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22571303 No.22571303 [Reply] [Original]

Submit to &amp Magazine and have your work featured in issue 019, scheduled to release sometime in October.

&amp Magazine accepts all:
>Literary Fiction, Experimental Fiction, Prosecraft, Short Stories, Novel Excerpts, Genre Fiction
>Book Reviews, Author Discussions, Critiques
>Writing Prompts, Story Ideas, Microfiction
>Journal Entries, Personal Accounts, Navelgazing
>Letters, Correspondence
>Classifieds, Wanted Ads, For Sale, Lost, Personals
>Nonfiction Essays, Philosophy, Intellectual Debate, Academic Work
>Greentexts, Shitposts, Screencaps, Screeds, Schizology
>Artwork, Ads, Photography
>Advice, Interviews, Reviews

SUBMIT /lit/ERALLY ANYTHING IN ANY FORMAT OR FILETYPE!! (Try to keep it under 5000 words)

Submit via email:

Submit via the website:

Inquire about your submission status here:
Username: anon
Password: god

Or connect with us here:

Read previous issues of &amp here:

Interested in proofreading, copyediting, or doing graphic design work for the magazine? Send us an email or connect with us on Discord and get involved.


>> No.22571342
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>> No.22571387


>> No.22571390

So who's editing #19 now that Atlas stormed off?

>> No.22571403

The ghost of Andrew Carnegie

>> No.22571413

Why do you act like she stormed off? Nothing even went down in the server, she left quietly without drawing any attention. I didn’t even realize she had gone until I saw a post about it in the last thread

>> No.22571443

It must have been pretty dramatic behind the scenes. Editor said she left because she felt everyone hated her and she was ruining the mag with the poor state of #18. I hope she's okay.

>> No.22571461

As far as I can tell it was exclusively handled in DMs between her and the Editor. No announcement on the discord, no drama. A fairly graceful exit.

>> No.22571580

New &amp thread:
>bump post
>shill post
>5 e-drama posts in a row
This shit is dead, let it go

>> No.22571799

&amp will never die.

>> No.22571853

Absolute cope.

>> No.22572085

What hope does 019 have?

>> No.22572148

Raw gumption and a mob of freaks n' geeks

>> No.22572455

Would people be interested in simply making a magazine of just /lit/ stories in a basic af formatting and style with some pictures and shit and have it put up on that website where the /lit/ annotated money dick is?
No discord faggotry, no namefags no delusions of grandeur or website etc. just stories, some letters to the editor and maybe some pictures?

>> No.22572460

Discord is for Groomers and kills forums like 4chin.

>> No.22572554

Do it

>> No.22572557

Can &amp handle its new competition?

>> No.22572621

I’ve made one book before but I’m not sure how many people want to submit to something that’s literally just some cover I’ve made and plain text. I think the aesthetic is a big thing for people here which also lures in attention whores

>> No.22572629

People will submit to anything, and now is a good time to start up since people are going to be looking for a quick replacement to &amp.
The best thing you can do is learn the names of the attention whores and turn them away at the gates.

>> No.22572650

I may very well do it the only thing is that I can’t commit to it for a long time due to college/work and don’t want to make some shitty two issue thing before dropping it. Also I’m wary of unrealfags hacking emails and doxxing. I’d almost say a fucking Wordpress or something might be better

>> No.22572687

Wrong email in op … sageworthy

>> No.22572690

>I'm gonna make a new mag, but simple and much better!
>b-but I guess the design is an important element...
>and yeah I guess I don’t have the time uhhh and Unreal would dox me even if I tried!
lmao pathetic

>> No.22572728


>> No.22572999

It’s a troll reposting the original subs thread to prolong the drama. This shit happened ad nauseum in the spring/summer

>> No.22573000

>Also I’m wary of unrealfags hacking emails and doxxing.
This is an unfortunate reality of /lit/ projects nowadays. Just look at what’s happening to Krake.

>> No.22573027

The actual submission email is lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com

>> No.22573139

Do you actually think the Unrealfags are technically savvy enough to hack anyone’s emails?

>> No.22573236

Maybe. They’ve doxxed people before

>> No.22573537

The “doxing” was just some retards who were barely even part of Unreal reposting public information.

>> No.22573551

If you're a serious writer then you don't care if someone connects you to an internet forum. Writers in the late 1800s were part of sex clubs and secret occult societies. You think 4chan is that monolithic. Ha

>> No.22573665

>>22570018 #
Pages 28-29 of Issue1

>> No.22573689

Purchase? No thank you.

>> No.22573714

Typical broke /lit/fag tightwad.

>> No.22573726

>Editor said she left because she felt everyone hated her and she was ruining the mag with the poor state of #18

why would the crackheaditor publicize that? really the kind of thing that should have stayed private desu

>> No.22574264

There is not exactly a lot of tact amongst the staff.

>> No.22574447


>> No.22574513

>I’d almost say a fucking Wordpress or something might be better
Riddled with security vulnerabilities

>> No.22574623

Who gives a fuck? This is an online mag, not a top secret CIA dossier.

>> No.22574637

Dude I cant tell you how much I want that. I'd do it myself if I weren't such a lazy fuck

>> No.22574729

None of you lazy fucks are gonna do shit, kek

>> No.22574732

Clearly you don’t want it that badly if you’re not willing to at least try

>> No.22574834

Hilarious. The same people that dedicate hours to drama chronicling and seething in the &amp threads simply don't have the motivation to do anything better, to put their money where their mouth is. I can't believe I'm saying it, it's such a faggy Unreal meme, but they're like crabs in buckets. It's so funny.

>> No.22574989
File: 263 KB, 1170x1216, PSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a PSA from the editor.

>> No.22574997

And here’s the link; I forgot to add it.

>> No.22575190

Fake news

>> No.22575332

So we have to get permission from this faggot to make a fucking thread now? The dude’s ego is out of control.

