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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 189 KB, 800x1186, 800px-Kurt_Vonnegut_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22563803 No.22563803 [Reply] [Original]

>at 18, signs up to fight to push back hitler
>mother kills herself three weeks before he deploys
>gets sent to the front line at the battle of the bulge
>captured by the krauts, imprisoned in dresdon
>witnesses the british air force bomb the civilian town, killing thousands of innocents, pows, and allied forces
>is forced by the germans to dig up the catacombs of charred bodies
>dragged out into the grassland outside the town and left to die
>makes it back to the good guys, gets sent home
>while spending time with his family hears of the bombing of hiroshima on the radio, realizes the folly of war and the hypocrisy of the allies killing innocents
>gets married, sells pontiacs, starts writing pulp scifi for fun and sells it to magazines
>goes to college and studies anthropology
>writes an actual novel as his thesis and graduates, later publishes the novel and it becomes a bestseller
>writes a scifi novel about his experience in the war and it's an instant classic
>writes another about being a depressed middle aged man in america that sets the standard for post-modern literature for years to come
>has mental breakdown and retires
>returns to write books about average americans who find meaning in the connections they make with others
>sister dies of cancer, he adopts her three children and raises them as his own
>speaks out against every war America wages from Vietnam on
>still works as an anthropologist, studying and learning from the ways of the tribal igbo people and incorporating them into his work
>works become about the importance of empathy, family, finding humor in the horrific meaningless of life
>grows old, gets rich, sets his family up for life
>makes one final statement to say that america is dead and we should just through the old country away and start a new one
>dies at 84
>smoked a pack a day

they dont make em like this anymore

>> No.22563837
File: 105 KB, 850x400, quote-the-nazis-entered-this-war-under-the-rather-childish-delusion-that-they-were-going-to-sir-arthur-harris-126-36-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe kraut-loving faggot

>> No.22563864

If I had a Time Machine I’d take this mother fucker to modern day London so I can see his smug ass face turn to abject horror. What a bunch of retards the allies were. WW2 was a long drawn out suicide of the western world on behalf of Jews.

>> No.22563895

lol I recall he wrote in God Bless You, Dr Kevorkian something about how he wished he could live in a world where Australian aborigines were seen to be just as smart as whites.

>> No.22563908

he was based and was disgusted by SJWs
harrison bergeron destroyed current day leftism

>> No.22563915

>on behalf of jews
WWII was fought due to the invasion of Poland, no one really gave THAT much of a fuck about Jews or even knew in detail about the holocaust when it was happening
"WWII was fought for jews" is a boomer forcememe totally unsupported by the facts

>> No.22563923

Terror bombing was an allied invention and it would have been a war crime if they lost.

>> No.22563930

>WWII was fought due to the invasion of Poland
Lol, even. The Soviets invaded Poland from the other side as well as various other countries and they were part of le good guys.

>> No.22563941

>part of le good guys
are you underage?

>> No.22563992

Are you a newfag?

>> No.22563997

it's funny how he saw the horrors of ww2 and said that it was preferrable to the contemporary leftist ideology

>> No.22564003

>>makes it back to the good guys

>> No.22564033

>avoiding the question
hormones at your age can be frustrating bud, don't get too worked up

>> No.22564254

He really was one of the coolest and funniest writers during his time. Yet so many faggots on here, despise him. /lit/ really has gotten shit taste through the years

>> No.22564260

>the Blitz never happened

>> No.22564290
File: 2 KB, 116x125, 1696385176859261s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life experience is what makes a good writ...Ack

>> No.22564391

So it goes

>> No.22564395 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves kike tranny faggots. YWNBAW.

>> No.22564405

I really love Vonnegut. he doesn't get enough respect around here. he is much more cynical and not as 'r3ddit' as anons typically slander him as.

