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22587521 No.22587521 [Reply] [Original]

>the Israel-Palestine situation is the result of Jewish emasculation by Nazis
Not even the most deranged /pol/tard would claim that.

>> No.22587546

why do we teach women to write?

>> No.22587553

The situation in what way? I hope it‘s that individual jew combatants are pathetic pants shitters who only get ahead by tech and war crimes.

>> No.22587585

israelis had a lot of chips on their shoulders about allowing themselves to be lead to the slaughter with no resistance in ww2. From this you get an over-compensation of masculinities manifesting itself in bullying, apharteid type arrangements and a tendency towards fascism.

its not as far fetched as it sounds.

>> No.22587604

>genocides another race after experiencing genocide themselves
that makes sense

>> No.22587613

So they could write about your sexist incel ass

>> No.22587717

dworkin was based even though i disagree with most of her views

>> No.22587748

>if you exclude the sexual element, which is Dworkin's sole contribution, it makes sense
Yes, hun.

>> No.22587968
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>scapegoat projection
kosher classic

>> No.22587971

bullshit, the jews have always been tyrannical cry bullies. kys faggot

>> No.22587976
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being tyrannical cry bullies is what got their asses rounded up into camps to begin with. classic jewish inversion and victim blaming "wet streets cause rain!"

>> No.22587977
File: 37 KB, 352x204, Andrea-Dworkin-fights-for-shotas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No /pol/tard is as based as Andrea
It's actually a common phenomenon. The Spanish Inquestion became a thing after they experience Muslim occupation, and in general ethnic groups that experience repression become nationalistic as a result
/pol/ only came into effect due to poor treatment of working class Whites by the elite

>> No.22587980

admittedly pretty based

>> No.22587982

Germans also made their big cry bully attack on other European countries after getting their asses kicked at Versailles.

>> No.22587988

Why couldn't see have actually killed Ginsburg, he was such an ugly arse

>> No.22588005

It feels like such a silly gotcha when you think about it. "No dearie, I'd rather have you be unalive"

>> No.22588012

the disturbing truth is that white people are just so depraved and mentally abhorrent that they can't not notice what they are, they do, they just deflect it all onto other white people.

>> No.22588023

White people are actually some of the most self-aware people out there; everyone does this shit. Afrikaners also got tortured by the nigs out of the nigs since of pride being damage

>> No.22588026

it's kind of common sense ... and i wonder why our society doesn't want to accept that people abused will relish in being the abuser. STILL in this context it doesn't really fit; it fits the general narrative of events, but the same zionists were being insane golems back when they were working with the nazis to populate palestine, the sob story certainly serves to justify goyish inaction about it though.

>> No.22588041

ah well goyabelle, the people you call jews are literally european conversos, many of them german, so... how do you actually explain that? you don't.

everything the jews represent is the white european run mad on all the notions that white europeans have historically held to and practiced in one way or another; the jew is just the hypertrophied form of a psychological common ailment.

probably this is why the cow-brain christians smile placidly when they see the jews, and think they're magical people who deserve money and power - theyre seeing themselves but in some herculean form.

>> No.22588067

the symbiotic love-hate relationship with the jews and the europeans is honestly one of the most strange anthropological things that has ever existed, it may just be the religion that brought it about in the dark ages but ... it's amazing to me.

the absurdity of judaism, on one hand, creating an insane persistence in a people who would have otherwise given up long ago ... then this multiplied by christian and muslim converts to jewish thinking, inheriting the same absurd culture, en becoming totally blind to judaism, jews and ended up as a slave caste underneath these lunatic mental patients with no real means to express the real problem.

>> No.22588095
File: 692 KB, 901x1309, Jews-and-Palestinians-same-race-differnt-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah well goyabelle, the people you call jews are literally european conversos, many of them german, so... how do you actually explain that? you don't.
Genetically Jews and Palestinians are both descended from Caananites but sure
They are obviously White
The Israeli-Pali war is a struggle between two mighty European powers

>> No.22588099

The emasculation predated the Nazis. Basically what happened is perpetually bitter and pissy nationless secular Jews, descended from Russian shtetl Jews (who were also perpetually bitter and pissy toward gentiles but at least had actual traditions and communities), integrated with European intelligentsias by being itinerant merchants and usurers who always have capital on hand, and educating their sons to schmooze at goy courts.

