to all be on Project Gutenberg, which is nice.

>> No.22586755

Because of a shitty essay Atwood wrote in the '70s about Canadian identity being tied to the harshness of the landscape.

>> No.22587256

It's two sides of the same coin. Politics is 11D chess, not checkers. It's the push-pull ideology of Liberalism (Chaos & Change) followed by Conservatism (Order and Stability).

Anyone who does not understand this are usually fools who can't think very far into the future, or doesn't understand what organized intellectual groups with death cult nepotism are capable of over decades, centuries.

They way people have been taught to think is within the system of Proletariat Society, and most of those people will usually have strong opinions with very (little) biased research.

Neurodivergent can easily see this, and it's a shame it's so hard for neurotypicals to see it.

>> No.22587356

Don't think I forgot my Newfoundlanders



>> No.22587628

>>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
>Emily of New Moon by Montgomery
Every single Montgomery book is the opposite of this.

>> No.22587893

Anil's Ghost is edgelore Indian-Canadian splatterpunk bullshit that masquerades itself as some kind of confessional literary piece
It's brown people casually killing each other, stabbing and abusing their European sex partners, and committing incest
It's kind of unfortunate. I had a few minority friends who got labelled self-hating and far-right back in the day for saying that uncontrolled mass migration might backfire, mostly by wealthy middle class women.

>> No.22587902

If we at least had a dictator who is /lit/. Justin is dumb as a brick and was apparently caught fundin some kind of scat cartoon

>> No.22588427

This is only sort of related but in a puff price about the Alberta provincial candidates they asked Danielle Smith what her favourite books/authors were, and she said Ayn Rand, John Locke and then Eragon by Christopher Paolini.

>> No.22588462
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I know someone that works at CBC books for years. I won't write their name though. This is simply the level they are at in terms of experiencing the world and how books should be. I dont read many Canadian books for this reason. But if you think about it a lot of books in all cultures fit this formula of identity and struggle.

Canada lacks the history and cultural infrastructure of England, France, USA, japan, Ireland to produce better. We had almost no people up until recently. Very very few liberal arts institutions and a very shy repressed population historically.
Perhaps only Alice Munro could say something more universal about the human experience. Atwood is kind of YA. Jewish Montreal lit is pretty insular.

The other other reason is this is what sells in book stores to the ppl like my acquaintance that works at CBC Books.

(Btw Canada has a fairly strong tradition of contemporary Marxist academia if that's a consolation)

>> No.22588469

She's a radio DJ and literally mentally retarded. Most of Alberta has fully poisoned minds. They breath chemicals and are damaged emotionally and mentally from neoliberalism drugs greed and Ohio levels of lame consumerism.

>> No.22588487

>Canada has a fairly strong tradition of contemporary Marxist academia if that's a consolation
It's not.

>> No.22588537

That's an odd combo to say the least but nothing really beats scat. At least she seems good on some issues because I was hoping to buy a farm in Alberta

>> No.22588625

I haven't heard about the scat thing. I just think it's hilarious to put Eragon in there like it's a part of the libertarian literary canon.
> So you see Arya (Eragon then spends 80 pages explaining how helping the rebellion for free would actually damage it in the long run. She still doesn't have sex with him).

>> No.22588634

Eragon is weird because its just a literal child's mash up of older fantasy books with nu-atheist libertarian motifs

>> No.22588642

I was going to say I didn't see the libertarian motifs, but then I remembered the lace manufacturing subplot.

>> No.22588650

I am actually curious what that kid's parents were reading and showing to him aside from C.S Lewis Tolkien and star wars

>> No.22588658
File: 836 KB, 1500x1500, 1607453774083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because living in Canada fucking sucks retard
It's like Eastern Europe and the US mixed together with very few of the benefits.

>Politics is entirely fucked like the US and the entirety of Eastern Europe. Unquestionably huge separation between the political elite of Laurentia (Toronto to Montreal) and the common working people.
>Economy is fucked, can't get a job for shit. God help you if you're a youngfag male (like the anon writing this shit. It's still bad in Alberta, t. edmontonfag)
>Car bullshit like the US, don't get to walk and enjoy sunlight and fresh air when you're getting to places - no, be stationary and move a big ass hunka metal that you don't need because you're not one of them country folk
>Culture is a mixture of the US' overconsoomerism and Eastern Europe's paranoia towards eachother. Everyone is staring at their phones and scared to talk to anyone they don't know.
>Liquor and smokes are expensive so you can't even drown out your sorrows.


>> No.22588661

It was surprisingly materialist for a fantasy series. I would be surprised if there was some Dawkins and Hitchens in his teenage years.

>> No.22588667

Most certainly Dawkins and Hitchens; a little sad because older authors were often mystics. It's like we disenchanted the world for our younglings

>> No.22588673

Canada can't change

>> No.22589706

Yeah it sucks. But we've had two cross-continental marches on Parliment in The last century and our eventual revolutionary terror+balkanization is going to be kino. Besides, if you can get good with one of our many influential ethnic blocs life can be surprisingly cozy.

>> No.22589729

I wonder if any good literature will come out of the last few difficult days

>> No.22589745
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I saw a young white woman reading this book on the TTC last year.

>> No.22589747

I-is it actually pro-trucker? The intellectuals in my university were "literally shaking" and I was worrying a bit that we would see books talking about the failed rebellion and attacking the people there

>> No.22589759

I haven't read it myself but it looks like the author intended to be as impartial as possible. So yes, it's pro-trucker.
As for "intellectuals", those people couldn't exist outside their little bubble and no one else thinks like them.

>> No.22589762

Good news then, I shall remember watching the trucks go by as one of the high points of the weird stuff that has been going in Canada lately
Maybe I'll look for this book

>> No.22589832

Yes, but it will take a while. People who published books about the pandemic during the fact were going for a quick cash grab. Now people are sick of talking about it. Maybe in ten years some interesting works will be published, I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.22590616

Lawton is a 400 lbs man. He's really gross and talks funny. He's so obese I cannot look at him without laughing. He works for a website that labels itself as a charity to avoid paying taxes called True North.

It's a really disgusting grift. One of the writers there just had a baby with full down syndrome trying to "preserve the white demographics" it's a really vile bunch.

>> No.22590626

Isn't all political writing a grift to an extent? Nothing wrong with treating every life as something valuable either

>> No.22590630

I am ashamed to even share the border with this failed state

>> No.22590640

I volunteer with intellectually disabled adults every weekend. It was totally selfish for Lindsay Shepherd to bring another downy into this world. It takes like 20 people besides the mother and like $75000 a year from the government for life to take care of these people. :( 90-95% of disabled fetuses are aborted in Canada, but a few selfish moms insist on bringing them to life. Idk her and Andrew Lawton work together and honestly he may be disabled too. He attempted suicide a few years ago. Really mean thing to do for a guy with a wife and kids. I'm adding this digression to show two examples of how conservative Canadian authors are simply selfish ppl

>> No.22590646

But there's considerable evidence to show that fetuses feel pain when aborted by the time the ultrasound shows that they are going to be disabled

>> No.22590649

Me and a prof did a research project on vaccines and how workers responded. That stuff will be published in academic journal articles starting soon. Protip, it doesn't have a lasting change despite ppl dying from work class consciousness was not raised heh. The working class are really closed down from having a sociological imagination. It's pretty bad how they can't connect their experiences to class or wider society.

