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22573432 No.22573432 [Reply] [Original]

>proposes a solution to human suffering
>this involves all the conscientious whites stop breeding and the dumb, the heartless, and the brown continue to breed like rabbits

Hmm, I smell a rat..

>> No.22573438

Go read History, dumb fuck. Whites are directly responsible for 90% of wars, genocides, atrocities etc in the past 200 years.

>> No.22573440

Post nose

>> No.22573444

hmm, i smell a rat (op)

>> No.22573471

I wouldn't put it past a jew to pretend to be south African to push the genocide of whites. Why so you think he never shows his face? Because one look at that Talmud fucker would tell you everything you need to know?

Bet this book is banned in Israel

>> No.22574207

Now post something positive that whites are responsible for. Shouldnt be that hard, even for you..

>> No.22574213

israel is facing a demographic desaster

>> No.22574675
File: 100 KB, 2760x236, Antinatalists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22574678

Umm, maybe the technology you’re using to puke bile into the void? Mixed blessing I know

>> No.22574777
File: 227 KB, 600x400, daisyhc.halloween.bw_.02-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Benatar wants self-inflicted omnicide. Although he is not naive and accepts that it will never happen

>> No.22574784

The surname is Sephardic I think.

>> No.22574846
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As someone who has ACTUALLY read history, this is disgustingly false

>> No.22575006

Read this article:


Pretty much confirms he's a jew.

>> No.22575079

Statistics is not history you dumbass nazi chud

>> No.22575082

You say this because you don't know enough about history to even know what those events are, you baiting faggot

>> No.22575445
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Reminder that anti-natalists are likely to be mentally ill and have a personality disorder.

>> No.22575449
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This doesn't mean that anti-natalist arguments can be dismissed solely due to this fact; it does however add context to why autists make these threads and are completely unable to understand why they are wrong. It also has direct implications regarding Benatar's quality of life argument (i.e. anti-natalists are stuck in a rigid ideological system as a cope for to sustain their defective worldview)

>> No.22575451
File: 494 KB, 1078x857, 1692305945529688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-natalists are at a complete poverty when it comes to weighing quality of life. Their defective nature simply precludes them from accepting any rationalization outside of their own self-indoctrination. They don't necessarily mean to be disingenuous because such is simply written into their nature.

>> No.22575457
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Remember, attempting to debate ab anti-natalist is a pointless endeavor as they will always follow the same pattern:
>asserts tautology
>won't interact with arguments as to why it can be rejected
>monopolizes the interpretation of the tautology vis-a-vis reality
>won't interact with counter-arguments

>> No.22575461

according to roasties, being dark triad is based though

>> No.22575520

World Wars, Vietnam War, holocaust, Middle Eastern invasions, CIA shenanigans in latam etc
all by the whites lmao

>> No.22575532

Not to mention avoidable famines in colonies and whatever the fuck white people did in Congo

>> No.22575622

Whites invented modernity. It has always been our world; you just happen to live in it.

You're welcome.

>> No.22575660

All dwarfed by Asian wars that had nothing to do with whites. You don't even know what the Taiping rebellion is

>> No.22575674

>brownoid outs himself as a retard
many such cases

>> No.22575681

Chinks are white too.
Also their official numbers are just over exaggerated

>> No.22575691

Asians and Whites are both violent subhumans.

>> No.22575718

At least yellows have the decency to only kill among themselves. Whites completely fucked up middle east and Latin America, and raped Indians back to stone age.

>> No.22575731

The rest of the world doesn't even report their massacres at all. We do have evidence that large populations of Africa were wiped out by subsaharans in antiquity though. We also know ethnic cleansing has been a mainstay in the Middle East and India since ancient times.
Name a group of people that aren't violent subhumans. Go on, I dare you.

>> No.22575735


>> No.22575737

We don't for sure what happened long ago. That's why see who has been acting like a Satan causing trouble all over the world in the past 200 years.

>> No.22575741


I can think of many individual humans who are not violent subhumans ...

But not a single group.

Hey you .... are you a violent subhuman?
If you're not, ummmm wanna be friends?

>> No.22575742

Do the same anons flock to these threads every time?

