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/lit/ - Literature

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22560510 No.22560510 [Reply] [Original]

>julius evola
>ludwig klages
>oswald spengler
>carl schmitt
>friedrich nietzsche
>ernst junger
>werner sombart
>martin heidegger
>georges sorel
>gustave le bon
>vilfredo pareto
>giovanni gentile
>thomas carlyle
>richard wagner

Note: These thinkers might not all be exclusive fascists but are either proto-fascists or had a large influence on fascism

What are we missing?

>> No.22560514

Friedrich List.

>> No.22560520

virtually all german idealists and german romanticists should be read as precursors to fascism (and thats a good thing)

>> No.22560573

>fascist reading list
>maybe 1 actual fascist on it
welcome to /lit/

>> No.22560577
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Gardner. The most right winged fiction author there has ever been.

>> No.22560579


That's it. No need to go back to Hegel or shit like that

>> No.22560580

Just read James Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution. He was wrong about a lot of predictions in the book but his analysis of fascism/communism is spot on. Basically he says that communism and fascism are just ideologies sold to the masses but the real revolution is transforming society from a capitalist mode of production to a managerial mode of organisation. Communism and fascism are therefore exactly the same thing morphologically; they only differ with respect to their propaganda and particular level of development in terms of how far the revolution has gone. In Russia it went a bit further than in Germany at the time Burnham was writing, but both would’ve basically led to a China-style managerial society.

>> No.22560650

ahhh so James Burnham is a retard and never waste your time reading him thanks for the tip

>> No.22560651

um based

>> No.22560654


>> No.22560689

Where's Hamsun (an actual Fascist), Hegel, Marx (to a certain extent)? Aristotle (and by extension Plato) are also important.

>> No.22560815


>> No.22560975

Well I’m not his disciple so I’m not really offended but could you explain why his thesis was wrong

>> No.22561001

Because fasciam and communism are fundementally different even if they share totalitarian traits.

>> No.22561113

The only people on this list worth reading are Carl Schmitt, Nietzsche and maybe Spengler and none of these men were Fascist. They laid the foundations for, or worked within National Socialism which is different to Fascism in ways so fundamental that to not understand them is to be filtered out of the reactionary right. The fact that OP put Evola and Junger on the list leads me to believe this is baby's first trip into far right literature and he probably just plays too much HOI4.

Read those three, then read Mein Kampf and then you'll have all the education you need. For bonus points read up on the economics of National Socialism, for that you should read Gottfried Feder and A History of Central Banking

These are literally all you need to dominate any debate about the merits of a true far right ideology

>> No.22561152

Burnham’s idea is that capitalism was being replaced by managerialism. Managerial society is a system like China where industries don’t operate for profit but rather at the dictates of the one-party managerial bureaucracy, made up of technocratic manager types who replaced the old system of individual capitalist owners. And indeed Germany was moving in that direction. It’s not a coincidence that they called themselves socialists, or that the Italian fascists considered themselves Marxists in a sense. But Burnham believes that fascism/communism/socialism are ideologies sold to the masses which get them to support the new managerial ruling class but won’t actually deliver a classless society or anything like that. His political philosophy is ultimately elitist in the sense that he believes the ruling class makes all the decisions and justifies itself through ideology pushed out to the masses which make them accept being ruled.

>> No.22561204

explicitly and inherently anti-fascist
>richard wagner
just antisemitic (not even on ethnic grounds)
>Note: These thinkers might not all be exclusive fascists but are either proto-fascists or had a large influence on fascism

>> No.22561215
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Kurt Egger - Warrior-Poet of the SS

>> No.22561238

>oswald spengler

Lmao, even

>> No.22561253
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People seem incapable of seperating an authors personal views with what they wrote down. If an author write something and another group embodies it, one can not bitch and cry. Nietzsche and the National-Socialists are a good example. We all know he did not care for Nazis but to deny the Nazis were not, in part, reflected in aspects of work is just a idiocy.

>> No.22561256

Mussolini’s Intellectuals by A. James Gregor is a solid intro to the philosophical and social ideology of actual fascism

>> No.22561268

>just antisemitic (not even on ethnic grounds)
Wagner was racially antisemitic, a white supremacist and an extreme German nationalist who wanted to see the state organised along folkish and aesthetic grounds.

>> No.22561293

whatever you say Hans, a vulture is nearly an eagle regardless

>> No.22561298

>People seem incapable
They're not incapable, they're simply malicious and fixated on optics. Most people are only thinking about how people think about them, and how people think about them is dependent upon the figures they are related to, and therefore the associations of those figures. TL;DR yes, most people are spiritually women.

>> No.22561459

You should read a bullet like Hitler

>> No.22561471

Really tired of /pol/

>> No.22561479

German Romantics just loved nature and old mythology. What's that got to do with fascism?

>> No.22561494
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>Read banned books
>No not them ones

>> No.22561520
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Volkish Movement, the origins of the Blood and Soil nationalism that formed a bedrock that a healthy people could arise from.

>> No.22561531

I think I'm getting /pol/ fatigue

>> No.22561535

Are we really going to type this with a straight face pretending that anons who spam /pol/ rhetoric and beliefs on a literature site are healthy people? Kek

>> No.22561536
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So healthy :)

>> No.22561553


>Ask what romantic german poets had to do with Fascism
>Get a true and straight forward answer
>fuckin /pol/

>> No.22561578

/pol/ deserves no benefit of the doubt after raping this board for years. No one would give 2 fucks if you kept it in a /pol/ general but there has to be a dozen /pol/ threads a day, many having extremely tenuous connections to literature and more for the “jews, troons, niggers, women, libs bad” purpose

>> No.22561587

can you fuck off you seething leftoid

>> No.22561600

After you ;)

>> No.22561610
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>See a thread about a controversial system of government
>Enter it and post
>Fucking /pol/

>> No.22561618

Deal with it lol

>> No.22561721

That prose is godawful.

