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File: 77 KB, 768x539, Black dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22544979 No.22544979 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

Previous: >>22536145

Black Dynamite edition.

>> No.22544996

without psychosis I cannot make large scale intellectual progress. it kind of sucks.

>> No.22544998

C-19 was the largest industrial accident in human history

>> No.22545001

Sudra cast I became.
This isn't fair.
I though I was a Svedian, a man worth of dignity and respect.

>> No.22545004
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but Black Dynamite, I self publish erotic furry novels!

>> No.22545060

I was silent in class again despite having some things I wanted to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.22545070

Haploautism? Nitzscheanism? Evola?

>> No.22545123

I might just start writing essays about things I enjoy or find interesting, pretty much only non-fiction shit though, I'm not smart enough to pick apart and write about the fiction shit that I enjoy. I don't plan on doing anything with these assignments, I just wanna write them.

>> No.22545143

Third coffee of the day. Let the jitters begin.
To go to a psych or not. That is the real dilemma. I'm approaching that as a remedy to all maladies solution. No psych will look at me and tell me what to. I know what to do. The fact that I am struggling with inaction still is terrifying. Reluctance even to di something as drastic as ending my own life. Well. Every day that goes by is impssible to recover. Years of my life. Wake up.

>> No.22545163

I keep my hate on the inside. It's a social hate—dislike against a midwit 'friend' who is always sticking around and thinks I am his best friend, resentment against that one bitch coworker who hates me although I never ONCE talked shit about her behind her back, resentment and annoyance against stupid fucking situations that I keep getting in. Everything is inside for the sake of facades I need to keep up. If my actions say one thing then my thoughts are the total opposite maybe 80% of the time.

I know some people can see through the cracks and guess I'm a fucking liar but how can they know when everything I do doesn't benefit me in any ways? Those people don't matter and they can't help anyways. I'm tired of resenting people, even if it's a relatively healthy process compared to genuine haters out in the world. I just wish I could be a better person and clearly tell people things like "I feel true disgust when I look at you" or "I am ashamed of being your Friend", or "Please stop talking, you are very annoying."

But I can't.

>> No.22545178
File: 53 KB, 1008x440, Screenshot 2023-09-29 171708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really enjoy writing essays just for the hell of it. it's also fun to experiment mixing essay writing with other genres such as poetry etc.
recently i've been writing very brief "poetic" essays as a kind of travel writing, such as picrel which is about the indigenous communities living in paraguay's capital

>> No.22545185

The first one I'm thinking of writing is about the alleged alien abduction of Travis Walton. Interesting shit.

>> No.22545189

Holy shit dawg, nice prose, care to throw in some more? I think I like it.

>> No.22545196

I'm an extremely stubborn Russophile, Growing up in the west I decline all advancements from non Russian woman, I despise working my humble job as it benefits the west more than it benefits Russia, I am uncertain if I will finish collage as giving money to a western institution to teach me nonsense for for a piece of paper that says I'm a good goy for a western job that pays well gives me zero drive. The only thing I look forward to is a life in Russia. I do enjoy my unbreakable spirit but I also at times wish it didn't have to be this way. I fear that sooner or later reality is going to catch up to me and reveal all of my wasted opportunities all because I cannot go a day thinking about anything but Russia in a positive light.

>> No.22545198

No just normal stuff

>> No.22545236

damn you really are braindead lmao

>> No.22545254

why hasn't he written Oroborous? I don't get this King guy

>> No.22545277

Now her asshole won't even let my nuts out

>> No.22545278

Damn, you should consider moving to Russia. Are you American? Then I'm sure you'll like Western Russia. It's a colonialism utopia but better. A colossal flat planitia the size half of Europe with nothing but chessboard cities perfectly aligned in 90° angles, built with nothing but roofed, two-roofed, three-roofed family houses well spaced between each other to give room for the fences and gardens in between, and strawberries are so abundant you can pick them up gallonwise for free. A literal utopia.

>> No.22545336

So many people today talk about what is going wrong in the West. In my mind, it’s really very obvious. We’re living through on one hand the dominion of bourgeois values and on the other of tech-centric scientism, another bourgeois values. The bourgeois threw off the aristocratic value regime and created a new regime in its image. Technology is simply the tool to tighten the stranglehold. If you just accept that this is really what happened in history then suddenly the whole of modern history makes sense.

>> No.22545377
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Resentment is demonic, and I mean that very literally. It's essentially the purest form of hatred. The sort of disdain resentment can foster is almost transcendent. To fully embrace that? You've pretty much rejected your humanity at that point, and have taken your step to truly joining the ranks of Hell.

>> No.22545423
File: 226 KB, 860x654, 266-2660569_apu-pepe-thumbs-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf told me I have a big dick

>> No.22545432

What are the best books on the subject of history? I don’t mean the best history books, but the best books that deal with history as history.

>> No.22545461

You sound sour.
lmao even

>> No.22545483

resentment is demonic
yo i mean that li'tall
cos everytime a certian bitch is standing next to me
she be hatin
when i crap in the street
she be hatin
when i puke on her feet
she be resentin me

and its not myactions that result in all this
is the devil inside the victims who dis
on the innnocent
litttle me

>> No.22545491

the west cannot ever overcome identity /pol/ or libel propaganda because their religion is identity /pol/ and libel propaganda; when they begin to look for a way to overcome the identity pol and propaganda in the present they will find it in early christianity and they cannot understand and refute one without understanding and refuting the other.

the toxic roots

>> No.22545538

my reading goal for this year was to finish In search of lost time as well as My Struggle (knausgard's), I'm happy that it looks like I will for sure finish it

I'm thinking what should be my reading goal be for next year. Making it just about number of books would be boring. I'm thinking Tolstoy's novels and Human Comedy, but there's no way to get the whole thing in my country easily they only released it once in 60s

>> No.22545545

The enlightenment is the cause of ID politics and identify is only elevated to a political program because real politics is systematically denied by enlightenment-informed pseudo-politics. Every truly political state is fundamentally religious. The abandonment of religion leaves a void to be replaced by whatever other lines of distinction can be drawn, like race.

>> No.22545594

I want to fully succumb to the whims and wishes of a bratty little girl.

>> No.22545600


>> No.22545635

I would love to however bringing this up with anyone always comes down to "how will you earn your pay?" I do not expect nor desire an expensive lifestyle free of hardships and have a fair amount already saved for the move. But considering I want a family financial security is a must. It is a valid concern that I do not have a clear answer to.

>> No.22545639

Any good resources on looksmaxxing and voicemaxxing? I know people think this is retarded but I want to look better and sound better.

>> No.22545727

Its strange on how I find a lot of similarities between on how I treat other women like I treat my mom.

>> No.22545795

I don’t know what to make of it.
I thought it was bad vision, the result of my cones fried and burnt beyond repair. Maybe it’s just some intense focus that let’s me see light bend. There’s this slight shade and vibration that appears around organic material. The best I can describe it—fully well aware of the implications the connotation behind the word and word group it belongs to—is an aura.
What finally tipped me off a bit was last night.
I was on the phone with my girl, we were just talking about nothing. I had my feet up and was staring across the room at the empty corner. A stain here, a smudge there, a scuff mark and a scratch left from hanging up a speaker. It struck me as odd, there was a new dot. It was black and, ever so slightly, moving. Of course it was still on the wall, but I could sense it was moving some limbs. This black dot was alive. I knew I had a mosquito problem, and all lines drew back to the obvious but i couldn’t really figure the shape of the mosquito. The only reason I could tell it was moving was this peculiar ring that formed around it. This bending of light and vibration that ever so slightly surrounded the mosquito as it sat there, waiting for its chance to feed. I was taken aback, putting the phone down without a word as I silently and carefully crossed the room to affirm my assumption. The mosquito was so small, but it was there. Sitting, knowing it had been noticed. As I knew it was watching me, it looked back at me. I struck the wall with all my might, the sting of the cold plaster running through my palm. A firm clap, some mumbling from the forgotten phone, and then silence. Tingling in the back of my head, I almost mistaken it for another mosquito. I peel my hand off the cold wall and see the slightest red streak, I got it. A mess of small limbs, black mass, and red fluid running across my hand. It takes me a moment to realize I’m looking at my blood, sapped and stolen by this parasite. I sit back down at my desk and wait for nothing. My girl calls me back and yells at me about leaving her there “like an idiot.” I don’t respond, she hangs up again.
Still quiet.

