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22580144 No.22580144 [Reply] [Original]

Why is stoicism so popular? You literally can’t escape a million people talking about Meditations with onions faces.
>the man who solved the universe
By what? Secretly crying in a diary about how little things actually matter?

Has it become the ultimate pseud philosophy?

>> No.22580146
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>> No.22580152

90% of the comments are drones reciting quotes
>creating shivers even

>> No.22580167

lack of meaning.
the farther society gets from God, the more copes they need to hide the ever more apparent void in their soul.

it's why Christianity has always been so hated, and why every single ideology is against it; it's the basis of society and what holds it together. since they want to break and rebuild their way, it stands firm in blocking that.

>> No.22580174

it fits well into the hustle culture sigma grindset mentality of the bottom feeders of society

>> No.22580188

Stoicism turns you into a bug. Its perfect for the normie mind since it pushes you into an unemotional husk and says you're smart for going down that path. Its mixed into this grindset shit that is similarly unavoidable.

>> No.22580197
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because men are told to "deconstruct" their masculinity and are taught what not to do. Now there is a void in what an ideal man is and stoicism is there to fill it

>> No.22580200


>> No.22580231

>Crazy yet vague title like “the man who solved the universe”, “The complete guide to life”, “the art of knowing everything” blah blah blah
>Thumbnail is some pseudo-profound painting by the likes of Edward Hopper or a multitude of semi-fringe Renaissance artists (with the head edited open to exaggerate le great thinker effect) otherwise a picture of some muscular Roman statue.

This new whole hyperbolizing and extravagent attitude towards philosophy is general is major fucking cringe. We have gotten to the point where we are dopamine farming ancient philopsophers.

>> No.22580242
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Praise has no bearing on the quality of things. They're not good because they're popular, neither are they bad because they're popular. Learn to stop caring what the masses think. Stoicism is in vogue today, tomorrow it will be Epicurism, later it will be Platonism. I don't care. Judge stoicism by what it is.

>> No.22580257

There has been society pre and post Christianity. There has been society in parts of the world that Christianity hasn’t touched. Strange comment

>> No.22580260

then we wonder why young men are so depressed and lonely. Because they find a youtube video promising “the complete guide to happiness” only to find some loser just like them explaining the key points of STOICISM of all things lmao

>> No.22580278

Because it teaches wageslaving normies to be docile, accepting of their lot, and subservient to their superiors. It's the buddhist mindfulness fad repackaged in a greek garb, basically.

>> No.22580286


All just atheistic newage religions of capitalism mad technology

>> No.22580314
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get btfo’d

>> No.22580333

It set the foundation for propositional logic. Everything else is noise.

>> No.22580337

neither of which are trying to destroy the foundation of their own worldview and society.
also, none that are atheistic. they still worship, but wrongly do so with their man made idols instead of the true God.
the need to worship is inherent in man. western society is trying to remove that, and the copes become worshipping oneself (pride, greed, gluttony, lust), or whatever ideology they ascribe to.

>> No.22580420

Idk. You also have modern day "epicureans" who think epicureanism allows complete indulgence when epicurus explicitly stated that since pleasure is happiness, it becomes desireable to desire less and be more easily satisfied.

>> No.22580425

This but with Islam

>> No.22580465

nah, islam is just a war cult.
breakaway Christian heresy that was quite aptly used to form a government built on their "prophet" ruling everything.
"scholars" just kept everything going by interpreting their holy book however they wanted, like rabbinic judaism rabbis do.
governmental glue, basically.

>> No.22580469

literally infiltrating any place muslims come to, where instead of assimilating they go on social jihad and hate everyone around.
and also hypocritically act like apostates because the people they're doing it to aren't muslims, kek.
especially prevalent with using women.

>> No.22580490
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Hume on two kids of moral philosophy
>It is certain that the easy and obvious philosophy will always, with the generality of mankind, have the preference above the accurate and abstruse; and by many will be recommended, not only as more agreeable, but more useful than the other. It enters more into common life; moulds the heart and affections; and, by touching those principles which actuate men, reforms their conduct, and brings them nearer to that model of perfection which it describes. On the contrary, the abstruse philosophy, being founded on a turn of mind, which cannot enter into business and action, vanishes when the philosopher leaves the shade, and comes into open day; nor can its principles easily retain any influence over our conduct and behaviour. The feelings of our heart, the agitation of our passions, the vehemence of our affections, dissipate all its conclusions, and reduce the profound philosopher to a mere plebeian.

>> No.22580494

>two kids

>> No.22580495

We are in an age that is ruled by the feminine spirit.
stoicism is a masculine ideal, to get someone who has been taken by the feminine spirit you need to get them to click on your talk about it.
I hate it but it is what it is.

>> No.22580521

You're correct apart from that you think this is a bad thing. Organised religion has always been a cope, and now that people are freed from this and seeking new sources of meaning, something better should eventually emerge from the chaos. A society whose values are based on stoicism is demonstrably better than one based on Christianity.

>> No.22580527

This. We are in a time of transition and the future will be better

>> No.22580537 [DELETED] 

Actually, probably not due to the myriad of other factors which will destabalise society even more (nuclear war, AI, climate change, population crisis etc). But in an ideal world, yes.

>> No.22580550

Islam started a decade before it had a government which was the product of a foreign state converting and asking for a government. Islam started simply as an anti idolatry and anti polytheism movement. The fact that it made war on its enemies as soon as it had power is a meaningless criticism since Christianity and Judaism also did that

>> No.22580557

>Don't cry when men fuck your wife
Damn.... this is some powerful shit... chills....

>> No.22580568

It's a profound-sounding life philosophy that is easily grasped by normies, much like self-help literature. And like self-help literature, much of it is good advice.

>> No.22580571

Actually, probably not due to the myriad of other factors which will destabilise society even more (nuclear war, AI, climate change, population crisis etc). But in an ideal world, yes.

>> No.22580572

Because it is an actionable philosophy that actually has some bearing in how people live their lives. To the vast majority of people all the philosophy people talk about here seem like nothing more than irrelevant autistic abstractions, some intellectual playthings for people who clearly have too much free time.

>> No.22580579

>and seeking new sources of meaning, something better should eventually emerge from the chaos.

Why assume something better even exists or can come from 'the chaos' - we were given light and rejected it. It is hubris to think anything 'better' can or indeed will emerge.

>> No.22580585

philosophies for suffering people are becoming more popular. Esp. in regards to social isolation

>> No.22580602

>going back to pre-christian pagan belief will surely produce something less obscene than Christianity this time around
Will they ever tire of walking in circles I wonder

>> No.22580606

That's why non-christian societies never existed.

>> No.22580625

Stoicism was always a philosophy of the educated elite, having it become a commoner belief system seems like a positive new development

>> No.22580631

It’s Sunday, shouldn’t you be doing church related stuff instead of moralfagging on 4chinz?

>> No.22580633

Why cant you accept that people found something that suits them?
Why cant you comprehand the fact that something makes people happy and at peace?
Why do you have this need to separate yourself from others?
Why does others peoples happynes equal to you being grudgy?

>> No.22580642

/lit/ is a seethe site. Niggas hate normies but want to be them

>> No.22580646
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Would you really hate to live in a society like this? Christian society was generally barbaric until the Renaissance, which itself was just an attempt to bring back the ideas of the great classical civilisations.

>> No.22580650

Yeah IDK how people think that roleplaying as a Jew worshipers BUT RUSSIAN will fix the fundamental problems inherent in the religion. If you have a religion about empowering your enemies and destroying your culture, you will, every single time on a long enough time scale, empower your enemies and destroy your culture.

But then, they don't actually want the religion, they just want to roleplay on the internet as if they lived in the Middle Ages. It's actually a really interesting phenomena, and you see it across lots of spheres when you know what you're looking for: "religion" isn't about engaging with the divine, but rather about picking some time period and aesthetic and advocating for the adoption of that. [The Current Year] sucks, [insert period that I'm fixated on] was cool, therefore my entire politics is about trying to make people act out a pageant as if we lived in Greece circa 1234AD or whatever.

Personally, I blame the cuckolding of society that massmedia has produced. Because people are completely powerless, they only ever engage with politics, culture, religion, etc through media. They come to see the production and consumption of media as politics, and only engage with them in as much as they are trying to sway the consumption and production of media.

>> No.22580655

I actually like stoicism honestly, and that sort of mentality has actually encouraged me to get through some tough situations. But I must admit it is very much now a “pop philosophy” and it’s sort of cringe how normalfags adore it so much. I don’t think it’s a psued philosophy however

>> No.22580661

>others peoples
Opinion disregarded. Please don't post here until you become literate.

>> No.22580704
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Stoicism is unironically endgame philosophy and surprisingly complex. The more I come back to it, the more I understand its subtleties and depth.

>> No.22580710

Yeah, the tradcath and related types stick out like a sore thumb. Majority of them take no part in the religion, they don’t do to church regularly, practice charity, humility, love, kindness, and basically everything that Jesus preached. Yet they’ll come here and act like a caricature of a zealot, a Torquemada, or Frollo. It’s just jarring especially on the website we are on

>> No.22580715

I can see why they are not going to church now, a lot of them seem more catholic than the pope.

>> No.22580717

Stoicism is great, but Marcus is just a student, Epictetus set the foundation and Seneca perfected it, I don't know why people are clamoring around Marcus so much, I guess it's the charisma of being an emperor.

>> No.22580736

Meditations is easily digestible and works great as a food for thought book before bed or in the morning. A few pages here and there. I agree Epictetus and Seneca are much better, legitimately great. All 3 are worth reading. I’ve been reading a lot of Seneca lately and it’s a little surprising how violent and disturbing his plays are. You can definitely see the stoic philosophy in some characters or passages though
But for the e-Christians it’s just an aesthetic or persona when online. I’d bet a lot don’t do shit when they aren’t in front of a screen. But that doesn’t stop them from being hardcore zealots and proselytizing in every thread here. They are just annoying

>> No.22580746

Opinion disregarded.
I will continue to post here.

>> No.22580754

Is it because they have hard time being part of 'normies'?

>> No.22580760

Because when you measure your self-worth by your separation from other people anything that puts other people closer to you is taken as a personal attack.

>> No.22580765

>But that doesn’t stop them from being hardcore zealots and proselytizing in every thread here.
This is precisely what I mean: rather than taking this stuff offline and enacting it in the real world (for good or ill), they view the point of "Catholicism" as "attacking people on the internet". It's a purely media-focused behavior.

I think that's part of why these types have such a disdain for Buddhism and Stoicism, as both are taken up by people who have an intense yearning for a religiosity that has them "doing" things. They want spiritual exercises and mental exertion IRL (or at least it's perceived that way) rather than endlessly quibbling about the filioque or doing discord raids.

>> No.22580772

Probably. Instead of 4chan being an eclectic and diverse set of characters, some of them oddballs or outsiders, 4chan is now the home base for failures, bitter and angsty young men who are alienated. These young men wish they could live normally but they can’t so they just seethe and become radicalized

>> No.22580776

Thank you anons for making me understand this behavior better.

>> No.22580804

yourself not included, I assume?

>> No.22580819

Not everyone wants to live normally.

>> No.22580824

What is normal living anyways?

>> No.22580827

The only thing that's changed is it's become infested with a greater proportion of reactionaries. 4chan has always been a safe haven for lonely outcasts and weirdos. What's changed is that the rest of the internet has become more accessible to the general 'normie' public.

>> No.22580852

I’m a Spenglerian on this matter.

