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/lit/ - Literature

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22578336 No.22578336 [Reply] [Original]

How’d F Gardner set off a literary movement on here? Are Gardner’s books really that good?

>> No.22578428

Go away Freddy, enough shilling.

>> No.22578454

Frank and Jason are not really a movement and Frank's daddy is paying Jason to shill in an attempt to keep his son from taking the rope so its really just Frank and his daddy and still not a movement.

>> No.22578457

anything can be a literary movement when you shitpost 24/7 on a board with about 2 dedicated posters

>> No.22578468

Horror’s Call is amazing because it’s all one story from different points of view. If you ever see someone spamming against these books it’s some failed writer who’s jealous of Gard.

>> No.22578504

how are these threads not in violation of the rules

>> No.22578548

It’s bizarre. Horror’s Call is the one book series I know of that actually gets better with each book. With most series it’s the first ones that are the best. I don’t know why it’s so influential here but it clearly inspired anons. Every book in the /wg/ pastebin came out after Gardner and his books are pretty damn fascinating to go through

>> No.22578624

Read Kabbalah of the Crocodile. It’s Gardner’s opus. Gardner is a based antisemite.

>> No.22578642

>Your teacher pants, finally reaching the classroom after clearly having ran the entire way from her car, through the hallways, and just now, through the door.

"Whew, ummm welcome to Call of the Crocodile 101. Now, everyone who actually bought this book, raise your hands!" She takes a few deep breaths, still recovering from her run.

>She looks around the room, surveying. "Hmm, alright, those of you who raised your hands ... You all get an F. Yep. Now let's begin." She takes another breath, then writes several notes, clearly marking the idiot students who fell for such a poor marketing scheme.

>She looks around again, and notices YOU. "Tell me, my sweet pupil, if a crocodile was to be discovered under your seat, do you think you would try to negotiate with it? To attack it? Or would you simply scream and run?"

>She smirks, and you can clearly see the teacher's bulge. "The dark truth is that you would be eaten alive. Tell me what you think of that, hmm?"

>> No.22578648

buy an ad im beggin ya

>> No.22578655

I am a devout White Supremacist, and I LOVE F. Gardner. He inspires and influences me all the time. His books opened my eyes to Neo-Nazi politics and made me believe.

>> No.22578663

He has

>> No.22578685

Based. Gardner’s like the quintessential 4chan author.

>> No.22578771

Or it could be someone that's really, really sick of your same-fagging, shill-spamming, and general failure to be a human being. Face facts, loser...NO ONE is jealous of you. No one wants to be you. You are irrelevant, you will die unlamented, and your body will get carted from the dirty alleyway where it'll be found, straight to the landfill, after having been mistaken for a low-quality Halloween decoration.

>> No.22578774

So it doesn't bother you that Frank is an obvious Jew? Have you seen his hair?

>> No.22578801

They are, but Frank is a moderator here. Yes, 4chan runs on the same rules as the federal government, including acting as a false front for anonymity, feeding all our IP addresses, and everything else it can mine from us, straight to the NSA. Why would something like 4chan be allowed to exist if it wasn't completely compromised by the Deep State? Not even a stretch. Frank being an obvious Jew (just look at the hair) is just the icing on the fascist cake.

>> No.22578865

He’s irish iirc. he said in one of his videos when he was talking about his familys history. ive known micks with curly hair. hes from chicago too so it makes sense
see above. he also talked about his catholic upbringing and how he became buddhist. he literally has an hour long video on youtube about how hes against judiasm. do you people even watch his channel? what he talks about seems alien to you.do you know about him at all outside of shitty memes?

>> No.22578940
File: 551 KB, 1583x836, f-gardner-socialblade-20230816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I don't watch his fucking YouTube channel. And neither does anyone else, from the publicly available stats. Fuck Frank and every last little thing about him. Is that not obvious to you??? I literally with horrible, miserable, painful death upon him on a daily basis.

>> No.22579035

No. They’re great. Particularly Call of the Arcade.

>> No.22579045

A few minutes (no more) of reading the "Look Inside" portions of his cacas librorum on Amazon will completely put the lie to that pathetic viewpoint. The evidence is there for anyone to see. There's no way to spin that.

>> No.22579048

If Frank is Buddhist, then he's the first Buddhist in history to have no concept of karma whatsoever. His repeated shill-spamming, same-fagging lying is doing unspeakable amounts of damage to his karma, and yet he keeps on doing it. His Buddhism is a mindless LARP, just like his pathetic claims of being a writer.

>> No.22579066

Remember that time when you tried to issue a shoutout ultimatum to unreal/&amp (you were offering to trade shoutouts with one of them, but only one of them, and only for the first one to do a shoutout for Horrors Call) and both publications forbid you to ever mention them on your channel? And then unreal took down your interview? So you ‘retaliated’ by giving Jason Bryan a shoutout and claiming you inspired the entire concept of advertising books to /lit/? That was very buddhist of you.

>> No.22579071

Buddhist? More like butthead.