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22554051 No.22554051 [Reply] [Original]


Somebody wrote a well-researched, comprehensive criticism of Costin Alamariu's dissertation, shredded his arguments to pieces, one by one. I doubt the review process is as vigorous as his acolytes would believe, considering the fraudulent quality of his scholarship

>> No.22554063

A layman could rip this shit to shreds, if Costin wasn't a wealthy Jew he would have been laughed out of Yale.

>> No.22554065

I don’t care

>> No.22554075

this isn't the thesis that philosophy aims to reproduce itself, is it?

>> No.22554093

not subscribing to your podcast bud

>> No.22554159

I don't even care enough to find out how or why it's wrong. It's just irrelevant to me like 99% of all dissertations. Good way to bait idiots on here with engaging with it; hope they won't fall for it.

>> No.22554163


Stop shilling your own shit. TLDR anyway

>> No.22554321

>It would seem that real-world politics is far too “servile” and “beneath” the dignity of the superior man

>> No.22554413

>The superior man is a wild man, the synthesis of beast and man with all the best qualities of the lion and fox. This distinction is also linked to an anthropological dichotomy: in distant prehistoric antiquity (which also perennially recurs in present-day social structures), the default state of life was the absolute rule of tribal elders, shamans and medicine men. There was no independent frame of reference beyond the despotism of ancestral custom. Such a society is at once ruthlessly egalitarian, collectivist and authoritarian. This began to change when these primitive tribal chiefdoms were conquered by virile steppe pastoralists, who layered themselves on top as a Herrenrasse (a ‘lordly race’ or master race).

Kek, does BAP really say this? Steppe cultures were patroned around by shamans, tribal elders (although the oldest you'd get would be 50-60) and medicine men. They also instantly adopted agriculturalism when they encountered it, we have 100% steppe samples (early CWC) who were switching to a different way of life.
They never had a caste system either. They mixed with anyone they encountered on the spot, and always lived in homogeneous sedentary societies. There was no particular transformation of the culture before and after them, besides burials and increased trading with neighbors (steppoids were hypermercantilistic).

Mannerbund theory is also discarded, since all steppe people migrated with their wives and even children (found in burials). "Mannerbund" traditions are found in cultures with 50-100% Neolithic ancestry in Europe, but never in 100% steppe cultures.
Also steppe people have been historically notoriously egalitarian. See the later Scythians and their women.

I wonder if his fixation on groups of virile males with no significant stratification is his own hippie orgy fantasy. He is a jewish sodomite after all...

>> No.22554439

>inb4 but most burials are male
Yes, and we have literally extracted their DNA and tested the sex bias ratio in mating. It is small in Eastern Europe, nonexistent to the west of it, and early steppe-influenced cultures in Europe are ~75% steppe. If it was mostly men you'd go from 50% to 25% to 12,5% in three generations. Yet this never happened, the 50% steppe-50% EEF mulattoes from the steppe men bred 100% steppe women and the ensuing 75% quadroon ratio remained stable for several centuries.
Also this happened only in North and Eastern Europe. Steppe ancestry in other areas always arrives as 75% Neolithic farmee and 25% steppe or 60% Neolithic farmer and 40% steppe.

But hey gotta cash in on the niggercattle fans before the jig is up.

>> No.22554440

who cares in a few months, maybe a year, it'll be like bap never existed. He's just a sad old queer

>> No.22554689

Also worth noting that Neolithic farmers literally invented organized warfare. (Read Fibiger's recent study) Meanwhile steppe pastoralists just migrated and settled down, in stable and calm sedentary societies (in fact even more stable than before). Nice warlikeness and virility you got there lmaooo

>> No.22554703
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ah its you again greetings from u know were

>> No.22554756

>yet another fucking BAP thread
fuck off fuck off fuck off FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF

>> No.22554785

Didn't read the whole thing, but the parts I did read were pretty solid. BAP has a good metapolitical influence, but the overall picture of his ideas is trash, and the right needs to move past it. One comment brought up a simple yet poignant observation that BAP equates epithymia with logos, almost without any qualification, and I agree fully. It's not only a vulgar philosophy without much nobility to it, but it's a stale meme of a philosophy. We need a civilized vitality.

>> No.22554805

he is the king of /lit/ man just get used to it. i blame the other contemporary so-called writers

>> No.22554809

Almost every thread on Alamariu on this board is people calling him a faggot kike Zionist psyop because that's all he is

>> No.22554920

We need the truth, and BAP doesn't have it. Almost every historical source we have seems to contradict his theory; history proves that the supposed vitalist koryos ruling class of nomadic warriors lording over a settled peasantry is totally false, and that the warrior castes that did exist were rather settled, and were totally subservient also to a settled aristocracy and priesthood just the same as the underclasses. His theory is totally antiquated Thule Society-tier mythcrafting based upon very little hard evidence and is dwarfed by evidence supporting the conventional understanding of history. BAP's thesis and its problems have only made me give even more credence to Hegel, BAP is doing the work of his opponents by appearing so unhinged and believing unironically in something so thoroughly disproven for well over a century now. His entire foundational theory of the history of philosophy is just so plainly wrong.

>> No.22554993

yeah, he just comes across as an edgy larper to me. obviously the whole "philosophers are le exercising the will to power" shtick is derivative of Nietzsche, but it's not like BAP gave it a new spin. if you want a serious take on it, one with some ontological gravitas, then read Heidegger and get familiar with the term "metaphysics of presence"

>> No.22555149

You know the funny thing about faggots like BAP is they adopt wholesale the arguments of feminists like Gimbutas.

>> No.22555160

This. He’s an old gay queen desperate for attention that is waning quickly. Guy has to constantly bring up how journalists and the establishment hate him and how his book is number 1 in sales. Desperate to stay relevant in a world where that 2016 energy has dissipated.

>> No.22555178

tough, but ultimately very fair

>> No.22555362

>AFers calling people Jewish
Must be some riveting and clarifying analysis

>> No.22555371

posting ecelebs should be a instant ban

>> No.22555945

Yeah lol. He got butthurt once when called out for it

>> No.22556080

I am a thoroughly uneducated philistine, so I cannot confirm nor deny anything to do with the ancient texts or Greek words. Or most of his refutation, but I think he's pretty solid with citations and footnotes.

Bapist rhetoric seems to be an attempt by a rather civilized man to re-package barbarity for a thoroughly civilized (in the normal sense) audience; the end result comes off as artificial and exaggerated, akin to a Roman emperor dressing like a Germanic barbarian. More than anything it seems like a vain attempt at recapturing drained energy.

He already half-renounces it by almost solely praising mercenaries, adventurers, and other such men who couldn't exist without civilization.
The adventurer is not re-barbarized, nor does he exist outside of civilization, he is a vital civilized type (one of many). The criminal straddles the border of this distinction and depends on the type of criminal.

>> No.22556187

What would the AF Reading chart Look Like though?

>> No.22556202
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Shitting on Shills (SOS) by Fraud Fighter

>> No.22556247

They don't read. They just watch streams. But the streamers have read EMJ + Federalist Papers...