>> No.22590656

50 years of pain due to Crohn's and a number of other diseases they literally ALL have occurs too. What about the pain the day they realize they will never be normal? They cry at least a few times a week. If your true ethics is to minimize pain, mine isn't, but if yours is, then abortion is the moral choice.

>> No.22590658

>The working class are really closed down from having a sociological imagination. It's pretty bad how they can't connect their experiences to class or wider society.
They most certainly did during the pandemic but they got shut down and literally trampled with horses
It's kind of odd how some intellectuals react to working class. You and I can publish a paper on just about anything and it will be free speech but if the peasant goes to the capital the political class will see it as a slave revolt

>> No.22590668

I hope that's true; I have known Catholics that chose abortion and then wondered their whole lives when they saw disabled people enjoying themselves if they stole something from that kid
I think the Jews and Muslims got it done right when their mysticism says that some people get to reincarnate even though they have a lot of other issues. It's not fair that some peoples only go at life is as a semi-vegetable

>> No.22590674

The demands in Ottawa were to 1 let us keep working, let us keep our businesses open despite us spreading COVID among or workers. It was a small business owner pettybourgeois protest. NO meat Packers, grocery workers, nurses, doctors, car plantworkers, migrant workers, teachers, attended buddy. It was owner operator truckers and small business owners that wanted to put their workers in harm's way!
Sheesh you are really ignorant on the demographics and class character of this thing buddy. Pump your breaks and think this through a little.

>> No.22590678

This is unironically the way the left-wing justifies their hideous betrayal; to think that I used to think Unions are based
>Working class

>> No.22590680

Betrayal of What? You are incoherent. You didn't correctly or coherently respond to the fact it was a pettybourgeois gripe

>> No.22590683

You would have to be very dim indeed to think a trucker is not a working class man on a legalese technicality

>> No.22590690

They are small business owners. They are pettybourgeois. They own the truck!

All the working class truckers, mostly immigrant workers, in Canada do not own their own truck and make up 99.9% percent of actual deliveries did not attend a single protest as they had to keep working for their employers.

Owner operator truckers in Ottawa are Self Employed small business owners. I am actually glad I can inform you of the realty of this so you know the class character of the protest now and see it wasn't what you expected.

>> No.22590693
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>newfags and women surprised to learn that cbc is an anti-white propaganda outlet

>> No.22590697

Holy kek, you literally used all the words my Marxist professor used!
CBC is also really mean to Jews and East Asians but has literally had a black supremacist advocate White genocide live

>> No.22590703

It's literally our whitest least Jewish institution. Plays European opera and classical. Plays Quebecois white music.

It's our way to preserve wasp Canadian culture and keep at bay Jewish music industry from the USA bro. Get real

>> No.22590708

I'm just happy you now know Andrew Lawton is a fat loser and the protest was boomerwaffen small business owners and the classic working class had nothing to do with it

>> No.22590711

>All the working class truckers, mostly immigrant workers, in Canada do not own their own truck and make up 99.9% percent of actual deliveries did not attend a single protest as they had to keep working for their employers.
proof? it's more likely that nonwhites just don't care enough. being pro-freedom is overwhelmingly a white thing. also, did you just pull that 99.9% out of your ass? the reason so many truckers could go was because they didn't have a job, that is the entire point you, halfwit. also, owning your own vehicle does not make you "petty bourgeois". you haven't even shown that they did anyway, but even if you could (lmao) that wouldn't matter. working class people usually own their own vehicles, how fucking stupid are you? middle class people own their homes.

>> No.22590716
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>Me and a prof did a research project on vaccines and how workers responded. That stuff will be published in academic journal articles starting soon

>> No.22590717

CBC is so white that there were protests by POC about 5 years ago with the slogan "CBC So White" so CBC had to make a time slot for 1 R and B show, and one Indigenous music show time slots.

>> No.22590718

Ah, so you are just upset at Andrew Lawton for being fat and trying to commit suicide. Still support the truckers bro, even more if they weren't working class robots who had to work for other people

>> No.22590724
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are you going to start calling him a racist next or is that too on the nose

>> No.22590730

Why are Spec Ed teachers so vile? Every one I have met has been an asshole that I would not allow near a school much less teaching the vulnerable
>"CBC So White"
Gosh that's insufferable

>> No.22590732

I talked to the ppl there. They were owner operators. The few that were not owner operators were fired and the trucks confiscated by the company immediately. You cannot take your company's property and leave it on the street in Ottawa. Only owner operators can do that. Working class Canadian truckers were absolutely not out of a job. You think food and store deliveries stopped during COVID? My god you're ignorant. How do you think grocery stores and Walmart work buddy? Trucks ran every day. Sheesh.

And for the love of god if you own your own truck you are petite bourgeois. You are insufferable because you don't know basic words and don't know how logistics and retail work.

>> No.22590735

CBC is anti-white. They won't cover demographic issues or nonwhite violence, they push anti-white narratives like the lie of "white privilege" and attack any organic white movements like the trucker convoy. I don't care what a bunch of retarded shitskins chimped out over in the streets, these are the same people who thought nigger george floyd was murdered and a good person (another anti-white lie pushed by CBC). you probably believd it lol

>> No.22590740

I don't like morbidly obese ppl. Its repellent to me. It's just a personal opinion.
I have no idea if that tub of shit is racist or not, is he?

>> No.22590741
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>I talked to the ppl there
Wow good source retard

They need to feel superior, the only place they can is ruling over a bunch of retards. they're usually black too.

>> No.22590743

>I have no idea if that tub of shit is racist or not, is he?
you know his entire life's story apparently, and will cry about him for an hour, but you don't know if he's racist?

>> No.22590750

I just volunteer. I make their lives slightly better. I'm literally their best friend. But when ppl like Andrew Lawton or Lindsay Shepherd keep having these kids it strains our funding to take care of the ones we have. 1 case worker has 250 ppl with downsyndrome under her care. So it takes about 6 months to do an accessmemt. So when lard Lawton attempt suicide and his co-workers give us more downs ppl that they cannot personally look after it just strains our resources more

>> No.22590751

Owner operators are working class to everyone but hateful Marxists who are meant to protect them. The issue was not that the trucks stopped running but that the unvaccinated were not allowed to work and that a whole bunch of other government overreach was occurring
That's a racist opinion sweatie; most Black woman are obese
>They need to feel superior, the only place they can is ruling over a bunch of retards. they're usually black too.
This is probably true; the tards come off as more level-headed than their handlers have the time

>> No.22590758

I will phone up your friends and tell them you think they are a burden who should be aborted Marxbro, I am sure they won't tard out and beat you

>> No.22590761

Talking to the people literally attending the protest is a bad source? Have you done one second of thinking or studying how social science research is down? Talking to the actual people in the actual thing is the most accurate and exact way to hear what is on the ground! Should I have read newspapers or talked to the people there? Are you nuts?

>> No.22590764

wow you're such a good person crying about down syndrome babies syphoning resources

how about the endless stream of illegals or foreigners who come here to leech off the system?

>> No.22590768

Phone who? Who are you going to phone lol?

