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22571793 No.22571793 [Reply] [Original]

Based undead Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22563519

>> No.22571800
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(Good) books with protagonists who would be sorted into Slytherin but who are still good people?

>> No.22571801
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I hate reading fantasy books with young people as characters because it reminds me I wasted my youth.

>> No.22571804
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Shill me your favorite animal fantasy books.

>> No.22571807

And books with older people suck because they're schizos (Black Company)

>> No.22571815

I just hate it because 99% of the time it's just a YA novel or an "adult fantasy" that's basically written like a YA novel but they threw the word "fuck" in a couple times to keep it out of the YA section.

>> No.22571822
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Reading Dune for the first time today. It's pretty good.

>> No.22571829
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ASOIAF Book 1 spoilers ahead

Half way through, and I'm starting to get that feeling. Catelyn taking Tyrion captive is the most egregiously retarded thing that's happened so far. Who the hell would give a one of a kind blade that could be traced back to them to an assassin to kill the son of the king's hand? For someone not wanting to get caught there is zero reason to do such a thing other than them being utterly retarded, and the Lannisters have shown to be anything but that so far.

And yes, I know that's not the case, and Littlefinger lied, but nonetheless it's what Catelyn believes in the story. And even IF that's what actually happened the decision to take Tyrion is still stupid. You're risking war and putting your husband and daughters in danger for what? A rumor and a knife? What an absolute moron. Worst of all every consequence following this action of hers will be based on a foundation that is not sound. No matter what happens the feeling that none of this should even be happening will not go away. I'm seething, I'm malding, and I'm tired of reading about fucking food and heraldry.

Does it get better or worse?

>> No.22571830

I was incredibly disappointed by the movie. Good source material + good director but DUNC was pretty bad

>> No.22571835

that's based thoughever

>> No.22571836

DUNC wasn't as good as BR2049 but I think the second film will pick things up.

>> No.22571838

Schizos >>


>> No.22571839

I was going to read ASOIAF but I'm afraid that I'll get a few books in, get super invested, and then Martin will die leaving the books unfinished. That would be devastating. I'm just gonna wait and see if he finishes them. I'll outlive him (unless I get hit by a bus or something).

>> No.22571842

>Does it get better or worse?
That Catelyn moment is the biggest individual fuckup in the series and the catalyst for the ensuing conflict.
Book 1 is my least favorite ASOIAF book while 3 is my favorite

>> No.22571846

As long as they aren't black

>> No.22571850
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep making slytherin girls in dalle3 and they're all posh-looking white girls. Idk why the one I found was black.

>> No.22571851

Black is beautiful, chud.

>> No.22571854

They turned all the gingers into blacks. I'm not supporting them financially again

>> No.22571857

You will have your choccy milk and you will like it huwyte boi.

>> No.22571868

>Does it get better or worse?
I don't think someone fucks up this badly again but there's a lot of dumb shit that baffled my mind.
Honestly at some point the story became a bunch of lunatics arguing with each other nonstop.

>> No.22571869
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Read Bakker.

>> No.22571880

>Honestly at some point the story became a bunch of lunatics arguing with each other nonstop.
I have no idea what you're talking about (well outside of Dany in Meereen)

>> No.22571903

AI can't even do fingernails lol

>> No.22571912
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But it can make Big boobas

>> No.22571963


>> No.22572024

that picture is fucking nuts!!!

>> No.22572066
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First for feminist military scifi starring and written by women

>> No.22572089
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Are there any books that do Lovecraftian horror well outside of Lovecraft?
Seems like every modern attempt at Lovecraft is just made out of spite for the man rather than love for the ideas he created.

>> No.22572116

tattersail's thighs!

>> No.22572124
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I don't feel so good, bros

>> No.22572137

why not make a discord reading book server.
been willing to read bakker for a while but too lazy to do it on my own

>> No.22572145

>Kids are cruel, Jack. Seriously, read about some IRL cases of bullying, especially when it comes to female students bullying other female students.
The extent that the bullying went to crossed over from realism and went straight into cartoon tier.
You're telling me the girls literally assaulted Taylor, mugged her, destroyed her shit, and verbally bullied her EVERYDAY in front of the entire school -- teachers included sometimes, and no one cared to stop it? For fucksake, they fucking sexually assaulted her when they threw her in a locker with used tampons. That shitshow was so bad that Taylor had a mental breakdown which led to the TEACHERS being forced to take her to hospital. And yet the story expects me to believe that the bullying is still ongoing after this? Nigga, that's a shitshow that would've been in the news. The school would've been pulling out all of the stops to give Taylor a warm welcome after she came back, because failure to do so, could lead to the entire fucking staff being fired and blacklisted from the education industry if a local news article got wind of it.
And yet NOTHING happens. Even when Taylor comes back to the principal a few months later, with a mountain of evidence, and one of the girl's parents basically admitting it.
When the adults are so hilariously incompetent, and the students are so cartoonishly evil, it's hard to take the plot seriously.
The author wants a "gritty" story where the lead suffers, but he's unwilling to take into account the ACTIONS that would occur from the protagonist suffering. And that's bad writing.
>But there are almost no fights vs fodder in Worm?
I'm talking about all of the adds in every fight who's sole purpose is to job and hype up either the antagonist that Taylor is going against or Taylor's team.
>Wildbows prose in notoriously lacking in descriptions
Give me one second and I'll quote a chapter that's pure fucking description.
>, and he doesn't mention a character's look beyond once or maybe twice
That doesn't change the fact that he overdoes it on the descriptions
>Still, I found his prose better than some mainstream authors', like Sanderson and G. R. R. Martin.

