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22585995 No.22585995 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest book on him?

>> No.22586013

Animal Farm

>> No.22586152
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>> No.22586174

i can confirm that napoleon a intimate account is considered the gold standard, most private church headquarters library's only keep this copy in their private library's in regards to his life for some reason. i don't have a reason just a observance from my collection of library's i record. xgwmdx

>> No.22586194

War and peace

>> No.22586240

who is it written by?

>> No.22586248

his own diary

>> No.22586252

https://www.amazon.in/Memoirs-Private-Return-Reign-Napoleon-ebook/dp/B0082PMU58/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=napoleon+a+intimate+account&qid=1696918732&sr=8-4 this is the only thing similar that shows up, perhaps where could i find it?

>> No.22586253
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books for getting into the french revolutionary and napoleonic wars from basically nothing?
i'm specifically looking for a history on how things happened, when and why and also some literature on the tactics of the armies of the era

>> No.22586261

Napoleonic Wars a Global History if you want a modern history

>> No.22586276


Bonaparte was a notorious writer, probably not his day to day things and a autobiography, but he wrote a lot of letters to Josephine and his thinking

>> No.22586277


>> No.22586297

Alan Schom's is supposedly far superior and in depth compared to most works. I've only read the parts I needed and thought it was great, can't compare to others. Sorry OP.

>> No.22586310

Crime and Punishment

>> No.22587423

I have a copy of w&p. is it worth the time to read it? can I become ubermensch after reading it?

>> No.22587796

I'm also interested. Are there any bios where the writer comments heavily on Napoleon's personality, charisma and drive and also links those with how he grew up?
I've read Napoleon spoke highly of his mother and thought she was the main reason he ascended

>> No.22589550
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>tfw teasing Merovingian bona fides with the Bee Heraldry

>> No.22589568

Anything a bit lighter?

>> No.22590250

it's very anti-ubermensch, if anything
>don't try to be a hero, great men are a lie, the best thing you can do with your life is make babies and till the earth
that's what I got out of it, good read, imo

>> No.22590260

I like how they had to change the title for American audiences from "Napoleon the Great" to "Napoleon: A Life". Because if you call anything that's not American great, Americans will lose their shit.

>> No.22590274

Probably rather because liberals will seethe whenever a white man is called great, let alone a based conqueror who wanted to bring back slavery in french colonies

>> No.22590277
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>> No.22590289

lol no. W&P paints your "ubermensch" as vainglorious and superficial, and is about finding more meaning in having a wholesome loving family and spiritual fulfillment, and appreciating simplicity

>> No.22590662

He kind of shits on him in this though

>> No.22591234

Andrew Roberts' book is the current gold standard in terms of a raw biography. If you want a slightly more accurate in the facts, though not as entertaining alternative Napoleon: The Man Behind the Myth by Adam Zamoyski is brilliant too. That's not to say Roberts is inaccurate, but there is a single instance of a mistranslation screwing up Roberts' narrative slightly (the part about the young prostitute Napoleon met and possibly lost his virginity to), which Zamoyski's better French skills helped him avoid. And if there's one instance of this, then its almost certain there may be another- that said Robert's book is about 950 pages long and the mistake amounts to about 2-3 paragraphs of error, nothing in the grand scale.

Avoid Philip Dwyer, while I haven't read him and I'm sure he's a fine enough writer, you really don't need 3 volumes of Napoleon to understand him, if you want more info outside of the two mentioned biography's just go to direct sources. Especially when I would be willing to bet a lot of the books are on battles, which a YouTube video (Epic History TV comes to mind), would be much better at explaining.
I would also avoid Paul Johnson, while a respected writer in some spheres, his Napoleon book is pretty poor, not enough information given and very bias in his ideas. The main point of the book is to try and make you see Napoleon as a proto-Hitler or Stalin, which really doesn't stand up to the facts.

>> No.22591259

Roberts is probably the best for that, an anecdote to prove it is that Roberts like to boast that he has quite a few jokes from Napoleon in the book, which other historians might gloss over. However, no biography to my knowledge puts that much stock in his mothers influence to his rise. The idea comes from a quote from Napoleon that speaks more to how usefulness his father was then how great his mother was.

>> No.22591566

The Greatest book on him would be his own memoirs. No other author is on his level.

Other than that you should probably read the top 10 books on Napoleon other than his own memoirs (and collected letters and other writings) just to be safe.

>> No.22591607

What made him inspire so many men ?

>> No.22591620

What's a good edition of the memoirs, either english or french?

>> No.22591632

I have no idea. I'm just a pleb who only ever read Roberts' biography. I imagine it'd be hard to go wrong with a physical first edition, if you can't get ahold of the original manuscripts.

>> No.22593304
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>> No.22593316

Was Napoleon even THAT influential? his empire didn't last and he would be seen as illiberal by today's standards. i don't know i'm just saying that when you learn about all the great founding fathers of the modern world you never hear Napoleon, in America we're instead taught that he was just some guy who tried to conquer Europe after the Revolution and undermined the values of freedom

>> No.22593317

seconding this one

>> No.22593352

He destroyed the foundations of monarchy and ushered in this dreadful era of democracy

>> No.22593804

Yes, he was that influential, the constitution of several countries to this day apes the napoleonic code
He created modern politics

>> No.22593826
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He made Europe and thus the world irrevocably transition from feudalism to modernity. Civil law is the basis of law in the near totality of countries in the world bar those ruled by common law.
So he was quite damn influential.