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22543290 No.22543290 [Reply] [Original]

>Gender neutral language is standard in governmental, private sector and academic writing and publications
>BCE has overnight replaced BC
Anyone else notice there was a cultural revolution in English over the last 5 years?

>> No.22543302

Yeah, it's corporate speak is now the norm even outside the private sector.

>> No.22543332

A common one I come across is instead of chairman you get chairperson or just fucking chair. Salesperson is also grating. The language just changed for political reasons in the blink of an eye and it has really gone uncommented upon and completely unopposed. Meanwhile the French lose their shit if someone says le cellphone

>> No.22543341

BCE/CE has always seemed silly to me. What makes this era "common" hmmm? Why does it start when it does? Why not date from the French Revolution if you are that allergic to history? Personally I would prefer we date from Hiroshima.

>> No.22543343

The secularization and trannyfication of English is a sorry sight, yea.

>> No.22543368

Habla Espanol

>> No.22543401

what i rly dont get is why it isnt called BC and AC

>> No.22543405

finna finna be a real word in da dikshinari yo

>> No.22543474

>Why not date from the French Revolution if you are that allergic to history?
Our cultural elite don't know what that is. Despite being in part heirs to the legacy
>Personally I would prefer we date from Hiroshima.
Surrender of Nazi Germany would be a relevant founding date for the new order. Even that doesn't resonate really WW2 was just a wytpepo slapfight. There is probably a future date marking something that they will begin counting from. Probably a cataclysm of some kind that just breaks the continuity of history from Christian-European centric views

>> No.22543561

Germany always loses, the Prussian victories against France and Austria were anomalous. Being able to conquer entire nations with a single weapon, now that's something we haven't innovated in since the Gospels

>> No.22543612

It's because the commies won, just not how they hoped they'd win. They effectively infiltrated the universities and turned all of academia to their side, letting them indoctrinate future generations to come, since they controlled the means of education (but, ironically enough, not production). Of course, the USSR collapsed and China turned capitalist so now they can't dedicate themselves to world revolution anymore, but they've decided to change culture itself instead to compensate. Whether they will accomplish this or provoke a reaction the likes of which hasn't been seen since the inter-war era remains to be seen.

>> No.22543628
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>It's because the commies won
why aren't you communist then,glowturd?

>> No.22543633

I was thinking more in terms of founding mythology. Japan is hilariously being rehabilitated in popular culture. Zoomers believe the nukings were excessive, racist, unnecessary etc. and that the Japanese were victims in the war. You know the war they started. Whereas anti-Nazi sentiment is probably at an all time high since 1945. The good guys vs the Nazis is not going to be rehashed any time soon so that is why I'd say the defeat of Germany was a better morality fable for the post-war order we live in.

>> No.22543669

>Zoomers believe the nukings were excessive, racist, unnecessary etc. and that the Japanese were victims in the war.
there would be no anime without two nukes, zoomers are uneducated

>> No.22543699

Prussian victories were impressive considering they were a third world backwater going against superpowers, and then they become the center of mainland Europe

>> No.22543963

AC, After Christ, implies Christ has left. But Christ remains in our hearts.

>> No.22543969

>Zoomers forgot what team the japs were on
Two nukes weren’t enough

>> No.22544013

Worst thing for me is that it doesn't help their cause in any way. Do more women apply to STEM jobs or university curricula because of it? No. Are they paid equally (in the sense that women aren't a whole part of the population earning less)? No. Etc etc. Grinds my gears.

>> No.22544015

Oh stop it with the crocodile tears OP, this was something to cry about 5 years ago, the pendulum is obviously swinging the other way, stop crying about

>the horror

>> No.22544032

>the pendulum is obviously swinging the other way
>muh both sides are bad
>muh the pendulum swings left and right its just how life goes!
You've just watched English grammar get nerfed for political reasons and seen acknowledgement of Jesus scrubbed from official histories. This is not something that is getting resolved by an American election going red not blue.

>> No.22544044

English is the most expressive and flexible language in the world. The fact that the bugmen have tried so hard to neuter it is inconsequential to that fact. Nothing holds you back from using the full brunt of its potential and the beauty it is capable of. The biggest thing holding back English is honestly how it is written, since it borrows (or steals) so much from other languages it quite often looks ugly on the page, in spite of how it reads or sounds.

>> No.22544052

Idk I think shitting on slang on becoming real is silly. A good amount of words started off as slang anyway and don’t follow any real spelling rules.
I mean are you really gonna get mad over SWAG being a real word? It’s just silly

>> No.22544054

nothing to do with each other, BCE/BC is old.

low effort /pol/ post

if yo want to learn about the history of trannification look up eunuchs in the bible and entire history of the gay catholic church, where heterosexuality is a sin.

i think we're in 2700AUC at this point in time

>> No.22544063

Fall of Rome 2.0
I don't want to live in this Harambe timeline anymore.

>> No.22544068
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>I write to you now, In the two thousandth and twenty third year of our lord and savior Jesus Christ concerning the...

>> No.22544071

or 2528 i think if you count from the founding of the republic, which relates us to that song "in the year 2525"

actually AD is a roman term referring to the joint consulship of this guy and that guy, so every year is AD, it's not a christian thing until they stole it, anno domini year of the master

BC/BCE is a middling term to describe the backwards counting of the years prior to augustus ... and that sort of works but doesn't when you think about it, but nobody inc myself cares

>> No.22544076

Jesus lived for about 30 years so there would be a 30 year gap between the two year zeros. Also >>22543963

>> No.22544101

how do we measure 30 years in terms of tonnage of excrement produced by one man?

>> No.22544200

I can't legally beat the shit out of anyone who spergs out over a pronoun. Neither can the rest of the populace. For this reason it has been widely accepted that gender neutral language is just easier to use since we don't use a romantic language. I would even go so far as to say the old way of speaking is still latent in most all people and is now more of a form of speaking, you have to achieve a certain level of familiarity before suitable conversations can be had in that form.

>> No.22544649

the strange thing about this is that English already is a gender neutral language in that, unlike most other languages, we don't consider a chair or a table random objects and stuff) to be feminine or masculine.

It seems to me like this is something that comes very easily to english and would come intensely difficultly to most other languages; rendering communication to be strained more than it already is between two languages. I mean that this entire thing in the west strikes me as a kind of arbitrary court etiquette being imposed on other countries.

Also the muddling up of 'they' and 'he/she' lends a false impression of "more than one person" to any accusative, giving the sense that, e.g. Jim a has a large number of supporters. 'they'

>> No.22544658

30 years multiplied by 365 shits or thereabouts gives a rough figure of 10,950 defecations at 2lbs a plop brings us to 10.95 tonnes.

>> No.22544669

You just have to go with it. Very few individuals have the power to change anything directly so why risk it

>> No.22544676

>you have to achieve a certain level of familiarity before suitable conversations can be had
Actually.. am I missing something here? We just have to call trannies 'they' if we don't want to all them by the gender they aren't, right? What else is there to this in English?

>> No.22544679


nobody outside of twitter thinks about these things and they only exist on twitter for 5 minutes

>> No.22544706

I've noticed how these fucking shithouse activists always have to pretend that "bro, pronouns have been around forever! They can definitely refer to a singular person you don't know!" - as if that were the issue, as if making this change wasn't an implicit acceptance that gender ideology is real. I hate them and all those spastic kids for going along with it.

>> No.22544721

>not following the gnostic belief that Jesus did not evacuate

>> No.22544780
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>> No.22544787

weaponized retards on twitter is what most of this comes from .... it's amazing how these people ruin everything they come into contact with... i mean, bondage force fem comic are fun, but then you gotta deal with the eldely archibishop in drag who is very serious and unfunny.

i hate priests and authoritarian types

>> No.22544792

>the strange thing about this is that English already is a gender neutral language in that, unlike most other languages, we don't consider a chair or a table random objects and stuff) to be feminine or masculine.
Perhaps English lends itself to an ambiguous kind of faggotry primarily because of this? It does seem to go back quite a long way, the dressing in drag and dressing their babies in dresses, the german-anglo types.

>> No.22544802

>"fat retard" is now "enormously disabled"

>> No.22544805

You. I like you. I will include you in my prayers tonight.

>> No.22544921

The gnosticists are getting uppity.

>> No.22545451

slowly moves toward keyboard
types word

>> No.22545457

No, it's "normal" and "valid"

>> No.22545460


>> No.22545470

lol u got bump'd in


now try and respond to some higher IQ things in this thread

>> No.22545474
File: 31 KB, 343x500, 2016629b-9c7e-5080-8959-a26e6661c77e.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in finnish

>> No.22545479

I blame jews obviously

>> No.22545495

how is this related to chris chan?

>> No.22545502

CWC is a result of the Jewish operation to turn every aryan man on the planet into a broken creature. But wat does CWC have to do with this thread?

>> No.22545511

CWC is a 'they' and a prime example of it.

>> No.22545514

Your honor she still has her penis

>> No.22545724

>>Gender neutral language is standard in governmental, private sector and academic writing and publications
At least they're not doing the thing they tried a few years ago where they were using "she" for everything

>> No.22545750

Nobody cares about the WWII mythos anymore. Zoomers perceive the Allies as another bunch of racist white people, they have no pride in their sacrifice.
If they had their way, they would pick the 1960s as the new beginning of the world. The foundational mythos of contemporary society are rooted in the civil rights movement and stonewall riots. All contemporary virtue is derived from arguing you are the real heirs of 60s activism.