Omg read about class for like 10 minutes on Wikipedia so we can actually talk about the issue accurately . You're being unnecessarily mean to me

>> No.22590769

You interpret every person you talked to through a lens of far-left hate. Every normal person looks at an "owner operator" and sees a working class man. I see a dude who mows lawns and owns his own land mower as a working class man.
I support their right to protest against wealthy people who effect their lives
Hush, the downies will ask for full payment washing dishes if they are White; the brown people he can use as slaves because they ESL

>> No.22590770

>Talking to the people literally attending the protest is a bad source?
yes, you're clearly very biased and motivated by politics. also

i bet you're as shitskinned college dyke too, only those fucking losers take social science seriously. go back to your toilet country and take your stinky brown family with you, halfwit.

>> No.22590777
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>read about class!
>you're being mean to me!

>> No.22590780

>unnecessarily mean to me
Holy kek. Marxists need to be bullied more

>> No.22590786

Back to my point on Lawton. Most of his co-workers at his fake charity grift were not born in Canada. Like 75% of the people he works with are foreign born including the literal owner Kaj Nejatian. A guy named Kaj Nejatian is the employer and publisher of Andrew Lawton's book at a fake charity called "True North"

I'm 5th generation wasp Canadian. And Kaj Nejatian is telling me how to be more Canadian? Lol

>> No.22590790

Dude just cheered on suppressing a working class protest because some of the workers owned their own equipment and were self-employed
Also makes fun of the suicidal, immigrants and moms with disabled babies. He thinks he can have bants but not get bant'd back

>> No.22590795

kek this picture

>> No.22590797

Yeah I did make fun of those people. Why do you care?

>> No.22590804

Because if you make fun of someone you need to be ready for people to make fun of you back. Are you sure you are not a self-hate downie too? It's retarded to make fun of suicidal people and then expect people to not "be mean" like a child who sobs when the kid he bullies punches back

>> No.22590810

There's no reason to be mean to me to further your arguments. Why not let me be mean to others and you can be more civil than me and try not being mean?

>> No.22590818

Holy kek, you spend too much time with Speds who you want to see aborted
>"You are being mean to me, wah!"
>"Only I can say bad things about other people"

>> No.22590826

From what I seen it sounds like an upper middle class woman who has not worked a day in her life besides doing arts and crafts with men who are intellectually disabled but still find her presence odious

>> No.22590832

No. We can all choose to be mean or not and I chose to be mean but you can choose to be kind to me if you wanted to.

I've never heard the word Speds also

>> No.22590835

So I write like an upper middle class woman? Kind of a compliment from you. Ty

>> No.22590847

Girl, you are making me feel bad that I did not bully people like you in high school
The self-righteousness, the solipsism, and trying to bend reality to your narrow-minded view of things are all very unattractive upper class woman traits.

>> No.22590857

are we going to kiss now?

>> No.22590862

Not in till you show me your silicon tits troon

>> No.22590898

are you edging?

>> No.22591012
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the west should separate and create a new culture out of the rotten husk that is canada btw

>> No.22591027

I want to see the Great Wexit novel

>> No.22591079

America should annex Leafland as an act of mercy.

>> No.22591167

honestly good luck cunt, we're all miserable but we all hate you. bare minimum we'll take it as a call to just have a good time and shoot some incompetent compensating twats

let me outlie what'll happen to you fags if you choose to invade

>0. laurentia will be captured. go ahead, fuckin take er. we don't care.
>1. the prairies will initially welcome you, but we'll immediately become hostile the second we get fucked in the ass by federal land and the tomfuckery of the feds, California, and New York. With all the guns that'll be acquired by this time, you'll have to deal with what is essentially a second US civil war.
>2. The newfs are a bunch of pissed off, well-built drunkards that hate you all. They'll see your invasion as a holy call to arms to destroy the bastard yanks. You'll have to deal with a bunch of drug addled cunts on a dry ass isolated island that'll likely get covert military support from the Brits wanting direct access to the Western Hemisphere. Considering the fact that Five-Eyes will likely be buttfucked at this point, they'd be more than happy to have land at your doorstep. Congrats, you now have Afghan.
>3. The entirety of the Rockies will be like Vietnam. Everyone has an old rifle under the floorboards and by the Good Lord do they hate *you.* Try firebombing an incredibly flammable forest that's connected and right next to your land. You faggots won't, because it will absolutely fuck up the continent, including your domestic front. Ergo to take hold of the resource-rich rockies, you'll need to deal with getting potshotted right in the cock by a hick and a tranny every 12 seconds that you won't see before nor after.

>> No.22591175
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you guys are pretty much guaranteeing permanent Democrats rule if you annex us
only Alberta would vote for the Republicans and the one of the middle province

>> No.22591194

Just say Saskatchewan, man.

>> No.22591391

>Kate Beatin goes on to write pity porn about the oil sands that wins a Canadian literary prize

>> No.22591394

It wasn't without some nuance.

>> No.22591398

She's kind of cute though. I'd let her touch my penis if you know what I mean

>> No.22591402

It was absolutely dreck that hit every expected trope and theme that Toronto-based media fags love.
>I was...le raped
>Le climate change
>I feel so bad for the Indians
And on and on...

>> No.22591409

She was cute a decade ago. Now she's just another dumpy Canadian woman.

>> No.22591442

You mistakenly assume that people here read.

>> No.22591512

Is that really all you got from it? It was way more about how alienating it is for the men working there, and what happens to people when they're essentially put in this artificial closed off society away from their home, and lamenting what so many men from her home in the martimes suffer. She also shows more sympathy for the people actually living in Fort Mac than most, and there's that good page where the one guy yells at the newfies for talking shit about his home.
I mean she got married, has two kids, and writes children's books, that's essentially the tradwife meme.

>> No.22591659

Based. I took this Nick’s class on vandalism two years ago and ended up publishing the final paper I wrote. He was almost my doctoral supervisor

>> No.22592063 [DELETED] 
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BAP threads: 4 allowed on /lit/ at a time, not removed

Jason Bryan threads: None allowed, removed right away
>one is a jew, one isn't
Hmmm, makes you think

>> No.22592224

Based post. I also want to remind Americans that we have entire provinces/nations here that basically subsist on dole. The moment America invades Canada they'll have to deal with Quebec, the Maritimes, the Territories, Ontario, and occasionally Alberta demanding reparations while lighting up car bombs in every major American city. It's really not worth it.

>> No.22592400

>They think Canadians would fight back.
The entire population is 70% apathetic white people who let the country go to shit abd 30% entitled brown people who don't care who's in charge as long as they get their gibs. Nobody who lives here really thinks Canada is worth fighting for.

>> No.22592468

Its the gayest dystopia ever. Literally.

>> No.22592495

>The entire population is 70% apathetic white people
This really only applies to the big cities, in the suburbs it's 50-50. In rural areas virtually every person i've met is extremely based and openly racist. Why do you think the jew system shits on these people so hard? big cities are toilets, let the 3rd worlders and their clueless leftist simps have them after driving up the cost of housing and making my family millionaires simply for not selling their house.

>> No.22592498

no, it sounds like an entitled brown fat hog in college who thinks she's smart because she studied psychology, or worse, sociology.

>> No.22592517

And she gets featured on CBC books!

>> No.22592524

of course, CBC promote mediocrity, non-white women and 3rd worlders to disrupt any remaining sense of White identity and culture. it's a joke.

>> No.22592530

Lucky bastard. I've only ever lived in a big city. It's so horrible, it's like a living death. I hate it so much.