>> No.22564407

mass repliers should be torn apart limb from limb then thrown to dogs
in roblox

>> No.22564409
File: 33 KB, 500x375, IMG_1033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be time for a break from 4chinz

>> No.22564410

it's typically babby's first attempt to be patrician by attacking 'accessible' books

>> No.22564438

>hung like a horse and repeatedly tells you about it in his novels

>> No.22564446

>he doesn't know that Churchill bombed civilians first

>> No.22564469

>knew in detail about the holocaust when it was happening
lol the holohoax didn't pick up steam until the 70s when everyone was forgetting about the war. They tried floating that after the war and were laughed at. Funny how Churchill didn't mention the holohoax once in his memoirs. What other major event or genocide gets zero coverage/attention after it happens but then becomes dogma decades after the fact? It's completely illogical and backwards. The opposite happens.

>> No.22564474

Fuck off kike.

>> No.22564481

>didn't pick up steam until the 70s when everyone was forgetting about the war
agreed in general
it happened but almost certainly not six gorillion or whatever, they hyped it up 1970s and later

I don't agree with Britain giving Palestine to Jews, but they were like "damn you nigs keep getting baleeted throughout history, maybe this will settle things down"

obviously that didn't happen

>> No.22564488

This diminishes his accomplishments a little. A massive dick can give a man lots of self esteem and courage. If he had an average member, his life would seem more amazing.

>> No.22564555

slaughterhouse five is the greatest book of all time and no one can change my mind

>> No.22564558

cool opinion, bro. no one asked

>> No.22564570

Writers don't have interesting lives anymore. Even Vonnegut's looks a little bland compared to the previous generation.

>> No.22564581

vonnegut was young 80 years ago
totally different era
now millennials sip soi while megaposting

>> No.22564583

i felt it imperative to tell everyone in a kurt vonnegut thread

>> No.22564590
File: 47 KB, 512x384, mpv-shot0322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ernst Jünger mentions the Holocaust in his war diaries (12 March 1942):
>It is said that since the sterilization and extermination of the mentally ill, the number of children born with mental illness has increased. Similarly, with the suppression of beggars, poverty has become more widespread. And the decimation of the Jews has led to the spreading of Jewish characteristics in the world, which is exhibiting an increase in Old Testament traits. Extermination does not extinguish the primeval images; on the contrary, it liberates them.
And again here (31 December 1942):
>On that note General Müller told about the monstrous atrocities perpetrated by the Security Service after entering Kiev. Trains were again mentioned that carried Jews into poison gas tunnels. Those are rumors, and I note them as such, but extermination is certainly occurring on a huge scale.
And again (21 April 1943):
>At midday, I had a visit from an old fellow from Lower Saxony, Colonel Schaer. Discussed the situation. Still no olive branch. His debriefing included a description of the shooting of Jews that was horrifying. . . .Apparently, these shootings are going to stop because they have moved to a system of gassing their victims.
And again (16 October 1943):
>I was especially appalled by details he reported from the ghetto of Lodz, or as they are now calling it, Litzmannstadt. To dispose of these people, crematoria have been built not far from the ghettoes. They take the victims there in vehicles that are supposed to be an invention of Chief Nihilist Heydrich. The exhaust fumes are piped into the interior so that they become death chambers. . . . Here, then, is where those masses of Jews are being sent who are being “resettled” from Europe. This is the landscape that reveals Kniébolo’s nature most clearly, and which not even Dostoevsky could have predicted.

Churchill mentioned the Holocaust in a letter dated 13 July 1944:
>There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the presence of one of the greatest and most horrible crimes ever committed. It has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilized men in the name of a great state and one of the leading races of Europe. I need not assure you that the situation has received and will receive the most earnest consideration from my colleagues and myself but, as the Foreign Secretary said, the principal hope of terminating it must remain the speedy victory of the Allied Nations.
Here's a scan of the letter from the National Archives (https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/holocaust/churchills-reaction/))

Also see pic related. A screencap from a German movie (Die Mörder sind unter uns) from 1946. Mentions the Holocaust. The Orson Welles movie 'The Stranger' (1945) also mentions the Holocaust and includes concentration camp footage.

