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22539976 No.22539976 [Reply] [Original]

Would Nietzsche have approved of Stalin? Stalin was obviously a Bonaparte like figure

>> No.22540030

Eternal rest and glory to comrade marshal Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin!

>> No.22540047

Shut the fuck up tranny.

>> No.22540062

>t. seething axis soldat

>> No.22540068

Stalin was based and I'm a reactionary

>> No.22540090

- (about Stalin) He had found Russia working with wooden ploughs and is leaving her equipped with atomic piles.
Isaac Deutscher

>> No.22540104

To slacken the tempo would mean falling behind. And those who fall behind get beaten. But we do not want to be beaten. No, we refuse to be beaten! One feature of the history of old Russia was the continual beatings she suffered because of her backwardness. She was beaten by the Mongol khans. She was beaten by the Turkish beys. She was beaten by the Swedish feudal lords. She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry. She was beaten by the British and French capitalists. She was beaten by the Japanese barons. All beat her because of her backwardness, military backwardness, cultural backwardness, political backwardness, industrial backwardness, agricultural backwardness. They beat her because to do so was profitable and could be done with impunity. Do you remember the words of the prerevolutionary poet: "You are poor and abundant, mighty and impotent, Mother Russia." Those gentlemen were quite familiar with the verses of the old poet. They beat her, saying: "You are abundant; so one can enrich oneself at your expense. They beat her, saying: "You are poor and impotent '" so you can be beaten and plundered with impunity. Such is the law of the exploiters-to beat the backward and the weak. It is the jungle law of capitalism. You are backward, you are weak-therefore you are wrong; hence, you can be beaten and enslaved. You are mighty-therefore you are right; hence, we must be wary of you. That is why we must no longer lag behind.
- Joseph Stalin (1931).

>> No.22540108

Refuted by Evola

>> No.22540111

And around 50 mil dead people

>> No.22540123

>People die in countries
More at eleven

>> No.22540181


>> No.22540187

Nietzsche being a atheist turd he is dead inside and those bugs always love to see a figure emerging from the atheist slum and doing something with his life. They dont give a shit about the content of the actions. They just want to watch people doing things, like they watch movies and living vicariously through actors.

>> No.22540196


>> No.22540204

Nietzsche explicitly wrote against the things socialism/communism would later center around, and he damn sure had no respect for brutal tyranny

>> No.22540224

Nietzsche would probably give a muddled response to the extent that while he approved of the spirit in which Stalin displayed the will to power he just can't reconcile this with the fact that nietzsche would probably be thrown in a gulag or shot by a firing squad if he was writing in soviet russia.

>> No.22540238

>Such is the law of the exploiters-to beat the backward and the weak. It is the jungle law of capitalism.
Is the law of nature itself

>> No.22540253

He makes more explicit denunciations of socialism in the early epigrammatic works, but would renege on speculations in the direction of Moscow being a suitable 'Rome' to post-Christian Europe's 'Greece' -- he would approve, at least to the extent of being an outright criminal rogue being an improvement over Lenin. It was Stalin who understood wielding power as opposed to merely agitating reactive masses 'scientifically'. See that book on Nietzscheanism in the early USSR as an intellectual influence, not hard to find.

>> No.22540280

That is why Lenin said on the eve of the October Revolution: "Either perish, or overtake and outstrip the advanced capitalist countries.

We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or we shall be crushed.
- J. V Stalin (1931)

>> No.22540294

This man demonstrated how tsars, kulaks and fascists needed to be handled back in their time, for the better of the majority. Yes, in hindsight mistakes were made - as always by everyone - but the direction was righteous. I respect & revere comrade marshal Stalin more than any other historical figure.

>> No.22540300

the guy was a mailroom desk clerk basically
what is nietzschean about that?

