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22573933 No.22573933 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ gf edition

previous >>22570237

>> No.22573944

I want total collapse, billions must die. I can't be entertained otherwise. I live in a remote European country and won't be affected, most of our communities can operate autonomously here even with no grid. Many other countries I have never been to must collapse under the weight of immigration, bloodsucking bankers and retarded shitlib politicians, and their populations must be extinct. Only this way my need for entertainment will be fulfilled.

>> No.22573982
File: 303 KB, 1080x1252, Screenshot_20231006_152247_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im diagnosed bpd. hope that anon gets the help he needs

>> No.22573988

what is this horoscope shit

>> No.22573990

hideous transgender

>> No.22573993


>> No.22574004

i'm >>22573929
diagnosed bipolar, accused of various others. ultimately all of these labels and categories are vague signposts for practitioners at best as how to proceed with today's basket case. only the dead can know peace from this ride.

>> No.22574062

Thinking of what to say to a woman who I strongly suspect is avoiding my conversations

>> No.22574077

if that happens you will inevitably have to leave your moms basement and go outside

>> No.22574088

But I already live in my own home tho? And we don't really have basements here.

>> No.22574093


>> No.22574152
File: 2.78 MB, 720x720, 1696620718811087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Eart-*ACK*

>> No.22574165

how can white women even compete with asians and latinas?
it's so over

>> No.22574174

They look like little girls

>> No.22574178

that's an illusion because white women look so old now. they literally hit the wall at 20

>> No.22574179

the blonde white girl mogs the soulless bugpeople

>> No.22574189

False. The only thing she mogs them at is bodycount, since she has had at least 200 cocks inside her.

>> No.22574191

Post link to test

>> No.22574198

That's only because normal humans don't want to have sex with insects

>> No.22574209

Solid 0/10

>> No.22574211

Agreed, which is why nobody touches white women past 30. They turn into cockroaches.

>> No.22574222

Last night, while indulging in quite unnecessarily prolonged REM sleep I had a very good/weird dream, which resolved into this scenario: A guy who is a young man in 1978 is lured into a time/space machine, whereby he meets his great grandmother, with whom he has an obviously sibling way of relating to. Before long they're jumping about in it like tourists, and quickly realize there's something about it all that makes no sense in terms of sequence, never mind invention. Neither of them believe that any such thing could possibly be the product of human invention and industry, and set about discovering the closest possible thing to that, and who could have stolen it and why. In the 20s they meet up with a certain half-crazy society broad who knows a captain of industry who, around 1900, employed someone to make the first radio receiver capable of receiving anything from interstellar distances. It turns out that any such capability only precisely locates it to the inimical hostility of said aliens, and they flee into their machine as the whole site melts down, while it forms a chase vehicle out of the vaporized material. They escape from it to 1978, and only then hatch their plans about how that happened.

>> No.22574221

>it's the incel chang again

>> No.22574229

I'm literally Colombian though.

>> No.22574232
File: 233 KB, 600x908, EmkwSdQVcAEqoZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh oh do I despise women OR asian BLACKED posters???

>> No.22574239

google borderline spectrum test, s'what i did.

>> No.22574254

latinx with yellow fever is somehow worse

>> No.22574255

have you not seen a beautiful woman past 40? do you fall out of love beyond a certain age? hard mode: Dont think of it like porn

>> No.22574269

Even the weird, gassy hippie chick from Oregon owns a Nintendo Switch.

>> No.22574272

Asians are generally mid, Latinas and Med women mog all. White women are just at the bottom of the hierarchy and it's generally their own fault.
>inb4 jews ruined meee
No, you ruined yourself.

>> No.22574286

You have mental issues

>> No.22574292

I'd fuck a granny, doesn't mean she's hotter than she was at 18. Ask any guy what he'd rather have: a wife who stays looking 18-21 until she's 50, or a billion dollars. The only reason anyone would take the billion is to buy more 18-21yos.

This is why it's important to teach women that their physical beauty is only one part of who they are, and a nice one, but one that also fades. Women are currently in the position of men who are natural bodybuilders whose bodies naturally produce steroids so that everybody looks like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger by age 20, but then the body shuts down the steroid production and they look like an old Arnold Schwarzenegger by age 25, and yet their youthful prime came so easily to these men that they are obsessed with deluding themselves that they're still young Arnie forever. The first thing you'd tell those guys is: don't get hung up on this, it's temporary, enjoy it while it lasts but prepare to be an ordinary human being soon. Instead we tell women to cling pathetically to being hot forever.

Mothers and matrons should not be hot, they should be elegant and beautiful in a primarily nonsexual way. Sex should be a small part of life as it was in most cultures.

>> No.22574301

You have beauty and fertility issues.

>> No.22574306

Must be nice. It’s why we flood you with immigrants, europoor.

>> No.22574317

Post nose

>> No.22574343

>Latinas and Med women mog all
but white women aren't THAT bad. dutch ones are ok

I support the flooding of Europe and America with immigrants. Thankfully my country has like 5% immigrants from the Balkans since we send all other ones to Germoney :D

>> No.22574344
File: 174 KB, 732x600, borderline-spectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That test was a trip. My mom is diagnosed borderline. I saw her in a lot of those questions, but then some of the questions really surprised me too. I couldnt imagine living like that

>> No.22574348

You're fucking insane. All I do is think of the love of my life and how her body changes and how I get to be witness to it.

>> No.22574387

post physique with timestamp

>> No.22574409

What does MY body have to do with it?

>> No.22574415

I want to know why wild hybrids of Gandpa Ott morning glories flower so much more freely than the pure heirloom form. That's difficult. What's easy to understand is retarded posts.

>> No.22574446

guys,give me examples of a philosopher who uses fuzzy logic.

>> No.22574448

I want to have a sweet girl all to myself.

>> No.22574501
File: 41 KB, 474x632, GenderQueer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I hear one more thing about Banned Book Week I'm going to lose my fucking mind. I wish it was a real discussion of banned books.

>> No.22574516

I think this cough syrup is making me feel happy.

>> No.22574521

I always wanted to own a harem of multiple sex slaves. a collapse will make this easy to realize. so I'm an accelerationist because I want to coom

>> No.22574531

As soon as I heard it come from the mouth of one of my w*man coworkers I knew it was going to be some shit like "Anti-Racist Gay Baby would have been banned by Hitler, fight the power by reading it!"

Everything is such a farce.

>> No.22574576

They'll kill themselves or each other privately. Many wives seems fine but women want 1on1 resources, not some community cock. Be discerning.

>> No.22574590

Women always win in the end. Every woman is 1 vagina and 99 problems. That's the iron ratio of pussy. You may think you can dominate women but they will always dominate you with their issues and nonsense. You WILL be listening to your harem hags cry about their fucking drama on your meth couch. You WILL sit at a wobbly wooden kitchen table one Saturday morning adjudicating a meaningless dispute between your gabbling prattling whore wives and, as if a thunderbolt had struck you and woken you from a twenty years dream, suddenly see these ugly bitches you got tired of fucking 19 years ago for the first time, and feel compelled to ask "Where have I been all this time?"

You have been warned. Pussy is only good at a distance, and the first half a dozen times you get access to it. After that, it's basically a shitty roommate combined with your mom you don't get along with. They trick you by making you think you can tolerate the bullshit and focus on the pussy when in reality nobody wants to fuck their mom or their roommate. It de-sexes them and all that's left is the slavery contract you signed to provide for them and tolerate their idiocy, even if the contract technically acknowledges you as in charge.

>> No.22574610

what part of sex slave did you not understand
I intend this to be a business. Catch some 19-20 year olds, then sell them off to betabuxxers when they turn 28

>> No.22574651

Thinking about going to law school so I can get a better paying career. I’ll be a lot older than my peers, but I can’t stay stuck like this forever. It’s not what I wanted for myself, but maybe it’s the best I can do.

>> No.22574667 [DELETED] 

i applied for an mba. my work will pay for it, and all my coworkers are doing masters, so i figure might as well do it too. there are worse things you could get peer pressured into i suppose.

>> No.22574689

I am so jaded and disillusioned with higher education. Everything I was promised has been a lie.