>> No.22575361

Well, I believe from their perspective, these threads are kind of just ongoing gossip boards re. the latest "drama" in whatever faggy venn diagram there exists between &amp, Unreal, and Frank Gardner - and I know they prefer threads to only go up once when it's a call for submission and/or once when it's a release thread. I don't think that the Editor in the pic related is explicitly forbidding anons or anyone from making an &amp thread, but I think they think that these threads are created on purpose to ensure there always an &amp thread up as a way to bait anons into the thread and shit fight and troll each other which will naturally fatigue most people of &amp. So the email is to warn people that it is a "troll thread" which the act of trolling in this case is to simply create the thread on a rolling basis, the OPs being anonymous, allowing for people to think &amp spams the board, or deliberately invites drama. So, for example, the Editor may want to not make a thread to give everyone a break from &AMP!! all the time, but then someone else makes a thread and allows the lumpenproletariat of /lit/ to do their dirty work for them. That is their perspective, I believe.

>> No.22575393

So what? Just no more submissions for the rest of the month because someone made a troll thread? It's really clear you guys didn't get enough from that last thread.
We need communication here. Who's editing the next issue now that Atlas is gone? When's the release date? Why are you not farming for more material? There are bigger issues here than a troll thread hurting your feelings.

>> No.22575398

I agree.

>> No.22575423

you fellas ever considered getting a job?

>> No.22575458

pretty sure editorfag is literally homeless kek

>> No.22575593

Nah, the starving artist lifestyle is based.

>> No.22575594

I work for Walmart

>> No.22575604

Kek, wageslave

>> No.22575635

I don't know how to get neet bux

>> No.22575646

Question for those who have been into &amp for a while: of all the issues which is your all-time favorite? Mine was #9

>> No.22575745

018. You’ll Always Remember Fremantle was superb.

>> No.22575830

I agree one of the best stories in an already great issue.

>> No.22575987

reading the mag for the first time. it is interesting
which earlier release would (you) recommend?

>> No.22575991


>> No.22575997

This Google Drive has screencaps of all of the pieces that were nominated for The Best of &amp. It may be a good place to start, if you just want a general overview of some of the magazine’s best stories.


>> No.22576002

*Correction: not all of the pieces that were nominated are there, but a decent number of them are.

>> No.22576077


>> No.22576473


>> No.22576843

KFC here

>> No.22576848

Much obliged!

>> No.22576929

haven't kept up in a couple months, is the best of out yet or are we still two more weeks away

>> No.22577021

Soon™. A shorter "two weeks" than it was two months ago anyway.

Glad to see this getting some use. Here's a more exhaustive folder, but with PDFs:
Again not final since a handful of these have been scrapped, and obviously only including 001-014.

>> No.22577045

Since when are you back?

>> No.22577097

End of July or so. I don't have anything to do with real-official-serious-business &amp, but I'm still picking away at the best-of. That and I hang around to bitch.

>> No.22577234

go tripfag somewhere else

>> No.22577275

>Soon™. A shorter "two weeks" than it was two months ago anyway.
Need help with anything?

>> No.22577285

Nah, I feel more comfortable doing it all solo at this point. But thanks. Plus I've been lucky enough to have some people look over it and critique some of the designs, so I haven't been confined to a bubble.

>> No.22577342

Why are you even here? Just stop.

>> No.22578161

kek, atlas is crying rn

>> No.22578521

Looking forward to a print copy. Please make unofficial &amp threads when it's ready.

>> No.22579867


>> No.22580158

It was definitely Atlas who posted this lmao, cuz I remember she shared the same folder link in the &amp server a while ago

>> No.22580462

Horrific taste.

>> No.22580716

What are your favorites then if you’ve got such good taste?

>> No.22581387

>not on the list
Glad this mag is ded desu.

>> No.22581538

>this mag is ded
The fuck? It’s still alive and kickin’

>> No.22581866

I do affirm my steadfast belief in the following:
&amp WILL weather this storm.
&amp WILL emerge stronger and better than ever.
namefags WILL flee in terror
anons WILL cease their shitflinging and join arm in arm once more
&amp WILL live on

>> No.22581873 [DELETED] 

Then stop bumping the thread with the old submission contact info, you raisin-brained tard

>> No.22582152

Why are niggas here always seething about namefags? Wanting to be credited for your writing is normal to anyone who isn’t a paranoid 4chan sperg

>> No.22582194

YWNBAW(writer). You are a disgrace to this place and everything it stands for. Your only mark on history will be furthering the normalization of attention whoring on what was always meant to be an anonymous website.
Anyone who submits a story under any name that isn’t some variation of “Anon” needs to be doxed, tarred & feathered.

>> No.22582892

&amp bros...... I fucking miss &amp, bros.......... issue 19 when????

>> No.22582897

unhinged. Half the best submitters are ""name fags"". This is such an obviously terrible decision lmao.

>> No.22583288

This. Faggots who bitch about namefagging need to fuck right off.

>> No.22583441

The main editor left so its looking like never.

>> No.22583809

Isn’t Hartley still the main editor? Did he go on another crack bender?

>> No.22584355

He’s lighting up the crack pipe as we speak

>> No.22584555

Message in a Bottle 2.0 when?

>> No.22585461

Hartley hasn't edited a single thing since #14. It's been Atlas and Zulu since the reboot. That's why everyone is so worried over Atlas leaving.

>> No.22585596

New editors only happened from the 16th issue onwards, with the 15th having been back in March. In April he said he gave "Jet and Fin" email access, which apparently turned out to be nothing when it came to Jet/Ari, though I have no idea about Fin and whether they're still involved or what they even did. Atlas was at least involved in 16 on, and you can see Hartley talking about mocking shit up for 17 if you check the archives around June.