>> No.22557081


>> No.22557657

I'd call most of his audience domesticated, not civilized
Very few americans are civilized

Should have included that costin LARPs about being a whoremonger too, when he has 0 experience with the sport
He just writes stuff for shock value and attention. He's an askhenazi woman

>> No.22557892

Having read both Alamariu's thesis and this rebuttle, I have to say that, although the criticism is well researched and miles better than any other I've yet read, it still severely misses the mark, and strawman’s Alamariu's work for an 18 year old boy's understanding of Nietzsche. The main issue is that the author is reading “physis good, nomos bad” morality into Alamariu (and later of master morality good, slave morality bad into Nietzsche). The central point of the thesis is under what conditions great men who advance the arts, science, philosophy are produced and that the same traits that breed such men also produce tyrants. Almariu (and Nietzsche, so I will omit N’s name from now on) claims that first of all, an aristocratic high culture is required with its own strong nomos (judgements of good and bad) that perpetuate the traits they desire. Then, during a period of aristocratic decay, when this nomos is weakened, the excellent specimens are released to flourish.
Morrison states Alamariu’s equivalence of political decadence with the conditions for the proliferation of “monstrous” types who become liberated from convention and “acquire a taste for transgression, a boredom with the law,” fails to hold in many crucial cases.” Of course, entirely overlooking the preconditions necessary for such a thing. European aristocracy has been bred based on marriages of mutual alliances for a long time (Christianity’s role in this is unnecessary to mention), unlike the ancient Greeks for whom the king set his own explicitly physical eugenic Agon to determine a suitor for his daughters. The ancient customs MUST BECOME UNBOUND for such a flourishing to occur. That the Greeks were so excellent and European explosions of physis have been underwhelming ever since while Sparta because a producer of great men while not accomplishing anything artistic is a strong confirmation of Almariu’s thesis that strong nomos producing strong blood is necessary but not sufficient for greatness.


>> No.22557898

This passage on Nietzsche is very revealing in just how incapable Morrison is in understanding the vitalist argument: “But Nietzsche engages in the same Socratic conceit when he insists that slave morality and priestly morality is the renunciation of the will to power. In other words, the ascetic and the slave are not really exercising any power according to their station or capabilities, they are simply resentful and malformed individuals.” Nietzsche never says this, slave morality is explicitly the will to power of the masses and malformed i.e slaves to overcome the strong i.e masters. There are no moral judgements of good and evil associated with it, only psychological judgements. With such a terrible understanding of Nietzsche, one must wonder if this man is biologically incapable of understanding such arguments, as the vitalists might say.
Fundamentally, Morrison fails to demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the core arguments presented in Alamariu’s thesis, reflected in his lack of understanding of Nietzsche. The failure to recognize this central feature of the argument: that the disorganized, chaotic mass of humanity (Dionysian?) must be martialled by strong but arbitrary and fleeting customs (Apollonian?) in order to produce superior specimen in the human race and ONLY THEN, when the (Apollonian) nomos fails to encamp sufficiently against the masses of humanity do these superior specimen have the breathing space to create their own (Apollonian) nomos and elevate humanity yet further (according to the Alamariu). This new nomos then repeats the evolution. In other words, human evolution IS INCREDIBLY DEPENDENT on sociological factors in both Alamariu and Nietasche’s view which cannot be disposed of, even if they are altogether arbitrary (N generalizes this to all values).
I used to wonder why philosophy used to be considered so dangerous to the Greeks in that it was an exhortation to violent action, while nowadays it produces anomie. The fact that Alamariu directly answered my question in his thesis is something I give him a lot of credit for.


>> No.22558051

>superior specimen

This is such a joke that if his whole thesis is based on this conceit, it's of no value whatsoever.

>> No.22558064

if you're still coping that all men are created equal I hope you're honest enough to let refugees and hobos into your home

>> No.22558186
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>"Agriculture is le bad."
>"Steppe pastoralists who migrated into areas of scattered barely agricultural tribes are le master race"
>Meanwhile, in Egypt...
>BRB fighting battles with 20,000+ man armies
>BRB tons of chariots
>BRB building the tallest building in the world, a record we will hold for about 3,000 years
>BRB developing Plato's theory of forms 800 years earlier in Memphite theology
>BRB inventing hermeticism that will influence philosophy down to this day.
>BRB Steppetards tried to infiltrate the civilized world on many occasions and got BTFO
>BRB, even the Jews could brawl out with Assyrians and Egyptians and hold their own back when these tards up north couldn't write and lived in mudhuts.
>BRB, your civilization could last another thousand years and still not last half as long as Egypt.

>> No.22558207

So, if hunter gatherers and herders are so superior, what happened to them?

Surely they weren't all conquered and subjugated by civilized men with little effort, right? Remind me, what happened when weak and effeminate civilization cucks ran into the virile tribesmen of the Americas, Africa, Central Asia, and Easter Europe throughout history?

>> No.22558384

Every society needs a slave class. The basic idea of the thesis is that the sedentary agrarian civilized people who are totally bound by laws and customs are routinely enslaved by more cosmopolitan, mobile, wily pastoral elites who less restrained by their beliefs. Kinda like how red America that believes in God, hard work and truthfulness have been outcompeted and enslaved by a cosmopolitan mobile blue America that now predominates the elite (although the specific elites have shuffled around i.e it used to be WASPs ruling over blacks).

From what was described previously, superior specimens emerge who, when liberated from the morality of their society, shake the earth with their deeds (Cortez, Pizzaro in your case).

The argument is not "good and bad" nor "good and evil", it's about the conditions which produce great culture (which in turn produces great men). This is Alamariu and Nietzsche's primary concern.

>> No.22558415
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nietzsche would have spat on fagtin for being a gay homo who posts shit like this

>> No.22558421

tbf there isn't a big cock

>> No.22558433
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>> No.22558439
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FAgtin is still a gay homo who would have been literally disowned by Nietzsche, possibly even assaulted for being a gay jewish stockbroker

>> No.22558444

this shit for closeted wypipo oh

>> No.22558488


>> No.22558499

No clue what an "AFer" is

>> No.22559129

Most of Socrates students were total failures and nobodies, threatening to nobody. Other philosophers were even more impotent
Btw where does N say anything about will to power of the masses?

Yeah that was pretty funny. All the epics from heroes etc we have (not just stories and myths) come from full blown agricultural urban societies, who also engaged in genocidal warfare. Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mesoamericans and so on.

Except this actually never happened with steppe pastoralists. They lived in homogeneous societies, often less stratified than anything in the Mediterranean or West Asia or Central Asia (Turan).
CTC had literal slaves dying from mercury in 4500 BCE lmao

>liberated from the morality of their society, shake the earth with their deeds (Cortez, Pizzaro in your case).
Lol, lmao
Their moralities were perfectly in order with the prevailing military-aristocratic morality of their culture. And the natives were actually more brutal, and if anything, the newcomers were more bound due to their morality compared to your average jaguar elite fighter.

>> No.22559321

>great culture (which in turn produces great men)

Both completely meaningless concepts.

>> No.22559407

How much of thesis is dedicated to the Dionysian/Apollonian distinctions you mentioned? Is the work well written overall or no?

>> No.22559481

I'll take this over F Garner posting five threads about himself every day

>> No.22559526

yeah bro nothing matters

>> No.22560664

didn't Machiavelli say something like this in the beginning of Discourses on Livy?

>> No.22560666

The Athenians at the time didn't think so. And slave morality is a will to power of the weak masses against the few masters.
>Their moralities were perfectly in order with the prevailing military-aristocratic morality of their culture.
Perhaps, but they still overturned to the rules and regulations (i.e right to conquer was given to Velasquez) and succeeded in their campaigns far from the power of the current Zeitgeist. The example of the Athenians is better because they directly opposed nomos in the city their were born and raised in.

You also realize that Sparta was an "agricultural society" because the vast majority of people under her control were agricultural helots right? But the aristocracy certainly was not.
None. This was my interpretation of the distinction between nomos and physis that I read into the text. I think it is instructive as a Nietzschean reading of Alamariu's thesis.

Define great. Define man. Define culture etc etc.

