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22576538 No.22576538 [Reply] [Original]

>“It is true, that which I have revealed to you; there is no God, no universe, no human race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream—a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”
>He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true.
What did Twain mean by this

>> No.22576543

Also what the hell was up with that burglar alarm story

>> No.22576608

What if the mysterious stranger is wrong?

>> No.22576645

Mystical truth

>> No.22576654
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Was Twain a pseud?

>> No.22576662

He was a buddhist, and so he can make beautiful prose, but he is every bit of a death cultist as any other religious retard

>> No.22576750
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>death cultist as any other religious retard
What's wrong with that?
Basically most of people are life cultists

>> No.22576785

>Life cultist
not at all, every single christian is a death cultist, most materialistic retards are a different brand of death cultist (the death of consciousness) and most hedonists worship pleasure because of death .
You need to understand that it is the lack of consequence that identifies the death cultist. Antinatalists are death cultists because they remove themselves from the suffering. suffering only has meaning if life itself has meaning and when you regard existance as merely suffering, death becomes a cure. LGBT is also a death cult : no kids will be born out of these arrangements, and only pleasure and self identity worship can happen. Since they all reject their own bloodline, and are often proud of being the end of it, they are death worshipper. Their freedom comes from the fact that they will die.

>> No.22576849

>Antinatalists are death cultists because they remove themselves from the suffering.

>suffering only has meaning if life itself has meaning and when you regard existance as merely suffering, death becomes a cure
Benatar says death is part of life, not an escape from it. Furthermore, I believe that suffering/agony can easily extinguish any meaning that life has to offer.

>> No.22576866

> I believe that suffering/agony can easily extinguish any meaning that life has to offer.
My point exactly: You are a death cultist.
Why would a worshipper of death care to make a better world for the living?
>Benatar Says
so? what is his argument? why do i care what he says?

>> No.22576889

>everyone is stupid besides me
You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.22576895

>There are only religious, materialists and lgbt retards in this world
I say this without a shred of irony : Touch Grass, Go outside

>> No.22576905
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>You are a death cultist.
What's wrong with that?
>Why would a worshipper of death care to make a better world for the living?
>so? what is his argument?
I don't remember it anymore, I read it a long time ago
>why do i care what he says?
It is not just a saying, it is his conclusion. Also why should I care if you care about anything?

>> No.22576906

is taoism a death cult? it shares a lot of cosmological views with buddhism but it only tells you to be in the moment, give in and stop judging
is taoism the only modern belief that doesn't worship death?

>> No.22576926

>author makes a character that reflects certain views
>this must means that the character reflects the author's view
this place somehow gets more retarded each day

>> No.22576931

>it only tells you to be in the moment, give in and stop judging
This is just fatalism, slave shit

>> No.22576950

You are a coping selfinflating retard and there is no hope for you

>> No.22576952

breathing is slave shit, did you know?

>> No.22577167

You're reaching

>> No.22577175

I mean his name is literally Satan so I figure you're supposed to take what he says with a grain of salt

>> No.22577203
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>mark twain was born on the day of the appearance of halley's comet
>repeatedly say throughout his life that he will die when it appears again
>halley's comet appears again years later
>he dies the next day
what teh heck?

>> No.22577271

Just goes to show you. I say I won't die and so I won't.

>> No.22577276

You can't argue that both Buddhism and Christianity are death cults. It's one or the other. One says we can live eternally in Heaven and the other says we already live eternally through reincarnation but shouldn't want to.

>> No.22577289

>what is his argument?
I mean... there is no death without life

>> No.22577297

>I believe that suffering/agony can easily extinguish any meaning that life has to offer
Disagree. It can overwhelm your senses and make you lose sight of meaning, but never does the meaning leave.

>> No.22577352

Taoism quite literally aims for inmortality, but the whole dont judge, move with the flow thing is incomplete: you can change the flow slowly, and at an angle, but never directly clashing against it. this is the doctrine for a long life, if you want to wage meaningless war then you may risk it all for your beliefs and make them last until you die and they die with you

>> No.22577360

>Whats wrong with that?
you do not care for this world and therefore make it worse.
yes, they are death cultists too.