>> No.22574693

It's the worst progressive liberal circle jerk.

"OMG look at me, I read a book that a few school districts banned. Aren't I virtuous?"

>> No.22574694

It's latin/x/o/a/e/s you fucking bigot

>> No.22574715

I saw that crap all over my university. They're freely and openly, with institutional, major financial, and cultural backing distributing these books without any opposition. And they call them "banned" because a few schools removed the outright pornographic content from kindergarten libraries. Wheras if someone tried to hand out copies of Mein Kampf, these same libshits would be openly calling for his death.
Theres this weird underdog complex neoliberalism has. They have to be the victim, they have to be david vs goliath, they have to be the rebels, and resent the image of authority or victory or power. So much that they perpetuate this unending myth that even when they control every system thar they still somehow are fighting the power.

>> No.22574738

shitlibs are based for two reasons

>> No.22574803

>Many wives seems fine but women want 1on1 resources, not some community cock
This is just not historically accurate. Deviation from this model is relatively modern.

>> No.22574806
File: 60 KB, 474x719, Irreversible Damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, they tried to ban this book.

>> No.22574837

all anti-tranny and generally anti-leftard books should be banned
all school libraries and courses should be flooded with neomarxist trannyfreak propaganda
all american english-speaking children should be turned into infertile freaks

>> No.22574840

Take it easy Mr. Steinberg.

>> No.22574851

I dislike yids too, and without shartmericans (and most euros) gone, israel goes too since it leeches off the w*St

>> No.22574866

I agree but not because i hate america but because the creation of more freaks is part of God's plan to eradicate evil, disruptive male sexuality.
Trannies may not know this themself but each new addition to their ranks further neuter masculinity
This is ultimately a case of Providence making good out of evil--allowing trannies to spread to stymie the evil that is male sexuality

>> No.22574870

completely agreed. all men besides me and the ones I approve of should be emasculated and ideally executed.

>> No.22574877

Male sexuality isn't evil, it's just violent. Female sexuality is duplicitous which is also isn't evil, it's just the way it is. It's a lot more obvious when you look at the sexual dynamics of other mammals

>> No.22574879

It would be a nightmare like an endless stream of AI women in your home and all the kids they leave behinds crying 24/7 asking where mom is. And you would deserve it.

>> No.22574911

>It would be a nightmare
for them (I hope)
>like an endless stream of AI women in your home
holy fucking based. maybe I should add some sexbots in the mix too. to patrol the thots, for good measure
>and all the kids they leave behinds crying 24/7 asking where mom is. And you would deserve it.
just have other women raise them, then raise them to be just like me.

>> No.22574919

I'm addicted to looking for inspiration, but I can never actually do anything with it. It takes me hours to open Photoshop or Word and then any motivation I feel just evaporates

>> No.22574934

It's the classic liberal free speech*.

* anything I don't like is hate speech, -ist, -ic

>> No.22574938

going full schizo randomly lately just flexing and clenching my teeth and yelling YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in my head while at work's bathroom or at home or at friend's house
what do

>> No.22574953

Someone who thinks he can make money buying a bunch of new cars and reselling them used for a profit in ten years?

>> No.22574970

based positive affirmation ritual-doing anon

>> No.22574975

The Jews ran Weimar. The Jews founded the USSR. The Jews run the film industry in India. The Jews run the financial district in London. The Jews are hardly an American phenomenon.

>> No.22574988

>what do
Take the leap and start saying it out loud.

>> No.22575008

I used to be able to speed read fairly well but that ability decided to just up and leave maybe 4 years ago and now I kinda hate reading.

>> No.22575014

Call my mom today

>Hey mom
>Hey Anon
>What are you doing
>I'm at the mall with my friend, we're shopping for an outfit, she has a date tonight
>Oh nice... is she divorced?
>Her husband died about a year ago
>Oh that friend
Realized this is her friend who's husband committed suicide. Apparently that was a year ago.
>Talk some more, brief conversation, then hang up.

The man left his wife to the world, and now she's going to go out tonight to get piped down by another man, at least I hope so. Because I don't blame her. What is she supposed to do, just be lonely for the rest of her life? At 45? Of course not.

And now I'm picturing this man face down in the the mud, demons holding him down and raking his sides with vicious claws. And through his torment he hears a voice he recognizes. A woman. He raises his head to look up. Satan has descended a 100 ft jumbotron from the sky which is now broadcasting to the hellscape a picture of a woman and a man sitting on a bed. Laughing as they take each other's clothes off. The realization hits the man like a shot in the stomach. This is his wife. For minutes it stretches on. The giggling turns into soft moans, and the moans become louder as the headboard begins to bang. The woman lets out a loud
>Oh fuck yes
as she cums.
>She's certainly enjoying herself
Satan remarks.
The denizens of hell and Satan himself continue to laugh and joke at the man for the night.

I don't even believe in hell, but that is what's on my mind tonight. She's not your wife anymore Johnny. You fucking pussy.

>> No.22575024

The bible says she shouldn't remarry and devote herself to God

>> No.22575031

congrats on proving my point that jews survive by parasitizing whites. exterminate whites and you exterminate jews

>> No.22575037

lol your hag mom hangs out with whores

>> No.22575045

My hag whore mom hangs out with whores* ftfy

>> No.22575047


>> No.22575099
File: 78 KB, 1416x1080, image0-1046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America dezerffes to pe raped py niggers.
Americans dezerffe to pe humiliaded, zey dezerffe to haffe zeir zons pecome kay und zeir daughders vores, zey dezerffe to vatch zem get fucked py niggers und cobe for YEARS, lying to zemzelffes telling zemzelffes zat it's all koing to pe OK.
Zey dezerffe to drop out of school, guit zeir chob, zell Hefferyzing to chevs und get nozing, liffe alone in ein voods rezentful und haded py Hefferyone Hincluting zeir neighpors vo are chust like zem.
Zey don't dezerffe death, zey dezerffe hell.
Zey dezerffe to liffe in zis hellhole undil zey die of old age alone und forkotten in ein home for Helderly beople staffed py niggers who abuze zem daily.
Zey dezerffe to vibe zemzelffes vith vet tovels Hinstead of schovering, und to vatch anime on rebeat to escabe zeir ugly reality.

>> No.22575102

und das ist ein gut thing!

>> No.22575113

Firstly, you missed India. Secondly, that is a short list. They also helped found the CCP with Mao, for starters.

>> No.22575166
File: 23 KB, 198x276, 1523007874492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tummy's going BLUGRRGRRLGUURGGUUUGGOOOOGBLGGRRGRR and I feel like a balloon.
Is this what pregnancy feels like? Am I pregnant with frosted mini-wheats and pizza?

>> No.22575172

Should people kts if their lives suck? If they’re losers?

>> No.22575176
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, 1696192835651181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always known that I'm not a "normal person", but it didn't really click until recently when I tried to be more social.

Ever since adolescence I've been a recluse. No friends, no girlfriends, no social media, no clubs, never been to a bar, I don't even have close ties with my own family. I'm not an unpopular person by any means either, it's just whenever I was offered a chance to get close to somebody I denied it. I never felt like I was missing out, and I was content being like that.

I'm 27 now and in the last year I've become inspired to change, but all of my efforts have been severely hampered. Something in me is just broken. Went on a date with a girl for the first time ever, and she got skeeved when it became obvious I'd never been in a relationship before, so she ghosted me. I was just too weird. Tried to get a lead position at work, got passed over despite working there for 5 years and being an excellent employee, simply because I don't have it. I do not have whatever makes people normal.

I always figured I was making a conscious decision by isolating myself, and I suppose that made it easier to be alone. But now that I've made strides to be better, and failed, I realize it was never a decision in the first place. I was always meant to be this way.

>> No.22575203
File: 338 KB, 991x1400, 1622504319483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more shameful to make your mama cry than it is to take up space in her house and eat her food. No mother would rather have a deadbeat son who killed himself than a deadbeat son who's alive.
It's also more noble to live for someone else when you don't really want to than to take your life selfishly even though you know it'll hurt other people.

