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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 432 KB, 465x622, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2254008 No.2254008 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a stream of consciousness thread flowing?

an elevator was sanctified mid stanza underminding semantic relations and their borders. soma was the only relief for tension and surface refraction opened new doorways to pupil revelation. a digital flower discerning stigma and dogma the wheel was not invented when the egyptians built their pyramids i dont know therefore aliens


>> No.2254021

i dislike the themes of such threads in a way that it sickens me to even make any attempt to post. as I'm writing I always think I'm some kind of salvage whose babble will be unnoticed by other apes and mokeys. A kangaroo is fine too.

>> No.2254027

By stream of consciousness do you mean automatic writing? Because they're completely different things.

>> No.2254028

w;ljkef nlskdjf sdaf;lkajsdl;kfjsa;ldkfj sad;lkfja;lhf[wenfs/ defpikhne'iawenfowebn;flnke
qwo[mefhj;lkefn' pwef[gbwerowehfn 'swepoufa[wiehnf'sa eoifh'wake3jfpenf :AWEofh[we38hfrl;ksdjf

what I just posted is as good as any stream of consciousness writing.

Disagree and you're a faggot who just doesnt get it. 2 deep 4 u.

>> No.2254038

Fuck this awful shit. Please go to /b/.

>> No.2254043

Also, if you think Camus is related, that qualifies you to be worthy of my disgust.

>> No.2254047


What? Camus used stream of consciousness to great effect in The Stranger.

>> No.2254051

Camus actually did something in his work.
This thread is just about various people rambling then having an orgams over how intellectual their ramblings look to eachother.

>> No.2254056


I was being sarcastic. I don't think he used stream of consciousness.

>> No.2254067

I dunno. That bit in The Stranger where he kills the Arab seems a bit like stream of consciousness. Stream of consciousness isn't by definition abstruse, like Ulysses.

>> No.2254071

=( pic was unrelated, i just wanted to see what was going on in other peoples minds. what i wrote was bullshit because i didn`t stop for a second =/

>> No.2254073


>> No.2254076
File: 108 KB, 1013x672, automatic+poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate?
Pic is some of my automatic writing plus a poem I based on it.

>> No.2254077


i like this. a lot. how old are you?

>> No.2254078

Stream of consciousness writing is when you write whatever comes into your mind.

Stream of consciousness of a character (when you're hearing their thoughts) is 99.9% of the time deliberately planned an arranged that way. Hence not stream of consciousness writing.

>> No.2254080

Thank you. I'm 18.

When I write whatever comes into my mind I call it automatic writing/automatism.

>> No.2254083


Automatic writing is when Mediums say ghosts are moving their hands to write for them.

>> No.2254084



>> No.2254085

Or the subconscious.

>> No.2254087



>Automatic writing or psychography is writing which the writer states to be produced from a subconscious and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of the content.

>> No.2254088

cancerous shit, fuck off

>> No.2254095

Unless you think like the way Crime and Punishment or The Wreck of the Deutschland was written I'd start learning some real style

>> No.2254097


the subconscious is not a ghost, neither is the spirit. mediums are retarded, automated writing is usually better than most writing. a retard couldn`t produce automated writing.

>> No.2254108


being a serb i didn`t even have to read crime and punishment to understand it. i`m not asking for critique, i want people to lose their semiotic inhibitions ;_;

>> No.2254113

Let me guess, you're about 17 years old?

>> No.2254134
File: 141 KB, 352x288, 1277339754668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the diference?

>> No.2254136


why, because dostoyevsky is russian and i have made an erroneous assumption about an authors ethnic background? the mentality is similar.
existentialism is a philosophy for people who can`t comprehend anything beyond `deep24u coz i makes meaning out of NON-meaning`. i`ll bet anyone here who avidly googles existentialism and gets off on bbc youtube videos about intellectuals, hasn`t read Being and Nothingness.
i like existential writing but i`m not going to make of it srsbsns like this >>2254043 hipster faggot does

>> No.2254141


stream of consciousness is often strained and feels contrived and is often unintelligible, automated writing is consistent and can provide insight of worth. it`s like a draft vs final copy

>> No.2254144
File: 40 KB, 400x448, 128717442172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2254163

You're the one that sounds like a hipster here. Now go to bed, it's about 6am for you.