>> No.22592564

Watch "Deconstructing Karen" and see how many minutes you make it before you puke

>> No.22592570

Do they ever promote Jews and chinese any more

>> No.22592616

move to a rural area or small town. the land is cheaper and there's way more freedom and everyone is conservative. i was out this weekend running errands and the guy at the dump told me he hates shitskins and tells them that to their face.

>> No.22592621

Are you in Quebec bro

>> No.22592645

No but I'd imagine Quebec is similar. Why are you living in a big city when the rent it costs is the same as a mortgage on an acreage property with a house and barns in rural Alberta or Saskatchewan? Learn how to weld or get some other good trade skill or work for a unionized job like a railroad, you don't even need a faggot college degree, these jobs all pay better anyway and everyone's based and redpilled.

>> No.22592672
File: 30 KB, 474x316, birbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I could own a farm in Alberta somewhere
I want to keep many birbs
Not sure if I would fit in though

>> No.22592782

>70% white
anon, I...

>> No.22592786

fucking where. It's not like america where you can't avoid stubbing your toe on some hick town, everywhere in canada is either insanely expensive or completely dead (and still expensive)

>> No.22592796

I hate ghost towns; they are so creepy and I swear you can hear things there

>> No.22592916

Because the nation is deeply, tragically turbo-woke to such an insane degree especially the upper class. My niece is five and they're already teaching her about residential schools, she doesn't even know what a nun is and they're already telling her they're evil and they hurt children. In my city a continuing hot topic is if they should spend 187 million dollars to find the bodies of two dead native women in a garbage dump (where they belong) who nobody gave two shits about when they were alive and who may or may not even be there at all, this is considered to somehow be a big deal when food prices are skyrocketing and the housing market is a total mess. Canada as a nation is like the 8/10 upper middle class woman who has no real problems so she starts doing stupid shit and making up problems until she has real and imaginary problems to deal with, and the CBC is basically state-run propaganda so of course it's going to push and support any book that furthers their "message".

>> No.22592938

>My niece is five and they're already teaching her about residential schools, she doesn't even know what a nun is and they're already telling her they're evil and they hurt children.
And all those "children" turned out to be rocks in the ground, but pointing this put makes you a "denialist".

>> No.22592950

This is going to sound controversial, but the government saw how easy it is to buttfuck Amerimutts and Europoors by bringing up their past sins and wanted a slavery incident or Holocaust they could guilt us with. But our ancestors were too tame to provide one naturally so they provided
A Native guy on another board was already complainin they won't let him rebury the "bodies of the kids

>> No.22592989

What pisses me off is its the same people who killed all these kids trying to brow beat the population into a guilt complex over it. No Mr. Trudeau, my ancestors werent elite freemasonic pedophiles who sacrificed little native kids to Baal, yours were. Stop trying to make this into a wedge issue you piece of shit.

>> No.22592995

Kek, its true, it was Trudeau senior who was active taking people's kids and giving them to pedoes but its regular Canucks they teach to apologize for it in school

>> No.22593192

The ground penetrating radar saga is so stupid. A bunch of the nations were actually pretty tame in their initial announcements, and basically just said that they were locations of interest that they wanted to excavate, then the media went nuts with it.
Part of the issue with trying to hype up Canada's sins is scale. We haven't had much of a population till recently, so all the bad things is always happens at most a few thousand people. Next to what's happened across the world in the 20th century, it's pretty weak tea. People trying to build up John A. MacDonald as some sort of horrible figure is always so funny too. Residential schools were voluntary when he was in power and there were only 20 of them, vs the 185 on-reserve day schools.

>> No.22594263

I highly recommend L'avalée des avalés, one of my favourite novels ever, I read it when I was 16-17 so I don't know what I'd think about it now but it definitely had quite an impact on me. You should try reading it in French.

>> No.22594634

Does anyone have experience with local book festivals? There's one going on here in Montreal this week, and maybe another in November or December, and I was wondering if anyone has had good experiences with these kinds of things. There looked to be a few talks from authors held last night when I was walking around. Last time I went to one of these it felt pretty lame, but that was in a small city and I didn't get too involved; I saw a bunch of white-haired retirees at tables covered in self-pubbed novels and poetry collections, but I don't remember talking to anybody in-depth.

Thank you, I'll keep it in mind. I'd massively prefer to read without a translation, but my French is dogshit. Going on a year living in Montreal, so I feel ashamed whenever I pick up an English translation of a French book.

>> No.22594641

To be fair, the responsibility was legally and spiritually transferred away from them in a series of rituals. So they are quite literally not at fault and have a clean conscience

>> No.22594672

I don't live in Montreal anymore, but the McGill booksale is a goldmine. Show up early and you can clean up.

>> No.22594678

Please explain if you are at liberty to do so

>> No.22594718

What ritual can make something that the Canadian government did the responsibility of poor Canuck kids who didn't make that choice

>> No.22594746

Idk the specifics but look up Queen Elizabeth Kamloops Residential School 1964.

>> No.22594800

Nah it was never a good idea but the real problem was the whites mixed up multiculturalism with self-hate.

>> No.22594807

>>I'm a second generation immigrant I'm Toronto with...le identity issues.
Isn't that most of the books published in the last 2 decades everywhere except not necessarily in Toronto?
I remember looking at the last few book awards and it was all identity crap.

>> No.22594812

>Please note the Book Fair will not be held in 2023 or in the foreseeable future
>Happy as we all were to be “back in business”, however, the coordinators had decided to retire after the 2022 fair.
Are there any good used book shops? or book shops in general? I normally pirate all my shit and put it on an e-reader, but I'm willing to suffer spending money if I find something nice or obscure. I checked out Drawn & Quarterly with a buddy, and they were selling local zines (including ones that were just crayons and stapled A4 paper). Might be cool to check that those out, but I think I'd hate myself for spending money on them.

Another buddy has described some readings he's gone to and taken part in, saying it's all white women complaining. I don't want to force him to get me into that crowd, and I'd like to hope that there's some (Anglo) writing scene here that I'd actually be interested in.

>> No.22594830

The Word on Milton is pretty great. Small though, they make their real money in the rare book trade. They only take cash at their actual storefront. If they end up liking you they might invite you to the store Christmas party.

>> No.22594832

Because they won't publish my twisted yet optimistic fantasy novel. I'm too white.

>> No.22594834

This is the real kicker.

>> No.22594852
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And to further comment on cities, these'll be 90% of your battles.

Now right now? When nothings really happening? City folk are apathetic. Now imagine your life of comfort and entire worldview is swept under the rug. You're dirty, you're starving, and you've been drinking your own weewee for the past couple days. You stole a shitty plastic pistol off of a dead peace officer.

Imagine all that anger, all that sublimated rage and fury that's let out by schizos going postal getting let loose. That's what cities will be. The strong really will survive. The middle class and peaceful poor city types will collapse and in their wake will be the most sociopathic rouges gallery of rapists, scalpers, and butchers. This isn't talking about the criminal elements of cities, whom in their own right are already small warbands.

>> No.22594892

I don't like slander against Lizzie. She begged Trudeau to listen to his people moar

>> No.22594922

>let out by schizos
We ignore you schizos
Like seriously you dropped a 3 paragraph plan about your imaginary invasion scenario, you guys are nuts

>> No.22594923

No it's true, Anglophone Canada is just New England with more poverty and diversity. It should be annexed by America.

>> No.22595092

I don't even know any canadian literature that could be classified as /lit/-approved.