>> No.22577363

>Author selfinserts and agrees with the figure
i think its pretty cut and dry my man

>> No.22577366

*fertility cultists
And yes, everyone is one or the other, but death cults are cringe

>> No.22577370

Reminder that Twain was a Mason.

>> No.22577373

both of them disregard this life. You sir are retarded, because they are not opposed in their worship of death
>There is no death without life
death is a misnomer. its the end of life, its absence

>> No.22577383

>Nooo you cant call my beliefs a death cult!!!
I have yet to see a single man in america that worships life

>> No.22577385
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>both of them disregard this life.
Such a basic fedora-tipping redditor tier understanding of religion. Religions obsess over death because doing so forces you to consider how to live a better life.

>> No.22577394

The fundamental tenet of Christianity literally includes the words "so that they may not perish but have ever lasting life". The Bible commands that Christians be fruitful and multiply. Jesus brought both Lazarus and himself back to life. Calling Christianity a death cult is completely inane.

>> No.22577395

You could argue that Buddhism is a death cult because (at least classically) it frames its worldview on the idea that you should pursue an end to the cycle of death and rebirth. But Christianity is literally not a death cult because the end goal is eternal life in Heaven.
But neither are actually death cults because this >>22577385

>> No.22577399

>How to live a better life
Look at reality man, you are not living, you are just preparing yourself for the afterlife. Where are your passions? where is your story? You limit your desire and growth for the most retarded of reasons. I understand prudence, when it comes from analisis, but a man who wont eat when the feast is in front of them is dead.

>> No.22577402

If the pursuit of your religion is non-existence, I think it's completely fair to call it a death cult. Its followers might use it for memento mori purposes, but the doctrine is in service of self annihilation.

>> No.22577404

>you are not living, you are just preparing yourself for the afterlife. Where are your passions? where is your story?
Stop porjecting. We're anonymous dummy. We pretend to be losers because that's the anonymous archetype but only losers like you are actual losers.

>> No.22577409

>Be fruitful and multiply
is the jewish tenet of the old testament, you are forgetting that Jesus will come on the end times, and that you want the end times to be in your lifetime. you want the eternal life over this one.
Apocalipse, the second coming, is the core tenet of christianity. If you are a Jewish tard i understand that you may call your religion a life cult, but if you are christian, and a life worshipper, you are with the wrong crowd

>> No.22577413

Dang you almost sound like you're quoting the bible there
>14 Then John’s disciples came and asked him, “How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” 15 Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them?

>> No.22577416

Not if the pursuit of non-existence forces you to live a better existence. If a religion's genuine only pursuit were non-existence then everyone in it would just kill themselves and leave nobody behind to continue the thread of the religion.
Even actual death cults like Heaven's Gate aren't actual death cults because they left their doctrine behind for new people to live and die by.

>> No.22577418

Anon, what i mean is: Where is your desire. Where is your sin? How are you satisfying your needs? If you do fullfill what you crave and it somehow aligns perfectly with your desert god, then i commend you, but if not, i dont know why you claim to follow him

>> No.22577424

>you want the end times to be in your lifetime
You dumb.
Stop being a literalist.
The end times are already in your lifetime.
Christians obsess over the end times because that forces you to live better not-end-times.

>> No.22577425
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Yes, almost lol
hows your wife anon?
>Forces you
anon you are a death cult that molds people into a kind of life, preparing them for death. You only think its better becaise you dont live to live, you live to die

>> No.22577426

It is because Christians are assured of the life after this one that they may live freely. "All things are permitted but not all things are beneficial." Also, I think it's odd to criticize Christianity as a whole for not living big narratives when so much of its history is defined by the martyrs doing exactly that

>> No.22577427

Are you just LARPing as Satan at this point? Only Christ was without sin.

>> No.22577432

I refuse to believe anyone who has been trapped by sin would actually praise it. That's the opinion of an edgy innocent.