>> No.22575755

The American civil war killed 1/40th the amount of people that the Three Kingdoms period killed in China, despite there being more total Americans with weapons hundreds of times deadlier than what was available to the Chinese in the third century.
This goes for many of the other Chinese civil wars as well, where even when they had more population they managed to kill exponentially more of their own people than the American civil war, or any white civil war for that matter.
The Chinese broke a major dam on the Yellow River in WWII in an attempt to flood and kill a small incoming Japanese force. The Japanese were relatively unharmed from the attack while the Chinese lost several million of their own to the catastrophic flooding they unleashed on the countryside.
The Red Guard in Mao's China, set father against son and wife against husband, brother against sister, with everyone ratting each other to the state leading to millions being purged in the cultural Revolution. But yes, let's act like this is remotely comparable to white people.
>whites fucked up the Middle East and Latin America
Lmao, so you really don't know anything about history

>> No.22575759

Uneducated schizobabble

>> No.22575761

>Lmao, so you really don't know anything about history
Not an argument. Chinks can kill themselves for all I care. At least they don't fuck with other races.

>> No.22575765

>at least they don't fuck with other races
So you also don't know anything about China's foreign policy for the last 100 years, let alone the countless times they done exactly that in their long history

>> No.22575766

Americans completely decimated natives in the name of manifest destiny
>inb4 it's just diseases.

>> No.22575772

>So you also don't know anything about China's foreign policy for the last 100 years
Better than whatever the fuck IMF and Americans do. I don't remember them invading middle east or America or India or forcing structural adjustments on the third world.

>> No.22575782

Only pajeets hate china liberating Tibet from degenerate buddhists.

>> No.22575784

It was disease, you're a retard to deny this. The natives massacred and decimated each other, they just never had the diseases and the fire power to kill in as large of numbers as they desired to.
There were significantly less Indians in America compared to Central America.
And now you'll probably think
>ohhhh those poor aztecs
But then to defend them you must be a hypocrite because Aztecs brutally enslaved and ritually sacrificed all their neighboring tribes to build the empire that the conquistadors stumbled upon. They simply got back at them what they were actively doing to others at the exact time of the invasion.
And now you will cry about this adversely affecting Hispanics when Hispanics are literally proud of this, most of them proudly claiming conquistador ancestry. No Hispanics today would be alive if it weren't for the Spanish, as all of them have at least some Spanish DNA

>> No.22575787

So you're proudly ignorant on a board about reading. Imagine that.
>I don't remember them invading the Middle East or India or forcing structural adjustments on the third world
Oh no no no no
Screenshotting this

>> No.22575795

Okay just whatever you do don't look up the Dungan Revolt or what the Chinese are doing to Uighurs right now or Vietnamese history or Indonesian history

>> No.22575796

>It was disease
Yeah whites were totally innocent when they violated treaties, massacred natives, fucked with their food sources and displaced them. This shit had no effect at all.

>> No.22575799

>what the Chinese are doing to Uighurs right now
Reeducating mudslimes?
>Vietnamese history or Indonesian history
All of them are dog eating chinks

>> No.22575800

The same natives that broke every conventional rule of civilized warfare, also broke treaties, also poisoned wells, also slaughtered, raped, and enslaved each other and any whites they could get their hands on?

>> No.22575802

Oh epic so you're just a baiting retard
My point has been made for the lurkers none the less

>> No.22575803

Not an argument. China has been more peaceful than the west in the past 50 years.

>> No.22575807

Fox meet henhouse

>> No.22575808

What did you expect them to do when you play dirty? They retaliate because they're not blacks. Most shit you mentioned is just fake propaganda used to justify stealing native land.

>> No.22575809


>> No.22575815

If you really think uyghurs are getting concentration camp and gas chamber treatment then you're retarded and brainwashed by the media. At best there's a cultural genocide which is a good thing.

>> No.22575818

>fake propaganda screams the dipshit that has already shown he hasn't read a single book in his life
Natives were playing dirty with each other for thousands of years before Europeans showed up. We know this for a fact. If they were smart enough to create a written language, we would have an endless list of these massacres. As we know from contemporary sources, the dominant, surviving tribes that Europeans encountered in the Americas were the rule of the roost because they massacred competing tribes and raped and enslaved them and this was seen as another Tuesday from their perspective.