>> No.22580870

I have my gripes with other people and the world of course, but I realize that I will never change other people. And of course I have personal failings that I need to work on but I don’t blame other people. I do what I can do and change what I can change. The rest I try to not let bother me. I have no single philosophy or religion I subscribe to and define myself with. I pick and choose what I like, what’s applicable, what’s practical, and what makes me feel better emotionally and spiritually. I don’t worry about putting a label on myself. For example there is stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism, transcendentalism, and Nietzschism, and other things that I like and use, but I would never define myself as one of them. At the end of the day I am a believer in the individual, not the collective. Compared to many, I guess I’m what is considered a “normie”, I have a good career, a place of my own, hobbies, friends, and girl friends, but I like reading so here I am. There will always be idealistic part of me that yearns, wants more and better though, and I try to keep that idealism in check, or use it in a healthy way. It’s just sad for me to see so many anons ruining themselves, and digging the whole deeper and deeper in order to cope or fit in

>> No.22580876

yeah not reading all that nigga

>> No.22580891

>Why are normies turning to stoicism
Normies' saturnalian century of jazz music, motorcars, and jerking off to Brazilian ultrascat is finally catching up to them. For a straight century they ran hog wild over the civilizational achievements of Europe, grinding all standards for human conduct into the dust to fuel their orgyporgies, leaving only a zombie welfare state for cokeheaded niggers as an accidental precipitate. They psychically tortured all the sensitive souls out of existence, gradually annulling all possibilities for human betterment in the mainstream and eliminating any sanctuaries of the dwindling spiritual aristocracy. But now the the ugliness and evil they have created has filtered down and begun affecting even them. Now the total lack of meaning is beginning to make their Cheetos taste stale and their "Vines" less funny. They are beginning to realize that after the brain is killed, the body inevitably follows, even if it can "live" on anaerobically for a time, even becoming a host to other, ultimately destructive lifeforms (detritivores) that give the illusion of continued movement and activity.

Dimly, never fully consciously (they're normies), they sense the final death approaching. So they scramble for Youtube-sanitized versions of "meaning" and "self-discipline" in a desperate attempt to re-vitalize the corpse-world they have created. Naturally this means the lowest hanging fruit on the tree of philosophy: the innately most secular of all real philosophies are taken up and further secularized, flattened into normie-digestible cheesecubes, and served up on a retard-platter (podcast). Invariably this means Stoicism and Buddhism. The Big Retards (normies who went to "college") specialize in creating such cheesecubes and preparing such retard-platters for the Small Retards (normies who drive the normies who went to "college" to work in their "Uber" car and eat "McGriddles"). But neither Big nor Small Retards can make any substantive changes to their worldview. They are involved in a contradiction: they want a perpetually vitalized corpse, not a living body. They want to preserve the "liveliness," not life, of the decay to which they are accustomed. They don't understand that they represent an intermediate grade of entropy, a concept which once acknowledged tautologically entails that its final grade be reached.

>> No.22580893

I agree but everything has become more tribal and hardline stances are becoming more and more common. 4chan used to be more lighthearted and less serious. Some anons today think they are on a crusade to save the west, the white race, men, or whatever. There isn’t as much lightheartedness, humor, and self deprecation. Things are taken dead seriously. There probably used to be more degenerate types here but they’ve been replaced by anons who’s whole personality is about their tribalistic leanings.

I also agree that the explosion of the internet has played into the decline of the internet. Things have become more homogeneous, just in different directions and tendencies. It’s a pretty interesting phenomenon to watch in real time, and /lit/ and 4chan in general are a microcosm of sorts. I would say the anon of today is vastly different from the anon of 10 years ago

>> No.22580897


>> No.22580937

Unlike 99% of philosophy, it's understandable, actionable, and actually sensible. The biggest problem with it is that a lot of people get stuck with a very surface-level understanding that misses out on its depth, because they stick with second-hand sources, apart from the Meditations. One can hope that at least some people don't just pick it up and drop it with fashion, but actually go deep with it. 4chan hates it for the obvious reasons: It's popular and it makes people less miserable.

>> No.22580980

The men didn't change, the world changed and now has no place for those men.

>> No.22581021

>4chan hates it for the obvious reasons: It's popular and it makes people less miserable.
aside from girlfriends can you provide one single other example?

>> No.22581040

I sadly agree. I've been here for over 10 years and it really helped me to build a sense of identity and belonging as a teenager, laughing at silly ironic jokes and finding new media to explore with like-minded strangers. I think if it were in its current state back then I'd never have stuck around. Politics ruined this place.

>> No.22581045

>literally any piece of media that is enjoyed, from videogames to books to movies
>any kind of religiosity that isn't part of the Flavor Of The Month.

>> No.22581048

you’ll find people debating all these topics on literally every social site

>> No.22581059
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Stoicism is popular chiefly because people don't understand it. They think that stoicism is about being a hardcore Chad who's badass and can endure anything, "holds frame" in any situation - a real one man army that takes a firm stance against fate. But actually stoicism is an extremely soulless philosophy that posits a mindless, materialist, mechanical, deterministic universe, where the flow of fate has you on a short leash as a slave of circumstances, and you "hold frame" against this and against your internal despair for... unclear reasons. I guess because it's "virtuous". But why be virtuous in such a universe? Stoicism has no answer. This, of course, does not bother most people, because what draws them to Stoicism is not the philosophy itself, but simply the emotional sentiment of being a badass that can endure anything.

>> No.22581061

I think politics actually ruined 4chan less than it did sites like Reddit and twitter. You can still sort of ignore political posing here but on twitter *everything* is organized into political camps, since you can see people's identities. So when you r discuss a movie or something you only discuss it with people who share your politics and often the conversation will center on political analysis of the movie. Reddit just became unbelievably censored instead. On 4chan people still do bring up politics lots but it is at least possible to sometimes just discuss a movie or book or whatever and get opinions from all types of people.

>> No.22581094

You make a good point, the lack of consistent identity is definitely what makes this place special and liberating. On the other hand, anons end up using taboo politics here as a way of keeping the normies at bay, as without any form of identity you need other methods to gatekeep the community and make it inaccessible. The left-leaning censorship on other platforms also contributed to right-leaning people congregating here, so much that it unintentionally turned into a reactionary hugbox. Even though there's nothing stopping people from expressing other views, the discourse therefore becomes heavily skewed that way. The system of bumping threads also heavily favours controversy, so off-topic political debates naturally dominate the catalog. However, I don't know how you could fix this though without ruining the way the site works, beyond making containment boards which then end up attracting more of those types.

>> No.22581096

Lovely and elegant post, however I am afraid that you are a bit too malicious, and also that you have undue prejudice against Buddhism.
Most of those people don't actually care about politics or anything else for that matter, anon. They just want drama and entertainment, and this is the personal drama they've chosen. No one generally cares about anything. You, in fact, probably also do not care about anything, which is why you favour what seems "lighthearted" to you. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being serious if what you're serious about is also correct, decent and worthwhile. In this cultural climate, however, nothing is ever seen as worthwhile. Hence why ironic detachment is the only "peak" we know.

>> No.22581122

I wouldn't call it a hugbox, not least because there are literally organizations which spam material meant to enrage the right wing demographic here. I think the type of person who enjoys the combative and crude environment here is just much more likely to be right wing but there is also a certain type of leftist who seems to enjoy it. Of course there are also people who just try to ignore the politics altogether

You probably will find this hard to believe but the hardcore right wingers on twitter for example think of 4chan as being "infected with communist trannies". They dont like coming here precisely because they don't want to see opposing opinions

As for fixing the site you would just need mods to delete off topic political posting on the interest boards. They actually do do this on /a/ from what I understand, I don't go there myself.

>> No.22581124

The political and tribal posting here effectively changed this website. It’s hard to ignore when its implications have been far reaching, whether it’s driving older anons away, changing the focus of the content here, or making every thread a mudslinging match. There is endless repetitive threads on /lit/ that are just different shades of each other. You can visibly see the collective intelligence has plummeted in the last 5 years, and a great many anons make 4chan their whole personality. It’s essentially warped /lit/ into a hodgepodge of random threads where literature takes the back seat. You’ll get no argument from me that twitter or Reddit are different. Nothing is better at frying people’s brains or derailing than politics, and social media gives a voice to everyone, for better or worse

>> No.22581131

yes, Aquinas goes over it.
mohammed builds a war cult, gets ignorant fools to follow.
Subjugates afterwards scholars and wise men with the threat of the sword.

>> No.22581138

Anons definitely care, it isn’t mostly about entertainment or drama. And I care about reading, which is why I am here.

>> No.22581152

Nah this place has been equally as ruined as everywhere else on the internet.

>> No.22581158

>You probably will find this hard to believe but the hardcore right wingers on twitter for example think of 4chan as being "infected with communist trannies". They dont like coming here precisely because they don't want to see opposing opinions
Those people are legitemately insane. They probably grew up on the internet because the mere existence of opinions contrary to their own is unnaceptable to them. They're the kind of people who enter 10 threads and if they encounter dissenting opinions on one of them despite the other 9 being an echo chamber it's enough that a place is irremediably pozzed.

>> No.22581162

It's weird because whenever I talk to a twitternigger right-winger in real life they always come across like 1/10th diluted versions of 4chan right-wingers. One of the ways I gauge the decadence of a given 4chan board is the degree to which it feels more like the twitterniggers than like /lit/. There are days where I can positively smell some adventitious influx of twitterniggers on the breeze, because the whole front page of /lit/ will be filled with epic kekistani twitterbrain threads.

>> No.22581167

Perhaps it's not so obvious to me because I am part of the rot. I find the political threads kind of amusing. But I can't say I have noticed a difference in the quality of responses I get if I make a thread about for example Keats. From 2015 to the present day it has been pretty much the same type of replies(and not very many typically). The philosophy discussion also seems about the same as it's ever been. If there is one category that seems obviously different now it's that people don't discuss the big modernist novels as much, but when they do it is still the same level of discourse I think

>> No.22581175

>history is a straight line that should end in jew worship
lmao even

>> No.22581183

This. Stoicism just like western-type Buddhism (or real Buddhism for that matter) is nothing more than spiritual cope, the soul of the individual is searching for God and Christianity, but the individual prefers to reject the truth (God) and embrace the lies of the world.

>> No.22581193

Damn right,kill the adulterers.
And laugh over their dead bodies.

>> No.22581194

>It is hubris to think anything 'better' can or indeed will emerge.

>> No.22581200

The life blood of /lit/ was always fiction hence the meme trilogy. Nu/lit/ doesn’t care about creative writing and art. When nonfiction and philosophy became too prevalent the grey zone was exploited and those threads are essentially off topic because nonfiction books have been written on everything. Want to talk about (off topic subject)? Put “books for/about” in the OP, or google a nonfiction book about the topic and post it. Reading is entirely optional and not necessary to participate in one of those threads, which defeats the purpose of /lit/. I’m sure part of it is one eventually outgrows /lit/ and what it can offer but the tone, topics of interest, and types of anons who post here has entirely changed. Make a thread about some minor novelist or poet and you are lucky if the thread lives for more than a day and gets 10 replies. To me, the best solutions would be Balkanizing /lit/ or enforcing the rules, and deleting or moving threads that spiritually belong on another board. Merging threads would be nice too. These things will never be done though

>> No.22581205
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>> No.22581208

>You probably will find this hard to believe but the hardcore right wingers on twitter for example think of 4chan as being "infected with communist trannies".
And twitter isn't?

>> No.22581213

Have you even been to church ? Most of the people that do basically do so as a matter of good conscience and will only go to church when they get material wealth and will drop it as soon as time gets hard or someone will make them face their hypocrisy.
I still go to church but dont expect to connect with anyone as the people in it are just as vile as the people outside.

>> No.22581216

>Make a thread about some minor novelist or poet and you are lucky if the thread lives for more than a day and gets 10 replies. T
Wasn't this always the case though? You could never really expect people to care that much about some random writer.

The mot successful style of literature related thread has always been ones where OP asks for people to post anything they like within a given set of parameters, like "post lesser known novels you like".