>> No.22564595
File: 37 KB, 495x410, goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goebbels also mentions the liquidation of Jews multiple times in his diaries. For instance here (14 February 1942):
>World Jewry will suffer a great catastrophe at the same time as Bolshevism. The Führer once more expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness. We shall thereby render an inestimable service to a humanity tormented for thousands of years by the Jews.
And again: (6 March 1942):
>I am of the opinion that the greater number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after the war. One must have no mistaken sentimentality about it. The Jews are Europe's misfortune. They must somehow be eliminated, otherwise we are in danger of being eliminated by them.
And again (March 20, 1942)
>Finally we talked about the Jewish question. Here the Führer is as uncompromising as ever. The Jews must be got out of Europe, if necessary by applying the most brutal methods.
And again (March 27, 1942):
>Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor. . . . A judgment is being visited upon the Jews that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophesy which the Führer made about them for having brought on a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Jews, they would destroy us. It's a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus
And once again (December 14, 1942)
>Jewry must pay for its crime as our Führer prophesied in his speech in the Reichstag; namely, by the wiping out of the Jewish race in Europe and possibly the entire world.

>> No.22564605

it happened ≠ it wasn't exaggerated

>> No.22564610

What parts have been exaggerated? The estimated death toll of 5.6 million seems reasonable.

>> No.22564618

The total death toll of 11-13 million in less than 5 years however, doesn't.

>> No.22564619

that's antisemitic, should be at LEAST 9.4 million
look into the birth records

>> No.22564624

What's unbelievable about it? The Rwandans killed a million Tutsis in 100 days with just their machetes.

>> No.22564631

>The Rwandans killed a million Tutsis in 100 days with just their machetes.
>with just their machetes
nice bait post

>> No.22564637

We could find those bodies however. And that was a civil war basically. A genocide sure, but they didn't have thousand other things going on where they needed logistics to be a thing. 13 million, in less than 5 years? Come on now.

>> No.22564646

This standard of evidence (find every single body) is only selectively applied to genocides that people have a vested interest in denying -- communists are guilty of this too. If there is an extermination program targeting a specific group for which there is extensive evidence, and then X number of people belonging to that group disappear permanently from the population (and do not turn up in any other countries), it is reasonable to conclude they were probably liquidated. The same goes for the numbers of war dead in wars. This "where are the bodies" thing doesn't even make sense considering there are so many mass graves of Jews all over Europe.

>> No.22564647

not literature

>> No.22564650

That argument only works if it is undisputable that that amount of people went "missing". They are unsure of how many jews there were before that shebang in europe and they can't even make up their minds on how many went missing. I didn't deny anything except the high number.

>> No.22564653

But the higher number (11-13 million) refers not to Jews but to Jews as well as Soviet POWs, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals, and so on.

>> No.22564656

6 for jews plus 7 for non jews in less than 5 years is a lot anon... it's the combo that makes it seem ridiculous. I wonder if they even added the prewar communist agitators that were rounded up and put in these camps.

>> No.22564673

Is it really that ridiculous? In wartime millions of people are mobilised and moved about in extremely complicated ways, and all of them have to be constantly fed, given medical supplies, transported to hospitals when injured, returned home, etc. 34 million soldiers fought for the Soviets in the Second World War. Imagine the logistics! Genocide seems to me like a much lower maintenance affair than the management of tens of millions of military and civilian personnel: you just funnel all of the people you wish to exterminate into specific locations, give them limited rations, and kill those that can't work. It's a rather one-and-done thing.

For timeframe comparisons, the Soviets killed an estimated 3-5 million Ukrainians in the period of about a year. Tsarist Russia exterminated 2 million Circassians in three years. A quarter of Cambodia's population was extinguished in about a four year period.

>> No.22564684

Yes, it does seem ridiculous especially when the amount of "people missing" isn't clear and we don't know how big the population was before they went "missing".
It was easier for those other nations seeing as they had no war going on at that time, except against those people themselves. Even those numbers get disputed all the time however, the UN first said in 2003 the death toll of the holodomor was 7-10 million, now it's estimated to be around 3.5-7 million.
I am not saying we didn't get killed off, just saying the total number is ridiculous.