>> No.22545754

At least they're not doing the thing they tried a few centuries ago where they were using "she" for ships, cities, countries, etc.

>> No.22545766

I was referring to the inauguration of the atomic age not petty identity politics

>> No.22545771

Linguistic activism bad, tradition good. Simple as.

>> No.22545776 [DELETED] 

>Why not date from the French Revolution if you are that allergic to history?
I have a better proposition: AUC

Welcome to the 2776 year.

>> No.22545871

People care more about petty identity politics than they do about nukes.

>> No.22545895
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>> No.22545962

If that were true, Turkey would be the most progressive place on earth and Spain wouldn't be the most feminist place on earth.

>> No.22545970

>or just fucking chair.
This has always been a think though

>> No.22545973
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>Before Christs's Era

>> No.22546167

Nobody knows what progressive or feminist means from one country to the next, in all fairness. But Turkey is widely considered fag county in the sunni muslim world if that vaugely correlates.

>> No.22546170

>muh anti-lgbt
>muh jebus
please kys OP

>> No.22546181
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>> No.22546225

did you consider that you were born in the wrong body? like a weevil being cosmically displaced into human form?

>> No.22546572

based troons

>> No.22546617

Yes... yes... it's the "communists". Despite the fact that the communist states have failed, the international clique of "communists" who were working outside the insular communist states have prevailed through their infiltration. Yes, yes, the "communists"...

>> No.22546651

Not that guy but communist is better shorthand for the levelling collectivist politics of today than describing it in detail as south african style incompetence and race politics with a dash of maoist third worldism, anarcho tyranny hastily pasted over a degenerating 20th century liberal gerontocracy. Personally I just call you faggots as a catch all too

>> No.22546666

This is from universities not the boardroom.

>> No.22546671

Communists isn't accurate and generates too much autism from both retarded boomer conservatives and internet tranny marxists
I say lefties or progressives, both of which are strictly accurate, unlike 'communists' or 'jews'

>> No.22546701

>lefties or progressives
You will make chapocells go apoplectic by describing them as progressive or liberal rather than capital L Leftist etc. There is just no point playing semantic word games. Communism is a historic world movement with its origins in Marx. But small c communism is any politics coloured by ressentiment. That is a broad category from socialist mestizo race hustling to corporate head office HR nurse ratched types

>> No.22546829

It's been a long march. I use the old terms. You're still a steward or a stewardess, a waiter or a waitress, a senator or a senatrix.

>> No.22546843

>You will make chapocells go apoplectic by describing them as progressive or liberal rather than capital L Leftist etc
Yeah I realize that but they're objectively wrong and just being spergs so whatever
> But small c communism is any politics coloured by ressentiment. That is a broad category from socialist mestizo race hustling to corporate head office HR nurse ratched types
I would say that's 'leftism' and 'communism' is a specific subset of leftism

>> No.22547283

Humankind is the one that gets me. Firstly mankind is fine, but mixing different words is grating. Instead of just saying humanity rather than mankind, they feel the need to eliminate mankind.

>> No.22547368

I’m not trying to be /pol/ but Jews just hate Christianity

>> No.22547400

This has been a 60+ year struggle and people have bitched and moaned about it the whole time.

>> No.22547841

Keep fighting the good fight. There's nothing more important than what you're doing.

>> No.22548152

they should be referred to by their manner of genitlia and their underwearing; we would know much more about a person if designated thusly:

Vagina Thong - a woman and safe bet she's a slut
Vagina Briefs - a woman and safe bet she's a serious sensible person
Cock Briefs - a man and safe bet he's an 80's enthusiast and a weirdo
Cock Shorts - a man and safe bet he has better things to do than think about his underpants
Cock Thong - danger will robinson danger

>> No.22548155

t. Cock Thong

>> No.22548238

>corporate speak
Just say corpo like everyone else.

>> No.22548482

Bertram was rendered chagrin by the corpo that was droned to him, "I SAID I WANT A PIZZA" he roared into the speaker end of the telephone, only to be told that 'pizza' was not a word that the Chumly Pie House used, and he was apoplectic when it was demanded that he make his request in the lingua franca; indeed; he desired, so he was told, a Chumly Pie with special cheese and tomato flavouring.

"Gods teeth," he breathed, "I desire a machine pistol and a case of hollow point ammunition and a road map to your location."

>> No.22548491

>You know the war they started
Explain Adm. Perry's expedition to Japan.

>> No.22548494

Coddling the feelings of fragile women is gonna be our undoing. I propose public urination no longer be a crime.

>> No.22548497

It’s a just sly way to shit on Christianity which is funny because these same people are deathly afraid of confronting Judaism and Islam

>> No.22548501

>Humankind is the one that gets me. Firstly mankind is fine
a 1000 years ago, yes

woman <- wifmann (female human)

>> No.22548529

wif - german: child, origin of : wife; as opposed to dominus and domina

A lot of the problems and problem concepts in English trace back to German; there's not really any evidence for monogamy outside of this, it's not in the bible or the roman pagans.

>> No.22548550
File: 25 KB, 640x248, what the hell are you talking about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wif - german: child
"From Proto-West Germanic *wīb"
"woman, female, wife"

"woman, wife"

"(derogatory) woman"

>as opposed to dominus and domina
woman: femina, mulier
wife: uxor, coniunx, nupta, matrona, acoetis

>> No.22548651

and why is it derogatory.. keep going and you'll find the root of it being 'child, stupid, inexperienced, naive'

you stupid low level servitor

>latin words domina and dominus do not exist
yeah right

>> No.22548743

>use stupid gay sounding abbreviation
Why would you actually go out of your way to say this? Aren't you ""people"" by nature lazy?

>> No.22548789

>and why is it derogatory

For the same reason why "nice" meant "foolish", and "cretin" meant "Christian".
Because you are a fag.

>> No.22548845

aw baby got its twat bruised, yeah I know I'm fucking right all the time, dumb bitch. Don't reply next time with dictionary garbage when you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.22548862

I haven't been following the debate but you talk like a real dickhead

>> No.22548902

there's no debate, white knight, and no girl either. i was belittling a bellingcat user, so put your sounding rod away.

>> No.22548904 [DELETED] 
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Hello this is just a test

>> No.22548978

>Personally I would prefer we date from Hiroshima
Might be better to date from Trinity, but I agree with the sentiment. We should do that or the first spacewalk.

>> No.22549053
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"And time is counted from the dies nefastus [unlucky day] when this catastrophe began, - from the first day of Christianity! - Why not count from its last day instead? - From today? - Revaluation of all values! ...
Law against Christianity
Given on the Day of Salvation, on the first day of the year one (- 30 September 1888, according to the false calculation of time)"

>> No.22549056

Christianity wasn't even dead back then, let alone now.

>> No.22549063

The "Antichrist" was written back then, and the new scripture was given.

>> No.22549093
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>Monolinguals arguing about etymology and dictionary definitions
Never gets old.

>> No.22549104

AD was the real calendar one, all church dates were in AD. BC was only used by historians, so it was rendered in the vernacular

>> No.22549931

"Weib" is to "Frau" (woman) what "nigger" is to "negro". Different words which you are confusing.

>> No.22549943

>"negro" is to "Afro-American person of color" what "nigger" is to "negro"

>> No.22549997

>the muddling up of 'they' and 'he/she' lends a false impression of "more than one person" to any accusative
use "they" for singular, use "theys" for plural
use "you" for singular, use "y'all" for plural.

>> No.22550009

founding of the city of rome, perhaps?
or 1492

>> No.22550013

>use "y'all" for plural
YOLO (Youth Obeying Lucifer's Orders)

>> No.22550024


>> No.22550028

>2lbs a plop
jesus christ anon what are you eating

>> No.22550153

holy shit, bellingcat autist, that 'proves' my point you drug addled wreck. Why do you bother replying with nonsense and make out like you're right? stupid dysgenic maggot.

>> No.22550154

>use "they" for singular, use "theys" for plural
>use "you" for singular, use "y'all" for plural.
Americans; cringe followed by insanity. One day we will cover that nation in a airtight bubble and leave them be.

>> No.22551940

It's modern newspeak. It has no etymological or any particular school of thought put into it. Another consequence of globalizatin.

>> No.22551968

roman dating is cool, no reason to use unless for some neopagan purpose though
The point, which seems to have sailed over your heads, is that the "Common" dating is literally just renaming Christian dating, it uses the same event to start the clock. If you are in fact truly opposed to Christianity you should use a new dating system, here >>22549053 Nietzsche is quoted as proposing that, though perhaps in jest
space exploration has so far been a nothingburger, though maybe centuries from now some offworld culture may find the moon landing more meaningful than the "Common Era"

>> No.22552085

>Americans; cringe followed by insanity.
"as a plural is found mainly in (Northern) England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, northern Nova Scotia, parts of Ontario in Canada and parts of the northeastern United States (especially areas like Boston where there was historically Irish immigration) and in Mexican-American communities in the southwest"

There's nothing wrong in plural "yous" for "you"
So, there is nothing wrong in plural "theys" for "they"

As a bonus it would also eliminate that pesky "-s" at the end of 3rd person verbs.
They think (he/she thinks)
Theys think (they think)

>> No.22552138

>space exploration has so far been a nothingburger
True, but the ability to leave one's home planet carries extraordinary symbolic significance.