>> No.22540335
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Very doubtful, since he was a dog who only knew how to use brutality. The irony is that most of the brutality was aimed at his own people and not his enemies. Also im pretty sure that Nietzsche didnt believe in that equality nonsense that shabbos goy stalin kept shilling and all other troons in this thread keep believeing in.

>> No.22540339

You guys should try actually reading Nietzsche

>> No.22540365

Whoa there, whatever you do don't extrapolate on a point. That might actually mean you have something to contribute. Read all of them except birth of tragedy because I don't care about it and the shitty book his sister released.

>> No.22540392

The way they did and the reason they died for was quite revolutionary.

>> No.22540398

Marx didn't believe in equality either, clueless /pol/tard

>> No.22540400

They would be mustache bros

>> No.22540405

>>Marx didn't believe in equality either,clueless /pol/tard
Another troon cope. Do you even read the shit you support? What im i saying ofc you dont. Stick to r*ddit where you can actually fool and censor people. Faggot.

>> No.22540413
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If you advocate for the abolishment of all classes that means you support egalitarianism, you absolute low iq subhuman.

>> No.22540414

He clearly states that he doesn't in the critique of the Gotha programme, you underaged retard

>> No.22540418

Read >>22540413 and then consider suicide you retarded troon. The facts are right in front of you but you choose to purposly self censor yourself. Pathetic..

>> No.22540434

You're too retarded to understand basic political philosophy. The abolishment of the classes means that people will finally be judged on their own merit. "From each according to his ability" explicitly states that, clueless mutt
You lack the intellectual capability to understand what you're criticizing, Keep impotently seething, retard.

>> No.22540443
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>Abolish all classes and shieet
>But wait we should have hierarchies still like ranks to decide who is best suited for the job and shieet
Wait! Are you telling me that marx was a literal retard that contradicted himself constantly? Fucking kek! And you idiots wonder why nobody actually takes marx seriously or anyone that supports his ideology.
>>You're too retarded to understand basic political philosophy.
He doesnt even self-reflect and see the irony before he posts.

>> No.22540452

>implying that classes are a natural hierarchies
>implying that abolishing classes means abolishing all hierarchies
Embarrassing lack of critical thinking, but expected from a tranny-obsessed freak.
>wonder why nobody actually takes marx seriously
Every serious political thinker from the 20th century from Schmitt to Arendt took him seriously, it's worthless pseuds such as yourself that dismiss him without reading a single page.

>> No.22540463

>>Natural hierarchies
You wouldnt know natural if it hit you in the face and later stabbed you in the gut. If you understand what is and what isnt natural you wouldnt be a marxist in the first place. For example monarchy is without a doubt the most natural and oldest form of gevernance. By your very own definition kings should still rule with absolute power. Fucking mongrel, dont ever talk about political philosopy again or economics you jobless nigger.

>> No.22540469

ITT: The Iliterate Left got BTFO!

>> No.22540479

Their fault for being on the wrong side of history.

>> No.22540482

>Schmitt to Arendt took him seriously,
>Calling me a pseud
Again you fail to self-reflect and refuse to see the irony.

>> No.22540524

>If you understand what is and what isnt natural you wouldnt be a marxist in the first place. For example monarchy is without a doubt the most natural and oldest form of gevernance. By your very own definition kings should still rule with absolute power
Come back when you understand the impact of modernity on political legitimacy, retarded mutt
>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.22540536

>The abolishment of the classes means that people will finally be judged on their own merit
Nietzsche is explicitly against equal rights, but believes the superior type should superior rights to the inferior types. Everyone knows that people aren't the same in terms of abilities, Marx in the Gotha programme argues against equality for the opposite reason, and believes that the inferior should have superior rights, this is the meaning of "to each according to his needs"

>> No.22540540
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>>Come back when you understand the impact of modernity on political legitimacy
>People who rule no longer calls themselves kings or dukes in order to avoid responibility behind the shroud of equality, democracy, workers rights and republics.
>>no argument
Again the fag refuses to self-reflect on his own argument and refuses to see the irony that makes him look even more stupid. Heres my last (you), dilate safely.