>> No.22560672

Sorry, to answer your second point, yes I think the work is well written and lays down a lot of convincing arguments. My question about philosophy as a tonic to the Greeks vs a depressant to moderns was very well answered.

>> No.22560784

hi brap

>> No.22561141

Awesome, thanks for replying.

>> No.22561181

You are very welcome friend, I think Alamariu has a very good understanding of Nietzsche and the perspective on philosophy that he proposes is very interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the text, which I found far more interesting than "Bronze Age Mindset", the other text that he supposedly wrote.

>> No.22561261


What is "great culture?" What is a "great man?"

Some examples from history would be fine. I mean, what are we even talking about? Politicians? Generals? Artists? Writers? Philosophers? Athletes? Actors?

What about some examples of "great culture?"

>> No.22561288

i cant say its the only requirement but something mutts like you ain't part of would be a starting point.

>whadduh even mean?
no, what do you even mean

>> No.22561327


You can't even define it and you are trying to put it on a pedestal.

>> No.22561969

His idea, which really is just Gimbutas' idea bastardized with Nietzsche and Gobineauic Indo-Germanism, falls flat on its face the moment you look at history and archaeology.
He's saying that barbarian types of people conquer already existing civilizations, impose their own principles (nomos), and this somehow makes the civilization greater.
First of all this is a non-sequitur, AND we have no reason to believe that barbarian anti-civilization values result in... more civilization. This is schizophrenic. Second of all we have many examples from history where the opposite happened: barbarians overtaking (decadent) civilizations, and just running them to the ground 100x faster until some locals kick them out and civilization becomes somewhat revitalized.
No examples to the contrary exist.

Third, for some reason he thinks that aristocratic military ethos yadda yadda is a feature of barbarians, it actually isn't. It's mostly found in civilizations. (Remember how Romans were far more militaristic materially and ethically than the "free" barbarians they btfo and enslaved.) We have plenty of non-European examples (like Aztecs, Mayans etc), and in Europe we have many examples of cultures untouched by any nomad displaying a highly virile culture: Minoans (bull leaping, refined weaponry, bull worship, labrys as a trademark spiritual symbol, waged naval warfare and won and had even Mycenaeans subjugated for centuries), Nuragics, and before them people at Neolithic Varna or Cucuteni-Trypillia or Iberia. Then there's Assyria etc as already mentioned. This is all Gimbutaistic sophistry and genuine dumbassery.
Globular Amphora is a peculiar example. Genetically Neolithic, adopted a pastoralist way of life. The outcome? No civilization lol. Severe downgrade in culture.

Finally, by the time Greece, Rome etc existed any kind of pure steppe nomad was extinct. In fact these were extinct by 2500 BCE. There were literally no nomads in Europe, besides people genetically identical to nearby sedentary cultures.

P.S.: Steppe nomads were in frequent trade and had wealth, and at several points in their cultures' lives they could easy create a slave class, impose their values on them, and create an advanced civilization. Yet every time, we see the opposite happening.
It's not just that what Costin - a Gimbutas feminist mouthpiece - claims is false; literally the opposite is true.
0/10 insight, substance and truth, 9/10 sophistry and verbal masturbation. No surprise from an Ivy League jew.

>> No.22562054

What's funny is that these "superior" types always adopt the culture of others. Northern WHGs and SHGs adopted farming without mixing with EEFs, Steppe pastoralists did the same initially (and then mixed anyway kek). They are so superior and free that they literally willingly abandon their own "superior" culture and ways kek

Hey manlet

Oh no! Greeks using/manufacturing a pretext?! And then not giving a fuck about the supposed "dangerous" students of his, even after some of them tutored future conquerors of Athens? "At the time" should give you a hint.
Socrates wasn't killed for being "dangerous", he was killed for being a sophist faggot and subversive who undermined the culture, something that nobody actually likes, plus anyone associated with people who are being persecuted for severe crimes are seen as a liability. They're culled for good measure and also as a flex to the peasants and to satisfy the outrage of the very same peasants and derive legitimacy of the new ruler's rule.

>rules and regulations
Everyone does that, in fact it's human impulse to circumvent legislation for your own benefit. They did not violate any moral convention from the already existing aristocratic ethos of the crown (not the church) they served. Maybe besides some stuff like not randomly killing, meant to enforce discipline and order and not because not killing is "le good" a la christianity.

>But the aristocracy certainly was not.
Neither was any aristocracy ever, with this metric. Likewise never were fishermen agriculturalists either. Yet all were the same people, biologically... wat means??
At the same time the exact same conditions existed in several other places in Greece, Italy, Anatolia, Mesoamerica, with slaves or without. And so it did in Germany or Scandinavia, with slaves (or not) doing the agriculture... which is why we see all of these cultures going the same way... oh wait... oh no...

>> No.22562091

Also to put things into context, we could literally have an example where what he claims happens exactly how he says it does. (No such example exists)
It still doesn't change the fact that his main claim, of "barbarians" "revitalizing" "agricultural civilizations" is how "great culture" happens is explicitly refuted by every single piece of archaeology, history, and hard sciences. Not just "uhh unsupported" but completely refuted, firebombed and then drawn and quartered in front of an ecstatic crowd of Italian peasants. Just for good measure

>> No.22562192

PPS there's also the example of Bulgars and Magyars who did fuck all despite ticking all the le ebin vitalist noomad boxes. In fact they adopted the nomos of the locals.
Or the other example of agriculturalist Romans BTFOing the far less agriculturalist Brits of the time, both with different nomoi, uplifting the culture by imposing their own superior one, then when they left nothing remained as the locals could not adopt longterm the same nomos. Many such cases throughout history.

Maybe BAP is projecting his own miscegenated rootlessness on fictional rootless nomads that he envies for what they were and he isn't: not gay and not mundane.

>> No.22562197

PPPS can't help but notice that a takeover of a culture by rootless foreigners is strikingly similar to Jews... wat means???

>> No.22562211

he is essentially projecting ashkenazi jewish traits onto the greek pagans when he describes them as atheists & calculating exploiters.

>> No.22562268

If you use some pattern recognition (oy vey...) his thesis is basically
>rootless nomads (JUST LIKE ME) subjugate others (JUST LIKE MY PEOPLE DO TO GOYIM) and from this, somehow magically great arts etc come out (JUST LIKE THE THINGS I LIKE AND WISH I AND MY PEOPLE HAD CREATED)
It's all projection and psychological frustration with his own jewishness (on top of being a metrosexual if not full blown homo), Nietzsche is used as a cover and prestige beacon to dress his own cope with so he can get it approved to finally get his Ivy Kosher League phd.

>> No.22562765

>muh koryos mannerbund
so thats why this moron constantly talks about this fictional archeological concept on his twatter and BAM and promotes it as some kind of solution? then tries to throw whatever autism anthony and mallory could pull out of their asses into the mix?

>> No.22563247

I didn't read the book yet, but can someone explain me if this book is just evolutionary psychology in Greek?

>> No.22563275

i think the central theme is strauss 'esoteric' reading of plato
he mixes in some evolutionary psychology ideas that he gleaned from the PUA sphere I believe

>> No.22563538

>from the PUA sphere
Is 2007 again?

>> No.22563544

the guy is like 45

>> No.22563581


he got it from 4chan

>> No.22563832

Not really, unless we view evo-psych on a minute scale. Basically, he proposes that platonism was born as a eugenic program for the perfection of man.

>> No.22563881

i think he used to post on pua adjacent blogs like chateau heartiste

>> No.22563900

tough but very fair

>> No.22564175

If you ever thought Alamariu (or his alter ego, BAP) had anything worthwhile to say, you're a retard and an easy mark. Like a baby fascinated by the sound of jangling keys.