>> No.22575220

She did it.
She’s done the one thing I hoped she wouldn’t, and she’s done it before. It didn’t matter before because we were just dating. I expected her to be better without holding her atop a pedestal.
She’s dead to me now. I know it’s an over reaction, a dramatic reflex, a stupid idea. But she’s dead. She killed herself before my eyes.
Nothing short of a constant reminder now, my subconscious has taken over.
She’s just average now, normalized.
Maybe I do need to be with an “intelligent” woman, as intelligent as they can get without constantly pretending to be a man.
Or maybe I should swallow my tongue and just accept this is the best case scenario and love her for what she is.
It’s not a big deal, I know.
The constant nagging reminder of how she really feels about me.
“I know that you must feel lonely” doesn’t cut it, now that she’s with them.
“You make me feel so stupid, I know you don’t mean it but..”
I didn’t DO anything. It’s her feelings about me, my ability, and my intelligence.
I can’t discuss it without sounding like I’m bragging; I have a good grasp of myself and know myself well enough to explain it to someone.
But it’s the ease and lack of panic that gets them.
A close friend of mine is in the same boat.
It’s the fact that I don’t panic, that I am always calm, calculating, and in control. My life is constantly in shambles and they know it, the worst I do is give a sigh here and there.
Running on no sleep, the minimum nutrition necessary to keep me in the gym, taking a full load of classes and working more than 50 hours a week and I’m doing better than them in school. And with ease.
It drives them nuts.
How can I do it? They ask.
They don’t want to know, they just start to accuse me of making them feel inadequate.
I never really get to feel normal, just like an alien. Now she has told it to my face too.
I just make her feel bad about herself.
Such a stupid, selfish bitch.

>> No.22575322

>Am I pregnant with frosted mini-wheats and pizza?
Yes. Dilation will commence shortly. Birth is imminent.

>> No.22575327

>Should people kts if their lives suck?
No. This is your inspiration to do something great. Make best use of it. Abandon fear of death and cast eye on your foe.

>> No.22575337

Just let it ride, bro. Don't let the shortcomings of others bring you down.

>> No.22575350

Which foe is this cringe nigger talking about? Unless you have a blood toll to pay the only foe you probably have in your life is yourself. I've been there, so I can tell you you are full of shit.

>> No.22575378

Autism post.

For the past month I have been wondering if there could be some form of pornography which is not habit forming and has no negative neurological side effects, a kind which actually can improve one's life instead of having a detrimental effect however significant of insignificant it may be.

I have succeeded in my pseudo-quest and finally have an answer. Though pictures and videos may harm a person, one's use of their own imagination and visualizations however have never caused any problems for anyone throughout human history. Therefore the act of somehow improving one's use of their imagination, by either somehow making it more potent or easier to use, is a form of pornography that is safe. In fact, by encouraging its use, one will improve in their ability to use their imagination and perhaps making them more creative.

I have very few ideas as how to execute this thing, but I'm sure I'll find a way eventually.

>> No.22575382

You and I in Shanghai.

>> No.22575400

You can work and you probably tried your best to be better. All in all you seem like a perfectly fine person to me, anon. Most people have things they can fall back on when things go to shit, but you? You were denied almost all of them when life estranged you from others, and yet you still tried.

Don't say that stuff
>I was always meant to be this way.
when failure knocks on your doors. Did you think you could become what you wanted to be overnight? Of course things are going to suck sometimes. That's how you're supposed to learn. And of course sometimes you'll royally (hopefully not too many times) fuck things up. God, I've made a fool of myself too many times to count them. Sometimes I wished I could find the courage to kill myself, and sometimes I worked so hard and tried so hard for nothing it felt maddening.

Everyone who tried at least once knows that. You can't experience failure if you're not trying. You should sleep the bad thoughts off and reflect on what you did wrong, and please know you're absolutely on the right path and you should grant yourself as many second chances as you need. Being 'normal' or human isn't about making your life hell or living like an insect your whole life you nigger. Let me rephrase everything : You made efforts. Did you learn anything ? You probably fucking did, and that's better than doing nothing like the rest of your life. You got a little farther even if you can't see it yet. Give the finger to these work niggers and ask for a raise by the way.

>> No.22575438

Anyone have a PDF of codex brucianus?

>> No.22575444

Which books should I get?

The letters of Mozart
Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Golden Ass
Livy’s War with Hannibal
Abraham Lincoln writings
The Will to Power
Urn Burial
Another Tao Te Ching
Some Cicero writings

>> No.22575480

>the only foe you probably have in your life is yourself
So be it.

>> No.22575562

The view from my bedroom windows is unusual. It's about 10 acres of lawn the sunset side of which a huge stand of cottonwoods that cast very long elegant shadows across it whenever the weather is particularly clear. I haven't the slightest idea who owns or maintains it, but enjoy the distance it implies and enforces: The nearest window is a half kilometer away, and the sky view160 degrees around and down to about 5 degrees above the horizon. Still better in the same town, is a modest residence that sits on twice the area, surrounded almost entirely by old growth trees, in a ring facing more or less East. The standards when it comes to space around here aren't the highest in the world, but in terms of cultivated space, they're kind of insane.

>> No.22575596

based nihilists are such fags
you need Christ

>> No.22575598

I’m gonna flood yer bum with muh semen

>> No.22575601

I felled a collapsing cottonwood tree that was a tad over three foot diameter at the base. It was rotten from near the top, all the way down the trunk and underground. Bees had formed a nest in the tree from about four feet up, stretching fifteen feet more upwards. Only a one inch ring of live sapwood remained at the base. When I cut it, it hinged on two small squares about one inch by one inch. I followed all of the rules and felled it with the favoring of the mass of the branches. Any error, failure to follow the safety rules, or failing to take advantage of the imbalance would likely have entailed disaster. Dead cottonwoods are a bitch.

>> No.22575603

They need to find a cure for borderline personality disorder

>> No.22575605

Lincoln and Cicero.

>> No.22575608

Does the “shartmerican” live in your head rent free, Pablo?

>> No.22575613

Cicero and Livy

>> No.22575621

Been thinking about Harry Potter. Its immense popularity speaks to just how far Western culture has fallen from grace. I’m convinced the only reason it’s so popular is the combination of a clearly Gothic world that is nonetheless a rebellion against Christianity.

>> No.22575650

The ones near me are about 80 feet tall, and About 3' in diameter at the base, and still look perfectly healthy. Evidently the environment is for them is favorable as it gets. The oldest tree I've ever seen is an oak that lived within walking distance from where I lived in the 90s, that was between 500 and 800 years old. It recently died, and by recently i mean sometime since then and now.

>> No.22575688

Upon the great canal of Hang-Ho, or whatever they call it.

>> No.22575696

Blond easily mogs, but then again they are crickets so it's to be expected.

>> No.22575703

*It stood on the front lawn of modest family home, and was a seedling at least 3 centuries before Chicago existed even as a name.

>> No.22575707

>Sisyphus reborn, Pablo carries the immemorial, boundless burden of imagining me shitting in a market in his head
One must imagine Pablo happy.

>> No.22575712

How should you go about reconnecting with an old college friend you haven’t seen in years?

>> No.22575717

Any reason in particular?

>> No.22575724

How bad should adults feel for living with their parents? I chose to live here to save some money and spend less time alone but now that I’m older I really regret it. I feel like a huge loser.

>> No.22575725

I thought I loved going out on Fridays but realized if I jerk off my desire drops down significantly. I still enjoy the adventures and cool events but I've honestly been out alone, in bad weather and to boring places all under the horny spell all too often. Better at times to do more of what I enjoy on these nights rather than have the horny push me out into the cold, mostly boring, money draining world of social days.

>> No.22575734

Hate to say it, but Facefuck. Sure it's social media Hell in general, but it's good for that if little else.

>> No.22575739

It's tough to tell. This one may have stood 50 feet in its day. Bees and all, I'd have let her stand, but she was too close to the house. It was in an irrigated part of the desert. They never grow to full height here.

>> No.22575758

I just did it cold. Fucker had no interest in talking to me. I spent a lot of time trying to find him. What a waste.