>> No.22585628
File: 30 KB, 1280x169, no backsies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbdesu the schizo in me thinks this is being repeated to dump the last few months of blame on the alt-editors. Unlikely, but I like stirring the pot.

>> No.22585668

>this is being repeated to dump the last few months of blame on the alt-editors.
By Hartley? If this is his rebranding scheme then I'd actually applaud him.

>> No.22585775

Marginally plausible given the OMG GARDNER HACKED US!!! distraction he beat his chest about for a while, except it's doubtful the other editors would stay quiet while being trashed.

>> No.22585892

you don't belong here. you need to leave.

>> No.22586236

Half seems dubious. In the older issues names were pretty scarce, and there were some quality regulars going as anon exclusively. I know contributors were sometimes named mistakenly as well. How many are actually namefagging in the recent issues? I'm not sure there's a quality split between namefags and anons one way or another, but it's hard to gauge.

>> No.22587009

Skimming 016 and 017, which the consensus is were both solid issues, I only saw 2 anon stories (Summer Matinee and Zoodle). The 'anon only' argument is pants on head retarded.

>> No.22587361

In the release thread people were saying that Atlas wrote Summer Matinee, so that one isn’t really anon

>> No.22587416

Forgot that. I also know who Zoodle was written by so yea, effectively zero anon writers lately as everyone uses pseudonyms which works out better.

>> No.22587485

Rejecting namefags isn't just about quality, it's about fostering a culture that nurtures our inherent creative qualities.
Look at any of the organic 4chan creative projects. /v/ the musical would be a great example.
Each song they produce is a collaborative effort that eclipses &amp in scope, effort and skill, and yet, if you check the video description, not a single anon is ever credited as anything more than "Anon". They create simply for the sake of entertaining their fellow anon and the fun that comes from a shared goal so pure. Each anon has no lofty aspirations of becoming a "real musician". This isn't a stepping stone for them.
How many of your namefags would still submit if they were only allowed to do so without their discord name attached? The truth is, &amp only exists to stroke the ego of pathological narcissists, and in turn is only supported by namefag pathological narcissists who want their ego stroked. It will never grow beyond this in its current state.

>> No.22587534

I was more curious about whether the number of people using pseudonyms has changed significantly from earlier issues.

When it comes to something with a regular and frequent release schedule, I think attaching a name can have benefits. Given that there is/was no vetting process for what makes/made it into &amp, having a name attached to a piece gives it context for the reader and a more risk for the author. Context in that you can follow one person's output, good or bad, which I think is interesting in and of itself. Risk in that the author is carrying the burden of their work forward, making them more likely to take it seriously. Not that it's a necessity for that, and a bulk of the good works in &amp have been credited as anon, but I still think that as an individual choice it can have importance, and that overall it doesn't take anything away. I'm not for or against names, though I think a balance might be best or at least the most natural.

All of that is in the pre-Discord context, however. Previously there were no real identities swirling around &amp outside of names on pages. Nobody was namefagging in the threads apart from maybe claiming authorship to a piece.

For more context, you see names pop up in the issues of Pinecone, which was another /lit/ magazine, but it's also a mix of names and anons. And looking at /mu/'s current re/mu/sters threads, it's wholly anon project. Maybe the difference lies in truly collective projects versus ones that enable individuality; i.e., recording a song together is an innately collective effort that requires a minimum of quality, while a magazine of unrelated and unvetted writing is just individual work glued together.

>> No.22587576

The namefagging in the threads started way before the &amp Discord. It started in the Best of &amp threads a year ago. That’s when all of this shit started going downhill.

>> No.22587663

Why the fuck is Ari choosing all of these different names like Jet and Cur?

>> No.22587757

>That’s when all of this shit started going downhill.
I agree, and I'll put on my dunce cap now. I wish I had done the best-of under a different name, but I also wanted to be transparent about which writing was mine. (It did happen that people covertly recommended their own writing, which was something I had been afraid of and something I didn't want to be accused of personally.) Eventually it was apparent who I was in every thread even when the discussions were tangential. And that was without a trip.

Looking back, it seems like a prototype for what's going on now. Threads became pointless once discussion of the actual pieces waned and each thread was propped up by myself and a couple others. The writing discussions were surprisingly productive when they were actually happening, but the threads should have stuck to that. I'm not entirely unhappy with how the writing discussions turned out, and I think the names only really stuck around after the stuff in the spring. Without that they probably would have mostly faded into obscurity.

That said, names were a thing in &amp way before the best-of, so the problem clearly isn't the names themselves.

See above for why I stuck with Ari during the best-of. My first piece in &amp was anonymous (didn't request a name), and the next two had my name from my email printed on them without any input from me (well I bitched a little after, but it also seemed relatively unimportant). I ran with just "Ari" after that.

Jet came out of stuff in the spring. I wanted to ditch the association with "Ari" if I was going to be an actual editor, but that never materialised anyway. (I was given delegate email access out of the blue one night, with those vague "passing the torch" discussions going on in the threads, but was never told what the fuck was actually going on; I ended up using the email to contact people for the best-of (signing as "Ari") and that was about it until I got my access revoked in July.) I figured I'd have to use a name internally and that it might show up in the magazine, so I said I'd go by Jet. But I hadn't meant for that to be part of some weird public announcement that clearly implicated me. I was also trying to dodge the stalking with a name-change, plus this was when the doxx stuff was going on, so two reasons to (try to) distance myself and (poorly) avoid tainting things further.

Cur was a joke. I got real drunk one night and used it as a username when trashing a thread in the &amp chat (and got called out for it). I only used it the once back then, and I thought it'd be funny to pick it back up as a way of owning up to the comments.

Anyway my intention had never been to have a permanent name scribbled next to everything I did, and I wasn't trying to have all these names linked. I whip out the trip now whenever I have to say something that has to do directly with myself or the best-of.