>> No.22552143

>There's nothing wrong in plural "yous" for "you"
It's a colloquial run off when they say this, "you is, you are," when "youse" is said it's usually like "youse people" meaning "(all of) you/your people,"
so no duh, it's just broken English or proto-ebonics
>So, there is nothing wrong in plural "theys" for "they"
duh duh duh duh duh no

>They think (he/she thinks)

Well I've have heard this being used and on balance 'd rather just call Chris Chan a he or a she. Calling him 'they' gives the impression its more than one psycho, whereas calling him 'she' introduces a female bias to the person unfamiliar with the depths of his depravity, whereas calling him him/he/maggot/it unites him back with his class and caste.

Actually I'd be all for 'it' in these cases since it's far beneath being male or female; both would be insulted to be equated with him. As a Man I am disgusted by him from long history past.

'They' also lends itself to a schizoid disassociation as much or more so, probably more, than misgendering (i mean calling them what they want) as it fosters a sense of multiple personalities.

And of course it makes it confusing in the accusative sense; "they ran through the store pepper spraying people" is to say that a group of one or more (did the action) whereas it was a solo act.

Since you seem overly familiar with this:
What I'd like to know is what person or people are making these things up? Where is this even coming from? Whoever it is they are woefully unqualified. I could do better.

>> No.22552161

Pol pot kind of had a point

>> No.22552171

>Calling him 'they' gives the impression its more than one psycho,
Calling thee 'you' gives the impression there are several people behind your monitor. What dost thou have to say to that?

>'They' also lends itself to a schizoid disassociation
>it fosters a sense of multiple personalities.
Reappropriating 'they' for singular, and introducing 'theys'/'they all' for plural removes the number problem.

>And of course it makes it confusing in the accusative sense; "they ran through the store pepper spraying people"
"theys ran through the store pepper spraying people"
"they all ran through the store pepper spraying people"

>> No.22552175
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It's still applicable; the current year is the consulship of [politician A] and [politician B], the actual digit of the year is not important at all in measuring their performance. In fact, if you use Domitians metric then the current year is the consulship of simply [the two richest people in the state] who are defacto in charge by merit of having the most capital. Address your wishes to those two people to change something you don't like, rather than pestering ceremonial dignitaries in the senate.

loik oi said: AD refers to this already, the digits are the superfluous add-on: >>22544071 as AD (domini or dominae) is a plural, it refers to two. note: it's not Anno Dominus which would be "year of One Lord" but Anno Dominae "YEAR OF THE LORDS" referring to the two consuls elected for that year.

so really it doesn't even need changing or thinking about, it's just one of those many many many funny things that reveals a roman pagan foundation to everything around us; like the calendar itself.

rom invic

>> No.22552178

abject nonsense, you refuted nothing said and reiterated the thing I had just debunked.

>> No.22552183

Who the fuck are those "you", thou keepest addressing? Thou art speaking only to me!

>> No.22552189

>Where is this even coming from?
Probably some ESLs, whose language doesn't differentiate 'he/she' pronouns, but differentiates from 'it'.

>> No.22552196

You know, I just realized the romans already have the answer to this, it's the plural suffix in vocative:

dominus (the mr master said this)
domina (the mrs master said this)
domine (mr and mrs master, you said this)
dominae (the mr and mrs masters said this)

if you're looking for the actual gender neutral it's the 'domin' function and then the vocative suffix of 'e'

now refer back to what i said about dominus and domina being superior words than husband or wife, as they don't refer to vastly different functions which lead into the local cultural gender things; you can't alter 'husband' or 'wife' without changing the function and rendering the altered word into a gibberish, but it comes easier this way.

English of course does not possess vocative and so makes this almost impossible.

>> No.22552198

>English of course does not possess vocative
You think that, o faggot?

>> No.22552203

I don't think so, English has way less gendered language than most other languages; table and chair are feminine things in some languages, etc., whereas English is blunted in that regard and easier to manipulate vs. other languages where gender is in every word,

It comes easier in English to do this than other languages, is my point, and it's essentially impossible to do in those other languages.

>> No.22552210

>than most other languages

>> No.22552213

you may find some exceptions i am sure but these do not refute anything;

Doctor does not change as a word depending on whether you are speaking to or about a doctor; Medicus (speaking about him), Medice (speaking to him) etc.

>> No.22552222

>Doctor does not change as a word depending on whether you are speaking to or about a doctor;

In English, you use prepositions for cases. Wanna vocative, add "o" before word. Wanna dative, add "to/for" before word.

>> No.22552223
File: 2.61 MB, 2003x2549, William_Hogarth_-_Absurd_perspectives Whoever makes a Design without the Knowledge of Perspective will be liable to such Absurdities as are shewn in this Frontiſpiece [frontispiece].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha well, you think 'they/theys' applies in other languages? Grammar is not a western construct you realize, if you us the yoruba word for 'they' or the latin word for 'they' you're always going to be describing multiples.

It takes a profoundly cloistered mentality to 1) not realize this implicitly and 2) not care when corrected.

fucking priest.

and we have cloistered coxcombs too
who retire to fuck with language because they have nothing better to do

>> No.22552226

except nobody uses this apart from me when I'm writing funny stories and songs and it is a joke.

>> No.22552234

>You're always going to be describing multiples.
That's why you are told to describe singulars with "they" and describe plurals with another word ("theys" / "they all").
It's like Turkic language group 3rd person "ol" and "ollar", where "lar" is a general marker for plurality.

>> No.22552241

>That's why you are told to describe singulars with "they" and describe plurals with another word ("theys"
nobody has ever 'told' me this apart from you and it is an error in universal logic and universal grammar, on par, as an error, with a non-jew adopting christianity; simply think about the thing for a moment it makes no sense to do so.

i.e. it makes a conversation more difficult not less difficult because of the introduction of things (of which i have already mentioned) and so defeats the actual point of the proposition.

>> No.22552255

MOREOVER I have yet to encounter any m2f.f2m or asexual who has ever insisted or care about this. Basic rationality grants most people the awareness that they cannot force their own peculiar terminology upon all mankind, it is just Sisyphus. Unless the person is just mad or trying to find reasons to gain the upper hand by pretending to be offended, I think given the culture of the english language world is more likely to be the latter option, since this is all they ever seem to do.

>> No.22552262

>MOREOVER I have yet to encounter any m2f.f2m or asexual who has ever insisted or care about this
It's more about simplifying data analytics computer search algorithms. Less word distinction, easier regular expressions in javascript/java/python.

>they cannot force their own peculiar terminology upon all mankind
computers can. That's why analytic agglutinative language drift.

>> No.22552284

Addendum: easier to fill and sort the fucking job application documentation, if all the groups just used the same fucking designator.

All in the name of Gnon, of course.

>> No.22552396

>job applications
Well not really as it doesn't give anything useful and it removes vital data; if a culture has been forced to not differentiate between male and female, by admin protocols, then it'll end up wasting resources and not taking into account basic things: e.g. many medical ailments are gender specific and race specific in either their total cases or the proclivity, if the admin is not doing a basic category search then they'll be clueless as to a diagnosis or assignments. This is reducing the available data by omitting key determining factors and introducing unnecessary ambiguity by doing that, which creates more work and greater inefficiency.

At what point along the chain of receptionists will one of them realize that 'they' (being Peter) cannot possibly be suffering from gynecological disorders or that 'theys' ailment is not related to pregnancy, etc., this is a waste of time for everybody involved, including Peter.

There's a matter of patient preference also; Susan may not want to be seen be a male doctor or nurse, but the computer says nurse Bob is a female or a 'they', but Bob is obviously not a female and being a 'they' is meaningless to anybody.

none of this shit is producing efficiency at all.

>> No.22552422
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BCE = Before Christian Era
CE = Christian Era
Deepcover Christian Academics fooled woketards for years now.

>> No.22552428

>Well not really
Yes, really.


>if a culture has been forced to not differentiate between male and female, by admin protocols, then
as an analogy, imagine 'race':
-you have a vacant position, and the candidates are, say, John and LeBron.
-you have a vacant position, and the candidates are, say, 00001 and 00002.
Stereotypes vs anonymity.
Prejudice vs objectivity.

>not taking into account basic things: e.g. many medical ailments are gender specific and race specific
That may be questionnaired later, if specific need arises. But you do not start the everyday conversation by proclaiming the color of your underwear instead of 'hello', yes?

>> No.22552433

Lmao muh governmental enforced non prejudiced job application
After the collapse it won't matter anyways and society will become segregated after family ties

>> No.22552443

Americans are incapable of communicating without abbreviations and acronyms

>> No.22552456

>vacancies, later questionnaires
What does this matter? It's delaying the point at which the heinous detail is discovered; unless hiring is conducted absolutely with anonymity on pure merit with no trace of personal information, then this makes no difference: a person who doesn't want to hire a Man for this or a They for that will not hire them the moment they realize what they are, it's a pointless exercise for one and two it's totally inactionable.

If anything, John LeBron has wasted his own time coming from France for a job interview only to be immediately dismissed by the interviewer. What if they were forced to him anyway? They wouldn't be happy about it and he wouldn't be happy after the novelty had worn off.

I do agree with the need to eradicate bias on an intellectual level but this is not it; forcing merit (in the manner i described) would be good but it is inactionable as there's no way to make it happen. Moreover the people desiring to hire persons for token status and to hold them up as proofs of the company not being racist or whatever would not welcome true merit either, obviously.