>> No.22575769

>How bad should adults feel for living with their parents?
It runs the gamut. If you serve a purpose, then so be it. If you serve no purpose in their company, then move on. Many families lived together centuries on end. This is a question only you can answer.

>> No.22575773

You need urbex.

>> No.22575774

Lincoln and Cicero are the least trivial, theoretical or speculative among them, and, intentionally or not, the most autobiographical among those. The letters of Mozart may be worth reading. My favorite ancient Roman is Seneca, by far.

>> No.22575777

What exactly does that mean “serve a purpose”? I moved in with my single mom in part to save money and in part so we’d each be a little less lonely. Fast forward a few years and now I’m turning 30 and I just feel like a loser. Up to 25 I think there’s no issue at all. At my age? I don’t know. This feels somehow unredeemable. It feels like I’ve failed and because of it am doomed to failure in the future. Is this unreasonable?

>> No.22575779

Sure using your imagination ensures you aren't harming any actors, but do you deny the harm porn causes to the user?

>> No.22575781

Now that I think of it, I do feel as I’ve failed to mature into the man I want to be somehow somewhere along the way. I suppose it started during or after college…

>> No.22575794

Unironically death. Class B personality traits need to be genocided

>> No.22575797
File: 182 KB, 611x708, 1453072854103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increase protein intake
>track calories
>reduce caloric intake and feel hungry all the time
>lift weights like a maniac
>go running 3x a week
>all to look almost exactly the same but with slightly larger forearms
>not even noticeable except at a specific angle with the right lighting
>belly and neck fat haven't budged
kill me please

>> No.22575798

I can’t relax or stop thinking about it. I’m so sorry.

>> No.22575816

I’ve been reading Seneca a lot lately. I’m reading Appian now that whole ~130BC to the Roman Empire was wild. Just one dude after another marching on Rome or surrounding Italy with an army. Lots of backstabbing and turncoating. Wild era but I don’t want to get burnt out on that whole era so I’m a little reluctant about Cicero. I’m mostly interested in his philosophical writings. Any familiarity with them?

>> No.22575823

They look like humanoid cockroaches in drag

>> No.22575824

Tennessee Williams once wrote, "We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it."

>> No.22575828

How long have you been at it and what's your caloric deficit?

>> No.22575832

Do NOT read the sign at the end

>> No.22575836

Wtf is that all about???

>> No.22575846

Im beginning to genuinely believe there's some truth to the idea semen retention boosts your thinking.
Haven't coomed in 2 weeks and the sexual frustration has fueled hours long writing sessions, in which my thinking capacity is crystal clear in a way it normally never is
All along sexual frustration was the key to unlocking my power.
It's so hard though i don't know how much longer i can last...

>> No.22575854

Really? He had no interest at all? I suspect one of my friends will have no interest after I missed his wedding.

>> No.22575856

You mean Facebook? If so, I don’t have one. Never have. I’ve never had any social media at all.

>> No.22575859

I live in mid central Illinois. The height of tree stands depends rather a lot on the local water table. Some stretches of treelined interstate look wretchedly short, others spectacularly tall.. In the suburbs of Northwest Indiana mulberries prolifierate and tower like you wouldn't believe, in some areas. I've seen magnificent specimens there, about 60' tall, by the dozens beside a bike trail in a wealthy suburb. It just sort of happened.

>> No.22575860

>What exactly does that mean “serve a purpose”?
Ultimately, that is up to you.
>I moved in with my single mom in part to save money
Fair enough. Real estate is a bitch nowadays.
>and in part so we’d each be a little less lonely.
So it goes, but you had better validate that you are killing two birds with one stone, here. The two separate lonelinesses may not be compatible. You need to be the judge of that.
>Fast forward a few years and now I’m turning 30 and I just feel like a loser.
The location has little to do with it.
>Up to 25 I think there’s no issue at all. At my age? I don’t know.
Age has little to do with it.
>This feels somehow unredeemable.
Only if you make it so.
>It feels like I’ve failed and because of it am doomed to failure in the future.
If you are a parasite, then you are a loser and you need to fix it. If you are making the best of the situation, then none of the rest of this matters.
>Is this unreasonable?
No. But there is more to it. You are outside the modern model, so you have more to prove regarding being a loser or not, but this is far from non-recoverable if you are making something of yourself. The key factor is not where you happen to lay your head down to sleep, but more what you do with your days.

>> No.22575869

I've been an actively practicing Buddhist for 9 years, grew up in a Buddhist family, always thought it was true.

More and more, I'm finding the idea of some type of permanent death where your consciousness goes somewhere else to be a lot more logical than rebirth, and have been consuming an alarming amount of Christian literature. This was entirely spurred on by some schizo vision I had while meditating, seeing some figure radiating light and watching me and feeling an intense level of serenity, then later that night having dreams of meeting Christ or at least someone that I assumed was Christ in a church (I've never been in one lmao), we proceeded to have a very polite conversation, then I remember him disappearing out of thin air. I'm not sure how or why I thought it was Christ, just felt like it was.

Prior to this vision, and the subsequent dreams, and then my recent studies, I knew literally next to nothing about Christianity in general, since my family is mostly Buddhist, and I grew up with no Christian friends.

>> No.22575885

Why think about it at all when you have no way of knowing till it happens? Just take the Epicurus pill and treat every day like your last

>> No.22575887

How to make torrenting go faster?

>> No.22575891

I'll be honest, I'm not scared of death at all, I've always been on the Epicurus pill since I was like 15, because of syncretic Greek / Buddhist art which I was interested in for a long time. "Death is nothing to us" has been burned into my brain since I was 16.

I'm not really concerned so much with the question of what happens after death, but more which system of practice is more true, or at least more true for me.

>> No.22575911

>He had no interest at all?
Nah, he gave me a very brusque reception. He answered all questions very succinctly. I think that he does not want to associate with others of the kind of which he used to be. We were both pretty big troublemakers, but it looks like we have both rectified our sordid ways. I think that he fears the past, and that I am a part of that. My last memory of him is of him and his father shouting at each other in the kitchen. His father asked him what he was going to do with his life, and he answered. His father laughed in his face, told him that his plan was unreasonable, and walked away. My friend made good on his claim, so I guess he got the last laugh. I found someone else, and he was fully the other direction. He acted almost like we were never actual friends, but that I was his idol and he just a follower. He gives me huge credit for inspiring him to follow the career path that he did, to significant success. Odd twists the years make.

>> No.22575917

On noise, and Pumpkinification are among the themes of Seneca I like best, that is to say when he's at his least philosophical and most personal. Personally, I can't stand noise like he could, but take just as much pleasure as he evidently did in making elaborate fun of arbitrary authority. There's something amazing about how advanced his overall tone is, it its descriptive intimacy. At his best. Plato was capable of something similar, but never so self-aware.

>> No.22575932

>mid central Illinois
My grandfather grew up near the edge of the lake. He had a relatively uncommon name. I made an ebay sale to some dude with the same last name, in the same suburb where my grandfather lived. There was not supposed to be anyone left behind when my family left there, but it made me think of the convict from The Grapes of Wrath. One never knows.
People will tip a perfectly good mulberry tree, inspire excess epicormic growth, and cause collapse. I think that this procedure hearkens to centuries past, when the tree was more valued for the fruit than for its shade or beauty. The epicormic growth will produce many more berries until the tree collapses. I am currently in process of saving one here that was tipped previously. Tree trimmers work a lot on tradition and word of mouth. A lot of them trim trees a specific way and have no idea why. It is just what is done. Of course, some of them have no idea what they are doing. Such is the case of industries whose cost of entry is a truck and a saw.

>> No.22575947

Nips are usually terrible at comedy but some of their porn is intentionally hilarious, how comes?

>> No.22575958

Bros it's fucking over. My chest continues to hurt, hard to breathe, strange feeling in my arm
I'm only 23 this can't be reopening
I don't know what to do

>> No.22575963

Are you morbidly obese and smoke 3 packs a day? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.22575966

Oh nvm you're a vaxxie. No refunds.

