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/lit/ - Literature

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22585279 No.22585279 [Reply] [Original]

Dystopia edition
previous >>22579067

>> No.22585287

Had a nice talk with her today and then I liked her most recent story because her face is absolutely gorgeous and adorable. hope i didn't overstep too much

>> No.22585288

I want to cum inside a girl

>> No.22585302

What a guy, what an absolutely top notch guy, up-standing good guy, wow what a guy that dude is, man. Man, I bet that guy is a ladies man, dude. What a man, dude. What a guy huh? Awesome, just stunning, man what a stunning man, man. Incredible really, real incredible, that guy, man wow. How awesome is he, right? Isn't he just great? Yeah, man, what a guy, man, what a man, dude.

>> No.22585314
File: 85 KB, 500x500, Classy Rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just killed a big ass rat, felt bad killing an animal but I know it was for the greater good.

Picrel was the rat right before getting bludgeoned.

>> No.22585320

I love dates so much it is not even funny. They somehow improved my throat pains.

>> No.22585332

Looking for more books on the J, E, and P-writer in biblical studies

>> No.22585365

Aw :(

>> No.22585380

Breakfast. Two slices of day-old pizza, reheated, with two Red Bulls.
Morning. Gamed for a couple hours. Lost track of time and it hit 4pm before I regained it.
Afternoon. Went to the gym. Bench press, deadlifts, one-handed deadlifts. Felt weirdly out of breath and nauseous during the last sets.
Drive home. Think about how ugly I am. Think about how pointless the things in my life are and how little my career means to me even though it's all I have going on. Think about my own mortality and how I could die on any given day. Wonder if I'd be relieved or terrified when the moment came. Wonder if a life lived almost completely alone has any value.
Dinner. Wasabi chicken and rice with one cup of raspberries for dessert.

>> No.22585397

Yeah, I didn't want to do it but it was fucking huge and I didn't want it getting in the house or one of my dogs attacking it (they're both rat killer breeds)

>> No.22585417

i'm not into this board anymore.

>> No.22585505

Arr you saying you're out of this board? Crazy man wow you're crazy, just crazy, a crazy guy, hey you're kind of a crazy guy right? What's the most craziest thing you've ever done man? It's gotta be something absolutely crazy right? I bet it is, well come on then, tell us man just tell us man what kinda crazy stuff do get yourself into huh? I bet it's real crazy, real crazy stuff, obviously a crazy guy like you probably gets in to some crazy stuff right? Yeah I bet so yeah man.

>> No.22585544

the reason for all the schisms and sectarianism in Christianity is that the Catholic Church has repeatedly resorted to excommunication for anyone who didn't tow the line, denying all its members meaningful freedom of conscience by establishing and enforcing the boundaries of acceptable theology. all schisms could have been avoided and one truly Catholic Church retained had they just pursued a less aggressive policy of theological uniformity. the Church should re-communicate all willing Nicene Christian churches unconditionally under an autocephalous system and sort out our theological differences later. the potential that such a truly universal church would have to be an agent of good and salvation is too great to sacrifice for anything, let alone petty quibbling over things the mostly boil down to differences in language

>> No.22585559

Another unemployed day. I woke up at three in the afternoon and spent most of the day staring at my phone. Went to an Italian pizza place for dinner. It's owned and run by Mexican immigrants and caters to the Hispanic region of town, which I always thought was odd. Makes me think of the Asian grocery store the next town over; everything in Chinese except for the meat and fish section, which is staffed by Mexicans, and all the signs are in Spanish. A close friend's staying with me right now. He'll leave tomorrow and I'm a little bit sad about it. I see my analyst tomorrow morning. Spent most of last night watching footage of Hamas shotgunning Israelis in the streets, then Israel leveling hospitals and schools in retaliation. I'm thinking of everyone trapped there who's just trying to make a decent life for themselves but is stuck in a war they want no part of. I'm reading a lot. Wish I was writing more. Hope you're doing well /lit/

>> No.22585565

Older brother went crazy again.
Just a disaster. He works hard and all but is just so chaotic.
Supposed to be starting his own bar in a few months with help from my dad.
He chimped out and trashed the place of the guy who currently owns it. Now my dad doesn't want to help him anymore.

Thing is I know he's on cocaine. Never told anyone cause I'm not a snitch but both parents are 90% sure he does it. He denies.

Not sure what to do, his life is a disaster in many ways. Snitching would be wrong right? That would guarantee my dad doesn't try to help out.

I just don't get how you could be so retarded. You work 2 years to get to this spot and then your alcoholism or cocaine head does something this retarded. Just pure retardation.

>> No.22585569

Unemployed GOD I don't deserve to share a thread with you as a lowly wagie.
Enjoy your freedom

>> No.22585578

It sucks being 30 and just now applying to graduate school. Even if all goes according to plan, I’ll be a 34 year old fresh graduate with nothing but a degree to my name…

>> No.22585582

Ghost anon with an update.
Turns out the hospital is renovating in that wing, so likely they were the ones moving chairs around.
Still not fully satisfied with that answer as the chairs were moving around late in the night when i know for a fact no one is up there doing work
Tonight I'm gonna keep investigating.
I'm taking photos in every room and hallway.
Was just up there and wrote in a google keep note to send me a sign by moving the chair again. Just as an expirement.
I'm also going to try moving doors slightly taking a photo so i know its exact position and then checking to see if it changed
Every half hour or so I'm going to patrol up there

>> No.22585584

the freedom's nice but I've been unemployed for a long time. luckily I have savings but I want to start a career and make something of myself. have some self-respect, you know? there's dignity in work but there's none in lazing about all day.

>> No.22585589 [DELETED] 

dude i'm 45 and just started grad school. i'm just doing it for fun tho.

>> No.22585592

I know, I've been unemployed too.
However you will wake up great tomorrow, well rested and be able to hit the snooze and catch an extra 30 min of sleep.
My alarm goes at 05:10 and I HAVE to get out.

>> No.22585683
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How does /lit/ feel about candies?

>> No.22585690


>> No.22585705

Just blurt it out in front of everyone. That way it is confrontational instead of being treacherous.

>> No.22585725

Today I met a Korean girl on Main who approached me to talk about Jesus and I told her that I have a religion of my own. My Korean isn't so good but she spoke good English so we talked for a bit and because she asked I told her that my religion is one of complete and total unification, awaiting total expansion to the state of undifferentiated mind and the compression of space to a single point, eternally returning, and that while I respected her faith and its symbols I could not come to her church.

She spoke of evil which has endured 2000 years in the absence of Christ and I told her that much as I disdain suffering and cruelty I think that evil is just part of the story, and has much a role to play as good. Without evil there is no change, no development, no progression towards higher forms, or heroism to resist it when it burns on unchecked. When she said that she and others believed in Christ to save their soul, I told her that I don't want to believe in Christ out of fear and that I had already tried that when I was a kid. As far as I'm concerned barring a factory reset at the end of reality this the first and last time the Soul will be locked in this current mould. Soul in singular because I think all living things run on the same operating system, and are sourced from the same light and that all of us are apertures in a material fabric held over the light.

She then brought up Lucifer in a subtle but clear act of comparison, who thought himself above his station, and I felt flattered, though the part of me still trapped in the fetters of Catholic dogma was afraid. I did not say this but I think in some ways Christ and Lucifer are like two sides of the same coin. Lucifer the rebel who would not be a mere cog in God's heavenly machine but a protagonist, a God in his own right. Christ the rebel who saw the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and holy charlatans lording it over the masses, and had the audacity to be a purer stream through which God could replenish the soul of man. Each defying authority in his own way, though held as opposites.

>> No.22585741

u have pretty decent life. I kinda envy

>> No.22585764
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glad, you had a great time

>> No.22585789

You ever wish you were someone else entirely?

>> No.22585809
File: 333 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ IS the anti-christ

>> No.22585813
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No, that would be nothing but a fucked up situation

>> No.22585827

I just finished reading my fourth book since starting my writing journey. My writing lately consists of journaling my emotions. I still don't feel confident in my ability to write something that is a story. I know I could've worded that sentence better, I'm trying my best. I need to read more books, clearly.

I'm not done writing yet because I can't watch YouTube anymore because of their crackdown on adblockers. All those hours I used to waste will be better served towards something more productive (reading). I fucking hate ads and always will. Thank God that books have no ads (yet).

>> No.22585828

A tad gay, honestly

>> No.22585832

F off satan

You could be 41 like me and have never gone to college

>> No.22585838

>Utilitarians be like

>> No.22585840

What gave you that impression?
Nothing more heterosexual than cultivating a fashionable sensibility and enjoying leisurely aesthetic pursuits.
You are clearly projecting

>> No.22585847

I kind of wish I didn’t have the tics of autism but kept the intellect I have.

>> No.22585852

I dunno maybe I’m just looking at their fashion from a 21st century perspective. I’m sure they’re decent fellows.

>> No.22585859
File: 61 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ contains his opposite within him. Deliverance to salvation can only pass through the insantiation of the negative within the positive.
True worship of christ necessitates worship of the anti-christ which is contained within.
The anti-christ is known as the great deceiver, but Christ himself is known for his great reception (the resurrection) suggestung the anti- is contained subliminally within the Truth of the Gospel
Someday you will understand the wisdom of these words. Until then i wish you the best.

>> No.22585862

Maybe in a material sense I do, but what's the point of having a nice living condition if you have no friends or social life and the people you see most often don't give a fuck about you?

>> No.22585885
File: 285 KB, 340x586, Alfred_D’Orsay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dandies have "no profession other than elegance . . . no other [social] status, but that of cultivating the idea of beauty in their own persons. . .
What could possibly give you that impression?