>> No.22562276

>In Russia it went a bit further than in Germany at the time Burnham was writing, but both would’ve basically led to a China-style managerial society.
Holy shit! China is late-stage communism.

>> No.22562282

poc freedom fascism with no causalities, submit

>> No.22562727

just stick to Junger, Gentile and Hitler
and read the western canon.

>> No.22562799

libtards actually believe this. critical thinking of 15 year old girl

>> No.22562822

whats a good richard wagner book

>> No.22562852

My Deutsch is getting good enough, I have plans soon to read Hoffman and von Kleist, along the obvious Goethe and Schiller. Anybody I should add?

>> No.22562868

>What are we missing?
Victory, chud.

>> No.22563023

Klages is definitely worth reading.

>> No.22563031

I read Klages and he just came off like a petulant whiner

>> No.22563035

This book glows

>> No.22563040

/pol/ is an unusable shit heap. Most of its users are underage and have never picked up a book in their life, I assume.

>> No.22563320

Any works on futurism that had influence?
Interested if you have any recommendations.

>> No.22563321

That doesn’t mean /lit/ should be forced to be babysitters

>> No.22563325

All writers before 1940 are fucking fascist you fucking nazi chud peace of shit

>> No.22563326

>literally shaking
Poor snowflake, dont let the nazi chuds bully you as a trans person you are valid.

>> No.22563329

Nice redditpost, now go back there

>> No.22563345

If you're triggered just don't enter the thread, fucking idiot.

>> No.22563355

>just ignore the roaches bro. Don’t look at them

>> No.22563372

>how can i be expected to just ignore things that hurt my fragile feelings?
Ya you fuckin baby, better find a safespace

>> No.22563381

Why don’t you just post on /pol/?

>> No.22563397

It's unusable, full of 3rd worlders and leftist trolls.

>> No.22563422

Well you should be the change you want to see. Bring quality to the board. It isn’t /lit/‘s fault that /pol/ is shitty and now /lit/ is steeply declining year by year because of refugees. It’s almost like /pol/ destroys other boards themselves included

>> No.22563453

/lit/ is declining because of crybaby redditor newfags like you who can't help but reply to threads that trigger them.

>> No.22563512
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I think a high trend of polygyny, male bisexuality, and volkishness are all essential factors for fascism to work. Without male homosexual bonding, it is unlikely to work. Also, by giving women a voice and political recognition, it is most likely to fail. Hans Blüher was a very interesting figure, and I believe fascists should read him and study gorilla social structure. In a way, genuine fascism is more of an attempt to be like gorillas against our chimpanzee/bonobo nature. Abrahamists will read this and seethe, but it's just basic biological reality. The most you'll achieve without the essential ingredients are cooped figures like Trump or maybe a monarch in a non-fascist system.

Sparta was prototypically fascist, for example, and the males were highly bisexual. Pederasty was also highly common among them. Women were also expected to be submissive to their men (though not to the extent of Athens interestingly enough).

The family structure and nature of communal bonds need to change in order for fascism to work. Most edgy zoomer shitheads on here just want to keep their cake and eat it too; basically, they want to keep the modernist structure. They have no idea what real fascism entails or how to even achieve it. Technically, it's not possible to achieve anymore, and this system is what you're stuck with.

In other words, there is nothing more fascist than a homoerotic homogeneous warrior cult. In fact, I have insider information of fascist homoerotic warrior cults in Germany. Fascism and male bisexuality are heavily intertwined.

>> No.22563530

Note, I am personally heterosexual and apolitical. I am just giving observations.

>> No.22563535
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We keep our threads on topic, we discuss books related to Fascism, National-Socialism and ethnic-relations between natives and jews. Why do you think this is unwelcome on this board? This is the board to discuss it on. We don't shit up threads, like you're doing now, or like nigs and kikes do on /pol/ or even /his/. You are worse than the problem you try to highlight, but that's the goal isn't it? Try to ruin threads on subjects you feel morally justified in shitting up to prevent their growth and spread.

>> No.22563548

Midwit take

>> No.22563557
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This is a transparent attempt at alienation of a subject by a detractor. By his attempt at association of a desirable thing with the undesirable, he hopes to catch people at an early stage of interest and simply put them off before they seriously engage with the source material.

>Sparta was prototypically fascist, for example, and the males were highly bisexual. Pederasty was also highly common among them. Women were also expected to be submissive to their men (though not to the extent of Athens interestingly enough).
This is entire untrue, everything you have said is false. Lycurgus condemned the practice as it was in Athens and other polis', further mentorship of a youth with the goal of sex was sufficient to have Homoioi (translated as Similars) cast out of the Spartiate class. Further, Spartan women were the largest land owners and required to be literate and educated so that they may better mock and toughen up actual Spartans. They spoke freely and openly, with many attestations of Spartan women speaking openly at official functions, something unheard of elsewhere in Greece. The only correct aspect was that Sparta was Aristocratic and quasi-Fascist.

>In other words, there is nothing more fascist than a homoerotic homogeneous warrior cult. In fact, I have insider information of fascist homoerotic warrior cults in Germany. Fascism and male bisexuality are heavily intertwined.


>> No.22563571

I should familiarize yourself with the sticky

>> No.22563576

There's nothing undesirable with male bisexuality. I'm not personally attracted to it, but I don't see the issue with it. I do recommend reading Hans Blüher.
Also, studying some primatology and gorilla social organization is useful. Gorillas are naturally fascist. Interestingly, they are also more peaceful than chimps and bonobos.
How so?
You faggots won't achieve anything truly fascist while remaining Christian in ethos.