>> No.22572156

>Give me one second and I'll quote a chapter that's pure fucking description
Alright, let's get this started. Hive 5.1:
>Kaiser came through the door with a girl on each arm, blondes with measurements like Playboy models. Kaiser wore armor head to toe, elaborately worked and topped with a crown of blades. The leader of Empire Eighty Eight. The twins went by the names Fenja and Menja, and were decked out in Valkyrie-style armor featuring countless little steel wings, along with closed-face helms. Had to admit, Kaiser liked his heavy hitters. These two could grow to be three stories tall, and they were a hundred times more durable when they were.
>Purity entered a few steps behind him with several others following her. She was dressed in a white costume without any markings or symbols on it, but the fabric glowed softly. Her white hair and eyes glowed too, but it was more like they were made of heated magnesium than anything else. I couldn’t look in her direction without getting spots in my eyes, and my mask had tinted lenses designed to reduce glare.
>Coil entered after Empire Eighty Eight, all the more conspicuous because he was alone. No backup, no show of force. He was taller than Grue, but he was thin to the point of being skeletal. His skintight costume covered him head to toe, lacking even eyeholes or openings for his nose and mouth, and the way it clung to his skin let you see his individual ribs and joints. The costume was black, and the only design on it was a white snake, with its head starting at Coil’s forehead, the tail extending down the back of his head, looping and winding over his entire body before finally ending at one of his ankles. He sat at the end of the table opposite Kaiser.
>Faultline. I knew of her from my research. She was twenty-something, and her straight black hair was in a long bristling ponytail. Her costume was weird, approximating something like a blend of riot gear, a martial arts uniform and a dress. Four people entered the room with her, and the two guys in the group were instantly the weirdest people in the room. I knew them by name too. Newter wasn’t wearing a shirt, shoes or gloves, which made it all the more apparent that his skin was neon orange from head to toe. He had light blue eyes, dark red hair that looked wet and a five foot long prehensile tail. Gregor the Snail was morbidly obese, average height, with no hair on his entire body. His skin was milky white and slightly translucent, so you could see shadows beneath it where his organs were. Like someone else might have bad acne, he had bits of shell or scales crusting his skin. They looked almost like barnacles, but there was a spiral shape to them.
1/? Bear in mind, this is all the same chapter. And the plot has been put on literal hold for this bullshit as the author feels the need to describe everyone -- even the people irrelevant to the scene in minute detail

>> No.22572175

>You wouldn’t have thought they were close by their body language, silence and the sheer difference in appearance, but both had matching tattoos. Newter’s was just above his heart, while Gregor’s was on his upper arm. It looked like the greek ‘Omega’ symbol, but upside down. Maybe a stylized ‘u’.
>The other two girls in Faultline’s group were very normal by contrast; Labyrinth wore a dark green robe and mask with lines all over them. Spitfire wore in a red and black costume with a gasmask.
>Skidmark, Moist, Squealer. Two guys and a girl, the lot of them proving that capes weren’t necessarily attractive, successful or immune to the influences of substance abuse. Hardcore addicts and dealers who happened to have superpowers.
>Skidmark wore a mask that covered the top half of his face. The lower half was dark skinned, with badly chapped lips and teeth that looked more like shelled pistachio nuts than anything else.
>I’ll be taking a chair, I think,” someone spoke from the door. Most heads turned to check out a male figure in a black costume with a red mask and tophat. It gave me sort of a Baron Samedi vibe. His teammates followed him into the room, all in matching costumes of red and black, differing only in design. A girl with a sun motif, a guy with bulky armor and a square mask, and a creature so large it had to crawl on its hands and knees to get through the door. It was hard to describe, approximating something like a four armed hairless gorilla, with a vest, mask and leggings in the red and black style its team was wearing, six-inch claws tipping each of its fingers and toes.

All that fucking bullshit, and half of the people the author described don't even fucking participate in the scene. So why the fuck did he waste time on them? Can you fucking imagine if GRR Martin wasted a chapter just describing characters? He knows that shit doesn't matter. He'll tell you the body build, the hair, and maybe the house colors + style of the key people in the room. He doesn't need to describe people who are irrelevant to the scene. Look at Bran's first color for fucksake, anon. Only Jon, Ned, Robb, and Theon are described, and George is very loose with the descriptions. We are given their general age + their hair color + the fact that they're wearing warm clothes because it's snowing outside. George doesn't go Jon had silver eyes, and brown hair, and a fur cloak, and a shimmering blue belt, and a bright yellow shirt that says badass. You know why? Because it's irrelevant. It doesn't matter.

I don't see how you can think Wildbow's a better writer than GRR Martin. I simply can't comprehend it.

>> No.22572197
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Who is the artist for these pics? Their artstyle is breathtaking.

>> No.22572199

Clearly AI. You can tell from the smooth bright faces.

>> No.22572202

For AI, it's really nice imo. Not even baiting when I say that I prefer it over a lot of natural artists.
It's unironically pretty close to the style I envision when I'm reading fantasy books.

>> No.22572213

It looks like an anime/manga style. It'll make any woman look 10x better because it highlights women's most attractive features.

>> No.22572292
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anyone /poe/ up in here?

>> No.22572326
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>Some of them—the pioneers in this, I noticed with some surprise, were all females—began to disregard the injunction of decency, deliberately for the most part. Others even attempted public outrages upon the institution of monogamy. The tradition of the Law was clearly losing its force. I cannot pursue this disagreeable subject.
H-hot, Wells.

>> No.22572564

Not clear at all. All the strokes look natural. It looks like they're done by a real artist. The faces are bright and smooth? What does that even mean?

>> No.22572568

>The faces are bright and smooth?
It's the surest way to tell AI art with more 3d looking characters. Most of them can't do realistic skin, eg >>22571912 looks like every pixel has been photoshopped smooth.

But you're right, that one looks human drawn (or a very good AI prompt)

>> No.22572583

>tfw read all of the black company series before anyone stopped me

bros...I kept waiting for it to be like the first again...I kept waiting...why...

best thing out of the whole ordeal was looking for an ebook one night to tide me over until I borrowed the next book in the series and instead finding some shitty recording of a guy doing offensive indian impressions which I guess is the audiobook


>> No.22572617
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bros i am in desperate need of a good fantasy book, haven't read anything in over a year. currently considering Abraham's A Shadow in Summer (love ASOIAF, people say it's similar), Gwynne's Shadow of the Gods, or maybe something by Guy Gavriel Kay. thoughts?

>> No.22572620

Go with GGK, he's the best, beats the rest! Read Abraham's Long Price Quarter when you feel like committing to four books.

>> No.22572628

which GGK book would you recommend, Tigana or Al-Rassan? and how does Abraham compare to ASOIAF?

>> No.22572655
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Finally finished with my fan casting.

>> No.22572710

Red the golden beetle and collected tales, but maybe start a horror general for this?

>> No.22572720

Honestly I'd recommed Sailing to Sarantium and Lord of Emperors (basically the same story split into two books)
>how does Abraham compare to ASOIAF
We finally find out what the tax policy was

>> No.22572735

The teenage romances kill me. At one point I actually went into a small depression after such a book. Luckily it made me find REH when I started actively avoiding plots with young love.

>> No.22572746

The most infuriating teenage romance shit was in Robin Hobb's Rainwilds Chronicles.
>novels are supposed to be about people taking a bunch of dragons to an ancient city filled with the wisdom of the ancients
>instead it's about love triangles
>when the books aren't about love triangles they're about how every gay man recognizes every other gay man as a homosexual at first glance and immediately wants to have sex right then and there
I hate it

>> No.22572761

>japanese webnovel writer kept writing extremely detailed tentacle rape erotica for 10 years straight
Why are the japanese like this

>> No.22572808

I made a post about a week ago saying I was halfway through book 1 of Wheel of Time. I can now say that I trudged through and finished it.