>> No.22564697

>we don't know how big the population was before they went "missing"
?? I'm confused. Are you asserting that there are no reliable sources for the population of pre-war Europe?
> Even those numbers get disputed all the time however, the UN first said in 2003 the death toll of the holodomor was 7-10 million, now it's estimated to be around 3.5-7 million.
Sure, and that's based on scholarship. Historians don't pull these numbers out of thin air.

>> No.22564702

>the germans entered world war 2 with the assumption they were going to bomb everyone and no one was going to bomb them back
>this was later proven incorrect

>> No.22564705

>good guys
Lurk moar child

>> No.22564732

Yes yes ofc. Pesky Churchill was responsible for Poland being bombed. Poor Hitler and the nazis :( truly the victims of WW2.

>> No.22564734

Lmao moving goalposts again Heidrich?

>> No.22564736

Oy vey, its annudah shoah!

>> No.22564742 [SPOILER] 

who is this? is this the Gut who wrote do androids dream of electric ship ?

>> No.22564744

There are indeed no reliable sources for the pre war jewish population of Europe. Especially for countries like the Netherlands where a lot of jews "naturalized".
But it is then possible, if we revisited the total death toll of the holocaust, that the number may be significantly lower, just like it happened when the holodomor death toll went under scrutiny again.
And just like you said something about how genocide deniers ask about "the missing bodies" the other side of the coin won't mind other genocides being scrutinized and the number lowered but when you suggest a lower deathtoll for the holocaust they say it's impossible.

>> No.22564750

Germans did not target civilians. It wouldn't make any sense for their goals no matter how le evil they were. Killing civilians on either side did serve the goals Churchill said were most important. Retards like you don't think. Any subject you try to contribute to will be more confused for it.

>> No.22564771

You're the kind of gullible retard that give fascists a bad reputation

>> No.22564780

>There are indeed no reliable sources for the pre war jewish population of Europe.
Where are you getting this from? It is very easy to say "there were no credible sources" and "the numbers are ridiculous" which just seems very strange when hundreds of historians over multiple decades from all over the world arrive at these numbers by poring over thousands of documents and doing all kinds of statistical analyses and shit. Like are they all just dupes? Are they all retarded? What's the explanation? Why are they falling for such a "ridiculous" estimate? Even David Irving thinks 4 million Jews died in the Holocaust. The Germans kept extensive documentation of all the people that went through the camp system. Governments conduct censuses. They're not just winging it.

>> No.22564784

>4 million Jews died in the Holocaust
that's a more realistic number

>> No.22564795

>Where are you getting this from
From being a jewish descendant of the dutch. A lot of jews in Europe naturalized aka became christian(mostly catholic) over the centuries, especially in the countries with huge protestant/catholic splits, and weren't considered jews for the census but also kinda were. They were sent to work in Germany all the same as the others, though their fates were a bit better. For countries like The Netherlands and Belgium, we have no real number for the amount of jews.
Documents from before a certain time were very shoddy too, you see it all the time with censuses not knowing who is related to eachother. If it really was crystal clear, most people could go back a century or two in their family tree, but they can't because the methods of counting back then weren't foolproof.
So yes they are all just dupes.

Now back to my last point, how did the holodomor get such a wrong estimate? In your view, governments aren't all dupes and they conduct censuses which means correct statistics? How is it possible for a genocide "in the same timeframe" to have such overinflation of numbers when scrutinized but the other one is just undisputed fact? Don't forget answering this point this time.

>> No.22564798

>A lot of jews in Europe naturalized aka became christian(mostly catholic) over the centuries
yea this happened in my southern euro country as well

>> No.22564801

I've heard the same happen for a lot of countries that ultimately got pulled into the big chimpout, but don't know how they kept statistics. I know for france, one of the biggest countries during that time, they don't know the actual statistics either, since by law they aren't allowed to keep statistic based on race ethnicity etcetc. I know it's the case for Germany too but idk if they implemented that rule after the war or before.