They were so "successful" at this that they "integrated" (heavy scare quotes necessary in both cases here) with European high society, which of course still despised them, because they are still itinerant usurers and constantly bitter and pissy, now with no traditions or identity beyond going "f-fuck you goy! I'll show you, I'll do whatever you're currently doing, but more frenetically and neurotically, taking it to extremes and only cultivating the most depraved and deracinating elements in it, and grumbling and being bitter and pissy the entire time!"

This continued for a long time until being a Jew in Europe no longer meant being a follower of Moses or even the Talmud, but being a bitter pissy usurer who hates everybody and everything around him and wants to destroy and defile it while crying and shrieking, but also wanting to be loved and accepted. But even when Europeans with their natural gregariousness tried to accept Jews and integrate them, the Jew demanded that he be integrated as a permanent primus inter pares, which renewed the whole cycle of mutual irritation.

The Nazis were just one culmination of this ugly dynamic.

>> No.22588111

oh yeah right, we have statues of the elite bloodlines of the jews from the 1st century, they're the same as the romans, the greeks, the celts, etc. etc., they're no different to us; whatever we are.

>muh CANAN
Your bible fantasy nonsense is just a nonsense; go ahead and fight the jews by defending their holy books and holy stories to the death, you dumb cow brain.

>> No.22588126

>oh yeah right, we have statues of the elite bloodlines of the jews from the 1st century, they're the same as the romans, the greeks, the celts, etc. etc., they're no different to us; whatever we are.
The first Roman statue of a Jew was the pieta; a Jewish girl modelled for Mary

>> No.22588134

>landless nobodies
has anyone ever wondered how it was that Moshe the peasant was wealthy enough to lend money to the kings of france and england?

the entire narrative doesn't make any sense, unless the jews were some kind of massive mafia entity in the middle ages.

>> No.22588137

Today's Jews have nothing to do with the Holy Land, they are Russians and Turks.

>> No.22588142

>(change subject with off-topic fragments of factoids)
whatever you say, cattle. I believe nothing a christian or a jew will ever say on these subjects and their brain is incapable of humility enough to admit the truth of things.

>> No.22588147

no shit, try telling this to anybody alive today in the west.

>> No.22588154

fyi "mary" was a statue of julia flavia, and the only known statue of an elite jew was josephus. he even looks like ben shapiro.

>> No.22588156
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They were, but not intentionally. Pic related. When forced into normal agriculture at the same level of a surrounding peasantry, Jews either convert to local religions or implode over a few generations into a gypsy-style pariah minority. It's only when their literacy and ingroup preference behaviors are selected for by economic circumstance, like in the Pax Islamica or early modern and modern Europe, that they thrive, but then they inevitably become a despised merchant/usurer caste like the Phanariots.

It's pretty simple and doesn't require anything magical about them. In early modern economic conditions, itinerant literate polyglot pariahs who violently despise their host countries simply took over what Medicis and Fuggers already did before them (but with more morality and less rationalization, because they didn't despise other Christians).


>> No.22588161

point is: the difference between ben shapiro and william the scotsman is as massive as the difference between one black african and another, they're the same people fundamentally. whies like to pretend that the jews is some alien entity to their "christian values" but it's just projection, it always was, the christians were the jews of the whole world when they were in power; doing heinous evil.

>> No.22588168
File: 79 KB, 500x785, Jew-vs.-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a African-American who does not realize a Ethiopian would look down on him for being Bantu; its a very naive position

>> No.22588170

Nice divide and conquer attempt. Islamic countries for Muslims, Europe for Christians and pagans (personal choice), Madagascar and Jewish Autonomous Oblast for Jews.

>> No.22588174

Even so it doesnt explain where even the most industrious peasant in a society largely pre-coin would have gotten any money to be able to lend to a king. How would they collect on the money? Where did it come from?

I don' disagree with you btw, but the story itself of jewish loansharks to the royals is deranged when you think about it.

>> No.22588179

>Mecca for Muslims
>Constantinople for Christian
>Jerusalem for Jews
The alliteration works and the Muslim ego won't accept it
Also I wonder when you guys will realize that Madagascar is its own country with its own government and people? I love that place and I have been there many times, but I am sure that they would have a big protest if you were to dump a bunch of middle eastern mutts on them

>> No.22588187

hah thats fine, i'd rather have you hacked to death and end this stupid culture, like an african, than smile and shrug about it and let it go on.

oh wow your intelligence is pitifable

i give the strongest argument against jews, you waddle in and declare me a jew, clap clap clap, the no.1 answer of the braindead christian

now let's cut off your fucking head, faggot boy

>> No.22588190

Same gaslighting as in the BAP thread. You need a new script.

>Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages[a] when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers or employed them as financiers. Among the most notable of these were Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg. Jewish financiers could use their family connections to provide their sponsors with finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.[citation needed]
>The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought many Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts. They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church.

>The first significant migration of Jews to England came after the Norman Invasion in 1066. By the late 1200s, England had a small Jewish population of around 3000 people. Throughout this period, the Jews suffered from anti-Semitic prejudice, often scapegoated or wrongly accused of crimes. There were frequent riots against them, in which their property was destroyed and citizens murdered. Many Jews were employed as money lenders. The Jews took these jobs because the Christian Church traditionally ruled that usury (money lending for interest) was illegal for Christians, but not for Jews. The Jews were taxed heavily, so the wealth earned in the usury trade benefited the Crown directly. By the late 1200s, a series of laws had been created restricting the rights of the Jewish people. For instance, they were not allowed to own land, and after death their money went, not to their children, but directly to the Crown.
>In 1275 King Edward I passed a law forbidding the Jews from usury. They were entitled to earn a living as tradesmen or farmers, but were not allowed to be part of guilds or to own farmland. The Jews became poor and the king could no longer collect taxes from them. Many hundreds were arrested, hanged or imprisoned. And then finally in 1290, they were banished from England altogether. Jews were not allowed to return to England until 1656. The illustration shown here is from the margins of The Rochester Chronicle, created in 1355.

>> No.22588194

If the Jews actually went to Madagascar or the autonomous oblast left-wing JQ people would whine that they are colonizing the Africans and Russians that live there
I struck a nerve.

>> No.22588199

>shifts topic to divide and conquer again
Muslims hegemonic and sovereign in the Muslim world, Christians and pagans (neoplatonists) hegemonic and sovereign in the European world, Jews get an oblast or an island. That is the only acceptable geopolitical arrangement unless you're a Jew.

>> No.22588205

Divide and conquer who? I am not an ally of Muslims or of other Europeans
In fact, I hate Muslims and believe that my country should have Constantinople. But let me guess, only lighter pigmented people need to give up the land that they conquered according to you?

>> No.22588209

See >>22588199
>Muslims hegemonic and sovereign in the Muslim world, Christians and pagans (neoplatonists) hegemonic and sovereign in the European world, Jews get an oblast or an island. That is the only acceptable geopolitical arrangement unless you're a Jew.
If you can't agree with this simple arrangement, you are a subverter. The status of Istanbul/Constantinople can be discussed between Europeans and Muslims after the Jews are contained for their own safety.

>> No.22588210

Why do you think it is socially acceptable to take Madagascar from its people that have been there thousands of years and give it to the Jews so that a Muslim group could have a piece of land they stole from Samaritans 300 years ago?

>> No.22588212

>I struck a nerve.
you did, i'm white, for my entire life when talking about this subject you people ALWAYS accuse of being jewish or muslim or some foreign entity, to change the subject, sad depressing thing is that you probably believe what you say.

the moment you find someone actually touching the jews by going to the root of why you guys are their slaves; THE RELIGION, you declare the person to be a jew or a muslim. it never fucking changes.

are you just really dumb? I'm agreeing with you you schizo, i'm not "doubting the story" you schizo

FUCK you cow people need massive slaughter,i'm done with this. i'm going to kill scores of you losers one day

>> No.22588217

The Madagascar thing is mostly a joke. The point is that the Jews need to be given some land. Many countries would gladly oblige them, as Jews are industrious and literate and would make a good trading partner, like a Singapore or Hong Kong.

The point is that it is absolutely non-negotiable that the Jews need to be expelled from all countries and contained in one country of their own, not "Israel" (Palestine), for their own safety.

>> No.22588219

>their own safety.
And who is causing them to be unsafe? And why do you think these people won't just find someone new to hate on if the Jews are gone? They have been purging smaller ethno-religious groups from the middle east for years

>> No.22588234
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>The point is that it is absolutely non-negotiable that the Jews need to be expelled from all countries and contained in one country of their own, not "Israel" (Palestine), for their own safety.
Non-negotiable to who? The guys who committed genocide of the Samaritans and raped and killed a bunch of Bedouin there during the latest attack?
I'm not a fan of the Israel over America arrangement boomers have but I am not taking part in mass deportations of Jews either

>> No.22588238

Let this be a lesson to anyone reading this exchange. Don't engage in vitriol. Just restate simple, obvious, objectively true geopolitical principles and ask if the Jew/Zionist agrees with them or not. Don't let him change the terms of the question. Eventually he'll either give up or start trying to change the subject in even less effective, more desperate ways, and then you've won.