>> No.22575972

>anon writes out an NTR fetish for himself
I think if you were in hell, you'd have bigger problems than your wife moving on. Women aren't everything m80

>> No.22575973

I have no clue.
I'm not fat im actually quite skinny.
I am however a very anxious person and i suspect years of being over-stressed and many sleepless nights (i work night shift) has caused some kind of wear on my heart
I also drink a lot of coffee which might be a contributing factor.
The chest pain has been around for a couple years, but it's gotten worse recently.
I'm thirsty all the time, arm sometimes goes numb randomly. And there's this constant weird ebbing pain in my hand
I feel like i need to take drastic action like stop eating anything with fat or high salt.
I'm fairly certain it's my heart causing the pain

>> No.22575975

Vaccine is good. Get vaccinated.

>> No.22575976

It's weird too because I exercise a lot

>> No.22575977

Weird. Never heard of tree tipping, since almost all fruit trees are accidental or ornamental around here. Indeed one of my neighbors gave me a big bag of perfect and uniform apples from backyard trees of a relative. I've never seen anything like them. Of course it's well to remember that apple varieties run to the thousands of those described, and that there are far more that are undescribed. Who knows? Maybe it has potential as a commercial one.

>> No.22575978

4 months and 350 calories on a TDEE of 2200.

>> No.22575979

Were you vaxxed? Go see a doctor. Why the fuck would you wait years

>> No.22575982

signed myself up for a project that is very coding heavy and have not much experience. not worried about deadlines. it's frustrating knowing exactly what I want to do but not knowing how to express it. frustrating that something simple takes 30 mins

>> No.22575984

Do you have costochondritis? I have pretty much constant, never ending chest pain, and just general pain in my sternum/ribs 24/7, which can also flare up for unknown reasons and even mimic a heart attack.
Ending up getting diagnosed with that shit. Unfortunate thing is, they just know its some type of inflammatory disease, but no rhyme or reason as to why it exists or what causes it, or why only certain people develop it.

My personal theory is wrestling from childhood through college fucked me up beyond repair.

>> No.22575988

I think I had some cancerous growth, but I guess it was benign because years later and it's gone.

>> No.22575992
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no one is going to take a proper history and examine you on 4chan
pic related

>> No.22575993

I am but the chest paim started occuring long before i got vaccinated.
>Go see a doctor. Why the fuck would you wait years
No point doctors can't do anything. Theyll just waste my time and try to get me put the door as fast as possible.
Doctors are useless. Either something will kill you or it won't.
Haven't been to one in a long while

>> No.22576000

Assuming you're counting intake honestly and not overestimating kcals burned via exercise (easy to do, those calc are sussy), try gradually upping the deficit by say 100-200 a time for a while. Maintain the new deficit until you stall again & repeat. I'm currently at about a 1200 calorie deficit and am considering buying a katana just so I can jump arsefirst on to it and finally know an end to this suffering.

>> No.22576004

why do you think doctors are useless?

>> No.22576005

Dumb ass. Go ahead and die 40 years early then.

>> No.22576006

No clue. I think it's heart related cause I also get shortness of breath / difficulty breathing, and my left arm going numb which im convinced is because there's some blockage so the blood isn't flowing properly
Also have had frequent trouble sleeping. In college there were weeks sometimes where for 2 days in a row i would get no sleep.
I suspect chronic insomnia has raised my blood pressure

>> No.22576009

She probably drove him to it.
>looks up at jumbotron
>''Yep, more of the same - once a whore, always a whore. ''
>Satan laughs in the corner
>''Fucking broads.''

>> No.22576013

>I also get shortness of breath / difficulty breathing
This can also happen with costochondritis. If my chest is in a lot of pain on a particular day, my breathing gets all kinds of fucked for hours.

Genuinely, only relief I've ever found is just smoking pot. Better than chugging otc nsaids and fucking my organs up.

>> No.22576014

Doctors used to not wash their hands causing death from their hand germs. I can never trust one ever again.

>> No.22576015

Because they are. They don't actually listen.
I went to a doctor 2 years ago about the chest pain and she was dismissive and tried to convince me it was just mild allergies despite me never getting allergies. Never went back.
Secondly they're useless as I said because either you die or don't. If you don't die then the doctor was never needed. If you do die then the doctor also wasn't needed.

>> No.22576022

Much like every profession, there are good doctors and bad doctors. You should at least get a second opinion.
>either you die or you don't
You are ignoring the increase in average life expectancy thanks to modern medicine. If you wish to die at 40, that is your choice.

>> No.22576023

I am no longer a virgin

>> No.22576025

>Never heard of tree tipping
It is very common with fruit trees. Citrus survive it well. Most others, not so much. You simply cut the branch short, in violation of the ANSI A-300 standard. The response will be several small branches at the tip, where once there was only one. The branch then overloads with wood, or fruit, or acorns, or whatever mother nature decides. If an arborist catches it in time, then he might be able to just remove the excess epicormic growth. If the cuts are made too far back, then it can never be saved. The whole branch might die. Do you want the story of the apple tree in the US?

>> No.22576028

It could have just been a cyst that your body processed.

>> No.22576033

Forgot to mention the other thing that weirds me out, i all the time get red spots on my hand like an alcoholic gets.

>> No.22576038

How does it feel?

>> No.22576042

Not him, but the multi-billion dollar cardiac care industry is a flatline industry. For every patient that they save, they accidentally kill one. They kill people during stress tests. They cause a lot of unwarranted suffering. There is some good medicine, but cardiac care is not it. The studies that underpin the industry conflate correlation and causality. The great mass of lower level studies are all competing to best prove faulty premises. They are absolute clowns.

>> No.22576073
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kinda underwhelming, realizing I am a lot more numb to touch than I realized. I did manage to cum, and I think he came like three times. dude had the biggest dick I've ever seen, like slightly smaller than my wrist. fucked in front of a mirror and he manhandled me a lot (in a desired way)

>> No.22576087

Ahhhhhhhh, alright now that I've coomed I can get back to my spiritual studies...

>> No.22576097

( but I totally promise this was the last time it will never happen again, tee hee)

>> No.22576135

sounds like allergies bro

>> No.22576152

reminds me of how i felt. it's like i don't feel physical pleasure unless it's connected to some kind of emotional pleasure.

>> No.22576161

Getting plowed in the ass doesnt make you a non-virgin, faggot

>> No.22576177

does anyone know of an iliad edition with both the original text and english translation?

>> No.22576181

Plump and musty shitholes lined up for abuse, hairy with androgenic vitality

>> No.22576193

I believe that a lot of the British editions are set up this way.

>> No.22576197
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>my lit gf found out I skipped few pages

>> No.22576225
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There is a cute girl at work that works in early childhood education.
I want to have a romantic relationship and/or sexual intercourse with her.
How should I approach her? What do I say?
t. janitor

>> No.22576258

Normally, a mix of "I should be doing shit" while idle and 'I don't want do do this shit" while busy

>> No.22576269

wondering how long threads stay up before they get pruned

>> No.22576270

There's no way that's real

>> No.22576279

I'm in a weird situation with weird people. Uhhh yeah, don't do it for the nookie.

>> No.22576325

>The Jews founded the USSR
It was Latvians thoughever

>> No.22576350


>> No.22576452

>>reduce caloric intake and feel hungry all the time
>Wtf, why no gains
Are you mentally challenged? You know your body needs energy to grow muscle tissue not just protein?

>> No.22576460

legs feeling weird. it's kind of distracting and annoying.

>> No.22576461


all in your imagination

>> No.22576465

>legs feeling weird. it's kind of distracting and annoying.

damn it. why is it always something? as though all the moons of jupiter and mars have to be in correct alignment to get a few hours without something bugging the hell out of me.

>> No.22576479

I was wondering if there is any Sci fi book where a major character or the protag face difficulty adapting to civilian life after seeing combat. Forever War and Forever Peace kinds touch this in a way, but after reading Dune I was wondering if there is something that really goes inside the head of a character that goes thru that particular kind of thing. Any suggestions?

>> No.22576480

the unbearable agony of holding hands on the street with a gorgeous guy

>> No.22576490

The Kid from Hell by Strugatsky brothers. Exactly what you are describing.

