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22539888 No.22539888 [Reply] [Original]

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a transgender mulatto twerking on the ruins of western civillisation... for ever

>> No.22539890

i don't want a vision of the future. Fuck off to your containment subreddit

>> No.22539895

>western civillisation
No such thing. Only nations and individuals.

>> No.22539896

dont listen to this guy, he is the one that needs to leave

>> No.22539902

that's like saying there is no such thing as bodies only organs exist

>> No.22539916

False equivalence. There's no central thing called 'western civilization'. There never was. There's nations. The body is the nation, the organs its institutions, the blood its people.

>> No.22539919

>weirdo freak nationalist (american) can't see the obvious overlap, similarities and exchanges between western countries and deny it exists

>> No.22539936

If you're not a nationalist, you're doing it wrong. There's not muh west, only your nation. Muh west = nebulous. Nation = concrete.

>> No.22539975

You realize you can be a nationalist and also see a commonality between your nation and others. Even the fucking nazis did this.

>> No.22540035

The chinks are the final boss and will sweep up the remains of a Judeoniggerized West. There's a reason all these tech companies are in bed with them.

>> No.22540044

Who is the west? Is cuba the west? Is australia the west? Is south korea the west? Is brazil the west?

>> No.22540127

Europe west of Germany, North America, Australia

>> No.22540155


>> No.22540291
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>> No.22540552

epic literature

>> No.22540555

Korea and Japan are probably the best bets to be under.
the chinese are going too dystopian with surveillance (although even their people are destroying it)

>> No.22540585

>arguing semantics

>> No.22540594

(the idea of) the west has fallen

>> No.22540601

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22540679


>> No.22540684

Why did we have to become the bad guys? Somehow, it wasn’t enough that we were simply skeptical, atheistic. We had to become as gay and subversive as possible…

>> No.22540704

It's still genuinely worse in other parts of the world. The faggification is so aggressive on the West because we're the only ones who can genuinely put a stop to the madness if we set our minds to it. Other cultures are too stupid or submissive.

>> No.22540727

This. Non-whites become gay at a much faster rate and with less brainwashing.

>> No.22540744

Worse in a material sense, I agree. But what many of those third worlders have kept is their sanity. They usually don’t preach outright retardation and they don’t parade around the freak show. Only Westerners insist on making the world black trans atheist vegans that are fully vaccinated with all 4 billion vaccines. We’re the e only people for whom it’s not enough to be like dirty or violent or money grubbing materialists. We have to be as gay as possible as nerdy as possible as freakish as possible basically and we have to insist that it’s good and normal. And that’s especially tragic when you consider the incredible medieval culture and classical and biblical roots that this freak show came from. The third world didn’t used to be something so remarkable, not in my opinion anyway.

>> No.22540832

wait, other world cultures just hold their 'values' to be more important than market share/profit, right? The defining element of The West today is that it has made profit and value extraction and property rights the highest goal -- and every social change /pol/tards mourn is downstream of that. Atomized individuals with zero social traditions are the ideal consumer.

>> No.22540835
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wtf is a sandwich?

>> No.22540839

Medieval Christendom was perhaps the freakiest time and place to ever exist

>> No.22540861

I disagree with that. Westerners have started to gladly forsake profits for their social crusades. After all, we happily send our State Department around the world flying a pride flag even though it offends business in other countries. We simply don’t care.

>> No.22540985

son has a bigger prefrontal cortex than her

>> No.22541078


Jews rock!

>> No.22541086 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Why only banned on /vg/ eh? Coz you think we invade only that place? Why not banned globally this time? Nigger afraid no more vistors hahaha nigga

>> No.22541092

The view closest to truth is probably a reconciliation of the two: the frenzied pursuit of profit is pushed on the majority of the population, then there’s a 1% (maybe a bit more than this, maybe less, it’s just a figure of speech) to whom money is relatively “worthless” since they already have so much of it. For instance, think of the people who own the banking system, and/or own politicians through intelligence-agency blackmail, own various multinational corporations, etc. For them, it’s more about power and their corrupt, twisted form of idealism at this point (in a political and not philosophical sense — an idealistic view of what they can and should reshape the world into, and I don’t doubt they even think it’s “for the ultimate good” in their own sick, megalomaniacal way). At that level, having enough wealth and assets that they’re comfortably set for the rest of their lives, as are their children and descendants, the scrabbling for money probably just seems like pieces of paper the masses go foolishly rushing for, not conceiving that there are higher-ups with motives beyond just simple “profit” within the confines of the system they created and control.

>> No.22541323

reagans greatest mistake was to close the mental asylums across america

>> No.22541342

was just thinking how this possibly relates to sandwiches
hahaahahahaha holy shit at the billboard, the graphics team made his skin look blacker, wtf are they going for? who is the appeal? weird shit

>> No.22541358

also as a lifelong vegetarian i can assure the rectal tampon wearers in subways ad department (600 days pedophile incident free) that the notion of wanting eat something that looks and tastes like meat has no appeal whatsoever for me, and no appeal whatsoever for the people who prefer eating jellied pigs anuses on their bread

no market exists, give this up, stop burning down the rainforest to grow SOI beans

>> No.22541364

tofu has one way to served: fried and in black bean pepper sauce, there is no other way to eat this product of a limited utility

>> No.22541377


>> No.22541378

the chinks see through the british and american attempts, alot of business and finance execs who did practice embezzlement with US officials were executed a few years ago, setting the covert infiltration effort back to zero.

>> No.22541400
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i prefer mine guillotined and spit roasted

>> No.22541488

>stop killing us

>> No.22541503

No, the faggification is so aggressive in the West because you are the most susceptible to it. The weakest, and not a threat to anyone besides yourselves.

>> No.22541595

It's all so wearisome

>> No.22542197

I will never stop killing black trans women

>> No.22542205
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>> No.22542225
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>> No.22542241

What do left aligning people think of this?

>> No.22542259

"Western civilization" is an oxymoron. What you call Western civilization is just a degenerated heretical deformation of Christianity dancing on the ruins of medieval Latin civilization.

>> No.22542387

Probably true, but Westerners make a mistake in underestimating Russia and Iran.

>> No.22542406

>There is no such thing as humans, just groups of similarly proportioned hominids
>All overarching similarities or commonalities don't count because...err I'm autistic

>> No.22542425

I think there are a lot of useful idiots who indulge in retarded post-modern and woke ideologies and work hard to push this stuff, but the real string-pullers in business, finance, politics, even academia, are basically money-motivated. What’s happened in the West is that the post-war consensus civil rights law have set up a whole industry around oppressed pipo virtue signaling. Sure, the people that run DEI and HR departments and provide legal counsel in Universities and corporations might be true believers, but for the senior administrators and c-suite it’s basically about money. The pernicious thing about this stuff is that the way it works is people endorse certain things professionally and they get professionally elevated, so it’s impossible to parse to what degree people are true believers independent of financial reward and to what degree people only endorse this shit because it makes money. But then you see stuff like what I said, the State Department flying flags that offend their host countries and you wonder “where is the money here?” Sure, the state department officials are working for the patronage of their higher ups who want to see gay pride flags, but it still hurts the bottom line. And then you have to ask the question, why do the political higher ups want this. Well, that’s because the voters want it. Why do the voters want it? It’s a big circle where people are endorsing values because people they’re beholden to endorse those values and you can’t tell what’s sincere and what’s self-interest.

>> No.22542430
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it's over


>> No.22542487
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dats rite

>> No.22542610

It's not about appealing to anybody, it's purpose is in conditioning society to accept depravity as normal.