There is literally nothing more simple than this: The Jews need a homeland but it isn't Israel. The Jews should be given a homeland peacefully, and then forced to go there, stay there, and even thrive there. No "holocausts" necessary. Everybody wins.

>> No.22588241

Andrea spoke truth to power and the Goyim worked with the Sanhredin to silence her

>> No.22588249

Sure, Chaim. And your vote will count just as much as everybody else's on the day these things are finally decided. I'm only saying, like Rabbi Reuven says here
that bad times are coming for you guys. I happen to like Jews. I'd rather you be in a nice little Singapore than have to deal with another "holocaust."

Hell, you can even have that decrepit shithole New York you love so much. We'll wall it off.

>> No.22588255

Why do the Arabs need another country when they have their own? Why must the whole middle east be Arab? Are you frightened that the Yazhidi and other minor ethnic groups will disturb the Islamic hegemony of the region?

>> No.22588263

The moment the Jews were carted off to another Singapore the locals would rebel against being replaced, once again. A woman with blue hair would shriek about White colonists and another sex-hating biddy will write something about Hitler's victims being a new Hitler because of their penis
Accusations of apartheid would pierce the air.
There are no unsettled and unclaimed areas of the world any longer

>> No.22588269

the christian learns from watching the jews, the christian becomes the jews:

stand spouting absurdist nonsense until the other side either gives up from frustration or stabs you, in which case you become a Pity Martyr for your religion.




>> No.22588272

All these questions can be answered after the Jews have a safe, geographically and economically generous region of their own, to which they are all forced to emigrate within 5 years or face severe penalties.

I'm sure the Palestinians would even agree to let them stay in Israel for a good while, or even indefinitely, as long as the apartheid regime ended. Palestinians rapidly outbreed Israelis anyway and demographics is destiny. Most of the "Jews" (Russian Ashkenazis) in the region would voluntarily flee for the greener pastures of the new Singapore oblast.

There are many peaceful ways to encourage population movement and Jews are always proficient at detecting a good deal. Just think of it as Cyrus helping you return home. We'll create an Ezra and Nehemiah fund. Everyone wins, like I said. I'm sure many nations would pay for your transit.

This speaks to the delusional self-persecution fantasy and masochistic need to remain persecuted outlined here >>22588099

Give up your masochistic persecution complex and go home. You need only let go of the pickle and the jar will slide right off your hand.

>> No.22588275

The "Zionist" media where I am from is already shrieking about the terrible genocide of Arabs that has began. If being Christian means I am Jewish where are my huge tits?

>> No.22588281
File: 250 KB, 760x800, Blacks-Destroy-South-Africa-says-black-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apartheid regime
Good God, a real wild BDS queer. You guys are less exotic than the /pol/ schizos so a lot less fun to argue with. I saw what you fucks did to South Africa and I am sure the bedouin of Israel and Samaria will thrilled with your rearrangement of the area

>> No.22588283

absurdist nonsense

>> No.22588289

the christian and the jew hold hands, the christian sees the jew being a nazi and thinks "wow, that's really cool!" he can do it, he's doing what i want to do!



as always

>> No.22588295

Answer me anon. If by converting to Christianity I acquire Jewish ethnicity where are my legendary titties and huge nose, and why are my eyes still blue and my hair still blond?
Good lord, are the Nazis in this room right now? Are White people privileged? Did Rhodesia deserve to be decolonized?

>> No.22588297

>You are X and X is Y therefore you are like Z which "based" people dislike! Any "based" people reading, this guy hates SOUTH AFRICA, which is based!
Nice attempt to divide and conquer, again. Too bad it doesn't change the fact that anyone non-retarded reading can see the obvious truth: Jews need a state that isn't Israel, and they need to be forced to emigrate there. This can be done peacefully. Every country in the world would sigh with relief, and the Jewish question would finally be solved.

Did you know such plans and ideas used to be normal until they were all lumped into the "holocaust" category? Funny how that works. Even Zionists used to openly think about where a potential Jewish homeland might be, other than Israel. This is not an inflammatory or insane line of thought.

Only to you. And why is that? Because you don't really want a Jewish homeland, or even peace for the Jews. You want a continued paradoxical, hybrid Jewish existence in other people's countries.

>> No.22588301

>Answer me anon.
Only if you answer: Do you think Jews should be allowed to live in other people's countries while still identifying as a distinct people, and having any influence or economic power in those countries whatsoever?