It would be interesting to see the results of true 'blindness' to those things ... it might actually solve the discrimination charge entirely if a company or electoral body was demonstrating that it was using pure merit in this regard; to the point that they had not even met the person before hiring them, ... in practice maybe an experimental company with a lot of personal freedoms would be able to enact something like this, but it ticks no diversity boxes and eliminates the impetus 'for' diversity, meaning that the strongest voices (arguing for your position) would think for a moment and realize that it would run the risk of undoing their work. What if all the hired people turn out to be White Irish Catholics? I could see this happening quite easily lol

>> No.22552471

god of the gaps / gaps in intellect and full comprehension being filled in by made-up jargonism

>After the collapse
ha we wish, doomsdayerism is a sweet delusion.

>> No.22552477

You think English had it bad? German has been absolutely ruined in the last few years, basically a dead language at this point.

>> No.22552508

> ha we wish, doomsdayerism is a sweet delusion
Do you think a society can become mentally ill, homosexual, transsexual, disallow men from entering the top of the work force without ever once being sabotaged from the bottom to the point of becoming unable to do it's tasks, and become desperate, like a bullied woman?

>> No.22552551

There is plenty of IQ 100-120 normie workhorses who can keep it chugging along indefinitely without outside interference.
It will get progressively worse, but it wont collapse.

>> No.22552552

sure, what do you think happened to Europe after the Roman Legions were banned by the church? That was them fearing to hire Men and train them to fight; quite overtly by their own statements, and preferring dumb ox barbarians instead. The society fell apart but the world didn't 'end' - it just got far far worse.

point is: it will continue to rot until the necrosis is cured.

>> No.22552554

late antiquity < early middle ages

>> No.22552562

the roman empire 'fell' when the legion stopped being the citizenship ladder;the legion built the roads and trained engineers, etc., without it there was literally nothing to maintain what existed.

>> No.22552563

Ehh, I wouldn't be surprised if there came a 10 year period of anarchy to the West in this Century.
The Roman Legions sucked during the 4th Century already, they couldn't even defend against literal primitives going through the border, pillaging and killing people, raping women, etc.

>> No.22552571

>Legions sucked during the 4th Century
of course they did, they'd already been hollowed out by that point. The ladder of merit which enabled all citizens to be trained vocationally for 14 yrs and tested in hardship, to provide a working legion and new citizens, as well as capable commanders, this was the thing that they were afraid of having because for some reason the legions and their capable commanders were not happy at being mismanaged (sent to their deaths) by pompous eunuchs or small children who knew nothing of reality.

>> No.22552588

>Roman Legions
>That was them fearing to hire Men and train them to fight
No, that was:
-lack of land to distribute to solders for their service (no one wanted some distant cold german swamp shit)
-lack of ability to conquer more land (too distant to travel and tax)
-lack of precious metals (necessary for soldiers to pay for things in 'no questions asked'-mode)

>their capable commanders were not happy at being mismanaged (sent to their deaths) by pompous eunuchs
they were not happy at being mismanaged by a huge over-the-top bureaucratic monster, that bit more than it could chew.

>> No.22552593

Well, early Christianity might have played some role in the fall of Rome but mostly it became widespread because people believed it might do something against the ramping degeneracy that had built up during the Late Roman Empire.

>> No.22552625

>lack of land, et al.
Yeah this falls under the same banner: hence rebellions hence fearing to train Men to fight. Barbarians were considered more manageable, same as today, in that it was figured that without rigorous training they would be unable to offer real resistance in the event of rebellion; it wasn't thought much of, apparently, that the reason the Legions became angry and rebellious would be the same reasons that the Barbarian Foederati would also become angry and rebellious.

Actually the later byzantine strategy of simply playing one tribe off against another seems to have been the trend. But in both instances it would just be easier to have a good army and take care of it; it's more the case, then, that corrupt urban officials are incapable of possessing a good army or taking care of it.

As Wu Zhi says in Lun Jiang.

staffed by eunuchs and civilians, and freed slaves for that matter.

>ramping degeneracy
That's the narrative we're given, sure. I don't believe this however since the christian accounts are a tissue of fantasies and reveal the same persecution mentality as people have nowadays.

It was and is very bad, as a religion, but understanding the cause of how a strong people become susceptible 'to' demented cults in the first place is where the real solution is.

>> No.22552636

ed. for context:
I mean that the decline of the Legion occurred for the same reasons as Europeans feared to employ men historically; preferring child or slave labor, since they fear being outdone by the ladder of merit. Their total efforts are directed internally against their domestic citizenry and they lose to external threats that a functional society would never be worried about.

i.e. the effort to weaken the home state to maintain a profligate command system capable of staying in power is really what happens when the barbarians spill over the walls, many being welcomed in by the demoralized citizenry.

>> No.22552641

I think you're looking at it from the wrong picture. Just because the Romans became pussies doesn't mean the oncoming society became pussy too. Rather, the Roman rule fell under the iron hands of different Germanic tribes, while the Romans themselves, once founders of governments and empires, forever fell into the status of a slave caste.
> believing chinkslop sources
> actual accounts from the era are fake
The truth is that during the time the Germanics broke through the walls of Rome there was little there to be saved by them. Literature, culture, morals, everything was gone before their arrival. What they found at the sight of what they believed a society richer than theirs was a bunch of alcoholic, homosexual degenerates in dire need of a strong hand to be ruled by.

>> No.22552643

The Roman military was the last thing left of it during the last days of Rome. Everything else was gone. Theatre had become pornohraphy, architecture had become construction sites for monuments without taste, science had become pedants and history a rambling old man repeating great things another time invented.

>> No.22552645

>fearing to train Men to fight
more like, Men not wanting to serve faggots like you. Pompous fags who just blurb "you should", as if it were simply a want-problem and not a structural design flaw.

No metals -> no taxation -> no salaries -> no Roman-style soldiers -> semi-feudal feral shit-dwellers.
Provide gold/silver coin circulation at the periphery territories, faggot.

>> No.22552654

>Everything else was gone. Theatre had become pornohraphy, architecture had become construction sites for monuments without taste
Rome never was a seat of culture. All the culture in Graeco-Roman civilization came from the Greeks.
Romans were initially just a war-like savage pest, and then degraded into a useless amorphous mass.

>> No.22552656

Sure, but they still were cultured or pretended to be so during the era of the Republic already. People were writers, literates, scribes, one could go to the theatre and watch great plays, it was an actual civilized society. By the 4th Century, the once great plays had been replaced by slop without taste and spoken in politically correct language, and at some point the theatres became replaced by strip clubs.

>> No.22552669

>became replaced by strip clubs
"the clash of cultures between the mores of sexuality in ancient Rome and in Counter-Reformation Europe. An unknown number of discoveries were hidden away again. A wall fresco depicting Priapus, the ancient god of sex and fertility, with his grotesquely enlarged penis, was covered with plaster. An older reproduction was locked away "out of prudishness" and opened only on request – and only rediscovered in 1998 due to rainfall. In 2018, an ancient fresco depicting an erotic scene of "Leda and the Swan" was discovered at Pompeii."

>> No.22552682

> jewpedia

>> No.22552694

> the Romans became pussies d
> doesn't mean the oncoming society became pussy too. Rather, the Roman rule fe
>alcoholic, homosexual degenerates in dire need of a strong hand to be ruled by.
ah yes the standard christian narrative that the romans, who were christian by that point, were weak for some reason and needed saving by the invading army who were suddenly great people. Doesn't make any real sense. It's a cope, on the part of the conquered, to flatter and appease their conquerors. Quislings, and Jewish quislings at that.

'IF' the barbarians foederati had one more than squat in the husks of roman cities, playing dress up with roman honorifics, for the subsequent 1100 years I might be inclined to take them more seriously.

>science had become pedants
Can't forget either that the christian mobs, before the barbarians arrived, had been burning libraries and torching temple hospitals under the pretense that knowing how to do scientific things was a form of satanic magic. The "Magi" were the doctors, engineers, etc., who derived their powers from the worship of the worship of demons.

If I was a Roman alive at that point I would've joined with the barbarians too, be they gothic or islamic, just to get revenge on the eunuch administrators who had done this.

>chinkslop sources
It's not about 'roman empire', it was the general of the first emperor of china who wrote about this; on why the enemy chinese states were so incompetent and prone to constant rebellions - written circa 200AD. The same principle applies to governments anywhere; if they're shy to train men or allow their citizens to work, the reason will always be corruption and the desire to maintain a profligate state of affairs; as a strong state with a strong people would get rid of those people.

What's the use for a doomsday cultist wandering around making predictions which never come true when you have a learned society who can predict things accurately? What's the use for a ceremonial princeling or elected boob to stand around pretending to being charge of an army and carrying himself with airs and graces when you have a cadre of battle-hardened officers who can actually lead and win battles? Same principle.

> Pompous fags who just blurb "you should", as if it were simply a want-problem and not a structural design flaw.
Well I have no fucking clue what your'e trying to say here.

>> No.22552707

>. All the culture in Graeco-Roman civilization came from the Greeks.
yawn, demonstrably untrue in every single way: roman republic was formed by witnessing the chaos of the greek democracies and the roman culture and gods predate the greeks via the etruscans where the roman gods actually came from.

this is goyslop that's been believed by idiots for only a couple of hundred years and began as a mythos after being introduced by that byzantine platonist from morea - whose name i forget.

lol "sure"

>> No.22552728

>the chaos of the greek democracies
>>hurr, muh tyrannies, oligarchies, diarchies are democracies, durr...