>> No.22564938

... nobody?

>> No.22565222

Even assuming his theory is true, it still fails.

By messing with archaeology and Indo-European studies, he basically anchors the "virile nomos" of the nomadic pastoralists who stood in opposition with the decadent and "oppressive" sedentary societies to the Yamnaya-like people and nobody else. And these people went extinct by the Middle Bronze Age (they became sedentary even earlier) due to miscegenation, with BAP himself constantly saying that mixing results is death of the virile spirit of the master race.
Ironically enough he is turbomixed himself.

>> No.22565233

>evolutionary psychology
Lol I wish
It's more like sociology just-so nonsequiturs
>philosophy is le dangerous result of le obsession with le breeding of le ubermensch... just like (kike) me!
It's just 300 pages of projection and midwittery

>> No.22565244

He has read it from Heartiste, he doesn't actually know the golden age of the PUA scene (2007-2010). In BAM he makes a direct reference to Da GBFM (lzolzolzozlolzlol) but he doesn't know anything else beyond that. He's a tourist and a poser because it's not like he improved his SMV despite being financially stable and with credentials. Just goes to show how betas remain betas even with money

>> No.22565250

>anything else beyond that
And by that I mean where Heartiste spawned from (CitizenRenegade) or who the only based (french-canadian) jew J. C. W. is...

>> No.22565259

Nuragic sardinia can be described as a barbarian society. Mostly pastoralist, piratical, no written script

>> No.22565263

Organised civilisation warfare is dysgenic. The modern globohomo world largely exists because of how dysgenic ww1 was for Anglos. Animals in the wild fight with strict rules determined by steady natural game theoretical protocols in the absence of technological development (civilisation). It resembles a Homeric contest more than a modern war or even a bar fight. You’re right that the Aryans didn’t do much and failed to adapt to novel warfare techniques after the BAC, although we do see a resurgence from this in the later Greek city states and Alexander, because they were only interested in noble pursuits and were incredibly lazy outside of this. ‘Otium et bellum’ is not a meme, see the Iliad.

>> No.22565332

didnt homer get mycenaean warfare completely wrong

>> No.22565348

so BAP sounds like Dugin's Noomakhia, and you sound brainrotten by critical theory garbage

>> No.22565355

>Animals in the wild fight with strict rules determined by steady natural game theoretical protocols in the absence of technological development (civilisation).
Can you explain more? I'm interested. I always thought all war was dysgenic in how cutthroat it is, but I didn't think there could be a middle-ground.

>> No.22565374

nature is eugenic, that's why species that exhibit frequent intraspecific fighting like tigers are more intelligent than civilized humans.

>> No.22565388

>philosophy is LE ALIVE!

people really buy this shit? it was corny when reza negarestani said oil is a living being, now this peter thiel goofball wants to say philosophy itself is a living thinking being? and you gay ottermode fitcels basedface over it?

>> No.22565453

Animals in the wild evolve strategies to optimise for energy usage, rarely ever fight to the death, and the outcome is inextricably connected to mating rights. War as we know it, (who can develop the best tech and throw the highest number of slaves at the enemy) is a byproduct of surplus-generating agricultural civs and not nomadic pastoralists like the PIE or hunter-gatherers who operate much more like the animals described above, i.e. eugenically.

>> No.22565466

you made that up
native american tribes often fought each other to extermination and they lived more or less like the primitve IEs

>> No.22565491

Oh, I think I see now. There's no "hyper-efficient, but one-sided" waste of resources in "animalistic war." There's winners and losers, but everybody ends up being made better off in some holistic sense. We don't have that in modern warfare, which pursues victory at all costs.

I do have a minor counter-example to bring up though.
>In fact, among modern large carnivores there is a clear difference between “proper” hunting and the aggression toward other predators which are perceived as competition. The big cats rarely eat the carcasses of other predators after killing them, and the sort of body languaje they use during such confrontations suggests that a different set of emotions is triggering the aggression. This is not the cold, almost “professional” approach they show when hunting prey, it looks rather like hatred, if we can indulge in some measure of “antropomorphism”…
The saber-tooth cats wanted total war...

>> No.22566060

Chimps practice total aggression against their enemies unless the two sides are equally matched. By the way, root/tuber agriculturalists also practice warfare in this way and I as of yet haven't ever seen warfare have any eugenic effects on them.
>who operate much more like the animals described above, i.e. eugenically.
This seems like an idealization of animals, more than anything else.
Not necessarily. Depends on what you consider eugenic, too.
The refutation on the OP cites examples of early 20th century eugenicists dreaming of eusocial humanity as the objective of eugenics, for example.
>How dysgenic WWI was for Anglos.
And thank god for that, seeing current brits in action; it would be annoying if you actually had to humor them because they still had an empire.
However, I just want to posit a counterargument that the Napoleonic wars were Eugenic for tsarist Russia, the village malcontents were often drafted and sent out to die.

>> No.22566171

It's not so much about total aggression vs controlled per se. A functional/eugenic warfare acts like an efficient proxy for sexual selection, kind of like an ancient version of tinder. It's just usually this is more complicated than mere senseless jingoistic annihilation.

>> No.22566182

be concrete, which traits should eugenic warfare select for and how?

>> No.22566184

Sounds pretty virile to me.
They did have highly advanced technology and monumental architecture btw.

The famous Homeric contest of the Trojan horse
>although we do see a resurgence from this in the later Greek city states and Alexander, because they were only interested in noble pursuits and were incredibly lazy outside of this
There's no "resurgence" anywhere to be seen, and cultures like that are found throughout history even as back as the neolithic based on population movements. There are several EBA cultures in West Asia, Central Asia and the Aegean that had very similar interests to the Greek city states, from Athens to Sparta.
Considering the steppe was the homeland of hunters-fishers like Khvalynsk and then suddenly they are transformed by geneflow from the south that even introduced pastoralism, any "resurgence" is strictly related to Neolithic Anatolian/Iranian ancestry. Exemplified in Northern Euros from as early as the bronze age who had the most chances for this "resurgence" to occur (if it comes from steppe ancestry) yet it never did.

>> No.22566187

>critical theory garbage
Prove it
Iliad most likely took place after 1050 BCE. The settings are different than early-middle Mycenaeans for sure, but the warfare itself is different too. No chance it was oral tradition. Only the heroes and their exploits were

>> No.22566189

The obvious ones, strength, intelligence, etc.
>and how?
Combat, strategy, teamwork. It's not rocket science. It only becomes complicated when you have to situate it within a cultural context (warfare is always individual to a culture to some degree and is inherently rooted in the 'spiritual' tradition, whatever your take is on the latter)

>> No.22566197

That's what the Yamnaya did you fucking retard, they accumulated livestock and intensified trading, then had large population growth and settled nearby areas while absorbing locals and neighbors they kept trading with
We actually have no evidence of any BA pastoralist warfare. At most you have Scythians whose go-to plan was to exploit archers + horsepower and never engage in close quarter combat, something animals never do

Agricultural societies are the ones who wage the warfare you like, and they are also the ones that create heroic myths. It's over

>> No.22566199

primitive warfare seems to favor the most adaptable though. chilean manlet tribes exterminated argentinian giants, manlet bedouin from arabia conquered the middle east and africa etc.

>> No.22566224

Most tribal warfare is not eugenic, then. It usually serves other functions.
Because the casualties were usually (it depends though) on the low end and those casualties were random.
Tribal warfare was not a contest, it's not a game of wits or strength, and in the cultures where it served as a form of population culling (like some tribes of Australian aborigine) it certainly didn't bring any eugenic effects.
Plus, you seem to ignore that human economics was not a binary between hunter-gatherer/pastoralist and Eurasian grain agriculture.
>Combat, strategy, teamwork.
This is basically all warfare before gunpowder, including those by societies based on grains.