>> No.22587940

Still two weeks out?

>> No.22588028
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Something like that. Currently in an iterative spiral on account of three pieces in particular, which explodes into multiple pages of edits and tweaks until I'm happy with things (pic rel). Though I guess two I've figured out, and I just have to cull the scraps.

Plus I have new and horrifying questions about typographic features. I'll learn something I'd have glossed over on my own, and then I can't stop seeing it. An anon on /wsr/ was surprisingly helpful but sowed new doubts in me.

It's all fun in an agonising way.

>> No.22588065

What’s the cover gonna look like? Was the one that was posted in a thread a while back real?

>> No.22588116 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 335x500, cover_v9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was real, but I ditched it soon after. I didn't intend for that stuff to get posted publicly, so it was a bit of a shot in the nuts, and I agreed with the general consensus that it didn't really suit the theme (although I do still like the look of it in itself). That cover was something I'd thrown together the night before or similar, so it probably wasn't going to last either way.

The current cover is _______different from the last one_________ and __________________________________________________________________I like it.

>> No.22588223

Thank you for sticking with it. I’m looking forward to having a physical copy.

>> No.22588310

I think people are more worried over her leaving because she seems so unstable

>> No.22588393

Hi. I submitted a piece under the name Ben Feldberg. If issue 19 ever comes out and if I'm accepted, please strike my name; it should be anonymous since that's how it was on /lit/ in 2015. Thank you, and I can dig in my files for the companion piece.

>> No.22588451

Hi. Ben Feldberg again, actually please delete my submission, block my emails, and don't include me in issue 19 at all because I suck cocks. Thank you.

>> No.22588562


>> No.22588576

you sound like a nerd

>> No.22588589

How do you feel about "being doxxed"... Not sure there's been a confirmed take from you.

>> No.22588788

Based Feldbergposter.

>> No.22588790

>How do you feel about "being doxxed"
Why do you put it in quotes as if that's not what happened?

>> No.22588818

>Reposting public information is doxxing

>> No.22588896

>Reposting public information is doxxing
Yeah, that's the literal definition of doxing. Do you think every kiwifarms thread consists of private information pulled from social engineering traps performed on government workers? Finding the guys name, his face and his university documentation is doxing.
Just own up to it. Stop being such a faggot about it. You doxed him, so what. No one cares about the moral implications of Unreal doxing this guy. They just think you're massive insecure faggots because your reason for doing so is bitch-tier.

>> No.22588908

>Finding the guys name
He admits in this thread that he’d had shit published under his full name in &amp before. All anyone had to do to find the “dox” that was posted was plug his name into Google. Stop being such a concern trolling faggot. He deserved it.

>> No.22588969

>All anyone had to do to find the “dox” that was posted was plug his name into Google.
That's the way 99% of doxes are found retard. I bet if I plugged your real name into google I'd find all kind of juicy stuff. How hard would it be to find your real name? How about the real names of people associated with Unreal? Or maybe the contributors... it's fair game as long as it's "public information" right?

>> No.22589014

> it's fair game as long as it's "public information" right?
Yes. And you wouldn’t have any way of knowing my real name, since I’m not a namefagging retard with zero opsec.

>> No.22589031

>since I’m not a namefagging retard with zero opsec.
Let's see if that's true of everyone who shares your general opinion.

>> No.22589098

Kek, half of Unreal had their doxes posted back on the spring anyway

>> No.22589195

Thanks for the info. That will make things far easier.

>> No.22589407

>Each song they produce is a collaborative effort that eclipses &amp in scope, effort and skill, and yet, if you check the video description, not a single anon is ever credited as anything more than "Anon". They create simply for the sake of entertaining their fellow anon and the fun that comes from a shared goal so pure. Each anon has no lofty aspirations of becoming a "real musician". This isn't a stepping stone for them.
>How many of your namefags would still submit if they were only allowed to do so without their discord name attached? The truth is, &amp only exists to stroke the ego of pathological narcissists, and in turn is only supported by namefag pathological narcissists who want their ego stroked. It will never grow beyond this in its current state.
couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.22589442

what do you guys think about a new /lit/ project that's literally just called "anon."

do it monthly. completely democratic. run a strawpoll to vote on what the next theme will be.

we could roll for spots on that month's editorial team. dubs, trips, etc.

idk we could just have fun with it. remember fun?

no offense to the &amp folks, I respect their work, but I'm just sick of all the joyless fartsniffing around here

>> No.22589462

Make your own thread faggot

>> No.22589473

nah I'll just hijack this one

>> No.22589508

>we could roll for spots on that month's editorial team. dubs, trips, etc.
Freelance editors is the way to go. Same way the more technical bits of /v/ the Musical is handled. Anyone who has the ability to use Canva can grab your text, throw it together and post it in the thread. If no one does it then it's up to you. Anyone can use Canva, even our most retarded authors. The mismatched quality and theme of pages will add to the SOVL.

>> No.22589524


Yeah, I'd do it.
Make it on the hive blockchain or something too, so it's hard for idiots to understand, and on top of that, free with no ads. (unless you can make your own website.) Hive and peakd are related so if you know anything about that, you know it'd work.

>> No.22589549

I'll submit my fetish content. Maybe you'll figure out who I am.

>> No.22589639

sounds like there may some interest. very cool. watch this space

also I just thought of a better name: &non

>> No.22589651


>> No.22589739

Has anyone heard from her since she left? I hope she's okay.

>> No.22589775

So is &amp confirmed dead or just soft confirmed dead?

>> No.22589810

Next issue was going to be this month but due to Atlas's departure it is likely to be november or december

>> No.22589848

Still only a soft confirmation but it’s looking bleak. Hartley might come in and toss an issue together but that’s far from a permanent solution. He’s obviously bored with maintaining &amp and I can’t blame him.