>not written by a woman, a communist, a third world immigrant or a jew
>not some whiny libtarded political pamphlet
>could be considered good on its own merits and not just as some sort of provincial curiosity to witness in that white anthropologist admiring a tribal dance in africa kind of way.

>> No.22595109 [DELETED] 


>> No.22595126

That's because you didn't read the thread and take a look at any Robertson Davies.

>> No.22595135
File: 696 KB, 768x598, canadianliterature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the most important Canadian book, pleb.

>> No.22595470

Is it a r-real?

>> No.22595472

He's young.

>> No.22595503

Even a gay guy called that demonic apparently

>> No.22595514

I thought gay people were against kink shame

>> No.22595534

>In the same interview, Engel did say that she was influenced by the Haida story of the Bear Mother, or Bear Princess, as introduced to her by Haida sculptor Bill Reid. However, she mainly worked from a version of the story recorded by Marius Barbeau, a French-Canadian ethnographer and folklorist.
>Throughout the story, Lou's advances on the bear become more frequent and aggressive. Aguila-Way says it might be a form of "settler self-Indigenization, or the settler-colonial impulse to claim connection to the land" via an animal or plants associated in some way to Indigenous mythology.
How profound

>> No.22595619

I don't think I'll ever bring myself to actually read "Bear", but that critique is probably partway correct in a general sense apart from throwing in bullshit like "settler self-Indigenization". If you wanted to say it was a story rooted in the idea of forcefully trying to connect with a land you feel unconnected to, then it might be accurate, and it might apply to a lot of ideas around "settler" (sorry) literature; look at the "Garrison mentality" that was mentioned earlier.

Reading "the settler-colonial impulse to claim connection to the land" is frustrating, though I suppose it's blunted by being specifically about "animal or plants associated in some way to Indigenous mythology". But I think that sentiment is really about the direct quote rather than the addendum. It's as if it's not enough to say I was born somewhere, or raised there, and rather that I need some deep, tribe-approved heritage to claim any relation to where I live. Obviously there are cultural differences to be found, but I hate the tag "settler" being applied anywhere past a generation.

It seems now that the accepted way to claim connection is to parade others' Indigeneity ahead of yourself: make a land acknowledgement, talk about "land back", repeat that it's the natives who'll get it right and set us straight. Of course a connection to the land you live on is supremely important, and heritage can increase that, but it seems like people take an alternate route to lauding natives so that they can feel comfortable claiming connection.

And looking at the size of Canada, should I go up to my native buddies and say
>ummm ackshully your tribe is from X and now we're 2000 km away in Y so you're liiike not really indigenous here and you should try to accept yourself as a settler...
>and ackshully the land we're on that you're calling "Canada" (a COLONIAL name for COLONIAL borders) is XXXXXX

Canada is a massive and mostly linearly-arranged country, and the mobility we have in it is almost necessarily going to drag us away from "home" even if we move a single city away. There's a necessarily fractured national identity, and it's popular to lionise native culture as a way to escape forming Canadian culture.

Stopping myself now because I don't know where I'm going with all of this seething.

>> No.22595632

Yeah, I was joking about it being profound. It is a load of hogwash and I agree about your opinion on the settler thing
They will put down White people who lived here for generations but we are not allowed to challenge whether a Muslim immigrant feels any patriotism
"Decolonization" is kind of spooky considering they were also cheering on the Israelis being murdered a while back
I guess they would be okay if we were deported if we refuse to fuck an animal

>> No.22595783

So many pseuds here and just uninteresting annoying people thats why

>> No.22595784

Yeah, the whole idea of “settlers” not deserving a connection to the land is fundamentally illogical. It ignores the fact that land changes hands throughout the course of history, and that Indigenous tribes were fighting over territorial disputes for many thousands of years before Europeans ever arrived. If you go back long enough, the tribe inhabiting any given region had at one point supplanted the region’s previous inhabitants. Does that make them “settlers?” None of it makes any sense.

I’m not Indigenous myself, but I grew up around a lot of Indigenous people, and even spent some time living on fly-in reserves as a child because of my parents’ work. From what I’ve seen, the average social-justice-minded white person who pontificates about Indigeneity has no concept of what Indigenous communities are actually like or of how the average Indigenous person (outside of the vocal minority of race-grifters in academia) feels about their identity. The whole idea that Indigenous cultures have some special and inherent connection to the land that settlers can’t understand, or the idea that Indigenous cultures are less repressive, is a prettied-up regurgitation of the “noble savage” archetype; it’s more offensive than anything else.

Pre-contact, Indigenous tribes in Canada were mainly hunter-gatherer cultures that lacked technological and agricultural advancements. Their survival directly depended on their ability to understand and predict seasonal weather changes, growth cycles of plants, animal migration patterns, and etc. Their close relationship with the land was a relationship of necessity, not the result of some higher level of spirituality and eco-consciousness. And likewise, their stewardship of the land was due to the fact that they lacked the sheer numbers (and technological advancements) that would’ve been necessary for them to have had a really detrimental impact on the environment. Indigenous tribes certainly did not reject “destructive” settler technologies on principle when they were offered them; in fact they were eager to trade for things like guns and traps. Human nature across cultures is fundamentally self-interested. There are valuable things to be gleaned from any culture, but most of the current celebration of Indigeneity is ill-informed virtue signalling.

And on Indigenous literature: back in undergrad I had to take an Indigenous lit course. The problem with it is that Indigenous cultures don’t have a well-established literary tradition. They were entirely oral cultures before settler contact, and their oral legends often don’t necessarily translate well to writing. So almost all contemporary Indigenous lit deals with the relationship between Indigenous people and “settlers” and the oppressive nature of colonization, which quickly gets repetitive and often lacks nuance and subtlety. It’s frustrating to have to study multiple works that all have essentially the same theme.

>> No.22595828

It was never good and the problems were always obvious.

>> No.22595846 [DELETED] 
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Dudes will critique and discuss "Bear" while not a single person has finished "The Shitkickers" and discussed the street conflicts coming to Canadian cities once the economic downturn really sets in.
Jason Bryan predicted the future of dating
Jason Bryan predicted the future of Canadian inner-cities
Jason Bryan's next book predicts the future of AI

>> No.22595893 [DELETED] 
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Jason Bryan is so based that nobody can interview him, any media company that would interview him and post his unfiltered opinions would be instantly shut down and completely destroyed
c'est la vie

>> No.22595976

Based effortposter. The trend of hyping up shitty native books is so fucking cringe.

>> No.22595990
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>> No.22596006

kek, why do they all have a European phenotype?

>> No.22596007

Good effort poster; it is a regurgitation of the Indigenous noble savage and it is a harmful one; it was so awkward seeing academics fawn over Indigenous novels that are plain badly written; sadly they are now making high school courses on Indigenous literature a thing and I am worried it will ruin kids' love of reading

>> No.22596039
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Correct; I have actually seen people who live near reserves complaining that First Nations people overfish and then leave some of the fish to rot
Many wanted pipe line to be built so that they could actually have jobs
I feel sad for what happened to them but lots of bad things happen to everyone. The "settlers" that were sent here were sometimes exiles resettled by force, the Anglos forced the French out of certain parts of Canada and the French too can treat the English-speakers in Quebec poorly nowadays
Don't get me started on how the Irish and various groups of Slavs suffered
There's not a single piece of land on earth that can brag a lack of suffering
So why create an entire course where there's only White man Bad?