>> No.22545846

This wagie is very tired on this Friday.
This little wagie waged very hard this week
Yet this little wagie has to set an alarm for tomorrow monring, because this little wagie has some gay retarded training he needs to go to from 08:00 till 12:00 tomorrow

>> No.22545853

Do you think that’s true for all men? I love my mother, but I can’t stand the way she lives and acts sometimes.

>> No.22545872

I guess that projection is a real thing.
>I can’t stand the way she lives and acts sometimes.
That's alright to have an alternating mode of love and hate.

>> No.22545890
File: 453 KB, 1536x1536, nudo-femminile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are painted nudes so satisfying to watch? Or is it just pornbrain activation

>> No.22545897

No thyself

>> No.22545900

Show up hungover

>> No.22545971
File: 2.54 MB, 241x246, 001-7591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this girl at work. She has a boyfriend. She's talking to me on retarded nonsense topics like she's vetting me to be her new boyfriend despite the fact we barely know each other. She seems to be acting thirsty as hell around me. I want to fuck her into a coma. I think I might be imagining things. I am retarded.

>> No.22545984
File: 22 KB, 400x350, 1470013807826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon becomes emotional tampon

>> No.22545989

alright, I'm quitting my job

>> No.22546116

She's just so confusing. Hardly responds to me, takes hours just to reply to one message, but then sends me good morning texts. Is she interested in talking or what? Is she just autistic and doesn't have her notifications on?

>> No.22546123

nice cope but muh persecution and normal men and normal sexuality are evil for no reason, being screeched by jews in dresses who are obsessed with sex and very low IQ, is literally christianity.

floyd is just jesus, you know? the shit they make up about those martyrs is full of the mythos that they made up in the dark ages, coming from the same cognitive origins.it's not about what they verbally claim it's about, it's an excuse to smash things.

>> No.22546137

to put it another way, if you can't understand st pauls motivation to displace his guilt onto all mankind, you'll never be able to understand the modern equivalents - same applies for the pity parade who supports these animals.

>> No.22546144

you should never ever text, it gives the other person the upper hand to just not reply.

>> No.22546151
File: 181 KB, 654x674, Loverobinson headshot_1516127751015.jpg_76060057_ver1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently writing an interpreter and it's very fun and addictive. The popular textbooks for learning interpreter and compiler design are also some of the best CS textbooks I've ever read.
Now that I think I only truly enjoyed the Automata course and this one, maybe AI a little. What a waste of time

>> No.22546182

What did the ascetic oracle say to the traveler?

>> No.22546190

If you have a college degree and career experience you have an actual get a well-paid job in Russia.
The other option is to buy a plot of land and become a junker.

>> No.22546203

yeah just take a look in the mirror and record your voice or better film yourself doing stuff. You catch yourself doing something weird and think "wow I look fucking retarded" then change it for the better.

>> No.22546211

I know she was forty. It's not the age that does it for me. I didn't tell her to put on makeup and act like an eighteen-year-old to buy a dildo. I swear I'm watching one of the boys from Robot. My wife and I love cooking ourselves microwave dinners and watching pedophiles get busted on YouTube.

>> No.22546212

I hate it when I make a comment that's a similar or same view to what many others in a thread express but for some reason my comment gets singled out for insult regarding particular view.

>> No.22546220

of all the stupid comments about this, yours has to be the worst. Just explain to me how I'm supposed to deal with juggernauts in kanes wrath.

>> No.22546226

I haven't talked to her nearly enough to start calling her yet

>> No.22546238

A swine once opinated about morality.
He said: being a swine is the most moral form of existence.
He continued indulging in swine activities but with an added sense of moral superiority.
The lesson of this story is that morality is an illusion.

>> No.22546260

I've been slow cooking swine

>> No.22546261


>> No.22546280


>> No.22546291

I would eat swine if I had my own swine to slaughter.

>> No.22546296
File: 20 KB, 334x360, 1694545449665977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dun goofed with my paper now my grade will be fucked

>> No.22546312

I swear I hate these loser defeatist people who go to college and then don't do their homework like duud' it's not even forced on you to go to college. How miserable, why don't you just quit college if you don't even want to do your homework like a real man? Damn, what a sad and pathetic life you must lead.

>> No.22546334

fuckin' A man
i don't self-publish but i do commissioned stories and while it's let me support myself (helps living in the cheap-ass US south) i'm so drained after churning out xXFurDik420Xx's muse railing elsa and a horse at the same time that i barely have the energy to write what i want. not just erotica either, but plays, screenplays, actual short stories i can talk about to my family. unfortunately id hate an entry level non-office job even more than i hate my current gig, and all the office jobs are being snapped up by people with better CVs than i

fuck. time to go back to the smut mines. despite all my rage im still a wagie encaged

>> No.22546340

I would drink swine if I could

>> No.22546345

A visual imagery popped into my inner eye for the corner of a second. I saw four guys in some low-average college dorms lying awake at night in double beds. One dude, me, had folded a bunch of papers into some sort of cubical form and was just playing with it.
Ahh, what a bliss life before the internet was. Play into one's 20s.

>> No.22546354

Pig isn't even that tasty.
Few meats are, most of it is B-class refrigerated meat imported from Brasil grown in silos.

>> No.22546360

what's so funny?

>> No.22546367

Working in construction taught me that the very great majority of toilets saw themselves deflowered by impetuous construction workers who had to do the deed.

>> No.22546374

What are you talking about? If I could drink concentrated swine in liquid form I wouldn't have to eat ever again. Hungry? yeah let me just chug down that swine wine and I'll be set.

>> No.22546398

Come over to my house for private lessons.

>> No.22546402

I’m despicable and I need to change…

>> No.22546407

I was working on a house remodel. We had removed the toilet from the bathroom to prep it for other work and install the new toilet. The mexican tile subcontractor brought the toilet back inside, reinstalled it, and took a shit. He then left the toilet installed.

>> No.22546456

In 2009, everybody in the office owned a Nintendo Wii.

>> No.22546481

>like a real man
But most people in college are women

>> No.22546502
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I don't belong anywhere on the internet anymore. Might get a job on an alaskan fishing boat and do backbreaking work for 30 years and then die

>> No.22546532

I just discovered that the majority of Mussolini's work as a journalist still remain untranslated.


>> No.22546548 [DELETED] 

wasn't he a communist back then? probably because communists don't want to be affiliated with him and fascist larpers don't want to read communist shit, and academics working professionally in mussolini studies can read italian. what's the market for it?

>> No.22546909 [DELETED] 

it's friday night so i should be working feverish on some side project so i can escape the wage cage, but you know what? i think i'm going to take it easy and play a video game instead!

>> No.22547025

Why are you doing this?

>> No.22547054

The only time I like myself is when I’m in the throes of deep depression. Otherwise, I hate myself.

>> No.22547068

would you say that you're in the throes of perdition?

>> No.22547107

when you're retarded they let you do it

>> No.22547163

I kind of envy you. I'm too lazy to make an image backup of my drive to safely install the Python compiler required to implement YTDL, never mind figure out, for sure, how to torrent without risking being cutoff by the only reliable high-speed provider in my area. As for interpreters, In can't imagine the use case, given their inefficiency.