And people do still discuss Ulysses and IJ pretty frequently. Pinecone less so it seems

>> No.22581225

Twitter lets you rigorously self-segregate, 4chan doesn't.

I think the fact that religion in America and Europe is a hobby of the affluent is not properly understood by most in these discussions.

>> No.22581227

people who say this shit completely neglect the existence of Epictetus, a literal slave
Marcus Aurelius was not the only stoic philosopher

>> No.22581231

>Learn to stop caring what the masses think.
I got that from Nietzsche, plus how to act for yourself. Stoicism was just slave mentality. ''Dude, just endure lmao''.

>> No.22581232

Twitter is like a bunch of little fiefdoms. When they interact with people outside their fiefdom it has the character of a little group skirmish. Within their little groups little deviation is tolerated

>> No.22581237

How and where do people even talk on twitter? Is it just in the comment threads of posts by their gay little groomer grifter ecelebs? If so that's hilarious, being grifted is literally woven into the medium of their discourse in a McLuhan way. They can only talk when it's at the feet of some "influencer."

>> No.22581238

I would guess being the basic hylic you see outside.

>> No.22581242

>be /lit/
>cant read like 10 sentences

>> No.22581247

The larger accounts function as hubs for discussion,yes. Not unlike the way some blog comment sections become a de facto general discussion space. The format of twitter is extremely annoying for having back and forth discussions though, especially if there are more than two people. Twitter also has a private messaging function though, so that can be used too.

>> No.22581251

Aquinas would have to be a bit stupid to say a movement against the rampant idol worshipping in the Arabian peninsula is ignorant and foolish. There was no war cult about it at all unless Aquinas was a pacifist and thinks you have to roll over to pagans. In which case the Catholic Church has a lot to answer for seeing as how they supported fighting them

>> No.22581263

You had a much better chance of a thread getting traction than today. And as far as actually analyzing and critiquing the meme trilogy, it is much more infrequent than in the past. There has always been slop here but the quality used to be better and more frequent. Too much (you) farming and debatelording while decent posts get ignored. Basically what I’m saying is that lots of the anons who knew their shit have left, or they are drowned out, because of the influx of refugees. Too many threads made, too much shitposting, too much posting about current day cultural and political events, too few anons reading and posting at a higher level. Meme trilogy threads used to be a different beast compared to what they are now

>> No.22581271

Then what is even the point of larping on the interwebs?

>> No.22581279

The board right now has fewer posts than it did at any time since 2017 though. The big influx of the corona era is gone. But maybe you're right anyway

>> No.22581285

Yeah /lit/ becoming mostly just philosophy was the death knell for sure.

>> No.22581288

They view it like a videogame. It's a fun passtime and nothing more.

>> No.22581289
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>Marcus Aurelius
>>the man who solved the universe
fucking lol. In no particular order, he
1. wrote in his diaries about being nice and honest while genociding the shit out of germanic tribes in an aggressive military campaign
2. got faded on opium & wine every night to cope with le heccin physical & mental trauma of being at war
3. was an absolutely terrible father, his ultra-passive mindset turned Commodus into a spoiled brat.
>2000 years later:
>internet daddy for hardcore stoic trve sons of rome
>"just read meditations and stop being a little bitch about everything"
>while your ancient roman internet daddy sedated himself to sleep every night & was an dogshit beta cuck father

>> No.22581300

>I don't want to commit to anything and I believe and practice what is convenient to me. Consequently I look down upon people who are taken fully by belief to it's final conclusion.

For context: I'm married with children, not at all wealthy, but a homeowner with a couple cars and some savings. The idea that all those that espouse "extreme" ideas or practices are losers or caught in a loop is absurd. I agree that nomenclature is insignificant, and that value can be taken from a variety of sources, but to comprehend or reject certain ideas, one requires a true basis upon which to build.

With regards to stoicism, it's advanced and somewhat useful cope. Realistically we all have to cope with things outside of our control regularly, and having a framework for this can be helpful. However if one feels, even slightly, the pull of eternity upon their soul, they will need to look elsewhere to find answers that are truly fundamental.

Lastly it's tosh to say that you can't change people. Perhaps it's difficult to affect change over a group, but I have personally had a powerful impact upon many other young men in my life looking for answers, and yes I would say that I have changed several, hopefully for the positive.

>> No.22581318

It’s fewer posts but more threads I’d bet
It definitely feels like they have motives or reasons

>> No.22581334

The funniest thing is that they completely turn a blind eye towards the pro suicide stance of stoics. Fucking Zeno refused to breath and died.

Stoic maxim "the open is always open" is great libration

>> No.22581390

I like the Dokkodo better, stoicism is cool but it seems to lead to the sigma grifter rabbit hole nowadays

>> No.22581415

If only they would understand how much nihilism impacted the world..

>> No.22581440
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>Stoicism was always a philosophy of the educated elite

>> No.22581453
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>I learned how to act for myself and stop caring what the masses think from Nietzsche
So you never stopped conforming to other people's ideals and caring what they think?

>> No.22581464

I've yet to see anyone even lay out how Jew worship would be a bad thing. It's always just ad-hominem and nothing else. Don't worship a dead Jew on a stick, because...?

>> No.22581474

Europeans would have reached the same heights without Christianity. Dogmatic semite values are completely useless to european society which constantly had to adjust christianity to serve its european spirit and values.

>> No.22581513

The political obsession is just one narrowing factor that has led every discussion to become just a single permutation out of shrinking pool of possible discussions. To me, the main problem is that at some point people invented and started to seriously believe in the "board culture" myth (which at one point was considered a joke). Interesting conversations used to happen because these boards were just convenient places where widely different people could come to have discussions. The one thing they almost all had in common was a lack of any external or internal restriction on their expression; anonymity was the main cause of that. Now everyone seems to be following some sort of code or "culture", and it kills what made this place at least interesting.

>> No.22581516

fpbp, and people will miss the point of it.

Always a good reminder that even if you somehow found the cure to all the worlds' ills and troubles, some dude is going to stand in a corner, complaining about how you suck.

OP, stop sucking.
If you like stoicisim, good.
If you don't, let other people enjoy it.

>> No.22581544

I’ve always assumed board culture to be vague but generally a unifying interest, like the western canon and minor classics, and postmodernism and the doorstopper novel. Lurk more actually used to be a thing and there was gatekeeping to some extent. It encouraged anons to post less but put more thought and effort into a post. The type of anon who posted on /lit/ was different than the typical anon. Now it seems everyone is more or less the same, and anonymous could be bots or a few overzealous spergs. The demographic/user base and interest of /lit/ has changed, and I consider that a change of culture

>> No.22581573

Heh, that's funny, I never see this and only see the same 3 miserable anti-stoicism talking points being memed on here.

Partly you've been misled on what 'stoicism' is even about, partly this has been intentional on the part of people who see stoicism as a serious opposition to -everything- (from religion to platonic philosophy; as well as the concept of philosophy) which it is, but these two parts haven't yet understood that, far more importantly, 'stoicism' is a natural state of maturity and not a philosophy or constructed ideology at all.

People recognize it as a vastly superior approach to life, it's not hard to see why it seems to be popular... sort of like buddhism I suppose.

I don't think very many of those people understand the history or discipline of the stoics at all, however. To the Romans it was a system of proof-based logical inquiry; closer to the scientific method and modern psychology than anything else:

It was the original dialogue and discovery of the meaning of logos and pathos (emotionalism, mental illness, peer pressure) in the mind of a person, and the extrication from pathos. Sort of merged with rhetoric in the roman empire and the subject of virtue and morality in a superior pre-christian climate. It entered the roman republic, however, as the formal method of inquiry and discernment of Chrysippus of Soli.

>but it's just about passive acceptance

imagine the steel mindset of a roman legionary stabbing men to death up lose and personal, crushing them to death if they haven't bled out yet, all the while in a motionless battle line, not losing composure during the battle and not succumbing to PTSD after the battle.

this vs. normal men, it's relatively easy to see what a "barbarian" was.

>> No.22581588
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>posits a mindless, materialist, mechanical, deterministic universe
How convenient, I live in one of those!

>> No.22581600

Doesn't Hegel say something about stoicism flourishing in those moments in history which combine high education and high servitude?
Stoicism is the freedom of a bored kid to daydream in class.

>> No.22581607

pssh, this place hasn't changed in a decade. I don't know where you guys get this nostalgia from.

idk, anon, he's got a bad rep but the guy killed scores in the arena and could take the head off running ostriches with a throwing knife... that takes a lot of discipline..

Aurelius did more harm by phasing out the tiered citizenship path in my opinion. It wasn't really until after that point that the roman legions lost their grip militarily.

>Stoicism just like western-type Buddhism
this but in a good way, in that buddhism was the same sort of thing; a warrior case discipline for a warrior caste lion surrounded by small kittens.

whereas this,
>but the individual prefers to reject the truth (God)
is just sad to me.

neh the men changed. A proper citizen would laugh at the modern /pol/, not sympathize with it and applaude their displays of demented pathos.

>> No.22581616

>i don't go to church because i don't connect to people
you're there to connect and have communion with God.

>> No.22581618

>high education and high servitude
Not as a bad thing though. I volunteer in care homes because I know nobody else can be bothered, it's nothing to me at all.

>> No.22581619

>Aquinas must've liked pagans since he was against pagans changing from several to a single idol
it's still idolatry.

>> No.22581628

lol tryhard larp in full fake mode

how are you better, in your pit of nacho dust, than a satanist who volunteers to help disabled people?

>> No.22581642

The satanist presumably does other bad stuff if he's really a satanist. Setting aside unironic blood rituals I would expect a satanist to be prideful and hedonistic, which would likely lead to various abuses towards others.

>> No.22581666

>. Setting aside unironic blood rituals I would expect a satanist to be prideful and hedonistic, which would likely lead to various abuses towards others.
Unironically though that's the description of a christian and a muslim. To do nothing, to be nothing, yet feel arrogant enough to lecture others "because god" - like a little brat.

Point is however; how come a satanist or a pagan are doing 10000x more good in the world than a christian? I'll be honest, in my time doing volunteer work in the last two years I'm the only young white man I've ever seen.

None of the attitudes of my christian or muslim friends changed in this time, if anything their lazy preaching got worse; but they did nothing whatsoever with their time. That's some kind of crazy nihilist ego cult in my opinion.

>> No.22581667

>marcus aurelius writes about pig spit and bread pores
>normies need Spirited Away graphics and cosmic fellatio to rope them into reading
Fucking gay

>> No.22581674

Nice digits kek. I think Christians can tend to a sort of fatalistic mindset where they dont think the world can really be fixed, but the church historically has done tons of charity and various denominations still do so I'm not sure if your statement is accurate.

>> No.22581682

There is more doing good than volunteering and donating

>> No.22581685

idolatry and charity are completely separate.
what does this non sequitur's answer achieve?
a Christian would help through the church, and probably not be seen elsewhere, naturally.
muslims only do charity to other muslims, but they're wrong anyhow.
>None of the attitudes of my christian or muslim friends changed in this time
and why do you conflate their actions with the whole of the religion?
"because a hypocrite exists, everything is bad"?

>> No.22581695

>I think Christians can tend to a sort of fatalistic mindset where they dont think the world can really be fixed, but
There's no but. It's a common disposition I've encountered today among muslims and christians, and have read about 2,000 yrs ago. Something about those religions attracts that type.

Sure it's nice if sometimes they do something useful but they're far from really living the values they preach, that's the point I'm making, and those people who 'preach' from a position of hypocrisy (which seems to be the majority) are just evil and crazy, there's no excuse for that as an adult.