>> No.22563586

>What are we missing?
Ezra Pound

>> No.22563664

As opposed to that of a 15 year old boy I presume? Have you ever read those authors, or even paged through their books? Spengler lived though nazi Germany and opposed them despite being a conservative. Nietzsche dedicated a major part of his total work to mercilessly critiquing German militarism, openly praised different cultures (primarily of France and Poland) which nazis later described as subhuman, while ripping on German culture, and praises Jews repeatedly in a number of his works. He literally called for a abolition of nation states and a formation of a new European aristocracy composed of multiple races, Jews explicitly included by the way. Wagner while antisemitic saw assimilation of Jews to German culture and adoption of Christianity as the solution for the Jewish Question. Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a critique of monarchy and himself favored Roman-style republicanism. What's your point?

>> No.22563716


>> No.22563730

You realize that Machiavelli’s “republicanism” has nothing to do with whatever libtard vision you have in mind, right?

>> No.22563758
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>Spengler lived though nazi Germany and opposed them despite being a conservative
Spengler voted for Hitler, he also enjoyed much of what they did for Germany, its people and the nation. He was against the most extreme aspects of their antisemitism, read more than wikipedia.

>Wagner while antisemitic saw assimilation of Jews to German culture and adoption of Christianity as the solution for the Jewish Question.
No. No he did not. He was against their inclusion in all of German society in all aspects, not even a conversion to Christianity would suffice. As outlined in his essay on Jews and music.

I can not vouch for the others statements you make, but I suspect they too are horseshit. Your talk of Nietzsche, we know he personally did not like the Nazis but to deny his writing does not support National-Socialism is a very modern, left-wing view of his work. Having read people like Schmitt, Spengler, Hitler, Darre, Eggers and more. They all quote Nietzsche in their works and voice immense support and inspiration for various parts of his work. Cunt.

>> No.22563762

It’s always amusing how some factions try to claim Nietzsche. He was clearly against collectives and mass-men. He was a believer of the individual like Emerson. At the core of his philosophy I don’t believe Nietzsche was political in the slightest. I’ve always seen him as a philosopher for the creative types, like artists, using depression and disgust with the rabble to channel something, like art(mountain out of abyss and all that)

>> No.22563797

The only place one can be an individual is within an homogeneous nation of your own people. In a multicultural society, you will always be a member of your ethnic group and will always be seen as one, despite what you achieve. Individuality can only come from a baseline of similarity and shared history, heritage and values.

>> No.22563812

Yeah we can see the arts flourishing in Nazi germany

>> No.22563839
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I'm sure it was a complete coincidence that instead of being taken, sold, traded and profited off like all other wars and conquests, all pieces of art created in Nazi Germany was destroyed, burned and proscribed.

Why would that be?

>> No.22563848

I agree that a homogenous society is better for cultural flourishing and high trust. I don't agree with your ontological analysis of individuality however. If ind it too reductionist and is a much more difficult question.
Also, there is the question of "solution". The issue is that as a culture becomes more multiracial or multicultural over time, these immigrants accumulate assets like properties. Do you propose just seizing their property for the good of the state? It just doesn't seem feasible since it would escalate into bloody inter-ethnic war.
Things seemed more manageable during NS times. There were only a few minorities then. Now you have a huge sizeable number of them.
Let me tell you a realistic and less bloody solution: pro-natalist laws for whites and anti-natalist ones for non-whites, or, at the very least, these laws can incentivize whites having more children and penalize non-whites for having children. Consider it a reversal a welfare.
Fascism is obsolete now. Times have changed too much, which is of course for the worst. These problems have reached a scale and complexity whereby an overly parochial way of thinking cannot tackle.

>> No.22563860

Umm when Nietzsche endorsed slavery it was actually a metaphor for trans rights and giving niggers free money

>> No.22563874

>maybe 1 actual fascist on it
Noob here. Which one is it?

>> No.22563885

This whole idea of an arms war of race is retarded. No one thinks about having kids because of their race. My kids are part of, and in continuation of my family, not the white race. No thoughts of the white race went into conceiving and raising them.

I have two solutions for you if you care about the white race so much. 1. Have kids. If you don’t have kids, why are you bitching about white birth rates so much if you aren’t putting in any work? 2. Move to an all white country. This is doubly head scratching if you’re from the USA, which was founded on freedom for all, equality, democracy, and is a melting pot. If you don’t like it, leave

>> No.22563886
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>I don't agree with your ontological analysis of individuality however. If ind it too reductionist and is a much more difficult question.
I don't care, it is objectively proven in every single nation in the West that as a nation has become more multicultural individuality has decreased. This is objectively demonstrated.

>Also, there is the question of "solution". The issue is that as a culture becomes more multiracial or multicultural over time, these immigrants accumulate assets like properties. Do you propose just seizing their property for the good of the state? It just doesn't seem feasible since it would escalate into bloody inter-ethnic war.
War is the ultimate distinction between friend and enemy. This too is becoming evident in every single Western nation. Western Man has been slow to react, has, can and will again wage the most brutal wars ever seen upon the earth.

>Things seemed more manageable during NS times. There were only a few minorities then. Now you have a huge sizeable number of them.
Not at all. The numbers killed during the Shoah and related conflicts was like nothing seen prior to it, the next conflict will dwarf that.

>Let me tell you a realistic and less bloody solution: pro-natalist laws for whites and anti-natalist ones for non-whites, or, at the very least, these laws can incentivize whites having more children and penalize non-whites for having children. Consider it a reversal a welfare.
Fewer and fewer people are interested in this, people now are becoming increasingly okay with the use of force to obtain their goals, especially after the last several decades of it being used against them.