And I gotta say, it might legit be the worst book I ever read. I don't even know where to begin, I'm actually speechless about how bad it was.

I'm thinking fantasy might not be for me guys. All of the things that I want fantasy to be, none of the writers do. I guess I have to write something that resonates with me myself.

>> No.22572813

WOT is pure slogslop.

>> No.22572816

What do you want fantasy to be and where did that idea come from?

>> No.22572822


>Catelyn taking Tyrion captive is the most egregiously retarded thing that's happened so far.
Her husband isn't in charge anymore and it shows what happens when women are left to their own devices and try to play power games. Martin throws in redpilled stuff like this from time to time.

>Who the hell would give a one of a kind blade that could be traced back to them to an assassin to kill the son of the king's hand?
Hmmm, it's almost as if it's so stupid that it looks as if someone is trying to frame someone....

For all of its faults, ASOIAF is one of the most meticulously crafted epics and there's a reason why it's basically the modern blueprint of fantasy. There's almost no plot holes in it and everything has a logic to it.

>> No.22572832

>i am in desperate need of a good fantasy book
try Lord of Light

>how does Abraham compare to ASOIAF?
it's a fucking snoozefest
dropped it midway through the second book, because nothing was happening and I just didn't care anymore

the closest thing to ASOIAF I ever read is probably the witcher series, but even that is a big stretch. there's really nothing quite like it.
fuck your fat ass GRRM, where's my sixth book

>> No.22572836

The closest thing to ASOIAF is Memory, Sorrow and Thorn because that's where GRRM took his ideas from.

>> No.22572840

Where did what idea come from?

All of the things I like about fantasy seems to be the things that no one likes about fantasy, the more I dig deep into what fans like.
I want an epic world, but the world building should be organic and not done just solely for the sake of world building.
I want a healthy amount of characters. Focusing on a hero is boring as hell, but focusing on thousands of D&D cutouts is boring too.
I hate action and battles. It bores me to tears and I fall asleep when they happen. It feels like I'm reading anime or Marvel movies or some shit.
I want something that is a fantastical world, introspective, philosophical, basically like if Proust wrote fantasy. Which I don't think exists yet.

Basically I want something like ASOIAF, but minus the Machiavellian political intrigue bullshit.

>> No.22572843

I have no idea why do people keep repeating this meme.
1. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn feels NOTHING like ASOIAF. It is much closer in style and structure to LOTR if anything.
2. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is SHIT. Boring preachy pointless garbage.

>> No.22572846
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>> No.22572851

Yeah I asked someone else about what I want to get out of fantasy and they recommended this series as well.
But I heard it has cuck shit and that might be a no from me dawg.

>> No.22572868

Sounds great. Where do I find it?

>> No.22572876
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>> No.22572878


>> No.22572879

They repeat the meme because to them superficial details matter more than substance. ASoIaF shares many superficial similarities to MST, do even though they're otherwise completely different dimwits think they're the same.

>> No.22572887

I'd recommend you try Le Guin's Earthsea stuff but sadly those books are probably too woke for you since they're all about genderbending

>> No.22572894
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>> No.22572900

GRRM will keep working on Wildcards until you like it.

>> No.22572904

Name a worse tag, I'll wait

>> No.22572909
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>there's really nothing quite like it.
/lit/ likes to shit on Martin because he's popular (fat pink mast, the more she drank, etc.), but i feel the same way you do. i don't think any series has ever engrossed me as ASOIAF did when i was reading it the first time and it unironically kills me that it's not getting finished. i just hope he puts out at least one more Dunk&Egg story
seriously, wtf do i read to alleviate this craving?

>> No.22572914

Have you considered reading his other books and short stories?

>> No.22572919

Why does literally every series have some bullshit like this though? Like, why can't there be one series not written by a complete degenerate?

>> No.22572923
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not really, since i'm not particularly interested in scifi (which i understand is what he was mostly known for before ASOIAF), although i might try it at some point to combat the withdrawal. i once came across a description of picrel and it sounded interesting, is it any good?

>> No.22572935

better a faggot than a furry, no homo

>> No.22572940

Are dragons involved in the love triangle or gay sex?

>> No.22572941

ASOIAF got me back into reading and I too feel that it is unironically a masterpiece. There is stuff going on in it that other fantasy writers don't touch with a 40 foot pole, or if they do, fuck up royally. Martin is the only writer that truly understood character's inner monologues and to this day, Martin is the only fantasy writer that actually knows how to write dialogue. He understood that world building is important, but also that world building should not be the story. I can go on.
ASOIAF is basically a perfect storm of everything coming together flawlessly, and even in its unfinished state it shits on everything else. AI will finish it in a few years so don't worry.

As for similar things, I recommend non-fantasy. Not trolling. ASOIAF caused me to get super into experimental prose, poetry, literature that played around with language and where the story took a back seat. The POV aspect of ASOIAF is what triggered this.
I mentioned it in another post, but you should read Proust. It's basically the "serious literature" version of ASOIAF. Also maybe The Fairie Queene by Edmund Spenser or The Prelude by Wordsworth.

>> No.22572946

It's ok. Not anywhere near as good as ASOIAF or Dunk&Egg, but passable.
Armageddon Rag is shit.
I remember Dying of the Light being pretty good, if you can ignore typical first-novel issues.
Some of his short stories are also quite good. A Song for Lya is my favorite

>> No.22572948

No, the love triangles are just boring teenagers arguing over who gets to fuck the girl and the girl fucking everyone she feels like because she is le empowered womyn

>> No.22572953

I know, right? Why is it called A Wizard of Earthsea when its just about a tranny dilating for 50 pages and then having sex with two black men while pontificating on the evils of the patriarchy?

>> No.22572963


>> No.22572964

>wtf do i read to alleviate this craving?
Wish I knew. I'm not particularly picky about the genre, it could be scifi or historical or whatever, but I'd love to get my hands on a giant epic story that has some depth to it and actually makes me care about the characters.
Maybe I should try some of those classical French doorstoppers.

>> No.22572970

>I'd love to get my hands on a giant epic story that has some depth to it and actually makes me care about the characters
unironically War&Peace

>> No.22572979

Things got better for me when I stopped this idea of "I need to read something similar to X". Now I just try to enjoy different stories as much as I can

>> No.22572983

If historical fiction is sufficient, The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon

>> No.22573002

i'm the first guy you replied to and i actually read and LOVED these books as a kid, maybe that's why ASOIAF clicked so well for me

>> No.22573031
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>> No.22573033

thanks, added to my list

>> No.22573043

>tfw you've read more than one book series so you can't engage in the discussion amongst casual peons

>> No.22573059

Are you talking about Malazan?