>> No.2254164
File: 31 KB, 599x314, trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? If I were to be kind I would call that extremely biased. Realistically though, it's absolute bullshit.

Stream of consciousness is designed to capture the thoughts of a character and is often laboured over. Ulysses is a stream of consciousness novel and it took around 20 years to write.

Automatic writing is when you scribble the first nonsense that comes into your head. It's okay to play around with or use an exercise to get you going, but it's rarely, if ever, going to produce anything of insight or worth as this anon claims.

>> No.2254170

>Ulysses is a stream of consciousness novel and it took around 20 years to write.
Finnegans Wake.

>> No.2254181

Took about 20 years, that is.
Ulysses is mostly stream of consciousness.
Does Finnegans Wake even meet the criteria for SoC?

>> No.2254187


it`s 8.05pm, i`m in belgrade, asshole. you are obviously someone i`m friends with on facebook because i recently posted the op picture on my wall. if you are connected to who i think you are connected to, your circle of friends are the most pretentious people i`ve ever met, it`s disgusting how ignorant you are of everything you claim to know. unless you are someone i picked up on /soc/ a year ago when i was trolling, in that case i am wrong and SOZ

>> No.2254191
File: 111 KB, 492x598, Prognosis-Buttfrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every thread even tangentially related to Camus get so butthurt so quickly?

>> No.2254193


I know right? Pretty fucking absurd if you ask me.

>> No.2254195


ba dum tst

>> No.2254198

Pretty buttsurd, amirite?

>> No.2254202


piss out my assssssssssssss

>> No.2254205

Tacome Tacoma, don't you run from me, don't sway and salute in the old jelly breeze. O' Tacome, come home, do not let yourself end, Tacoma Tacoma, my friend.

>> No.2254211


aw, old jelly breeze

>> No.2254212
File: 35 KB, 320x240, tourettes guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2254218
File: 183 KB, 512x384, ionno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2254223
File: 60 KB, 590x690, faggot with a tuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's our dad!

>> No.2254228
File: 41 KB, 429x309, heard of cows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks, dad

>> No.2254235
File: 281 KB, 1400x1022, the gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you give this up?
Just look at it!

>> No.2254238
File: 33 KB, 360x373, sheeeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got five passports i ain`t never going to jail

>> No.2254241

What's going on in this thread?

Why is /lit/ so terrible tonight?

>> No.2254243



>> No.2254245


>> No.2254259
File: 133 KB, 750x744, marvin-gaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mutherfuckin monstaaah!

>> No.2254382
File: 16 KB, 400x385, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is a disco stick I would like to take ride on.

>> No.2254422

Yeah it's more SoC than Ulysses is really. I actually think labeling something stream-of-consciousness is a bit silly because writing is always going to be that, the distinction comes from whose consciousness is streaming. Ulysses is three different people's "thoughts" throughout the day and where their mind wanders but it's not as if it accurately depicts how a person thinks. It's shaped, like any writing, by the author and the reader, and has a traceable pattern to it. Finnegans Wake, by contrast, is supposed to represent the thoughts of somebody dreaming, which is pure consciousness rather than thoughts throughout a day.

>> No.2256211

What does the pink mountain demand of me? A freedom's ride in night's darkness. Pluck the nipple while you can, forever there lies a pile of fools. Make the life of the end the fruit of the now as your dukkha ceases to the hoof of the trough. In short, maserbombs

>> No.2256221

I know it;s you. Should I say nothing from this point forward? Be recognizable in your answer.