>> No.22566228

The American Indians of history aren't a good example because by the time anyone who could write recorded them they were literally in their end of days. The European discovery of America was apocalyptic for them.
Mind you, I don't disagree.

>> No.22566246

I have a legit crush on BAP and totally would. absolute 1 on the binary

>> No.22566560

>he thinks a pastoralist barter economy can compare to the surplus of city state with grain silos, serfs, and fortified walls
Retard. The latter is literally Reign of Quantity. Also, I never glorified the Yamnaya in that regard, pre-agricultural people exist in a pre-mythic consciousness, that’s not entirely untrue.

>> No.22566671
File: 631 KB, 1182x474, 800-700 BCE Nuragic script.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuragics did have a writing system tho

>> No.22566716

Not to mention that pastoralism was literally invented by agriculturalists, who had herds. The only difference with steppe nomads is that they were nomadic pastoralists instead of sedentary. Pastoralism itself was invented earlier than 9000 BCE (at the very least) and was prominent throughout Europe and Middle East/West Asia for millennia, basically it never stopped being prominent. Some genetically Neolithic communities were even almost fully pastoralist.

But these didn't particularly exist in the Neolithic or even Chalcolithic, and certainly didn't exist in the northern EEF cultures during the early Bronze Age. The communities were also pretty small, no such thing as "city state" or many serfs, let alone many silos or fortified walls. They relied as much on pastoralism as in agriculture if not more in agriculture. Yamnaya-like people were more numerous and with far more livestock = far bigger surplus. And they absolutely used it, and probably avoided warfare because of this too

Homeric warfare between heroes is pretty much never seen anywhere, including in Greece and Rome. Almost like, it's mythology written in West Asia meant to inspire people... don't forget Homer wasn't involved in a military aristocracy, neither were epic poets in general

>> No.22566725
File: 73 KB, 750x604, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody wrote a well-researched, comprehensive criticism of Costin Alamariu's dissertation, shredded his arguments to pieces, one by one
Anon... this isn't hard. He argues that Plato is a Nietzschean. It's a stupid position. BTW you ARE allowed to argue stupid things in your dissertation, and can even receive very high marks on that.

>> No.22566972

I don't care about the Romanian Jew, I'm only posting to correct the Jewish canards that you're regurgitating:

>Steppe cultures were patroned around by shamans, tribal elders (although the oldest you'd get would be 50-60) and medicine men.
Correct, Indo-Europeanism has always held this to be the case.

>They also instantly adopted agriculturalism when they encountered it,
Incorrect, they didn't, you're massively oversimplifying the history of European agriculture to the point of uselessness.

>They never had a caste system either.
Incorrect, they did.

>They mixed with anyone they encountered on the spot
Incorrect, the PIE marital system allowed for concubinage, men took women from conquered peoples in addition to "pure" wives of their own stock.

>There was no particular transformation of the culture before and after them
Other than the massive transformation of the culture that comes from killing every man and enslaving their women, of course.

>Mannerbund theory is also discarded
The institution is referred o as the Koryos, and no it has not been "discarded", and no having girls around doesn't mean that you can't have a koryos.

>"Mannerbund" traditions are found in cultures with 50-100% Neolithic ancestry in Europe, but never in 100% steppe cultures.
Except for the Steppe cultures where they're found. Anyways, you're mistakenly conflating an Iroquoian societal arrangement with the Koryos, they're not the same thing.

>Also steppe people have been historically notoriously egalitarian.
This is incorrect, they weren't.

Once again, I don't care about the gay Jew, I'm just correcting the errors that you have made.

Varg Vikernes's delusions are not a source, no.

If you would like to learn about this topic, of which you know nothing, here's some good literature: The Horse, the Wheel, and Language, How To Kill a Dragon, and The One Eyed-God. If you have any questions, I'll happily answer them.

>> No.22567002

>steppe egalitarianism
what about scythian (and celto-germanic) girlbosses? they're pretty well-attested.

>> No.22567010

The Scythians did not have "girlbosses" or "warrior women". The portion of their population that was nomadic had women riding horses, and there was no prohibition on these women using a bow. They were not soldiers or warriors, they were part of a society where horseriding and archery were universal.

In the Celtic and Germanic world there were no "warrior women", the sole attestations are fictional/mythological or women choosing to die rather than be enslaved (and thus made into sex slaves, or just literal slaves). There are instances of women holding political power in these societies because there are instances of women holding political power in every society: they received this power through court politicking, not battlefield prowess.

>> No.22567030
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i think you're probably somewhat biased. there are female graves that look like typical warrior burials in the steppe, thats why archaeologists often identified those skeletons as males before the era of dna testing. and the influence and power of women in pagan northern europe is hard to dispute as well.

>> No.22567040

>and the influence and power of women in pagan northern europe is hard to dispute as well.
In priestly and queenly roles, not that of military leaders.

>there are female graves that look like typical warrior burials in the steppe
There's also graves of infants where they're buried with weapons and armor: the presence of weaponry in a woman's grave does not indicate that she was a "warrior woman". This is especially the case given that most of the "weaponry" in female graves are small blades that were used as jewelry to denote that the woman was a freewoman (as slaves could not carry blades).

>> No.22567048

we can't know for sure whether these women actually fought (i think they did, based on roman and greek descriptions), all we know is that they are typical warrior graves.

>> No.22567052

This character was apparently based on the fashy aesthetic twitter fandom

>> No.22567064

thank you for this boring post

>> No.22567075 [DELETED] 

I'm never going to read your stupid fucking book

>> No.22567183

>we can't know for sure whether these women actually fought
We can, from attestation. There's no attestation of "warrior women". The only attestation is of, as mentioned, non-combatant women who chose to be murdered by soldiers over being enslaved.

>all we know is that they are typical warrior graves.
We know that they did not have "typical warrior graves" on account of the contents and arrangement of the grave being different from that of an actual soldier's.

>> No.22567197

i posted definitive proof that women were interred in typical warrior graves, it's pointless trying to deny it now that we can sequence ancient genomes.

>> No.22567203

>in typical warrior graves
They are not in typical warrior graves. The graves are not arranged in the same manner as those of male soldiers, and the contain items not found in the graves of male soldiers.

Given that you are completely new to this topic, I have some literature for you to read: Lady with the Mead Cup. It goes over this extensively. tl;dr no, the Vikings tv show that you are citing is completely ahistorical, there is no such thing as a "warrior woman".

>> No.22567209

>They are not in typical warrior graves

they are, thats why archaeologists thought those skeletons were male:

>In 1988, archaeologists from the RAS Institute for the History of Material Culture discovered a unique Scythian burial mound dating from the seventh century B.C. In one of the coffins, they found what was long believed to be the mummified remains of a teenage warrior boy buried with his weapons.

>> No.22567226

It wasn't a typical grave according to the archaeologists. They thought it was a male because of the skeleton in spite of the unusual setup of the contents. So, one outlier that you don't even understand, which was covered in the original post in >>22567010 where I said
>The portion of their population that was nomadic had women riding horses, and there was no prohibition on these women using a bow. They were not soldiers or warriors, they were part of a society where horseriding and archery were universal.
Not a good case for your egalitarian warrior woman society.

Which, even if we humor the idea that the Scythians did let girls go on military expeditions, doesn't change the fact that you're using a Scythian example to make statements about the rest of Europe.

>> No.22567227

BAP? More like... BRAP!
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress.