>> No.22575819

>again posts chinese internal affairs instead of their foreign policy
Ok, tell me what china did when the west invaded middle east and toppled democratically elected governments in Latin America

>> No.22575821

See >>22575802

>> No.22575826

>uhhh they killed millions of people across thousands of kilometers but uhhhh it doesn't count and they're actually peaceful because it happened within arbitrary borders

>> No.22575827

>because they massacred competing tribes and raped and enslaved them and this was seen as another Tuesday from their perspective.
This wasn't the norm all across the new world. Iroquois confederation wouldn't exist otherwise. Aztecs were brutal and everyone hated them for it but conquestators turned out to be more brutal than them.

>> No.22575833

>minor border skirmish from the 60s
Yep, thanks for confirming the west is more violent.

>> No.22575844

Not really. Conquistadors were not ritually sacrificing them, they gave them jobs, education, medicine, and food and built a new society for them over time. The Aztecs were not so kind to the wiped out tribes they conquered. We will never hear from them because they are literally all dead before civilized people came that could have written down their history.
We will also never hear from the tribes that were wiped out by the tribes that made up the Iroquois in the past.
Are you so naive and ignorant of history that you think everyone outside of Europe just lived in peace and harmony? The Han Chinese only exist (and in such large numbers) because they ruthlessly subjugated and killed other ethnic groups in China.

>> No.22575847


>> No.22575848

>>uhhh they killed millions of people across thousands of kilometers but uhhhh it doesn't count and they're actually peaceful because it happened within arbitrary borders
Would you consider the US a peaceful country in the 1860s?

>> No.22575850

>Conquistadors were not ritually sacrificing them, they gave them jobs, education, medicine, and food and built a new society for them over time.
Holy shit they de facto enslaved them lmao
encomienda in the new world wasn't just European style feudalism. It was brutal and many Jesuits wrote about the appalling situation of natives under these conditions.

>> No.22575857

Whatever they do with their people is their issue. White people just stick their nose in everyone's business as if they own the world.

>> No.22575858

>Chinks are white too.
This is true and accepted by both sides. There is a reason why libtards came up with BIPOC.

>> No.22575862

They did not, it essentially was European feudalism but you, someone who can't even define feudalism, would not understand this. Being put in chains and having your heart cut out on an altar is very different from being a new world serf peasant.
They could not possibly have enslaved them because there were way too many of them, hence why central and South America have high Indian admixture, while Americans with significantly fewer Indians spread thinly across the continent, were able to settle and remain a predominantly European population.
You really think they just enslaved millions of people like they were little groups of Africans brought over on boats?

>> No.22575867

Except I already proved multiple times over that China stuck its nose in everyone's business that they could reach throughout their entire history.
Literally every nation that touched China had to pay tribute to it or die. This is historical fact, there is no debating this, it is simply how China and its Heavenly Mandate operated. Westerners even had to play along for a little while and pretend so that they could interact with the Chinese court.
Read a damn book you stupid nigger

>> No.22575866

I mean honestly man we're all gonna die anyways, it's not like we lose anything by not having kids.
but people are literally braindead, a lot of people can't seem to even understand that not having kids is an option that they always had.

>> No.22575871


>> No.22575872

Israelies are fucking retarded. they're all genetically Semites anyways.

>> No.22575877

Uh oh illiterate retardbros, looks like we lost this one

>> No.22575883

>Why so you think he never shows his face?
I actually met Benatar and he's based as fuck. you can tell the guy is anything but an NPC the first few moments you talk with him. easily mogs the likes of Sam Harris.

>> No.22575886

>They could not possibly have enslaved them because there were way too many of them, hence why central and South America have high Indian admixture
They raped natives, you dumb retard
Even Columbus goats about raping natives all the time.
>Being put in chains and having your heart cut out on an altar is very different from being a new world serf peasant.
Meanwhile, Europeans were burning witches and torturing le heretics.
Like I said, they weren't fucking serf peasants. They were put to work in mines in awful conditions So that whites can get precious metals to trade with the east. Their women were subjected to constant rape. They basically had no rights and white people could do anything to do and they did do brutal shit. Jesuits recorded all this shit.

>> No.22575889

The west fucked with vietnam too. So this cancels out. overall, the west is more violent in terms of foreign policy then.

>> No.22575893

I think he said he hides his face and is generally pretty private because he gets death threats.