>> No.22552735

I don't get what you are trying to say here. Large part of the 'foederati' weren't even Christian during that era. After all, it was the Romans who first made Christianity their state religion. Most people were atheists during that era anyways, and what was left of the pagan religions (in the Roman Empire and among the Celts) was nasty priests doing sex with hogs and other wild beasts for 'enlightenment', and of gathering a hole bunch of homeless people and others at night and lighting them up in flames.
> Furthermore, the Western court had lacked true power and had been subject to Germanic aristocrats for decades, with most of its legal territory being under control of various barbarian kingdoms
Ahh yes, it was because of Christianity that even before the fall most of the Roman territory was de facto already in hands of Barbarians, and not because the Romans had simply become cucks.

>> No.22552760
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>nasty priests doing sex with hogs

>> No.22552772

I'm sorry fellow shitposters but I kinda have to remind you here that Rome was a mistake.

>> No.22552785

No, it's not. 'Devas' is the deity derived from reason, Brahma by excellence of the Brahmin science. 'Bhagavaan' (Hindi), Bog (Slav), God (English), is not dissimilar, the original meaning of the word means 'the Hidden'.

>> No.22552797

>I don't get what you are trying to say here. Large part of the 'foederati'
Yes, this is correct, this is why the christian narrative of decadent pagan romans being saved by upright german christians is fucking bunk.

>democracy = oligarchy

Oh you mean 'true democracy' that the greeks surely practiced in very very very ancient times, oh sure, let's find examples of that, the 'civilization birth' of america in ancient greece, whatever hahaha

>> No.22552806

>Oh you mean 'true democracy'
No, I mean that oligarchs are not demagogues. That is, they do not rally up the fucking demos mob to charge at you, for being an obnoxious incompetent faggot.

>> No.22552813

Germanicus sparing your life was a mistake, German, Titus sparing your life was a mistake Christian.

we will correct this one day with time travel and flamethrowers.

>> No.22552820

The demagogue is always a slave of the mob, he can't tell them to do anything or go against their impulses; an oligarch is a person inside a democracy who is riding on the chaos. There's no difference. Neither have any control to prevent chaos.

>> No.22552848

> decadent pagan romans being saved by upright german christians is fucking bunk.
Lol, the Romans weren't decadent because they were pagan, they were decadent because of the reasons explained above.

>> No.22552875

>(pagans decadent, human sacrifice)
lol are you trying to gas-light ? the romans crushed human sacrificers and body mutilators under their feet (until the jews lol), in fact in the same year that historical jesus was crucified Emperor Tiberius crucified the entire priesthood of Moloch who refused to stop sacrificing babies.

The crucifix in many ways was actually the symbol of annihilating degeneracy in all those was you described; such people would simply killed. The cult of Bacchus, for instance, was outlawed since the days of the republic.

etc. etc.

>> No.22552880

also, decadence v. bad leadership, two different things, one skirts examining the corrupt command structure and blames the powerless citizen.

>> No.22552890

If you would have read carefully I said the Celt and Italiot pagan customs had become decadent.
The same does not apply to the Germanic pagan religion.
Ehh, when subhumans can't stop arguing about the goods of an equal society while there's Barbarians full at knocking down the city walls just 1km away from the parliament I would call that decadence with bad leadership

>> No.22552893

So it should be post Gagarin

>> No.22553054

>Germanic pagan
Almost no information about this survives so you can make-up what you like. As far as I recall it was the same as the celts; a matriarchal society that required women screeching at men and calling them cowards to get them to run to their deaths against superior opponents.

>arguing about the goods of an equal society
It's not unlike our conversation here; you won't do what I say and I won't do what you say whilst the society burns.

I don't actually wonder why mindless christians were considered 'usable' by constantine sometimes..

>> No.22553072

> lmost no information about this survives so you can make-up what you like. As far as I recall it was the same as the celts; a matriarchal society that required women screeching at men and calling them cowards to get them to run to their deaths against superior opponents.
Lmao they had an entire pantheon of Gods, much of it was even saved and documented in texts that date from as late as the 12th Century of our era.
They also believed that the soldiers who died in battle would go to Valhalla to be received by Odin himself in his sky palace.
They also believed that rich people went to heaven, while the poors and the slaves fell indiscriminately into the dark pitches of Nifzlheim.

>> No.22553086

Also matriarchal lmao what Jewish sources are you reading
There are a few accounts of women going to arms but they could not participate in politics or own land, an a daughter could not inherit the Odel

>> No.22553099

>As far as I recall it was the same as the celts; a matriarchal society
You don't know what matriarchal means.

>> No.22553126

>Address your wishes to those two people to change something you don't like, rather than pestering ceremonial dignitaries in the senate.
brb going to xitter to let elonius africanus know my thoughts

>> No.22553129

>Lmao they had an entire pantheon of Gods, much of it was even saved and documented in texts that date from as late as the 12th Century of our era.
compiled by some converso freak named Snorri. I'm sure he was truthful when he wrote about Odin being worshiped by sucking the cock of a hanged man. Believe that shit if you like.

yeah faggot, the roman accounts of the celts, ruled by women and shamed into waging war.

This by itself could just be roman propaganda except that it resembles northern europeans throughout all history, from the earliest accounts of the greeks.

come back to me when you've raped a woman.

>> No.22553136

Except Odin is the Germanic God and not the Celtic God lmfao and the Celts aren't even that Northern. In the 4th Century BC if I recall correctly they inhabitated as far as Northern Italy.

>> No.22553155

>no its a celt
>no its a german
>no the germans were pagan
>no the germans were christian
i'm getting pretty bored of talking to you and debunking every thing you say only for you turn the tables around.

>> No.22553167

Lmao keep seething
Sadly a Celt is not a Germanic

>> No.22553172


>> No.22553175

you need to learn geography, trannyboy

>> No.22553185

There's no records of Celts in Scandinavia and this is where the Germanics originated from.
Keep seething.

>> No.22553192

>There's no records of Celts in Scandinavia and this is where the Germanics originated from.
Okay so we're back to germanics and not celts, right? So now return to the original debunk where germanic paganism is proven to be made-up by a chirstian converso named Snorri.

lawl, stupid little child

>> No.22553196

The foederati were not Celt, at most swathes of Celts ruled by Germanics

>> No.22553213

>(non sequitur)
1) Foederati means "ally", a berber or an arab is a foederati, king herod was a foederati
2) there's not really a drop of difference between celt and germanic in reality,you were talking about german paganism from the 12th cent being "what beat the romans" in the 3rd century, but you're jumping defending the argument that they were christian germans
fuck this,your logic is terrible lol

also, you know, germanicus's genocide led him up into the baltic sea btw, perhaps you're right ad the celts were good guys all along and it was the evil germans all along. as a brit i can go with this.

>> No.22553248

> foederati, king herod was a foederati
Ok, fair enough.
> there's not really a drop of difference between celt and germanic in reality,you were talking about german paganism from the 12th cent being "what beat the romans" in the 3rd century, but you're jumping defending the argument that they were christian germans
> fuck this,your logic is terrible lol
A Celt is very different from a Germanic. Not only in religion, where the Celts were basically ruled by their priestly classes, while among the Germanics until Christianity religion was separated from politics. For instance, a priest could not become a Drottin, the elected magistrate of the confederated odels, private properties owned by Jarls and Karls.
> it was the evil germans all along.
Lmao, the evil Germanics destroying the Roman Empire, they saved the little that was left of it during their arrival.

>> No.22553697

again, the source for this is a christian converso, and this is 12th century, are you saying that the baltic people were racially distinct from the celts? or rather that the germans, celts and romans had a totally unique pantheon? fyi the pagan pantheon and ancestor veneration is pretty much the same across the world, with some minor differences. Or major corruptions lol

I mean, the celts and romans both possessed Hercules under different names for instance. The only real value about the romano-etruscan (other than that etruscan language is more germanic in its script, showing continuity from the amber road) is that the Romans preserved these things better, we only know about the celtic gods for instance due to the romans where 'twin' temples of gods of the same thing are venerated together.

To suggest that the baltic-germanics were in anyway different is just false, it requires a lot of proof to make that case. It's more likely that the viking era stuff you're talking about was a much later development, even then it's all so bizarre that the few sources for it become suspect. Whereas the physical evidence displays a culture not greatly difference from the celts, in terms of art and script; the clitoris worship, etc.,and beyond that you'e also cutting the germans off from the massive celtic expansion into anatolia and north africa and crimea, where they were known and recognized to be ancient celtic colonies. I mean Galatia, things like that.

>they saved the little that was left of it during their arrival.
Still not sure why people feel the need to claim things like this; the roman military had been hollowed out by the civil wars and then the christians and they couldn't field competent armies so they lost and got beaten. Nothing unique about that, happened several times in romes history due to inept admins.

A parallel is the rise of islam, btw, all of the roman provinces in afric and asia suffered the same thing from the same cause; the people despised the abuses of the christians, see: paul catena or the histories of may of those places where the christian elite would force an entire city to vacate the streets so they could hold a religious parade without "being offended". The tolerance of this and the respect for Old Rome kept people passive only until a better alternative came along.

Also ask: how did Rome go from conquering continents with a single Legion a la Caesar to failing miserably to win single battles against rabbles of starved drunks? The situation had been reversed, from causes I mentioned earlier in this thread; the Legions and the Citizenship had been trashed long before the barbarians set foot across the rhine or the danube. A Flavian or Antonine Legion would have effortlessly slaughtered those people, and a Sullan Legion would have erased the word 'German' or 'Muslim' from history.

shout out btw to october, month of the Victory Games of Sulla.