>> No.22567243

i dont think anyone would claim that these societies were egalitarian in the modern sense, but the influence of women in europe outside of the mediterranean is a common theme in greek & roman records. this might have been a type of propaganda but i think it contained at least a grain of truth.

>> No.22567247

also whats unusual about the contents? it's just weapons and arrowheads.

>> No.22567281

But plato was ugly and denied life.

Correct, and you have no argument. 75-100% steppe samples are already sedentary in CWC, cope. This happened in the span of a mere few centuries breaking their their millennia long ancestral traditions.

>They did
Stratified society <> caste system, since they literally mixed themselves out of existence and did so basically instantly, the very moment they got the chance. You lie again but have no argument, cope.

>men took women from conquered peoples
Which never existed under their societies since they absorbed everyone. Steppe ancestry does not have a heavy sex bias in early Eastern Europe which means women got fucked by men who were 50% EEF. There are also various EEF haplos found in steppe rich cultures at low frequencies, wonder how they got there... genetix teleportation perhaps
Again, cope. And in central europe (Beakers) there's no sex bias at all

>massive transformation of the culture that comes from killing every man and enslaving their women
Which we surprisingly have no evidence of ever happening, and the "massive transformation" is different burials and pots in an otherwise same sedentary farming community
Hahahahahahaha cope

>The institution is referred o as the Koryos
and is discarded since we have no evidence for it. Besides Mallory's imagination LARP maybe
Heard he accepted the southern arc homeland

>Except for the Steppe cultures where they're found.
Except they aren't. Cope

>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language
Ah yes the book that said yamnaya were horseriders HAHAHAHA
It doesn't address anything that aDNA doesnt address. Cope, maybe try reading Izbitser's review of the book too. Illuminating...
>dragonslayer myth
Common west asian trope, wonder how it got there to khvalynsk...

He's an unironic retard and coping, steppe cultures are far less stratified than med or mena ones. Even in the iron age the 40-50% genetically steppe cultures were far more egalitarian as recorded by romans

You're not replying to someone with a high iq

>> No.22567315

Here are more examples of steppe nomads being massively more egalitarian than their sedentary neighbors

Dude is a retard, that much should be clear after telling others to "educate themselves" by reading Anthony's fanfiction of all things KEK
What's funnier is that both Anthony and Kristiansen who were all for the steppe hypothesis have now switched to accepting it was a peaceful migration and cultural diffusion through genetic dilution and Anthony has also abandoned his horse domestication theory (said so in a recent podcast himself)
He doesn't know shit, he'll just reply back with pilpul. And if you bring up that the Yamnaya steppe nomads were dark eyed, dark haired and intermediate-skinned with many being straight up dark skinned, he'll go apoplectic because truth doesn't agree with his headcanon like all retarded larping trannies who read about IE archaeology

And because you're literally mentally challenged, absorbing the few EEF females and then mixing back with pure steppe women in order to maintain a male-heavy sex bias would dilute EEF ancestry down to 5% within a few generations. Yet it went from 25% to 50% within less than 500 years... wot means???
Because you're a moron, here what it means: miscegenation of steppe men with farmer women and farmer men with steppe women, with steppe man - farmer woman mix being slightly more common, which agrees with polygamy that virtually everyone practiced in ancient eurasia. Then in central europe this ratio disappear completely and in some places outside europe steppe ancestry appears as female-mediated
It's over. Hard sciences rape the narrative stories you like reading

>> No.22567342

What's so bad about Anthony?

>> No.22567349

Well, the anon that I was originally responding to was arguing just that (matriarchal warrior women before the evil patriarchy came along), and he does so again here >>22567315. I'm not saying that the Scythians didn't have women who hung around and shot arrows or even went on raids, after all women tagged along with koryoses in other IE societies. We know that the Scandinavians had a very rigidly divided society when it came to gender, and that such a thing was seen as abhorrent (even letting women on boats was apparently a grievous taboo), but we don't know that for sure about the Scythians. What we do know, from simple biology and attestation, is that the anon in question's theory about feminist warrior women is absolutely bunk and is not corroborated by archaeological evidence or historical attestation. That is what I'm pointing out as false. If you have not been supporting this anon's theory, then I apologize for any hostility.

The body isn't positioned in the same manner as that of a Scythian warrior, and it doesn't contain the same contents as that of a Scythian warrior. That's what's unusual: it's a woman (at first thought to be a young boy) buried with weapons, not that of a Scythian warrior placed in a ritualized position with grave goods aligned in a ritualized manner. Similar things (ritualized positioning of items and bodies) occur in Scandinavian burials.

>> No.22567360

KEK! See? Pilpul! Your rape narratives are DEBUNKED!

>> No.22567368

sorry, but im going to trust the guy citing books and academics over the one citing the vikings tv show and rambling about rape fantasies.

>> No.22567369

At this point, I might just read the thing myself and debate it with my dad on the weekend or something.

>> No.22567377

And wait for the Carlsbad response.
Which he definitely is preparing.

>> No.22567381
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>sorry, but im going to trust the guy citing books and academics over the one citing the vikings tv show and rambling about rape fantasies.

>> No.22567386

I've thought about doing the same (sans talking about this garbage with my dad) but honestly BAM was such a letdown that I don't want to waste the time on it.

>> No.22567427

I mean, this is supposed to be an actual academic work. So you'd expect the quality to be better.
As of now, the introduction is something about the sexual market, polygamy, and marriage.
Also about breeding and how it's uncomfortable for modern audiences.
I might just hijack one of these threads and start posting excerpts.
They are pretty shit anyway.

>> No.22567449

>I might just hijack one of these threads and start posting excerpts.
could you? it would drown out the antiwhites and kill these threads faster

>> No.22567544

it's self published shit, couldnt even find a publisher for it

>> No.22568439

About him? Nothing. His book has already been called shit by Izbitser (2012), and recent genetic studies on horses by Librado, Damgaard and others destroyed his narrative about horse domestication. He has abandoned his cope about wheels too, and basically abandoned Yamnaya as the original IEs altogether (see Kroonen et al 2022 to read what he supports now)

Understandable. Might want to read Lazaridis & Reich 2017 in the process too. Or Fibiger's recent study, or Lazaridis et al 2022 (all three studies), or maybe even Kristinsson (2012).
I can go on with namedropping academic works, some done by 100+ authors, who destroy what Anthony claims, and keep in mind that the actual archaeo stuff of his book isn't debated. It's the theories that he makes up, as did others, except they're literal fantasies with no proof and all proof is to the contrary.
Might wanna check out Allentoft et al 2022 (steppe migrants adopted the same grain-heavy diet), or Lamberg-Karlovsky (2002), several of the burials containing considerable wealth in Sintashta were of females and children... wat means?

>> No.22568462

Yeah I said you are mentally challenged and projecting hard. There has never been a matriarchy in nature (wat means?) and patriarchy is the natual norm and also based. The scythians and all other steppe nomads were far more egalitarian and less stratified than non-nomadic cultures, basically the opposite of what BAP claims (with no proof). Despite liking archaeology you have no idea what "egalitarian" means in archaeology. That's why you have to set up retarded strawmen

>not that of a Scythian warrior placed in a ritualized position with grave goods aligned in a ritualized manner
That's interesting, do you have any paper that analyzes the differences between the burials? And why would a female grave with weapons not be that of a warrior since there's no use of weapons outside of warfatr in a female's life (unlike a man's), while also having firsthand evidence by the Greeks about female warriors?
Youe argument goes a bit like
>well we have burials of women with weapons
>first hand accounts tell us they had female warriors
>BUT haha not so fast! The female burials are not exactly like the male ones, assuming all male ones are done in a very specific way
I'll just check out the study myself and see what the expert archaeologists you like to cite have to say

>> No.22568471

well written. lamberg blows so much of this warmed over grift out of the water

>> No.22568493

lmao to the surprise of no one, turns out I (and the Greeks) were right again

>They were buried in what's now the western Russian village of Devitsa, with parts of a horse-riding harness and weapons, including iron knives and 30 arrowheads.