>Fascism is obsolete now. Times have changed too much, which is of course for the worst. These problems have reached a scale and complexity whereby an overly parochial way of thinking cannot tackle.
Fascism, like Democracy, is a system of organizing society. They do not become obsolete, they can not become obsolete. The problem with your world-view is you appear to think that Liberalism will reign indefinitely. Fascism, right now, can be defined at its least as an anti-democratic system, that is on the horizon. The entire system now is dedicated to preventing hyper-inflation, which is the last domino to fall for authoritarian (meaning anti-democratic) government.

>> No.22563942

>This is objectively demonstrated.
You can't really defend this claim about individuality when looking at averages. Maybe you can pick a better word like "creativity" instead? Individuality was always about falling outside of average trends.
>Western Man has been slow to react, has, can and will again wage the most brutal wars ever seen upon the earth.
You're not really making "Western man" sound great here.
>The numbers killed during the Shoah and related conflicts was like nothing seen prior to it, the next conflict will dwarf that.
But the numbers were exaggerated. Also, you sound like a Jew pretending to be fascist to make whites seem bloodthirsty and crazy. You sound like a FED.
>people now are becoming increasingly okay with the use of force to obtain their goals, especially after the last several decades of it being used against them.
But that would lead to chaos and plenty of good lives dying on both sides. A race war would also destabilize your nations, making it vulnerable to outside exploitation. My solution seems less destructive.
We are dealing with a scale of complexity never before seen before.
>Fascism, like Democracy, is a system of organizing society. They do not become obsolete, they can not become obsolete.
They are obsolete in this new kind of globalized technocracy we are living in.
>The problem with your world-view is you appear to think that Liberalism will reign indefinitely.
No, it won't. Nothing reigns indefinitely. I just don't want to die in a civil war or social chaos.
>The entire system now is dedicated to preventing hyper-inflation, which is the last domino to fall for authoritarian (meaning anti-democratic) government.
I mean, I don't really care as long as I can retain my assets. I don't even want children because I am a misanthropic doomed.

>> No.22563991

ah yes, the meme team. trim the fat and have your just desserts.

>> No.22564002

I want to disagree with you but youre right. A method of fascism is seizing the state apparatus through militaristic fraternities, and then adopting these fraternities into a kind of aristocratic structure. So already fascism is by definition highly homosocial. The ideological focus on youth, physicality, and virility then gives that homosociality an erotic veneer. Incidently a lot of the founders of fascism were theater kids (D'Annunzio, Marinetti), homosexuals (Rohm), and sensualist weirdos (Guido Keller). It's not really a surprise that the most lasting legacy of Italian fascism has been their interior design and architecture.

But I don't want to let other ideologies off the hook either. Anglo-Imperialism basically codified pedestry into their institutions of elite production (the etymology of the word "faggot" literally comes from Eton), and this tradition continues today both with LGBT stuff and initiators rituals for elite secret societies. Grown Italian men gushing over the military efficiency of their friend's bodies is pretty minor in comparison.

Ironically the ideology that most closely fits to American ideals of hetronormativity is communism: an industrious oxen-chested laborer working in a factory, driving home in his mass produced car to an equally mass produced home with designated section of yard enclosed by a white picket fence- he gives his wife (which he is in a strictly egalitarian relation with, not only at home but also in terms of not hoarding women, mistresses, harams, etc. which is a major factor in traditional political formation as well as fascism and increasingly liberalism) a mass fabricated piece of jewelery which he earned through the sanctity of his labour and then puts a sensible number of children in her depending on the social and economic needs of the day.

>> No.22564007

Loser thread. Free speech protects you. But you're still losers.

>> No.22564144

>I'm not seething. You are.

>> No.22564153

So /lit/ has gone to shit too... (sigh)

>> No.22564170

Where have you been?

>> No.22564199

just described poor man's zionism

>> No.22564205

You replied lol you seething cuck leftist

Go simp for browns and jews as they ruin civilization, good goy.

>> No.22564207 [DELETED] 

Shitskin detected

>> No.22564208

I don't come here often. Guess now I'll come even less.

>> No.22564210
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>Go simp for browns and jews as they ruin civilization, good goy.

>> No.22564211
File: 57 KB, 976x850, IMG_0956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have to ask…what does a fascist United States even look like? The constitution would have to be ripped up. It’s all just an elaborate fantasy or larp for the far righters on this site, isn’t it? They are annoying but harmless and impotent

>> No.22564217

/lit/ could use all the help it can get so check in from time to time. It has a brief pockets where it’s usable every couple weeks but it’s been mainly a dead board for 2 years, with no resemblance to the /lit/ of yesteryears

>> No.22564256

Shouldn't you be eating Nazi Beans you vegetarian cuck?

>> No.22564263

Huey Long's Louisiana. There's not really any other way to implement fascism in the US. The American territories are just too big and diverse(in the traditional sense) to force a monocultural USA.