>> No.22588302
File: 43 KB, 615x348, 1696349229463789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like fucking Jordan Peterson
Divide and conquer whom, BDS queer? There are no "allies". There is no great PoC homo genderqueer quest to end the White man's colonial empire

>> No.22588308
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>You're BDS! See, this guy is BDS and leftist and gay!
Should Jews be allowed to live in and possess influence in other people's countries?

>> No.22588309

If they are born there, skilled at what they do and do not exceed a reasonable diversity quota that allows other ethnic groups representation. There's plenty of Muslims, Indians and other foreigners in my government, many more than Jews, and I do not try to kick them out or think that they are evil for having a diaspora. I also liked Rhodesia and South Africa before White genderqueers ruined them

>> No.22588314

>Good lord, are the Nazis in this room right now?
Psycho babble; absurdist nonsense.

Person literally praising the israel apartheid, and you respond with far-right soundbites; as I said: you're just the same evil monster creatures from the barren wastelands who need caging and collaring,

like in Gutium:

"you have the faces of men and the brains of dogs,"

>answer my non-sequitur babble, anon, it's hella not changing the subject
delenda est, barbarian.

>> No.22588316

And there we have it. Your views are incompatible with any meaningful nationalism other than "civic nationalism." Which is what we used to have anyway, which is why we have the current mess.

Now everybody can see what your real agenda is. You can only thrive in societies that can't defend themselves. You are a parasite and a predator that kills its host. You literally do not want to live in your own country. You have an illness.

>The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can take over the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical 'task.'
(Martin Heidegger)

No amount of citing Rhodesia and South Africa to accumulate "based" points will save you. You are a Jew who wants open societies because they benefit you.

>> No.22588317

>(depraved lies)
tell me your ethnicity anon, when i walk out of the house with an automatic weapon i want to open fire on the right embassy.

>> No.22588318

Should White people be kicked out of South Africa? Should Africans be deported from America back to Africa? Should the Chinese who fled the CCP be deported home or should Chinese food be banned for their treatment of the Ughyrs?
The only one treating Jews as acceptable is you
>Person literally praising the israel apartheid, and you respond with far-right soundbites; as I said: you're just the same evil monster creatures from the barren wastelands who need caging and collaring,
Holy fuck, there are only two genders

>> No.22588320

>South Africa! South Africa! South Africa! How do you do, fellow chuds?
Anglo-Jews destroyed South Africa. As Ezra Pound said:

>You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-Jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for NOTHING but usury.

>And above metal usury; you have built up bank usury, 60% against 30 and 40%, and by that you WILL NOT be saved. Corrupting the whole earth, you have lost yourselves to yourselves.

>And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into. A mill stone. Well, an exceptionally good swimmer MIGHT conceivably be cast into the sea with a stone tied round his neck. He might perhaps untie it. If he were a Scotchman, he would remember his jackknife, before being thrown overboard.

>You seem to remember NOTHING. It were better you were infected with typhus. As to federal union, or JEW/nion. There is NO question of race in Streit's proposition. It is as proposed a union of slaves, under Jewry. Offered by liars and abettors of thieves.

>> No.22588321

Authentic Abo-Austrian mutt. Feel free to shoot up both an Aborigine convention and the Austrian embassy

>> No.22588323

Actually that Hercules comparison seems way more accurate after this conversation... the braindead european is like the rabble chained to the silver tongue of the gallic Hercules Ogmyios; being led by little jokes to ignore and temporarily deny reality.

>> No.22588333

Ogmyios is a variant on the type of Rhudra and Varuna.

>> No.22588334

>Should White people be kicked out of South Africa? Should Africans be deported from America back to Africa? Should the Chinese who fled the CCP be deported home
yes to all of these.

>(more psycho babble)
whatever you say ogmyios, your tongue is going to be snipped off with etruscan scissors.

>> No.22588338

This is deeply upsetting to any Aborigine who majored in Celtic studies

>> No.22588340

>(all mankind is indian)
whatever you say, ogmyios

>> No.22588341

Note that the two schizos are now talking to eachother to create the illusion that the discourse is a farce, and distract from how simple it really is:

Jews need a homeland that isn't Israel, and the vast majority MUST be expelled from all other countries in the near future, or else what Rabbi Yaron Reuven said will happen:

Why is this necessary? Because this is what they do otherwise:
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

>> No.22588344

I am mixed race man (Abo and Austrian) who would rather limit immigration. However kicking all people out to their own Native countries would be retarded at this point due to the many people who exist like me. Would you deport my brown ass to Austria? What about a half-Jew who looks White and is Christian? Would you still worry about him in your goverment?