I think it's the depressive state of the doomsday-craver who has a history of depraved abuses, it's the only reason I can think of why a person would be drawn so strongly to disassociation. i.e. the same type of person as st paul and his followers in malta; the lowest of the low who refused to accept responsibility for their actions and chose to blame all mankind instead.

ha synchronicity strikes again

>> No.22581707

Well you just ignored the rest of my post where I mention that the church does so these things. I wouldn't be surprised if religious people give more to charity on average, do you know the statistics

>> No.22581712

>idolatry and charity are completely separate
one is a made-up thing which is meaningless, the other thing is a real-world action which requires you to actually be a good person.

>and why do you conflate their actions with the whole of the religion?
because they go to the cult shack and follow the instructions of the cult shack speaker. The speaker can tell them to do anything and they'd probably do it, hence: the religion is not instilling good into them despite having the opportunity.

>muslims don't charity
Ah well that's not really true, muslim neighbors of mine constantly go around with food and never mention anything about a god. They're just good people and probably don't need to be told to do things like that. Whereas the christians don't do this; they're pleasant enough for the most part but there's nothing really there.

Same question to you though: why would you conflate 'yourself' with a religion full of do-nothings? To save their souls? lol

>> No.22581725

>where I mention that the church does so these things.
I couldn't be bothered to give you an essay about how this isn't true, is all. I would think that would have been obvious.

I like how you've turned it around from a real-world thing to a sofa-sitting thing; I'm not a christian and I've somehow been motivated into dedicating my free time to helping the disabled and the elderly. How is it possible that I'm doing this and the 4chan christcuck ...or street preacher... crowd aren't? Obviously the religious content is either unnecessary to motivating them to do good in the world or it's counter-productive since it dissuades them from it.

That was more my point.

The smug condescension of a street preacher telling pregnant women how they're going to die and be forgotten without jesus, and doing nothing with their time other than shit like that, is just the last straw to a person who actually does do worthwhile things with his time.

>> No.22581734

>one is x and one is y
yeah, just explains my point. a pagan is correct in doing good, but wrong in his worship.
a true Christian should be correct in both, and i'd consider one that isn't worse than the first, to whom the Gospel hasn't revealed itself as truth, and who, by consequence, isn't held to a higher standard.
>they'd probably do it
or, picture this, the preacher is telling them, but they think it's too much work and lazily not do anything.
it's literally what happens.

>why do you conflate
i relate to the saints, who were following it to the letter, and helped an innumerable amount of people.
not to the "Christians" who don't even truly believe.

>> No.22581736

>How is it possible that I'm doing this and the 4chan christcuck ...or street preacher... crowd aren't?
I would guess it's a narcissism thing for you judging by the way you're talking about it and your obvious hatred and contempt for the 4 billion people who follow Abrahamic religions.

Do you hate Judaism too? They don't think non Jews go to the afterlife, or in some versions they are slaves in the afterlife

>> No.22581746 [DELETED] 

helped during all events in world history.
for the most famous atrocity
>tried to warn governments about what Germany was doing, wasn't listened to
>had escape routes for everyone trying to leave Germany.

>hypocritical street preacher
why are all your examples strawmen of in-name-only Christians?
those do not exemplify what one should do. look to the saints for that.

>far from really living the values they preach
means they are wrong, not the thing they claim to believe.
look to the saints.
>same type of person as st paul and his followers in malta;
do explain the conclusion you got from this, and how you reached it.
>those people who 'preach' from a position of hypocrisy
same thing as the first response.

least obvious 'clueless strawman' falseflag

>> No.22581747

oop, misquoted you. sorry anony.

>> No.22581754

helped during all events in world history.
for the most famous atrocity
>tried to warn governments about what Germany was doing, wasn't listened to
>had escape routes for everyone trying to leave Germany.

>hypocritical street preacher
why are all your examples strawmen of in-name-only Christians?
those do not exemplify what one should do. look to the saints for that.

>far from really living the values they preach
means they are wrong, not the thing they claim to believe.
look to the saints.
>the same type of person as st paul and his followers in malta; the lowest of the low who refused to accept responsibility for their actions and chose to blame all mankind instead.
do explain where you got this conclusion, and how you reached it.
>those people who 'preach' from a position of hypocrisy
same thing as the first response.

>> No.22581760

hahaha you see, that's what I mean about you coming from a pit of evil and crazy disassociation; the person who volunteers their time in real life is a narcissist, you, as a do-nothing, are happy to act superior to him, because you say "jesus" once in a while.

I'm really sure a creator god of the universe would be happy with this. sickening

muh 1488

Hey, if you're that way inclined you should be asking why it is that christians in america donate billions to israel annually and kept that cesspit afloat. ..something about dissociation and fantasy i think? a common motif

Ah but, where that's true (plenty of saints didn't do anything useful btw) don't you see how that puts basic good conduct on a pedestal out of reach of ordinary people? It has the opposite effect, if it has any effect at all more than a jihadi martyr.

You see how if you try to do good as a christian you're accused of the messiah complex? It's not a helpful mentality, it makes too much out of just being a decent person.

>a true Christian should be correct in both,
They would say they are; their focus isn't on the real world and they can cite plenty of scripture to back them up in that. From my perspective you couldn't find a more satanic religion in that it promotes and validates nihilism and simply cannot dissuade people from reaching that opinion, since it's what the religion is all about on paper.

>or, picture this, the preacher is telling them, but they think it's too much work and lazily not do anything.
>it's literally what happens.
Then why are they even going to the building? There's something fundamentally wrong if that's the case.

>> No.22581770

I'm not christian. The entire way you've framed this is just self aggrandizing. I asked about judaism because I usually see this attitude you have in Jews and Indians

>> No.22581771

>worry about what you can control
>accept the rest
pretty good but...
It lacks one thing
>Get more power so what you can control expands and grows
You gotta take what works and add to it

>> No.22581772

>do explain where you got this conclusion, and how you reached it.
sure, by reading the new testament, then by noticing the depraved dissociative character of christians in history and today matches up with the character of paul and his followers,

that is: the lowest of the low, most depraved and pathetic, criminals who've done actual evil, .. rather than change themselves they decide to lecture all mankind and declare themselves to be somehow 'saved' for this... whereas their miserable character didn't change one bit between their evil acts and their egotistical hectoring the next moment.

to clarify: i do not believe those people are fit to speak,much less author a religion. they deserve the whip or the cross, if they're too unmanly to kill themselves after having done extreme evil such as paul did to jesus's followers

most people are not given the chance to do such evil things, of course, but the mentality carries along and it's observable in the new testament and in the arguments of ireneus etc.

>> No.22581778

>They would say they are
again, makes them wrong, not what they hypocritically claim to practice.

>There's something fundamentally wrong
yes, something fundamentally wrong with them, not with what they hypocritically claim to follow.
>plenty of saints didn't do anything useful btw
and what do you consider "useful"? and which, if you could be very in-depth about it?
>that puts basic good conduct on a pedestal out of reach of ordinary people
no, it inspires them to follow suit in the imitation of Christ, showing how it is possible for one to become holy and truly follow His example.
>You see how if you try to do good as a christian you're accused of the messiah complex?
no, i've literally never even heard of that. one has to be a whole different kind of hypocrite to go around spewing that much nonsense.

>> No.22581780

>e I usually see this attitude you have in Jews and Indians
You should listen to them in that case and be happy that another human gives a fuck to stop you from fucking up.

neh, don't buy it, try again christcuck. Ask yourself why you're being outdone in good deeds by satanists.

>> No.22581781

>word salad that just accuses them further instead of explaining anything
okay, thanks for disproving your nonsense.

>> No.22581784

Go back

>> No.22581789

I will not listen them because they very obviously just have racial hangups. You have provided no actual evidence that satanists outperform Christians in any sort of charity or volunteering. Your personality is just terrible in general

>> No.22581791

>and what do you consider "useful"
St Basil or the Benedictines in their actual work, not in the silly stories of people dying elsewhere in dubious circumstances. But I would say, now, that Basil and the Benedictines were just good people and had to mouth the religion or they wouldn't be allowed to do those good works. I don''t think they, or I, would do anything differently with or without the religion.

>i've literally never even heard of that.
Oh well I have. You should study the subject more and then you'll spot it more often in ordinary people.

It's basically this: "you want to do good, do you think you're jesus/saint?" to shame the person into giving up. I agree with you, it's antithetical on every possible level of comprehension; the same as havi a religion about a man unjustly persecuted and killed and then spending the next 2000 years doing the same thing to others in his name lol

>again, makes them wrong, not what they hypocritically claim to practice.
Paul in the NT tells you many times to not care about the world, that good deeds are meaningless, that even being good in a small way is impossible.

Paul is a Jew who is talking about his primitive baby-eating ethnic deity. It's not complicated as to what his problem is, to an unbiased unchristian observer of this.

>> No.22581794

But what if you are a badass Chad who can take the wrath of God so much that he decides to make your punishment equivalent to Satan? Is not virtue a shining star and not meteorites the will of wishing?

>> No.22581796

>(accuses ofbeing jew or indin, thn accues of having rcial hang-ups, in a conversation about religion)

>(accuses of 'word salad', mental illness)

I explained that very clearly, you're being intensely dishonest and proving 'my' point about the christian character. How do you think you're convincing anyone by lying like this? how can you lie, btw, aren't you a christian? wow, the house of cards just comes crashing down lol

yeah.. but nice job evading the subject consistently, i'm sure creator god of the universe is really happy with you for practicing vice in his name.

>> No.22581804

Still absolutely no evidence that Satanists volunteer more than Christians. Just endless passive aggressive seething

>> No.22581807
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If you are such a badass Chad that you decide to challenge God, you either win and are admitted into heaven, or you die. This is the encounter with the divine, the real "hero's journey". The trials of Heracles who earned his way to ascension and a place at Mount Olympus. But if you achieve godhood none of the weird problems about fate and the ways to cope with it will be relevant to you any longer, and so neither will Stoicism.

>> No.22581821

All the ancient great men were schizos in search of something. Alexander had voices in his head. Caesar evaded death at sea.

Remember I am the one with the knee. I don't remember people staying around my last cycle of hell. It isn't the same every time but I count. I remember being stronger and also having to deal with more annoying things in my life. All because of kike on a stick. All because I am Judas Iscariot.

>> No.22581827

>quote yer statzth
I'm an actual person who volunteers, faggot, I've never even seen another white man doing it much less whether those non-existent white people are christians; whereas i've ..rarely.. even seen a white man doing anything 'good' anywhere, come to think of it. Those who did were not god-botherers.

I'm trying to convey to you how your dipshit attitude is pathetic in the context of this subject ("why is stoicism so popular"); where a person who believes the opposite of you/society as an actual satanist is shown to be a better human being than you/society. If you're curious why "stoicism" is popular among people who see you and don't want to be like you.

your sophistry and evasion is just ridiculous denialism.

anyway i'm going to bed, i have a life to wake up for tomorrow, nacho-boi

- to the other guy i was talking to, you had your chance to say something substantial

>> No.22581831

You're clearly a fat ugly Indian lmao

>> No.22581832

>I am Judas Iscariot.
Judas, I thought you were sent to found the church of Malabar?

>> No.22581841

>(let's laugh at the person doing volunteer work because he isn't a christian)
hahaha holy shit nacho-boi, I wish I was an indian. I'd probably have a business given to me by inancially competent non-drunk parents and an arranged marriage with a dozen kids by now.

nah sorry, brother, i'm white as snow and if I knew who you were I'd gun down you and your entire family and sink an axe into your favortie youtubers skulls for producing people like you.

sleep tight, sissy fuck

>> No.22581848

you're so fucking mad kek. Enjoy being ugly and having the personality of a whiny faggot

>> No.22581862

wife is still fucked and your ass is rotting in jail, but at least you have your head in the right place!

>> No.22581966

Running away mahir?

>> No.22581969

What a schizoid

>> No.22582022

Thread full of christfag bitches that can't topple the tenets of stoicism, only throw little pussy insults and cry about muh bibble muh jebus oooooh. KWAB

lol shrekt

>> No.22582077

I’ve read Epictetus and Seneca, but fell asleep on Aurelius. I find it vile to associate him with the stoic philosophers.