>> No.22547172

Gonna go meet my Christian social group tonight then I'm gonna go home and guzzle a whole bottle of whiskey and watch horror movies all night

>> No.22547174

"Let me ask you again. Did you kill my baby boy, Sandra?" John asked, his voice raw.

Sandra shook her head wildly, "No, no, you don't understand, I didn't—I wanted to bathe him and—I didn't!"

"I see."

Following a series of clicks inside of his mind, John focused on Sandra's face and her cranial cavity exploded in a shower of meat, blood and bones debris. Blood sloshed down and splashed against John's face as her heart continued to pump uselessly.

>> No.22547178

if everyone has intellectual intuition what is even the point of doing anything

>> No.22547200

Eavesdropping om my roommate while playing games. At first I felt bad for him and am still sympathetic to a degree, but there's a degree of self loathing and woe is me mentality that after a certain point just makes me want to slap a person.
Especially cause you can tell they just want to be pitied
" I have the big sad"
"No one ever taught me how to do X
No one taught me how to cook so I have to order doordash"
"I can't do anything"
Then learn how to you're an adult Jesus Christ.

>> No.22547205

Recommend funny comedy novels , it's getting really fucking boring over here

>> No.22547218

Intellectual intuition is only one of the innate ingredients to the good life. Good looks, potent and persistent health, sheer analytical power, a lush and prolific imagination, especially in dreams, the capacity for easy laughter or pleasure upon slight or quiet provocation. Not everyone has it, nor ever will.

>> No.22547226

Do you have a fiverr or something?

>> No.22547251

What is a Christian social group?

>> No.22547256

no, i post stories i write to ao3 and get work via word-of-mouth. i thought about doing the patreon route but thatd be even more soul-crushing than what i already do since id have to put on a public-facing happy persona instead of just doing it through email

>> No.22547257

I don’t think so. I regularly try to talk to God, but I am a sinner.

>> No.22547263

Today would have been our 7th year together. Time flies! I've been through a lot but I can't move on. This is fucking stupid and I'm pretty sure angels are like 'what is this nigger doing again instead of bettering himself?' whenever I think of you but I have no one else to think about.

I miss you. Happy not-couple birthday. Just wanted to write that down somewhere. Bye.

>> No.22547270

Cyrano de Bergerac. It's not a novel, but nothing in any play or novel makes me laugh out loud like it does.

>> No.22547307

What should someone do if they had a lot of hope for their life, but it it hasn’t gone well?

>> No.22547319

>"played" guitar for 7 years
>still fucking garbage
>still fumblefuck around the fingerboard every couple lines
>still can't switch chords fast enough to stay in time
I should just sell all my instruments and fucking kill myself.

>> No.22547321

Join your local church

>> No.22547356
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My wife is in treatment for alcoholism.
I want to fuck another woman really bad in her absence. Not just fuck but passionately fuck. Yet I want to stay chaste to her too.
She's the first and only woman I've slept with. I had a kind of pagan chastity for her before I slept with her, so I never took up other opportunities to sleep with women. Shortly after losing my virginity that chasteness began to fade. There's so many gorgeous women out there and I just want to make passionate love with them.
We have a young kid together. We've been together for many years now.
I saw a woman while shopping in the grocery store today. As we were both absently looking around our gaze met for a moment before we looked away. I did a double-take. She was so beautiful, she had such striking features. Her face was quite lean and held a haughty expression, yet she was a bit shorter, almost squat. She had a huge ass and hips, and nice little tits. A beautiful pear. So regal, yet like a dumpling. A lovely combination.
She did a double-take too. Our eyes met yet again.
As I was shopping I hoped I would walk by her in the aisles. By the time I got to the register I hadn't seen her. But as I was walking out the store she was being rung up.
I've never done something like this, which probably explains how I ineffectively obsessed over her. I walked slowly to my car. I took an extra long time to start it and pull out of my space. Meanwhile I snuck glances at her through the store windows. I slowly left the parking lot and slowly drove down the street away from the store. This allowed me enough time for her to walk out of the store so I could see what car was hers. I had a compulsion to follow her, or take down her license plate so I could look her up somehow. I didn't though, just drove home.
I hope I see her car in the parking lot next time I'm there though. Sometimes I wish I could pause time just so I could soak in a beautiful woman.

>> No.22547366

>telling the judge that justice is the advantage of the stronger after I plead guilty and thank him for his leniency in 48 hours of community service

>> No.22547371

I actually fucking hate that I was born. Being alive sucks for SO many fucking reasons its unreal. I could rant about it but I can't be bothered.

I don't even want to die because that's ALSO bad. It's such bullshit. You're in a bad situation with no good options, and the assurance (!) of a bad option. I'm gonna fuckin die. You'd think that would be good but I fear death.

>> No.22547379

No one asked to be born. But yea our world is only a bad day of God's.

>> No.22547401
File: 122 KB, 736x736, 407A073F-E57E-4957-B5EA-9B58B82C226B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go online for job
> make account for company site and spend an hour on the application
> do this for a month straight with either an email telling me they said no or complete radio silence
How am I supposed to get a job? I can’t even find gig work

>> No.22547437

I'll get some things righ and fuck up a lot in life but I'm sure I'll still be ashamed of sucking at Dota before dying

>> No.22547475

I can't even pretend to want to die, even under the worst possible circumstances. I'm not at all convincing at that. But there are certain conditions of life I insist upon, and have attained for the most part. I've long lost all my fear of oblivion, but not my lust for life.

>> No.22547490

i just played cs2. the graphics look really good and i have a shitty video card. like they look way better and my frame rate is the same as the old graphics. valve underrated for that one.

>> No.22547492

Try emailing the HR department of the company a day or two later saying how interested you are in the job. Make it sound better than that of course.
If you aren't already always upload a resume even if the company's application asks for all the info you provide in the resume anyways.

>> No.22547529

Just wait until the dragons arrive.

>> No.22547533

ireland fucking sucks cock can't wait to leave this shithole trailer park excuse for a country.

>> No.22547543

A woman is an object, but a man is nothing. A man alone has no worth to the world. A women will always have her body and that will always be valuable to someone, somewhere. A man is his profession, his money, his contribution, the sum of these and nothing more.

>> No.22547545

Tell me more. I have quite a lot of Irish ancestry and have always wanted to visit.

>> No.22547552

>will always have her body until it hits the wall
Fixed it for you, no need to thank me.

>> No.22547559

imagine a dirty trailer park that smells like piss full of lasy pasty whitewash with cheap tattoos and ugly accents and you'll have a good idea of the place.

>> No.22547575

it's friday night, i feel like i should stay up and do something fun like watch a movie or play videos games or i should do something productive like write code or work in maya, but i'm going to bed. fuck it.

>> No.22547580

I don’t get what drives someone to make an extremely low effort OP on /lit/. Like nigga, why?

>> No.22547585

I hate feeling responsible for my housemate

>> No.22547587

The value a man has is always to others. So, for a valueless man it means that no one has seen any value in him to themselves. So, what else is there than to create his own value to himself. If a man has no value to anyone else atleast can be valuable to himself.

>> No.22547600

for fun

>> No.22547630

It depends as much on one's nature as much as on one's circumstance. I'm a comparatively frail little guy, but usually cheerful, and from a more than usually fortunate background. Sometimes I can't believe how well I live, and have done.


>> No.22547662

How do you stay cheerful? People tell me I look miserable, but I’m not surprised by that.

>> No.22547688

That sounds like the worst 5% of where I live. As far as accents go, they're amazingly uniform here, just as cultured lexicons are appreciated and respected here: The prosperity of this part or this part of the world must be one of the world's best kept secrets.

>> No.22547693

I'm better off not talking.

>> No.22547708

I just am. I have a young face for my age, and younger voice. It just happens that way. People like that. Especially women.

>> No.22547712
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>None of the PDF sites have the book I'm looking for.

