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22573947 No.22573947 [Reply] [Original]

he's right you know

>> No.22573963

Where does the lesswrong retards' infatuation with Bayesian inference come from?

>> No.22573968
File: 98 KB, 700x965, df6207c0a57faf0768f55441abb77546--the-simpsons-bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the billion streetshitters on facebook and instagram begging for bobs and bitch lasgna are technically "literate", but i doubt them niggers writing hamlet

>> No.22574000

>create extremely simple model, ignoring the specific case
>deduce from that simple model
>believe that you have created a valid argument for no other reason than that you used valid mathematics

why are midwits?

>> No.22574006
File: 45 KB, 828x674, tal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social science means inventing a certain brand of human we can understand.

>> No.22574053

It's almost like quantity doesn't translate to quality when your culture revolves around niggers and when your perfect economic system jams 90% of the population inside wagie cubes and distracts them with internet brain slush the other time.

>> No.22574076

Gunny that you posted Nassim, I thought about him just after seeing the post above >>22573963
For all of his faults, the not-Arab Phoenician makes a good case against those sort of retardo statistics.

>> No.22574085
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>social science bad
t. economist

>> No.22574295

Creating a system-self narrative-world explanation has pacifying effects.

>> No.22574300

FINALLY someone is talking about this. This is conclusive proof that the light has gone out inside humanity. Exponentially more people with exponentially more opportunities and access to education and literacy produces FEWER Shakespeares.

What else can I read about this? We are dying as a species.

>> No.22574312
File: 99 KB, 667x1010, Genetic-Entropy-Cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22574320

You didn't realise that humanity is finito when a mild flu threw the economy decades back and gave half the population psychosis?

>> No.22574451

Press a random number generator once. What are the chances of it being that exact number?

retards baka.

>> No.22575074

Eradicate all Anglo-American-Hebraic philosophers

>> No.22575105

no need to hate on bayes, sbf is particularly good at using stats to come up with the most retarded takes.
>yes, i would flip a coin until it killed all humanity as long as the EV was positive

>> No.22575776

Got him