For the religion cucks in the thread:
The stoics see the universe governed by reason and fairness, this can be adapted to religion or even the modern laws of astrophysics.

Point is, that we should embrace and perform the best we can our roles in this universe, freedom and tranquility will be found if we accept the fact that nothing is granted/truly ours, we live on borrowed matter that will soon be returned. The only thing under control is our emotions, reactions and reason and they should be used wisely.

>> No.22582091
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>and they should be used wisely.

>> No.22582110
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>Emperor of Rome
>Probably the only person on EARTH : at time time; that could afford more than a couple of pieces of paper, and some ink.

You've got to realize how easy it was for someone like him to write shit down and how incredibly hard it was for other people. Emperor Aurelius, yeah he's like... The President (Biden no Trump), Hollywood, CNN, and a priest at the same time.

So you know, we're forced to read his shit basically like you get forced to watch CNN at the airport.

Haven't read Aurelius its just a common symptom of writing from the past. Only the uber affluent got any say.

Unlike me, I can say all the shit I want with ease. I can even say NIGGE-

>user was not banned for this post

>> No.22582123
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Oh my God, Lord in heaven please save us : I just read the first line. He's such a dweeb. Pretending to be a man, golden throne fuckhead? Yellowstone has better writing. And I guess its what, the manosphere, and MGTOW thats pushing it? SAD

Obama could have wrote it to be honest with you.

Caesar's Gallic Wars is really the pre-eminent work of that time period. The rest of it and decadent era Rome is just Voltaire type shit. Straight into the fucking trash.

>> No.22582130

The Aenid too. Virgil goes straight into the trash. The great works of that time were oral I'm sure, and in Greek. Homer.

I don't know what great works Latin produced. There's was more a material legacy. And then the cultural comes from Christianity.

>> No.22582151
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Caesar is great though.

Gallic wars introduction is like an /int/ paint your own country type meme. And he's super racist and calls it like it is. He's like an anon shit-posting for posterity's sake. Aurelius is a reddit moderator probably.

Those guys are like our people, decadent. They don't really write interesting shit they just do history, and if you ever catch them saying anything candidly then maybe it will be interesting.

>> No.22582160

Assume that this “higher reason” is the current laws of astrophysics, all we observe can be explained, when things get out of proportion (i.e. the lanikae supercluster of galaxies or the planck scale) things get out of our control. Does this means logic ceases to exist when things beyond our understanding appears? Or that we currently don’t have the right tools for going deeper?
For now, reason and logic has populated the existence of this universe, we may not have the complete answer, but where we stand today is thanks to the fragments we struggled to piece together.

So far, the universe has proven to be governed by reason and we can predict black holes, composition of stars long dead and the presence of matter that we still not comprehend. Why should we not assume our existence and the things that happen to us are not part of this reason/logic? Are we not made of the same matter?

>> No.22582199

Last addendum to your question:
If reason/logic created us, then our instincts/nature is an extent of it. Seneca and Epictetus defend that our biggest desire is tranquility, freedom, happiness and the only way to achieve them is to rely solely on what cannot be taken from us.

>> No.22582202
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What the fuck are you talking about, anon? I am asking why we should "use reason wisely" or "live virtuously". I am not asking about galactic superclusters or whatever the fuck. I don't give a shit about astronomy. Or should I take it that your position is that because the laws of physics exist, human beings should also therefore do X, Y or Z? That would be a non sequitur, I am quite sure.

>> No.22582218

Because people are narcissistic and identify themselves with Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.22582236

>we do not follow the laws of physic’s
>physical phenomena’s have no impacts on our life
>tautology being mistaken by non sequitur

Nevermind, we are nothing but brains floating into a dark cold void.

>> No.22582825

Stoicism is the perfect philosophy for common man of the modern age. It's very easy these days to fall into forms of hedonism that didn't even exist 50 years ago or to fall into melancholy thanks to the constant stream of negativity that the internet provides.

Stoicism is the perfect way to not fall into hedonism while also being easily accessible with a lot of texts surviving and having public domain translations. Compare that to the far superior epicurean school that barely any works survive off.

More modern philosophy is too long to understand for most, and Locke and the like are wrongthink.

>> No.22582866

no response to this yet >>22581791 ? wow you were really fucking honest and able to communicate on the subject weren't you faggot

>running away
>fat ugly indian
>(no response to topic, changes subject into ad hom nonsense)

So to recap, when discussing psychopathic christians, christian psychopaths deny they exist as they provide examples of this character type.

nice job retards

hahaha wow, same psycho doing gas-lighting again?

dumb projection. we know that when people say "god" that they're talking about themselves and their own opinions, that's been demonstrated over and over with brainwaves.

is the only response you faggots have some projection shit like this? what the fuck is the matter with you little retards

>> No.22582896

>Haven't read Aurelius its just a common symptom of writing from the past. Only the uber affluent got any say.
that's the worst and dumbest commonplace opinion i've read all week, and false.

>(why should i control myself)
or you'l be controlled by others, you fucking dumb retard, that's what a Slave is, you fucking moo-cow

>> No.22582900

christians are the worst most dishonest suicide-bombers in western culture, anything good they attack it. they can't help themselves.

>> No.22582911

>yes, something fundamentally wrong with them, not with what they hypocritically claim to follow.
btw, I'm sad you didn't answer my response to this, cos i had more arguments :D but you know I think 'this' demonstrates the broken brain of the christian:

you'll admit you're a nonce and that your fellow faggots in christ are evil psychopaths, but you can't/won't connect the behavior of those people together with their culture-religion - as if they're wholly unrelated. Even not noticing this or not wanting to notice this connection is a common motif 'of' the religion.

and yes, jews and muslims too.

you'll refuse to just admit this character, and claim "oh they don't live up to values" no shit they don't, but also the religion is full of evil commands, as i mentioned in the next reply that you didn't answer to.

A 'christian' is a person who hates the world and believes goodness is beyond them personally and will attack it i other people who are not christian, essentially, as the existence of those other people being good without the religion disproves the religion,
paul, etc., this: >>22581791

and as far back as the 2nd and 3rd centuries this "enmity" has been recorded of the christian character and remains the same today. not a coincidence,it literally 'is' the culture.

>> No.22583068

Already the very first line of your cute little greentext is wrong. I never said that or anything approximate to it. You, on the other hand, seem to be suggesting something absurdly stupid like "astronomical phenomenon obey the laws of physics therefore human beings should live virtuously and moderately". Which is, indeed, a non sequitur. Does total determinism determine our lives? Assuming that it is the correct worldview, yes, obviously, by definition. That still doesn't prescribe any specific type of conduct that we "should" have.
>or you'l be controlled by others, you fucking dumb retard, that's what a Slave is, you fucking moo-cow
Not what I asked. I am not asking you about the practical utility of self-control. I am asking why would it logically follow from the premises of Stoicism that we "should" live virtuously and wisely. "You're constituted of a bunch of matter and like it's drawn into this huge cycle that actually just forces everything on you and like wowie you should totally accept that stoically and live wisely and virtuously!" Why? There is no actual reason why. What's the moral or objective sanction against hedonism or despair or literally any other possible response? There isn't any. Stoicism tells you that you "should" be virtuous and wise in the face of this universe simply for the sake of it. And that's what sets this "philosophy" on the base level of a mere opinion.

>> No.22583160

> "You're constituted of a bunch of matter and like it's drawn into this huge cycle that actually just forces everything on you and like wowie you should totally accept that stoically and live wisely and virtuously!" Why?
Well that's a framework you're introducing which steers you away from the practicality of things in the first place; this is the christian nihilism: "if my religion is shit, then anything goes," which does not follow. My answer remains the same; it is the answer of the Stoics: if you do not control yourself you will be controlled by others and led by your miserable impulses in the meantime which create your Pathos (in the stoic meaning of that concept). Whether a God exists or not has nothing to do with that equation, which is demonstrable and shown to be true in peoples actions all the time.

> live wisely and virtuously
Really the answer to that equation 'is' Virtue, as a clear comprehension of the Virtues (pre-christian virtues not mentioned in the bible or abramic religions very much at all) encompass the optimal functional independent human condition vs. the dysfunctional dependent human condition; indulgence vs. sloth, gluttony vs. temperance, etc.,

Those things are what the Stoics were talking about when the phrase "extrication from Pathos; Passions," are being discussed, as the Pathos is the unconscious or subconscious mind led utterly by baseline impulses, like a child making itself sick on cookies - it has not developed a sense of moderation, which some creeds actively argue 'against',

"moderation is too hard!"

And learning how to control the self by the self is just something you have to do, or you'll just suffer endlessly and whine about it; blaming all things other than yourself, living miserably and making others miserable in turn; being in a state of despair. Being stuck in vice and suffering the consequences,maybe knowing why or maybe not knowing why, but being too weak to extricate yourself from the dysfunctional behavioral patterns.

Ah, buy tou cant even enjoy hedonism if you haven't developed a strong grasp of self-control, for instance, otherwise it's just being sick and addiction spirals,meaning that you can't even have fun; leading to a desire to sanction others for having fun.

The Romans practiced periodic abstinence to 'elevate' pleasure, not to suppress it, for example, if you're going celibate to fight the addiction you'll want to do it more forever and it consumes your psyche; something as childish as a sex act or a can of beer will rule your life lol - you're too weak to get over the thing, in other words.

That's what elevates 'basic stoicism' far above academic philosophy as it comes from an implicit position of experience and maturity, vs. adolescent musing and denialism toward basic facts of the world, society and the human body.

>> No.22583162
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fuckign autocorrect CHARACTR LIMIT

>indulgence vs. sloth
DILIGENCE vs. sloth*

>> No.22583168

This is an idealized portrayal and the idea that it was barbaric is an enlightenment myth.

>> No.22583185

What philosophical contributions did Marcus Aurelius make enough to be called "The Man Who Solved the Universe"? I hate clickbait and I hate the illiterates in the comments

>> No.22583193
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translators of the bible were literally hunted down and tortured to death, made-up accusations of "jenny turned me into a frog" were persisting even in revolutionary america until militiamen physically burst into the churches and gunned down the perpetrators of the witch trials.

>an englithenment myth
no, it was entirely real.

Why do you think the actions of the church inspired such fervor against it...? Everyone was under this threat so it had to be taken seriously; we couldn't "ignore" it was if were some academic issue for us to laugh about as gentlemen over a coffee table. The narrative that it was "just for fun" is insane.

It's like pretending that Pol Pots communism was something nobody had any reason to oppose, or any demented procrustean dogma being inflicted by fucked-up administrators. Liberal politics and its class of absurdist-ideologue clerics today is the same thing; if you can't understand how and why and who, you'll never be able to save yourself from it.

>> No.22583226


>> No.22583237

incidentally if you think modern libel is bad, and that religion would stop young women from making false accusations for attention, imagine them doing it in a court setting where they could make up "he turned me into a frog"

....these people and societies... they need General LaFayettes solution; tie them to wooden stakes in a field; hundreds of them at a time, and fire cannons with grapeshot at them.

they are beyond redemption under any form of ideology

>> No.22583250

i have to watch this now and again, it's like medicine to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww5yYZXgZZA if only they were women and children and priests rather than soldiers, it's close enough through

>> No.22583325

Christianity is based off stoicism though. One could even say that stoicism is Christianity without the fairy tales

>> No.22583360

>no, the obvious slander against the church by the enlightenment thinkers was totally for reals!
kek. there's people who still believe Galileo was executed for positing heliocentrism.
(as for those unaware, he was merely warned about claiming it as fact before proving anything, and actually protected by the church against other outside threats to his safety).