>> No.22547715


>> No.22547730


>> No.22547756

Damn dude. I wanna kms right now. Life is so unfair.

>> No.22547758

I feel so ashamed that I’ve lived with my mother for so long at my age. I’ve realized how bad this was for me, for her, for my siblings, and just how embarrassing it is. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I have a remote job, but not a good one. I have to just pick up and move somewhere I guess and forget about this whole period.

>> No.22547797

Rather often I sleep to deliberate excess, just to roll the dice of alternate worlds, more or less as in Le Guin's novel. More than half the time it's a noticeable improvement, richer architecturally, more amiable, more sociable than she ever imagined it could be. .Even the desolate regions in it are serene, and about the worst frustration you'd experience is trying to find where your car is parked in a huge regional mall at night.

>> No.22547806

You'll be fine.

>> No.22547826

I don’t know about that. Things haven’t gotten better in my life in a long time, maybe ever.

>> No.22547858

You sound just like my dad. He left ireland 20 years ago and never plans on going back

>> No.22547859

it only gets worse.

>> No.22547867

I should kill myself.

>> No.22547879

It really is a tragedy how we stomp on the exquisitely vulnerable minds of children. I have a song that still plays out in my head habitually that our music teacher would make us sing in fifth grade. Thankfully, it's an innocuous little Italian melody. I shouldn't even like to imagine the squalid interior of a young mind plagued with today's grotesquerie.

>> No.22547883

Reading introductory books on philosophy and the whole time I'm just thinking about how useless philosophy is. Like I'm reading about Kantian ethics and how true freedom cannot contain any degree of coercion, and then I open twitter to see a bunch of leftist trannies spewing venom, absolutely seething with resentment and casting aggressive moral judgements against their enemies because some people don't think children should have the freedom to castrate themselves. This behavior is just so far removed from the views on ethics that philosophers had that I don't see the point in viewing them as groundbreaking thinkers who changed the world. They would all fucking kill themselves at the sight of the world today

>> No.22547898

Comparisons of this sort are hard to make. My life has had ridiculous ups and downs, but I've nothing much to complain about now.


>> No.22547906

Should I binge this manga and then start another book or should I read them both at the same time?

>> No.22547913
File: 26 KB, 477x492, Fj-0h8bVsAAZxXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People often lament about ipad babies but ipad boomers are just as irritating. The lack of social etiquette for using their phones are practically 0 with these old fucks. They'll blast their reels, shorts and videos on full volume in public spaces. Yet, no one says anything about it.

>> No.22547915

Don't. Go anywhere, do anything but that.

>> No.22547970

Such is it on the bus.

>> No.22548004

I have psoriasis around my butthole but I'm too ashamed to visit a dermatologist

>> No.22548069

I'm gazing. All I do is gazing, only looking at. Viewing events. Unable to grab, to engage. They don't see me. I'm not there.

>> No.22548071

I found pictures of when I was twenty and in college. I was handsome and strong and thought I was so smart. That's time I'll never get back

>> No.22548088

I need to get the FUCK out of here I can't RELAX. I WANT TO GO HOME!

>> No.22548095


Life once again has handed me lemons. I will throw them away, and do my own thing.

>> No.22548105


There are lots of people - just like you - that think the same thing and want the same things.

If you all have access to the same internet, how will you find one another?

>> No.22548116


Applying to local places in person is 10x the impact of an email resume. You need income.

Then begins the long hard road of becoming specialised and transitioning to a better job.

>> No.22548121

I don't recognize myself

>> No.22548129

Life gave me tomatoes.

>> No.22548139

I recognize you, anon. You're having trouble with self-recognition? But I see you and don't have trouble with that.

>> No.22548177 [DELETED] 

Ash to ash. Dust to dust. The phoenix rises.

>> No.22548201

I look in the mirror and see a body, but not myself. like looking at a puppet

>> No.22548217

The mind is invisible, so it doesn't reflect light.

>> No.22548281

Wish I could do this.

>> No.22548350

My best bud is gonna have a crappy birthday because I’m short on cash

>> No.22548395

Are you setting up his birthday?

>> No.22548400

Here's my plan.

>I get a VR headset.
>I get a pedal and steering wheel setup.
>I get a driving game.
>I practice driving in the game before I go for my licence in real life.

How does that sound?

>> No.22548413

Buy a store with a large parking lot
Keep the store closed
Buy a life-sized car with 1:1 accuracy
Practice driving the car in your parking lot

>> No.22548440

No, I don't have anyone to sit in the seat next to me.

>> No.22548485

Sick unto death of insidious fucks selling pipe dreams to deluded naive idiots online. It baffles me that people aren't equipped, not with critical thinking because that would be too advanced actually, but with good olde innate cynicism to dispel whatever illusion of hope these scams elicit in victims.

>> No.22548586


Everyone is just using quick fixes to fill the holes inside themselves, anon. You waste enough time trying to help them, but they never listen. All that is left is to seek out others like yourself, and embrace the future.

>> No.22548619


>> No.22548634

>weekend to myself
>no responsibilities
yeah, im thinkin its time to hit the addies and spend the next two days lifting and writing

>> No.22548669

Although born and buried in pre-revolutionary Europe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau perfectly exhibits the prototype of the modern man, the cultured man, the intellectual man, the classy man. Owning a right to vote, rich enough to afford a basic education and understand something about the world, a brief description of his character, the positives, intelligent, creative, sociable, open-minded, positive, insightful, thoughtful, the negatives, deranged, crazy, mentally ill, scatter-brained, sometimes paranoid, sometimes struck by feelings he can neither comprehend himself nor describe, total confusion, finally impotence; the first modern man.
Today everyone is like this, everyone who has something intelligent, genial, anyone who has any sort of deeper comprehension about things at the same time is sabotaged by a crazy derangedness that counter-balances the former, positive quality and almost nullifies it. I will even make a juxtaposition of the modern globe as a whole to societies like Aztec, who present, in small, the very last stage of cultural and societal degeneration, to merely imaginate their very upper classes, their literates and scribes painting these codexes I can find no other word for but deranged. These were the last utterings of intelligence and art their most talented people gave. Civilized, cultured, the sustain of civil society, deranged, mad on the other side, as if suddenly struck and paralyzed by a disease there was no possible cure for.
It would be possible to look away at Aztec as something of the past and unaffecting to us, if it wasn't for our very own art becoming increasingly ugly and hideous every year. These are our burial monuments, those are our most brilliant architectural innovations.
The disease seems to have struck everyone in the Western world, everyone who until this point was not struck by it, as if all sanity has abandoned the entirety of the Western Civilization. This is saying that all the beta orbiter societies that until this point were healthy because the Western society was healthy, because they exist for no other reason than in reaction to the Western Civilization, supreme, not immediately collapsing, but because the metaphysical reality upon wich their reason of existence has ceased, are starting to slowly but steadily quantum implode right now. This can be well observed by watching the most random TV talkshow or news right now; a few sentences in themselves might make sense, but coldly analyzing the entire discussion as a metaphysical whole it reveals itself as nothing but a meaningless blobble.
And even if it means generations and generations to come for the final stage of degeneration to come upon the earth, even if we might think that we are able to let those problems to those very generations to come and ignore them ourselves, we might be able to calmly live our lives, if it wasn't for the creepy realization that the cold and rapacious hands of death have already gained a grip upon us.

>> No.22548723

My headphones just died (They're not wireless, they're just fucked) so I now have to switch to my other pair and only one side works on those, it's gonna be so weird listening to something through only one ear.

>> No.22548990
File: 159 KB, 1280x858, 1663200580665417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to use other peoples ideas as my own

>> No.22549068

Like a direct copy or influenced?

>> No.22549074

Buddy showed me a story he wrote and I don't have the heart to tell him it sucks. Don't want him to embarass himself but I also don't want to be the one to hurt his feelings.