So more Caesarian and less Hitler/Mussolini

>> No.22564269

Back to r*ddit

>> No.22564293

Caesarism is impossible in the US unless a beloved general goes rogue. The alt right could have had a good thing going in the beginning if they just held their ground and stayed somewhere near the middle, but no, they went full blown radical retard and made it taboo for anyone to mention they are right wing because of the loonies. I’m sure my impression is somewhat skewed because I avoid the media and politics as much as possible so a lot of what I see is basement dwelling conspiracytards here. They are a minority and edgelords get you’s here so strong opinions prevail. All the right had to do was not become extreme and everyone would have tired of woke culture, but now /pol/ gives credence and reason for woke culture. They can point to nuts here and say this is why we need this. For every punch /pol/ lands the left gains power. Fuck all you retards who made the culture war a thing. Radicals of both sides are mentally ill and social media gives them a platform and attention

>> No.22564377

Huey Long was neither Left wing nor Right Wing although he first ran as a democrat. He was a purely opportunistic politician who probably wanted to do good things but was also massively corrupt. You guys place way too much weight on the Martial elements of leadership. Huey Long turned himself into a beloved strong man for the people of Louisiana. He was so powerful that he could kick Standard Oil around in the 1920s. FDR feared Long's announced presidential campaign before Long was accidentally shot by his own bodyguards.

The left/right dichotomy is a stupid mental trap. Leaders should not allow themselves to be limited by it.

>> No.22564393

I agree and am not political at all. I decide how I feel on an issue depending on the circumstances. Labels mean nothing to me. I have no desire to follow a certain crowd and match beliefs with them. I’m unsure where you’re from but in the US the candidates represent the parties. They get big money backing that an independent could never. As long as the two party system exists I will never vote. Politics only seem to get people worked up and fry their brain, turning them into an ideologue, and social media exacerbates that. I’m just tired of the constant daydreaming here that somehow the US will become a far right white nationalist fascist country. It’s just bitching at this point because they have no way to implement anything. I am tired of leftists too, but at least they can implement things. You can always make rules to protect people, not discriminate and take rights away

>> No.22564402

The thread was a fine discussion on select literature and writers before this leftist turned up and derailed complaining about the very thing he was doing

>> No.22564498

If there's that many threads a day, then maybe there simply are more /lit/ users who share /pol/'s beliefs than there were years ago.
This isn't anything to be so baffled by anyway since far right extremist views tend to spread pretty fast online.

>> No.22564499

Wyndham Lewis
Othmar Spann

>> No.22564500

The cuckservative speaks. There's a reason you're considered the cowards in the realm of the political

>> No.22564504

For someone who is supposedly so interested in the quality of posts on /lit/, you sure have contributed exclusively utter garbage with all of your posts inside of this thread.

>> No.22564508

I'm not sure anybody would expect that to take place. But movements must exist, for if they don't, how are people of certain political proclivities ever going to do anything if an opportunity presents itself?

>> No.22564511

More like 4chan is one of the last places on the internet they can go so it’s not surprising. They drove a lot of anons out so it makes the ratio even worse. 4chan wasn’t bad before the Reddit migration

>> No.22564514

>Free speech protects
No it doesn't, retard. Nationalists are constantly getting their banks frozen and are deplatformed

>> No.22564522

If you think that right wingers are restricted to 4chan, you're naive. They communicate covertly―and sometimes not-so-covertly―on countless massive platform like Youtube, Twitter, Discord and Telegram.
>4chan wasn’t bad before the Reddit migration
Not sure what idea of 4chins you have inside your head, but I've been here for decades (yes, it's sad, I know), and it's always been a place full of people that say highly controversial things. Being upset by some anon shitting on niggers is a very weird reaction on 4chuds.

>> No.22565353

Yeah, that's a very erudite post, which I agree with.
But most brown immigrants are the highly homophobic ones...
Also, Hans Blüher was fascist and antisemitic.
Just kys, pseud. Just because I don't agree with Christcuck's homophobic bullshit does not mean 1) I am homosexual/bisexual myself, 2) I am an "anti-fascist". Historically speaking, much of the European warrior caste and aristocratic fraternities were very bisexual, and there is nothing wrong with that. This guy here explained it better than me: >>22564002

Being in denial about your bisexual roots will eat you away.

I actually think encouraging male bisexuality is good for social stability (**without promoting trannies) but female bisexualiy is dangerous and destabilizing, especially when females start masculinizing. This can be one reason for the West's decline.

>> No.22565538
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ITT: We discover that the Left can only view male bonding in sexual terms, thus precluding them from understanding anything related to masculine concepts of brotherhood, fraternity, loyalty, admiration, honor and trust.

This is was also a common issue in Weimar Germany, everything the Left viewed was done so through the lens of sex and it was disgusting.

>> No.22565670

Spengler's retarded and useless

>> No.22565687

Why? His insights are playing out and conform to what is happening.

>> No.22565700

>What are we missing?
Hegel, Marx, and Engels

>> No.22565777

Lmao, like what? his "historical time" analysis which is so obviously flawed or his universalization of inner religiosity, as if religion is a categroy that can be applied everywhere. or his point on buddha or hundreds of some other things.
No original thought there. Just blatantly using nietzshce and cheaply thinking of cultures as flowers as coming to peak, blossoming and dying down. Biologizing nietzshce when looking at cultures as subject, didnt already think in terms of what he did. Plus, his historigraphy is already flawed, if you are that dense to not search up and not looking for more complex, less reductionist and more grounded shit, noone can help you.

>> No.22565811

I'm more Right.
I don't see the issue with homoerotic male bonding. As I've explained, Hans Blüher was fascist and antisemitic.

>> No.22565819

The most important one that ever existed, who, ironically, hasn't been mentioned yet: Francis Parker Yockey.

>> No.22565869

Read Ellul

>> No.22565873
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Im currently reading Imperium.

>> No.22565879

Don't use the historical record if you're going to misrepresent it. It's disingenuous, especially when the actual history points to the contrary of your thesis.

>> No.22565901

>Don't use the historical record if you're going to misrepresent it.
Male bisexuality was the norm in most ancient Western civilizations like Rome, Greece, etc. It's common knowledge.
These ancient peoples weren't "pure" according to your Judeo-Christian way of viewing things.