>> No.22583374

other way around.
stoicism is borrowing and reflecting a part of Christian virtue, without the important parts.
back to the same example of Christianity being the true light, and how thinkers from antiquity managed to reflect a stray ray of it when they were intellectually honest and in serious pursuit of truth.

>> No.22583379

Christianity is based off neoplatonism. Plotinus has some excellent refutations of Stoic metaphysics in the Enneads.

>> No.22583412

>Well that's a framework you're introducing which steers you away from the practicality of things
Why should we do what is practical? Nominally the answer is "to get better outcomes". And what's the point of that? A materialist universe has no answer. As for your slavery reference, Stoics posit a deterministic universe and resignation in the face of it, which means that if you do get enslaved, a Stoic would advise you to accept your slavery, toil loyally and submit yourself to your master, enduring all pain and humiliation "stoically". This is posited as a good thing, again, without a reason.
Not a Christian btw.
With your next paragraph you say some stuff that doesn't make sense and you also again refer to the practical advantages of self-control, wisdom and virtue. This is not philosophy, this is "self-help". It is already assumed that living a good life is desirable and meaningful for you. If my life is predetermined, and the universe is materialistic, what does it matter if I live virtuously? Why is virtue good? Because it is practical? Then what if I am a decadent tyrant fated to ultimate victory, who has every freedom, every joy, every good thing in life, and not a single bad thing? What does virtue benefit me, "practically"? I already have an unsurpassable life outcome in that case.
>Ah, buy you cant even enjoy hedonism if you haven't developed a strong grasp of self-control
Yes you can. Hedonism is about indulging yourself. Epicureanism is the self-controlled version - a philosophy somewhat less soulless than the Stoic.

>> No.22583514

Do you have any basis for thinking that?

>> No.22583529
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Rest in peace, Jan Hus.

>> No.22583551

>as for those unaware
i despise your brainwashing, christian anon. you are the cancer of the eternal urban rabble.

>(plotinus who refuted the platonic monard and judeo-christian god as a deity divorced from reality was actually refuting the stoics!)
holy shit, where's my flamethrower

>A materialist universe has no answer.
this is sophistry; exactly as i said before: you're introducing a framework which has no real basis to it; your religion, and declaring that it is superior or equal to actual study of the material world, then you declare the material world to be nothing.

As Plotinus said, if you have made-up a deity/religion with no basis to it in reality then you're operating from pure fantasy with no standards of proof: you'll be wrong all the time, or as I said you're operating from from pure impulse: to eat until your'e sick and wonder why your'e sick. You are subordinated to the natural processes of the world, either you submit to them or humble yourself to study and understand them ... or you don't.

>this is not philosophy
Stoicism is not philosophy but a discipline of logic, see: Chrysippus

>If my life is predetermined,
where did you get from? I mean, yes, I can predetermine the life trajectory of a human who can't or won't grasp self-control. Pretty easy to foresee the outcomes of that lol but ... that's not what you mean I think

>universe is materialistic,

> what does it matter if I live virtuously?
Again, I've explained this to you already: gluttony vs. temperance; you reap the miserable consequences of the one and you reap the reward of the other, being able to rip yourself out of the baseline default mode of vice and be led by your intellect rather than your baby-like impulses is the purpose or practice of self-control.

> Then what if I am a decadent tyrant fated to ultimate victory
No such thing, more likely, by being stupid-bad, you're going through life amassing enemies out of everyone you meet whereas I'm amassing loyal soldiers out of everyone I meet. See what happens to those people the second they try for something big; all their enemies come for them and wreck them. I will never have such trouble.

I think actually that's the sticking point in conveying this; optimal, logistics, etc., it's a Martial thing. Virtue is Martial of course, the Roman personification of Virtus was represented by a knife held by the commanding officer, to cut the throat of the barbarian,
e.g. the barbarian couldn't figure how to grow wine so they had to steal, they couldn't marshal themselves into a competent military power for the same reason, if you lack discipline in X you'll lack in Y.

But really if you are even confused by this then you're inferior to a squirrel who knows not to eat all his winter food. A stupid human will invent all sorts of fantasies to explain away why he lacked the common sense of a squirrel.

stoicism and epicureanism is inextricably interwined.

>> No.22583586
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>this is sophistry
You, on the other hand, are not even a sophist. Evidently you don't even understand the Stoicism that you claim to defend, therefore conversing with you is pointless. Your understanding of everything is completely jumbled. How can you call yourself a Stoic if you're not even aware of the doctrine of fate and predetermination?
You also repeatedly seem unable to distinguish between practical good and objective good as such. A Sam Harris-tier retard.

>> No.22583610

Why can't normalfags just become ascetics instead, that'd actually improve the world somewhat

>> No.22583617

Kill yourself tranny faggot YWNBAW

>> No.22583623

>(is refuted patiently, claims person refuting has not 'understood' 'stoicism')
>(the word retard)

>(changes subject to fare and predetermination)
>(introduces idiotic semantic division between practical and objctive)

>(the word sam-harris, reveals self as a homosexual young christian all along)

Disgusting. Anon, one day I will go completely mad from encountering people like you, and will simply begin snatching people like you from the steps of evangelical churches and torturing them for fun. When I take off the skin from the back of a writhing screaming neckbeard, begging me in jesuses name to kill him to end his agony, I will tell him about all the people like you who caused it to happen.

cos you're right:
there is no reasoning to be had with you, you slap reason from my hand and spit in my face. You are the endless barbarian under the parazonium; virtue in many ways, was formed by your reckless hate-filled oppostionalism to your fellow-man.

>> No.22583641

All philosophy is a coping mechanism. Stoicism is just honest about that whereas you have to hide it under a fancy facade so you can feel sophisticated.

>> No.22583742

>Anon, one day I will go completely mad
(You) already are - it's dementia.

>> No.22583778

The fact that literally nothing Europeans did during the height of Christendom was scriptural?

>> No.22583795

that's okay, if you're so into the spiritual 'world' and hate materialism so much you'll be happy hurry and die and leave the material world to the rest of us.

>> No.22583846


You do indeed speak true and wise to my eyes.
You've found yourself an ally in me. I will do my best to defend you if ever there comes a day.

But all I ask, is you defend me.

In terms beyond mere alliance, I think you are so far above some of the people in this thread, that it is the same as an intelligent human trying to talk to a literal ape. For even if the ape can do sign language, use those emote buttons, and make simple arts and crafts, just what do you think this ape is going to actually be saying?

If they go even one step above "I am hungry. I want banana." or "I am sad. Cannot find my toy," then they instantly enter the realm of nonsense. This being cannot functionally discuss philosophy, science, or engineering. Even if you spent your entire life trying to get those ideas into their head, the best they could do is parrot, and the worst they could do is perhaps provide a different form of wisdom: You'd be able to see the most primitive forms of ideas. "Me no like when you take my food or toy." "Me no want die." "Me no want suffer." "Maybe me suffer a little bit if it means gooder food"

But at that point, we are not discussing philosophy WITH the ape. We are merely watching its reactions from a significantly higher level.

From what I see of your opponent, look to his examples: "If you don't agree with me, how can you live virtuously ?" "I don't want to have to deal with a person who has so much power over me that they might be a decadent tyrant!" "Materialism.... it scares me! I don't know how to get answers that satisfy my fears from that!" "If I got enslaved, I wouldn't know what to do... if I can't fight or die, I don't want to just accept that!"

In the end, we should learn from his mind, and know very well that when you begin to enter into the realm of what he calls "self-help," you are actually building functional, practical philosophies for daily life using NON-OBJECTIVE tools, such as your subjective reference, or the subjective references of your friends, family, and allies.

>> No.22583865

>You're my family member, but I'm going to let you get obese, chop your dick off and finally, kill yourself

>> No.22583924

And you've read about it all and researched it to the extent that you're able to make that judgement? What about what they did wasn't scriptural?

>> No.22583971

Your Church is a Roman patriarchy cult, your philosophy is platonism, and your martial culture is German barbarism. You know Christianity is actually a method of aesetic living in devotion to God and doesn't just mean "based and redpilled", right?

>> No.22583990
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For me... its this nigga

>> No.22583993

"Christianity" became equivalent with "citizenship" so yes.

>> No.22584012

It cracks me up that people worship Aurelius for inventing Stoicism when he came up with the whole thing to get over his wife fucking other dudes.

>> No.22584031

How this any less valid than coping with any other hardship of life?

>> No.22584035

Thank you so much for saying this amd articulating what I was carrying within me for quite some time now. I recently saw another video with the title "Nietzsche: The Genius who solved everything." Yes, everything. Makes me want to strangle these lizard brain philosophy bros with their own entrails.

Nietzsche couldn't even fricking solve his own horse paraphilia.

>> No.22584049

Same with "narcissism" being the new hip mental illness which by strange turns of fate turns out to be the very same illness all of our exes have. Talk about synchronicity, amirite? I predict the next two years "histrionics" will be the new cool mental illness, screencap this.

>> No.22584060

Eh I think you're somewhat wrong. It's not the exes, it's the social media addicted general populace which exhibits narcissistic tendencies because social media fosters it.

>> No.22584061

He didn't invent Stoicism, which was created about 400 years before he was born. Stop talking about things you don't know anything about.

>> No.22584065
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>> No.22584081

I was saying it ironically. I was referencing the fact that somehow every broad in the west says their ex was a narcissist, when there's a possibility that it was actually them, but of course, they'd never possess the self-awareness to even conceptualize this

>> No.22584108

Ah well, it's not a hip new mental disease we attribute others but an actual social phenomenon a big chunk of society is suffering from(and at the hands off as well).
Projection is already pretty self aware for a narcissist though, as funny as it sounds. They'd rather ignore the idea altogether.

>> No.22584111

>Your Church
>Your philosophy
I'm not a christian. This is the problem with you people. If anyone disagrees with you, then you immediately jump to the conclusion that they must be part of the group you're spreading garbage lies about. No. You're just an idiot, and not everyone is going to let your shit fly. You're just throwing out classifications and identifying this and that with that and the other thing without providing a single explanation as to why it makes sense. You've never picked up a book on this topic in your life, which makes it that much more funny that you strawman me as a dumbass who would say "based and redpilled", when you act like you've based your entire personality around infographics you've found online. Now go ahead and tell me. What about what they did wasn't scriptural?

>> No.22584144

>le read le book
You fucking pseud, one doesn't need to read any other book except Christ's word in the New Testament to know what Christianity entails. I don't give a fuck about some bullshit about how Gothic architecture is actually a deeply religious reflection of God's design or how war is actually a Christlike endeavor. All of this is as useless as a lesbian bishop telling you how trannies are God's children.

>> No.22584150

Sort out your daddy issues then come back to bash your religion of choice.

>> No.22584152

The usage of narcissist as the new buzzword is definitely a hip new trend tho. Of course this doesn't mean that the existence of actual narcissist is a myth. But this fricking much? Everyone and their mother?

It's like the saying: "You go out of the house and you encounter an asshole, then you encountered an asshole. You go out of the house and you encounter ONLY assholes, then you are the asshole.

>> No.22584159

>But this fricking much? Everyone and their mother?
My point is that social media addiction is breeding them, or at least festering the actual emotional issues which lead to narcissism, and that itself is quite prevalent today, far more than any time before now.

>> No.22584178

I think you can dunk on these modern day instagram "stoics" by saying that there are situations where being indifferent is not the flex they think it is. No ancient stoic ever advocated being a weak pussy, quite the opposite actually.

>> No.22584179
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Alright, dude. Maybe /lit/ isn't the board for you if you think it's so horrible to be told to read a book. You still haven't said anything about how what they did wasn't scriptural or why, but you did go on a weird tirade about Gothic architecture and lesbians for some reason. This is just embarrassing.

>> No.22584192

There is a difference between narcissism, aka one of the fundamental pillars of human nature, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as in the clinical condition with clear defined Symptoms.

