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File: 157 KB, 1038x778, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22583308 No.22583308 [Reply] [Original]

Wasn't this guy just a huge faggot?

>> No.22583312

No. Just attracted to men in a sexual way.

>> No.22583313


>> No.22583316

Nah he was like 5'4"

>> No.22583366

no, he liked men but in a cool way

>> No.22583369

yes he was a massive faggot who needed to compensate it his homoerotic nature with his overt masculinity

>> No.22583399

yep and he was still a better writer than you top fucking kek

>> No.22583401

Just read Sailor, great book, bought more of him.

Don't care about your poofter tittle tattle

>> No.22583415

Sailor is one of the few books I actually dropped because it was trash, you can tell he was not mentally well. You don't have to be well to write good but it just feels like he's writing out all his shitty traumas and I don't care.

>> No.22583416

name a book you like

>> No.22583419

Makioka Sisters if we're talking about weebland.

Awaiting your rebuttal.

>> No.22583422

No. He just had a fetish for masculinity.

>> No.22583427

Yeah but he was gay in a cool mysterious, poetic, beautiful way, like Morrissey. Not gay in a prolapsed anus, sex crazed, pedophillic way.

>> No.22583438

>Makioka Sisters
sounds pretty fucking gay to me anon

>> No.22583439

You get it, desu. Sexuality doesn't inherently make you a degenerate liberal. It's dependent on your own personal morals.

>> No.22583445

Makioka Sisters is a great book and it may have the greatest closing sentence in all literature, but Sailor is better.

>> No.22583449


>> No.22583482

less than Ayn Rand

>> No.22583674

he wasn't gay he just had copious amounts of gay with men for the sake of his aesthetic ideal

>> No.22583815

Yeah he wasn't gay he just had a fetish for having sex with men.

>> No.22583883

Tanizaki was vastly less gay than Mishima.

>> No.22583911

a faggot in many ways

>> No.22583951

Mishima was completely homosexual but the precise opposite of a faggot

>> No.22583992

retarded doublethink. read what you wrote nigga.

>> No.22584064

Moron alert. Your diction and rationale are on par with teenage females on social media.

>> No.22584105

Do you consider all women whores? Now that I think about it, not only are chuds hateful towards guys but also towards women.

>> No.22584986
File: 387 KB, 1000x1097, 1671010685905477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't this guy just a huge faggot?
It's complicated.

>> No.22585017

artists usually are

>> No.22585040
File: 3.72 MB, 310x323, MOSHED-2023-2-26-9-46-45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea about this and probably will not stop laughing for awhile. At least he died doing what he really loved. Can any of us truly say the same?

>> No.22585061
File: 2.74 MB, 290x164, 1581560018873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as much as OP.

>> No.22585179

as a jap im sure he was quite small

>> No.22585239

the instant that the blade tore open his flesh, the fat shaft of his cock rose up and exploded behind his boxers

>> No.22585258

Yeah and he's one of the few important artists of the 20th century, which is supposed to bring cause for reflection

>> No.22585396
File: 158 KB, 926x932, 1638642004353 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22585399

no, but the dudes he fucked were gay for liking it

>> No.22585464

Yeah, pretty much. It's even more obvious in Japanese, the way he writes.

>> No.22585467

yeah he was a good author but the diction is like bronte at times. lol.

>> No.22585474

>committed suicide
He was also 5'1"

>> No.22585483

>Yeah and he's one of the few important artists of the 20th century, which is supposed to bring cause for reflection
Pretentious much?

>> No.22585526

I heard he was 4'9"

>> No.22585733
File: 45 KB, 534x436, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recently learned that his name isn't actually Yukio Mishima

>> No.22585745

Yeah but he had to change it from Fred Phelps for the Jap audience.

>> No.22585758

I only recently learned Osamu Dazai was also a fake name