>> No.22549081

When I was a NEET right out of High School, I spent months playing nothing but Gran Turismo and Assetto Corsa on wheel. It really didn't help me whatsoever getting my actual license a few years later, but my reflexes when driving are way better than if I hadn't. I know how to deal with stuff like losing traction and sliding or any other extreme maneuver the game teaches you. Good luck on your driving test!

>> No.22549083

Don't tell him it sucks, just tell him where you think he went wrong and give him some constructive criticism, how can you watch your friend do poorly and not try to help them? What sort of friend are you?

>> No.22549085

When I want to relax I go for a drive around my town in the evening. It does absolutely nothing useful for me and I objectively would get more out of using that time to develop a skill or something but I keep doing it.

>> No.22549095

I've given him constructive criticism but it really didn't go anywhere. He is convinced that if his friends are 'trying' to look for something to nitpick then his work has to be inherently good, which makes no sense to me.
I've given him pointers and specfic sections I thought could be redone, but it's like talking to a wall sometimes.

>> No.22549161

>He is convinced that if his friends are 'trying' to look for something to nitpick then his work has to be inherently good, which makes no sense to me.
He's right in a sense. If you're handed something to criticize and you have to try really hard just to find small criticisms then the work that you're looking at is good. Also, if he's really as stubborn as he sounds then there isn't much you can do for him, talking to my mum is also like talking to a brick wall, it took me about a month of bringing it up every single time I saw her cooking to at least put salt and pepper on the food and sometimes she still "forgets" to do it.

>> No.22549164

>I objectively would get more out of using that time to develop a skill or something but I keep doing it.
This sentiment is just cope. Because I say the same thing to myself as well. If its a skill that needs to be learned you have priority of it.

>> No.22549166

The history of religion in the West really is just a rebellion against orthodox Christianity and a slide into Luciferianism, a consistent fall from grace.

>> No.22549198
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I live with my parents and we go to a Baptist church but I also have been learning about Orthodoxy on the Internet and reading Saint Maximus the Confessor.
The pastor at our church is kind of a bluepilled normie in a lot of ways. Now don't misunderstand, he is a conservative, he is against the left wing woke agenda and so on, but mostly in a bluepilled normie way and I have found that he is largely blind to the deeper conspiracies that many Orthodoxy people know all about, such as how the globalists worship Moloch, the mind control "vaccines", MKUltra, propaganda in movies, feminist witchcraft, UFOs as a demonic deception, etc.

>> No.22549210
File: 393 KB, 1280x1279, 1280px-Kot_z_myszą.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I mean is that a lot of Orthodox Christians seem to be way more redpilled than evangelical protestants who are well meaning and nice, but normie tier.

>> No.22549258

I’m not Orthodox. There’s a difference between Orthodox and orthodox. That said, I’m sympathetic to Orthodox critiques of Western Christianity and they say more or less what I just said particularly in regard to Roman Catholicism. Orthodox Christians generally understand that the Vatican has not only reformed their theology but that the actual church is steered by Western intelligence agencies and frankly, that seems impossible to deny when you dig in to their claims. I don’t think Protestantism of any sort is very different from Catholicism however. It’s maybe worse. I did have an affinity for Calvin for a while but I’ve since fallen away from that. I consider myself a non-denominational Christian now. I often feel stuck between that, and abject skepticism. But I’m really pretty convinced that the Western churches are rebelling from orthodox Christianity.

You also have to wonder if it’s just coincidence. I mean, Japanese people are more red pilled that Americans and they’re not Christian at all. So how much does religion even have to do with it? I don’t know.

>> No.22549259
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Also the pastor even though he is against the liberalization of churches, in many ways he is kind of soft and wishy washy on some things, whereas a lot of Orthodox from what I have seen are way more robust and specific in what they believe is right and wrong.

>> No.22549274

It’s not just religion either. Recently, I’ve started to wonder if Western culture has simply disintegrated so much and been so infiltrated with hostile elements that it’s totally unsalvageable. There are just so many things wrong and the situation so bad that it’s really difficult to imagine any sort of scenario where things turn around for a better. At this point, a civilizational divergence seems more likely where traditionally-minded and right-thinking people will just opt out entirely and even then, they won’t really be able to escape but rather will just be dragged along begrudgingly.

>> No.22549279

I want so badly to buy a big house that can fit my whole family, but I just don’t have anywhere near that kind of money. I can’t even buy a decent house for myself.

>> No.22549294
File: 369 KB, 600x480, 1498552343396061030slow-computer-skeleton.hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One who has been terminally online for too long can fall into such depths of degeneracy that the shame will forever taint any chance at beholding something beautiful, any chance of having a story worth telling, any chance at having that literary justification in a troubled life, troubled world. What I mean is, if you have fallen down the rabbit hole into the modern brands of degeneracy which lurk primarily on the internet, even though you feel the wind on you skin on a warm summer night and feel that momentarily bliss, partaking in the simple pleasures of the world, the picture as a whole, the higher perspective that includes you and everything you've done alongside and within that summer night, will never be able to be reconcile your self as anything more than a dirty stain on a seemingly perfect cosmos. There is a reason that, though authors have long written works about depraved and sad men, the vile and the wicked, they will never be able to write a piece which includes the existence of the terminally online protagonist who has spent time on /d/, who plays with alphabet identities (the twitter kind), who falls for shallow trends and obsesses over anime girls, who sucks up frogposter memes, or anything else known too well by users of this website. I beg you young users not to become like me. Do not waste your time here. Truly find your own truth elsewhere, for in the beginning one can shut out the little moments depravity as youthful experimentation, but after enough years partaking in the degeneracy so accessible here, you will realize these acts are a part of you which cannot be separated. There will be no redemption, for to juxtapose such shameful things with the straight and narrow will always be an abomination, will always leave its mark. Any attempt to redeem yourself will be nothing but a cope. Only ignorance can save you, and if you have any desire to change and make yourself better, you will already detest ignorance. And thus, you are left with no path beyond suffering and terrible self-awareness. Leave this place. Don't be like me.

>> No.22549301

The hardest pill to swallow of all the Orthodox red pills is that if you follow their critiques you’re led ultimately to the Frankish thesis, which implies that Western Christianity was ultimately subverted by the Franks around the time of Charlemagne and the whole of Western church history since is merely an unfolding of the egregious acts that were undertaken at that time. And if that’s true, then the West, which I believe gets off the ground at that time with Charlemagne, has never been correct. It means necessarily that religion has never been anything more than a means of control for the West and the piety we saw from the Franks to the Puritans is nothing more than a historically contextualized spirituality expressing itself through the only thing available at the time: Christianity. As materialistic modern people, what hope for us is then of returning to Christianity? Well according to Orthodoxy, we need to either abandon our whole culture and flee to the East or abandon traditional religion entirely and accept a slide into progressive post-modernity

>> No.22549418

What sort of credentials does someone need to become a successful author of non-fiction? Do most of those guys have graduate degrees?

>> No.22549513

>can’t even buy a decent house for myself.
I wish I could be in your place. I cant even afford down payment for a loan to get a studio apartment in commieblock.

>> No.22549521

Lmao, Christianity was based because it set the moral foundation for the establishment of Medieval caste society. Without it, no empire of Charlemagne, no Holy Roman Empire, and swathes of Turks and Arabs rolling over a continent that lacks any conceivable form of social cohesion. Basically without Christianity the world would have become like it is today, degenerate and dying, just without the technology.

>> No.22549534

But that’s a pragmatic argument. The Orthodox argument is that the West was never even properly Christian at all, but rather just happened to be more right ethically than wrong at that particular time, much like how the Japanese today mostly behave basically like Christians without being Christians at all.

