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/lit/ - Literature

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22549472 No.22549472 [Reply] [Original]

What does she read? What does she look like? Is she kind and affectionate or stern and distant? Share bros, for one day we shall all manifest a /lit/gf, I am sure of such.

>> No.22549479

do not repeat my mistakes and get stem/art gfs not /lit/

>> No.22549484

>stem gf
pretentious sluts with inferiority complexes
>art gf

>> No.22549487

she's cute and likes me for who I am

>> No.22549492

Best we can do is likes you for the time being
(verification not required)

>> No.22549495

that's fine, as long as she isn't abusive like my ex.

>> No.22549502
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Yea we can make that happen...

>> No.22549504

Women are a waste of time. If you need a woman to make you happy you are either sexually inexperienced enough that you are still laboring under the delusion that regularly having sex with an attractive woman is any better than regularly masturbating in the final cost-benefit analysis, or that it would be a good investment even if it were considerably better (sex as a vice is worse in terms of returns than gambling as a vice), or else you are a delusional pussy who wants a mommy to "love" your problems away. Here's a tip, no woman is going to be your mommy, especially not these days. Instead you are going to be the dad she never had. Furthermore, women are incapable of taking an objective interest in anything, as all of their interest in things is just simulated in order to get a man who actually has mastery over those things.

Either disregard women, marry a homely woman who makes for a good companion and housekeeper, or learn to strategically engage with prostitutes or strippers at intervals so that your monkey brain is tricked into thinking it touched a beautiful woman in her prime recently and it can stop inciting you with oogabooga thoughts at least until your next "payment" is due. Probably some combination of all three. Also practice a form of contemplative meditation.

>> No.22549509

thanks anon, I hope she likes cuddles and hot chocolate

>> No.22549516

Detective fiction and fantasy scifi (like dune). She is 5'5" to 5'10", C cup, well adjusted and optimistic (I'm pessimistic and cynical enough for the both of us)

>> No.22549519

Please elboarate anon

>> No.22549535

Busty tall blonde who smokes cigarettes and reads Celine and other pretentious drivel. She wears black dresses with red lingerie and loves me for who I am

>> No.22549537
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Prime choccy weather soon. Nothing better than being all cozied up with some choccy to read some kino books. Even better if there's some rain tippertappering away at the window.
(verification not required)

>> No.22549546

>Nothing better than being all cozied up with some choccy to read some kino books.
Based. All I need is some rain outside and I'm good to go for the evening. Verification also not required btw.

>> No.22549564
File: 184 KB, 1080x1346, 140927975_235941487988954_5811690066206088435_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a friend of a friend about whom I fantasize all the time.
She's an architect and she paints too. She's quite smart and has a fine-tuned aesthetic sense, which is what I care most about women.
I don't have any chance with her. She's gorgeous and I've made myself a drunken fool in front of her best friend once. The other friend, the friend we have in common, doesn't actually like me that much, so there's no avenue to get to her through him.
(picrel not her)

>> No.22549570

Some /lit/ psychologist explain to me why I find this very mediocre looking women to be excruciatingly hot.

>> No.22549579

my gf is a theater directing major (switched to psychology for her masters) and it's way more interesting being exposed to literature related to a field foreign to you that she's excited about
you end up having a lot fewer disagreements about lit (because the only girls I ever dated who actually cared about classical lit were highly autistic about a specific author/period and not in the good way)
you also keep opening doors to new reading material for each other as each delves deeper in their respective field

>> No.22549583

Some /lit/ psychologist explain to me why I find this very mediocre looking woman, who is almost certainly a vapid whore and terrible partner, to be excruciatingly hot. I would never marry her, probably not even date or even have sex with. But I still find her very hot. Why?

>> No.22549585

You think she is easier to attain than someone excruciatingly hot. Her being more mundane makes you think she isn't too much trouble and makes it so your performance anxiety is essentially lessened.
That will be 1 funny picture please. Interesting picture will suffice too.

>> No.22549588
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need an emmie gf bros

>> No.22549594

Don't eat for 3 days and then go walk by restaurants and your favorite fast food joints. Women over the last 200 years have perfected using makeup and photo angles to accentuate all the aspects of them that make you want to take a bite out of their ass. Every guy has his own type or types that drive him crazy. Interestingly, many of them only work at a distance and they're disappointed once you actually get your hands on your type.

>> No.22549607

>What does she read?
She's illiterate
>What does she look like?
>Is she kind and affectionate or stern and distant?
Kind and affectionate and worshipping me like I'm god (I am)

>> No.22549611

It’s true, she is exactly the type of appearance I’ve dated in the past but slightly better dressed.

>> No.22549613

No I don’t think that’s it.

