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/lit/ - Literature

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22572755 No.22572755 [Reply] [Original]

Other than Call of the Crocodile, what are they?

>> No.22572932

Ride the Tiger?
Ride the Crocodile.

>> No.22572934

Faggot Gardner

>> No.22572990
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Gardner's first 16 books are unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish & aren't worth the electrons it takes to store them on Amazon's servers.
But somehow, his 17th book is a vast improvement! Vastly fewer spelling/grammar/punctuation errors!
The MC is the usual self-insert, and the plot is the usual meandering dream-like incoherent babble, but you can't have everything.
So skip the first 16 garbage-tier books, and read Call Of United Airlines instead.
Even better, you can download it for free!

>> No.22573323
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This is kino, loved every page.
Actual Gardner books are so trash they are almost depressing. A glimpse into the mind of a mentally challenged manchild.

>> No.22573341

Back to shilling this shit? Thought it was over.

>> No.22574528

Opposite experience for me. Kabbalah of the Crocodile was more exciting than that fanfic same with the CYOA. Kabbalah feels more like the parody

>> No.22574586

right this book was actually on my backlog but because you keep shilling it I've decided I can't be bothered and will now read the wiki summary

>> No.22574587

good evening Frank

>> No.22574714
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>is Frank
Ok Frank. Just don’t forget you’re as obvious as you are hated and worthless.

>> No.22574839

I liked the book, but what was up with the chapter where frank praises the covid vax? it felt out of place

>> No.22575181

If only there was any value in such a glimpse. The worst part about his cacas librorum is...by relentlessly shill-spamming and same-fagging, he's tacitly admitting that he's peaked, that his writing will never get any better, that this is as good as he'll get...and he's not even 35 yet. Even for someone as obnoxious as Frank, that's really sad. His parents really need to explain to him that he can't be anything he wants to be.

>> No.22575305
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, E4EAD1A7-EDF3-4979-BCE7-1BBBD3B32783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out Frank.
He’s coming for you

>> No.22575503

Nothings stranger than CotC

>> No.22575522

Frank, your works are so crappy, they don't even rise to the level of "strange", or indeed having any quality except retard-rant

>> No.22575544


>Your teacher looks at you with gentle eyes, smiling with a slight amusement. "Sweetie, don't you worry. In this class, there's absolutely no need to actually read the material. Just write the essay according to the prompt and I'll judge it according to the metric."

>The lovely teacher smirks and says simply, "I didn't read it either. And I never will. It's shit."