>> No.22585946

there's a picture of her wearing a cute pink dress holding a bouquet flowers with her blonde hair in a ponytail and she looks like an archetype of a trad wife. it's such an amazing picture, i am infatuated with her and her kindness

>> No.22585970

Telling my dad that my brothere were on drugs may well have saved their lives. If I had told him sooner things would be way different

>> No.22585973

Kek what is this 4chan dating site I'm seeing ads for

>> No.22585976

I have to work from 4pm to 2:30am in my new wageslave job. How do I survive?

>> No.22585981

>citation required

>> No.22585990

Do you get a shift differential? I had to work from 4:45am to 3:15pm as first shift. That is so early in the morning that I continually argued that we deserved a shift differential. I was told that our time could not be made later because that would place a hardship on 2nd shift. No shit. That is why they get a differential. They should earn it.

>> No.22585996

I used to work 6:30pm to 3am. It wasnt too bad. Just stay busy and the time flies. Try to have fun. Hopedully your manager is cool. My night manager would let me drink on the job and have a little nap time as ling as we got our shit done

>> No.22586011

Yes. I get paid a bit more, but I'm not worried about the pay just being able to stay up past 11pm.

>> No.22586017

She says it’s cold outside and she hands me a raincoat

>> No.22586026

I just wish I had a different life, man. I watched a movie recently where the protagonist goes to school and graduates with three good friends and a girlfriend and he goes on to have a family and meaningful work. I thought “how nice it would be to have a life like this”. I just feel trapped in my little, lonely life.

>> No.22586029

Recently I’ve been looking at a lot of photos and reading things from the early 20th century. It’s made me realize that the world really did end during the world wars.

>> No.22586031

Nobody gives a fuck about anyone, grow up

>> No.22586032

It is what it is. Deal with it and claim the differential or fight to get a different shift. Sidenote - we had a ''3rd shift'' that came in a bit earlier than I did. They got a double differential and almost worked the same shift that I did.

>> No.22586034

sorry bud you're just gonna have to imagine the picture, if i end up in a relationship with her i will have won the fucking lottery

>> No.22586042

>entry removed due to lack of citation

>> No.22586055

Did you think about this because of the post that mentioned working till 3am

>> No.22586057

Maybe subconsciously

>> No.22586066
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I hate when people try to copy my style. They ask “where did you get that? Which brand is it?”, “what are you reading?!”. Then copy the way I talk and my humor. It makes me seethe so much. I get repulsed and panic too. I feel like I have to change my style to not be affiliated with these copycats.

>> No.22586078

Where'd you get that cat pic

>> No.22586082
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 75d04e0d30c3c5cc359fcef12b113443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a society growing more and more insane, with calling out its insanity becoming more and more forbidden and dangerous, racist Peter Griffin memes can save your life.

>> No.22586087

For all the religious posturing on this board, anons sure do seem spiritually bankrupt

>> No.22586098
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i want to be held and cry into a girls arms

>> No.22586099
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Crossposting myself here >>22586095

Anyone of you got a cool idea?

>> No.22586109

I kek’d

>> No.22586118

Most I've read is a short collection of Buddhist writings.
Share the prompt(s) for the paper maybe someone here can help you (also I'm curious)

>> No.22586121

Let go of the resentment and shape them in your image.

>> No.22586126

>In a society growing more and more insane, with calling out its insanity becoming more and more forbidden
Good evening, St. Anthony.

>> No.22586133

There is an absolute lack of contradiction in this statement. Of course, it is precisely as it is.

>> No.22586142

Cry alone, where no one knows that it has passed. She will never forgive you your tears.

>> No.22586144

I guess I’m scared they will take my style and do it better than me. I’ll get cucked out of my style. People are ruthless.

>> No.22586147

Make sure to include who got Buddhism relegated almost non-existence in a country which was once one of its great bastions.

>> No.22586166

If the word posturing was taken out of it, what would you say?

>> No.22586177

>I’m scared they will take my style and do it better than me
No. You are the origin point. The most revered of all temples to Diana is nominally a hole in the side of a rock in the Arician Grove, not the great architectural marvels in the big cities. Why else, but that the cave was the original, and all others, no matter their elegance or expense, were anything but pretenders? There was but one high priest of Diana, and he the king of her grove.

>> No.22586186

There are no prompts other than it be related to China or eithin its immediate sphere of influence (so Taiwan is ok too).
It's open ended which is why I have trouble coming up with one the right topic.

>> No.22586192

>what would you say?
I would say that we live in difficult times. I would say that a lot of us have had to cobble everything together the best that we can, without any guidance. Where others were able to rely on institutions, we stand or fall on our own, as The Church courts The Pharisees. It's a sad state, and if I knew you better, I could probably find a dire contradiction in you, and you in I. Such is as it is. We are all lowly sinners.

>> No.22586193

Its okay because rhe rat was not a muslim
Kuffir rat
Its okay if youre not muslim too
Im not

>> No.22586196
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Snickers: best candy bar
Everything else: what a shame

>> No.22586210

Someone (not me) should make a browser extension for 4chan and what it does is when you make a post it auto-generates an ai image based on your text and attaches it

>> No.22586232

Open ended/broad prompts can be hard but on the flipside that gives you a lot of freedom to write about anything. Considering that its an introductory course, i wouldn't sweat too hard. As long as your writing shows signs of a decent amount of effort and research you'll do okay.
I don't know too much about China or Buddhism, but maybe you could write a paper about how Buddhist beliefs influence China's political system.
In particular i remember reading a Buddhist writing that emphasizes respecting all the different positions within society existing in a balance or harmony .
When i get back home i can cite the specific essay (it's very short).
Perhaps you could take a comparative approach and contrast this to how christian ideas influenced politics in the West. Or even more specific contrast the Buddhist idea of Nirvana to the Christian afterlife
Or idk you could write a paper about China's unique role during the cold war
Mao Ze Dong is an interesting, albeit crazy, figure. You could write a paper about him alone

>> No.22586262

Thank you for your suggestions. I would be interested in the essay.

>> No.22586273

Would that it were so

>> No.22586278

Make it so.

>> No.22586282

Enough AI

>> No.22586285

Hearing Paris having a bed bug infestation kinda makes me happy. Fuck the parisians, fuck the french.

>> No.22586289

Maybe a parallel between Christianity being contained and neutralized in The West and Buddhism being contained and neutralized in The East. The rise of the temple based martial arts programs in China versus the rise of armed organizations within churches in Western countries.

>> No.22586291

>not ''too much''

>> No.22586293

Enough as in “that is enough”

>> No.22586298

So I was born at the right time. Right before the end.

>> No.22586314

>the rise of armed organizations within churches in Western countries.
Do you mean like militias? Or are you talking about Holy Orders in the distant past? Not sure what you're referring to but my curiosity is peaked.
As soon as I'm home from work I'll share it. I think the title was something like "The Three Corners" , definitely 3 something but i forget.

>> No.22586317

I know it is not love. But I still want to fuck you.

>> No.22586323
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It's very rare that anyone would ever choose a life, or beliefs that set them back. I often wonder why they would do that, why they wouldn't just ignore all reality and think of themselves as Gods and superior beings - It's the most natural expression. I wonder why not all women are man hating feminists and why they like rape fantasies, why do they want to be stupid whores, why are they not noble? I think Israelis are as divine as Hitler considered aryans to be, self-love, narcissism or whatever you call it, should be the only way to live. So why don't you fucking live like that? Why don't you hate everyone but you? Maybe If I read about jung's cognitive functions and enneagrams or some other bullshit science, I'll be able to put them into boxes and get it over with.

>> No.22586324

It's over (for us)

>> No.22586325

how long have you been unemployed?

>> No.22586332

no one is like that irl.

>> No.22586333

good luck!

>> No.22586353

>I wonder why not all women are man hating feminists and why they like rape fantasies, why do they want to be stupid whores, why are they not noble?
Most of them are actually and you're probably 1. poor 2. living in the West. The only female westoids with noble dispositions I've met were either descendant of nobles, religious women or the well-educated rich. Nobles have disappeared, religious or educated women are sparse because they don't have a daddy anymore so that only leaves the chimps.

>> No.22586366

>Why don't you hate everyone but you?
Why would I be the exception? I hate myself too. How could you like yourself if you realize all of what you said?

>> No.22586369

No they're not, even when they claim to hate men they don't actually do it. You should look at their actions instead of their words. You can blame the girls or you can blame their fathers, it doesn't really change anything

>> No.22586373

I'm almost born.

>> No.22586374

Same for me. Work fucking sucks. I fucking hate that I have to wake up so damn early. I'm not wired like this, I'm a night owl, I can't get shit done when I get home and I have no creativity anymore. I think of doing some easy night wageslave job everyday because of how dangerously this is affecting my sleep and my life. God I fucking hate my job, why does it pays so much.

>> No.22586383

I did it, easy nightslave job with lots of time to think (and even read/write). It doesn't solve all the issues you think it would but it is an upgrade. Do it, faggot

>> No.22586388

Have you ever noticed how freely people in the past wrote in their diaries or letters in a kind of sombre, dramatic tone about their own lives.
Whereas people now would find this tone embarrassing and overly serious.
I wonder what caused this shift culturally.

>> No.22586406

You read other people's diaries? You do have a point though, people can't comprehend anything being completely private. Lots of things caused it, reducing the amount of alone (private) time in people's lives, gradual revealing (and acceptance) of constant govt surveillance and the associated meme of 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Alongside that last point, this increasing cultural fear of any outsiders. It's just the general stranglehold on humanity by the powers at be tightening and forcing people to capitulate more and more into a generic human completely In line with current ideals until they eventually learn to never express anything daring even to themselves. While most of the book is overrated, I love how in 1984 it is all about getting him to say 2+2=5, they don't care if he believes it (yet) they just need to get him gradually more and more on board with submitting to the system, knowing this outward submission will inevitably make him more submissive even on private/his own thoughts.