>> No.22540543
File: 166 KB, 995x1500, New Myth, New World - From Nietzsche to Stalinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was very influential on communism in Russia despite the official distancing. See pic.

>> No.22540569

>tranny-obsessed fag continues to project his degenerate fetish instead of producing an argument

>> No.22540575 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22541143

Stalin was an ironic Saint-Just type figure with Napoleonic aspirations-- make no mistake. To answer the question: absolutely not.

>> No.22541156

Stalin was just a grug "do what I say or I use club" tyrant, he had no intellectual appeal and I dont see Nietzsche thinking highly of him at all.
However I totally see him falling for Hitlers charisma, declaring him an ideal people should strive to be like.

>> No.22541157

There was not One ubermensch but several ubermensch.

>> No.22541506

So much better to be a mediocre bureaucrat slaving away day and night in Kremlin than be a idealistic day dreamer of a Fürher fittering away in Berchtesgaden while his army groups being bled white and Sixth Army being gradually gnawed at in the encirclement.

>> No.22541594
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Stalin based but that's obvious

>> No.22541605

You will never be a real woman, but thats obvious.

>> No.22541650

>Abolish all classes and shieet
>But wait we should have hierarchies still like ranks to decide who is best suited for the job and shieet
These aren’t contradictory in any way you retard. The whole point of class based oppression is that certain classes obtain incredible rewards and mobility from the jobs they work, while the lower classes are held to the level of bare subsistence and have not the time, capital, or education to uplift themselves. Obviously there would still be work based hierarchies but the whole point is that those who work the lowest rungs would have more than enough to subsist and could, in theory, rise through the ranks. Soviet Socialism even implemented a slight gradient of privileges distributed to those who worked higher up the in hierarchy.

>> No.22541662

Your entire existence is limited to calling names and hurling cheap potshots at people online. Do take out a minute and ponder about that. It's due to people like you that this once good board has gone to the dogs.

>> No.22541680

Your whole post was contradiction and youre a retard for not understanding that. Hierarchies and classes are one and the same you subhuman mongrel the fact that you dont get this simple fact makes you an idiot. You can type out all the wordsalad you feel like with your little discord faggot friends but the fact is still not gonna change.

>> No.22541699

Not as influential as Bakunin, obviously, and pragmatically speaking. He's what the two famous 20th century fascisms had in common.

>> No.22541701

Retard can’t into logic. Surprise surprise.
All classes are hierarchies but not all hierarchies are class based. Is the father-son hierarchy class based you fucking mongrel? And no, we’re not defining class as some vague logical notion of extension, we’re talking about it’s very specific applicable sociopolitical usage.

>> No.22541707

Again with his word salad trying to fake a logic into a fact. Surprised that people think that all communists are retarded homos? Try again nigger.

>> No.22541773

Idk about neetsche but stalin was BASED AS FUCK for killing so many people. Of all the people he killed, many would have children who would now be commies a d trannies and stalin rid us of them
Hence based

>> No.22541787

Anybody else here surprised at this point?

>> No.22541817

Why do ((they)) love in your minds rentfree? What causes this obsession?

>> No.22541856

Why do Nazis live rent free in Jews' minds? Why are Jews obsessed with Nazis?

>> No.22541861

Agreed. It is based to kill millions of white people (who love communism)

>> No.22541887

He hated Marxism, but he probably would’ve thought highly of ideological and political conquerors, which he probably would’ve seen Stalin as meeting the criteria for. He probably would’ve really seen Lenin as meeting that criteria. Lenin-Stalinism after all is not exactly orthodox Marxism.

>> No.22541991

How is it Rent free? We're paying the toll every time kne of these parasites act against our interests

>> No.22542003

Orthodox Marxism is logistically impossible to instantiate, thus why communism always ends up being some fucked up chimera of liberal socialism and economic fascism

>> No.22542125

>trying to fake logic into a fact
How did you arrive at this fact?