>> No.22576495

>legs feeling weird
Do you have a case of the Jimmy legs?

>> No.22576511
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Thanks fren!

>> No.22576516


i don't know what that is

>> No.22576527

Legs feel weird. You feel it in the bones. You feel like you want to rub your legs together for brief relief, but it comes right back. It's usually all the way from the shins to the toes. I think the medical term is Restless Legs Syndrome.

>> No.22576583

It makes my heart beat faster to cuddle than to do odd, sexual shit. I do have anorgasmia however.

>> No.22576616
File: 1.39 MB, 1024x1024, Clam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently reading Ulysses.
The language itself is interesting enough to keep me going.
But due to the 'complexity' of it, I am for the most part unable to understand where and when I am, who is who and who is present in the scenes.

Is this how it's supposed to be?

>> No.22576627

The Soul After Death by Fr. Seraphim Rose might interest you.

>> No.22576683


>> No.22576705

Is it normal to have a soft spot for the girl you lost your v to even though you are both married? We never even dated and she literally broke my heart too when I thought us sleeping together meant were were going to be a couple soon. But apparently not lol.

I still get butterflies when I know she's going to be at a mutual event. It's kind of a mixture of being excited to see her again and a validation thing, like hoping she is proud and happy for me or something. It's hard to explain, but hopefully makes some sense.

I also feel so warm and happy when we hug and kiss each other on the cheek when we greet each other and say our goodbyes. I really still love seeing her for some reason, then when the night is done I go home feeling happy, life goes on as normal and completely forget about her til next time. There is something about her too that triggers something in me that makes me love and appreciate my wife even more.

Did she cause some sort of trauma in me? We never dated or were even a couple, but when we started having sex I got really clingy and cringe and tried pushing a relationship with her or asking every now and then ask if our sex meant anything to her. Obviously it would annoy her and she would scold me. I did put her in an awkward situation. I just hope she doesn't see me I that negative light anymore, and I hope there is some way I can make it up to her

>> No.22576717
File: 165 KB, 572x697, Damn... .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22573982 Damn...

>> No.22576731

I had a very similar situation with my first anon, I imagine it's somewhat normal but many guys probably won't admit to it or claim it's abnormal. The only part in actually cringing at is the "make it up to her" but at the end. I don't give a fuck what my first girl is doing and think about her almost never, despite our stories, the way the bitch acted and whatnot being entirely similar.

>> No.22576746
File: 266 KB, 715x646, aeb9227dbd47e392e8c53ccaec9e8df6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.22576862

I quit my investment banking job five years ago now. At the time, I felt good about the decision. Now, I tend to think it was the worst decision I ever made. All that money was left on the table. If I had taken it, maybe I wouldn’t be living with my parents with nowhere to go right now.

>> No.22576865

I guess it depends. The girl I lost my virginity with turned out to be a total psycho with daddy issues. I never really think about her. I also am never in a situation where I run into her. The girlfriend that I feel like I really grew up with and was actually a decent enough girlfriend though? Yeah, I think about her and I think I would get butterflies if I saw her out somewhere even though I know I would never date her again.

>> No.22576877

Who is your favorite writer who opposed Hegelianism? It seems to me there are too many to choose from.

>> No.22576892
File: 153 KB, 732x600, 1D6A33C9-7FD5-41E3-8CC0-F608BB59A6EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a NEET, but a stoic and happy NEET

>> No.22576904

Happiness is overrated.

>> No.22576912

Cute. I’d punch her first though

>> No.22576917

Lol, no

>> No.22576920

They’re classics

>> No.22576925

>this nigga thinkin about Hogwarts

>> No.22576933

Female sexuality is very evil, don’t be mistaken. At least when men pursue women it’s in a very direct, non-translucent manner.

Censorship should only be in a thing in private domains

>> No.22576935

I can sympathize with her somewhat because I also got another job and got lazy. In my experience, it’s hard not to. Wall Street as a junior is just so intense and so competitive that everything else has felt easy and unimportant in comparison. That’s not to say it was worth it though. For me, it was partly being miserable and partly tired of feeling unethical. It’s not really a question of “not making it”. In truth, nobody “makes it”. 99% of analysts will not become associates, no matter how hard they try. It’s just not that meritocratic and to any degree it is meritocratic, the bar is so high and it demands such a particular personality. It’s very difficult to keep a long career on Wall Street unless you come from a very particular background. What I regret though is just not trying to hit the pinnacle before leaving and then going right into what I’m going into now. The money would be nice but I was never going to stay in that career. So I don’t regret leaving. I just regret not leaving to something better than I did. In my case, I would’ve tried to get into a really reputable firm and lasted for a year and then immediately went to law school. I don’t know what she wishes she had done but I bet she feels similarly. I bet there’s a good chance she’s a competitive person and depressed in an uncompetitive environment as well.

>> No.22576961
File: 266 KB, 615x1520, C4184E91-A56D-47C4-B080-F11C6C2506DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct.
50% of all the worlds kikes live in America.

>> No.22576973

there isn't gonna be 1488 points

>> No.22576997

We call it neoliberalism but in reality it is revolutionary progressivism. Progress is precisely unchaining oppressed groups.

The bourgeois elite that have used these groups as political fodder don’t feel themselves oppressed. They merely take up the flag of the oppressed for their political campaigns. They believe they’re fighting the power because the power is not the political regime but the cultural-historical status quo. That’s how it’s revolutionary. But contemporary progressives always walk a tight rope because they can risk revolution occurring under their watch. It’s only revolutionary as a consequence of momentum from the 18th century revolutions. These are the same people. In America, the Ivy League educated lawyer class was in power then and it’s still in power now. There are only a few key differences.

>> No.22577061
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What is the point of dating a christian girl If she isn't a virgin?

>> No.22577112

A virgin is just a whore who hasn't fucked around much yet anon. All women are scum.

>> No.22577129

Only good post ITT

>> No.22577156

>They have to be the victim, they have to be david vs goliath, they have to be the rebels
Every right wing dipshit who complains about being "silenced" is the same. You can buy Mein Kampf on amazon man

>> No.22577217

What’s the realistic path to earning a living writing non-fiction? How to make a living writing fiction seems pretty obvious to me: publish a lot of singles and doubles or else publish one home run. Is non-fiction the same? What sort of credentials are good? I guess nobody wants to read non-fiction from someone without a graduate degree.

>> No.22577218

They are not Goliath in the equation though. Shitlibs are.

>> No.22577246

i really hope no one wants to talk to me when i'm dead or dying.

>> No.22577255

I feel so behind…

>> No.22577303
File: 380 KB, 508x540, 1684375924916983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, thank you anon. I really needed to hear that. I don't intend to give up at all, but I worry I'll never get there all the way. Maybe most of the way will be good enough. I already did put in my two weeks at that job, didn't help that they basically said "lolkbye thanks for working for us". Fuck 'em.

Only on 4chan can you receive well thought out, comforting, life-affirming advice and also get called a nigger at the same time. Love you.

>> No.22577320

How do I say this politely in Japanese?
>I'm sorry about your grandfather. You can come to my room tonight. Tomorrow I'll free you from this life. Don't worry about your grandfather. I'll hire him a worker after we leave.

>> No.22577321

you're not from New York City, you're from Rotherham

>> No.22577336

I was about your age when I started to really understand myself and feel comfortable with how I was. Modern life can be so dogmatic regarding personality. There’s so much pressure to be this extroverted, hedonistic, transgressive, progressive wheeler and dealer that if you’re not, you feel cast aside. Eventually, you come to a point where you just accept that you’re different from the desired norm and you choose to be the courageous loner rather than the cowardly fraud. If I could offer you any advice it would be to try to develop some closer ties with your family. Part of getting older is learning that closeness can mean different things and you have to learn where these people fit into your life. The thing is though, there are some people you’re liable to want fit in somewhere somehow, even if you don’t want it now. So if you have to make an effort for that you should do it.