>> No.22564809

Why assume I'm a fascist for suggesting applying reason instead of appealing to war propaganda?

>> No.22564823

You seem to think that the existence of margins of error makes any sort of relatively accurate estimation impossible -- not only that, historians (all of them) are so ignorant and retarded, that none of them have noticed the terrible overinflation of the numbers.

Regarding the Netherlands:
The Jewish population here was small, and so could not by itself result in an over-estimation running into the millions.
And people of Jewish descent that had been assimilated for generations and who could not be identified as Jews would not have been targeted for deportation and extermination.
And there was a measurable decrease in people the number of Jews in the census, from 154,887 in 1941 to 14,346 in 1947. Even if it is very inaccurate, it cannot be so inaccurate that no decently good estimation of the change is possible.

>Now back to my last point, how did the holodomor get such a wrong estimate? In your view, governments aren't all dupes and they conduct censuses which means correct statistics? How is it possible for a genocide "in the same timeframe" to have such overinflation of numbers when scrutinized but the other one is just undisputed fact? Don't forget answering this point this time.
But the current estimate is the result of historical scrutiny, especially after the opening of previously sealed archives (whereas Nazi Germany was a defeated state, the Soviet one persisted until the 90s). Remember that the Holocaust is perhaps the *most* scrutinised genocide in modern history. There were over-estimations of the number of people killed in Auschwitz in the early postwar period. The mere existence of (singular) over-estimations is not a prescription infinite and equal scepticism for all estimates forever. Especially since the estimated Holocaust death toll has remained consistent since the 1950s.

Do you think, perhaps, that you would be able to write an academic article outlining your criticisms of their methods (the elementary mistakes they have made, and so on), and thereby change the historical consensus on the matter? Why or why not? Professional historians presumably would benefit from your input, since they have been groping in the dark for so long. Presumably you could go toe-to-toe with them and show them the error of their ways. Do you feel confident you would be capable of doing so?

>> No.22564826

>Professional historians
appeal to authority

>> No.22564830

both of you are strawmanning and putting towards false dichotomies
please shut the hell up

>> No.22564833

No, it's a hypothetical. If your criticisms are valid and sound, presumably they will be able to alter the . Are you confident that if you went and spoke to an expert in the subject, they would be able to dispense with your criticism in a matter of minutes?

It is a matter of humility. It is not slavish worship of expertise. It is just that it is extraordinarily unlikely that your critique holds much water. Retards, all the time, are coming up with their own "theories" and "ideas" about physics. If they spoke to a real scientist, they wouldn't even be operating on the same level.

>> No.22564841

not that guy but
>trust the experts
you sound like a relatively bright college student who doesn't realize how often academics and 'experts' go along with in vogue ideas
many peer reviewed articles are not able to be reproduced, and for the record i do believe the holocaust happened

>> No.22564844

You seem to think the margins of error weren't bigger.
If historians base their narrative on misleading facts , they are indeed misled and or retarded. It happened before when they didn't notice the overinflation applied to the holodomor.

The jewish population, meaning practicing jewish, was small and countable. The jewish population, meaning, jewish by ethnicity, was unknown. These people were also targeted for deportation, like my grandfather and his brothers were.
The measurable decrease you mention is actually different with dutch sources but that's fine.

>Previously sealed archives
Such as?
The current estimate hasn't really changed since the Eichmann trials in 1961? They haven't really disputed it a lot after that. A lot of countries used to outlaw disputing the number.
Scrutinized by whom exactly? Do they have a certain narrative they want to spin? Are they qualified?
It depends, was the "overestimation" done with a certain goal of dehumanizing the loser of the war? If so, that means we are allowed to be sceptical of the estimations for quite a while.