>> No.22542129

idk what you guys think... but in my mind he was for sure stylin (pronounced like stalin) on the other world leaders!

>> No.22542137

>He hated Marxism
He never wrote a single word about Marxism, he only criticized the socialism of During, who was criticized by Engels, also

>> No.22542149

>Is the father-son hierarchy class based you fucking mongrel?
Nigger hasnt even read oedipus. Fucking pseud kill yourself.

>> No.22542204

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Marx’s vision would’ve been Nietzsche’s society of the last man almost exactly.

>> No.22542214

I mean, I basically agree but the fact remains that Marxism as prescribed by Marx himselfx and Engels, and Lenin, and Stalin doesn’t exactly jive with Nietzsche’s vision but Marx the person, Engels the person, Lenin the person, and Stalin the person arguably do. But the same contradictions are present within Nietzsche. The older I get and the more I read and think about Nietzsche the more ridiculous and contradictory I think his philosophy was. I definitely disagree that Soviet Union was in any way “liberal socialist”. I think Lenin made quite sure to disabuse it or that.

>> No.22542221

No. Stalin was an ultra left fanatic. He didn't make his own morality. He set aside morality to fufill his vision of Leninism, which was nothing more than Orthodox Christianity in secularized form with Party replacing Church and theory replacing doctrine.

>> No.22542275

A society where man is free to realize himself and live his life as an aesthetic phenomenon is Nietzschian

>> No.22542374

This is 100% true and 100% false at the same time-- how would Nietzsche have dealt with this paradox? Instead of a true/false dichotomy a possible/impossible dichotomy may make for easier 'solving' --i.e. a more convincing species of *interpretation*

>> No.22542390

He wouldn't, prob would take party to Bronstein due to his philosemitism which was extreme even for his day. Bronstein was a spoiled child that believed his bureaucratic intrigue was somehow pure will to power in action, unlike Stalin who was an actual chad, having lived his youth as a caucasian bandit in a time of lawlessness and grew in the party due to his actual ruthlessness and charisma. Nietzsche would be offended at Stalin because he literally had a hissy fit when he saw some dude whip a horse - imagine if he were to see Stalin having jewish conspirators shot

>> No.22542402

you should actually read a biography of Stalin

>> No.22542417

>uh… uh… just read this man, that’ll show you!
Stop deflecting. You don’t understand how capital creates classes as well as hierarchy, although both work in turn.

>> No.22542542

A victim/martyr mythos as befits backward nations. Rich or poor, powerful or weak, Russia henceforth always thought and will always think like the pauler of the world. Communist modernization is a poisonous apple.

>> No.22542550


>> No.22542644

well recommend one then

>> No.22543029

Hardly. There were a dime a dozen of his type in Russia, he was a product of a Russian revolutionary zeitgeist, not a producer of it.

>> No.22543756

Oh, good Lord, please. Is that where party directives to murder kulaks (after running out of 'bourgeosie,' party rivals, and academics) 'came from' ?
Also, how many of these 'dime a dozen' intellectual advocates of haphazard murder wrote books both Lenin and Stalin read?

>> No.22543898

Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928 by Stephen Kotkin.
Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941 by Stephen Kotkin.

>> No.22543971
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>no argument
>uh....uh people who are like better than other people create other classes and stuff.
I accept ur concession. Get a job nigger. Stop trying to wordsalad ur way to win an argument because you have already lost retard. When it comes down to a definition or a fact you cannot change you try your hardest to change it. Consider suicide.

>> No.22544683


Any tips on reading Nietszche? I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil on the days that I read the Bible. Kind of difficult to read Nietsche.

>> No.22544689

throw it in the trash and realize the only good work he wrote was the birth of tragedy (which was before the syphilis started to reach his brain)

>> No.22544715

>Would Nietzsche have approved of Stalin?