>> No.22565905

Thing is, Sparta was the exception to the rule. That's why your post is so fucking dumb

>> No.22565921

Spartans were homoerotically bonding to improve morale as they invaded Persia.

>> No.22565940

My mistake: Spartans seemed to engage in pederasty a lot, but they frowned upon homoerotic with adult men:

>pederasty was widely practiced in Sparta. Elsewhere, Plutarch openly states that when Spartan boys reached puberty, they became available to older male lovers (Life of Lykourgos 17.1). There are several examples of famous historical characters who were once either lover or beloved in pederastic relationships (such as the fourth century BC king Agesilaos). Modern scholars do not doubt that man-boy love was very common in Classical Sparta. It has even been suggested that the only way to become a member of one of Sparta's tent groups upon reaching adulthood was to be the beloved of one of that tent group's existing members, making pederasty a fundamental element of Spartan social organisation.

>> No.22565953

That is blatantly false. There existed in ancient Greece a widespread acceptance of pederasty, to the point that people refused to believe Xenophon when he reported to them that this practice was absent in Sparta:
>I think I ought to say something also about intimacy with boys, since this matter also has a bearing on education. In other Greek states, for instance among the Boeotians, man and boy live together, like married people;5 elsewhere, among the Eleians, for example, consent is won by means of favours. Some, on the other hand, entirely forbid suitors to talk with boys. The customs instituted by Lycurgus were opposed to all of these. If someone, being himself an honest man, admired a boy's soul and tried to make of him an ideal friend without reproach and to associate with him, he approved, and believed in the excellence of this kind of training. But if it was clear that the attraction lay in the boy's outward beauty, he banned the connexion as an abomination; and thus he caused lovers to abstain from boys no less than parents abstain from sexual intercourse with their children and brothers and sisters with each other. I am not surprised, however, that people refuse to believe this. For in many states the laws are not opposed to the indulgence of these appetites.
-Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians

Who do we ought to believe, Plutarch writing 6-7 centuries afterwards or Xenophon, the man who lived in ancient Sparta itself and whose sons went through the Agoge?

>> No.22565974

I think what's going on here between these two people, is that one is a Christian, who believes in the Torah's law, and the other is a completely neutral person who could easily find reasons why LGBT is harmful, or at least annoying, or might find reasons why historically, there was no problem with it. They would seek to remain objective because they have no ulterior motive. They will report what they find, and not necessarily seek to corrupt or embellish the actual course of history.

I notice Christians almost always have ulterior motives, and that motive is enforcing their world-view on society. Of course, the same seems true of leftists, Muslims, and anyone else who believes in contagious memetic viruses.

In the end, we will need to ask God, and if he gives no clear, immediate, and obviously "godly" answer, then I'm already bored of this.

God isn't real. Authority is real. Fake authority is god. When a person wants to have power, even MORE power than the emperor can have, they will do just one thing: Begin speaking for God.

It doesn't really matter if god is real or not.

Just look at the Christian anon writing things like "stop misrepresenting history!" They lie. The core of that man's mind is lies. Lies, falsity, deception. They would actually deny the truth of history, using their own personal religious beliefs, and try to claim what was, was not. As if to deny reality in favor of their feelings and ideological beliefs. They actually want to claim that their morality is objective, and that everyone just agrees with them, even in history before their morality was written.

It is a truth that LGBT concepts existed in history, and it is a truth that they helped bind people to each other, to allow cherished secrets to pass man-to-man, in a way you can't do with mere friends or neighbors.

These secrets necessarily involve how to acquire imperial power, for why should any one man help another man acquire that sort of power? There must be love. Genuine love, where even after the orgasm, they continue to embrace and share secrets.

Even Jesus had a thing for feet.

>> No.22566001
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>Even Jesus had a thing for feet.
All of my keks

>> No.22566211

It's truly a work of art. Good to see you're underlining stuff you deem relevant. I could never do that cause i'd end up with the whole book highlighted, which means I need to re-read it to keep solidifying the endless insights.

>> No.22566411

>We all know
>he did not care for Nazis but to deny the Nazis were not, in part, reflected in aspects of work is just a idiocy.
Why is it idiocy? You’re not presenting any argument (typical gen z vernacular) because your knowledge is limited to poorly regurgitated /pol/ posts and 10+ year old “infographics”

>> No.22566429

Hitler was a romantic and Nazism itself was to a huge degree a romantic movement.

>> No.22566435

You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about my man. You’ve probably never even read The Prince or Decline of the West.

>> No.22566468

Seething leftoids trying to claim Nietzsche is always hilarious. Literally every author born before 1800 would have sided with the Nazis if they lived in 1930.

>> No.22566568
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You have cunningly refuted what i said by denying i understand what it is that I said. Well played sir.

>> No.22566796

Probably referring to Giovanni Gentile, although I am pretty sure that Klages was also a fascist. Schmitt was also a member of the Nazi party. As was Heidegger IIRC. So that anon's probably just smugly wrong. The rest of the authors are obviously related anyway and his whole point is misguided even besides this.

>> No.22566861

National socialism is not fascism

>> No.22566869

Nigga please tell me you are not this retarded and pedantic

>> No.22566901
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Yes it is. The Capitalism and Democracy of Britain is different to that of America but only an idiot would claim they neither of these things.

t. National-Socialist

>> No.22566913

It's always funny seeing this. I bet you actually pronounce it like voʊlkJʃ, too.

>> No.22566931
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Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen.

>> No.22566940

In that case, why use such a ridiculous name for it? Either call it Folkish or use its proper name, Völkisch. You only make yourself look stupid.

