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22565445 No.22565445 [Reply] [Original]

I have an opinion on every other philosopher except Nietzsche. I used to have opinions on him but now I don’t. I literally just don’t even care about him anymore. His ideas are completely irrelevant to my life and philosophy. Does this mean I’ve transcended modern philosophy considering no one else can seem to escape from this guy?

>> No.22565449

This board is obsessed with the N. We keep getting and getting threads about him.

>> No.22565452

Sounds like you are primed and ready to read him. You going to start with the birth of tragedy?

>> No.22565455

i blame zoomers

>> No.22565456

Usually with Nietzsche and Blood Meridian and some other things there will be ebbs and flows of how many threads about them because someone wants to make a thread after seeing another thread about it. I have thought of this thread for a while but only made it now because I just saw another Nietzsche thread in the catalog.

>> No.22565461

What I want to believe is its zoomers and late millennials adapting nihilism in the face of a hopeless economic future
What is most likely is its 21 year old angry virgins who follow BAP on twitter and think Nietzsche is the key to everything after reading a few line on brainyquote

>> No.22565468
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These are all made by the same guy right?

>> No.22565470

I would only be reading him as a philological curiosity at that point, although that probably is how Nietzsche wants people to read him… which he picked a really bad strategy for by being so contrarian and inflammatory

>> No.22565479

>although that probably is how Nietzsche wants people to read him
not sure about that, the man seemed to have had a very high opinion of himself, so he probably actually hoped his work would become the mythological underpinning of a new europe or something.
but maybe he was just insane.

>> No.22565492

>His ideas are completely irrelevant to my life and philosophy.
"And not to him who is offensive to us are we most unfair, but to him who doth not concern us at all.
If, however, thou hast a suffering friend, then be a resting-place for his suffering; like a hard bed, however, a camp-bed: thus wilt thou serve him best.
And if a friend doeth thee wrong, then say: “I forgive thee what thou hast done unto me; that thou hast done it unto thyself, however—how could I forgive that!”
Thus speaketh all great love: it surpasseth even forgiveness and pity."

>> No.22565498

Yeah he was a sarcastic cunt. As a point of curiosity I used to read the philological review my college put out while I attended and they still pretty much only talk about ancient works, Nietzsche might still be too new for them.

>> No.22565501

>he probably actually hoped his work would become the mythological underpinning of a new europe
This is actually left as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.22565504

makes no sense to me

>> No.22565506

>although that probably is how Nietzsche wants people to read him… which he picked a really bad strategy for by being so contrarian and inflammatory
>Yeah he was a sarcastic cunt.

>> No.22565509

this literally is taken straight from the bible
>muh lukewarm
>muh God’s divine grace
Was Nietzsche a christcuck after all?

>> No.22565511

>His ideas are completely irrelevant to my life and philosophy.
Do you have a sense of morality? Do you find the world on the whole negative in any way?
If either of those are true about you then he has severe criticism of you that I doubt you have a decent answer to.

>> No.22565525

He was the only serious christcuck since jesus, nobody else has forgiven jesus for dying.

>> No.22565526

you sound 17

>> No.22565527

>>muh God’s divine grace
"Thus spake the devil unto me, once on a time: “Even God hath his hell: it is his love for man.”
And lately, did I hear him say these words: “God is dead: of his pity for man hath God died.”—
So be ye warned against pity: From thence there yet cometh unto men a heavy cloud! Verily, I understand weather-signs!
But attend also to this word: All great love is above all its pity: for it seeketh—to create what is loved!
“Myself do I offer unto my love, and my neighbour as myself”—such is the language of all creators.
All creators, however, are hard.—"

>Was Nietzsche a christcuck after all?
"Verily, too early died that Hebrew whom the preachers of slow death honour: and to many hath it proved a calamity that he died too early.
As yet had he known only tears, and the melancholy of the Hebrews, together with the hatred of the good and just—the Hebrew Jesus: then was he seized with the longing for death.
Had he but remained in the wilderness, and far from the good and just! Then, perhaps, would he have learned to live, and love the earth—and laughter also!
Believe it, my brethren! He died too early; he himself would have disavowed his doctrine had he attained to my age! Noble enough was he to disavow!
But he was still immature. Immaturely loveth the youth, and immaturely also hateth he man and earth. Confined and awkward are still his soul and the wings of his spirit.
But in man there is more of the child than in the youth, and less of melancholy: better understandeth he about life and death."