>> No.22588350

Unfunny. Instead of responding, I'll post this short essay about what Dostoevsky thought about the Jews in Russia:

>> No.22588359

Nuremberg Laws and local equivalents, easy peasy.

>> No.22588366

>Jews need a homeland that isn't Israel
dude this is beyond pathetic, this talking point is very old and dumb; jews never needed a homeland and in the first place they already had Iraq until the 1950's and a massive swathe of russia as well.

the homeland thing was a zionist lie to appeal to small penis europeans who thought nationalism would solve the jewish question and grant them land. 70 yrs on that proved not to be the case.

>> No.22588367

I'd vote for you based on your racial ancestry alone.

>> No.22588368

I did my paper in comparative faith on him, he was an oath god
It is sad to see Europeans misunderstanding your own pagan gods; learn something about them past the basics
Dostoevsky had his reasons for disliking a minority group involved in terrorism at this time. So do the Jews for disliking the Palestinians. So do some of my full-blooded Abo friends for disliking the whites that replaced them.
But I am not one of them because I myself am part white and would not be here if it wasn't for the Austrian immigrants to Australia.
In general I stick up for all the lighter-pigmented people that are in places where maybe they were not before when I see people calling for "decolonization", aka violence, deportation and discrimination against them. I pray you let Jesus into your heart but you probably won't listen

>> No.22588371

I know leftist; hence I'm planning to change my name to something Indian to seem less weird; biracial freaks like me make to many White people coom

>> No.22588376

>this talking point is very old
The best ones always are. For example here is Anthony M. Ludovici's thoughts the subject:

>But, since the solution of the Jewish problem resolves itself chiefly into finding the Jews a permanent home where they can live in peace and security, it is just as much incumbent on them, as on the English, to do everything in their power to pluck out from their own hearts also the powerful impulses to particularism with which their early conditioning and their subsequent history has endowed them.

>They must be fully prepared to take severe measures against those individuals in their own people who, willy nilly, refuse to abandon those instincts and gifts which have made them so eminently successful in particularist societies—the instinct to make personal prosperity a wholly private and unrelated phenomenon, the instinct to drive a hard bargain with the ignorant and needy, the instinct to discover where need is pressing in order to turn it to personal profit, the impulse even to create such a need where none exists and to forestall a needy purchaser, and, above all, the demagogic shrewdness to identify themselves with the non-Jewish clamourers for liberty, when all this liberty may mean is the absence of wise hindrances to the automatic and ruthless action of competition, or supply and demand, however conditioned.

>To all those of their people who refuse to toe this mutualistic line, with its respect for the burden and its deep recognition of the true indebtedness to the community of all property-owners, they must themselves be prepared to issue orders of banishment.

>If the Jews will not adopt this policy, when once those societies that are still friendly to them have adopted mutualism; if they decline to collaborate with those who are determined to make an end of their particularism, it seems to me that there can be no solution of the Jewish problem.

>> No.22588380

Not a leftist, I'd vote you into power as dreamtime-führer.

>> No.22588381

>biracial freaks like me make to many White people coom
Threadly reminder this is literally BAP posting on 4chan to defend Jews. Ask yourself, is this an organic post?

>> No.22588387

> he was an oath god
>(everything is india!)
>(still changing the subject, but who cares)
you must've flunked your exam then, did you even read Lucian?

>>. Lucian's description of the painting is the main source of visual representation of Ogmios.[2]
>>Initially, Lucian looks at the painting with horror because the painting says that the Celts liken Ogmios to Heracles. Ogmios appears to be an older version of Heracles since both Ogmios and Heracles wear lion skins and carry a bow and club. Lucian is shocked to see that “the (bound) men (following Ogmios) do not think of escaping… In fact, they follow cheerfully and joyously, applauding their leader and all pressing him close and keeping the leashes slack in their desire to overtake him; apparently, they would be offended if they were let loose!”[2]:p.65
>>In the story, a Celtic man explains that the painting shows how the Celts believe Ogmios is similar to Heracles,[2] the Greek hero who defeated many things with his strength. Heracles has the power of strength and Ogmios has the power of eloquence. The Celts believe that eloquence is the ultimate power because it can enthral men and control them more so than strength can.

>a literal oath god, i was graded highly for writing this down!
Jews are low IQ as fuck, way beneath christian inbreds

>> No.22588392

>jews need a homoland, but just not in israel
Let me get this straight then; your solution to zionism is zionism.