>> No.22549548

Neither can I. I can afford a $1400 rent and no more. I can’t even qualify for that. I have a chunk of cash but it’s not even enough for down payment and I can only qualify for a $150k home loan with it, which buys nothing in my region. That’s a trailer.

>> No.22549559

Western machine civilization slaughtered millions of Europeans in two world wars and then turned around and saved the lives of many more millions, maybe billions, of Africans and Asians…

>> No.22549606

Doesn't matter. Without Christianity, the Italians would never have tolerated Germanic rule in their country for a long times because of them associating Germanics with barbarism, they might even have converted to Mohammedanism just to stick a finger to the 'barbarian' pagan Germanics.
Italy and Spain would be brown.

>> No.22549709

i love my fiancee. we just get along so well and care about the same things and have such similar approaches to life (and probably therefore art) that it's incredible we found each other. we just finished a rewatch of 12 angry men intermezzo a broader exploration of wong kar wai's work and i hate niggers

>> No.22549742

How come people have no trouble understanding that future AI could do things beyond human understanding but not God who is logically even more beyond?

>> No.22549760
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>> No.22549782
File: 662 KB, 2016x1512, 1678126656413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are propagandized and brainwashed. For most of these people you are not going to convince them with logical arguments, especially if they got the "vaccine".

>> No.22549829
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, 4289238193475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the 4th episode of The Brothers Karamazov anime. I really like it so far.

>> No.22549966

I'm deep diving into specific historical periods for the improbable event in my obtainment of an anime wife to which I shall regale with interesting events after our coital nighttimes to see the glint in her eye from intellectual wonder in maximum bonding experience.

>> No.22550079
File: 48 KB, 250x309, 1661934297441429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the thought that in 6-7 years of working abroad I will be able to buy my own apartment and have the ability to neet there on my own for next 10 years, I transformed my mindset from it's over to it's getting /calm/er

>> No.22550134

> It doesn’t matter
Yeah, because you just completely glossed over what I actually said and started talking about something entirely different.

>> No.22550156
File: 89 KB, 500x608, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only learn about myself through the interactions with others.

>> No.22550184

I have the exact same project but it's not getting /calm/er, it's only getting more frantic the older I get. Estimates show I need to work about 5 years abroad in order to buy a good apartment in my original country, cash. I wish I could speedrun that year and move to better things already.

>> No.22550211

I'm going nowhere with my life, but I don't have enough discipline to get myself out of this hole. I just work, mess around with my guitar, browse 4chan and go to bed.

>> No.22550220

John 15:5

>> No.22550228

The Enigma of Reason

>> No.22550243
File: 197 KB, 550x535, 1665044656484105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately long for the downfall of the United States and the collapse of the entire modern global order.

I no longer believe the modern West can be fixed, and think that only the calamity of total downfall would allow for the opportunity to get at the root problems plauging it.

The West has not fallen but it needs to fall, I want it to fall.

I am prepared to accept this may make living harder for a lot of people. I just don't care.

>> No.22550244

Don't be greedy, anon. In my country I would have to fucking slave for 15 years, saving almost everything while living with parents to buy a shitty square, or take a loan for next 30 years (like hell I would), or pay monthly shekkels for the jewlord. I'm grateful for the opportunity to escape this fate, some of my friends got trapped by not pulling out early enough and making a baby with some whores that abandoned them later, now they have to work 2 jobs and they're barely paying for renting and child support while their exes do everything to fuck their life up. I can't imagine existence like that, it's fucked up how early mistakes can lead you to life full of pure misery. I'm /calm/ knowing that I'm in not this bad situation

>> No.22550258

I wish I could do this without others but it seems that I cannot.

>> No.22550502

Just come to South America. It is the future.

>> No.22550513

>this may make living harder for a lot of people
understatement of the century

>> No.22550522

ive wasted an entire work day on here fml

>> No.22550524

stuck in the same limbo for 5 years now

i don't know anymore. i understand nothing about life.

>> No.22550525


>> No.22550528


>> No.22550530

Inshallah brothet

>> No.22550531

Lol, lmao even

>> No.22550533

But now christians are brown and black instead

>> No.22550536

>it's fucked up how early mistakes can lead you to life full of pure misery.
brutal but true

>> No.22550541 [DELETED] 
File: 759 KB, 1048x1600, tumblr_b0dee659ec276d866516c61003ee39e7_fca8a30b_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of philosophy really is loserish, is about the experience of being a loser, from the perspective of same, yet for that reason is it beautiful, for that reason does it have it its place.

>> No.22550544

That's good for skilled men and bad for unskilled men
Also there will always be some 60 year old fatso lusting over a 40 year old catlady, and she knows it and she hates it

You are mistaken if you think men disagree with you

>> No.22550555

I already own two houses (inherited) and can live on welfare (although I work to fund luxury spending)
Lmao @ you

>> No.22550556
File: 759 KB, 1048x1600, tumblr_b0dee659ec276d866516c61003ee39e7_fca8a30b_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of philosophy really is loserish, is about the experience of being a loser, from the perspective of same, yet for that reason is it beautiful, for that reason has it its place.

>> No.22550562

stfu loser

>> No.22550595

without philosophy you'd be living under tyrants. do you want that?

>> No.22550603
File: 76 KB, 640x548, tumblr_c036033a06222765255d37ebc2b05ba3_192d9f27_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider myself more of a lord of life, in the mold of Lawrence, but that doesn't preclude me from a feeling of kinship, and fellowship of thought, with my loser brothers. You're a lover of literature: who was Samuel Beckett, so shamanic as he was, if not a lord of life, who had sunk by will to the loser pits of tramps and invalids? Who was Dickens, in his foggy expeditions, far from the lighted, public way, down mazy dockside slums? Who was Jesus, for that matter? Who were the ancient Greek tragedies about? Who was Odysseus, the first hero of our literature to have missed out on getting demigod status, and who had to escape the godlings' torments through sheer underdoggish pluck? Who was Shakespeare, "The largest and most comprehensive soul", "a genius who comprehended all humanity, who represented it poetically in all its shades and varieties"? No loser shall be shunned by me, for reason alone that he is a loser; but those who are true, and spirited, born to loserdom's estate or not, shall have in me a true mate always.

>> No.22550612

just like your mom's pussy after I beat it up and shit inside of it

then move to China. you'll love it there, nigger.

>> No.22550615

Not at all. I'm saying I respect philosophy highly: I would sacrifice goats, monthly, on its little wayside shrine, if goats I had.

>> No.22550670

I don't wake up with a boner anymore, maybe that's part of getting older or maybe it's my porn addiction, damn i really have to quit porn

>> No.22550680


>> No.22550902

You don’t really need any

“Terminally online” isn’t a real thing. Everyone besides the Amish and certain anti tech Muslims use the internet daily.

>> No.22550908

My speech pattern is like a kuudere loli Japanese VA but in American English.

>> No.22550920

Plenty of people have the right to be over the shit that’s been going on for ten years at least.

>> No.22550993

It’s ethnocentric. I’ve even come to the conclusion that according to them, you can’t get to heaven unless you’re a Greek or a Slav.

>> No.22551002

I already bought 1 of 2 gifts for him, the other will arrive next week

>> No.22551013

Nice classism

I was gonna ask a different question but is it possible for someone of majority Scottish background to become Catholic or am I doomed to be a Freemason stooge the rest of my life?

>> No.22551016

I just played catch with my grandpa.

>> No.22551039

Don't know where to ask about this, but can you guys help me? Long time ago i saw a video talking about a book where the protagonist accepts to live in a dungeon with books as a challenged proposed by some rich dude, but something happens and the rich dude can no longer keep the challenge and he fears the wrath of the protagonist.
Any one knows which book i'm talking about?

>> No.22551059

How I felt when I started working remotely but it transformed into existential dread within 3 years. We can never not be restless. Even if you were a trillionaire, you’d be kept up at night by thoughts about your legacy, how you spent your life, existential dread.