I know it did it earlier myself but this is a Argumentum ad Verecundium ma frere.
Especially if we have already shown it is impossible to have a clear number for even ginormous countries such as France.>>22564801

>> No.22564847

checked and a good post
i think the other guy thinks you believe the holocaust straight up didn't happen (lol)
such is the nature of internet arguments

>> No.22564849

>men become traumatized, crippled, children grow up hungry and without fathers, people turn into monsters
>everybody longs for eternal peace

>no war
>mem become effeminate and weak, children grow up coddled and degenerate compared to the previous generation, people become fat, lazy, selfish and perverted
>everybody longs for war
How can we solve this dilemma?

>> No.22564850

Yea, it's tragic either way but it wouldn't surprise me if in a hundred years or so, experts come to a lower number.

>> No.22564853

pretty much and its a reasonable take

>> No.22564854

Medieval clash style hooliganism where men get led by older men to beat up dudes on an open field. Medics on site. Afterwards they have fried food and beer together.

>> No.22564856

Put in national service for 2 years like south korea does
also make it so that wars must be voted on directly by a populace
anyone who votes yes must join the military

>> No.22564858

>hooliganism where men beat up dudes on an open field. Medics on site. Afterwards they have fried food and beer together.
Rugby is awesome

>> No.22564867

I do not disagree at all. The 'trust the experts' mentality is odious. But it seems that many people react to this state of affairs in completely the wrong way. Instead of adopting an attitude of humility about the human intellect, they simply valorise their own and assume that no one could possibly know better than themselves, and that anyone who might claim to is deserving of contempt. What I find risible, on an intuitive level, is the idea that anon's basic assertions about population statistics are so powerful they could topple the entire study of the Holocaust (which is made up of all sorts of people, from all sorts of place, from all over the world). From previous bitter experience, I know that people here are in the habit of presenting arguments that sound like devastating, cutting-edge critiques of entire disciplines but get instantly defanged if you do even a minimal amount of reading. The same retarded lies get brought up in Holocaust denier threads all the time.

>> No.22564877

You talk about humility but see me as this bitter foolish retard just because I don't think it was 6 million and that it is rather hard to make estimations seeing as how governments like france didn't even know how many jews they had.

>> No.22564882


>> No.22564893

But you are so certain of yourself. You are so absolutely sure that you are right, and that everyone who has devoted their lives to working in this field is desperately, pathetically wrong. Not wrong in an ordinary way, but wrong in the way where their conclusions can be dismissed, out of hand, as ridiculous. They are so wrong that their figures can be seen for what they are (as impossible, unreasonable, ludicrous) by any ordinary layman, at a glance. They simply could not possibly be right. They have all overlooked something fundamental. They have all failed to account for something simple and devastating.

It is not out of the realm of possibility that this is true, but, to an ordinary observer, it is difficult to believe. It smacks of the ridiculous.

>> No.22564902

>it is difficult to believe
Why? History says they're always wrong about everything. The consensus is made of the type of people that appeal to the consensus, people like you.

>> No.22564907

What the fuck are you talking about? the poster just said they think it isn't "6 million," as the figures have fluctuated over the years and says here "Yea, it's tragic either way but it wouldn't surprise me if in a hundred years or so, experts come to a lower number."
you're getting your panties in a knot and sounding like a hysterical ninny

>> No.22564911

No, he thinks that the idea an extra 5 or so million (adding up to a figure, roughly, of 11 million) is completely unbelievable.

>> No.22564912

Point in case. Preparing arguments as if you are certain is standard modus operandi.
You yourself can't deny that these people who are experts can be wrong, like they were with the holodomor.
That is all I am saying, we don't have a real number of the jewish population before the war and so we don't have a real number of the "people missing" based on the leftover stock.
You just assume I am ridiculous because I don't agree with the experts (who it is proven can be wrong).
You may humiliate me and insult me all you want but that doesn't deny these things.
If I may be a fool, you are arrogant Sir, and quite so.

>> No.22564914

His writing is fucking dogshit and anybody who thinks Dresden wasn't a valid military target is literally too stupid to breed.