Engage your brain for 5 seconds, goyim.

>> No.22588397

Please don't mention dreamtime; I had episodes as a kid where I couldn't tell if I am awake or not
I will never make fun of Jews for being neurotic or Africans for being violent because of that, there's something genetic going on there
Who is BAP
For fuck's sake I am not a Jew; I am literally a weird mutt from Australia who studied Europe on a diversity scholarship
The Indo-Aryan gods are related to every pantheon in Europe because they were related to Europeans
The religions split gradually through time

>> No.22588399

Goyim is the plural of goy. You don't even know your own language, Greek faggot.

>> No.22588405

>(no response)
haha gotcha faggot, i fucked you over in one line.

>I am literally a weird mutt from Australia
Oh okay whatever you saaaaaaay
>(thez da india!)
fucking larping victorian english cunts going to india to find hitlers tomb

yAWN yawn

get me mick taylor we have a pest control problem in ozland

>> No.22588409


>> No.22588416
File: 142 KB, 432x500, Thomas_Stearns_Eliot_by_Lady_Ottoline_Morrell_(1934).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T.S. Eliot’s Jew-hatred was racial. It was not (as Harold Bloom claimed) “simply a mark of the authenticity of his Neo-Christianity.” This is evident from his imagery, full of horror at the stereotypical appearance of Jews, and is explicit in his 1933 lecture, “After Strange Gods.” In it he claimed:
>"The population should be homogeneous; where two or more cultures exist in the same place they are likely to be fiercely self-conscious or both to become adulterate. What is still more important is unity of religious background; and reasons of race and religion combine to make any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable."

>> No.22588526

Daily reminder that "Palestinian" started out as a racial slur against both Jews and Arabs
English people are weird

>> No.22588640

Palestina and Palestrina, outside of Rome, share the same etymology; meaning "palace, training-ground," from Pales, the twin Roman deities who represent the elected Consuls of the year.

the more you know

>> No.22588659

>Use Judea as training ground for soldiers
>It ends up stuck that way
I think Italian stregoi are the most evil witches out there
Ask them to remove the curse and rename both the Jews and Palestinians to Hebrews and Philistines in rome somewhere

>> No.22588755

I'll mention to the lares next time I'm on the mirror.

>> No.22588764

>Twin roman dieties
>Isaac and Ishmael are brothers
Wow the Pope really made up both the Muslims and Jews

>> No.22588767

the real enemy:
the scientific data... lay in the encounter

>> No.22588780

What a fantastic slur, thank you.

>> No.22588793

Lots of Jewish settlement in Palestine before ww2 and lots of them looked down on holocaust survivors. There was lots of stigma about it for a couple of decades and is generally seen as only changing due to the Eichmann trial.

Even today Holocaust survivors (the ones that are left) aren’t treated great by the Israeli government and generally ignored.

>> No.22588819

Unsurprisingly it comes from a pathologically lying kike. Excuse the pleonasm.

>> No.22588821

you could probably start trolling reddit with this stuff

>> No.22588831

The shit that pissrael gets away with is insane

>> No.22588833

go on, this is probably more important then just hating someone's religion. and yes I have read Laws in part

>> No.22588836

my japanese culture actually originated in west africa because there are similarities a these do not display a common culture among mankind but rather one of them had to have invented it first and then transported it to the other. black people existed first so it was them. star my paper professor.

t. high IQ

>> No.22588842
File: 34 KB, 474x339, OIP (3) (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22588847

Holocaust survivors are literally any Jew who claims to have lived in any German occupied country at any point during ww2

>> No.22589040

Norman Finkelstein:
>More than a homage to Holocaust dogma, Fragments is the smoking gun: even in Switzerland -- neutral Switzerland -- all the Gentiles want to kill the Jews.

>Fragments was widely hailed as a classic of Holocaust literature. It was translated into a dozen languages and won the Jewish National Book Award, the Jewish Quarterly Prize, and the Prix de Memoire de la Shoah. Star of documentaries, keynoter at Holocaust conferences and seminars, fund-raiser for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Wilkomirski quickly became a Holocaust poster boy. Acclaiming Fragments a "small masterpiece," Daniel Goldhagen was Wilkomirski's main academic champion. Knowledgeable historians like Raul Hilberg, however, early on pegged Fragments as a fraud. Hilberg also posed the right questions after the fraud's exposure: "How did this book pass as a memoir in several publishing houses? How could it have brought Mr. Wilkomirski invitations to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as recognized universities? How come we have no decent quality control when it comes to evaluating Holocaust material for publication?"

