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/lit/ - Literature

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22578892 No.22578892 [Reply] [Original]

It’s Saturday night. Let’s have a good old fashioned F Gardner thread.

>> No.22578952
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He posted a YouTube video recently with the John Hancock Building behind him. Made me jealous of the location of his home as a fellow Chicagoan.

>> No.22578960
File: 1.42 MB, 5767x1841, bloom-county-gardner-obituary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to get away with your shill-spam sperg-out, Frank. At some point, the jannies' dilation hour will end, and you'll get your threads deleted quickly. It really amazes me how you completely lack self-awareness. You may just be the single worst human being I've ever encountered in my life. We will be richer for having lost you.

>> No.22578963

makes more sense every day

>> No.22578973

Shut the fuck up. Gardner threads have been going for 3 years. In fact they’re the most consistent regular threads there are. If you don’t like his books do us all a favor and leave this site.

>> No.22578978


>The lovely transgender teacher looks to you and nods. "Mhm. Even though I found this amusing at first, at this point, it has to go. You are right that this would be a much more amusing and warm-hearted meme if the author were dead. I mentioned Petroski in another thread, but I made sure he was dead first. Yep. 2023 death, and that makes him a raw hardcore angel. Once an author is dead, I think it becomes much easier to talk about them and discuss their work. Less personal."

>She smooths out her dress, and you can't help but notice a very troublesome bulge. But she continues calmly, "But as it is, Gardner still lives, and until the day the bell tolls for him, I am increasingly unwilling to visit swamps, zoos, animal sanctuaries, petstores, and even certain restaurants."

>"So in effect, I hope the janitors continue to delete these threads from now on. I abhor them." She coughs lightly, and then beams at you, happy to shine a bright smile at you. "Class dismissed!"

>> No.22578982

Your relentless shill-spamming and same-fagging don't make you relevant, loser. You are a complete failure as a human being, you always will be, you utterly squandered the advantages you were born with, you will die unlamented, and your body will be thrown in the landfill after being mistaken for a low-quality Halloween decoration. You are a total nothing, will never be anything but nothing, and you fucking well know it. And you're the one that needs to leave this site...unless the message behind your constantly-deleted threads, and frequent bans, somehow hasn't sunk in through your thick delusional skull. You are an embarrassment to the human race, and a complete waste of oxygen.

>> No.22578984

>lovely transgender
Those two words have never gone together in the history of mankind. Trannies are disgusting, mentally ill abominations, and always will be.

>> No.22578998


>Your teacher looks at you and smirks. "Yeah, the history of MANKIND. "

>She offers a little wink to you though as she says, "But what about the history of transgendergirlkind?"

>"Wait .... what if that's the same thing???" She giggles, making a shocked face, before shrugging, indicating that she's heard your boring, peasant opinion before, and isn't really interested in taking something so incredibly mundane seriously.

>"You'll only receive Fs in my class if your grammar is shit, your opinions are copycat repeats of things I've heard before, or if you admit you've ever actually read a Gardner book. Otherwise, I'm always delighted to read intelligent, wise, and truthful opinions." She marks a note into her notebook, "And that's an F for you, sir, because having a common socio-political opinion is extremely boring. I don't mind your passionate fury. Just ...be more esoteric, perhaps?"

>> No.22579002

He is living the /lit/ dream. Frank is what all the writers here aspire to become.

>> No.22579039
File: 551 KB, 1583x836, f-gardner-socialblade-20230816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr everyone here must still be in school & is affected by the idea of getting bad grades
You're such a pathetic child.
Absolute delusion. No one here wants to be a schizo, shill-spamming, same-fagging, self-unaware parody of a human being. You are completely irrelevant, Frank, and always will be. Your YouTube channel is in the toilet, despite spending your rich daddy's money on views/likes/subscribes. You are a complete waste of oxygen.

>> No.22579070


>She stares at you quizzically, asking herself if perhaps you're in the wrong class. "Excuse me, but ... you DO know that I failed out of basically everything in school, right? I just read books all day and ignored the teacher. I couldn't care less about grades. But nonetheless, if you're here in my class, then you're going to have to do your best to keep up with the other students. At least TRY to participate with an open mind and open heart, ok?"

>She looks into your eyes, desperately wondering why some students are so hostile and difficult to work with. "You don't need to like me, but you do need to respect me. Like I said about grades, all I expect are original ideas, comprehensible grammar, and to not read the material. Does that really sound like a threat to you? No, just write your true mind and if you're a true writer, I'm sure we'll naturally end up getting along. Ok?"

>> No.22579072

It doesn't surprise me that you utterly failed at college...
...it also explains why you never did anything with your film degree...because you didn't get one. You are a COMPLETE LOSER.