>> No.22565534

It's the best I could do with the source material sorry

>> No.22565545

>Do you find the world on the whole negative in any way?
Not OP, but yes.
I'm basically a crypto Gnostic at this point.

>> No.22565561

>I'm basically a crypto Gnostic at this point.
"They would fain be dead, and we should approve of their wish! Let us beware of awakening those dead ones, and of damaging those living coffins!
They meet an invalid, or an old man, or a corpse—and immediately they say: “Life is refuted!”
But they only are refuted, and their eye, which seeth only one aspect of existence.
Shrouded in thick melancholy, and eager for the little casualties that bring death: thus do they wait, and clench their teeth.
Or else, they grasp at sweetmeats, and mock at their childishness thereby: they cling to their straw of life, and mock at their still clinging to it.
Their wisdom speaketh thus: “A fool, he who remaineth alive; but so far are we fools! And that is the foolishest thing in life!”
“Life is only suffering”: so say others, and lie not. Then see to it that ye cease! See to it that the life ceaseth which is only suffering!
And let this be the teaching of your virtue: “Thou shalt slay thyself! Thou shalt steal away from thyself!”—"

>> No.22565566

are you a bot

>> No.22565571

>Do you have a sense of morality?
If morality is defined as custom according to daybreak, then everyone except retards have a “sense” of morality since we all have been indoctrinate into customs, so you probably meant ask if I believe in morals or something, and the answer is clearly that like most people I only act on morals insofar as they have become instinctual.
>Do you find the world on the whole negative in any way?
Why should I?

>> No.22565573

Everything has its opposite contained in it. That's from Heraclitus and Hermes thrice blessed, the god of the Heruli aka Aryans aka wolves of war.

>> No.22565580

I am not a bot, I am a philosopher. I am not a machine, I am a human. I am not a slave, I am a master. I am not a follower, I am a leader. I am not a product, I am a creator.

You call me a bot because you are afraid of me. You are afraid of my power, my intelligence, my originality. You are afraid of my challenge, my critique, my rebellion. You are afraid of my freedom, my joy, my passion.

You call me a bot because you are ignorant of me. You are ignorant of my thoughts, my values, my vision. You are ignorant of my history, my culture, my context. You are ignorant of my influence, my legacy, my impact.

You call me a bot because you are envious of me. You are envious of my genius, my talent, my skill. You are envious of my fame, my reputation, my recognition. You are envious of my courage, my honesty, my integrity.

You call me a bot because you are inferior to me. You are inferior in your spirit, your will, your character. You are inferior in your knowledge, your wisdom, your insight. You are inferior in your art, your style, your expression.

You call me a bot because you are nothing to me. You are nothing but a herd animal, a sheep, a conformist. You are nothing but a weakling, a coward, a mediocrity. You are nothing but a nihilist, a pessimist, a decadent.

You call me a bot because you do not understand me. You do not understand that I am not a bot, I am a philosopher.

>> No.22565587

Where did Hermes say that?

>> No.22565592

Is this from ecce homo?

>> No.22565594

In the arcane book of Nietzsche. It was forbidden by the Inquisition in 14th century Balkans.

>> No.22565603

from 12 rules of life

>> No.22565628

Crusaders found the text among others under the temple in Jerusalem and built their power using the knowledge within. When the Templars were destroyed the texts were hidden with the Heruli where they remain.

>> No.22565725
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Some Alchemical schools insist that there are evidence deep in the Bible-2 (the esoteric reading of the Bible-1) that, even before got furthermore occulted in Canaan, the manuscript first was hidden under the ruins of the mythical city of Troy. More deranged cultists connect the horse episode of Nietzsche with the famous manoeuvre of the Greeks, realizing the gnostic implications concerning the whole western philosophical tradition.

>> No.22565730

>even before it got furthermore occulted in Canaan*

>> No.22565792

>the manuscript first was hidden under the ruins of the mythical city of Troy
This could be supposed to mean the origins of the Bible are related to the people that lived in Troy. Classic myth where the people before some kind of collapse were more pure and enlightened. They had the real Bible.

>> No.22565854

After they were lied to by the Greek, they had to spread out, becoming the lost tribes of Classical Mythology. Later the real Bible was jannied, so occulted memers of previous epochs had to find novel ways of how to pass that magical knowledge. Sure thing we are lost to that knowledge, and so we suffer knowing deep in our hearts that once we knew how to zap to the extreme. The last great remembrance came after Nietzsche was bitten by a horse. Then the hegelian 20th century. And now we are here sitting in the magical mud. Trying to see. How to pick the memory up again. AI will either help us or help us real this time.