>> No.22566959
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A literal grammar nazi in a threat about Fascism and National-Socialism. The irony is intolerable. Kek

>> No.22566994
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If you're fine with looking like a retard, go ahead. Keep saying "Volkish". Lol. Der Mund des Narren schadet ihm selbst, und seine Lippen fangen seine eigene Seele.

>> No.22567057

Im sure he is really worried about the perception of an autist.

>> No.22567060

He shouldn't be learning German if he isn't ready to meet with some.

>> No.22567503

A few more important figures: Pentti Linkola, Savitri devi, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, Francis Galton, Houston Chamberlain, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Dr. William Luther Pierce
I'm not that guy, but he is correct. They are not the same. Of course, people tend to mean "third position" when they say "fascism" or "nazi", and in that way, they are similar. From a liberal/marxist worldview perspective, they are the same because the liberal/marxist worldview does not allow for anything considered to be on the "right" to be revolutionary, only reactionary and only evil.
t. third positionist.
Your comparison points are a little retarded, because you are saying "X capitalism is different from Y capitalism, but its still capitalism." and "X democracy is different from Y democracy, but its still democracy." -- Why, yes. Of course, they are the same ideas being executed slightly differently. But National Socialism is built around race, whereas fascism has a lot of different faces that we have seen in the wild, but two come to mind: British fascism (a direct democracy with anti-marxist and anti-capitalist leanings, while still proclaiming support for the monarchy) and Italian fascism (state is the centerpoint with roman-emperor-style leadership, anti-capitalist, anti-marxist) -- Read my first paragraph for a better idea of what is going on. Frankly, I sincerely doubt you proclaimed worldview, especially with the added bullshit meme to sell your point further. Of course, you could just be a fresh 3P that hasn't learned enough yet.

>> No.22567507

"Volkish" is the anglicized version of "Völkisch". Your sentiment is as obnoxious as people who have awkward poses to say something in an "ethnic" sort of way.
Stop responding to retards/trolls. Just learn and grow.

>> No.22567515

I really like the calls for national unity, re-formation of community, technocratic government, and environmentalism present in modern Fascist movements. Unfortunately, I've never met a Fascist who wasn't a total freak so I'm really turned off by it.

Idk, no one else really talks about that stuff though.

>> No.22567533

>But National Socialism is built around race, whereas fascism has a lot of different faces that we have seen in the wild, but two come to mind: British fascism (a direct democracy with anti-marxist and anti-capitalist leanings, while still proclaiming support for the monarchy) and Italian fascism (state is the centerpoint with roman-emperor-style leadership, anti-capitalist, anti-marxist)

They are all built around an immutable core and all wish to unite their group in to a single unit. British, Aryan, Roman. Thid will change based upon the unique national expression it takes. The means of inclusion and exclusion are not the only core principle either.

>> No.22567558

How, when I specifically told you to just be normal and say Folkish instead? Or even better, say Folkist. Anything but Volkish. Following my advice would only help you out, because as you are, you just look like a dumbass. You're no better than the Germans who constantly insert English words everywhere they can so they can look smarter or more cultured. It doesn't work.

>> No.22567799

>Unfortunately, I've never met a Fascist who wasn't a total freak so I'm really turned off by it.
It's a big leap from the liberal worldview to the fascist worldview, so I can imagine certain concepts to be very alien. But I also know that many people who call themselves "fascist" that are a bit retarded.
I'm in academia, well liked, am a married, am a breeder, and have some third positionist leanings. I'm very sympathetic to fascism and the other third positionist derivatives. A lot of people have to hide their views so they don't have their lives destroyed, unfortunately. The ones who have the luxury to be openly fascist tend to not have anything going on. Not all of them, some of them are good guys that are trying to help, but a lot of the ones I have met are just being "edgy" and have no real interest in the theory or application.

>> No.22567816

How would you go about applying fascism and what kind of fascist model of society are you interested in?
A lot of fascists here just want an all-out race war, but I do come across many intelligent ones. However, none of them ever provide a step-by-step application or what their ideal end-goal for society is. They tend to get lost in theory.

>> No.22567873

not him but
>Meritocratic technocracy (think singapore): Democracy places too much power in the hands of an increasingly ignorant population. Politics has become so complicated, with so much information flinging about, so many issues to consider, that I believe democracy cannot take it much longer. A one party state, with an inclusive foundation, would do wonders. It cannot be allowed to form a 'boys club' with cliques and policy capture by rich elites (think Russia). Anyone who wants to contribute their ideas on how to run the government well should be allowed in, debate should be free and open within the context of the party. Entrance into the administration would be based on a series of tests to assess competence, public sector work should offer a high salary commensurate with its prestige, importance, and difficulty.

>State capitalism: the power of the market is amazing and should be respected, but industry should serve the ends of the state first and foremost. For examples of this, see how China expands its intelligence operations by collaborating with private industry (which essentially become publicly owned but privately ran in a strange state-corporate synthesis). This is dengist corporatism in a nutshell.

>Community re-formation: Human beings are communal animals. We need to have a local group of people who we regularly see in the same places with which to do the same things to be mentally healthy. This is why organized religion is so powerful. Pursuing policies like dense walkable urban planning, comprehensive zoning reform, encouragement of religious practices, and heavily regulating social media would be a good first step on this road.

>National unity: As the identity of the tribe has expanded, the nation is now the bedrock of the ingroup-outgroup dynamic. Building a strong sense of place, of history, and connection to your countrymen is essential for a healthy nation. Practically every measure of functional governance is associated with having a high trust society. Thinking of your fellow citizens as essentially an extended family group would go along way towards that goal. Disagreements on policy should be kept behind the scenes and action should only be taken when a decision has been made so as to conceal the debate. Public debate tears at the fabric of society.