>> No.22584197

You're being extraordinary disingenuous. Justify the Crusades in the context of Jesus' sermons.

>> No.22584262

>"Maybe me suffer a little bit if it means gooder food"
You know, I really think that's all it has to come down; if you can demonstrate that a little delay of pleasure or suppression of baseline impulse is worth it to gain greater rewards, then you've conveyed the principle of short-term successes as being grossly inferior to long-term successes; then you've dismantled a lot of the broken mentality holding most people back and keeping them trapped in these pathos-spirals and the consequences of a society which operates on those defective lines.

>Even if you spent your entire life trying to get those ideas into their head
Well we have luxury today to try reason. If it was a matter of needing to train fifty men to repel an enemy army from our village I wouldn't feel at all bad at about killing half of them if it meant I got the remainder into the shape they needed to be in. What holds them back seems to be a constant in history; if they lay on the floor doing nothing, letting enemy armies invade and tax them, well... 1) better me than the foreign barbarians; since they seem happy enough to be abused, and 2) I'm not going to suffer their fate just because they're lazy and cowardly - justifying some fantasy reasoning to avoid exertion. If killing some of them terrifies them into suddenly following orders to do the right things, so be it, as we know; killing the raiders is all it takes to end them. Why does the village 'need' to be told this?

>But at that point,... We are merely watching its reactions
I think of it like combat training or sparring; if a person has some ideas and all they do is confirm bias when they speak about them they're really not developing their logic at all. Walk into court and accuse the magistrate of being a [buzzword], for instance, and this won't convince him or refute the case of the prosecution, this is literally all that goes on.

uhm anyway good comment

Don't worry, I know humans are capable of being better than this; our neolithic ancestors were walking around with compendiums of botany and leatherwork in their brains for tens of thousands of years, a human today is physiologically capable of getting itself together. i think there would be more impetus to do this if their lives depended on it, however.

>> No.22584273

>I predict the next two years "histrionics" will be the new cool mental illness,
I hope so, do you realize how much of war propaganda, domestic politics (covid, climate, -ism) and commercial advertising seeks to create hysteria? spoiler: it's 100%

nah that's not going to break through the twitter wall anytime soon, it would be something useful.

>> No.22584350

Histrionic Personality Disorder has nothing to do with hysteria. The word "histrionic" comes from the Latin word "histrio" which means actor. HPD is a Cluster B personality disorder, which is the same cluster as Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

>> No.22584389

Fair point, but I still maintain that the actual NPD is probably more prevalent than it used to be. Although I don't have the data to back it up.

>> No.22584390


>> No.22584418

unironically stoic response

>> No.22584457

can't believe he wrote all of that and then missed a perfect opportunity to say copium. embarrassing fumble for an otherwise great take

>> No.22584462

>All men die, but not all men die complaining

- Man who died complaining in his diary

>> No.22584481

Cite the complaints you refer to.

>> No.22584495

OH HAHAI'M SORRY I forgot what year I was dealing with, yes yes, of course these are totally different! Like how if someone rapes you and cry about it, it's a depressive personality disorder - likely inborn genetic!


>> No.22584497

I think that that may very well be the case. I guess what I was trying to say is that there's no way in hell that every ex boyfriend out there is a narcissist. Sometimes it's just people being assholes.

>> No.22584499
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I've been asking you to show me how their actions weren't scriptural this whole time with not a single answer, and now you think you can turn it around on me? The conditions you give me are much stricter than the ones I gave you, because really scripture as a whole doesn't seem to matter to you, or the only stuff that you view as properly scriptural is the stuff printed in red letters. So you've restricted me to only pulling from the Gospels, yet not only just from them, but only from what came from Jesus' mouth in those Gospels, and yet even further, not just what came from his mouth, but only his sermons. So you've essentially said, "Oh, go and prove the Crusades are scriptural, but over 95% of the text is off limits." And I'm the one being disingenuous? I'm not even allowed to pull from Revelation or anywhere in the Old Testament for that matter, regardless of whether or not Jesus himself claimed to be God. All of these conditions despite Jesus himself not restraining himself from quoting the Old Testament.

But what does that mean? It means that everything that the "God of the OT" said, the "God of the NT" also said, because "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever," and Moses was in fact writing about him all those years back, as Jesus himself admits, and he of course wasn't coming to destroy the law, but fulfill it. He even told each one of his followers to sell their cloaks and buy swords, but I'm sure you'll find an extremely far out, theologically liberal interpretation to shut that one out, or cite how he told Peter to sheath his sword after he cut off the ear of Malchus as him taking a hard stance against violence, even though he gives his reason why he did that right after, clear as day, "the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?". Peter was interfering with his mission. Finally, the always famous line, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword". Though that's another one I've heard explained away as "simply" referring to bringing chaos and strife on earth and tearing families apart, after all he does say he came to "turn a man against his father" and so on, but at least he only meant the sword part metaphorically.

So, what did Moses say of Jesus Christ? He said "The Lord is a man of war", and "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel", and even "Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee." And what did Jesus say in the NT? "The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof," and "The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."

>> No.22584510
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Meds. Now.

>> No.22584557

yawn,, sorry i should say that i happen to work in psychiatry and your regurgitation of 'muh factoid' is totally irrelevant.

what you're citing also is a nonsense in the context of my earlier example; a normalization of treatable reactive or logical self-defensive behaviors, akin to classifying trauma response with "your personality for life" - which is just bad practice.

Also, 50/50 that you're just quoting soundbites and fall into the latter box; e.g. you feel superior to me, you disregard my life experience, you quote factoids to be admired, you're exploiting this situation, you don't like it when i correct you.

meaningless nonsense.

>> No.22584611

Wouldn’t a Stoic gently try to change someone’s mind from a false belief system, though? Accept what you cannot change, but don’t believe that you cannot change anything.

>> No.22584682

With that I agree.
>normalization of treatable reactive or logical self-defensive behaviors, akin to classifying trauma response with "your personality for life" - which is just bad practice
I don't think normalization necessarily means "accepting as something that shouldn't be treated".
Also you responded to that anon in an attempt to feel superior yourself, you offered literally nothing to the conversation except a false equivalence between hysteria and HPD, which a professional such as yourself should have no trouble differentiating.
But of course a (((psychiatrist))) will disregard that trauma may leave psychological and not only physiological scars and that something other than meds and lobotomies may help alleviate that.

>> No.22584758

>feel superior yourself
mr dingus, that's my point: these new diagnostics are useless because all you'll do is dismiss everybody else as being mentally ill and the diagnosis applies to anybody; if a diagnosis applies to anybody then it's not a valid diagnostic tool and the methodology which produced it is unfit for use.

literally semantics

i disagree with the validity of the diagnostic method to determine a 'personality' disorder vs a cognitive disorder; see above re: validity, see earlier blather about treatable temporary state vs. a 'fixed' personality

>(((it's the jews)))
lol why are you talking about this subject then? all psychiatry jewish plot to take away your jesus - and a plot orchestrated by the godless communists (who secretly worship satan) in league with the chinamen, no less.

you know fuck all and you're dropping this kind of this,
> false equivalence between hysteria and HPD
laughable fucking laughable,nice to confirm that a dunce such as yourself feels so strongly about this one aspect; where you mum is a demented whore - BUT SHE CANNAE HELP IT cos it's like her fuckin personality duude, according to a goy in a jew hat or sum shit nigga


>> No.22584764

actually the comment you replied to was making the same point as i did btw, the principle where a word is overused and made into a crap diagonsis which applies to everybody

you should've spotted that by yourself

>> No.22584774

>I've been asking you to show me how their actions weren't scriptural this whole time with not a single answer, and now you think you can turn it around on me
just answer his fucking question, why are you christtards so fucking dense

NTA but feel free to pretend we're all the same person

>> No.22584785

>Marcu Aurelius was the jordan peterson of his time


>> No.22584792

no, a stoic would knife them and dump their body in front of their lover.

>> No.22584794

>The only thing under control is our emotions, reactions and reason
No, no and no. This is my main and only gripe with stoicism which got me disillusioned. The main tenant of stoicism that you can control your emotions and actions is not entirely true. Everything is still subject to biology, hormones, etc. You cant even control your emotions most of the time, best you can do is try to suppress the unwanted ones.

>> No.22584802
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oh thats painful to all sides of the debate

>> No.22584806

>biology, hormones,
see stoics on: pathos, impulse,
recognize this as unconscious/subconscious, use your imagination on this one. hello psychiatry

i find that the connections seem to last if you forge them on your own, work those neurons,patient 794

>> No.22584809

Mediations was his private diary post morten

Youre riding this JBPenis so hard you think him a godman emperor usher and incarnate pontifex of the golden age

>> No.22584810

>far superior epicurean school
How is it far superior, can you elaborate?

>> No.22584812
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optimus indomitus rex

>> No.22584817

This proves aggressive dick riding is the way to bring back ROMA

>> No.22584822

Yes yes it does now if you must young zoomer, give Jordan Peterson the roman salute next time you see him in public with his Hebrew counsel

>> No.22584823

Your entire post is fighting strawmen you're constructing yourself as you go along-as were the previous posts to that other anon.
There's no reason to say PDs aren't treatable states, temporary if the person actually seeks treatment for them. And they are sensible responses to trauma as well, like crying is sensible after getting raped.
But actually treating PDs requires a lot more work than memorizing textbooks and being a literal computer diagnostic software instead of
a doctor, so go prescribe more opiates to drug the masses so you don't have to fix their(or your own) issues.
And while you're at it, you'll do it for a (((financial incentive))) you fucking hack, which doesn't imply a jewish/communist conspiracy or whatever strawman you decided to rage against.
If you wish I can provide personal info to disprove them, but I truly see no point, you'll just construct new ones.
No, you dense "professional", he's not invalidating personality disorders as results of trauma, you are.

>> No.22584830

>moderns to ancients
this is like comparing Pyrrhus of Epirus and the sinews of the arms and brains of his soldiers, to the bubblegum chewing faggot wearing a US marine uniform and playing gameboy in iraq.

dont do it

>> No.22584840

Oh my gods!
It's Zyklon B Peterson!
I am so honored!
These filipino trans women are my walls
Paint my walls daddy Soros

>> No.22584843

Read the thread before replying, retard. Unless you're just ignoring the entire conversation, then you're still a retard.

>> No.22584846

Did Q write this?

>> No.22584861
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>> No.22584872

ugh, i can't be bothered to argue this, it's late here and you've mistaken me for a pill salesman; i an try to condense my answer as an experiment in rhetoric though:

personality 'disorder' is what homosexuality was, for example, it skirts the cognitive malfunction in the brain as well as social interactions which produce the unwanted behaviors and ascribes this to 'personality'. this is how we arrive today at the trans nonsense, via the same flawed reasoning, whereas to view the thing as cognitive impairments in reasoning is far more effective.

personality is akin to identity, for instance.

>And they are sensible responses to trauma as well, like crying is sensible after getting raped.
congratulations on agreeing with me - why are you not realizing we're in agreement?

if we adopt your personality view we arrive at all effects of external traumas being plastered over by the label 'personality disorder', which is why i mentioned depression being .. not even 'treated' ... but 'managed' by a lifelong pill regime where 'cure' by addressing the cognitive process is not even on the table, likely coming from this:
> (((financial incentive)))
and i think this is very bad, to be clear.

so you can't disagree with me about the notion of latest buzzword personality disorders being garbage and then go ahead and say "oh but actually personality disorders are real" - as you recognize on your own that they're garbage, even without the extra reasoning i gave you as they're just that obviously bad.