>> No.22553706

Also, re: degeneracy, it was almost singularly the legion which functioned to force good behavior into the citizenry; they fasted and abstained from drink and meat, well as provide vocational training in engineering, etc., a person who had not completed 14 yrs of that was unable to old government office or qualify or exercise the rights of citizenship beyond that of a child.

Now, did this high bar come back under the germans or christians? No. / case closed

>> No.22553711 [DELETED] 

You're worried about meaningless shit like BCE and not the fact that everyone speaks like a nigger caveman these days?

>> No.22553757

The Germans clearly had a different pantheon than the Celts. You yourself are saying it, that the Celts worshipped Roman/Greek Gods as soon as they fell under Roman influence. It can even be said that even under the Roman influence Celtic religion didn't change that much. The Roman legionnaries used to tell them that what they called Gods were just barbarized disfigurations of the names Hercules, Mercurius etc. What was left of their religion was the powerful order of the Druids, but they were quite fucked up. They would gather at night to torture a bunch of people they had collected and finally burn them up in a big fire.
What you don't seem to know about the Germanics is that they came from Scandinavia. That they had a different pantheon than the Celts is beyond a doubt. Freya and Thor, Germanic Gods, were often used as names for children until well into the Middle Ages, even today. But also the fact that they didn't have a theocracy like that of the Druids. And there's several Eddic poems, not just those from Snorri.
The title of Drottin was used throughout the Middle Ages, it is a governmental designation, just like Graf, and other governmental institutions like the Thing, in German Sache, unusually similar to the ethnonym of Sachsen (Saxons), as in the Sachsen being an ethnicity that does Things.
'They knew two modes of private property: the odel and the feud.
The odel belong without restriction to it's master. The odel did not pay taxes. It constituted a real sovereignity.
As long as he was chief of the family and proprietary of an odel, his reports were reduced to little things. Together with other warriors he elected a magistrat to preserve national peace, that the Scandinavians called Drottinn and other nations who sprang from then Graff. Chosen among the oldest and noblest races, among those that could claim divine origin, this exact pendant to the Hindou viçampati exercized on his subjects the most restricted authority, if not the most precarious. Under this simple empire, every Arian, sovereign in his Odel, wasn't more bound to his national neighbours than are the different states constituting a federation.
This governmental form, useful in times of peace, was absolutely incompatible with the state of war.'

>> No.22553823

For their military organization, :
'As soon as the Arian entered in campaign, he recognized that very particular reports had to intervene between the chief and the soldiers.
A well-known warrior appeared at the general assembly, and proposed himself to command the planned expedition. Sometimes, especially in cases of aggression, he even revealed the first idea. In other circumstances, he merely submitted a plan of his own that he applied to the situation. This candidate for command was careful to base his claims on his earlier exploits, and to make use of his tried and tested ability; but, above all else, the means of seduction which he could employ most happily, and which assured him of preference over his competitors, was the offer and guarantee, for all those who come to fight under his command, that they will be assured individual advantages worthy of their courage and covetousness. There was thus a debate and an overbidding between the candidates and the warriors. It was only by conviction or seduction that they could be led to engage with the entrepreneur of exploits, glory and spoils.
It is understood that much eloquence and a somewhat esteemable past were absolutely necessary for those who wanted to command. They were not asked, as the robbers or graffs, for the greatness of birth; but what they absolutely needed was military talent, and even more boundless liberality towards the soldier, for there would have been only dangers to follow their flag with no hope of victory or reward.'
> you'e also cutting the germans off from the massive celtic expansion into anatolia and north africa and crimea
Well, yes, the Germans did not participate in the Celt expansions, they are not the same people. They have been in mainland Europe for much longer than the Germans. Their conquest of the Pyrenees and Iberia dates to the 17th Century BC.
> the people despised the abuses of the christians
And they also hated the Romans, straight up. Why put so much importance on the implementation of a new state religion?
> ow did Rome go from conquering continents with a single Legion a la Caesar to failing miserably to win single battles against rabbles of starved drunks?
Because of that very reason. The more continents they conquered, the more people came to Rome. A lack of social cohesion resulted from that, too many people with too many different interests, increasing discontentment with the ruling classes, they might have dwelled fine as long as there weren't any serious threats but at some point it became too much. If there would have had social cohesion they could have successfully fought against the invading Barbarians, but the truth is most of the citizens didn't even care, they hadn't even been born in Italy.
Also the Italiots had lost the right to bear arms during the Late Roman Empire, without this leftwing clause maybe the Barbarians would have been stopped (by paramilitias) before arriving at Rome unharmed.

>> No.22553842

>that the Celts worshipped Roman/Greek Gods as soon as they fell under Roman influence.
No that's what the pantheon was about at all; the Gods 'are' the Gods - alright let me explain this to you naked and wearing a lupercalia wolf skin - and are the same wherever we go, it's that binding commonality and plurality in the subtle differences from place to place that is what the Romans were all about.

The celtic Hercules was Ogmiyos who led people around chained to his tongue, symbolizing his silver words.

So Odin is Hades, to an extent, as is Shiva, etc., but that's not really what the german pagans are saying hen they claim to be totally different to the celts or their neighbors. Given that they cannot be different the only answer is that Snorri made up a lot of garbage designed to repulse the norwegians away from their ancestors; sucking a corpses cock to gain favor with a god, for instance, is disgusting, nobody in their right mind would do this, so its propaganda. When Snorri is done away with there's not very much to go on.

> The Roman legionnaries used to tell them that what they called Gods were just barbarized disfigurations of the names Hercules, Mercurius etc
true, in that Baal was a barbarous corruption of Jupiter and Ares was a barbarous corruption of Mars. USUALLY literalism is the reason for the barbarism, as literalism brings people to absurd acts.

Loki, for instance, is the proto-indo root for Logic, Light, Moderation and Literacy (Liber and Logos) so it's a bad sign that the Baltics 'distrusted' this personified element as a kind of devil trickster. This 'cannot' be right, in other words, so it has to be fake. Although the corpse cocksucking is the most obvious sign of the whole thing being propaganda... and I will say, propaganda on par to the central christian anti-roman sentiment where the most popular and most featured god of the pantheon, Faunus-Pan the Satyr; the god of light entertainment and mockery of pompous persons, is made into the literal devil. Same thing, no doubt, but going on later: where logic is demonized by the same party.

I don't know about these, to be perfectly honest. But if I look them up and find they were written in the christian times I will not be impressed with this claim and the evidence will not be changed.

>German to Aryan to Hindu
ah i should've guessed lol

No I do know they were migranting from Norway and 'thralled' the mainlanders and were repelled by Germanicus, but my point was about the distnction ebtween them and the celts or for that matte them and the other inhabitant of the baltic, like the sami or the people on the edges of russia (whose names i forget) who had a forest-type religion not unlike Mars Silvanus or the Illyrians around the danube.

>> No.22553883

contd. from: >>22553842

I think that the Baltic Germanic things you're talking about were real, I'm not suggesting they were made-up, but that they had to be organic developments from the Scandi themselves, probably during those two centuries when the Romans barred them from mainland Europe (as best they were able) and that those things, what truth there is to Snorris claims (i think very little truth) was not reflective of their culture for all time but fr later developments. Imean that from the Augustan age to the Viking age was - 600 or 800 years ? the difference in time between norman england and victorian england; meaning that things change and grow, or decline lol

>hey also hated the Romans, straight up.
They hated them yet they saved and protected them? Makes no sense to your main argument that the germans 'saved' the romans.

> a new state religion
It was terrible, chiefly the era post-constantine just before julians election there was a empire wide crisis of christians abusing their positions. They had been elevated into senior government positions also, taking the place of the elected assembly (ecclesia in greek) and effectively ending the ability of the people to elect representatives outside of the military route, which was also being damaged and replaced by foederati.

> the Italiots had lost the right to bear arms during the Late Roman Empire, without this leftwing clause maybe the Barbarians would have been stopped (by paramilitias) before arriving at Rome unharmed.
disarmed and mollified, the romano-britons and romano-gallia suffered the same.

I agree with all of this, it's not a refutation to anything I've said.

>Germans =/= Celts
So who are the Germans? They aren't indigenous Europeans after all? That's good to know lol - i doubt this strongly but I'm interested in the case for this

>> No.22553990

I mean the Icelandic sources on Norse paganism can be trusted for sure. They were full-on pagans until the 10th Century and secretly probably even longer than that. The thing is that the religion was passed down orally, so the only sources can have been written by scribes and therefore Christians, or people who had been Christianized.
> sucking a corpses cock to gain favor with a god, for instance, is disgusting, nobody in their right mind would do this, so its propaganda.
Ok, I don't believe they did this, I mean other things like the pantheon itself is irrecusably Germanic and not Celtic. The Celts even had an own alphabet, Caesar confounded it with Greek but it's not the same, even in modern day Swiss governmental houses remnants of this alphabet can be found, the Swiss being a people that has preserved nothing of the Celts but their name itself (Helvetia).
> but my point was about the distnction ebtween them and the celts or for that matte them and the other inhabitant of the baltic, like the sami or the people on the edges of russia
Are you confounding the Baltics with Scandinavia? The Baltic is another geographic region, part of mainland Europe and inhabitated by yet another ethnicity, not Germanic, not Celt, not anything, close to the Slavs at best if it wasn't for their pagan religion pantheon itself being entirely different and comparable to Hinduism at most.
> ah i should've guessed lol
Well if you were searching a pro-paganism source this is probably the best, it even says that the Germanics originally did not have anthropomorphic depictions of their Gods, although this is an assumption that can be debated.
> were real, I'm not suggesting they were made-up, but that they had to be organic developments from the Scandi themselves, probably during those two centuries when the Romans barred them from mainland Europe (as best they were able) and that those things, what truth there is to Snorris claims (i think very little truth) was not reflective of their culture for all time but fr later developments.
The Germanics were not banned from mainland Europe, the Germanics on mainland Europe have been coming there during times where perhaps Rome itself had yet not been invented. Some were successfully conquered by the Romans especially in the South while others held the front successfully and constantly disputed the conquests of the Romans. Their political institutions are as old as Rome itself at least, Herodotus describing the Sweoni (definetly the Swedes, as they call themselves Sweons to this day, without the latinized 'd' in between) as being a monarchy in 475 BC.
> Makes no sense to your main argument that the germans 'saved' the romans
Well to be fair I didn't say they saved them, they saved their institutions or what they comprehended of them.
> was terrible, chiefly the era post-constantine just before julians election there was a empire wide crisis of christians abusing their positions.