>> No.22596042

Ask yourself why all of the famous "native" writers, artists, whatevers in Canada all look good...

>> No.22596045

Pauline Johnso was half-White

>> No.22596051 [DELETED] 
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Clearly you are some stupid nigger/honkey who has never put out a book:


>> No.22596055

Who? Tell me more. Educate me. Please?

>> No.22596074
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Indigenous actress and writer from the 1800s

>> No.22596084

Everyone just pretends to be something, and as long as their bullshit aligns with the establishment, they're rich AF

>> No.22596087

She was a real chieftain's daughter but he had her with a English immigrant girl

>> No.22596095
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The establishment has so much power in Canada, I don't think people realize just how much power the government has... we are all so neutered and everything runs "smooth" as a result... because nobody witnesses the suffering outside of ourselves.

>> No.22596098

Her chieftain father was 1/2 Dutch. She was only 1/4 Mohawk, and the Mohawk didn’t even consider her to be one of them.
> according to the Mohawk matrilineal kinship system, children are considered born into the mother's family, and take their status from her. Thus the Johnson children were considered to belong to no Mohawk family or clan, and were excluded from important aspects of the tribe's matrilineal culture.

>> No.22596102

I think one of the failures in current discussions of indigenous cultural destruction is that people fail to be self-reflective with it: we should all be attempting to build a supportive culture for ourselves. Certainly native culture has a place in that, and that things need to be done to deal with the sores of rapid colonisation, but there ultimately has to be some kind of unity between these things. We should all have some faith in Canadian identity, indigenous people included. The importance of close familial ties, for instance, is talked about much more plainly with indigenous people who are trying to form better families, but it's obviously reflective of what needs to happen in society at large. (However I won't pretend these issues are universally focused on natives, since that family trauma discussion actually came up in a really similar context without the "natives only" thing in a conversation I had recently.) It may simply be that what happened with natives is a large and revealing example of some of these problems, but people resort to guilt rather than looking at how to apply these ideas to themselves and society at large. Maybe it's a matter of distance in time, where we can look back in the near past and see the sudden change of indigenous people, and that makes people more accepting of (let's call them) "traditional values" when applied to that group; but when looking at themselves they see a lineage that extends somewhere into a vague and vilified "Western Society" which they feel they need to oppose in totality to escape.

Your point about matters of human nature is also prudent. It's easy to use the image of the noble savage as a distant way of condemning current practices, since anyone who truly embodies that is actually dead and we can simply project the image onto their nearest descendants. What will "land back" accomplish if we simply hand it over to small, insular groups of people who no longer live like their ancestors? Discussions of reserves are also difficult, since despite so many being utter shit, making the argument that they should be abolished or fundamentally changed is impolite if not verboten (on top of being a difficult thing to accomplish practically).

>> No.22596107

Kek, a quarter blood of anything makes it seem a little odd that they call her Indigenous
We would not call someone who is 1/4 White a European or 1/4th Black African usually

>> No.22596130

Okay bot

>> No.22596131


Rating: 2.7



Crown of her, young Vancouver; crest of her, old Quebec;
Atlantic and far Pacific sweeping her, keel to deck.
North of her, ice and arctics; southward a rival's stealth;
Aloft, her Empire's pennant; below, her nation's wealth.
Daughter of men and markets, bearing within her hold,
Appraised at highest value, cargoes of grain and gold.

>> No.22596186

The fuck? What about that says "bot" to you?

>> No.22596456

> We should all have some faith in Canadian identity, indigenous people included.
That’s a really good point. There are valuable lessons to be learned from Indigenous cultures, but those lessons need to be incorporated into the general Canadian identity in a inclusive way, not promoted in a way that is deliberately divisive. Suggesting that it’s wrong to celebrate Canada Day, or that important figures in Canadian history should be totally condemned because they had problematic views on Indigenous people is counterproductive, and only alienates Canadiands who see those things as important to their cultural identity. Tearing down statues or plaques or renaming schools makes activists feel good, but it’s really just an easy band-aid that does nothing to improve the material conditions of people in Indigenous communities. And fundamentally, it’s absurd to judge historical figures and events by contemporary moral standards.
I also agreed with you on the importance of forming close family ties and dealing with trauma to create a supportive culture for all.

> discussions of reserves
The reserve system absolutely needs to be dismantled, or at the very least entirely restructured. Almost anyone who has actually lived or worked on a reserve will agree with this in private, yet in progressive circles it’s taboo to even bring it up. The original intention of reserves was to enable Indigenous tribes to continue their traditional cultures and live off of the land, governing themselves seperately from “settler”society. But those traditions of living off of the land have been almost entirely lost, so there is little practical point to people living in these isolated, remote communities. What remains are toxic, insular places with astronomical rates of drug/alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, familial dysfunction, suicide, teen pregnancy, and domestic violence. It’s difficult for well-intentioned officials to intervene, because there’s a general distrust of outsiders (which is understandable given historical abuses of power), and a culture of silence, in which the communities all too often protect the perpetrators of abuse and fail to support the victims. People living on remore reserves have a lower quality of life in every way, and limited access to education, health care, good quality food and other resources. The youth have very few educational and job opportunities, and often turn to destructive behaviour in the absence of constructive outlets. And those who leave are completely unprepared for life in mainstream society, and their naievity is all too often taken advantage of by predatory gangs and sex-traffickers.

It’s not an issue that can be solved through government funding, because the band councils are often very corrupt, and misuse money to enrich themselves while neglecting the needs of vulnerable community members. The entire situation is tragic, and there’s no apparent fix.

>> No.22596499

CBC at least has the balls to air news stories that are sympathetic to Palestine

>> No.22596510

CBC has always been pro-Palestine bro. Jewish influence never spread to Canada our rulers are classic Orientalist simps for Muslims. They also used to bully Hindus a lot

>> No.22596517

He probably thinks it's a chatgpt or something. Must be a zoomer who wasn't here to see effortposting.

>> No.22596521

It did not sound like ChatGPT

>> No.22596544

I know. I was just trying to figure that guy out.

>> No.22596564

What’s it like living on a reserve? Got any anecdotes?

>> No.22596746

Yea, reserves are utterly fucked. That shit is so sad

>> No.22596763

I visited a rich one before for a pow wow. Tyendinaga. They looked mostly white, too. Blonde mohawks. Great food.

>> No.22596811

Some of this is stuff that I remember, but some is gleaned from things that my parents have told me.

-It’s eerily silent out in the bush up there: there’s none of the background noises that we take for granted in the city, or even in rural areas that are adjacent to highways and etc.

-There isn’t really anything to do for entertainment. I remember that, for fun, we used to drive over to the dump and watch the bears eating garbage.

-There isn’t the same sense of time and adherence to scheduling: things just happen whenever. The idea was that the nursing station (where my parents worked and where we lived) was open something like 9-5 for appointments, while the NPs were on call 24/7 only for emergencies. But people would ignore their appointment times and would constantly show up at the nursing station without knocking outside of stated working hours, sometimes very late at night, for all sorts of small non-urgent ailments. Regardless of whether my parents were busy having dinner or putting their kids to bed, they would just walk in and expect to be seen right away. It wasn’t considered inappropriate or rude. There also isn’t the same concept of personal property—most possessions are pretty much seen as communal, and it isn’t considered rude to take things from other people’s houses/yards without permission and not return them.