>> No.22584879

Lycurgus was asked by an Athenian how he planned to wage war with Athens if the walls of Athens were so tall and made of stone yet in Sparta there were no such walls around the buildings.
"These men are my walls"
This prompted Bicurious of the Buttigieg clan in Athens Tenessee to say oh say can you see

>> No.22584882

>read retard
i did, i think you're the same queef residue i was talking to yesterday on here, you don't answer straight,
JUST ANSWER HIS QUESTION YOU FAGGOT so that the conversation goes somewhere

dont replyto me, ignore me, stay on topic

>> No.22584894


>> No.22584910

Commander Obadievnetskipotorkolov Shekelslovakiastein was asked,
"You're a big jewish communisty lookin guy you dont get do bring friends. Was getting (((named))) part of your master plan?"
"Of course!"
"These stone walls of tongue and pen that part instiution from kin these walls are my men, Lycurgus and I have you surrounded by my MASTERCARD ATTACK
And then all the goyim died
The end

>> No.22584911

>dense "professional", he's not invalidat
omfg it's the samepiciple, he's talking about narcissism being overused as invalid




>> No.22584914

>And then all the goyim died
oy veeey and we didn't have time to tuck into the stale bread, ooyyy it's another showa miamoto

>> No.22584918

I was making fun of petersons benzo addiction and telling people to clean their room

>> No.22584928

If you can't tell how my post answered his question the most thoroughly it ever could have within 3000 characters, then you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.22584941
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The stoics taught me everything about looksmaxxing

>> No.22584951

Personality disorders are a Jungian thing, which you surely know, not the latest buzzword in themselves. The fact that modern academia decided to hijack something and abuse it politically, such as issues of homosexuality/tranny issues are some of the problems of today's western society, or perhaps even a reflection of it... But I digress.
Psychoanalysts do not manage them with lifelong pills and such, but actually by untangling the emotional complexes that force the person to act the way they do, which you'd probably say are cognitive malfunctions in the brain, but we're thinking of the same thing. So while we agree that pills are not the treatment, it is still a thing to be treated.
Something being sensible can still be a disorder. When you fall it makes sense to break a leg. You can then choose to fix it properly, realign the bones and everything, or let it grow back carelessly and develop a limp. Limp would literally impact your every action and your relationship with the world, but it wouldn't be you, it would be something you got saddled with.
>far away
Literally two completely different things, good analogy for my case though. Both things appear to be the same but are fundamentally different. One *is* small, the other is big but *appears* small when observed from a certain perspective.

>> No.22584956
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Stormers are Forever

>> No.22584959
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3 MMXIV Lira for the centurion who transports me this bust of the scholar!

>> No.22584967

>everyone agreeing homosexualism is unnatural
nice thread.

>> No.22584971

No I'm not.
Disorders are natural. They're still disorders and would benefit the person if treated properly.

>> No.22584985

yeah, but the consequence of a natural disorder is an unnatural thing.
else it wouldn't benefit a person to treat it, nor would you think it should be treated.

or, in other words, the cause is natural, but the problem that arises from it is not.

>> No.22584995

Following your logic, every illness is unnatural, even if borne out of a natural pathogen like a bacteria or a virus. Which obviously I don't agree with.

>> No.22585001
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This whole thread is cringe. Oh wait. Scratch that, 90% of this board should meet sacred fire in Minecraft because you shits couldn't discuss video games if I put a shotgun to your heads.
>2 sec attention span zoomers
are the people that have been actively killing this board and 4chan as a whole. I sincerely hope you stay here forever. My comfy pre-election 4chan, a simple, comfy place where you could discuss stuff anonymously, is dead.

>> No.22585005

we're talking about ailments of the mind, not physical ones.
i mean unnatural in the sense of psychology, of behaviour.

>> No.22585010

Still not sure why you think we're disagreeing on anything...?

silly diatribe

you evolved for millions of years and then decided to not cum in a vagina but into a bottom, this is a retarded dog humping a shoe for want of a mate. It's not personality, it's not a disorder, it's a cognitive or socialized impairment.

i just use it as an example because it was criminalized yesterday now normalized today, with no actual examination of the what and why and heavy emphasis on "personality", which is bunk.

see: even the queer ally doesn't respect you as a human being you cant make this shit up hahaha >>22584971
>Disorders are natural.

or does he? i ... don't even care desu

>> No.22585018

How do you even define unnatural then?
Is a depressed person acting "unnaturally"? Or is it a natural state of a person who went through some shit? And that said person would be better off if they were to fix that?
What does better mean, you may ask, but that's a completely different topic than what is natural.
>queer ally
Please keep responding to me, I want more of your silly strawmen to laugh at.

>> No.22585028

i'm not saying it ironically. you seem to have taken it that way.
it's genuinely nice.

imagine falling for that.

>> No.22585036

unnatural as opposed to what is good.
homosexuality leads to such perversions as anal intercourse, for example; not to mention other debaucheries like being bugcatchers and promiscuous.

sadness is natural, sodomy is not.

>> No.22585042

Both are human behaviours thus both are natural, and as one is a response to sadness, the other is to sexual trauma most likely(in men, in women it seems to function very differently and with a different purpose).
But I don't have a definitive answer to this and modern academia is making sure the subject is unapproachable.

>> No.22585052

if one chose to walk on all fours, mutilate their hands into "paws" and act like a dog, would you say that is natural?

>> No.22585058

so you're not playing queer ally for a person who you think has a personality disorder? your'e not getting my jokes because you're not getting the constant contraditions you're queefing out, ma suga

trust me, it's funny.

>muh dinosaurs not real!
oh wow, you're gay and a flat earther, that's even funnier!

hahaha i'd say if you two had a baby it'd be a fucking cantaloupe, but we all know procreation doesn't actually work rectally, despite the personality theory.

VERY STRANGE TURN this chat took

>> No.22585072

Literally anything a human being does is natural, but if you were to compare that human with his society at large you'd quickly note something is off about his behaviour.
Likewise if you weren't to compare him to others, but to interact with him and treat him, you'd find some sort of trauma that shaped him the way he is.
>unnatural as opposed to what is good.
What the fuck is good?
It's possible to acknowledge that a person has a disorder without having to judge them for it. But maybe that's why you're fighting this battle in the first place, you want to assign responsibility to others for their "cognitive malfunctions" so that you may judge them for not fixing them and thus, coming back to my first response to you, feel superior to them.

>> No.22585080

it's literally just a matter of training the brain to have sex, it's not really a big deal as you faggots make it out to be.

look, i get it, women are terrible, we all think this, but we have to get over that if we don't want to exit the gene pool... to affirm your temporary inability to cum in a woman as being personality, in and of itself, is akin to enabling sterilization or self-harm - at the species level

you should oppose these sinister forces

>> No.22585088

what the fuck I am gay now as well? AND I hate women? Make up your mind, also you don't become gay out of misogyny, you just turn to whores more readily or beat your wife

>> No.22585114

>y judge t
how petty minded, it's not an ego thing about judgment, you teenage girl, as if the magistrate wants to feel big about himself when he puts the criminal into prison and nothing else is going on.

typical jungian, emotional reasoning.

in fact i'm the only person interested in 'helping' rather than humoring the babble of a self-harmer, you admitted you think the gay kid is 'unnatural' then you say "oh but u wanna judge" as if you didn't just say and think that to begin with. sloppy displacement right there, professor.

yes let' get back to that: my point, after your lengthy evasion of it, was that a word which applies to everybody is not a valid diagnostic tool; there is no scientific methodology to support it, it is junk; as:

you can spit at me that i'm superior/narc/ego and i can do the same to you, so what? gets us nowhere. it's a frotting contest that i'd win anyway and i'm not interested in that because it's wasting time we could be spending discussing an actual subject.

ad hom, in other words, masquerading as a DSM criterion for stupid fucking internet gawkers to soak up and use as a new word to describe tyrone the evil nigger without using the word nigger and evil. 99% of it. oh and the ex.

dumb shit, i.e.

>> No.22585123

>you don't become gay out of misogyny, you just turn to whores more readily or beat your wife
that's what makes them gay. you're doing those things 'because' youre in denial.

this is not a novel observation about hyper fake masculine behavior, this has been observed and written about for decades.

>> No.22585130

I actually said that i do go to church,and i can connect with God at home or anywhere really.

>> No.22585132

>how petty minded, it's not an ego thing about judgment, you teenage girl, as if the magistrate wants to feel big about himself when he puts the criminal into prison and nothing else is going on.
Yeah it is, because a magistrate becomes one IN ORDER to put people in prison and be bigger than them, as well as the prisoners who does illegal stuff IN ORDER to be imprisoned and made smaller than others.
But since discussing motives and emotions which, quite literally, examine what makes people act the way they do is something you outright dismiss as
>typical jungian, emotional reasoning.
any further discussion is thoroughly meaningless.

>> No.22585136

>Literally anything a human being does is natural

>> No.22585144

>Yeah it is, because a magistrate becomes one IN ORDER to put people in prison and be bigger than them, as well as the prisoners who does illegal stuff IN ORDER to be imprisoned and made smaller than others.
SO THE JUDGE IS A BIG NASTY MAN ohhhh wow, what a depth of intellect you possess mr personality dude

abject. nonsense.

>any further discussion
is not possible with a young lady having a period tantrum about the man. unless you want to spice it up

>> No.22585167

Hahaha and now I'm a woman. Make up your mind, you're acting like one way way more than me currently.

>> No.22585185

I mean its pretty obvious that social media fosters that kind of behaviour.
But anyway mental illness became so hip that you can actually see people claiming they have some when they dont actually,but mostly hip mental illness so far ive never encounter someone who claims to have schizophrenia probably because of the negative stigma surrounding it so just as it became hip to have mental illness it became hip to pseudo-diagnose other people.

>> No.22585531

>this nigguh wants to be spoonfed the process of our existence and place on the universe through a haitian twitter green arrow text generator

If we are fruits of the same reason this universe generated us, our nature/instincts/will is part of this process, stoics advocate to follow our nature and behave to our roles accordingly. The diminishing of our suffering and search for our purpose is common to some humans if they are not mindless drones with “agitated laziness”.

>> No.22585619

Based hater

>> No.22585627

He didn't complain that much desu, my favorite thing he shit on were dudes that needed to go innawoods to chill out

>> No.22585639

This shit is popular for the same reason Jordan Peterson got popular.

Modern men are in desperate need of fathers. Sometimes, that father might have to come from ancient history.

>> No.22585651

No it doesn't, it just says that if you're ever feeling down accept your fate which is generally regarded as a pretty healthy coping method. Healthier then stewing about

>> No.22585706


Based. Every non-Christian idea is a cope. A defense mechanism from the ego.

>> No.22585711


Yawn. "Surely this time will be different!"

>> No.22585755

Anime could have saved him

>> No.22585762
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oh shut up. you sound like boomers who bitch about not being able to smoke weed at concerts all summer and buy a house for $20.

cry me a fuckin’ river. get with the times or fuck off.

>> No.22585780

Aurelius' teachings are timeless but right now his popularity is a product of the times.
>shit is hard but life is solving it
Capitalists and business types have no moral qualms pushing it, and the lay person typically needs to learn it, grim economics or not.

>> No.22585788

Scrolling through the catalog is pretty dismal. The new type of anon is certainly something

>> No.22586835

that's a good way to look at it. Given that people seem incapable of learning what Stoicism was.

>> No.22586883

Important to remember that Marcus: instigated the crisis of the 3rd century with his poor choice of successor (wouldn't a wise man know better?), he was addicted to laudanum which is a form of opium, and he was cuckholded hardcore and famously many times.

>> No.22587137

given that every opponent to oligarchy is loudly slandered as a megalomaniac I don't believe anything they said about Commodus...

...but Marcus was kind of bad, for the citizenship debacle which earned him a place among "the good emperors". Its more important to remember that he's just a student of stoicicm, apparently arriving late, and not an authority.

>> No.22587619


>> No.22587908

We live in an inauthentic age, stoicism is voyerism