>> No.22551071

My have just integrated me psyche a bit lads.

>> No.22551078

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bet_(short_story)

>> No.22551088

What is easier to learn? Maltese or Basque?

>> No.22551094

You found it! Thank you!! God Bless you, my friend!

>> No.22551097

>read a book by an author ive never even seen discussed on /lit/
>3 days later, while looking for music, i see his name pop up on some compilation album

something fucky is going on here...

>> No.22551102

Baader–Meinhof phenomenon

>> No.22551105
File: 292 KB, 340x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something fucky is going on here...
This mf knows something
>Baader–Meinhof phenomenon

>> No.22551108

oh and now the demiurge tries to gaslight me

>> No.22551110

>“Terminally online” isn’t a real thing
dumb thing to say when you know exactly what I mean when I say terminally online. Why even pretend?

>> No.22551120

its not dumb considering everyone is super-connected. unless you're some kind of Ted K-style outlier, then explain yourself to why you're using "technology"

>> No.22551121

Spengler agreed

>> No.22551158

Of course scots can be Catholics

>> No.22551199

Anyone else chose to live in a college town despite not being a graduate student or faculty and regret it? I chose to stay here and work for the college, but now that I’m older I just feel like this has been a waste of time and regret not having moved home or to the city.

>> No.22551244

Havent you been brooding about this on this general for several months

>> No.22551264

How do you get over feeling awkward during sex?

>> No.22551268

I didn't choose to, I was born here. why I didn't get in is another story.

>> No.22551284

I just found a PDF for a book and the page count is significantly higher than what Google says the book is. Apparently, the book only has 181 pages but the PDF has 586, meesa very confused.

>> No.22551307

I get hammered beforehand and give myself anorgasmia as a consequence

>> No.22551313

Does the PDF have 586 pages or the actual book pages? Because sometimes the pirated books use the text but either compress it into fewer or expand them into more pages, so the "PDF file" has more pages but the actual book and the contents remain the same, just with a shittier font and font size.

>> No.22551314

You are not your inner voice. If your inner voice says hurtful, abusive things, remind it to talk to you like how you would talk to your neighbor. Because in a way, you really are neighbors with the inner voice inside your head

>> No.22551377

Well, each PDF page has the page number at the bottom like a regular book would but like I said, it goes well past the alleged page count. I can tell you the name of the book and link the PDF if you want to check it out.

>> No.22551381

I’ve tried this and I can’t even get it up.

>> No.22551398

I hate my neighbors too

>> No.22551421

Man what a day

>> No.22551452

Have pneumonia. Spent last 3 days basically vomiting the most vile looking mucus from my lungs, no sleep, bed ridden for days, go from freezing cold to 38+ degree fever. I now realize why this illness kills so many old people. Nothing about suffering as an old person sounds appealing.

>> No.22551719
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Me irl

>> No.22551723

How many people will look back on the past 20 years of their life and kill themselves tonight?

>> No.22551724

>You are not your inner voice.
A scary thought when you think about it.
Mayhaps the self is just exterior voices that become internal

>> No.22551734

Ask this site, it’s their birthday

>> No.22551743

Isn't that what I did?

>> No.22551747

I enjoyed Castlevania nocturne

>> No.22551749

4chan is no longer a teenager.

>> No.22551783

Mom is starting to get old and very annoying, whats the fucking point of talking to someone that just knows she is always right and turns every slight detail into a fucking problem, I will just spent the rest of my life reading books with a huge pair of headphones listening music, I am not giving her the chance to open her mouth on anything I do, you can't control things that don't exist or that you can't see. Why would you ever talk to someone if you are not willing to hear their opinions? To get approval? To feel good about yourself and say "HA see?!! I am right in everything I say and do!!", I never thought I would spend my life like this, I am tired so fucking tired i just want to do the bare minimum and go to sleep.

>> No.22551843

I should kill myself. I'm an ugly incel with no special skills or talents.
People will say things like "you're actually so valuable and beautiful and so many people will miss you" when I make a post like this but it's all empty platitudes. If they met me in real life they wouldn't want anything to do with me either but they can feel like they're Doing Something by posting this shit. Like, wow, thanks, I should have just read some shit off a Hallmark card instead of feeling shitty all the time, why didn't I think of that before?

>> No.22551850

God saved me.

>> No.22551884

>incels turn lookism into a talking point
>onlookers then completely affirm lookism, hating incels for the way they look as well as for their toxic worldview, treating the two as comorbid

What are we to make of this?

>> No.22551904

It's not lookism. Calling a phenomenon an "ism" analogous to racism is the stupidest contemporary trend.
Yes you are judged by your looks and variety of other qualities both physical and mental.
And sometimes that can be unfair but such is life.
Incels are toxic not because they're ugly but because they obsess over their own ugliness.
I've met plenty of ugly people who are very nice and not all toxic.
Incels are very much an outgrowth of "woke" or identity politics, wherein personal problems become politicized and shaped into a political identity.
Everyone throughout all time has known that people are attracted to beautiful people.
There is nothing to be done about it. And seething about it is a tremendous waste of one's life.

>> No.22551919

People who obsess about appearance in general whether or not they're an incel are just annoying.
I tend to feel the same way about incels as I do listening to someone insecure about their body image.
After a certain point it just seems juvenile, self obsessed, and shallow.

>> No.22551994

I don't understand why people dance. It looks so strange and inhuman. I've never felt compelled to spasm my body about. It's too random, like if you decided to speak gibberish for no reason. People are basically coming together and going "blah blah blah walalala baba oooh ook maaa uh uh ooop oolooloo."

>> No.22552034

haven't had the morning wood in a year. I'm just too tired to have one

>> No.22552217

it just feels good to move around in certain ways typically in response to a good song or beat

t. dance enjoyer

>> No.22552269

Not enough context

>> No.22552352
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My mother dressed the cat

>> No.22552361

I'm debating whether I should ask this girl out, I can't afford being rejected by her, a good friend of mine. Maybe I should just masturbate.

>> No.22552374
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>girl is into me
>more red flags than a communist parade
>realize she's too much like me
so the problem was me all along...

>> No.22552516

How are Catholics coping with the Pope’s appointing a slew of progressive Cardinals and instructing them to break with tradition and the past?

>> No.22552528


>> No.22552601

I know what things mean but I don't know how to put them into words. For example, I know what morality is and I know how to use it in a sentence but if you asked me to describe morality, I couldn't do it.

>> No.22552689
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Many such cases.

>> No.22552759

I feel guilty sitting at home binging a TV show all day and I don't know why. I don't feel guilty sitting at home playing video games or jerking off all day but binging a TV show makes me feel like shit despite it being something that I love to do.

>> No.22552765
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>girl is into me
>don't like her because feel like she's a retard or a helpless victim if she can be tricked into liking me

>> No.22552796

literally me.

>> No.22552870

I'm a total subhuman, why can't I be normal like everyone else?

>> No.22552876

just b yourself

>> No.22552881

I'm a subhuman

>> No.22552976

Mayhaps I be watching too much anime. I can feel my mind being influenced and warping around how characters in them are. It's molding me into something entirely new, bringing me on a different path. Nothing can ever be the same for me. I looked into the abyss, and all I saw were big sparkling eyes.

>> No.22553057

It is possible to become deeply, intuitively aware of this in a visceral way. I have had experiences where I have willingly 'detached' my inner voice from what I perceive to be my will, resulting in a state where it speaks freely to me and I feel no control over 'it'. When this happens, it's like something I assume is akin to schizophrenia, my freed voice starts insulting me and warning me about things, including making fun of me for allowing this in the first place. It becomes clear that the specific way you construct your sentences is not something you deliberately control, but, rather it is some part of you that you guide which can do things on its own and feeds there back to you.