-Food was insanely expensive, and everything had to be flown in or purchased at the tiny general store. My parents would have to order dried fruit and have it delivered to us, because it was rare to ever see fresh fruit for sale there. They once had a small wedge of watermelon at the store for $27.00 (this was 20+ years ago, so adjust that for inflation).

-This was before the opioid epidemic, but alcoholism was a huge problem on that reserve. It was supposed to be a dry community, but people would smuggle in alcohol in all sorts of ways, or would even resort to drinking things like mouthwash or hairspray mixed with Orange Crush. There was a 13 year old boy living there who had totally fried his brain from years of sniffing gasoline with his father.

-At one point a severely intellectually/physically disabled woman in the community became pregnant, and she’d obviously been sexually abused by a family member. Most people in the community knew exactly who had been raping her, but no one would ever speak up about it to law enforcement or otherwise intervene.

-Suicide was frequent, even among kids as young as 10 or 11.

There’s way more fucked up stuff I could tell but I don’t want to say anything too identifying.

There are some decent/wealthier reserves, but the reserves I was talking about in the post that he was responding to are the remote fly-in ones in the far North. It’s a totally different situation there.

>> No.22596836

Fuck, that sounds bleak.

>> No.22596969

We’ve given too much importance and priority to botched faggots. At least channers are real enough to know we’re lost causes.

>> No.22597047
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, jason-bryan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22597746

Most tribes don’t believe in blood quantum.

>> No.22597756

>one is a somewhat known author
>the other is a racist shilling his own work
kill yourself, jason

>> No.22597765

kill yourself

>> No.22597789

When you realize that there are indigenous organizations, politicians, policy "experts", and academics making mad money off of keeping the charade alive, you will then learn why this will never go away. It's not about being rational or considering counter historical arguments, it's about creating a problem to remain employed and in business. Race baiting and living in a supposedly perpetual state of historical racism is low hanging fruit for these people because of how malleable both racism AND history are as social concepts.

>> No.22597979

Yeah, Pauline Johnson is great. She deserves way more acclaim than she’s recieved.

>> No.22598610

This. It’s all a money making scheme 2bqh

>> No.22598720

What I don't get is why she isn't taught in every school in Canada. She ticks the diversity boxes of being a strong native woman all the way back during the Victorian era, but her work is more high-Victorian folklore than preachy political stuff, and her poetry is fantastic. If Canada were a serious country we'd be putting up statues of her in downtown Victoria, instead of tearing down statues of Captain Cook (a genuinely decent man who never hurt a fly and was highly respected by both natives and whites).

Our ruling elite just wants to have their own gay version of BLM riots instead of actually promoting our history and culture. Its actually insane when you think about it.

>> No.22598723

>If Canada were a serious country
Never was, never will be.

>> No.22598730

We studied her poetry and stories in the Indigenous lit course that I took in my first year of undergrad, and it was pretty much the only thing on the syllabus that I actually enjoyed reading. We also studied some of her stories in a different 19th century lit course that I took last year. Her work is definitely gaining recognition, but it’s still not as well-known as it should be.

>> No.22599466

The fuck is blood quantum? Sounds like some Star Trek shit

>> No.22599499

Because my book isnt finished yet

>> No.22599562

And what exactly is your book going to be about?

>> No.22599566 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22599568

Because that's all that separates them from being Portland or some shit. Canada is just a blue state made into it's own country but without any of the nationalism that binds their overlords down south.

>> No.22599603

Beautiful. Thank you.

>> No.22599615 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22599643

You're very welcome. I was glad to share some Tom Kines and Wade Hemsworth in this thread, the greatest Canadian folk singers.

To make it more /lit/ related, Kines actually has an album of songs referenced in Shakespeare.


>> No.22599663

Based, added them to my playlist. Any other Canadian musicians you’d recommend?

>> No.22599796

Sure. Just folk or more genres?

>> No.22599937

I’m open to anything, thanks!

>> No.22600030


>> No.22600108

Which one does Anne of Green Gables fall under?

>> No.22600509
File: 357 KB, 448x1853, BG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot
>I fucked a bear

>> No.22600997

Shit got me bricked up ngl

>> No.22601165
File: 279 KB, 663x1000, 1672172494422295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the current trend was an even further removed navel-gazing meta deconstruction of diaspora performativity and self-commoditization.

>> No.22601680
File: 358 KB, 1200x1200, women - public strain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want something more modern with an interesting influence, look at the (defunct) band Women from Calgary. post-punk band, and both their full-length albums (self-titled from 2008 and Public Strain from 2010) are great. They had a really massive influence on Canadian post-punk-ish stuff, and further south into the US scene. Lots and lots of bands started out just copying their sound, but we finally seem to be past the point of imitation now.

For a specific example of the Women pipeline, the Montreal band Dories was in the Women-lite crowd (although they're still very good, along with a number of other "imitators" from that time); one of the members told me his first attempts in trying to play guitar and write songs were specifically meant to copy Women. Same guy has played in a few other bands since then, but now plays with another ex-Dories member and others in a band called Sunforger, which I'd say plays a new Canadian sound. I think they've labelled themselves post-grunge, but genres don't always work when you're describing small scenes. Another Canadian band called Clothesline From Hell is also part of the new Canadian sound in my mind, though I don't think they arrived there by followed the Women formula. Here's a little listening chronology (listen to one song each if you can't stomach a full album, and just pick another if you end up with something too noisy from the Women albums):
Of course nothing is as linear as I've laid it out here, and this is just one example, but it's something I'm sure has happened elsewhere in the Canadian scene.

It's also interesting to look at how the band Women split: Cindy Lee emerges making strange fuzzy pop music about anguish and deals with the devil, and Preoccupations (formerly Viet Cong) make cleaner post-punk.

Here's a link for Clotheseline:
and the Women/Calgary post-punk lineage/scene is documented in part here:
It's a topic you'll still find on /mu/ occasionally.

>> No.22601856

Because Canadian books are garbage. We lack artists who are willing to take any chances so the people who do read end up reading the worst schlock in order to appear progressive or understand someone's "struggle" or push a political narrative. Canadians aren't daring, generally, and act like sheep. Look at our leaders.

>> No.22601872

This. It's trendy to complain about how your life wasn't easy because of your skin or who you fuck or whatever. God forbid you appreciate what your country has given to you.

Pretty much. CBC is funded by our government and shares many of the same beliefs, so this is what they push on us as "good" and "literature".

Most Canadian books venerate the Other, whatever that may be. People joke about Americans' obsession with BBC, but I think Canada is worse with how people see minorities as these pathetic pets that need to be waited on hand and foot.

This, basically. We're a fallen country that hasn't quite fallen yet, mostly good for whatever disturbed progressive experiments they want to try in the States in the future.

>> No.22601939

Do it. Alberta and Saskatchewan are the only places in this godforsaken country with somewhat reasonable house provinces and most people just leave wach other alone.

>> No.22601967

It's scary. Our government claims that citizenship comes from them, not from being actually born in the country, and no one cares. No one even notices how they're setting themselves up to rule us.

>> No.22602019

I am a little scared to move because I tend to never fit in anywhere; but getting a swath of affordable land and raising ducks on it just seems idea

>> No.22602041

>Most Canadian books venerate the Other, whatever that may be. People joke about Americans' obsession with BBC, but I think Canada is worse with how people see minorities as these pathetic pets that need to be waited on hand and foot.
Yeah, there is something a little creepy and unpleasant about it

>> No.22603099

Thanks, this is really interesting.