>> No.22549615

You don't want psy, you want evopsy
She's good looking and has a suggestive sexual expression, also she's lying on a bed = neuron activated

>> No.22549617

looks like a tranny

>> No.22549619

i only had one, guess that makes me a Mario type deal

>> No.22549631

I think I go to the same class as here 0.o

>> No.22549648

The Bible, church fathers and ethical/moral philosophy
>look like
brunette with ample tits and small frame
very affectionate, but just to me

>> No.22549660

Ask her out on a date then, unless you're a fag

>> No.22549662

I agree that a fine-tuned aesthetic sense in a woman is appealing, but those women are very commonly a mental and spiritual mess and also what woman and men find appealing very often diverges.

I like women that are attracted to the gothic for this exact reason however. 99% of women will find it too scary and morbid to appreciate. An appreciation for gothic demonstrates a fine-tuned aesthetic sense.

>> No.22549664

>Rosy makeup-cheeks meant to appeal to your lizard brain
>Bleached platinum blonde hair meant to appeal to your novelty sense
>Gray eyes, another novelty, but this one is gift from God
>Freckles in the right places - accentuates her eyes and cheeks
>Eyelashes to give illusion

If you're a coomer and someone who has not yet banged your way into numbing majority of the lizard-brain triggers, she's gonna trigger some of them no doubt. It usually goes away after 20-30 chicks.

Me? I see a woman with bad skincare, overweight neck-line and a nose-ring. The latter speaks volumes of what kind of woman she is, and I appreciate her subcouncious need to showcase proper gentlement all the red flags we need to know.

>> No.22549690

>Me? I see a woman with bad skincare, overweight neck-line and a nose-ring.
Only incels think like this

>> No.22549696

Do you fags not get bored?? KYS, you miserable incels. Your idea of beauty has been malformed by porn and your own pathetic bitterness.

>> No.22549710
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Do not ask me to explain matters of the heart, gentlemen.

>> No.22549713

>What does she read?
Martin Luther, William Pierce and Adolf Hitler

>> No.22549719

Nothing faggier than a man calling another one an incel because they said women use makeup and aren't perfect. Grow up, genuinely.

>> No.22549720


>> No.22549723
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>Likes to read
>Not obese
Please God I'm so lonely.

>> No.22549725

Kill yourself, genuinely.

>> No.22549726
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U outcel lol

>> No.22549728

Perpetually angry loser has to whine once more. Just remember, you are objectively stupid when angry.

>> No.22549736
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(verification not required)

>> No.22549749

>ugly as fuck tattoo
Into the trash it goes

>> No.22549756

Women are inferior to men and you're still an incel

>> No.22549763


>> No.22549765


>> No.22549766

Why is it that a certain type of man on the internet always gets so violently angry whenever other men make fun of women for their appearance? Women make fun of men all the time for completely vapid reasons too. It's really no reason to get this angry about it. It's such a weird thing to me. You call others incel, but you are clearly a completely unhinged and disturbed individual, so the chances of you actually being in a healthy relationship are incredibly small here.

>> No.22549775
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>tfw no cute gun slinger gf that demands cuddles at gun point from you

>> No.22549780

Nah he is right, that thing looks like a jew wew

>> No.22549788

There's a difference between being a based misogynist and a pathetic incel. These attempts to intellectualise their arguments is a poor attempt to project their own insecurities, they have to make up a whole theory on physiognomy just to cope at being too pathetic to fuck a bitch. Also Their critisms are shallow and clearly show their lack of experience with women outside of their computer screens, their perception on the mundane beauty of a woman has been so twisted by porn, hence making them more pathetic in my eyes, and should do the world a favour and kill themselves

>> No.22549810
File: 103 KB, 540x675, Tumblr_l_28289289527540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you won't duel using kissies instead of bullets
(verification not fucking required jeesus)

>> No.22549812

>C cup
why are boobs so important to men?

>> No.22549816

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.22549817

i decided to agree with They Want Daddy and laugh at the irony. already dead.

>> No.22549826

They're fun to squeeze and have them pressed against me, simple as

>> No.22549832

I pity your lack of taste, but let us agree to disagree

>> No.22549836

I think it's a Freudian thing.

>> No.22549857
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Men are hardwired to like booba.
That being said, I like booba but don't mind small booba either, all booba lives matter.

>> No.22549858

Also, Freud was just a coked up bullshit artist jew.

>> No.22549862

I'm not a pedophile, F-cup minimum

>> No.22549871

>t. Polonius
Yes, I would like to speak to Ophelia, please?

>> No.22549881

I can't imagine any such thing by the virtue of the fact that no woman, much less a cultured one, would be interested in me.

>> No.22549927

is the joke, they are all the same, except for their sword?