As for the girls, next time you’re in that situation, just lie. “Yeah I’ve been in relationships before but not that long or serious” or “No, I’m not a virgin I just always get this nervous or awkward the first time with someone”. And as for work, they’re not loyal to you and they don’t look for competence so don’t sweat it. Whatever this normal is, trust me, you don’t want it. Try to understand that your being different is actually admirable. I would recommend you read the ouvre of Ernst Junger. He’s someone he really admired and exalted the courageous and admirable loner in part because he thought fighting for dignity made you a loner in these times. And he also thought that you could always preserve dignity, no matter what happens in politics or war or in business, and that dignity is worth more than even your life itself.

>> No.22577453

I’ve totally destroyed my career and hitched my wagon to a lame horse…

>> No.22577457
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I'm so fucking tired of hearing about Jews and their endless problems, their weird intertwined arrogance and victim complex. I just do not want to hear about Jews at all. 0.2% of the planet and everybody has to hear about every fucking Jew who stubbed his toe in the entirety of human history. And now because a bunch of Jews decided to plant an apartheid state in the middle of an area that psychotically hates them, I have to hear about them being attacked and see every politician in the universe making a special visit from the Andromeda galaxy to say they "stand" with Jews, while the Jews continue to sob and simultaneously flatten random Arab kids with tanks they got for free via my tax dollars.

Please God just find a way to relocate this people to some fucking island where they can finally be happy and stop murdering children while crying about it the three times per decade that the children slap them back in the process. I do not want to hear about JEWS anymore. I don't fucking care about a bunch of atheist Turco-Russians obsessed with smut whose sole point of identity as a "nation" is living in other people's nations and crying when anybody dislikes them. I am primally, from the seat of my soul, tired of hearing about Jews. I don't want them all dead. I just don't want to hear about them anymore.

>> No.22577466


>> No.22577502


>> No.22577707

I have about an hour to decide whether I’m going to take that $30k I’ve saved and use it in a down payment on a house or use it to travel across Europe for 3 the next months on a whim. I also need a new car but fuck cars.

>> No.22577721

Wrote some lyrics:
An uncertain gesture
Too short for the lectern
And a soft spoken lecture
Of eroded texture
Those spirits in unseen footage

The print of a brain
On your dug up skull
Such a loving embrace
Between mind and bone
Those memories becoming porridge

>> No.22577741

You can travel across Jewrope without flushing 30 racks down the toilet. I maxxed my visa twice in one year and I didnt have to spend 5 figures.

>> No.22577745

I can hear the background radiation of the Big Bang.

>> No.22577748

Thats just tinnitus little brained anon.

>> No.22577769


>> No.22577782

I don’t think I can. Plane tickets can easily cost me $10k. A month long AirBnB as much as $5k. That’s $20k right there. I figure another $10k for various expenses. This seems to be the low end in my opinion.

>> No.22577783

she literally has amblyopia lmao.

>> No.22577787

I love it

>> No.22577831

Be sure to wear a condom.

>> No.22577888

I wish I had a little pocket dimension that I could go to whenever things get too hard. Cookie bonus if it could also stop time. I'd get comfy and sleep full nights inside this little world of mine. Take all the time I need whenever I need. I'd even dance and do some karaoke nights alone and cook lavish foods there. Everything to get away from people and relationships.

>> No.22577938

I ordered something from DoorDash, and the delivery driver was just sitting across the street directly in front of my house. I tried waving to them, but they wouldn't come to the door. The driver got out and it was a black teen in a hoodie, and I could see there were multiple black people in the car, and he kept opening and closing the back door, then going back into the driver seat. It was really weird and sketchy. They eventually left.

>> No.22577949

Report it to DoorDash

>> No.22577965

yeah you were about to get robbed and then they pussied out

>> No.22577975

What do you think about making career changes in your 30s and 40s?

>> No.22577978

There are a lot of variables and circumstances that make this a vague question. Nothing wrong with it in general

>> No.22578037

What about going back to school in your 30s or 40s to do it?

>> No.22578066

Sounds like one of the psychopaths from an Alan Harrington novel.

>> No.22578083

>the delivery confirmation photo is an image of a sperglord frantically waving his arms as if to scare away a mountain lion

>> No.22578087

Why not?

>> No.22578103

Well, you’d be a good bit older than the other students. In some sense, you’d always be competing at a game you can’t win because you didn’t start playing early enough. You know?

>> No.22578111

Who cares about other people? Ok. So they think you’re too old for school. Are you there for them? So you might not rise to the top of a career because of a late start. Are you the type of person who doesn’t do something because you won’t be the best? Sounds like some type of complex. Live your own life and don’t look at other people

>> No.22578117

I got laid off in my 40s. I was a specialist at what I did and a lot of factories wanted me. I could not bring myself to commit to another hellhole factory. I am now a technical climbing arborist. I make jack shit compared to what I did previously because I do not get enough work. On the days that I do work, I make more money. Either way, I get to see the Sun every day.

>> No.22578126

It's not like the college experience means anything anymore. The young people at college are just confused high school students going to shitty parties and never making real friends. They all go to the gym constantly yet all look like shit. They're subhuman. If I wanted a degree from a university at 50, like I can only learn how to do some engineering task by getting actual training and/or I need the cert, for some reason I'd do it and simply strategically minimize my interactions with students.

>> No.22578127

>Are you the type of person who doesn’t do something because you won’t be the best?
Look out, boys. We got ourselves another failed painter.

>> No.22578154

I'm angry at how slow /lit/ is on a weekend. Who said you fucking faggots could spend time outdoors or with your families? Get back here.

>> No.22578176

Some of us use our weekends to read too

>> No.22578205

All of 4chan is exceptionally slow. It's dying.

>> No.22578209

My least favorite part of online political discourse is how you’re expected to be ok with terrible things happening to the “other side”.
>noooooo, my atrocityireeno is justified because other side did bad thing!
No it isn’t.

>> No.22578218

I'm getting real tired of subhuman retards making fun of people dying in general. It's just so niggery.

>> No.22578248

That sounds like an interesting line of work. What got you on a literature board?

I agree regarding the college experience, but I’m thinking more about career. For some careers a degree is a requirement.

>> No.22578294

Why shouldn't I just kill myself if I'm a manlet?

>> No.22578298

The hell does being a manlet have to do with anything?

>> No.22578299

Realizing I'm a dysgenic freak for one thing.

>> No.22578302

The global average height is like 5'8" dude, calm down.

>> No.22578303

Yes I'm well aware the global populace is raised entirely on GMOs.

>> No.22578307
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What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.22578310

Wait a minute, a lot of what I perceive as "myself" is actually just the opinions of others. Therefore I both love and hate myself because in the age of information, who I conceive as "me" isn't really me.

I wonder if super geniuses can look at a person and break them down by percentage into their influences. Like this post, "Oh, that's just Alan Watts talking."

>> No.22578314

It means most people have shit nutrition which correlates with stunted physical and neurological developments. An epidemic of manlets is as disconcerting as an epidemic of autism.

>> No.22578316

Nigga that's the global AVERAGE it includes figures from SEA where men are like 5'2" and always have been. Get off /pol/ sometime.

>> No.22578319

That's a non-sequitur, I'm basically saying the global populace is incredibly dysgenic so averages don't amount to much.

>> No.22578322

The global average height is higher than ever before, people weren't all 6'5" aryvn trve gigachads before big bad GMO corpos fed them goyslop. Get off /pol/.

>> No.22578344

I think about killing myself almost every day but I think about eating a delicious spaghetti dinner every day so my priorities are in order for now

>> No.22578347

We've broken up long ago, but I don't know if I'll ever love anybody else with my whole being other than her, or if anybody else would love me as much as she did. Except for my hypothetical children maybe. The clichés were true.

>> No.22578360

Frankly, I don't see how this disputes any sort of notion that being a manlet is dysgenic and that a few whites and blacks getting taller doesn't serve to emphasize that fact. If what you're claiming is true then that's all the more disheartening.

>> No.22578369

god damn it now I am remembering her hushed manner of speaking and her very gentle sighs and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fucking shit this is like that one creed song that goes my own prison
i have to get a grip

>> No.22578372
File: 31 KB, 657x527, 1519272591334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does it matter to you personally? Why would you want to kill yourself over some unchangeable petty shit like being a couple inches shorter than you think you should be?