>> No.22589868
File: 59 KB, 758x563, 1673315717953158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single editor with the most erratic personal life posssible manages to put out edition after edition without any drama for a good period of time
>Moment discord trannies get involved there's shitflinging every thread, constant posts about people nobody cares about and shit doesn't move at all without some sort of drama
>Every thread filled with namedropping faggots talking about people basically none of the submitters know or care about
Just put stories into a fucking world file and add clipart you absolute fucking retards

>> No.22590426

The fact that &amp published the writing of some loser boomer like this truly shows how far we've fallen facebook dot com slash lewis.woolston/

>> No.22590796

Woolston is Gen X, not a boomer. Dude is a loser tho so I’ll give you that

>> No.22591208

shit name. retarded idea. kys

>> No.22591291

How does he make the mags? I've thought about doing my own for a while but I wanna match the format.

>> No.22591508

Original editor was a graphic designer I think so he put a lot of effort in. If it was myself I couldn't give a toss just put out something simple and classy- that would be boring though tbf

>> No.22591526

It's semi-clever. If that's what homeboy wants to do, let him. I'm going to submit to it anonymously and then take credit for it with proof using my real name. Lol

>> No.22591539

Let's not give him too much credit here. If the premium version of Canva didn't exist and the Internet didn't have a near infinite supply of high quality images to pilfer then &amp would have always been black text on a white page.

>> No.22591546

This except I'll do it first. Also might as well take credit for the best stories kek

>> No.22591569

You need proof though. Just keep the email chain and then you can named up &non haha

>> No.22591798

Woolston is leading the /lit/ renaissaince

>> No.22591800

Wow tell me again how a fully anonymous mag is a great idea

>> No.22591814

The editor is a retarded Canadian heroin addict. I wouldn't touch this shitty mag with a ten foot pole

>> No.22591816

This. He is the sage steward of the young discord generation, passing the mantle, handing the sword, teaching them all there is to know which he's learnt from years of dedication to the craft and eventually, long after he's passed and ushered in a cultural revolution, he'll be known as the original progenitor of this movement. Dude's basically a genius.

>> No.22591828

To everyone reading; The funny thing is to even know that much this guy would have to have kept up with a series of threads dating back like 6 months lmao. I think we're past the point of a ten foot pole.

>> No.22591846

People knew the editor was a crack addict way before that. Or maybe the only thread this guy read was the one about fent and the editor bloodying his gf.

>> No.22591868

His series of interconnected stories set in and around the greater Outback area have inspired countless imitators here on /lit/.

>> No.22591882

Like who? Who the fuck is imitating Woolston?

>> No.22591900

Woolston walked so F. Gardner could run.

>> No.22591942

Most retarded take ever

>> No.22592011

Who would've thought that F.Gardner would outlive &amp.

>> No.22592061

name one (1)

>> No.22592604

I thought it was fentanyl

>> No.22592617

&amp gets attacked so hard for trying to make /lit/ better

>> No.22592697

Is she gone for good or just taking a break?

>> No.22592962

&amp is dead. Crackheaditor won’t be back. Good riddance. Hope he passes away in his sleep.

>> No.22592987
File: 60 KB, 828x204, IMG_0830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22592992

I thought the editor hated Ari desu

>> No.22592997

He does hate him, but he’ll still give credit where credit is due.

>> No.22593017

He doesn’t hate him, he just tried to steal his girl is all

>> No.22593185

Yea he's clearly into her and the whole thing is creepy considering the age gap and her mental illness. He's trying to groom her so he can eventually get her addicted to drugs and beat the shit out of her every day like he did with his old gf

>> No.22593277

when that happens to her it'll be Ari's ultimate revenge and the best schadenfreude he's ever felt

>> No.22593413

Doesn't matter what drug, he was/is a drug addict.
That means he cannot be trusted. Ever.
Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit.
Junkies steal, lie, cheat and whore themselves out to feed their habits. Do you want such a person editing your work? Knowing anything about you? Having any sort of power over you?
Be smart, keep clear until someone confirms he's been found dead with a needle in his arm and the world is better off for one less junkie.

>> No.22593448

tough but fair

>> No.22593454

>That means he cannot be trusted. Ever.
Unironically this. That "junkie with a heart of gold" trope has never been a reality.
Remember kids: hard drugs are the end of the line alternative to suicide, and that alternative requires upkeep. Base survival instinct demands that the junkie gut you like a fish if it means fent in his veins.

>> No.22593531

Do you think he ever sucked a dick to fund his addiction? If so would there be video somewhere? Asking for reasons

>> No.22593532

/lit/ is filled with druggies (editor) and homos (You). I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Sad!

>> No.22593838

/lit/ is evenly divided up into tops and bottoms

>> No.22593847

are a faggot

>> No.22594386

You’re gay as fuck for asking

>> No.22594654

So he makes these on Canva. Got it.

>> No.22594886

Attention. If you’re sick of namefagging and &amp drama then come on over to this thread and check out the latest anonymous /lit/ project: &non magazine. First issue coming in December.


>> No.22595191

You’re not gonna do shit, lol

>> No.22595304

Pretty much. Shit is sad.

>> No.22595689

shits gone like seapunk. GJ

>> No.22595816

&amp will never die.

>> No.22595827
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, hipster-loft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkies are the most interesting people
>living in the moment
Do you even serendipity, bro?

>> No.22596060

Aren't you a junkie?

>> No.22596369

Kek, he is

>> No.22596753

&amp is dead. Long live &non.

>> No.22596986

This is the worst &akp thread yet. Just zero discussion.

>> No.22597740

Is this shit actually real?

>> No.22597985

No, it’s just crabs trying to take &amp down.

>> No.22598050

Why did the editor take away your email access? Kind of a dick move desu

>> No.22598627


>> No.22598740

I'll bite.
Anyone else want to publish a novel through &amp?