>> No.22577435

>you dont live to live, you live to die
Again, your fedora is showing. I strive to live well because I fear death, not because I want to die.

>> No.22577438

>Jesus says he will end the world
>No thats not what he means!!!!
Anon, if you have your own version of christianity that is inmune to criticism thats ok, but its not what we are talking about

>> No.22577441

Just because it focuses you on living a better life doesn't make it not a death cult. A religion either aims for eventual cessation of existence, or eternal growth and propagation. Buddhism is firmly in the former category.

>> No.22577448

>>Jesus says he will end the world
Post the verse.

>> No.22577449

I'll grant that Paul was kind of a death cultist. I don't fully agree with everything in his letters. Jesus, however, very distinctly was not.

>> No.22577452

Some versions of Buddism are about attaining godhood so no, that's not "firm" at all.
But even in the case that it's not, the operative word in your sentence is "eventual." The solution to Buddhism isn't suicide, that only perpetuates the cycle.

>> No.22577458

Anti-natalism does not perpetuate the cycle however.

>> No.22577462

I don't know that many anti-natalists believe in the cycle of reincarnation. Seems like if they did they'd become Buddhists.

>> No.22577464

>living big narratives
anon im not critizing that, im saying you do hold onto life before death, you value perfect afterlife more.
my whole point is that wanting martyrs to exists at all is what a death cult does.
No, im telling you that you are limiting your action and desire to fullfill a jewish set of rules
Sin is uncontrolled desire, desire that cannot be fullfilled. ambition.
If you are trapped by sin is only because you refuse your nature, you refuse to indulge in the rest of you. no man is only sin
if you dont wanna stop existing, why buddhism? i understand christians that fear a certain type of death, but why would you fear death of you are a buddhist?

>> No.22577468

>He will come again in his glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. ... We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
Life of the world to come implies ending this one, there is also the whole of revelations

>> No.22577471

I'm both >>22577427 and >>22577435
When you assume you make an ass out of etc etc

>> No.22577474

Nirvana is not death. Stop perpetuating this dumb meme.

>> No.22577482

Revelations is extremely abstract and open to interpretation. As for this verse, I don't see how you got from there to "Jesus will bring the end." The verse literally says "his kingdom will have no end."
Christianity focuses heavily on the end of this life because it promises a new life afterward. Thus no death thus not a death cutl.

>> No.22577487

NTA but can you explain what Nirvana is in your own words?

>> No.22577491


>> No.22577495
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The big twist is that Satan is telling the truth... to the fictional character.

>> No.22577501

>Jesus will bring the end
He mentions the life of the world to come, given the way afterlife is described, this is obviously the end of the current world to reach the eternal kingdom.
Not life, since its outside of the material world
>Revelations open to interpretation
interpretations that mostly agree on "the end of the world" by almost every christian sect and the Pope.
Again, its a death cult anon

>> No.22577507

anon, im engaging w the argument, of both the christian and buddhist perspective. i just tought you had some new take on love of life as a buddhist

>> No.22577510

i said both tho?

>> No.22577530

everyone is in a death cult cuz were all goonna fucking die whether u like it or not

>> No.22577552

I was retarded. All this time I believed that the word "absence" only meant nonexistence but it also means "lack of existence"
So you're right

>> No.22577579

Again, you yourself are saying *this* world. Christianity holds that there's another world, thus life never really ends, thus in no way is it a death cult.

>> No.22577583

> im engaging w the argument
Building a strawman doesn't count as "engaging with the argument."

>> No.22577586
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Speak for yourself, deathist

>> No.22577597

How do we enter this world
>Through death/abandoning this life
Death cult. Afterlife is the hallmark of a deathcult.
I literally asked a question, not strawmanned you. Where do you get your strawmans? they are low quality

>> No.22577603

youre still not immune to cancer or deadly accidents kek

>> No.22577607

You're retarded. Having asked a question in no way changes the fact that you tried to build a strawman.

>> No.22577610

I think death lovers are more based because imagine trying to avoid global warming or other catastrophes like Greta Thunberg... absolutely cringe

>> No.22577613

Good thing I will be.