>> No.22573068
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Books like pic rel?

>> No.22573078

How does snek fly?

>> No.22573089
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22573094
File: 45 KB, 250x386, 361418_portada_ubik__202003051124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it make sense.

>> No.22573097
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22573102

This show was pretty bad. Cool conceptually but not executed well at all.
It deserved to get cancelled

>> No.22573110

I've also read both Mistborn AND Stormlight Archive. I fancy myself a bit of an EXPERT in fantasy.

>> No.22573325

Mind is the fear killer

>> No.22573563

>cuck shit
Mental toddler confirmed. Try chinese cultivation garbage or something.

>> No.22573570

Genderbending is whatever, but I think I seen mentions of racemixing being involved, so that's a no no.

>> No.22573593
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Books with wholesome brother x sister relationships?

>> No.22573597

Worth watching if you've a spare two-and-a-half hours, and I know you NEETs do.

>> No.22573600
File: 314 KB, 806x806, s51ax9hrq2pa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholesome aunty x nephew ones?

>> No.22573601


>> No.22573630

not seen it but I'm pretty sure its Raised by Wolves

>> No.22573642

I started Leiber's Lanhkmar series the other day. Been exploring sword and sorcery in general this year: the complete Robert E. Howard Conan omnibus, Book of the New Sun, Jack Vance. It's all fun stuff.

>> No.22573716

Why do my /b/ threads keep getting deleted?

>> No.22573718

This isn't /b/.

>> No.22573730

I know

>> No.22573750

Why do no bookshops ever sell any fantasy that is worth reading? I literally had to order in Bakker.

>> No.22573759

The kind you like isn't commercially viable. If isn't it going to make profit it's worthless.

>> No.22573779

The most impressive part about this image is needle. It looks exactly like I imagined. But it's weird Arya is holding it from the blade end. Must be a quirk of the AI.

>> No.22573821
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>> No.22573885

Unless its sanderson or YA slop you aren't going to find it at bookstores

>> No.22573922
File: 218 KB, 612x459, chateaucascade-affiliationscall-imperiumsconquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22573926


>> No.22573935

I've seen good and fairly obscure stuff in waterstones, really depends on the store layout and whose stocking it for how good the selection is.

>> No.22573940

Dunno, i only go there for the straight shota threads

>> No.22573948
File: 299 KB, 300x464, marrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the
>last book you read
>current book you're reading
>book you plan to read next

>> No.22573985
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 0E8D6176-8DA0-4A87-A6DB-991B9D9CFAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.22573996
File: 348 KB, 800x1067, derek-paul-carll-jpeg-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very long sci-fi series recs pls

>> No.22574001

Pretty bussin. Nicki is definitely the only woman in the 3 Seas that's built to birth Dunyain autists. Michael Cera Conphas is perfect. Definitely need Hunter Schaefer as Serwe though-- especially for that one scene in book 3

>> No.22574014

Perry Rhodan

>> No.22574034

A good man trying to do his best.

>> No.22574120

Relic by Lincoln Child and the other guy
Wyatt's Hurricane by Desmond Bagley
no plans

>> No.22574122


>> No.22574124

xeelee sequence
great ship series

>> No.22574130

>xeelee sequence
I mean, Xeelee takes a while to actually become a connected SERIES story-wise.

>> No.22574132

I read the first couple of chapters of The Mech Touch. I can't fathom why

>> No.22574210

i remember reading a book called something like the nobody about a guy who lives an underachiever life with his loser girlfriend getting a job at an office, and then people at the office give him bullshit work like filing documents and number crunching, and the people with "real" jobs like the programmers and managers are just shitting on him for being such a loser even though he was never told what his job was

anyone know what book im talking about? its not really scifi or fantasy but i didnt wanna make a whole thread for it.

>> No.22574256

I didn't mind it at first but he randomly turns from a guy who likes building mechs to someone who wants to do space genocide after like 100 chapters
and that's before the 800 chapter war arc even starts

>> No.22574356
File: 227 KB, 1024x1507, 1694816948934064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting to watch but the guy (you) should work on enunciation. A good speaking voice tho, just some of the words run into each other. Subscribed.

>> No.22574399

still reading it, sorry but I'm a really slow reader.

>> No.22574520

Don't steal my pics

>> No.22574579

Your sperg rage gives me such joy <3 thank you

>> No.22574615
File: 108 KB, 1024x1285, portrait_by_bellabergolts_df0v3ie-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books with mommies?

>> No.22574654

paperback is garbage

>> No.22574655

>ancient culture has women with their tits out
>"omg how progressive and liberating!"
>fantasy culture has women with their tits out
>"stop objectifying women!"

>> No.22574661

>doesn't understand the concept of context

>> No.22574665
File: 3.93 MB, 1152x2048, 1695504877732568.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything like this but with their butts out?

>> No.22574670

What context do we have for Minoan women and their tits?

>> No.22574671

I would like to read this fantasy novel.

>> No.22574687

One is an ancient culture that has no bearing on the present day. The other is current day entertainment. It's not a categorical imperative. It's not an absolutist statement. Did you know that the 4chan rules differ based on the board? The context of which board you're posting on matters.

>> No.22574688

Have you ever read a fantasy novel with a good whodunnit/murder mystery element?
I've always found them really predictable. However that might just be the nature of mystery novels in general because they're often pretty obvious on how the killer is too and instead focus on making the method the mystery.

>> No.22574699

So no context, got it.

>> No.22574700

Books aren't meant to be puzzles.

>> No.22574707

based anti-puzzle anon

>> No.22574708

You asked why it wasn't acceptable in the latter situation. The answer is the context is different. That doesn't mean it's how it ought to be. It's just why it is.

>> No.22574716

Not really though. It's just basic feminist hypocrisy.

>> No.22574739
File: 605 KB, 1600x2500, 91tiOjuMaRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame Faerie Queen is never discussed here. Despite its age, it's still one of the most kino fantasy stories ever told.

>> No.22574744

Stopped reading there.

>> No.22574759
File: 73 KB, 396x411, 430jfaajei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kino, and you're retarded. Simple as.

>> No.22574770

absolutely disgusting

>> No.22574774

book snobbery in my /lit/???? it's more likely than you think

>> No.22574788

Virtually all of fantasy originates from some form of poetry or myth. Maybe you can try finding a pop-up book version of the story. That seems more your speed.

>> No.22574794

It's well-known poetry is the lowest and most puerile form of creative expression. Stories having origins in them does not mean poetry is good, it merely means poetry was the twitching larvae that eventually evolved into the majestic butterfly - a real story.