>> No.22578409

I reported it to the restaurant, and they sent their own driver to give me my order free of charge. Nice!

>> No.22578411

Ever wonder what it'd be like to abduct tall chads and yell "TIMBEEEEEEEER" as we cut them down to 5"8 with an axe would be like?

It'd be horrible but also really carthartic.

>> No.22578426

I’m really struggling to figure out my plans.

>> No.22578453

Sometimes I remember all the cringy trash I wrote in college and feel a deep sense of embarrassment.
The thought that my writing might be preserved somewhere brings me more anxiety than anything stupid I did during my college years.

>> No.22578458

>What got you on a literature board?
I was always a /li/fag. I generated official documents for a test engineering team, so I even qualified as a professional writer at one time.

>> No.22578459

>Plane tickets can easily cost me $10k.
How? When I looked at sites a flight to EU was like at most 1k

>> No.22578462

It depends on how stark it is. If I have read the source material, and it gets quoted close to verbatim, then I pick it off right away. Yes, I will mention it as well.

>> No.22578466

So it goes. Not even memeing. Life goes on.

>> No.22578472

I just defend that it was the best that I could do at the time. I wrote for public dissemination, so I know that it is out there - typos and all.

>> No.22578473

I'm probably going to give up Ulysses again, personally. I don't understand so many of the references without following a guide or course notes, and I feel that's where most of the enjoyment comes from.
It feels cheating to read a chapter and then hit up ulyssesguide.com to have any idea what I'm supposed to gather from the text beyond the literal. And I'm not even having trouble grasping what's "going on," I just realize 90% of the enjoyment is in Joyce's connections to broad topics.

>> No.22578476

I did not even take him seriously. If he is spending that much, then he is flying for every little jump. That is big gay, and also misses the killer rail system.

>> No.22578512

here some mental vomit i kust posted on /pol/

>Frank Miller VS Jesus
You know what OP? I've had it with your retarded shit. you could have chosen any of the dozen of ancient Greek writers but instead you had to choose a character written by FRANK FUCKING MILLER
your either maliciously deceptive or maliciously retarded. either way fuck off
it is so dense with truths and now retarded Michael bay versions of characters like frank millers """Leonidas""" as adapted in the 300 movie
Nietzsche knew it, he knew that the Oresteia BY Aeschylus WAS the pinnacle OF ALL HUMAN WRITING . that's it. Read it, read all the English translations, read the Greek, watch the fucking plays. understand it. actually understand it. because you fucking slop slobbery reprobates would not understand a tractor trailer if it turned your brain into windshield paste the first time around, watch it ten times, 20 times. every word. every single syllable has meaning it is the code of all action, all death, all future, everything is encapsulated into the Oresteia. AND GEUSS WHAT?/POL/ DOES NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS. at best its just some play they had to watch or read for English but hey numb skull that's not it retard. re read re listen. TO QOUTE THE PLAY ITSELF: THOSE WHO KNOW, KNOW. THOSE WHO DONT KNOW WONT KNOW.
that's it . end of discussion

>> No.22578555

Railroad is unironically more expensive than flying most of the time.

>> No.22578558

How many books does it take to read until you can become a writer? That is a question that I've been asking myself of late. If anyone has an answer feel free to @ me.

I've got three down so far and a whole entire journey ahead of me.

>> No.22578590

Even with the pass?

>> No.22578592

buses aren't

>> No.22578594
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One day a Chukchi brought his novel to the editorial office. The editor read it and said:
- You see, it's a bit weak... You should read the classics. Have you read Turgenev? And Tolstoy? And Dostoevsky?
- However no. Chukchi not reader, Chukchi writer.

>> No.22578598

keep the opps guessing

>> No.22578609

>How many books does it take to read until you can become a writer?
Anywhere between zero and all of them. It depends on what you are doing. Firstly, can you mechanically write? Secondly, what do you want your style to be like? Is the material fiction, biography, memoire, non-fiction? Have you been writing in writefag general? Or at all? Just start writing in your favorite medium. I am a pen and paper fag because it is so convenient, but you need to do you.

>> No.22578611

City buses are cheap, but people get pissed when you carry luggage.

>> No.22578632

I meant intercity buses. Most people have bags on those.

>> No.22578641

Yeah, I was thinking about that as I posted, but I never rode one in Europe. How is the railpass nowadays?

>> No.22578669

>Firstly, can you mechanically write?
I'm not sure that I can do this. Can you recommend me some resources on how to do this? Or perhaps I very much do know but have little confidence in myself. Like when I think of HOW to write a chapter in mind of a story my brain seems to tense and freeze as if it has never even imagined such an idea. I'm very ridiculous.

>> No.22578700

>Can you recommend me some resources on how to do this?
Absolutely. The Simon and Schuster Handbook for Writers. Buy the most recent used edition that you can get for cheap. I paid 10 to 20 USD for mine.
>Or perhaps I very much do know but have little confidence in myself.
Always an issue.
>Like when I think of HOW to write a chapter in mind of a story my brain seems to tense and freeze as if it has never even imagined such an idea.
For starters, just write and toss it in the fire. Write a bunch. Toss it all in the fire. Get the mechanics down to the point that you start worrying more about the ideas, and less about the mechanics of getting the ideas onto paper. Sometimes I will get in a flurry, and I will alternate between getting the prose on the page as some twist of words catches me, and jotting notes as I am overwhelmed with too many ideas to refine at once. Pen and paper do well with this.

>> No.22578704

The answer isn't an integer, it's a variable.
I would say if you're seriously interested in being a writer you should be reading roughly a book a week on average.
There's no point in waiting until you've read a thousand books or some other figure to write. You get better at writing by writing.
At the same time, it's necessary to be well read to be a good author. Reading tells you what ideas have been done to death and where there's fresh ground to tread. Apart from just living life (which, generally speaking, you can't do proactively) there's nothing that will give you more guidance as an author than reading.
When you read a book and see something that makes you think "This is good, but I could do it even better", dig your teeth into it firmly and never let it go. That's your place to leave your mark on the world. You need to read to find places like that.
In general I would advise casting a wide net, both with your reading and your writing. The more types of literature you read, the more new ideas and methods of expression you'll expose yourself to.
With writing, especially when you're inexperienced, you can achieve success simply by force of attempts. If you write ten short stories, no matter what your skill level, some of them will be better than the others. So if you create in small clumps, discard the dross, and keep the cream, you can produce better material than a more skilled author who committed themselves to single large work. Whereas if you had also focused on a single large project your inconsistencies would have shown through.
I believe that you with your mere three books, if read recently, are capable of writing more capably than a person who has read much but only a long time ago. Those books will be living fresh in your mind; theirs are stale and moldy. From my perspective all you need is to maintain your current pace and practice.

>> No.22578707

Put a stuffed animal on your desk and tell the story to them like you were talking to a friend. Then write down what you told the stuffed animal.
There are many ways to write a story but this is a good one if you don't know where to start.

>> No.22578746
File: 102 KB, 1280x700, 0513a7ea58cecd58685c19820333eb485128d6car1-857-1024v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Simon and Schuster Handbook for Writers
I looked over a quick pdf version I found online and I'm not finding what I need help with. Let me be more specific:

I have no idea on how to write dialogue in a chapter. Character A says "Good morning." Character B smiles and answers "Good morning, A."

I don't understand the concept of building a chapter with dialogue. I only copy what I see in other works. I need to find a resource that can literally help me understand the "mechanics" line for line and break it down for me.

>> No.22578779

Holy fuck

>> No.22578847

Keeping up the pace is one delicate task

>> No.22578880

>I only copy what I see in other works
Yeah, use Dickens as a template. Take the same material and do it with Melville, Harrington, Pynchon, right on down the line. See what you like best, then mature it with some variability.

>> No.22578922

Spend the night reading Romeo and Juliet with her - it was better than the sex we had afterwards. I've always wanted something like that in my life. I'm grateful

>> No.22579068

NEW >>22579067

>> No.22579499

Lmao dude im dying
Dude wrote cuck fiction about dead person

>> No.22579506