>"We can certainly say that these two women were horse warriors," said archaeologist Valerii Guliaev of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Archaeology at the time.

>They were found in a burial mound with two other women - one aged between 40-50 years old, who wore a golden headdress with decorative floral ornaments. The other, aged 30-35, was buried alongside two spears and positioned like she was riding a horse.

>"During the last decade our expedition has discovered approximately 11 burials of young armed women. Separate barrows were filled for them and all burial rites which were usually made for men were done for them," explained Guliaev.

>"About one-third of all Scythian women are buried with weapons and have war injuries just like the men," historian Adrienne Mayor told National Geographic in 2014.

Manly warrior burial rites, and archaeologists consider them warriors regardless of rites, as they do men. Turns out all the babble about muh weapons pointing North instead of East was red herring and pilpul who woulda thought, plus it ignores that Scythians themselves wouldn't bury women exactly like men since women aren't men and nobody in the ancient world had "equality". No reason to not think scythian female warriors were lower status than the males, the point here is that they were more egalitarian than their neighbors (like persians). Which is well known
Violent injuries pretty much seals the deal and the additional findings of high status females doubly seals it. Nomadism makes you a cuck compared to agriculturalism (still far away from any femitard fantasy ofc). It really is over

>> No.22568644


>> No.22568715

>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language, How To Kill a Dragon, and The One Eyed-God.

curious, do you have any studies to suggest? books can be way off mark when it comes to theories while published studies undergo peer review that removes most of the errors since they deal with findings from archeology, dna research and the likes

books don't have to pass review, anyone can publish anything as was common in the 20th century with all kinds of theories (most abandoned now) going around

>> No.22568783
File: 101 KB, 702x564, Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But plato was ugly and denied life.
Plato (PBUH) was a GOD. Plato mogs, brainmogs, bloodmogs, wealthmogs and soulmogs you, Nietzsche and BAPtard combined. Plato isn't his real name - it is his wrestling moniker. Plato, the father of philosophy, has burnt his name into the history books as a shining beacon for two and a half millennia, and will be known at least another two and a half millennia more. What he knows of life, a bug like you cannot even imagine.
Plato wasn't ugly either btw. Socrates was the ugly one.

>> No.22568888

A good history book is a meta study.

>> No.22568890

>historical criticism
I don't know anything about either of these figures, but these two words in conjunction are enough to let you know it's bunk.

>> No.22568911

In the first section about tyranny.
It's a bit weird how he remarks how historians le bad for thinking the Greek texts on tyranny could be biased or have some ulterior motives instead of being a pure description of reality.
I do kind of get it though. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he indulges in the same type of games from time to time.
Also, I dislike his rhetorical style, which at times feels like it's trying to imply things without saying them, it's sneaky and underhanded.

>> No.22568919

I don't remember the right word now, but I dislike how he tries to "suggest" these ideas.

>> No.22568990

That's very cool, how will this save the white race though?

>> No.22569016

Truth doesn't matter anymore. It's all about the optics and the narrative. The package. The way ideology is being presented, passed around and construed. People who still care about "truth" and "historical fact" are going to be ruthlessly filtered by the coming cultural shifts.

Don't be like BAP, don't be like his followers. Don't be like his critics either, don't be like the haters on twitter. Don't be a small critter looking for spoonfed truth like a tiny baby groveling in his own piss. Create your own meaning. If you aren't a phenix, born again from the memetic ashes of the distant and close past, you are not going to make it.

>> No.22569069

This is the first smart critique of BAP I've ever read

>> No.22569084
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>> No.22569091

I wanna be like Kantbot
He’s my hero

>> No.22569102
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I'd only replace 'past' with 'future', for the future comes from the future and not from the past.

past is taken. history is a whore. future is a virgin maid her blooming flower dew shall wash away the morbid humours.

>> No.22569105
File: 81 KB, 785x1390, italy-sardinia-nuragic-civilization-statuette-of-a-warrior-know-as-F7NC67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is complicated. It comes from a time adjacent to the so called SRDN Nora stone, in which there was already an influx of pheonicians in the Islands, phoenicians that we do know have a written script.

>They did have highly advanced technology and monumental architecture btw
I'm aware of it since I'm sardinian, my family used to reside near the tallest nuraghe in the island.
At the same time there are ample evidences of trade with the whole mediterranean and even north europe, and warfare and conquest in foreign lands, if the egyptian depictions of sherden refer to nuragic sardinians, which I believe to be true.
Interestingly, at Garlo, in Bulgaria, there's a bronze age construction that is identical to the centimeter to one found in Sardinia.
I do agree with BAP on a lot of things, especially regarding modernity and solutions to it, less so on some of his historical views, of which though I appreciate that he's always willing to have a discussion with.

>> No.22569142

>isn't actually a respected PhD
>just a furry sodomite with wealthy jewish parents
>muh wolves, muh wolves
ahhh, philosophy!

>> No.22569319

This was great, finally finished
>I can't directly call Costin a vaucous shit eating faggot so have this instead

>> No.22569347

Umm… steppebros, I thought we were virile warriors who ate of the fruits that we did not sow and ravaged the strange, alien women

>> No.22569556

>create your own meaning
But existentialists are fags, and whatever meaning you think you're creating are mimesis. You can't escape it. Even perennialism is better than self defeating relativist faggotry

>> No.22570113
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the funniest thing about BAP is how the chad elite yids look down upon him as a pathetic loser. he tried to dunk on Bill Kristol and was shut down like a sissy, Yoram Hazony called him a seething loser on twitter recently.

>> No.22570247


If any of these charlatans had any credibility whatever they had to say would already be on Wikipedia.

>> No.22570251

kantbot had a fungal brain infection and now all he does is post like an old man and tell people to shut up on twitter

>> No.22570264

Nooo not the heckin jews

>> No.22570279


Literal who VS literal who circlejerking each other over literal what

>> No.22570310

Is this what he wants?

>> No.22570387

kantbot's podcasts were ok, but in writing he is constantly seething, its weird usually its the opposite, people sound ok in writing but then like they want to cry when you hear their voice, but somehow that retard manages to have a nice voice, but a constantly whiny writing, i'm amazed

>> No.22570525

>this is what midwits think
Reminds me of how Drews' Coming of the Greeks was enthusiastically received only to be completely irrelevant and forgotten now because its predictions and theories got proven wrong and shredded by genetics and ongoing archaeology lmao

Not bad

Weren't Sardinians/Nuragics the core of the Sea People? Always found it interesting how it's agricultural societies that like explore and go on expenditions, especially at sea. Nomads don't do that, even on their steppes they only move for utility reasons (like food for their herds or to raid some nearby settlement).

Kek must've stung. He liked Hazony and shilled for him in one of his published articles a while back

>> No.22570708

If you're interested in studies you might as well just get into the field yourself. New studies come out all the time, and are most of them are of lesser importance than the datasets that they put out. You also avoid the retards with bizarre ideological axes to grind, like the one here talking about how the Scythians were feminists, and you are equipped to make sense of the broad theories synthesizing large amounts of information. That's something that's really taboo in dweeby internet debate circles because it doesn't let you cherry pick some out of context passage to talk past someone, but it's how you actually gain and apply knowledge.