>> No.22603201

Justin was a drama teacher for fucks sake, he IS /lit/. And by that I mean less than literate.

>> No.22603339 [DELETED] 

Jason Bryan is the only artist and Canadian author on /lit/, fucking geeks like you would just get your girlfriend fucked by Jason while you sit back and cry that you are extremely beta and have never even written one book, you fucking geek.

>> No.22603368 [DELETED] 

What's funny about this Canadian author thread is that on this shithole of a place full of crabs in buckets, not one other author is as gregarious and as social as Jason Bryan
>released 2 books
>released act 1 of AI graphic novel
Just right there, let alone any of the other social accomplishments Jason has, including having kids which none of you fucking losers can even get laid, let alone reproduce
>meanwhile no support
>BAP threads
Everyone in this thread bitching about the CBC might as well be a blue haired trans faggot, because none of you even support the actual based bros DOING SHIT.
So many jealous losers out there that there are people like Jason Bryan talking shit and telling life like how it is, and it breaks your heart to think some gen x guy can just cheat at life and live the dream and brag about it.
Yeah if I were you in 2023, I'd cry too, because you missed out on the absolute glory days of the 00's and 10's
>muh CBC books
Even the jannies here remove my shit because Jason Bryan is even too intense for for 4chan. This is why you faggots have zero art and are resigned to crying that some brown homosexual from Bangladesh is getting all the Canadian literary attention. Haha.

You make your own bed, every one of you is responsible for not supporting &amp and just being another atomized dork, crab-in-bucket mentality dweeb.

>> No.22604186

KYS retard, there’s no hope for you

>> No.22604191

kill yourself

>> No.22604200

If this place is so awful, then stop coming here.

>> No.22604206

I support you Jason Bryan

>> No.22604469

Didn’t you hear Trudeau?

Canada is a post-nationalist state. There is no Canadian identity or culture, it’s just good wholesome lefty liberal values.

>> No.22605249

Doubt Trudeau has ever read a book

>> No.22605377

Jason Bryan is too organic, 4chan has to remove him

>> No.22605389

Jason Bryan's deleted comments were all about how the CBC will endlessly platform non-binary Bangladeshis with a gay Indian uncle who is a queer muslim, and you don't even attack these people or make fun of them

But if one of your own, a wild based autist who has had major fun in life rises up, the powers that be make sure that person can never be heard. While the Bangladeshi who writes a book about being a queer Uber driver who does drag at night and fights for Palestine is the one who gets exposed to the normies.

The best part... the posts are removed! You know someone is cool as fuck and organic as fuck when their posts disappear from fucking 4 chan.

Hol' up, lemme go make some BAP posts and watch them stay up and hit 300+ replies.

>> No.22605434

There's something wrong with your brain, Mr Jason Bryan.

>> No.22605443
File: 18 KB, 201x310, shyam-sal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of the best book for all of these topics
>Funny Boy is a coming-of-age novel by Sri Lankan-Canadian author Shyam Selvadurai. First published by McClelland and Stewart in September 1994, the novel won the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Fiction and the Books in Canada First Novel Award
>Set in Sri Lanka where Selvadurai grew up, Funny Boy is constructed in the form of six poignant stories about a boy coming to age within a wealthy Tamil family in Colombo. Between the ages of seven and fourteen, he explores his sexual identity, and encounters the Sinhala-Tamil tensions leading up to the 1983 riots.
Nothing more Canuck than gay porn of brownoids

>> No.22605446

Jason Bryan is simply too incredible an author for the powers that be to allow him to exist. This is why theyve conspired to ban him from every single platform online. You think that youtube, facebook, twitter, reddit, etc. etc. would ALL just HAPPEN to ban him independently? Wake up sheeple. The woke mafia doesnt want young men to know about how great life was when Jason Bryan was young, and theyre jealous of a cool dude who rides lots of fast cars and has slept with TONS of women so they conspire to keep him down.

>> No.22605470
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>one of your own
You are not one of us. You're just some racist /pol/tard trying to write something edgy, but you have no concern for true literary aesthetics. We don't want you shilling on our board, and we don't want to read your shit. Kindly kill yourself.

>> No.22605987

You know that if they weren't essentially forced to write about their experiences, they would write about white men, right? These people are homosexual.

>> No.22606145

My eye was opened when I read a minority-authored book that is in the 1940s and the minority heroine thought about forgiving her white rapist

>> No.22606199

>>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
>>It's sad growing up in the prairies
Doubt they even mention this anymore: too white, too male.

>> No.22606203

>>>It's sad growing up in the Maritimes
>Emily of New Moon by Montgomery
>>>It's sad growing up in the prairies
>Who Has Seen the Wind by Mitchell
>>>Being a Jew in Montreal is hard!
>The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Richler
facile to the point of being completely useless and having nothing to do with the books.
you are capable of better.

see me after class

>> No.22606221


>> No.22606251

Nah, don’t slander “Emily of New Moon” like that; L.M. Montgomery transcends these sorts of stereotypes. The quintessential “It’s sad growing up in the Maritimes” Can-lit book is “Fall on Your Knees” by Ann-Marie MacDonald. That book also gets bonus zeitgeist points for gratuitous trauma and tragedy, plus its depiction of gay and interracial relationships. It was published in the 90s but somehow manages to fill up the entire 2023 bingo card of progressive topics. Plus I think it was an Oprah’s Book Club Pick. Unironically though, I remember it being interesting and well-written. Although to be fair I read it when I was like 19 and I had much less discerning tastes back then.

>> No.22606268

WMXF is pretty standard and unsurprising, WMXM is where things get fucking bizarre. These are faggots, they're supposed to hate white men.

>> No.22606285

>It's like Eastern Europe and the US mixed together with very few of the benefits.
say you know zero (0) about Canada without saying you know zero (0) about Canada

>> No.22606288

A lot of the time the hate is rooted in a sexual rejection; its like wondering why incels hate women so much but still want to sleep with them
Curious about examples you have seen that are gay though

>> No.22606291

>t. edmontonfag
your own perspective, if true.
guess it's Eastern Europe you know nothing about.
>paranoia towards each other
where are you getting this from? whether Canada or modern Eastern Europe??

there's probably an interesting story in here somewhere but it's very confused

>> No.22606303

I don't read much Canadian or faggot literature (what's the difference lol) but I've seen fags of all colors lusting after white men.

>> No.22606315

There are books that I call traps. It begins with a semi-interesting story and then turns into gay porn
I put them away in disgust and only read old Christian literature

>> No.22606326

Canadian hate crime cases often center around a minority troon attempting to seduce a White man and getting strangled when he finds the peen.

>> No.22606343

That's black men that do that, actually. White men are very rarely fags, and when they are, they're gay for people that look exactly like them.

>> No.22606358

POC homos complain about white male homos discriminating against them all the time.

>> No.22606363

Because, as I said, the white fags only want their carbon copy, doppelganger, separated from birth twin.

>> No.22606368

White gays hate black gays I have noticed. There was some highly famous Canadian case where a White guy did it to a Jewish troon though; the Jew passed as a girl and the White guy panicked when he took off the clothes.
The Canadian press pounced on it and milked it for what it was worth

>> No.22606369

It honesty wasn't going to be a Canadian thread without the topic of homosexuality being brought up

>> No.22607904

new thread

keep Jason Bryan out of this one