>Half-fruitcake, half-mountebank, Wilkomirski, it turns out, spent the entire war in Switzerland. He is not even Jewish. Listen, however, to the Holocaust industry postmortems:

>Arthur Samuelson (publisher): Fragments "is a pretty cool book ... It's only a fraud if you call it non-fiction. I would then reissue it, in the fiction category. Maybe it's not true -- then he's a better writer!"

>Carol Brown Janeway (editor and translator): "If the charges ... turn out to be correct, then what's at issue are not empirical facts that can be checked, but spiritual facts that must be pondered. What would be required is soul-checking, and that's an impossibility."

>There's more. Israel Gutman is a director of Yad Vashem and a Holocaust lecturer at Hebrew University. He is also a former inmate of Auschwitz. According to Gutman, "it's not that important" whether Fragments is a fraud. "Wilkomirski has written a story which he has experienced deeply; that's for sure.... He is not a fake. He is someone who lives this story very deeply in his soul. The pain is authentic." So it doesn't matter whether he spent the war in a concentration camp or a Swiss chalet; Wilkomirski is not a fake if his "pain is authentic": thus speaks an Auschwitz survivor turned Holocaust expert. The others deserve contempt; Gutman, just pity.

>> No.22589231
File: 2.45 MB, 2528x1744, Einsatzgruppen_murder_Jews_in_Ivanhorod,_Ukraine,_1942 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck nazis lmao

>> No.22589234

You gonna spam that Hitler's a tranny today, one man JIDF?

>> No.22589241


>> No.22589255

Finklestein is right that historians need to weed out fakers but he always came across as weird to me. Like a smart version of a trad e-girl right wing grifter
A lot of antisemites gave him money for his books

>> No.22589271

Finkelstein is just the rare Jew who knows that Jews are awful

Last one is the famous Dershowitz debate.

>> No.22589412

he realizes that judaism is going to end up getting all religion flamethrowered just to deal with judaism; christians hate to recognize this but they're the ones who'll stand in the way when we actually begin to unpick the foundational falsehoods of abramic religion - we can't solve any of these things without getting rid of that superstition that turns humans into the human shields and worker drones for the scum of the planet.

a christian, even a former christian, with a jewish name and a jewish society is mentally incapable of being anything other than a slave to his theocratic overlords.

>> No.22589425

pretty good theory. Look into all of the Jewish concentration camp porn, it was so prominent in Israel that they had to ban it. The apex of Jewish sexual fantasy postwar was being sexually abused by an Aryan dominatrix. What else is that but emasculation? How do you cope with that? By exercising dominance over a lower race. It's an advanced form of Jewish autogynophilia.

>> No.22589460

ironically it was exactly what happened to the germans; they went from sucking cock and pedophilia in weimar to "uber alles" the next day, it's almost like sissification has the opposite effect of what's intended.

>> No.22589528

Is that psychoanalytically correct?

>> No.22589537

>Right wing
I know culture war brain rot runs deep but just because Israel declares someone Persona non Grata does not make them right wing

We shouldn't try to cut ourselves into left wing and right wing political dichotomies anyhow. The last 100 years have shown us how foolish and self-defeating that kind of behavior is.

>> No.22589799

Jews only really shine as a minority group of rootless cosmopolitan. Having known lots of Jewish diaspora and lots of Israeli citizens I can tell you that the difference is night and day, and not in a way that's sympathetic to Israelis.

The Jewish people belong at home: in our banks, in our press galleries, in our parliments, and in our shitty open-mike comedy clubs. The Jewish people are altogether too clever and charmingly neurotic to waste farming their own turnips like some sort of subhuman Pollaks.

>> No.22589809

>As to federal union, or JEW/nion.
Pound just can't stop knocking it out of the park. Do you think the fact he had a Jewish name had something to do with his antisemitism? The best antisemitism usually are.

>> No.22589863

This is the closest to the thread I was looking for, best book on Moshe Dayan/related?

>> No.22589948

>Jewish autogynophilia.
Imagine how high IQ they must be.

>> No.22590439

ryan dawson of course, if he hasn't got a book he may as well at this point lol

'how israel stole the bomb' is a good place to start for the jewish mafia terrorists who founded israel

>> No.22590445

wasps and catholics, etc., suppress their own kind but give a free pass to people they think are jewish, that's probably how they fly under the radar.

>> No.22590449

>Freudian takes on politics
It always gets me KEKing

>> No.22591646

the wheels on the KEK go onions onions onions, all day long
t. phD FBI