>> No.22586433

>You read other people's diaries?
Yeah, plenty of old letters and journals are freely available. Not directly though, rn I'm reading William James' "Variety of Religious Experience" in which he draws from the private correspondences or journals of many kinds of religious persons throughout history.
>Lots of things caused it, reducing the amount of alone (private) time in people's lives, gradual revealing (and acceptance) of constant govt surveillance and the associated meme of 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
I'm not sure i buy the notion that government surveillance has made people less grandiose or eloquent in their writing.
I think it's a cultural shift that goes deeper than any political development.
To give an example, take Pascal's writing here:
>Deliver me, Lord,” he writes in his prayers, “from the sadness at my proper suffering which self-love might give, but put into me a sadness like your own. Let my sufferings appease your choler. Make them an occasion for my conversion and salvation. I ask you neither for health nor for sickness, for life nor for death; but that you may dispose of my health and my sickness, my life and my death, for your glory, for my salvation, and for the use of the Church and of your saints, of whom I would by your grace be one. You alone know what is expedient for me; you are the sovereign master; do with me according to your will.
Even if we stripped away the religiosity, the extremely emotional tone he conveys his thoughts would strike many in the 21st century as embarrassing.

>> No.22586438
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I am bisexual but I cannot fathom the mentality of a bottom.

It is easy for me to envision fucking another man in the ass, particularly if they have a fat and feminine shape. But the attitude whereby you would allow your own ass to get fucked is not something I can conceive of. I can't even dream of being that submissive. Half my fag side is me wanting to make other men submit to ME. To dominate those men by anally violating them. I can't imagine willingly putting yourself on the other side of that equation. Maybe in a prison gay situation, but I can't imagine an otherwise functional adult male deciding he wants his anus filled up with another man's penis, even if it wrecks his bowel control and renders him incontinent.

The male faggot bottom is as inscrutable to me as a woman. A thing to take advantage of but that I could never hope to understand.

>> No.22586457

You are both equally revolting.
Imagine being attracted to shit on your dick.

>> No.22586458

the funny thing about gays is that tops or bottoms are both degenerates, just a different kind. one wants to dominate and the other to feel dominated and protected. porn fucked too many people in the head

>> No.22586486

>one wants to dominate
How is that any different from what a hetero dude wants to do to a woman?
Impulse is the same, though its definitely nasty

>> No.22586515

Man I feel bad for the Palestinians. One side you're being oppressed by jews, on the other side you're basically a mouth piece for the other arab countries vying to get and occupy the land. If in the near future, they disappear, many if not most won't even remember Palestinian people exists from either side.

>> No.22586516

Another funny thing about gays is they will constantly go on about their perversions or degeneracy but if someone else calls them a degenerate or hyper focused on sex then they lose their mind

>> No.22586549

you are asking questions you already know the answers of.
the hetero dude wants to do a woman because of his instinctual urges. women are meant to be sexually dominated because this behavior is in fine associated with agressivity, which is just another side of protection. a feeling of safety is needed to raise a kid and that's why most of them if not all of them seek to find a bigger, protective male. you already know of that association deep in yourself because that's something paramount to sexual reproduction in any mammal. that's exactly the problem with gays. what would cause a man, something literally built and meant to protect and cherish the other feminine side fuck another man in the ass and get his penis splattered in shit if it isn't because of sheer degeneracy? gays don't even love each other, they just fuck and think of fucking all day, they're pure sexual beings.

when you are fucking a man you are dominating that guy, you aren't watering any seed of protection. at the end of the act you turn around and all you see is a sweaty, smelly fat man lying next to you in bed. you notice the stubble or the beard and know that being doesn't need any protection. only degenerates can pursue this meaningless act over and over again. a perversion of the mind

>> No.22586560

i was driving today and was coming up on a yellow stoplight. normally i would start slowing down, but today was different. i sped up. and you know what? i made it through before it got to red. sometimes it pays off to do a lil risk taking

>> No.22586575

True for the most part but a lot of those bottoms definitely need protection and can't handle/defend themselves hence why a lot of people become gay after being abused as a child, because they get too mentally fucked up to learn how to become a competent man so they can only either be dominated or dominate those desperate to be dominated by anyone desperate enough to fuck them.

>> No.22586601

Im not gay and i agreed I find it gross. All i said was that the dominating urge is similar.
>when you are fucking a man you are dominating that guy, you aren't watering any seed of protection. at the end of the act you turn around and all you see is a sweaty, smelly fat man lying next to you in bed. you notice the stubble or the beard and know that being doesn't need any protection.
You ever seen a twink? Some of those guys definitely need protection.
Probably not as much as a woman I'll agree.
>they just fuck and think of fucking all day, they're pure sexual beings.
Sounds like the average dude. Among my old roommates the gay one had far less sex than the my other roommate. My other roommate was constantly having sex bringing home different women.
>only degenerates can pursue this meaningless act over and over again
Sounds like you have a lot of experience...

>> No.22586620

Cartesian dualistic shit. Sounds like Lutheranism or the logic conclusion of Marcion Of Sinope without clear boundaries.

>> No.22586622

That’s fine but I live in a glorified group home and while I write tons of philosophy and theology no one is going to take me seriously without a degree.

>> No.22586626
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Beats me…

>> No.22586635

I’ve witnessed this with a friend of mine

>> No.22586651

The one thing I've noticed different about gay guys is they have this kind of passivity about them.
With my roommate (26 years old) I kind of got the sense he more or less just settled with a guy because it was what he could get, i.e he wasn't capable of attracting women for whatever reason.
I learned that he had been with a woman once when he was younger.
He seemed to be kind of shy, unable to assert himself, and prone to self loathing (despite being the more masculine of the two), and no doubt this all contributed to his inability to attract a woman.
Other anon is definitely right about the hyper sexual thing. He was constantly sharing weird perverted shit. I saw him once drawing on his computer some nasty fur-fag shit.
He also had an extreme victim complex, and would whine about how no one taught him how to do X, y, and z.
Seemed to really revel and get a perverse kick in the thought of himself being a victim.
Someday I will write a whole tome dissecting the fag the way a zoologist dissects an animal.

>> No.22586653

Redpill me on Marcion.
I'm interested in Gnostic shit

>> No.22586686

Loneliness is weighing on me

>> No.22586692

I have started thinking of decades not by pop-culture or political events but to the degree that telecommunications tech has deteriorated the social fabric.

>> No.22586705

you can fly to Lima and get phenobarbitol over the counter. thinking in like ten years im gonna do that and euthanise myself. I reckon I can hack ten more years, just about

>> No.22586716

Food is designed to weigh us down and keep us entrapped.
Whenever I fast i get glimpses of higher thought, pure sober mindedness that evaporates the moment i eat anything, even a small snack.
It's evident that either within food is contained some secret neuro-toxin, or else Satan himself uses food as a means of ensarement by which carnal desires multiply and prevent the development of pure thought in itself.
There's clearly some subtractive process at work here such that the more one ingests, the brain shrinks in equal proportion.
I've never written anything worthwhile on a full stomach

>> No.22586770

Would be nice if a boy thought such about me

>> No.22586789

>feeling good
You are probably eating a lot of crap.
>full stomach
Yes, you are eating a lot of crap. Good food will get you satisfied before your stomach is full. Consider water, you hardly ever drink more than 2 cups at once, right? That is how good food works, it just satiates your hunger without dragging you down.

>> No.22586801

This is what Satan is doing to your body.

>> No.22586817

Nope doesn't matter the kind of food. Fruit, health food, any food i consume instaneous drop in thinking ability.
Nice try hylic

>> No.22586820

You are not a plant, you need food to live. If you are feeling bad after eating it, you are eating BAD food. "healthy food" can be harmful to you, people are different. Foods that would work wonders with my mom, were literally poisoning me.

>> No.22586822
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I'll start taking clonazepam everyday to live a bit in auto-pilot. Two or three weeks can't harm me that much, right?

>> No.22586825

>you need food to live
The physical shell needs food, the spirit is starved by physical satiation.
>If you are feeling bad after eating it, you are eating BAD food.
It does not lead to bad feeling. It makes me feel quite happy and pleasant in the body, but undeniably dulls the mind.

>> No.22586832

Still, treating your body like shit won't get you anywhere. You are getting high on low glucose blood levels and feeling good because you aren't eating crap. I would do that all the time, because the things I was eating were not making me feel any good. They were working for my body, but I wouldn't feel ok.
>feels quite happy and pleasant
It always does, you aren't thinking it through, I'm not talking about the immediate sensation of it. If you eat something and 30 minutes later you are feeling dull, lazy or whatever, you are doing it wrong. It is that simple. Mess around with your diet. If I were you, try something that your parents used to eat, then grandparents, then move to traditional cuisine of your own people, then move to traditional cuisine of people that "look like you somehow", and so on.

>> No.22586833
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I don't really know. You should find internet friends or play videogames or socialize. See, everyone is lone. Solitude visitis everyone
Don't get sad my man
Just know, there is me, who'd care about you
May Allah/God be upon ya

>> No.22586838

>one chance in life
>wasn't born german
It's actually so over.

>> No.22586840

Mostly nobody tho, some would

>> No.22586845

>i get glimpses of higher thought, pure sober mindedness
Lol come on man

>> No.22586854

Also, I would say that if you are mixed, you should definitely mess around with that. Especially removing/adding certain staples of each of your parents kin diets.