>> No.22574802

Part of the problem is that you can almost hear the sound of heavy breathing when most writers try to do National Geographic nudity; they're fooling no one. That doesn't give feminists the right to give such authors a hard time but it does make the average bystander feel ambivalent about who's in the wrong.

>> No.22574810

You should see what some women write

>> No.22574814
File: 304 KB, 1024x1024, achamian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Bakker.

>> No.22574859

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn feels like Bran or Arya's POW.

>> No.22574867
File: 31 KB, 638x633, 1695765775433853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's well-known poetry is the lowest and most puerile form of creative expression.
Truth by consensus is for faggots and midwits. Which one are you?

>Stories having origins in them does not mean poetry is good
It's a good thing that wasn't the point being made.

>poetry was the twitching larvae that eventually evolved into the majestic butterfly- a real story
He says as he clutches his copy of Reverend Insanity and Mistborn.

>> No.22574869

I just took it with my phone anon it’s even sideways for some reason

>> No.22574881

Same with Tirant lo Blanch

>> No.22574883

I'm gonna read so hard.

>> No.22574894
File: 63 KB, 358x600, SRCRRSSNXC1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best i can do is wholesome mother x son

>> No.22574897
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Books for this feel?

>> No.22574903

If it's set to meter,
it must be meager.

>> No.22574952


So what if it originates from poetry? All literature originates from crude pictures carved on some old rocks in some desert somewhere. Should I now regard that as a highest forms of literature? no, because it's garbage

>> No.22574962

Sweetrobin is too old and healthy looking while Lysa is way too ugly and lean for this to be book accurate

>> No.22574968

Way too attractive to be achamian

>> No.22574981

Did he got raped? Can't remember

>> No.22575035
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>> No.22575062
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Asians can't write to save their fucking lives.

>> No.22575111

Why do you think an asian wrote it?

>> No.22575115
File: 98 KB, 620x1000, 81xnWoOHhxL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or does this become kinda boring in book 3?

>> No.22575122

Never heard of it. Tell me about this series of books.

>> No.22575127
File: 6 KB, 225x224, kn48s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, anon, asian writing tends to have a certain.. smelly smell.

>> No.22575128

Because Bakker is an irrelevant nobody you got memed into reading by a discord posse shitposting in this general.

>> No.22575134

It was recommended in a previous thread when someone asked for books taking place in a magic school. The anon who recommended this mentioned this was about a martial school. The first book is mostly about that, the second book is about pirates and a decent read imo, the third just bores me for various reasons and there's still two more books to go.The first book goes heavy into linguistic shit at the beginning but past that it's also a decent read.

>> No.22575140

I like school settings, so I think I'll give this a shot. I'm running out books to read anyhow since I'm waiting on the next installment for 4 different authors at the moment, not even counting you-know-who, who hasn't released a certain book for over a decade.

>> No.22575141

>appealing to popularity

>> No.22575149

>you got memed
The same person is behind most of the spam for that author.

>> No.22575164

I think I actually lost interest a bit halfway through book 2
Did go back to it later and carry on reading though.

>> No.22575168

I'd recommend scholomance if you haven't read it yet. Very interesting setting if nothing else.

>> No.22575175

>female on cover
>filled with glamour
stopped reading there

>> No.22575178

that's a male

>> No.22575183
File: 177 KB, 960x960, 1696593299146788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>22575178.
Also you don't know the meaning of glamour.

>> No.22575191

Books three is boring but it picks up near the end, book 4 is amazing

>> No.22575194


>> No.22575209
File: 134 KB, 1080x1212, 0am2ufqe9ls31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hab meime, fren.

>> No.22575217
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, 1696529599774487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when film directors change the characters. Pic related is the God Emperor if they make a movie about Leto the 2nd.

>> No.22575219
File: 132 KB, 708x365, roastie123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Sherwood Smith is a female! I guess I was wrong about the cover but that doesn't change much lol
I like how it took two fucking paragraphs for them to mention her gender.

>> No.22575228

Reading Faerie Tale by Feist at the moment. It's cool

>> No.22575276

A far better metric than appealing to obscurity.

>> No.22575278

I'm aware. He has, at most, like 2-3 dicksuckers who back him up sometimes, but it is mostly one autistic spammer.

>> No.22575279

I have read it, and I did very much enjoy it. I've also read Black Magician trilogy, another good magic school series, or at least I think of it as one, though only the second book really fits the description.

>> No.22575282

Just dropped
>The First Law book 2
I don't think I've ever read something with a popularity:quality ratio this wide.

This is like a 3/5 series, maybe a light 4 if you like the characters. How the fuck is this one of the most popular series among fantasy fans? I don't understand.

>> No.22575283

I found it bizarre. I picked it up as a teenager after reading Magician and a bunch of his other Midkemia stuff, and was surprised at the raw amount of sexual content in it, like he was letting out all the pent up lust he kept in check writing his pretty tame fantasy stuff.

>> No.22575286

I had the same reaction years ago when I first tried reading Abercrombie. His popularity continues to baffle me.

>> No.22575291

Could've just checked goodreads, literally has a picture of her on her page there.

>> No.22575302

I don't like that website.

>> No.22575307
File: 53 KB, 656x236, being prideful over such a thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's one tops. 4chan generals have a 10+ year history of consistent hyper-spergs who camp out for years at a time and try to dominate any and all discourse.

>> No.22575310

Neither do I, but authors love it so it's often the best way to quickly check their personal details since they post their life story on it most of the time.

>> No.22575318
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, _6b0ad806-7c8f-4397-a7a0-6fc721f52d8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair approximation of nonmen mansion?

>> No.22575338

Leto II is Arakan not Indian

>> No.22575368

I've become obsessed with the Aurora Cycle series and have bought over 100 dollars on merch based on the series. What is wrong with me.

>> No.22575475

Is that a chinese thing?

>> No.22575489

And who did that?

>> No.22575564

I word filtered him out years ago. Trust me, it helps.

>> No.22575583


>> No.22575661

there's no humility in the writing or characters, everybody is overly confident and ruthless
you can tell by the way gu master or whatever speaks so highly of himself like he is some sort of a god and the character that interacts with him just easily impresses him without any struggle and everything is done for a shitty female

>> No.22575849
File: 677 KB, 750x844, The Lord And The Colonel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally got around to getting Hyperion, what am I in for?

>> No.22575875

a good story
the later books are good too but not as good as the first novel

>> No.22575942
File: 557 KB, 1200x675, javier-bardem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22576094

>and then people at the office give him bullshit work like filing documents and number crunching, and the people with "real" jobs like the programmers and managers are just shitting on him for being such a loser even though he was never told what his job was
Office fags have no rights to brag.