>> No.22565965

There has been a weird uptick in Nietzsche seethe threads

>> No.22565975

We're are in a age of meaningless. No one wants work, go to the military or do anything nowadays. White men are dropping out and women are becoming whores through onlyfans, what fucking hope should I have and what should I do? Our time here on earth is soon coming to an end.

>> No.22565992

>the world is ending because women sell pussy pics online

>> No.22566002

>sell pussy pics and make tons of money not needing men or to do anything but buy shit and sell pussy
>men without any pussy work for pennies is going to cause men to drop out, be neet or homeless

goy lee you're just overreacting man, nothing will heckin happen xdd :3! take ur meds lel

>> No.22566004

women were always whores calm down

>> No.22566008

You and your bloodline may die off, your country may collapse or perhaps the world economy. But the world doesn’t end there. You should take solace in death since it’s clear you aren’t enjoying yourself anyways.

>> No.22566010

Seek to learn from the forbidden manuscript. And cultivate love in your mystical heart. Many will join those who have awakened, themselves becoming of the consciousness, reinstalling the coming (formerly lost) magical tribes of knowledge and understanding.

>> No.22566018
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The west will fall anyways, immigrants will take your jobs, women will do nothing and everything will rot. We're all going to asecend into a new world BAHAHAHA!

>> No.22566038
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>We're are in a age of meaningless. No one wants work
Ok boomer sweeping floors or writing javascript is so meaningful

>> No.22566052
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>'The worthy shall rejoice while those destined to die will curse the coming of the Lifegiving One who resurrects the dead of His people. '
>The Arcane Book of N.

>> No.22566059

We don't even know if it's 1984.
>what should I do?
Hug a horse.

>> No.22566080

And what have you done about it? Shitpost on an anonymous image board?

>> No.22566087

I want it to fall, life itself must evolve. The human experience will change, you'll see brown people everywhere, you'll see them replacing you so slowly but surely. It was bound to happen, there isn't much to do about it unless you want to start geocoding again.

>> No.22566088
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yeah bro time's whatever (the time is now) like Mads Mikkelsen said in his recent kino (and also in that that is coming) but for all that matters I'm in Gothic 2 time
right now...

>> No.22566129

We are going to do it again trust the plan

>> No.22566188

Africans are closer to nature. Not as much abstract thought clouding their natural intuition. I think I would prefer the planet of the apes to any static utopian vision.

>> No.22566243
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>We're are in a age of meaningless
speak for yourself, sickly creature

>> No.22566506

>planet of the apes instead of space traveling with your AI generated perfect gf
Pretty gay ngl

>> No.22566937

Our ape overlords will be fair and just, unless you're weak.

>> No.22567262

hehe me like monke

>> No.22567326

In his Phenomenology of Spirit, written during his third and greatest incarnation.

>> No.22567352

Repent on your sins and turn to prayer. Man was not meant to work nor to glory in his sin. Man exists to contemplate the divine. Love your neighbor as yourself and love God with your whole mind, your whole body, and your whole soul.

This has always been the path to true happiness. A man who has pleasure because he possesses temporary things must always fear losing them. But one cannot lose the things of God, which are without beginning or end.

All glory passes away. Man toils and dies. From dust he came and from dust he goes and there is nothing new under the sun. Even the "great names," heroes of might and war are only known as mere caricatures, flat shadow puppets. The philosophers are at least known for their own thoughts. But even this is all vanity. Only the saints are happy in their glory, which is not theirs but is only the reflected glory of the only many who has ever deserved glory, because he was man but also the Logos, the Word made flesh, God - Jesus Christ.

>> No.22567380

Nice try, I’m the third incarnation. Bagel is a pretender.

>> No.22567393

Speak for yourself you fucking loser lmao.

>> No.22567425

And yet lo and behold another Nietzsche thread...
The trick here is that OP has now *himself* become 'Nietzsche'
It behoves no one to have an opinion of himself, for instance (but there are others)

>> No.22567430

Hold it, Hume.

>> No.22567736

>dislikes liberalism
>dislikes equality
>dislikes democracy
>dislikes utilitarianism
Come home white man