>> No.22598776

Just the submissions so far inthe &non thread are far better than anything in amp recently. Kek

>> No.22599496

No. The lamp standards bullshit is literally self pub with a side of delusions of grandeur.

>> No.22600093


>> No.22600560

man this is the most astroturfed project since Tales of the Unreal. Fuck unreal press for ushering in this hive of squirming wannabes. long live &amp. kill pretenders.

>> No.22601330

BUMP! Stop posting in the &non thread. If you submit there your name will be recorded and you will be black listed from &amp. This is your only warning. I will not suffer reactionary attempts at regicide, no matter how futile they may be.

>> No.22602069


>> No.22602765


>> No.22602775

Do you accept stuff written in spanish?

>> No.22602779

Bros, I want to get involved in the &amp e-drama, but the server is pretty quiet and mostly focused on the magazine itself. Where do I have to go to gossip?

>> No.22602827

Just let the thread die. It’s obvious there’s no actual interest in &amp right now. No one wants it forced down their throat.

>> No.22602925

The editor has actually been waiting for this thread to die so that he can post one with the updated correct submission email. This thread wasn't made by someone &amp-associated and the guy bumping it is a crab.

>> No.22603377


>> No.22603483

&amp isn't dead. They are working on Issue 19 now to BTFO the haters and giving time between issues.

>> No.22603515

>They are working on Issue 19
No one was doubting that they’d put out 19. Obviously Hartley is gonna come back when &amp is imploding this publicly. It’s after that we’re all worried about. When this raging dumpster fire is just a smouldering mass he’s going to become bored again, then it’ll just be Zulu, and, if I’m reading the room correctly, Zulu has been looking for a way out for quite some time now.

>> No.22604153

&amp needs to transition entirely to discord. Either they’ve outgrown /lit/ or /lit/ has outgrown them. They just don’t mesh anymore.

>> No.22604157

fuck off - fake&gay

>> No.22604317

The average 12 year old has probably outgrown /lit/.

>> No.22605214

Sad but true. Just look at the &anon thread. A fresh project that's almost entirely a reaction to &amp's failures has gotten over a dozen different submissions in just 3 days.

>> No.22605260

And this reveals &amps's true limitation. It tries to be good. Almost every single submission to anon mag is legitimately very bad. Amp was at its most active when it was just a dumping ground for people's content. Every joe schmoe could see themselves in print. With the prominence of namefags who aspire to be real authors it began to change. And this year shows the limitations of Amp on lit. People don't just throw any shit in their inbox. They tryhard. They wait until they have something they think is worth reading. Imagine for a second that Anon submissions got scrutinized to the extent that issues 15-18 have. If Amp printed any of the shit in that thread people would tell them, as they have, that they should stop releasing monthly issues because the quality has gone down.
Amp has been failed by its own readership and the editor's grand ambition.
Anon will undergo this same process btw. The very second an anon gets two stories with positive feedback he'll begin to build a persona in the threads. It's a natural, almost invisible process. Before you know it they're giving podcast interviews.

You get what you deserve

>> No.22605302

These things come and go. If it goes to shit or nobody wants to do the work anymore, it'll stop and there will be a vacuum for a new project to spring up and fill. The permanence of a given project is unimportant, and frankly I think it's best to treat it that way. It's also nice when the aims and methods change so that it's not the same pattern repeating.

>> No.22605943

&amp has been going to shit because the crackheaditor treats the magazine like his own personal hype cult. It’s not about showcasing /lit/ writing anymore, its about him getting as much clout for himself as possible. He cares more about the brand then the original mission behind it.

>> No.22606656

Let's not forget that &amp became his avenue for trying to pick up, ie manipulate, a mentally ill chick. Add preditor to the list of insults.

>> No.22606702

I remember those threads saying "we will print whatever you submit." I think you're right. But I have seen legitimately nothing worth reading in the &non thread. Has /lit/ gotten worse at writing?

>> No.22606719

That's comparing a few days worth of submissions to a month to be fair. The &non submissions are mostly trashy so far, but it may be that reading it all in advance kills the fun. No anticipation and all that.

I've been wondering how many of the &non submissions are from the same authors. I can imagine that these things attract people who will inundate you with their writing. That and &non is pulling from the crop of people interested/dissatisfied with &amp, which is going to concentrate the weirdos and people used to standardless submissions.

>> No.22606752

>But I have seen legitimately nothing worth reading in the &non thread.
I think that attitude of “worth reading” is what killed &amp. &amp was supposed to be a concentrate of our culture, warts and all, done up with care and craftsmanship. Their only job was to pretty up the slop that is us. They instead took the route of curating the slop, not wanting to waste their time on something that “wasn’t worth reading”. In doing so they cut out 80% of what makes us interesting.
I hope &non publishes every piece of shit they get handed and each of those stories get the same amount of care, worth reading or not.

>> No.22606903

They don't really curate...certainly not in the last couple issues which the &non fags consider poor quality. They literally take anything. Man if I was an amp editor I would go crazy listening to all these half baked nigger opinions.

>> No.22607554

>They don't really curate
Yes they do you mouth breathing retard. A consistent rejection of posts based on quality is the very definition of curation. Just because they’ve received so little interest these past few months that curation is no longer feasible doesn’t mean that they don’t suffer from their history of misguided curation.
You need to understand that the Woolston issue is only an issue because of they decided to posture as professionals. They were too good to publish shit and only do so now as a symptom of failure. &non doesn’t suffer from the same unchecked ego that destroyed &amp. They can publish garbage with complete sincerity; &amp no longer can.

>> No.22607575

I don't care what any of you think my wife loves my writing and I tried to call her this arvo but she still has me kicked out the house for drinking too much. love her.and I miss her ooh hoo hoo. Kiss my arse and I mean it, I'm drunk.