>> No.22576101

Pic related is why I didn't bother with the Dune.

>> No.22576109


>> No.22576117

>ever getting built for a role

>> No.22576184

Any Malazan readers here? Are the Ian Esselmont books important for a first time read or should I not bother with them??

>> No.22576203

Just started the epigram to the prologue of Gardens of the Moon, what am I in for, lads?

>> No.22576337

Second book fell off hard enough for me to drop the series. First one is really good tho.

>> No.22576341

3rd and 4th book are even worse, I don't think Hyperion was ever meant to continue past the first one

>> No.22576370

Sar, do NOT redeem jihad, you muad'dib bastar sar

>> No.22576373
File: 26 KB, 600x450, eb29e8806345fa77d671c91ea297f0f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune is good, please consider becoming heterosexual sir.

>> No.22576400
File: 29 KB, 611x348, blue lines everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this read?

>> No.22576539

1st one would've ended on a horrible cliff that way. 2nd was weak but should've just wrapped the story up - and frankly, it kinda does. I don't feel like I'm missing anything crucial after finishing it.

>> No.22576566

Book of the new sun is good, but I guess its sci-fi

>> No.22576580

It's not a cliffhanger, it's an open end. The reader could imagine they got happy endings or maybe the Shrike killed them all, and there' be no need to dilute anything.

>> No.22576585
File: 5 KB, 212x238, imass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question gets asked and answered in every thread.

>> No.22576658

that's it, im starting to read books released in 2020's, maybe I can find a few gemmies to shill here with my superior taste

>> No.22576801

so we agree its just malazan fags wanting to talk about malazan but maybe not knowing what exactly to talk about so pretend to be someone interested in the malazan series.

>> No.22576807

No, I think it's people parroting something for attention. If I wanted to talk about Malazan I'd say something like Mallick the Merciful did nothing wrong.

>> No.22576818

No thats Bakker autists.

>> No.22576819

bloody benchod I will redeem the golden path

>> No.22576826
File: 57 KB, 600x848, Alaïs_-_Annatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jewish people bring much needed diversity and colour to europe; in fact, we would be nothing without their presence…. didn’t europe only begin with the coming of saint paul?

>> No.22576842

globohomo and globoabrahomo all in one

>> No.22576922

We are nothing without our greatest ally, Israel and the Jewish people. AAAIIEEE please forgive me (American), oh chosen people, for the Holocaust

>> No.22576958


>> No.22576979
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Needs to be edited, and formatted, but the core of it is not bad (especially if it's a first draft). I highlighted some things you can change, but not all is necessary. I don't think I did the best job of it, but try and clean up that top-middle part. You say Velest back to back four times.

>> No.22577042

Recommend me good cyberpunk from the last few years, more dystopia the better.

>> No.22577046
File: 217 KB, 311x475, 15839976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Rising, #1 - Pierce Brown (2014)

Red Rising is a wish fulfillment revenge fantasy. The Hunger Games is a common comparison, which to me is only valid in that they're both dystopias with youths vs youths. Why this is a such a common comparison is a different discussion. The Will of the Many is compared to Red Rising, which also has many differences, but it's closer.

Darrow, the protagonist, is truly amazing in how much he's able to accomplish. This isn't competency porn though, because his successes aren't primarily because of his own actions. Darrow considers himself to be self-made man, which is ironic. He's one of the least interesting characters and it's only told from his perspective. I would hope this would make it easier to see that the protagonist's perspective needn't be the dominant narrative, others have their own stories, but it only hints at that. It could be argued this is all to show Darrow's steady growth, but to me it was more a series of discrete transformations. There's a lot of dissonance, but that's mostly left unexplored.

What I found most strange was whether its style was intentional or by coincidence. There are flashes of being more meaningful and providing a worthwhile discussion, but that's all there ever is. I don't know if that was me reading too much into it, or if there was anything there. I kept thinking there would be something more to it, some greater reveal, some deeper level of complexity, but in this first book at least it's played entirely straightforward at the surface level. That's my fault for expecting otherwise. Regardless, I can't argue with its commercial success. If the author had pursued anything more substantial it probably wouldn't have been anywhere as successful.

This is a science fiction book, but for most of the time I felt that it may as well have been a description of some war campaign from the middle ages or even older. I thought there would be a bit more academic stuff, but it turned out that aside from a single exam it wasn't present at all. There's a lot that doesn't really follow science fiction, fantasy, or speculative fiction in general. It presents itself as such, but that's mostly decorative. The ideal audience for this may be young adults who are only casually interested in SFF, and who are put off by having too much of either. That's certainly a much wider audience. That being said there's also a strange amount of neologisms that seem reminded me of Golden Age pulp SF, which was confusing. Maybe he intended to go after all audiences. He was successful regardless.

Despite all that, I found this to be rather amusing in its absurdity. It definitely goes for the dramatics. I would've enjoyed it much less if I hadn't quickly given up on taking it seriously in any way. I don't dislike the content so much as how it's presented. I'll be reading the second book because supposedly it changes a lot. Maybe I'll be surprised.

Rating: 3/5

Book #1/10 of my ratings contest

>> No.22577069

Do you think we are getting more books set in Westeros after Ice and Fire is over or do you think GRRM is done with that universe while putting out a prequel here and there every now and then I think we will get a sequel at some point but I don't know what could the conflict be if nobility/power structure in ASOIAF is going to fall apart

>> No.22577072

Anon he's going to die without finishing another ASOIAF book

>> No.22577075

Great posts anon, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Any books like LOTR?? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.22577078

you're not allowed to talk about that autist has arrived

>> No.22577083

For the court intrigue aspect of ASOIAF you should look into historical fiction.

>> No.22577095
File: 107 KB, 352x890, smol book haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some boogs :D:D

>> No.22577100 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 298x401, 1695146590064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22577106

>you should look into historical fiction
i'm listening. and don't say Accursed Kings because i read that as a kid (it was great ofc)

>> No.22577109
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Bakker.

>> No.22577110

have you read the rest of Abercrombie, anon? because your list comes off "i'm just getting into fantasy for the first time" and you might not be aware that Sharp Ends builds on previous stuff
literal Elvish

>> No.22577111

It's clearly bait

>> No.22577115

The Aspect Emperor.

>> No.22577116

What I don't understand is the exact nature of the bait. Sanderson and Cuckfuss are clearly there to elicit a response, but why GGK and Tad Williams?

