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22560655 No.22560655 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22560656


>> No.22560694

>Karl marx
HAHAHHAHAA! THIS DUDE ACTUALLY THINKS HE WILL EVER BE A REAL WOMAN! But seriously marx is the same level of pseud and fraud as kant.

>> No.22560702

anyone who puts diogenes high on their list of philosophers must be some sort of troll or pitiable idiot

>> No.22560712

imagine being filtered by a guy who lived thousands of years before you lol. lmao even

>> No.22560724

Kill yourselves tranny faggots. YWNBAW.

>> No.22560753

>Russell top tier
kys asap retard

>> No.22560773

Fichte and Feuerbach deserve their placing. Others, not so much/so-so.

>> No.22560781

Having Russel and Wittgenstein on the same "GOAT" tier as Plotinos is a meme (poor meme)

>> No.22560796

Diogenes is a peer reviewer which is hated by everyone but very useful for poiting out flawed thinking and general shite.

>> No.22562045

>Latinizations of Greek names

>> No.22562505

You're missing Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Kanye West, David Goggins, Jocko Willink, Alex Jones, Sargon of Akkad, Sam Hyde and Donald Trump

>> No.22562550

Are the constant tranny posters bots or are they truly this mind-broken? Anyone this obsessed is not too far from becoming a trans themselves.

>> No.22562551

I would put Chomsky higher but otherwise correct

>> No.22563136

>that who tier
why out yourself as a pseud retard?

>> No.22563147

>not even mentioning Heraclitus

>> No.22563162

>Russell top tier
BLEH. Invalidates everything else.

>> No.22563173

shitaly lost

>> No.22563177

What is this tier list about? Are you making a fighting game with these people in mind?

>> No.22563189

I'd move Aquinas, Cicero, Freud, Schmitt, Machiavelli and Vico higher, Russell to the bottom, and Spinoza down a few notches.

>> No.22563192

Popper should just be thrown off the chart. Not even worthy of consideration, even as cancer.

>> No.22563195

Disregarded because of his connection to Epstein.

>> No.22563199

What is wrong with Epstein? He's probably a better philosopher than Chomsky himself

>> No.22563201

Same logic as
>you hate spiders therefore you want to have sex with one, it's the only conclusion

>> No.22563206

Ok name three of his writings

>> No.22563212

You can learn a lot from his life's story. His commentary on physics comparing it to business, and his hopes of seeding the human race with superior DNA all come together to form a philosophy.

>> No.22563244

A common Diogenes dub. Another midwit filtered from beyond the grave. How based can one man get?

>> No.22563278
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Despite all that, it all goes back to ethics. Not a good look. Supporting eugenics is fine if you're over six foot and well endowed, for the rest of us, which is the 99%, an overwhelming amount, this line of thinking would just cause endless wars and suicides. Is that a world you're willing to support? Or are you so blinded by pussy and the sentiments of females that you think its perfectly okay that most of humanity dies or suffers injury or sickness? Because if you support the latter, I'm afraid I will have to stop there with you.

>> No.22563282

More like if you think about such an identity/perversion/sexuality that often it probably hits close to home for you or you are interested in it. A normal person sees a troon, chuckles to themselves, and think that person is fucked up mentally. To obsess over such a person is unhealthy, maybe just as unhealthy as the troons themselves

>> No.22563298

it's just a list you assorted randomly. it makes no sense. why would somebody think Pythagoras and Plotinus are based, Russell is also based, Aristotle is merely not bad, have Zeno in both the "not bad" and "literally who" categories, Averroes in the "is he a philosopher" category, and St. Aquinas and Plato AND Locke in the carcinogen category?

You're clearly trolling us OP. If this is what you actually believe then you have brain damage.

>> No.22563300

honestly not bad

>> No.22563393
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Maybe the master of bullshit

>> No.22563960

you will never be a woman

>> No.22563994 [DELETED] 

kill yourself leftoid

>> No.22564178

I'd switch him for Parmenides

>> No.22564187

Diogenes is goat-tier for sure, but only if you properly hate him. If you understand him and like him mildly, then you probably don't even know the point he was making.

No, Diogenes only stands out when you're properly infuriated by him, because he is more than just a goat. He is a proper troll. Perhaps the first, and perhaps the best. If he makes you rage, then he wins.

And he most certainly has won plenty of times over the years.

As for Marx, I would say Marx is too politically malicious in today's world to be of any value. If Marx had remained obscure and Communism had never decimated entire nations, and even today, continues to do strange types of damage to society, I would perhaps consider him in orange or yellow.

But due to the damage his influence has caused, I would not list him at all.

Hegel is in the right place. That guy should have been more clear. His lack of comprehensibility is a weakness of his mind and philosophy. And when I did bother to REALLY try to work out some of his ideas, they really aren't they great or that true.

>> No.22564202


>> No.22564557

as previously stated, seethe

>> No.22564560


>> No.22564671
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>Carl Popper in Masters
I almost took your list for an actual opinion

>> No.22564698

>Or are you so blinded by pussy and the sentiments of females that you think its perfectly okay that most of humanity dies or suffers injury or sickness?
Not him, I don't necessarily *support* eugenics but I'm firmly against dysgenics which is what the world order you desire advocates for. Most people today deserve to die off unceremoniously for the sake of not only humanity, but for the Earth itself.

>> No.22564703

meant to reply to >>22563278

Honestly I would also go as far to say I'm far more moral than you because I'm thinking in terms of long term solutions while you'd prefer to slowly poison the rest of us, stupid faggot.

>> No.22564755

>adorno, horkheimer, hobbes and Foucault in Cancerogens
>machiavelli in cringe
>put spinoza, marx and nietzsche in master

bruh you didn't understand a shit

>> No.22564760

I would understand if you'd put all these philosophers in cancerogen, that means you are a nazi or a neolib and ok, I mean it's all the thought that is sick, so I wouldn't be surprise, but you put some there some here it's seems like a child without any knowledge did this.

>> No.22564764

it's an incoherent list with a click bait title made by an italian, what did u expect

>> No.22564774

What a faggot.

>> No.22564836

kill your Self please.

>> No.22564838

I mean, okay? I'd seethe harder if you presented your real opinions. But they're not. This is just dumb.

>> No.22565008
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I'll send mine

>> No.22565017

marx and foucault at master tier
real euro posting hours

>> No.22565228

Communism and anything that has to do with the far left is absolute faggotry and degeneration. If you're a man who loves Marx it is safe to assume you've swallowed a penis at least once in your life.

>> No.22565237

>Plato in cancer
All the philosopher on that list can be summarized as some footnote in a Plato work

>> No.22565272

And also Having Plotinus and Plato on completely opposite ends? Not knowing who Zeno of Elea is but calling Parmenides of Elea a master? Not knowing that Averroes is a philosopher? Seems like he just arbitrarily placed these people where ever

>> No.22565326

Why is Proust on the list?

>> No.22566919
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Time to update the chart...

>> No.22566963

I remember voting of Kierkegaard

>> No.22567043

god, what a chad move
I shall aspire to be like you, anon

>> No.22567701

What an absolute shit top 5

>> No.22567836

>3. Pynchon
>4. DFW
>11. Corncob
>15. PKD
>20. Murakami
>Wolfe, King, Moore, Tao Lin, BEE, Gaiman, etc. making the list
>all photos changed to grayscale

so the board was just as shit eight years ago as it is now

>> No.22567865
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>no Heraclitus

>> No.22567932

Yeah, Plotinus should be in his own tier at the very bottom.

>> No.22567967

Heraclitus is on there, the whole OP image is in Italian for whatever fucking reason