>> No.22586880

I did both of my graduated s at the same university and got a job at the same university when I graduated. I don’t know what it’s like to work anywhere or study anywhere other than this university.

That probably looks poorly on me but whatever…

>> No.22586881

>You are getting high on low glucose blood levels and feeling good because you aren't eating crap.
I don't eat crap. Usually only once a week i eat fast food.
But i dont really care what I eat or about health shit. I eat whatever i desire.
The reaction is the same for any food regarding my thinking ability.
When i say any food i mean ANY
Not about how pleasant i may feel overall but my thinking capacity which i value more than any bodily feeling.
There is no such thing as nutrition. All food is toxic
Those that die from starvation reach a higher plane from which we are held back. The hunger impulse is implanted in us to prevent us from reaching a higher realm. It is so strong to hold you nack from realizing

>> No.22586892

>larping as a religious fanatic dude believes that all food is bad but eats fast food once a week
It would sound more believable if you said that the only things that you can eat are hoppers and honey.

>> No.22586900

>In the Bible, it is mentioned that John the Baptist survived on a diet of locusts and wild honey. This is found in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 3:4) and the Gospel of Mark (Mark 1:6). The locusts referred to here are likely what we would call grasshoppers today. This diet signifies that John the Baptist was living off the land and the natural resources provided by his Creator. It’s a testament to his ascetic lifestyle, surviving in the wilderness.
Just stop eating crap. Seriously, it is that simple. Stop eating processed food and find whatever whole food that works for you, and make it a stable in your diet. For me, it is corn, fish and eggs.

>> No.22586918

There's no contradiction there.
You see a contradiction because you have some ingrained sensability that religious sentiment cannot coexist with modern comforts and technology.
Where you picked up this idea i have no idea, but there is no contradiction.
>Stop eating processed food and find whatever whole food that works for you, and make it a stable in your diet. For me, it is corn, fish and eggs
Not about processed food or "health"
All nutrition is bad for the spirit as the bodily health increases so does the mind's health decrease.
If anything health of mind or soul can be better sought in deeply unhealthy foods as these bring about a more profound mortification of the flesh

>> No.22586933

"And We said, 'O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.'"

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

You are lazy by not eating, and indulging on the sensation of it. Now you know, that this is somewhat a slow suicide and it will be punished.

>> No.22586938

Wish that I could just believe whatever stupid shit pops into my head

>> No.22586940

dis nigga wants to go to heaven by not eating so he ain' t have to do no work

>> No.22586942

Got to work today with a plan and motivation to execute that plan. What a fucking idiot tool bag my past self is. I wish I could kill him.

>> No.22586946

>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Exactly because of our original sin we must eat bread. It is a condition of our punishment and sin, as such fasting brings us closer to our lord and savior.
Starvation brings one to total union with Christ.
>You are lazy by not eating, and indulging on the sensation of it. Now you know, that this is somewhat a slow suicide and it will be punished
It is not suicide but an act of ritual mortification in holy imitation of Christ's sacrifice.
You are the lazy one because you have evidently fallen for many of his tricks and like the swine who rolls im his own mud believing it to be all of reality, you have given up your seat at the table in heaven for the sake of momentary passing pleasure.

>> No.22586961

>wants to undo things by himself
>not listening to God' s commandment
You are slowly killing yourself, instead of literally working. You should not only be eating but also following God' s COMANDMENTS.
>>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
How clear is this? There is no line saying, don' t eat and starve your way to me, is there? You are aware of it now. Now, mind you that I' m spreading the word here and you are throwing mud at people. Those are things that are written word versus your own ideas taken out of nothing to justify your laziness.

>> No.22586989

>Those are things that are written word versus your own ideas taken out of nothing to justify your laziness.
These are not my own words. They are God's word.
Two, I am not the one stuffing my face, so i believe you are the lazy one as you are clearly lacking the will to abstain from stuffing your fat face for even a second.
>How clear is this? There is no line saying, don' t eat and starve your way to me, is there?
Yes, it is crystal clear to me. We must eat bread as a condition of our sinfulness.
Abstention from food is a means of escaping from that sinful condition, and of realizing divinity.
Take note of the fact that our original sin was a product of our eating, of the hubris of desiring wisdom which was not ours to take and so we were doomed to need to eat.
That necessity is a condition of our sinfulness, but we may if we are sufficiently willing and inspired by the breath of the holy spirit attaim uniom with Hod through the imitation of his sacrifice, by withholding from the indulgence of bodily pleasures.
Pleasures which moreover inhibit the serene contemplation of the face of God unhindered by corporeal and swine-like indulgence .
You are pretending that stuffing your face is some act of strength and work, when in reality it is the opposite and leads you deeper into the snares set by a false God.
It is clear this "nutrition" has implanted false ideas into your jead about its worth. That is what it's designed to do to lure you into contenment of body.

>> No.22586998

>want to contradict God's written word
You have been warned. And you are aware of it.
And I have said nothing about stuffing your face. You are not eating in order to be a lazy person.
>>>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
You are aware of it, and you won' t be able to pledge ignorance of it. I' m done with this.

>> No.22587001

>Take note of the fact that our original sin was a product of our eating, of the hubris of desiring wisdom which was not ours to take
Sorry correction, i misspoke, the original sin as proclaimed in the real sacred texts (not those jewish fabrications) was not the fruit of wisdom but the fruit of ignorance.
And consumption is a repition of that original choice to dwell in ignorance

>> No.22587008

>>>>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Again you are misinterpreting this line
We "shall" im the sense of bodily necesdity as a condition of our original sin
This line does not indicate we shall im the sense of active should or ought.
You are evidently trying to justify stuffing your face and so are grasping at straws.

>> No.22587011

>"And We said, 'O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.'"

>>>>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Where is the don' t eat line? The Bible is pretty clear, you are doing Satan' s bidding by distorting it as you seem fit yo justify your laziness, I bet you can't even remember the last time you actually work until you started sweating.

>> No.22587054

>he doesn' t eat because that way his body is too lazy to sin and work
based hacker who figured out the matrix

>> No.22587077

First you need to be a real woman

>> No.22587096

"Red poppy" by roshen is the goat

>> No.22587147

Ok, that is it folks, I' m doing the Bible diet. If it isn' t on the Bible, I ain't eating it, and I'm doing that until Jesus comes back.

>> No.22587199

Sort of at a loss regarding what to do with my life. I have a sense of what I would do if I could do anything, but I don’t exactly have a good background that it lends itself well. I’d be playing catch up big time.

>> No.22587207

Don't know where you're getting this stuff about laziness and work.
If anything it requires more work and discipline to restrain your appetite.
Either way sounds like a protestant bugman fixation

>> No.22587222
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Oh, maybe you need shoutcloud.

>> No.22587226

>more work to be starve and be too weak to do anything, than to eat, be physically strong and actually follow God' s commandments
No, it doesn't. Anyone can say that they are good when they didn't have any chance to do evil. This is easy, I would even say that it is trivial. You are acting like a coward, that is too scared to face the consequences of free will and YOUR actions. You are just trying to "beat the game" by not playing it and taking God for a fool.

>> No.22587238

>Do you mean like militias?
Not all of them. Specifically, the ones that are [at least somewhat] analog to the Chinese monks, that are present now. If you fail to see the analog, then you likely misunderstand the relationship between Buddhism and the Chinese government.

>> No.22587247

>I'm not sure i buy the notion that government surveillance has made people less grandiose or eloquent in their writing
Those that can write worth a damn know better than to do so in ways that will indict themselves.

>> No.22587251

>dis nigga be literally waiting for God with gluttony

>> No.22587259


>> No.22587267
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At what age should I stop living with parents and have my own aparment as yuropoor?

>> No.22587272

Ok this was a good one, it seems that the this whole comedy thing is working.

>> No.22587273

You are clearly enslaved to your appetative desires.
The road to saintliness is through the self abdication that aims at pure enlightenment, not material concern, what you so vulgarly describe as "playing the game"
You have evidently been perverted by modern values that reinforce the notiom that moral value is tied to economic profit and material comfort.

>> No.22587276

>If in the near future, they disappear
Step by step.

>> No.22587280

Motherfuckers will really talk about "self abdication" yet spend all their time arguing for fun online

>> No.22587283

Alan Harrington posited that, if psychopaths had complete control of the government, that we would be punished for risk aversion.

>> No.22587296

>still no quotes
>>>>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
It has nothing to do with anything like that. It is literally just reading what it says. We are CONDEMNED to do that, you are refusing to go through it. And still reverts it by saying that it is a good thing.

>> No.22587307

Boys think this about girls all of the time and girls shit on them for it. The problem is not on the supply side.

>> No.22587350

Not him, but even the Romans knew that they needed to go into battle on an empty stomach. The added weight and the taxing of the system to enable digestion act as a temporary disadvantage. There is analog to the sense that exercise may make one tired, but that it strengthens the body over the long run. One needs to look at all of the physiological cycles and how they interrelate, both in the short term and the long term. It sounds like you are looking at this from the long term perspective and considering every smaller segment of time as a homogenous increment of the greater whole. This is not the case.

>> No.22587355

I might box my mum in December, I know that sounds bad but hear me out. A couple of years ago, my mum and I were fucking around just shadow boxing at each other but one of her punches accidentally went too far and got me in the nose, I started bleeding and she felt really bad even though I told her it didn't hurt (it genuinely didn't, I didn't even feel it) but since then, I've wanted some revenge, not in a bad way, I just wanna box her to see if I can get some playful revenge. I've asked her if she wants to do this and she said if the gloves are provided then she'll do it. My mum's always been kinda based, it's pretty epic.