>> No.22577121

>are the witcher books any good?
I like the one where it's just a compilation of shorter stories and adventures.
>Any books like LOTR??
No, if by "like LOTR" you mean that they have the spirit and soul of Tolkien.
>will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter???
probably not
>Any books like fallout/metro?
>Any books where the mc gets cucked?
Well, Witcher, for one. Don't remember more.
>is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k???
Codices are. But Eisenhorn is probably fine. I found it ok even before knowing what 40K really was. Not that Warhammer is that interesting.
>Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu?
Soulcatcher, unless you are Glen Cook.

Couldn't say, few that would fit a bill that I have read likely don't even have English translations. You will just have to look for that on your own. I prefer to read about history itself, over reading historical fiction.

>> No.22577158
File: 62 KB, 540x424, 43tfjds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I read The Silmarillion first without harming the reading experience of the other books? Every faggot I see outside of this board says you should read the original trilogy first because it's not as difficult to understand, but what if you're not a complete retard?

>> No.22577161

Why would you ever read a series outside of publication order? Don't read Silmarillion first moron.

>> No.22577173

>Hey guys, I want to read a bunch of unfinished notes compiled by the author's son after his death instead of the actually edited prose novel
You do you, I guess? Normal people start with The Hobbit, then read Lord of the Rings. That's not a trilogy by the way.

>> No.22577195
File: 4 KB, 220x219, 45645654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erm, actually it's not a trilogy because.. well, you see he intended it to be a
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

>> No.22577197

>The Hobbit
>The Lord of the Rings
That's two books anon

>> No.22577201
File: 88 KB, 800x515, 1670645079996813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22577216

see >>22577100

>> No.22577258

>The Hobbit
>The Lord of the Rings
>That's two books anon

You added the Hobbit. That was never part of my question.

The Lord of The Rings = Fellowship of The Ring (1), Two Towers (2), and Return of The King (3). How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.22577301

Actually, it's
The Fellowship of the Ring: Book One
The Fellowship of the Ring: Book Two
The Two Towers: Book Three
The Two Towers: Book Four
Return of the King: Book Five
Return of the King: Book Six
+ appendices
But of course you couldn't know this since you never read the book (The Lord of the Rings I mean)
At any rate there is no trilogy

>> No.22577317

It's an hexalogy then

>> No.22577319

No, it's just a novel

>> No.22577322
File: 17 KB, 273x379, 1696686089493247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible is the best selling book of all time
>hmph, actually the bible is a collection of 66 books

>> No.22577326

It's an anthology

>> No.22577332

In practice, no heterosexual male treats it as anything other than a three books series.

>> No.22577341

Tolkien treated it as one book though.

>> No.22577345

And the publisher rightly told him to fuck off.

>> No.22577361

The publisher had no paper to print it as one book.

>> No.22577364

It's always been just one book though, that's the only way I've ever read it
I'm trans btw in case that matters

>> No.22577396

Which resulted in?

>It's always been just one book
>I'm trans btw
I rest my case.

>> No.22577490

Why are the feds freezing the site so regularly?
Is there too much IPs to collect in the normal way they used to do years ago?
Or was a script kiddie ddos us because he got banned?

>> No.22577508

Is it okay to post a PDF of my novel here?

>> No.22577512

The book being split into separate volumes

>> No.22577515

>he wants to hide executables in the pdf
I'm onto you anon, I will not read your novel!

>> No.22577521
File: 22 KB, 572x536, 1696688818327660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a jpg of the first page.

>> No.22577580

This book turned me into an anti-globalist.

>> No.22577611

what are some cool books about bad ass evil wizards who brew potions n sheeit

>> No.22577696

What's the Endgame of fantasy literature?

>> No.22577704

These look really good. What AI are you using bakkerfag? Dalle-3?

>> No.22577761


>> No.22577762

I looked through the recommended in the meganz and couldn't really find anything related. Can I get some recommendations for Dark Fantasy? To give an idea of what I've tried:

First Law Series + Standalones: actually really liked it toward the end but it's very low on the Fantasy part, and not really any horror elements or anything that I originally associate with 'Dark'

Manifest Delusions: Pretty good but teeters on being over-the-top comical grimdark, luckily avoided going there though

Black Company: hard to keep up with sometimes but very enjoyable especially the military-related interactions are very believable

Witcher series: lol

Elric of Melnibone: got half way through and couldn't continue, has no builds up, pay offs, development, anything. It seems like a giant series of "and then this happens" over and over

The King in Yellow: I feel like this doesn't even count but people told me to anyway. It was alright, wish it wasn't a bunch of somewhat unrelated short stories

The Dark Tower: After book 4 I started to not like it, but I don't think this even counts for this genre.

It would be nice to read something that leans slightly into a horror element, but maybe my idea of dark fantasy is just wrong. I apologize in advance for being genre retarded. I have had people recommend Lies of Locke Lamora, Blackwing series, stuff by Cormac McCarthy, continuining Black Company because there's al ot more for it, Malazan, etc. I'd also take recommendations for anything "dark", I just like the edginess and grittyness of those types of books. Not over-the-top shit like 40K though, that does nothing for me.

>> No.22577767

I read 'The Belonging Kind' earlier, enjoyed it. Anything else by John Shirley that's worth reading?

>> No.22577775

Throne of Bones. NOT the vox day one.

>> No.22577786

War for the Rose Throne

>> No.22577788
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I see two that aren't Vox Day. One by Brian McNaughton and one by a bunch of people as part of the Frostborn series. Is it pic related? Also what's your particular reason for liking it?

Oh, I forgot to mention that one as well but I also had it recommended to me. What's your particular reason for liking it?

>> No.22577789

>reason for liking it?
Lovecraft meets Tolkien.

>> No.22577803

It's about a crime lord's ascent to power. Whenever magic is involved it tends to be horrific. There's a few other times where it could called a bit horror-ish. It's definitely dark.

>> No.22577812

Those are questionable for being dark fantasy, but here are some suggestions.

A Harvest of Ash and Blood
The Fifth Season
Gideon The Ninth
Priest of Bones

>> No.22577821

thank you both, I will add these to my list!

again sorry for being genre retarded. I'm new to it and it seems extremely hard to figure out what is and isn't dark fantasy. Like, some places online have vampire romance novels as dark fantasy. The way reviewers and youtube channels and whatever else describe the books I have tried have made them all SOUND really dark, but perhaps it is only dark in comparison to the marvel-esque stuff that they all eat up, like Sanderson stuff, which doesn't seem to be up my alley. You and the other anon both recommend Priest of Bones though so I will definitely try that one. I'll look into your other recommendations now. Any of these in particular you like, and why?

>> No.22577823

>strokes look natural
Retard. Style transfer was already solved in like 2017. AI still struggles with generating detail like fingers, frills on people in the background and random filler text from proompts but it will nail texture.