"To be sure, I love in him the shoulders of the ox: but now do I want to see also the eye of the angel.
Also his hero-will hath he still to unlearn: an exalted one shall he be, and not only a sublime one:—the ether itself should raise him, the will-less one!
He hath subdued monsters, he hath solved enigmas. But he should also redeem his monsters and enigmas; into heavenly children should he transform them.
As yet hath his knowledge not learned to smile, and to be without jealousy; as yet hath his gushing passion not become calm in beauty.
Verily, not in satiety shall his longing cease and disappear, but in beauty! Gracefulness belongeth to the munificence of the magnanimous."

>> No.22544744

Okay I will read this at a later date, including his coming third book

>> No.22546327

>That communist clapping at 1:02
It's a unique style. Like butterflies.

>> No.22546351
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>He set aside morality to fufill his vision of Leninism, which was nothing more than Orthodox Christianity in secularized form with Party replacing Church and theory replacing doctrine.

>> No.22546440

Nietzsche was the anti-thesis of communism

>> No.22546448

Russia has always lagged behind its neighboring states, even today

>> No.22546450
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Its slave morality. Plain and simple. Nietzsche would have had a field day with chudcels

>> No.22546487

you will never be a woman

>> No.22546498

>Stalin was obviously a Bonaparte like figure
Lmao. That's Emperor Napoleon I of Europe by the way.

>> No.22546552
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Hmm... Stalin and Bonaparte.

>[Isaac] Deutscher sees the French and Russian revolutions as having established the power of socially progressive forces. Both revolutions revealed initial egalitarian, democratic impulses and mass enthusiasm. But given the force of the law of revolution, neither the Jacobins nor the Bolsheviks could possibly meet the expectations of the multitudes they inspired and led. The frustrated French plebeians grew as disillusioned with the intangible results of their sacrifices as the Russian working class grew apathetic and even hostile toward a Bolshevik party that could provide it with none of the material benefits for which so much blood was shed. Consequently, the popular, democratic phase of the French Revolution, which reached its apex with the Jacobin triumph in 1793, inevitably succumbed, first to the Thermidor and then to Bonapartism ... the Russian Revolution reached its inspirational heights in the first years of Bolshevik rule only to give way to one-party dictatorship and then to one-man tyrannical rule ... although Napoleon crowned himself Emperor, he neither wanted to nor could reverse the rising power of the French bourgeoisie established in the heroic period of 1789–1793; on the contrary, Napoleon defended the basic social objectives of the French Revolution at the necessary expense of its egalitarianism. Similarly, Stalin dissipated the egalitarianism of Russia’s October Revolution, emerging as a personally fiendish dictator who nevertheless defended the socialist interests of the very working class he brutalized by preserving, consolidating and extending nationalized urban property within and without Russian borders.

>Therefore, in Deutscher’s view, “the Russian counterparts to the Jacobin, Thermidorean and Bonapartist phases of the [French] revolution have in a curious way overlapped and merged in Stalinism.” Thus Stalin becomes a curious sort of socialist Napoleon, and his political personality is even more complex since he also emerges in Deutscher’s writings as a barbaric kind of socialist Robespierre:

>“Another difference is even more important: Thermidor brought to a close the revolutionary transformation of French society and the upheaval in property. In the Soviet Union these did not come to a halt with Stalin’s ascendancy. On the contrary, the most violent upheaval, collectivization of farming, was carried out under his rule. And it was surely not ‘law and order,’ even in a most anti-popular form, that prevailed either in 1923, or at any time during the Stalin era. What the early 1920s had in common with the Thermidorean period was the ebbing away of the popular revolutionary energies and the disillusionment and apathy of the masses. It was against such a background that Robespierre had sought to keep the rump of the Jacobin Party in power and failed; and that Stalin struggled to preserve the dictatorship of the Bolshevik rump (i.e., of his own faction] and succeeded.”