>> No.22575894

Just as natives raped each other in large numbers prior the arrival of any Europeans. Woahhh, brown people can do bad things too???? Mind bending stuff.
>Meanwhile, Europeans were burning witches and torturing le heretics.
Hahaha, you're such a dipshit. This is not even remotely comparable to the mass scale ritual sacrifice state religion of the Aztecs. Witch hunts were so tiny by comparison you're actually blind to compare the two.
>mind in awful conditions
So just like the Aztecs were already doing with them to get all the gold, silver, and jewels they had? You don't think they just magically appeared in Tenochtitlan, right? Guess who invented the first labor laws that stopped dangerous unsafe mining? Europeans and Americans.

>> No.22575895

Reminder to report and hide such deranged posters.

>> No.22575898

>The eighth plague was the slaves whom the Spaniards made in order to put them to work in the mines. At first those who were already slaves of the Aztecs were taken; then those who had given evidence of insubordination; finally all those who could be caught. During the first years after the conquest, the slave traffic flourished, and slaves often changed master. They produced so many marks on their faces, in addition to the royal brand, that they had their faces covered with letters, for they bore the marks of all who had bought and sold them.
>The ninth plague was the service in the mines, to which the heavily laden Indians traveled sixty leagues or more to carry provisions…When their food gave out they died, either at the mines or on the road, for they had no money to buy food and there was no one to give it to them. Some reached home in such a state that they died soon after. The bodies of those Indians and of the slaves who died in the mines produced such a stench that it caused a pestilence, especially at the mines of Oaxaca. For half a league around these mines and along a great part of the road one could scarcely avoid walking over dead bodies or bones, and the flocks of birds and crows that came to fatten themselves upon the corpses were so numerous that they darkened the sun

>> No.22575899

Why does it bother you so much? does antinatalism offend you?

>> No.22575900

>At least they don't fuck with other races
Real life isn't Skyrim you fucking dehumanizing retard.

>> No.22575901

>Just as natives raped each other in large numbers prior the arrival of any Europeans
You know nothing about this shit so stop talking and start reading. It's obvious your entire view of natives comes from fiction literature.
also >>22575898

>> No.22575904

Everyone gets death threats, it's 2023.

>> No.22575905

>funds, builds, and supports the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot in Vietnam
>arguably the most horrific genocidal regime ever
>less violent foreign policy
But oh yeah, Americans helping insurgents so they can build a canal that will enrich the entire north and South American sphere as well as the whole world is totally the same lmao

>> No.22575907
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I'm NTA but I think there is a somewhat sizeable amount of people who are genuinely offended and even become enraged by anti-natalism.

>> No.22575908

Which is no different from the slave mines already widely common under the Aztecs, in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia

>> No.22575910

>Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot in Vietnam
Bruh the west supported this too.
>Americans helping insurgents so they can build a canal that will enrich the entire north and South American sphere as well as the whole world is totally the same lmao
Stupid ass imperial retard. Whatever the west does it only does for its benefit, from helping united fruit company to funding Islamic retards in Afghan to topple the Socialist state.

>> No.22575912

Nigger read
whatever bad shit happened under Aztecs became amplified and now 100x more people became slaves. If you think Spanish niggers were just liberating people from the tyranny of Aztecs then you're utterly wrong. Because they not only didn't liberate no one, they enslave more.

>> No.22575918

The west supported them about as much as they "support" Russia right now
Hahaha I was waiting for you to use that word. Do you honestly think China was not and is not imperialist? That middle eastern countries are not imperialist? That Latin American countries are not imperialist?
Seriously, it's like you have never read a book. You were born yesterday if you actually believe any of this.

>> No.22575919

Most people are surprisingly somewhat open minded to the concept, they reject it of course but they're willing to talk about it. but yea a sizable minority look at you like you fucked their mother when you bring up this topic.

>> No.22575920

>enslaved from slavery and savagery

>> No.22575929

>is not imperialist? That middle eastern countries are not imperialist? That Latin American countries are not imperialist?
The west is million times more imperialist than them.
>The west supported them about as much as they "support" Russia right now
The west supported pol pot to weaken the influence of Soviets lmao

>> No.22575931

If anything antinatalists are the opposite of a dark triad. more like a virgin triad.
I doubt that sociopaths care about such things, or care about anything at all, since apathy is a marker trait of sociopathy.

>> No.22575933

Whites and chinks will be outbred by browns and blacks anyway. White population fell from 90% to 59% in just a couple of decades. This is good for the world.

>> No.22575938

browns and blacks that populate east asia and northen europe will eventually get an IQ bump if they go through the same natural selection as whites did in Europe.

>> No.22575945

Buy an ad you fucking faggot