>> No.22554011

> So who are the Germans? They aren't indigenous Europeans after all? That's good to know lol - i doubt this strongly but I'm interested in the case for this
I had read a chapter in a book about them that says they are the Sarmatians - modern Ossetians - and the Roxolani who came from Scythia, riding horses and wagons, to Europe. So they would have gone from Europe to Scandinavia on wagons, Scandinavia being almost unpassable without the construction of ships, to then, in Scandinavia, build sea-dwelling nations inhabiting mainly islands. As the Swedes are described by Herodotus in 475 BC, as a sea-dwelling nation.
So how does it come that they went from Europe to Scandinavia to go from horsemen to seafarers and how does it come that they didn't leave anything in Eastern Europe until the Viking Era, supposing that it was from Eastern Europe that they made the conquest of Scandinavia in times immemorial?
It's a mystery. Herodotus says that the Swedes had a religion based on sacrifice to the Gods, and they would sometimes even sacrifice their own king if they believed that the deities were unhappy. It is only the Aztec society that can be compared to what little Herodotus gave us about the Scandinavians, and given that they were seafarers, it is at least admissible that somehow the passage could have been done from America to Scandinavia, this might sound like a fringe theory but if we assume that the Scandinavians have always been seafarers, where else did they come from? Africa?

>> No.22554036

Thou canst fuck right off.

German is proof that having grammatical gender doesn't ideologues from ramming garbage into your language.

>> No.22554928

They hate white people more than the religion

>> No.22555376

I know. Based, right?

>> No.22555411

Not just as a founding mythology, but as a very significant marker or turning point in human affairs: the first time the strong nuclear force was harnessed for the intentional infliction of violence. I imagine some sci-fi writer is far ahead of us but I can easily envision this being used at some point in the future as a demarcation: pre-nuclear and post-nuclear. Thanks anon, you genuinely made me think

>> No.22555419

It's cringe. Only trannies like it

>> No.22555423

The plop is an imperial unit

>> No.22555447

anyone have the screencap of the hr lady complaining someone signed his vax refusal "in christ"

>> No.22555467

>Why not date from the French Revolution if you are that allergic to history?
Anglo liberalism is anti-french revolution and anti-napoleon. Continued use of BC/BCE (even if the names are changed) is a result of deference toward religious institutions rather than some apostate campaign to purge them.

>> No.22555492
File: 22 KB, 450x237, 450237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer AC/DC

>> No.22556315

>where else did they come from?
Well no they would've been the same stock as the celts - that is i think the basic assumption; given that the entire region (english south and east to denmark and hano) was more connected by land; and racially they're the same as te romans are racially the same as the celts, according to coin and statue faces anyway. So probably they were cheddar man people in the beginning and would have come from and developed the same celtic culture...

...actually again, look up what the amber road was around the etruscan time 3000BC, a trade route stretching from scandinavia to the gulf of genoa... that was clearly them, whoever they were, because we have the rune script as a kind of common language between the etruscans and the later norse...

....but they would've been cut off from europe by the sea levels, and then the roman limes stopped them from crossing into central europe for a solid 200 years which would maybe account for the differences between the celtic pagan and the norse pagan that probably did exist in the 400s.

I mean that's the basic assumption. ... i think lol

> supposing that it was from Eastern Europe that they made the conquest of Scandinavia
Not much to conquer, in all fairness. If they were looking for a safe place to settle down without too many people then that would be a fair place. It's more likely if they did travel there that they used the lakes to get there, like they used the lakes to trade an raid in byzantine times, wit the exit onto the euxine sea from the baltic... and if that was the case then they would have had to have been the celts or celto-scythians who were settled around modern crimea to modern circassia. I mean I don't see the 'need' to make them out to be aliens to the local people, as if they were foreigners on their own land - the romans had this peculiar notion about themselves as well, i don't understand the need for it.

I suppose you know about that theory that says that Trojan War took place in the Baltic? :D yeah idk

and where were we in the context of this thread again

>> No.22556323

Who the fuck uses AC????
It's AD

>> No.22556609

>Who the fuck uses AC
people in very humid countries

>> No.22556624


>> No.22557023

when you get to pluto man what are you gonna land on? 3/4ths 1/28ths? its all fractions man cause what else is reality but fractions man 9/23rds or WHAT MAN!!???!!

>> No.22557146

The Germanics speak a very different language than the Celts. As already mentioned the theological differences were severe as well, to mention yet another one 'God' in Celtic is Duw, the root of this word is Devas, wich in Germanic builds the root of the word Devil. There's no reason to deny this: the Germano-Celtic split is as old as the Irano-Slavic-Germanic split from the Vedic-Baltic-Celtic-Italiot group in Gorillion BC.

>> No.22557162

And no, I'm not trying to portray the Germanics as some alien group, it'd just strange how a sea-faring nation came to Scandinavia without leaving traces in the mainland until after going on mainland Europe from approximately 1000 BC. So there's no other route than the Atlantic one or the European one but where are the remnant populations of that migration? And why did they go to Scandinavia at all?

>> No.22557218

> One of the first considerations to which the aspect of the Germanic world gives rise is again this, that the man is everything and the nation little. We see the individual before seeing the associated mass, fundamental circumstance, which will excite all the more the interest as we take more care to compare it with the spectacle offered by the aggregations of Semitic, Hellenic, Roman, Kymris and Slavic mestizos. Here we see almost only the multitudes; man counts for nothing, and he fades all the more because, the ethnic mixture to which he belongs being more complicated, the confusion has become more considerable.

>> No.22557236


>> No.22557458

>1000 BC
again, the amber road existed at least as early as 3000BC w/ etruscan villa nova; they were using rune-scratch script, etruscan were buying amber from the northern trade route and selling to egypt,

they already existed, they were there in 3000

if you're overlooking this then you're sort of taking the aztecs as a unique pop out of nothing, ignoring that they came from inca and olmec as the continuity of a single culture

If you want to say those three (olmec>inca>aztec) are different, then ok, technically yes but they're not alien to each other

that's the same roof from roman to celt to hindu, so it's a common universal proto-indo thing, if it's 'said' that this was the german word for "evil god/s" then they're alone in that across the planet..

..i would say that's a proof that that 'meaning' cannot be true and that it as to be fake propaganda from centuries back because it's out of uniform for the species... like... hrmmm... like finding one people out of all people who have invented the shoe but wear the shoe on their heads where it doesnt fit; it is designed for a foot but they put it on the head, this kind of thing, doesn't make sense:

I wouldn't take these later accounts seriously btw, i find the same thing in virtually all places where christianity or islam has been; the natives are sometimes completed convinced through inherited brainwashing that their ancestors were cave dwellers who worshiped evil monsters before their abramic conquerors arrived, not at all true anywhere.

I mean, I'm familiar with this so I can see it here, same pattern.

yay individualism! that's not at all the commercial propaganda that we're encouraged to believe! atomization will save us!

>> No.22557527

That's the fucking point.
The Celts are far longer in Europe than the Germanics.
> If you want to say those three (olmec>inca>aztec) are different, then ok, technically yes but they're not alien to each other
I said the Swedes had a society based on sacrifice in 475 BC. The only other society based on sacrifice to the Gods known to current world history is Aztec society.
Also the Germanics were seafarers, the Celts were land-born.
Gall has the same root as Gomer, the word means STRONG.
The Germanics are derived from the Sarmatians. This ethonym has an entirely different meaning, it means 'DESTROYER OF PEOPLES'. They were a warlike society, much more than the Celts.
> that's the same roof from roman to celt to hindu, so it's a common universal proto-indo thing, if it's 'said' that this was the german word for "evil god/s" then they're alone in that across the planet..
Yet the Slavs denote the word Devas (Djavo, Džava) with Devil, the English, the Iranians having turned the entire pantheon of the Hindus upside down to change the positive into negative and vice versa. While the Balts and the Celts continued with the terms of Duv and Dievas for God, like the Hindus.
> like finding one people out of all people who have invented the shoe but wear the shoe on their heads where it doesnt fit; it is designed for a foot but they put it on the head, this kind of thing, doesn't make sense
Except many more IE groups use the root Devas for Devil.
> yay individualism! that's not at all the commercial propaganda that we're encouraged to believe! atomization will save us!
> Thus placed on a kind of pedestal, and emerging from the bottom on which it acts, the Arian Germain is a creature, which first draws the examination on itself before allowing it to be carried on the environment that surrounds it. Everything this man believes, everything he says, everything he does, becomes more important in this way. In matters of religion and cosmogory, these are its dogmas: nature is eternal, matter infinite (2). The gaping emptiness, the gunninga gap, the chaos, preceded all things (3). In those days, says the Voluspa, there was no sand, "no sea, no soft waves. The earth was nowhere, nor was the sky enveloping. From the bosom of darkness came twelve plumes, which flowed as they froze. "Then the soft air coming from the south, from the land of fire, melted the ice; its drops of water came to life, and the giant Imir, the personification of animated nature, appeared. Soon he fell asleep, and with his open left hand, and his feet fertilized by one another, came out the breed of giants (4). However, as the ice continues to thaw, it provides [...]