>> No.22607812

>curation is no longer feasible
>history of misguided curation
??? Where are you getting this from? It may have changed for the last few issues, but &amp was known previously for putting out everything it got. And I think it was Issue 15 where the editor received too few submissions to do the normal 96 pages and had to trim it back, so that lack you talk about isn't a new thing.

>> No.22608215

It was Issue 014, not Issue 015

>> No.22608301

Damn'd if you do: you don't: they no longer print all kinds of shit: all they newly printed is shit..... I guess the pairing is more shit – not with anonymous loweffort -posts: but – with perhaps-appearing-as-tryhard namefags. It has well be established that named contributors have always been a part of the rag, but that they didn't take on some persona outside of it, didn't become – "discord-trannies" (not that every (named) contributor now is, but that's the toxic fume that hangs over these threads (mostly fake & gay besides) for the lastpast eight-and-twennights). It's also about a fair balance: at least 50/50 named/unnamed, say; and that in the last there were just too much of the one without the quality that really should bring with it – visible, even, from the very incipit: instead of the usual very chaotic, very unattributed table of contents, there was a neat, single-column'd list with noms de plumes – while, for me, the only Name that was always foregrounded was first & foremost that of &amp, and secondly the Editor (further nameless (or other pseudonym'd), also (in that capacity) confined mainly to the mag itself); then only the repeated archontic names one'd see... And how is that restored? – (other ventures are only likely to repeat the process) – perhaps only with more editorial vision and despotism – though the anonymous anarchy is just as much wanting! (idk) (On the topic of these threads: better not to respond, let it archive-out, and finally await the coming of something from somewhere more authoritative, higher – the older, realer balance of new-issue threads and silence was always nicer –but with the current competitor thread (not that it ought to be about one vs. the other; nor that we can necessarily expect it to succeed (remember best-of?)) letussay, it is perhaps better not to let it die? And in general it is a question of the awareness: will people still submit, forget, how many average /lit/ viewers glance over it in the catalog, what is this pool of regulars, dwindling, ossified? and sho on.)

>> No.22608342

You are a tranny

>> No.22608344

nigga wtf are you talking about

>> No.22608407

no: just a pæderast

>> No.22608435

Vile. Neck yourself faggot nonce

>> No.22608954

Kek, someone call Chris Hansen

>> No.22609668


>> No.22610385
File: 61 KB, 658x161, IMG_0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught this gem before it got deleted

>> No.22610909

Is this real? You couldn’t waterboard this kind of information out of me. Dude has no decorum or sense of dignity.
>homeless crackheads with erectile dysfunction ngmi

>> No.22610962

bro it's a 4chan magazine. Know where you are.

>> No.22611021

Stop trying to sound like DFW. Your writing is stilted garbage.

>> No.22611037

i don't get the hate. are you hoping to discourage this? is normalization your goal?
what are you thinking?

>> No.22611107

If you need to stick an inanimate object up your ass in order to coom then you are beyond saving, though granted I have the same opinion of drug addicts so in for a penny, in for a pound I suppose.

>> No.22611259

how is this nigga out here trying to groom and manipulate women when his dick doesn’t even work? baka

>> No.22611379

Is that how Wallace writes (haven't read him) or is that merely the first literary thing that comes to mind with the /lit/erati? Anyway yea i cannae write

>> No.22611704

the divagation trope is wallace. and now you're trying to do irvine welsh.

>> No.22611736
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>> No.22612172


>> No.22612438

Whatever you do don't submit to this "magazine" it's a scam. The editor is a drug addict piece of shit. He will tell you he's going to send you a small payment for your piece and ask for your bank details DO NOT GIVE THEM TO HIM!
He is trying to scam you to feed his smack habit.
Also, at one point in his addiction he got so desperate he sucked a nigger's dick for heroin. The dealer (whose dick it was) filmed it on his phone. I have seen this footage will soon release it to the world.

>> No.22612456

Just ask for payment via money order.

>> No.22612471

>I hope we get a magazine of worthless, unreadable trash.
>Everything gets in, no matter the quality.
That already existed. It was called "/lit/ writers" and it was a joke of a publication.

>> No.22612472

Better yet, tell him you don't want cash just your dick sucked

>> No.22612479

>replies 247
>posters 59
These threads need ID tags like in /pol/ to cut down on samefagging

>> No.22612779

I'd laugh if the editor faggot put out a book about being a dick sucking Canadian junkie. The "requiem for a dream" of our generation. But much more Canadian and gay.

>> No.22612801

This reads like a pajeet marketingbro wrote it.

>> No.22613364

this is for the october issue

&amp will never die
i assert with this reply
nightly scenes of indignity
who cares about the enmity?
pdfs are never made
for discerning folks with cash to pay
we make em here
it's all for free
we're worser than
the free jannies
who are you to judge us now
while we're making bank
by getting plowed?

>> No.22613444

"&amp will never die" he claims
and yet his coterie of lames
has proven time and time again
their inability to win
whilst true &nons have naught to lose
and thus their balance fast accrues

>> No.22613986


>> No.22613995

Bumping for the Canadian junkie editor's dick sucking video

>> No.22614345

Based. Post this in the &non thread

>> No.22615445

writing's frozen tone
quality not fit for print
please submit to &amp

>> No.22615744
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>> No.22615814
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>> No.22615817

&non submissions mog amp, no cap

>> No.22616533


>> No.22617146


>> No.22617578

Come on guys, get those submissions in. We got cool shit in the works.

>> No.22618513

We’re that ever implemented &amp would die overnight.

>> No.22618559

i only learned this was a community like two weeks ago, i guess i thought it was just one guy doing a shitload of work

>> No.22619249

Mostly correct desu. It was one girl doing a shitload of work. Now that she’s gone the project is imploding.