>> No.22577615

Bro you're so edgy we totally can't tell that you're a newfag

>> No.22577621

>Through death
After death, but essentially yes.
>abandoning this life
No. This is what they call "suicide" and Christians are very much against it.

>> No.22577932

>against suicide
martyrdom is suicide tho, you just agree with one kind of suicide, as long as its not your own hand

>> No.22577940

>if you dont wanna stop existing, why buddhism? i understand christians that fear a certain type of death, but why would you fear death if you are a buddhist?
its literally a question born from misunderstanding your statement, how is it a strawman?

>> No.22578074

>martyrdom is suicide
You can't really be a martyr unless someone else kills you, especially not if you're a Christian. If nobody's coming to kill you for being a Christian then your only option is to live a good life.

>> No.22578086

>his argument is too good, how do I counter it
>how about I assume he's a Buddhist so I can invalidate his fear of death

>> No.22578584

if they ask you "renounce your faitn or die" and you choose death, how is that not the same as suicide?
If you throw yourself in the tracks to save another, how is that not suicide?
If you walk into the fire or the lion pit, how is that not suicide?
My point is not that you have no afterlife or even that you are wrong: my point is that as a death cultist, you do not value life in this world and as such, have no incentive to make it better

>> No.22578588

what argument? you just keep saying "afterlife is same as life lol so im life cultist!!!1" over and over

>> No.22578654


There is love, my friend.
There is love. Love is the antithesis of solipsism. It is the recognition that life exists outside my own, and that my belief in my values, to the death, can benefit others beyond myself. To save a person's life, is to save a PERSON'S life.

To walk into the fire of lions, for the purpose of proving the truth, I would prevail at any cost.

Of course, I say all this as a materialist atheist. So what of that, hmm?

>> No.22578684
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Every value that life has is deeply negative. Ending life once and for all (at least on this planet) is the only act of love that can exist

>> No.22579216
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Another coincidence pointing to a mystical side of the universe that is outside of common rationality. What were the odds? I mean really? God damn.

>> No.22579410

NTA but Nirvana is an existence without ANY conditions, including Being. It is nothingness because it goes beyond the very act of Being. This is not death, this is a life so enormous that it transcends life. A bit like how negative theology considers God.

>> No.22579414

What you don't realise is that religion doesn't teach this life is nothing because it is limited in time but because it is LITERALLY nothing next to the Absolute. The point of religion is not achieving personal immortality but merging with the divine and thus eradictaing the particularity that makes one imperfect.

>> No.22579416

Good thing I'm not religious.

>> No.22579418

>after***life*** isn't a life because um reasons

>> No.22579422

>Good thing I'm proud to let go my only ticket out of imperfection!

>> No.22579428

>if they ask you "renounce your faitn or die" and you choose death, how is that not the same as suicide?
Uh... Because someone else is killing you?
>If you throw yourself in the tracks to save another, how is that not suicide?
Uh... Because the intention of the action isn't to end one's own life?
>If you walk into the fire or the lion pit, how is that not suicide?
Gee man you got me there. I don't know.

>> No.22579430

Mom says my imperfections are what make me beautiful

>> No.22579432

Sorry anon... I know you don't wanna hear this but... Your mom is also imperfect...

>> No.22579433

>Your mom is also imperfect
No wonder I'm so beautiful, I've got imperfect genes

>> No.22579457


Perfection is unchanging.
Consider the infinitesimal aspect of this moment beautiful. Consider each and every fractal of each moment of existence to be beautiful and perfect.

Even the darkest moments are naught but a fractal of perfection. Because perfection is unchanging.

Now unpause reality and behold the horrors of imperfection; matter and motion, mass and energy; life and death.

>> No.22580390

>beautiful and perfect

>> No.22580600

Why would you want to stay conscious forever? Sounds like a fate worse than non-existence to me.

>> No.22580788

>check out this book after watching the Satan scene in this movie
Ah, fuck

>> No.22580814



>> No.22581562


>> No.22582037

what is an example of a non-death cult?