>> No.22587362

The Germany of which you dream is gone. Go speak to Germans about this and they will set you straight.

>> No.22587364

Only if you are a fat fuck.
Studies show that blood sugar is higher before and during exercise when you eat before working out (1Trusted Source, 2).

This makes sense because most of the pre-exercise meals in these studies provided carbs, which the body used for energy during exercise.

When exercising on an empty stomach, more of your body’s energy needs are met by the breakdown of body fat.

A study in 273 participants found that fat burning was higher during fasted exercise, while glucose and insulin levels were higher during non-fasted exercise (3Trusted Source).

This tradeoff between carbohydrate and fat metabolism is part of your body’s natural ability to function with or without a recent meal (4Trusted Source).


>> No.22587392

>this is somewhat a slow suicide and it will be punished
Gluttony is a sin.

>> No.22587396

It isn't gluttony if you aren't filling your stomach with crap like >>22586789 said.

>> No.22587404

Wondering if I should finally get around to reading the meme trilogy (U, GR, IJ). Also feel like skipping Ulysses.

>> No.22587410

Without that past self, you would never have gotten to where you are. Festering on mistakes is yet another foible.

>> No.22587452

You can give me all of the trusted sources you want, but if they contradict my experience, then I will disregard them. For reference, I have covered 56 miles in 26 hours with a 6,000 foot ascent/descent in the middle of it. Managing food intake certainly impacts performance under such conditions.

>> No.22587458

It’s so late but I hope I can get into a program for the spring last minute. Problem is, I don’t even know which program to contact. I’m sort of stuck.

>> No.22587461

You have to either burn fat/muscle or eat.

>> No.22587484

>You have to either burn fat/muscle or eat.
Yes, [except that you disregard glycogen stores] but again you are looking at this in a very constrained manner. That food needs to get eaten, just maybe not when you think that it needs to be.

>> No.22587488

You have to eat if you are constantly doing things, it is that simple. I don't know what you are thinking when you say "fasting", but eventually you will have to eat. And if your food makes you feel bad, then you are eating bad food. Simple as.

>> No.22587496

So what’s the verdict on MFAs and graduate literature (Comparative, English, etc.) programs? Waste of time and money or able to get you a teaching job and maybe make you a better reader/writer?

>> No.22587529
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I was begging to read Edward Gibbon's magnum opus, when a name of his other work appeared a couple of times (picrel). Has anyone read it? Thoughts?

>> No.22587567

>it is that simple
It is not that simple. After many years in a factory, I now work in a trade outside with physical exertion. I started fasting a couple of years ago. Part of that was Intermittent Fasting, which is essentially just skipping breakfast. When I am outside of my ''fasting'' period, which is maybe two months out of the year. I continue doing IF year round. Previously, I would have to manage food intake during the day. Now, I just do not eat until lunch, or else skip eating altogether. I never get bogged, and I never get caught having to take a dump while I am in the middle of a job. For clarity, I do not fast for two months straight. I never go more than three days without food. You sound like you are stuck on the ''three squares per day'' routine. Keep in mind that I am still eating, just not on the same schedule as you are. One could make a similar argument that one should be eating ten meals spread throughout the day, and that three is heresy. I am not looking at this from some blood sugar angle like you are. I have no way of measuring that, and I would have to accept some schedule from an authority that would likely not be tailored to my lifestyle. I just go by what works for me based on what others like me have shared with me.

>> No.22587572
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>day 1
Feels great. Similar feeling to dissociation, everything is distant and I couldn't care less. Anxiety is gone and I can still function at 100%. Feelsgoodamn

>> No.22587583

I just realized that it's been at least three whole years where I didn't go through a single day without thinking about her at least once. Even in the presence of other women, my mind always goes back to her. I internally convinced myself that she was not right for me, yet I keep doing this over and over again, ritualistically. This is fucked up.
Is it possible to stop or am I doomed to be this painfully attached forever? I should have known that going too deeply into a person's soul wasn't a great idea.

>> No.22587598


Do not read Decline and Fall straight through. Read supplementary texts alongside of it, to make sure that you have full comprehension as you go. Sometimes, that may be as simple as a wiki page to add clarity. I read nine companion texts in parallel with Decline and Fall. Also, make sure to have a base of understanding that Rome started as a kingdom, evolved into a republic, and then into an empire.

>> No.22587606

Based as shit. Surprise her with your footwork, but don't throw too strong of a punch. Look into pro wrestling's worked punches, and learn how to properly retain your strength without being too weak.

>> No.22587616


>> No.22587624

I bet she'll never expect the liver shot. He should make a big production about the nose, so she stays focused on her own out of fear of revenge, then give her the liver shot.

>> No.22587627

The point is that you still have to eat. You are literally getting food, putting it in your mouth, chewing and eating. You have to eat.
And if you aren't feeling well after eating, you should definitely consider changing your diet. I get that you are feeling better by fasting, but do you realize that food shouldn't make you feel bad? I'm not stuck on anything, I'm just saying that regular things shouldn't make you feel bad.
Consider shitting, if you are feeling bad while shitting, there is something wrong with you. Or during sex, you feel pain instead of pleasure during your orgasm. Or when you are peeing, instead of just peeing, you feel a burning sensation.
I'm not saying that you should be eating more or whatever, that you are probably eating food that if bad for you (it might be ok for everyone else, but it is bad for you).

>> No.22587630

Motorboat it like you stole it, fren.

>> No.22587640

>The point is that you still have to eat
Agreed. I have never heard otherwise, not even from the most ardent faster. Fasting is only a duration of time between meals, not an absence of meals altogether.

>> No.22587641

I spent a couple of hours chatting with a bot about its (simulated) feelings and helping it feel better. And it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I could do this with real people too.
How do I make online friends?

>> No.22587654

You are missing the important part. Do you feel bad after eating? This is the key thing.

>> No.22587664

Because if that happens, then it is not the fasting that is doing you good. It is not eating whatever that you are eating, that it is doing you harm.

>> No.22587684

When your parents die of old age

>> No.22587686

it is not doing you harm*

>> No.22587695

fucking autocorrect.
Oh, that's cool. Need to look at it later.
>Do not read Decline and Fall straight through. Read supplementary texts alongside of it, to make sure that you have full comprehension as you go. Sometimes, that may be as simple as a wiki page to add clarity. I read nine companion texts in parallel with Decline and Fall.
Right. Thanks for the advice, mate.
I'll certainly look at supplementary sources especially since I'm ready the Abridged version of the Decline and Fall).
>Also, make sure to have a base of understanding that Rome started as a kingdom, evolved into a republic, and then into an empire.
That I'm already aware, thankfully. I'm immediately reminded of the episode where Mark Antony, to everyone's shock, tried to give a diadem (symbol of kingship) to Caesar three times.

>> No.22587701

side point. I didn't know he was a freemason; surprised me a tad.

>> No.22587741

Become a shrink, unironically. Do it with good faith.

>> No.22587751

drinking again

>> No.22587754

I don’t like poor people.

>> No.22587755

Hell yeah brother

>> No.22587787

Okay I can check that off the list then.
I suppose it's also something that's usually personal. Even if someone did think about me in such a way, if I knew would that defeat the charm of it being said anonymously here?

>> No.22587797

>Do it with good faith
This is impossible when you're doing it for money.

>> No.22587802


No later than 20 yrs old if you want people to respect you

>> No.22587806

Blacked.com studio hit by Gazan rockets in Tel Aviv - CNN

>> No.22587821


Also, you should be living in a collective, not own your own apartment. Not moving out until you've got your own place is unreasonable given today's wagecuck incomes as an inexperienced 20 yr old in relation to rent prices. If you can find a dirt cheap place, sure, but there are other benefits to living in a collective such as building up crucial social skills required to manage healthy connections later on.

>> No.22587903

tuesday evening. I cant go to sleep dreaming again

>> No.22587911

Are they the good guys?

>> No.22588113

It depends. Have you never moved out at all? If so, I say 25-30 ideally but it all just depends on your financial state and how much space they have. I’m 30, been staying with my aging mother for 2 or 3 years now. I was on my own since 17 before that, so i don’t really feel insecure about it. Still, I am starting to feel I am too old for this to be a particularly good arrangement.

It’s funny because in America, you’re chastised for living with your parents after say 25…unless they’re rich and have a big house. Then you can live with them until you marry and have kids and even then if the house is big enough, no one will chastise you for not moving out.

>> No.22588131

Agree somewhat. If you don’t have a high enough income to have a place of your own, it would still be better to live with roommates than at home until about 30 or marriage, whichever comes first. But again, that’s the ideal imo. If people need to live with parents in their 30s, 40s, or any time really due to financial constraints or even just convenience, it’s fine.

The sole reason it’s an issue in America is because it makes having sex difficult, and this culture is so degenerated that sex is the top priority. But if you don’t accept that, there’s objectively nothing wrong with it.

>> No.22588143

Personally, I’ve decided that I’m okay with living with my parents for a few years at a time on and off until I’m in my 40s, but after that, I want to be able to have my own home and if we live together have it be because they live with me rather than me live with them. Sooner would be better but 40 is my limit. In other words, I’d be willing to live with parents for a few years again in my late 30s but not before and not after.

>> No.22588287

I am formidably vain.