You also avoid two really common problem in these debates, which is the small sample sizes and having to feed everything through the popsci machine. A sample size of two doesn't mean anything, and whichever retard gets told to write about some study on six dead bodies from 9,000 years ago is going to filter the information through whatever cause of the week they're on. This is where the "PIE were africans despite being the same color as modern Europeans" meme comes from, for example. A similar thing happened with Cheddar Man, who was roughly the color of modern Saudi Arabs yet is depicted as a negro by the media.

>> No.22570738

>like the one here talking about how the Scythians were feminists
They were you strawmanning retard. They were a matriarchy lead by warrior women. I debunked you with studies, and you're projecting and pilpuling in response.

>> No.22570743

See here >>22568439
And just go read up the studies by Lazarisis, Allentoft, Reich, Patterson and subsequent citations.

>"PIE were africans despite being the same color as modern Europeans" meme comes from, for example. A similar thing happened with Cheddar Man, who was roughly the color of modern Saudi Arabs yet is depicted as a negro by the media.
KEK insane cope. Yamnaya were the ones about as dark as Saudis (who are depigmented, intermediate skinned) with some being darker, and Cheddar Man was a non-depigmented WHG. His skin had litetally not depigmented. Whether he was the shade he is depicted is up to debate, and nigs themselves vary in shade and even melanin levels

Amusing to see you continuing your strawman cope about scythians (who were never feminists, merely a good example of how nomadic cultures are less stratified and more egalitarian than sedentary cultures)

>> No.22570744 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294
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Previous Thread:

>> No.22570761
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Pathetic samefag, YWNBAW

And because you will seethe, here have the samples themselves. Seethe cope dilate etc

>> No.22570765
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>> No.22570768
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>> No.22570771
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>> No.22570775
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And while we're at phenotypes, read the Genetic History of the Southern Arc (2022) it has hundreds of phenotypes in its supplementary files


>> No.22570780
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>> No.22570785
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>> No.22570790
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>> No.22570795
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>> No.22570797

>PIE were light skinned and patriarchal
maybe you should have read up on this before having a schizo meltdown?

>> No.22570802
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>> No.22570803

>brown hair
>brown eyes
>light skin
So literally what he said.

>> No.22570811

Thank you for confirming my point. I accept your concession.

>> No.22570818
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As much as arabs are "light skinned" with the occassional darker dalit in the mix, sure. Modern light skinned euros especially up to the north are a very recent phenomenon
Of course, all ancient societies were regardless of stratification and egalitarianism level (lower stratification and higher egalitarianism in nomads, higher high stratification and lower egalitarianism in farmers)
I don't think you even understand what "egalitarian" means in an archaeological context. BAP does though


>> No.22570822

Your study classifies Italians as "Dark-Black", anon.

>Of course
Earlier you were arguing that the Scythians were lead by matriarchal warrior women and that the PIE were "raped" by other races. You should probably take a break from the internet for awhile, you've spent 4 days vomiting gibberish in this thread, and it's clearly not good for your mental health.

>> No.22570823
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Nope, he (You) said same color as modern Europeans which is demonstratably not the case, not even for a single sample. Same goes for WHGs
Imagine being so gay that you have to lie on an Indonesian cockroach breeding forum KEK

Agreed. Your point that PIEs were MENA-looking and European HGs were even more pooskinned is confirmed by basically every single study on these people


>> No.22570832

>Your study classifies Italians as "Dark-Black", anon.
It doesn't though but nice try nonetheless. Admire the dedication
Wanna post the excerpt?

>were lead by matriarchal warrior women and that the PIE were "raped" by other races.
Sure, give me the exact quotes from my earlier posts. Should be easy, no?
I have faith in you anon, you can do it

>> No.22570834

That was my first post in the thread.

>> No.22570854

If that's what you said then it is in agreement with the studies I posted, glad we agree

>> No.22570855

>okay so the study says they weren't bantus but-
I accept your concession.

>no! you have to play gay little wordgames and humor my haploautism!
This isn't /his/.

>> No.22570859

Correct, your studies say that the PIE weren't negroes like you are claiming that they are. I'm not sure why you keep trying to argue that they were.

>> No.22570868
File: 23 KB, 723x666, gigachad lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't /his/.

>> No.22570964

Fugg this book is actually good

>> No.22571110

>okay so I have to cope with yamnaya being gypsy-looking by strawmanning that someone said they looked like bantoids but-
I accept your concession

Anon you're the only one imagining niggers here, but then again it's your state's religion so you're accustomed to it

>> No.22571113

No it ain't

>> No.22571127

good for Israel

>> No.22571161

I support Jews *raises fist*

>> No.22571185

I’m hooked
I’ve been an unironic BAP hater for the past couple years but I like Costin

>> No.22571367

>PIE were colored like italians with the odd blondy

>PIE were "light skinned arabs" and "dalits"
so which is it?

>PIE were "pooskins"
so which is it?

>> No.22572157


>> No.22572169

Those are similar descriptions. Swarthy, basically.

>> No.22572398

BAP ... the White King ... no ... he was meant to be the chosen one ...

>> No.22572423

He made that guy seethe and go red like a tomato, what are you talking about?

>> No.22572778

It took the media until this year to definitively identify him as BAP. Fucking hacks.

>> No.22573529


>> No.22573728

>colored like italians with the odd blondy
That's cheddar man. Otzi the iceman was a depigmented farmer, and he was darker than modern sardinians. Light skin means depigmented, not "pale" or "very pale". It ranges from actual brown to porcelain hue

>so which is it?
All arabs are light skinned by definition of depigmentation, but not fair skinned. Dalits are generally not depigmented and are usually dark brown. Most PIEs were depigmented but pooskins, a few were dalit-skinned. No direct genetic relation to them though

Yeah pretty much, except the non-depigmented ones.

>> No.22573775

So BAP has gone full mask off and publishing books under his real name on amazon with no consequences? Goes to show he is controlled opposition just like the other edgy kike Moldbug who's still giving ted talks although he's uniornically said that slavery should be reinstated. Cancel culture is for goys.

>> No.22573895

this yid's argument about breeding isn't bad, but it's retarded to link it to pastoralist nomads and not agriculturalists.

historically and biologically, agriculturalists were the ones who domesticated and bred animals and invented pastoralism, and they also domesticated and bred plants. there is nothing like this in nomadic cultures with the exception of botai. they were only pastoralists, did not really practice selective breeding and did not domesticate any plants. even aztecs domesticated plants

the only exception to this is probably the botai people (Ancient North Eurasian descended with 20% east asian dna) who first domesticated horses around 3500 bc. the common horse (DOM2) is domesticated much later at around 2200 bc and it might have happened in anatolia in agricultural settings since if i remember correctly the earliest domesticated horse findings are from there at 2200 bc.

arabian horses are the best and most beautiful, bred by mostly agriculturalists.

so to summarise
his argument is alright, i think it has some basis. but the people who invented and practiced selective breeding were sedentary agriculturalists and not nomadic pastoralists.

>> No.22573901

actually even botai were sedentary.
>Archaeological data suggests that the Botai were sedentary pastoralists and also domesticated dogs.[4]

>> No.22573915

>his argument is alright, i think it has some basis.
i kinda agree with his politics but his straussian esoteric reading of plato is almost certainly BS too

>> No.22573927

no i meant that having an entire economy around breeding animals (and plants) can lead to obsession with breeding humans.
it's just that this is true for sedentary societies exclusively, and mainly for agricultural ones
i won't go into the whole
>yamnaya were extinct by the time he says etc etc
argument that has already been posted in this thread from what i see. i just call him a retard because he missed what was right in front of him