>> No.22564917

>Yea, it's tragic either way but it wouldn't surprise me if in a hundred years or so, experts come to a lower number."
The poster literally says. Stop being hysterical. Are you manic?

>> No.22564918

Oh please we weren't talking about that number for quite a while and you know it.

>> No.22564921

the poster literally says this *

>> No.22564922

The thing is, I completely agree with your scepticism, in a generalised way. But yours is completely selective. You are doubting one particular figure, and doubting it strongly and totally. You think there is no possibility you are wrong. Mistaken. Misinformed. You are addicted to your contrarianism. I understand why. It is quite delightful. It is intoxicating. The people whom you disagree with are all idiots. You alternate between two different poises dishonestly -- "I cannot know anything really" and "I know for certain that this is wrong, and that they are idiotic for thinking this is true"

>> No.22564926

I am not saying I can't be wrong, but when arguing you can't really dissuade from what you bring forth. If that is all you base you critique on you aren't really all that humble yourself. As was shown before. You just put words in my mouth
You didn't doubt you could be be wrong either until now.
And now you are calling me a bitter foolish retard again and assuming once again.

>> No.22564927

>doubting it strongly and totally
He doesn't do that.
> it wouldn't surprise me if in a hundred years or so, experts come to a lower number
which is literally the most milquetoast opinion on the holocaust i've ever read
you sound like you took adderall and can't listen to what other people are saying

>> No.22564929

>The people whom you disagree with are all idiots.
I'm not the same guy that was talking about the holocaust but this is one point there's overwhelming evidence for. The people maintaining the consensus on subjects like this are idiots and special interests exploit those idiots.

>> No.22564932

i just realized you're an idiot who thought he was talking to one poster
are you new here

>> No.22564933

I used to be a Holocaust denier, dummy. I was humbled by my experiences of what I read.
>He doesn't do that.
see >>22564656 >>22564684

>> No.22564937

chill out bro, you seem legit manic

>> No.22564941


>> No.22564943

Yeah, I would take less.

>> No.22564947

You clearly aren't humbled however if you can only insult me and see me as this specific type of dysfunctional being. You also selectively believe the experts. "Sure they were wrong with the holodomor at first but not the holocaust"
I talked about purely the jewish population for the second one you linked however. But I don't blame you for thinking I meant the whole of europe's populace.

>> No.22564948


>> No.22564949





>> No.22564951


>> No.22564952

Well except I did say I was talking about the jewish populace here.

>> No.22564954

you've gone fully unhinged, pushed to the edge by a dutch jew and prescription grade stimulants

>> No.22564955

You "assume" I am operating under such a system. Only when you think I "assume" I am right you can call me an arrogant bitter retard who then obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. That is what your whole argument rests on now. That I must be wrong because you assume I am an arrogant bitter retard who needs his point to be correct.

>> No.22564956

you expressed your opinions in the ultra-strong language of RIDICULOUS


>> No.22564958

It's not even funny anymore...
Just because you used to be that way as a holocaust denier doesn't mean others operate like you used to. Stop with the assumptions.

>> No.22564959

>see a comfy Vonnegut thread in the catalog
>open it
>thread is full of mentally ill chuds and pillhead wannabe writers arguing about nothing
It's my fault for getting my hopes up.

>> No.22564962

We can still continue where we left off. Maybe? Mention your fave Vonnebad novel

>> No.22564964

Yea I like how he answered his fans. He seems really sweet.

>> No.22564965

lay off the pills bud

>> No.22564991

Howard Zinn firebombed french citizens in the French Riviera disguised as a German bomber to foment anti-Nazi sentiment down there

>> No.22564993

>Howard Zinn
total hack

>> No.22564995

This thread…sure was something. Good job, guys

>> No.22564996


>> No.22565007

actually it wasn't on the riviera, it was royan, a town near bordeaux that he firebombed
completely destroyed it too

>> No.22565018
File: 107 KB, 800x500, einsatzgruppen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh those poor nazis