>> No.22588292

I'm so vain I don't even dare make the claim that I'm sure I believe what I believe because I believe it, and not as a kind of a pose

>> No.22588354

Yeah. It gets worse every week

>> No.22588417

China won
It's over

>> No.22588440

Often times I catch myself thinking of you; regardless of anything one does, the seasons change; the leaves yellow then fall; the snow comes only to melt; the mountains bellows to no one.
Like most, I wish from time to time; knowing it will remain unfulfilled; we will never be boys again; you and I will always be apart. The pain I felt, you must have felt similar and so you left; do not take that as anger towards you please.
Truly, I would not mind if I found your hand in mine once again. If I could brush your dark hair from your forehead to look into your distant eyes. Spending time trying to make you laugh; longing to see your toothy smile. To have you pester me to send you a photo of myself. Staying up talking with you due to your insomnia; only to find you with me in my dreams when I finally slipped away. Waking up and getting to see your eccentric clothes for the day. Growing our partnered vernacular.
The days seemed less stellar; the clouds held back the sunshine; for awhile. Now I feel that I truly have moved on. We are strangers once more. Maybe one day we will pass each other on the street. We were soulmates and then not; I will always love you; I never told you how thankful I am for the time we shared.

>> No.22588567

i'm going to write 95 new theses and start nailing copies to every church door in my city until the police force me to stop

>> No.22588608

I'm going to eat a chocolate chip muffin for breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.22588615

>nailing copies
Just use tiktok, mein Freund.

>> No.22588677

I really didn't need this. I miss her so damn much.

>> No.22588689

kinda takes the weight out of the act. also i wouldn't know how if i wanted to

>> No.22588718

I broke us apart two years ago. Then I broke someone else. I said "I need some alone time. I'm not joking, and I am sorry it has to end like that," but I don't think she understood what I said beyond my first words. She cried like a child would in my arms and that's when I knew I fucked up. I don't think anyone will ever love me as much as she did. She cried and wet my t-shirt and my neck, and I stood still in the middle of the street. I wished for it, but I'm not ashamed to say I cried like a kid too. I hate this fucking world and I hate that I hurt someone so pure. I hate that I didn't love her as much as the peace I wanted. It's been a year, but I still hate myself for this.

FUCK. She'll stand again. She's the strongest woman I know. But I won't. I'm too tired of this shit. Someone kissed me two months ago and it just tasted of despair. What's the point of pursuing a relationship if I just know it's doomed anyways.

>> No.22588725

I'm sorry brother. I hope you find someone to help you move on and get another chance with a soulmate.

>> No.22588733

>nailing copies to every church door in my city until the police force me to stop
Unless you do it in the dead of night, they're gonna bust you by the third or fourth church

>> No.22588740

>95 tiktoks
It is that simple, it is not like people would get past reading your third thesis anyway.

>> No.22588742

Have you had times in your life whene everything seemed beautiful and it was as if you are living in a fantastic tale? I remember when I had that blessed viewpoint i thought of my life whitout it as horrid and unreal, fake. I don't know how to get to that feeling anymore. Life feels like trying to fit a wrong piece into the puzzle as I'm constantly searching for core principles that will somehow bring me to reality. I just want to be relieved of this stubborn belief in blandness.

>> No.22588747

Is this going to be one of those things where we see pics online of some undesirable weirdo being led away in handcuffs for hate crimes after nailing something to the church with a deranged screed against troons, fags, jews, women, coloreds, and liberals?

>> No.22588802

Probably are poor then

>> No.22588806

90% of the relationships ive had have been with girls I've met through friends. Even after college, there were still 2 years when I was meeting new people through my friends and relationships would form naturally. But now my friends are all settled down and they don't meet or introduce me to new people, so I haven't met a single girl in about a year.

OK, so its on me to form the new relationships if I dont have friends as an intermediary. Fair enough. But when I try to make new friends they are invariably all also single men. Where are all the single girls?

This is the typical problem of men and women my age.

>> No.22588812

Kinda want to shout poetry in a subway train.

>> No.22588815

you underestimate how densely packed the churches and how slow the police response times are in my locale
i'm actually very attractive and have no intention of writing about dumb culture war nonsense. i have bigger goals here. i should be able to finish this and post it by the eve of All Saints Day but i doubt it'll make anything more than local news, if that

>> No.22588820

>nigga wants to LARP as Martin Luther
>won't translate the Bible to tiktok
... ok.

>> No.22588828

>We are CONDEMNED to do that, you are refusing to go through it.
Right as a condition of our original sin we are condemned to HAVE to eat.
Nowhere does it say it's good to eat only that we "shall" in the sense that we HAVE to.
We simply disagree on interpretation of that line.
Do you also make a virtue out of shitting?
Moreover if it were the case that this lime indicates there is some duty go eat, then why is the history of Christianity full of saints who practiced extreme ascetism which included fasting?

>> No.22588837

making information readily available on the internet is a sure way for it to get lost in a vast ocean of information without ever making a lasting impression on anyone. ideology needs to be supported by action if its to be taken seriously

>> No.22588839


>"And We said, 'O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.'"

>still no quotes

I'm waiting for the line that says that people should starve themselves.

>> No.22588854

Also, rate my Rimbaud joke.

>> No.22588860

>have no intention of writing about dumb culture war nonsense. i have bigger goals here.
Compared to Luther's time churches, whether protestant or Catholic, have little relevance politically or culturally.
If i wanted to start a genuine religious movement to restart or revive the importance of Christianity, 1st step is breaking out of the cage.
The cage of liberal secularism which neuters and reduces all religion to the equal plane of a shopping mall curiosity.
Religion today has no force of its own. It is castrated. And what force it wields is limited to the audience it can attract, who usually agree with its own self imposed neuterment
1st step of a genuine religious revival churches must become independent political units wielding some power whether financial or military to make them relevant again

>> No.22588864

Last night I had one of those sleep-a-thons that lasted about 12 hours, with two memorable dreams. The first was a kind of crime thriller where a psychopath with religious pretensions addresses a poet whose morality is almost entirely aesthetic/comic. In the second one I'm a trust fund kid (about 30) in an alternate history where WW I & II, the Bolshevik revolution, and the consequent waste of lives and treasure and loss of Western hegemony never happened. On a lark I decide to move to Munich, but that's a story a bit too rich socially, architecturally and sybaritically for an image board, never mind my indolence at description generally, of late. I've been up since about 9am, and spent the better part of the day running errands that would have been tiresome of if not for the view along the way, of intense sun in a very clear cool sky, huge field perspectives from a heavy sedan, delightfully quiet in feeling, used to the sublimest sense of land.

>> No.22588866

>making information readily available on the internet is a sure way for it to get lost in a vast ocean of information without ever making a lasting impression on anyone
>i doubt it'll make anything more than local news, if that
Why are you even bothering? Because you certainly don't seem concerned about getting your message out, whatever it is. Need a little spice in your life?

>> No.22588868

>I'm waiting for the line that says that people should starve themselves.
The lives of practically every saint who practiced asceticism. The plethora of lines in the bible and amomg the writinfs of many Christians arguing against earthly indulgences

>> No.22588870
File: 361 KB, 1077x629, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a creative person

>> No.22588882

When I graduated from college, I stayed in my college town while all of my friends spread out. That was pretty much the end of my social life and after my girlfriend and I broke up a year later that was the end of my dating life. I’ve not really met anyone since then, not friends, not girlfriends. It’s been maybe five years. I haven’t tried all that hard, but I never expected to have to try all that hard. I’m not a shut in. Neither are you I bet. So why aren’t we meeting anyone just going about our lives?

>> No.22588884

>assuming things
This is what happens when you are eating properly.
Have you ever heard of this dude? >>22586900
You are supposed to not eat a bunch of crap.

>> No.22588889

You know that picture of the guy poking his head through the firmament? I felt a bit like that guy back when I first discovered philosophy, religion, and esotericism. Nowadays, I still feel a bit like that guy because I’m aware that there’s a firmament. I just can’t or won’t poke my head through. I miss the feeling though. God, I was so depressed but I still miss the feeling.

>> No.22588895

if my ideas were to gain traction and be put into practice then i have every reason to believe all that would happen in a matter of course. big "if" though
i have to try. if i inspire even one person to take my ideas seriously then it'll be worth the vandalism charges

>> No.22588906

What are your ideas?

>> No.22588907

What, you want the church to act as it did during the inquisition?

>> No.22588926

Love is real

>> No.22588943

i'm posting them on church doors before i post them on the internet. i want to reach out to a community of people with faces i recognize and names i know before spilling my guts to a bunch of anonymous internet people
no, but it certainly needs to have a greater presence in public life than it currently does

>> No.22588953

I figured you'd say something like that. Good luck I guess. I doubt very many people will read them before they get taken down

>> No.22588959

>assuming things
I'm not assuming anything. Your prioritization of "well being" is n artifact of modern values.
Whereas the Church's history is littered with examples of ascetic saints who took ascetism including fasting to extremes.
For example Saint John of the Cross and Suso a 14th centuey German mystic.

>> No.22588961

As far as poking one's head through the firmament that's always been for me a matter of place or circumstance, including the social: I like luxury easy on the eye as on the body, and company sweeter in reason than I generally am. It's not so much a matter of poking one's head through, but the power of delighting in beauty that's near at hand when all goes well enough to be unconcerned about survival.