>> No.22553064


>> No.22553078

Our poor country lies in Roman decadence. Where there is no longer an aristocracy worthy of itself, a nation dies. Our Nobles are conceited fools and cowards. I no longer believe in anything nor have any views. From Louis-Philippe we shall proceed to the first trimmer who will take us up, but only in order to pass us on to another. For we are without fibre and moral energy.Money has killed everything.

>> No.22553098

nice man, welcome to the club. its actually pretty chill once you get over yourself.

>> No.22553103

Be careful with experiments like these. I can do similar things with "voices," or more like what I think are the "seeds" or initial impulses that become what schizophrenics hear as distinct voices, on the very edges of my consciousness sometimes, usually when I'm very "loose" and "open" (sometimes just waking up, but more often going to sleep while very tired yet forcibly staying alert). I definitely see what you mean and agree that the stream of our consciousness and much of our social/psychological self is not entirely under our control, the higher will steers it rather than being coterminous/coessential with it. But still this is dangerous stuff. These are the kinds of things you were supposed to "look at" with your mind's eye only after years of training with other monks and masters who had probably seen people fail the training and go insane, knew the pitfalls, etc.

The more you look at something the more you are allowing it to come forward and building it up into something more distinct, in a feedback loop since obviously the more distinct it is, the easier it is to look at it further. I would make sure you're anchored in a positive spiritual tradition that gives you confidence so that you can understand things like "oh that's just your subconscious rumbling, that's normal" instead of taking the voices seriously and so on.

Unironically Evola writes well about this in the beginning of Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality, when he talks about how, when you destabilize the stabilized and stabilizing psychological self, but you have nowhere "up" to go (symbolically fore-structured mystical ascents into metaphysical knowledge you are certain exists, e.g. because you are embedded in a tradition and surrounded by people who have experienced it themselves), you will go DOWN instead, i.e., into the subconscious and preconscious realm. It's a little bit like this: We are each in our own small little boat on the ocean, and realizing this, we can jump into the ocean or even hack away at the boat so that it sinks and our only choice is to swim. But if you do this you will eventually drown. That is, unless you FIRST realize that you were never a man in a boat, but an albatross all along, who was just temporarily lighting on the boat for a bit of rest, and now that the boat is gone you will simply fly up into the sky and go where you please.

>> No.22553106

How do you detach from your inner voice?

>> No.22553131

I have been watching videos on YouTube by people with supposedly 70-80 IQ scores, and assuming that they are not lying for views, they don't really seem all that dumb, certainly not retarded. They come across as humble and self-aware of their limitations. Again, assuming that they are not lying, I guess their limitations are probably in areas of memory and abstract reasoning.

I don't think it invalidates IQ, but it certainly says something for the importance of temperament.

>> No.22553141


>> No.22553231

I hate pedophiles with every fibre of my being. They are nothing but lowlife scum. I don’t understand their degeneracy and if I had a button that would magically kill all pedophiles (and only the pedophiles) I would press it multiple times each day.
In fact I would create a machine to press it for me, say once a second, for ever and ever and ever. Their crimes against children are disgusting and vile. They all deserve to die!

>> No.22553281

>sometimes just waking up
This is definitely true to my experience, this seems to be when your mind is most susceptible to this and when i have been able to hold on to this state in the most substantial way. I don't often revisit this specific state, as I have no particular reason to outside of curiosity of what is possible in my mental space, so knowing it can be done is enough for me for the sake of this personal insight. If you know significantly more about this, I'd love more resources or specific references to this phenomena, for the sake of better guidance at least.

However, against the other advice you may be trying to give me, I have undergone much more extensive mental experimentation that has resulted in much more fruitful effects on my mind, for both good and bad, and has left me permanently in different 'modes' of though than what occurred when I first started, some of which took me years to control. This is in part why I'm even on this board in the first place, there was a particular point where I distinctly noticed a difference in the way I perceived order and structure (in language and music etc.) and found that, on reading some verse for the sake of experiment to see what effects might be occurring, I immediately had an intuitive capability to grasp poetry that was just unlike what I was previously capable of, without specifically training by actually reading or listening to poems.

This is the kind of thing that I aimed at in my 'personal training', but I was always surprised to see it manifest in such distinct, unexpected and sudden ways, when I though a lot of this would occur or work out in more gradual and 'smoothly trainable' ways.

I'm also somewhat curious here myself, I'm interested in the different ways other people might think, and I've found that people who are 'dumb' in certain ways can often have intuition in forms that make it clear they have real mental life to them and can successfully navigate their own lives with the tools they have.

>> No.22553294

I remember trying to make a cool lego car as a kid but just felt I had no idea or any clue how to do it while my cousins and brother had great ideas. Felt bad man.

>> No.22553302

Not to mention they ruin every smaller inageboard they can find with their insane bullshit.

>> No.22553314

They’re worse than trannies for that stuff.
Also they give governments and platformarchs the excuse to censor and monitor us.

>> No.22553317

Describe “pedo”

>> No.22553320

>When this happens, it's like something I assume is akin to schizophrenia, my freed voice starts insulting me and warning me about things, including making fun of me for allowing this in the first place. It becomes clear that the specific way you construct your sentences is not something you deliberately control, but, rather it is some part of you that you guide which can do things on its own and feeds there back to you.
Are you me?
I've had the exact same experience and know exactly what you mean. It's not schizo exactly.
It's just the realization as you suggest that one's own internal voice exists in a kind of feedback with yourself--in a very real sense your internal voice is having a dialogue with you.
And at certain points we can become aware this voice is external in so far as in the very act of perceiving it internally, it remains separate from us.
Almost as though the internal voice acts like an intermediary between the internal and external world.
Arguably what I've described is just consciousness which springs from our awareness and ability to perceive of our self from an objective external p.o.v.
Though it also springs from the fact that really our internal monologue is just one facet of our mind. One we didn't even have before the acquisition of language.
The realization of that internal separateness is in many ways the opposite of religious feeling in which a wave of comforting harmony, of togetherness and unity seems to wash over me. The latter feeling is like becoming more myself, of almost becoming very aware of myself in my body and feeling totally at home there. And in such a state i notice the sensible world around me more it all comes alive.
Whereas the dissassociative state also can be spiritual, but in a very different way as rather than harmonizing you're seeing the divisions. Thus state in contrast is possibly more mental, textual, and introspective

>> No.22553347

>How do you detach from your inner voice?
By recognizing that it is a voice, you already have...
Or try this practice. Take your normal inner voice and turn it into a different voice like what you do when you read a novel.
What made the original voice your own and the other not?
Now go further pick apart distinctive elements of your internal voice, and you will find that elements are picked up from other external things--other peoples' diction, ways of speaking
In a way your own voice speaking within is like a fancy reproduction that's learned how to replicate itself, to splice and mix together from all these external sources.

>> No.22553380

My dick rubbed against her butt while passing her in a narrow staircase.

>> No.22553399

You cam also experience it in the throes of depression.
The feeling of shame can arise more acutely this sense of separateness as it's essentially your own voice getting in an argument with yourself chastising another part of your self.

>> No.22553471

If I realize I'm convercing with an american I immediately drop it and go to another thread or board.

>> No.22553475

The worst thing is that these motherfuckers run the world.

>> No.22553503

Anyone who is attracted to a girl 19 years old or younger.

>> No.22553664

happy birthday 4chan. >50% of my life is here, nowhere. never change.

>> No.22553837
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sames brother

>> No.22554015 [DELETED] 

Make a new thread, slave

Yeah that's right I mean you

>> No.22554039

This is all. Thank you for your attention.

>> No.22554077



>> No.22554100

IQ is not always associated with verbal abilities. Williams Syndrome patients are a prime exemple of this. Most of these folks you're talking about on YouTube have below average intelligence but that doesn't mean they have to look retarded.

>> No.22554501

>Anyone who is attracted to a girl 19 years old or younger.