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2256994 No.2256994 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite short story and why?

Post a link to your favorite like so

>In the Penal Colony by Kafka

>> No.2257541

The Bucket Rider. Very short, shows off his humor more obviously than his other stories do, great imagery:


>> No.2257553

Stephen king has a few badass short stories, as do bradbury and Asimov. I don't know what's best though. The best collection ive found is the illustrated man by bradbury. Those are all great.

>> No.2257560

you never said why OP

>> No.2257561

La Condena, also by Kafka.

I ignore the title in english since it's not my native tongue, but it's not the Trial or the Judgment.

>> No.2257622

Probably Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. It's just so brilliantly structured, so dense and so perfect. I can read it so many times and still get something wildly new out of it and I'm always baffled when I try to think of how Borges sat about to write it and structure it. So many infinite mirrored labyrinths. It's all of Borges stories compressed into one. It's deconstruction. It's gnostic. It's 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's- gah, it's fucking good.

I also strongly believe that this is THE short story of the internet and post-internet age. Time and space will become increasingly unreal. Tlon will take over, erasing history as we know it. But then...who's to say Tlon wasn't always there, waiting silently? Did somebody say hronir? Modifications of the past? Modifications of the future? My mind turns to slush by the end of the story because I can't handle the vertigo.

> that feel when you don't give a fuck and carry on your Quevedian translation of Browne's Urn Burial

(otherwise I'd choose one of Tolstoy's but they're more novellas than short stories)

>> No.2257638

some google fu says it is called "The judgment" in english

>> No.2257649

Mine is also a Kafka story but it is the Burrow instead.

>> No.2257650
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I know that feel. Love that short too, Borges is a god.

Have you read The Immortal?

>> No.2257658

> implying I haven't read the entirety of Borges front and back

nigga, please! But fuck yes, The Immortal is godly. It's definitely up there with Tlon. I feel Borges is hard to get into but once you get into him there's no getting out.

I figure he would have liked to think that you could reread one of his stories enough times to have read an equivalent book of the length of Don Quixote.

>> No.2258418


>> No.2258424

The Fir Tree by Hans Christian Andersen

I'm nostalgic as hell about it :3