>> No.22620246
File: 134 KB, 960x720, sunkistsoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a how how come i cain't get on the dischord oh my lord

>> No.22620345

that's tragic

>> No.22620351

Is it though?

>> No.22621248

It's over.

>> No.22621839

>cool stuff

>> No.22622814

The junkie editor's dick sucking video has been adapted into anime form

>> No.22623918

Just be happy you didn't witness its slow degradation. These past 6 months have been rough for /lit/ projects.

>> No.22624050

I’m still not sure about how &amp went so catastrophically wrong, but I suspect that Unreal Press is to blame.

>> No.22625100

Unreal is just a symptom of the real disease. Were anyone but Hartley at the helm they'd have been rejected outright. Hartley on the other hand is so stupid and so driven by ego that he'll keep around anyone who kisses his feet.

>> No.22625806

Yeah the way that people fawn over the guy is fucking gross. Not surprised that Atlas got sick of his shit and dipped

>> No.22625951

There's no way he wasn't also trying to pull some creepy shit on Atlas. Egomaniac beats his partner, gets arrested, and immediately starts championing this girl who was constantly on the brink of a mental breakdown. He definitely needed somebody to shoulder the work for him, but what better way to manipulate somebody than to turn them into your protege and go on about how important they are, how you're doing so much for them, constantly defending them to everyone, and so on. It's like he took a course on it.
Hopefully Atlas has cleared her head enough to see that.

>> No.22626970

pretty much, hartley's sketchy as fuck and was obviously trying to pull some inappropriate shit on atlas. just from the timing of him announcing her as his new protege it seems like he weaseled his way in to creep on her while she was in the middle of her mental breakdown. predators like him always go after vulnerable girls like that bc they're easy to abuse and manipulate. she went from losing it over ari to being groomed by an egomaniacal ex-con, that shits like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. it's a shame that she left since she did a good job on &amp, but she's definitely better off away from hartley's toxic influence

>> No.22627647
File: 540 KB, 508x2940, The&ampPrEditor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the editor’s public Facebook profile from some link to a Facebook group that he embedded in the &amp elite webpage and there’s a ton of fucked up content on there. He openly admits that he’s been abusing women for years. Disturbing stuff.

>> No.22627680

Is this real? Yikes

>> No.22627910

> i have abused women physically and emotionally for about my whole adult life. it began in highschool when i learned that sex could be stolen like anything else, tho by lying to and manipulating women.
>sociopathic liars convince ourselves of our lies and as my lies layer by layer covered my life my identity solidified as a snake in the grass.
>i cycled through relationships, using and abusing, cheating and stealing, gaslighting, assaulting, and deeply harming women. i sent girlfriends to family photos with bruises and cuts; i kidnapped girlfriends and kept them confined. my physical abuse was outweighed by my emotional abuse as i broke confidence and betrayed trust and convinced those i thought i loved that they were only worthy of being the object of my cruelty.
> i went in and out of jail. i became a criminal. . .i slowly transformed from a snake to a full scale monster.

Absolute scum. The generic self-help “I’ve changed” bullshit that he throws in at the end does nothing to mitigate the depths of his depravity. And what the fuck is the shit at the end about a cult?

>> No.22627924

Bro, you just don’t get it. He spent 3 months living on someone’s farm. He’s cured now.

>> No.22628063

I'm seriously sick of you cunts. You better believe you're gonna miss me.

New Thread

>> No.22628074

You wouldn't know what honesty or change are if they slapped you in the face. I've done with harder shit than you 've ever could grasp.

>> No.22628077

You're all fucking dirt. Fucking worms

>> No.22628088

There's only so much bullshit a guy should have to deal with from low lifers. You don't even show up on my radar IRL I hope you know that.

>> No.22628098

God's telling you to kill yourself.

>> No.22628106

God doesn't have shit on me. I'll outlive your grandkids.

>> No.22628114

You’ll overdose on fent in a ditch within the next 5 years

>> No.22628116

my grandkids will be brown and I hope they die in the womb.

>> No.22628123

You're both failures and I can tell from here. Tell me one thing that puts you even close to my level.

>> No.22628129

not worth my time. delusions of grandeur are boring. night night

>> No.22628133

I’ll bite. I’m gainfully employed, own my own home, and have a stable and loving relationship with my gf. You’re a homeless drug addicted vagrant with a criminal record who preys on mentally ill women. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

>> No.22628149

People like you honestly make me laugh. You list this off like every other guy on your block. I bet you fuck your gf once a month. I bet she fakes an orgasm just to keep you on a leash. You don't know the first thing about making it. If you were a real man you'd see it.

>> No.22628180

Lmao you sound like Jason Bryan

>> No.22628183

I'm waiting for Jason to find that thread so that the two can have an episode together.

>> No.22628248
File: 13 KB, 624x223, joined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow anon cut out the funniest part, how he
>joined in a farm
>joined in a relationship
>joined in a business

>ywn join inna farm
Why even live bros? How am I supposed to honed in my self-love?

>> No.22628991

manipulating women is based though, this thread had been contaminated by simps

>> No.22629401


>> No.22629591
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, hipster-loft2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people dogpiling on a fellow writer who is going through some shit?

>> No.22630406

Because he deserves it

>> No.22631168

Fuck off Jason

>> No.22631762

Kys shill

>> No.22631823

ok, explain. you're a writer. get your point across

>> No.22632369

do humanity a favour and kill yourself

>> No.22632733

He’s a scumbag who abused women and has helped destroy countless lives by selling drugs

>> No.22634106
File: 1.81 MB, 3648x5472, totaldoubleniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan is a man of focus—commitment—sheer will

>> No.22634110

If you're going to show off using em-dash on an imageboard at least use them correctly. Those should have been commas.

>> No.22634144
File: 698 KB, 970x1400, 206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will use them however i choose——you bastard guy.