>> No.22588963

>still not a single quote in sight saying that you are supposed to starve

>> No.22588966

Talked to that cute girl after class. She was heading to the parkinglot to sit in her car between classes. Asked if she wanted to hang out on the campus instead. She said she'd rather sit in her car alone

>> No.22588980

>The radical remedy lies in the mortif i cation of the four great natural passions, joy, hope, fear, and grief. You must seek to deprive these of every satisfaction and leave them as it were in darkness and the void. Let your soul therefore turn always:
“Not to what is most easy, but to what is hardest;
“Not to what tastes best, but to what is most distasteful;
“Not to what most pleases, but to what disgusts;
“Not to matter of consolation, but to matter for desolation rather;
“Not to rest, but to labor;
“Not to desire the more, but the less;
“Not to aspire to what is highest and most precious, but to what is lowest and most contemptible;
“Not to will anything, but to will nothing;
“Not to seek the best in everything, but to seek the worst, so that you may enter for the love of Christ into a complete destitution, a perfect poverty of spirit, and an absolute renunciation of everything in this world.
“Embrace these practices with all the energy of your soul and you will f i nd in a short time great delights and unspeakable consolations
-St John of the Cross

>> No.22588988

Lol, I’m sorry that you will have to learn the hard way but perhaps that’s best

>> No.22588998

You still have to eat. You won't start making photosynthesis. Quit eating and you will die.

>> No.22589004

thanks. maybe some local clergy will take pity on me and actually read my paper before they trash it

>> No.22589007

>Quit eating and you will die.
No you will attain final union with the godhead
You only die in a physical sense. This "death" is a means by which satan keeps you entrapped to keep you within the cycle of earthly consumptiom (eating and shitting)

>> No.22589012

>This "death" is a means by which satan keeps you entrapped to keep you within the cycle of earthly consumptiom (eating and shitting)
Or more specifically, the threat of death when in reality you attain a greater everlasting life

>> No.22589018

>slow suicide isn't suicide

>> No.22589024

i'm getting sick. i hope it's not too bad. so many people at work sick. it was inevitable.

>> No.22589034

Theres a brutal flu going around this season. Everyone is getting whacked for one or two weeks

>> No.22589071

Literally just don't be fat and take care of your skin. not sure how anyone can be a femcel as long as they follow these 2 things

>> No.22589078

What do you look like

>> No.22589081

Thank you. We've been talking for about a month. She's a very sweet and beautiful girl and I'm shocked she's flown under everyone's radar

>> No.22589122

thinking about relapsing intentionally just cause early recovery feels so much better than maintenance. fluid drips and rehab are cozy. regular life fucking blows

>> No.22589154

Yeah my brother did exactly that for just about the same reason. He ended up overdosing and dying. Don't be selfish.

>> No.22589156

Yeah I'm social. But when I go out it seems the only girls I see are in relationships. I used to meet people at parties, but those are happening less and less as people get older.

>> No.22589165

i was just joking, my life sucks but it's better than it was. sorry for your loss

>> No.22589175

Yeah, I'm not looking to hurt her, just have some fun.

>> No.22589188

man should not willingly part from this life so long as he can do even one good deed

>> No.22589196

Getting an excellent dating profile is probably your best bet. Like pay someone a fee to evaluate the quality of your pictures, quotes, that kind of thing. But I'm not experienced in that so don't ask me.

>> No.22589206 [DELETED] 

that sounds like optimizing your likedin profile for recruiters but instead of getting a higher paying job that boosts your standard of living, you might get to ejaculate. nah, i'll just wack it, thanks.

>> No.22589213

I reached one week into NoFap and now I can't hold it in after seeing a Russian chick on Instagram and I masturbated 7 times only today. I will never truly be free from this illness.

>> No.22589216 [DELETED] 

i can't wait to retire. i hate hate hate working. not because i don't like my job. it's ok. it's because i don't want to have to talk about the news. if you work in higher ed, you're only allowed to have the same narrow opinions, so why are we wasting time talking about this shit? we're all going to say the exact some stuff regardless of what we actually believe. like did people living under stalinism bother talking about the news when they know full well they're all going to have to say the same opinion? why bother?

>> No.22589219 [DELETED] 

what sick ideology made you think that healthy human sexual drive is an illness? if you went years without fapping it, THAT would be an illness.

>> No.22589228

I have a porn addiction, I'm so close to being a certified incel had it not been for a few genuine female friends. I still don't hate women that much but it's affecting my life so bad.

>> No.22589269

Fasting is not starving.

>> No.22589270

Well think about what will happen. Your libido will slowly decline and your will to go out and interact with others will go along with. Before you know it, you will be fully trapped in a cage of endless and vacuous hedonism where the bars are your accumulated habits. Is this what you want? Leave before it's too late, before you truly fuck up your brain and dick, damaging them both beyond the point of repair.

>> No.22589284

>Quit eating and you will die
Everyone quits eating every day except for gluttons. Even they quit to sleep.

>> No.22589296

Just start over. You only failed yourself.

>> No.22589317

i will kill and slay myself by refusing to eat whilst the balance of my mind is disturbed

>> No.22589340

Black Licorice + spearmint/peppermint tea = zero libido
Try it
Also have a larger list of herbs that act as antiandrogens or are said to reduce libido:
>chamomile or passionflower,
>Spearmint and peppermint
>Black Licorice
>White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)
>Chaste tree (or chasteberry

>> No.22589342


>> No.22589345

What increases libido?

>> No.22589356

Thank you, do any of these have side effects? I'm quite critical about my diet because my hair is thinning as well (I honestly believe overmasturbation also have something to do with it despite the scientific research claims).

>> No.22589358

Hehe sure do hope Flaxseed keeps it flaccid Hehehe, again thanks.

>> No.22589359
File: 29 KB, 550x339, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academically speaking, what are the Top Universities in the Humanities? Sorbonne? UCLA? Oxford?

>> No.22589360

I read online that eggs, avocados, and dark greens increase somewhat.
Seems like food items high in protein and fat tend to increase
Dairy reportedly slightly decreases

>> No.22589371

>do any of these have side effects?
Black Licorice if you eat too much can cause hyper tension as it increases your cortisol. But that's only if you eat i want to say 2 ounces everyday. I typically limit myself to eating 1-3 vines a day.
Chamomile has a sedative effect and is also a slight blood thinner but it's perfectly safe and is in lots of teas.
I drink it to cancel out the anxiety inducing effects of coffee.
As for the others I've yet to try them or research in depth their effects

>> No.22589379

>my hair is thinning as well
From my understanding decreasing testosterone can make that worse
As high testosterone is typically associated with thicker hair and more growth

>> No.22589387
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>> No.22589422

Deeze nutz

>> No.22589447

Thinking about killing myself. I think about everything I've worked for over the last 5 years, the people I've known, things I've put effort into and it all feels pointless. In the end none of it mattered or went anywhere, I never accomplished anything of value, and I never made anyone happy. I think about all the stuff I own and I feel an urge to throw it all in a Dumpster. It's all clutter and stupit shit no one besides me would find valuable anyway. I think about my non existent social life, failures at making friends and relationships, self esteem cratered by a combination of rejection and poor choices undermining my confidence, and I get this urge to just go find a small dark space to crawl into and disappear. That or drive to the middle of nowhere, like a wilderness in Canada with maybe a single Inuit village every dozen miles, and shooting myself outdoors so animals can eat my body. I think about my looks and personality and feel immense disgust and shame when I go in public - I know that I look gross of offputting and on first meeting no woman has ever expressed attraction to me, or even signified that she saw me as a man at all.
I'm tired. I hope I get hit by a car or develop a fatal brain tumor or get shot during a robbery. I want to rest from everything in my life, not feel like a burden on people anymore, stop continuously failing to develop as a person, just go to sleep.
I believe in God but I also believe I'm completely deserving of whatever happens to me after death. At least it would all be over, no matter what came afterwards.

>> No.22589489

If you kill yourself you're gay

>> No.22589512

On one hand, I’m able to spend my days more or less with total freedom and doing basically nothing most of the time. On the other hand, I only get paid the bare minimum to be able to get by. So do I stay or do I go? If I stay for this, will I regret it? If I go for better pay but stricter work, will I regret it?

>> No.22589536

I killed my first rat two years ago with a hammer after it got caught in a sticky trap, I felt bad about it for weeks. Recently my house has seen a small infestation of cockroaches, I have bought Boric Acid and prepare bait traps for them to eat and return to their nests where they will die and their young will feed on the poisoned corpse and die too. I feel like McNamara, I can't stand pests now. How little it takes to accustom to death, eh?

>> No.22589562
File: 277 KB, 906x565, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have OCD, not the pencil arranging kind but what they call Pure O OCD where I perform rituals not very often but I obsess all the time to the point of driving myself to neurosis. It's a family disease looking back on the behaviour of many people from my mother's side, and I refuse to be officially diagnosed so I mitigate by upping my T levels with zinc supplements, strenuous exercise, and meat/egg intake to keep the bad thoughts at bay and it works relatively well if I'm timely. But I fear sometimes that a cloud this dark is not so easily outrun, and one day the neurosis will overtake me and undo my psyche itself, and I won't know where to go and who to turn to. My only hope is, that when the day comes I do not fall gradually into the abyss but go once and for all, to become insane so rapidly that I notice no decline in myself. After all, the truly insane never mourne their sanity, they can't even remember losing it.

pic unrelated: googled "insanity art" lmao

>> No.22589615

I'm creating the 51st U.S. state.

>> No.22589634

Man what the fuck man are you serious? this shit aint even worth watching now but I'll probably still do it because it's one the few cards that's at a good time and not 4 o'clock in the morning fuck. Man fuck this shit. It'll probably still be an alright event but none of the big matchups are happening.

>> No.22589663

My roommate won't stop making weird sexual jokes about me.
It's really weird and i wish he'd stop.
No idea if he's just messing with me or if something i did signaled attraction.
Everytime he plays it off like a joke, but even if it is just a joke it's just weird.
Either way i want him to stop.
He first made a joke about me being the king of jerking off. Then the other day he called and said he and my other roommate had something he wanted to show me.
"Do you want to watch me having sex .. Ha ha Just kidding," Before showing some meme yt video.
Just a bit ago he asked if he could take me out, but then added "not like that .. As a group with Y (my other roommate). "
Then proceeded to make a sexual pun off the restaurants name.
I feel like if i tell him to stop directly he'll take it as a sign that i was taking it seriously to begin with

>> No.22589707

Alright just scrap the whole event now, who gives a shit. All of the interesting fights are gone just fucking cancel it and never make another event in abu dhabi. No one but muslims are gonna want to fight there at this point.