>> No.22557889

>the fucking point
What is? That the Germans aren't native europeans after all? Even I'm not going that far, and dunking on my cousin Germans is my national pasttime.

They were god damn celts; I've given evidence showing they exist 2000 yrs earlier and also shown a regional continuity in the etruscan-german-celtic script (which the celts also used), and which -I- believe is the actual origin of the latin alphabet, since it has more commonality to etruscan than greek. There was no need for them to be foreigners arriving on some holiday or something in 1000BC if they were there already doing their runes and trading amber in 3000BC.

>The Germanics are derived from the Sarmatians.
If that's even been demonstrated.

>ethonym, sarmi
or samo(thrake), samos____, meaning coastal or island in the greekish, or The literally Sami; the natives of north scandi around the white sea, or Sarmizegetusa from the Dacians - whose symbolism is not unlike the later norse, thinking about it, and they were cast to the wind by Trajan whose book about them was lost.

What about the ethonym German? That's Latin for Sproutling or Seedling; what does it describe? Sort of like the wild weeds that grow endlessly and require being pulled up for the plants to grow, aka the german menace lol

>Iranians having turned the entire pantheon of the Hindus upside down
Yeah, AKA the inverted form evil=good is always a corruption; in those cases they took their neighbors words and made them out to be 'devils', like the concept of Jin in Islam; it means demon but in Japanese and Chinese and it means ancestor spirit; it means the same fucking thing but one lot has declared the ancestor spirit to be a foreign entity of malintent and made up garbage about it for their domestic audience. If you find this anywhere, 'devas' being cast to be a 'bad' thing then that's obviously what's happened.

BEARING IN MIND of course that these pagans did not have the concept of a 'devil' in their brains in the first place because that fiction was absent from their scoeity so how could this ever be true:
>the Slavs denote the word Devas (Djavo, Džava) with Devil
i.e. it can't be true because the premise of it doesn't compute outside of an abramic context, thus the claim has to be made by abramics.

> The only other society based on sacrifice to the Gods known to current world history is Aztec society.
and celts, germans, romans, phonecians, hindus ... that's not really rare at all.

the Romans were sacrificing deformed babies under the pretense of religion as far as at least 250BC but they understood it was a eugenics measure, they differed from Baal or Moloch whose poor slave society literally believed in a literal god who demanded their babies to eat.

Anyway this is way off topic from the thread lol but.. eh probably is more interesting ... i've forgotten how this came up

>> No.22558283

> That the Germans aren't native europeans after all?
No, that the Germans are not Celts. Anyways, I see this argument point getting nowhere. That their linguistics are different, there is no doubt. There's a hundred Italiot words of daily that are identical or almost identical to their Gallic pendant. Meanwhile German wasn't latinized until the 1500s. The difference between the Celts becomes even more clear when we consider the fact that Spanish, one of the most Celticized nations of the world, hasn't preserved of Gothic, a Germanic language, more than a bare 20 loan words that date to the Visigothic conquest of Spain in the 7th Century of our era. And that all independant political entities in Great Britain that are Celtic or majority Celtic descendance are opposed to the Monarchic, Germanic Rule of the Royal House, like the Isle of Man. You also seem to conflate Germanic with German, the Germans are just a subset of the Germanics, arguably the most Celtized, though more Slavisized than the other Celtized Germanic pendants, the Belgians and the English.
> meaning coastal or island in the greekish, or The literally Sami; the
Facepalm moment. Sami are not even IE.
> What about the ethonym German? That's Latin for Sproutling or Seedling; what does it describe? Sort of like the wild weeds that grow endlessly and require being pulled up for the plants to grow, aka the german menace lol
It's just an exonym. The South Germans are generally Allemanics, 'all men', reminding of their anciently directly democratic institutions like they still prevail in some regions of Switzerland. To name another group, the Sachsen, Saxony proper, the Franks to the East, Puarians, etc.
> i.e. it can't be true because the premise of it doesn't compute outside of an abramic context, thus the claim has to be made by abramics
Perhaps. Perhaps it is also due to the Slavs and the Germanics finding an inherent repulsion for Dieties derived from Reason, the entire meaning of the denotion Devas. Meanwhile Bhagavaan, God, Bog in Slav, is the God that is in the hidden, but everywhere present.
BEARING IN MIND of course that these pagans did not have the concept of a 'devil' in their brains in the first place because that fiction was absent from their scoeity so how could this ever be true
Source? Sounds like made up bullshit.
> and celts, germans, romans, phonecians, hindus ... that's not really rare at all.
Of course, yet when did we see the Romans sacrifice their own Emperor to satisfy the God's? That's literally what Tacitus describes about the Swedes, that they would sometimes sacrifice their own King when harvest did not yield.

>> No.22558291

"It would seem that the feud, reward for the work of the war, a shining proof of a happy courage, had everything necessary to reconcile the favors of the public among bellicose races and very sensitive to profit; it was not so. Military service in pay from a leader repulsed many men, especially those of high birth. These arrogant minds found humiliation in receiving gifts from their equals, and sometimes even from those that they regarded as inferiors based on purity of birth. Nor did every conceivable profit blind them to the disadvantage of suspending for a while, if not losing forever, the plenary action of their independence. When they were not called upon to command themselves, by an inability of any kind, they preferred to take part only in truly national expeditions or those that they felt able to undertake with the forces of their odel alone.
It is rather curious to see this feeling anticipate the severe judgment of a learned historian who, in his hatred of the Germanic races, relies mainly on the conditions of military service, and authorises himself to refuse the Goths of Hermanrik, as well as the Franks of the first Merowings, any true notion of political freedom. But he is not less able to see the Anglo-Saxons of today, this one last branch, well disfigured it is true, but still somewhat resembling the ancient Germanic warriors, the undisciplined inhabitants of Kentucky and Alabama, braving at the same time the verdict of their most brave forefathers and that of the learned publisher of Irminon's Polyptique. Without believing to undermine their principles of savage republicanism, they engage crazily in the craze of pioneering in sold for the promise of gaining fortune amidst the milieu of the indigenous people of the New World and in the most dangerous prairies of the West. This certainly a way of giving a satisfying response to the exaggerations of antiquity and modernity (in respect to the pretended lack of discipline among the Germanic tribes)."

>> No.22558312

Btw I realized Slav languages differ not much from German. The approach is abstract, but everywhere the Germans use an H or no spell, the Slavs put a V. This gives a lot to re-evaluate about the apparencies between the IE-languages, most theories putting the German languages together with Celt.

>> No.22558322

>Allemanics, 'all men'
Alle+mania; lat. Mania; Madness.

>german language
But your premise is that the 'germans' are ethno-culto scandinavians.

Not trying to be rude, this has been a fun chit chat, but your logic on this subject is flawed on a few things here - again, 3rd time Etruscan Amber Road demonstrates the rune carving scandi existed in 3000BC in scandiland so there was no need for a great journey as herodotus describes; unless his dates are off by thousands of years and that's possible.

>yet when did we see the Romans sacrifice their own Emperor to satisfy the God's? That's literally what Tacitus describes about the Swedes
Every Saturnalia; they crowned a slave or a child who ruled over the slaves or the children until March, legend says they killed their king each year, - so this is kind of recorded as an ancient thing amongst the romans. It's a lesson for the slave or the child to be nice and rule properly or suffer the consequences.

point is: it was obviously a thing people did.

>Sami are not even IE.
the devil you say! Have you seen a Sami? They are white people whose reindeer culture is basically where we get the iconography of father christmas from. They are indigenous to kola (not coca colas santa) peninsula, along with the other sibi peoples.

and in your argument the germans and anglo-saxons aren't indo european either so.. lol

who is? me alone?

>> No.22558658

Your just trying to conflate all the Europeans with each other wich is nonsensical. I said the Sami are not IE you stupid prick, they do not speak an IE language, they are not related to the Germanics, how can you be this retarded?and good one at dismissing the gorillion arguments I gave to support the point that conflating all the European groups into each other is impossible, all you can give against is some hypothetical trade routes and muh runes, like of course there was trade, trade happens between different nations usually so goods can be exported for profit. Non-trading nations are poor by default.
> They are indigenous to kola (not coca colas santa) peninsula, along with the other sibi peoples
Yes, they have been longer on Scandinavia than the Germans.
> Every Saturnalia; they crowned a slave or a child who ruled over the slaves or the children until March, legend says they killed their king each year, -
> and in your argument the germans and anglo-saxons aren't indo european either so.. lol
I never said that... or are you pretending that the Slavs are non-IE? Lmfao how retarded.
> who is? me alone?
Maybe open a book about linguistics before debating about it?

>> No.22558822

>(called out on contradictions, refuses to answer refutations 3x in row, verbal abuse begins)