I'm tired and can't be bothered to write more. I'm still not sure how I feel about multi-racial conceptions of fascism. I'm aware that Mussolini and his associates were less racially obsessed than their German counterparts, with Italian fascism having more of a cultural chauvinist bent. Idk, I'm not going to pretend I have an answer to that. Those are some fascist ideas I think I could convince someone of, or at the very least get them to not think I'm crazy for suggesting them if you sat me down with them for 20 minutes or so.

>> No.22567912

I don't like it. I prefer pre-industrial feudalism over that nonsense.

>> No.22567915

>no one thinks about kids because of their race

Unsound argument
Try again with a sound argument before you rant on

>> No.22568434

good bait

>> No.22568473


>> No.22568721
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now coming back in style

>> No.22568868

Communism has an immutable core in te workers. Liberalism reduces this down to the individual but still proclaims this to be the highest good all of society should facilitate and excludes (or at least tries to) anyone who proclaims communal or aristocratic ideas. These broad characteristics of having a core traget and opposing anyone not part of it can be found in basically every ideology. The idea that somehow National Socialism and fascism are the same in this regard simply for excluding a certain group, even though they base that exclusion on completely different characteristics of biological vs cultural/national makes no sense.

>> No.22569554

>How would you go about applying fascism
Frankly, that depends on the country. But I suppose, in all cases, it all starts with not denying that you are fascist, but not coming out and saying you are.
>what kind of fascist model of society are you interested in?
I've never referred to myself as a "fascist" offline, only third positionist. I am not a fascist in the way that I am not involving myself in politics, because I am not interested in politics. I am a "fascist" in the way that I only care about truths, for example the only equality I support is equality under the law. I'm just interested in the anti-usury and racialist components, and I would financially support a group that is interested in these things. I don't mean to be pedantic about it, but there is a pretty heavy difference. So, to answer your question: Whatever is good for my race, my family, and my nation.
>A lot of fascists here just want an all-out race war
This is not generally true in my own experience. There are plenty I have met that feel that reaching an understanding with (most) of the other races is impossible. It's not that I don't understand how they feel, but I've met a few older black separatists who agree with the White separatist point of view... and I think there may still be a chance to work something out. You may find this surprising, but the USA actually had some unity between the Black Panther Party and the American Nazi Party. Malcom X and George Lincoln Rockwell had a fair amount of respect for one another.
>none of them ever provide a step-by-step application or what their ideal end-goal for society is.
I've always wondered about an "end-goal" for humanity, in all aspects. A major reason for the entire third positionist worldview to exist is to eliminate jewish concepts, such as ususry; materialism; liberalism; marxism; etc., create a national unity, and, effectively, repair whatever was destroyed in that given nation, or race, done by the aforementioned ususry, marxism, (and liberalism) that raped it. There are some heavy interest in deep ecology as well, which were heavily destroyed by the aforementioned jewish concepts. In Stoddard's book "In The Darkness", you can see how well the forests are managed in a few words as he enters Germany. This is something a lot of people want to see come back. Germany's forests have been mutilated, America's desertification process pushes forward without any hint of stopping, and so on. I know it's uncommon from the so-called "conservative right", but I've not met a single third positionist that doesn't recognize the importance of nature and its renewal.

>> No.22569559

One Piece.

>> No.22569588

A bunch of writing that says nothing concrete or precise. How old are you? The angel or devil is in the details.
At least this man here gave a concrete outline of what his end goals are: >>22567873
You just gave pedantic drivel that muddies the water.
>Frankly, that depends on the country.
Obviously you should state your country and speak solely about that.

>> No.22570255

>How old are you?
I'm in my mid to late 30's.
>muddies the water
No, I was pretty explicit. Were you aware that you are clearly functionally illiterate?
>inb4 where?
"I am not a fascist", "I am not involving myself in politics", "Whatever is good for my race, my family, and my nation", "I'm just interested in the anti-usury and racialist components" were pretty straight forward. What did you struggle with? Was it the mention of the misunderstanding between "racism" where I brought up some historical context, or was it where I explicit stated some of the major goals of fascism as a way to explain some of the outcomes desired under all forms of fascism? I don't mind helping you out, but you need to help me help you.
>Obviously you should state your country and speak solely about that.
I mention it differs by country because the distinctions will differ around culture. You should be able to infer these based on a given culture. Quick reminder that "I am not a fascist" as such I am unable to answer your question with a gross outline of how a revolution may occur, the task list and weight to said list, and so on because I am not a fascist leader. It may be important to note that divulging strategy, in public, to dethrone the dominating worldview isn't a particularly great idea so you will likely not get a particularly great answer of "how?"

>> No.22570361 [DELETED] 

I'll tell you what I want: reducing technological levels to 12th century level via Skrbina's plan and going back to homogenous villages. Homogeneity was the norm in ancient times.
I prefer a strict hierarchical caste system in civilizations. I don't like fluid caste structure.
I don't like archeofuturists.

>> No.22570363

I'll tell you what I want: reducing technological levels to 12th century level via Skrbina's plan and going back to homogenous villages (but with the forceful eradication of Abrahamism). Homogeneity was the norm in ancient times.
I prefer a strict hierarchical caste system in civilizations. I don't like fluid caste structure.
I don't like archeofuturists.

>> No.22570377

Armin Mohler is missing, possibly Ernst von Salomon.

>> No.22570686

Holy fuck imagine reading this trash. THIS is the most popular book on /lit/?

>> No.22570763

It's more of a massive clique than unity

>> No.22571096

Pure trash. He was much more Marxist.

>> No.22571428

>Managerial society is a system like China
Yeah, and liberal western societies stand in total contrast. You really cracked the code.