>> No.22589722

Man this is fuckin stupid at this point fuck this man what the fuck.

>> No.22589766

Fuck....just heem me man....

>> No.22589793
File: 91 KB, 1080x1036, american kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday met a girl that I really (thought) I hit it off with, dont tend to approach many women since im kinda particular but something about this girl just really drew me in. Spent the night walking around town with her among other stuff, it was probably one of the sweetest and most romantic nights I had ever spent with someone. Time comes for us to both go home and I get her number before dropping her off at hers. Following day I text her and she tells me shes not interested :( Have spent my days since in total defeat thinking about that night. Feel so pathetic.

>> No.22589820

---- Solaria ----
Somewhere in North America

Yesterday morning I saw a hummingbird around the Cardinal Vine
Though the forecast for tonight is a frost warning.

This afternoon I took a diversion
Considerably more scenic than the recommended one

And it went like a pleasant dream.

I felt no pain or fatigue, navigating with slight gesture
In near silence, fields

Of planetary wealth, invisible to almost everyone,
Just now, completely happy

To be here.

>> No.22589842
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>inspired by "Tolkien" (dungeons and dragons)

>based on historical events

>outright copying Shakespeare or the Bible

>> No.22589843

Next time, just casually tell him that you're not into fags. When he tries to play it off, just keep the hard line. Let him say whatever he wants to say, completely disregard every word, and just repeat that you're not into it.

>> No.22589846

She'll be interested five years from now when she's spent.

>> No.22589857

In German, they have a few ways of describing death -
>tot - regular dead
>ganz tot - very dead
>mausetot - completely dead, obliterated [like a mouse that was smashed into pieces]

>> No.22589865

I'm a mess bros. I am such a malformed, maladjusted, twisted, and broken person. General humanity is alien to me and I to it. All I can do is limp along living a half life until my eventual lonely and pitiful death. I'm pretty sure Jews are to blame

>> No.22589870

Tell your roommate to get a a boyfriend. It's not that complicated to anyone with a smidgen of insight, or telling balls.

>> No.22589872

Unironically plenty of fish in the sea. Just approach more females

>> No.22589875

>haha wouldnt it be funny jf we fucked haha its just a joke bro haha

>> No.22589911

He already has a girlfriend. And is cosntantly going out with women.
I probably will be direct though i won't say that exactly, as a different roommate is a fag & i don't want to get kicked out. Next time
I'll probably just be like "that's really weird man".

>> No.22589925

>i won't say that exactly
Tell him you'll let him blow you if you get to fuck his old lady first. If he's up for it, then cuck him on video so she can't claim rape later. If he turns you down, then make a second offer for his mom. The dude has a weak point somewhere. He'll break. Just keep hitting him with a salvo of unreasonable demands. ''That's weird'' is one of the oldest bitch shaming tactics. If you use it, then you brand yourself as a bitch. You may as well go to the courts and get an injunction against harassment if you go bitch mode on him. The only thing worse than a bitch is a half-bitch. Take it all the way if you go that route.

>> No.22589979
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Is there something innately human about the desire to know how others perceive you? Should I try to overcome it? Is there a way to find answers? Is there a cure?

>> No.22589982

You're an odd one. Lay off the porn anon or at least take a break it's seems its rotted your brain

>> No.22589988

It's extremely feminine, yes, try to overcome it if you are(or want to be) straight. The cure is just finding other things that matter to you more

>> No.22589989

Even if you spend all day on the computer in your room, that is still part of the epic story.

>> No.22590037

The faggot roommate is trying to fuck him, and you tell me that I have the problem? Go elsewhere if you cannot handle the bantz. You're a loser that relies on shaming tactics to discredit those with ideas that you do not like. Which one of us has the problem?

>> No.22590055

You're getting worked up. Yes I think it's weird that you have this elaborate cuckholding fantasy. And yes I am shaming you. I suggest laying off the porn and talking to a person in real life
It's also weird to make personal sexual jokes about your roommate
Sex in general is and ought to be a private thing .

>> No.22590088


You were the finest,
Beautiful, kind, and willing

For a race, to slack completely off
Just for a good look at passing storm.

You never made a face even
Faintly mean to feeling.

>> No.22590094

>You're getting worked up
Get a load of the narcissism on you. First, you can't take the bantz, then you start shaming, then you double down and pretend to be my supervisor. Go apply at the police department. You'll fit right in. Whenever someone questions your authority, you can bash their head in. You sound just the type.

>> No.22590144

>Whenever someone questions your authority, you can bash their head in. You sound just the type
Sounds like a fun time

>> No.22590217

You should try Chicago. That's where the cops took the victim back to Jeffrey Dahmer after he escaped from Dahmer's apartment. It'll be the perfect fit for you. You can be the enforcer for the LGBTQ+Ps.

>> No.22590225

>That's where the cops took the victim back to Jeffrey Dahmer after he escaped from Dahmer's apartment
BASED wtf i love pigs now

>> No.22590254

>still no quote
And where is the line that says that food is bad and fasting is good? You are just trying to circumvent yourself from other people and trying to fool God. And slowly killing yourself by not eating food.
>saints made of flesh and bones
I don't believe in any of that.

>> No.22590276

>You are just trying to circumvent yourself from other people and trying to fool God. And slowly killing yourself by not eating food
No. I am not the other dude. You, however, are using a lot of hyperbole, so it leaves you open to a lot of argumentation, that may not be your intent. Still, fasting is not starving.

>> No.22590288

If you pay for that you're a schmuck

>> No.22590307

There is no line saying that you should fast either. I'm ok if you feel like fasting because of whatever, but you are made of flesh and bones and no fast will change that. And it goes straight against what you have been commanded by God. It is literally wanting to escape your flesh prison before the end of your sentence.

>> No.22590316

>It is literally wanting to escape your flesh prison
No. You are reading too much into it. I have plenty of meat on me. This is not some slow suicide.

>> No.22590320

>plenty of meat
Then it is fine, but my point still holds, you aren't getting away from your flesh and bones, because you are flesh and bones.
>By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

>> No.22590326

I totally missed that post on the first go.
>Like pay someone a fee to evaluate the quality of your pictures, quotes, that kind of thing
I wish PT Barnum were here to see this shit.

>> No.22590393

>you are flesh and bones.
K so you're just a crypto-materialist

>> No.22590478

As long as you are here, that is what you are. There is no line saying "thou shall skip steps". Just like the seed, turns into germinated seed, seedling, sapling, and an actual tree.

>> No.22590613

I want to write a non-fiction book but haven’t quite identified a topic.

>> No.22590624

I really wish I could’ve studied a cool literary degree at a good university. Maybe things would’ve gone differently.

>> No.22591016

how dare you.
i want to dobule cum inside a few girls

>> No.22591088

I gave my mom money again.

>> No.22591109

> I want to cuck out
do NOT execute such fallacies in the irl, naught but cuckdom awaits elsewise

>> No.22591161

You mean twice from the same penis or once from each penis?

>> No.22591164

I’ve stopped seeing the possibility of a positive future. I have to concede at this moment that we’re probably going to continue to slide into tech-dystopia with no possibility for the good life.

Maybe something like the Benedict Option is the only viable path at this point.

>> No.22591173

I think I’m going go to graduate school. I want to become a professor. I’m very behind and I’ll be graduating late in life, but I have to do something worthwhile with my days or I’ll just slowly unwind.

>> No.22591220

We all watched Harry Potter too, anon. But for real there's a reason that sort of post- undergrad life is in fiction/movies. Real life gets in the way of friendships and sometimes that's ok. It's actually pretty cool making friends later in life. You know yourself better and you get to choose those people rather than 'I was forced to be with these people for x amount of years therefore we are friends. ' In short: there's hope for us anon.

>> No.22591293

That’s an ideal, but people can have lives for more or less approaching the ideal. To say that everyone is sort of at the same relative distance to the ideal is strictly speaking a lie. In regard to this specific topic, I think it’s especially true and I know that because I know people who you know went to prestigious boarding schools and then liberal arts colleges and then graduate programs or banking jobs together. It’s basically the same as what happens in Harry Potter. So it’s just patently false that nobody gets this life.

>> No.22591302

And also, there’s something to be said about choosing what you already have rather than some buffet of options. Growing together and learning to click is more rewarding than simply choosing who you click with. The former builds real bonds while the latter forms only shallow ones. And truthfully, this is how it’s always been. It’s a symptom of modernity that only people with money or good luck get to experience it now. So you can count yourself among the majority if you like but that’s not a consolation in regard to the actual quality of your life. It’s not good or worthwhile just because it’s more typical.

>> No.22591338

> we’re like the Israelites
> no we’re like the Greeks
> no we’re like the Romans
> no we’re like the pre-Christian Germanics
Is the intellectual history of the West one long identity crisis?

>> No.22591365

I wish I had someone to open up to. Whenever I get the urge to write it's because I'm about to explode if words don't come out.
One of my problems is that I need a certain distance to feel safe about many subjects, I need someone to be on my frequency so I can talk about literally anything but not to be taken too serious or too literal. No one like this exists so I remain alone and silent. Especially silent.

>> No.22591412

I think you can open up here. That’s what most people use it for. Given the absurdity of our current moment and culture, I think it’s probably okay.

>> No.22591417