>> No.22577829

How will Idris Elba play a 7 year old blonde brat?

>> No.22577844

Not a problem. Throne of Bones is my favorite short horror collection. You may also enjoy The Bone Mother (russian folk-taley feel.)
>dark fantasy and definitions
Look, in any fanbase you're always going to get 12/yo girls talking about how "OMGeezers Naruto is a super serious anime" or "Harry Potter is high-tier fantasy." Learn to look past them. It's also a very loosely defined genre.

>> No.22577883
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>> No.22577904

my cute wife esmenet

>> No.22578047

give me hard sf reccs please, I wanna have a blindsight experience again.

>> No.22578055
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So when a powerful magician speaks to a medieval peasant in a western fantasy it's ok to be ruthless and arrogant, but not when a chinese does it.

>eveything is done for a shitty female
in RI, characters and especially the mc are known for that

>> No.22578069

That's exploration of philosophy more than science.

>> No.22578077

That obese hog will never finish. And if he does it will be pure shit.

>> No.22578091
File: 249 KB, 1024x1024, _e7f17128-a68d-4fad-a8ac-682e880f819b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will finish it for him

>> No.22578104

Whats that?

>> No.22578106

lmao what the fuck is this shit

>> No.22578114

it's phylosophy with rational vampires and rational non conscious aliens, I'd say it's pretty sf, but I'll take anything that's a mindfuck and hard enough to not be immediately dismissed.

>> No.22578121

Rifters by the same author

>> No.22578129

maybe try rationalist fiction lol

>> No.22578179

>teenage girl gets bred by warrior
Any books for this besides asoif

>> No.22578208

Every fantasy romance book written by a female today

>> No.22578217

The elenium trilogy by david eddings, DarkOver has a lot of that but thats because Marion Zimmer Bradley was a pedo. it has some ss too

>> No.22578260

Here is how I see Ice and Fire ending :
Tyrion will murder Daenerys after finding out she intends to set off the fire underneath the keep mirroring Jaime/Aerys
Jorah becomes the 1000th Lord Commander after the wall is repaired
Daenerys goes mad after Aegon falls in love with Sansa seeing the public praise them while fearing she might never be able to fully restore the Targaryen dynasty causes her to snap she essentially becomes Robert
Jaime(Azor) will wind up killing Bran(The Great Other)
Jon if a Targaryen's real name is Aemon. Jon will make peace with The Others through a marriage pact and head deeper north with them as per the agreement never to return
Arya winds up stealing Sansa' face and lives out the rest of her life in her body

>> No.22578266

No, retard. It's a cartoonish anime face. There's nothing there to make smooth, just some line art for the major features. It's the weird artifact ridden fucked up crosshatching that gives it away.

>> No.22578267

The end of ice and fire was shown in the show already

>> No.22578274

They're the same thing

>> No.22578282
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>It looks like an anime/manga style
How about this?

>> No.22578292

looks like something by tim truman
thats a good thing

>> No.22578338
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What are some girls similar to Madoka Kaname and Suletta Mercury to imagine doing Ted Bundy lust killings against?

>> No.22578433
File: 1.58 MB, 1879x1252, R - 2023-10-07T205737.576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this communist faggot use the word "sardonicly" so much

>> No.22578435

Name one
And it's like, teenage, 14 15 yo

>> No.22578450

>I guess I'm just a sardonic sort of guy. I think it probably still is a word I over-use, but not quite as much as I did! Sardonic also implies an element of self-mockery, which is a quality Elric has and which to some extent you'll find in my style, too, though perhaps ironic is a better word there. If you can use it in your style it means you are in a sense telling more than one story in the same breath, or at least offering more than one interpretation of the same actions or statements. It suits Elric's character particularly well, since the poor bugger isn't always sure whether he's bowling or batting, as we say in cricket terminology.... :)

What a fag lmao

>> No.22578460

The board outside of /sffg/ is ugly. Filled with miserable pseuds.

>> No.22578479

It's all bot threads and /pol/bait threads, sad so many boards on 4chan are like this now.

>> No.22578482

You may only pick one

>> No.22578483

So just like inside this thread.

>> No.22578727

Where are the pseuds?

>> No.22578737

what prompts are you using?

>> No.22578796

grrm worshippers and voldemort have been the most egregrious lately

>> No.22578835

Nothing special just put manga or colored manga in front to get this style

>> No.22578983


>> No.22579005

>With the Black Company I took advice from Fritz Leiber who was my mentor and who said “Don’t draw a map because if you draw a map, as soon as you start drawing the map, you start narrowing your possibilities”. As long as you don’t have a map you don’t have to conform to certain things. I have a vague map inside my head and I’ve seen many maps on the internet of what people thought the Black Company world might be like. They’re not too far off, but they’re not close either. It’s north and south with a pond in the middle.

>> No.22579166

>read MST
>protagonist is a retard who follows the more interesting characters around
>far too many useless chapters following a not-Celt and not-Vietnamese
>princess sucks and fucks a side villain in book 2 then throws it in her love interest's face
>main villain does nothing for the entire series, shows up right at the end and gets one line of dialogue before being sniped
Why does everyone from GRRM to Paolini hype this series up?

>> No.22579195

the what

>> No.22579232

Memory Sorrow and Thorn

>> No.22579247

It was the only game in town at the time it came out, Wheel of Time only started during the end of it

>> No.22579267

>Why does everyone from GRRM to Paolini hype this series up?
Because they love misery porn.

>> No.22579393

wholesome chungus faggots should keep themselves to anime

>> No.22579421

Lack of religious themes in stories makes me instantly want to drop the story. Same for religious themes that are too heavy or preachy.

What should I read?

>> No.22579426

You should write.

>> No.22579431

I get where he's coming from, but a detailed map after the series was finished would be cool
Then again he was too busy having orgies to worry about maps

>> No.22579470

No time.

>> No.22579476

Bros give me a new series to read. I'm burnt out on mordern grimdark shit. I'm in the mood to read something fun, with parties going into dungeons to get macguffins then getting drunk at the tavern afterwards. Bonus if it has giant amazon bodybuilder barbarians who can crush my skull with their thighs.

>> No.22579496
File: 80 KB, 404x640, Eternal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this series? I've heard its good.

>> No.22579511

I find it strange when anons ask for very specific books as if they were porn and they needed an exact requirement of fetishes to enjoy them.

>> No.22579526



>> No.22579533

no, can't be good

>> No.22579890

lmao very based.. and checked. Gosling could unironically do a good Kellhus since Gosling plays "flat" pretty well. I don't know about Cruise as Achamian. What are using to generate these images?