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/lit/ - Literature

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22528658 No.22528658 [Reply] [Original]

Awards Baiting Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>22518480

>> No.22528668 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers and fuck whites who worship them as their gods

>> No.22528681

yo niggas, Ive been reading old cheesy fantasy, I need more classic non pozzed fantasy and sci fi. everything modern is fucking horrid "subverting expectations" or worse "niggas"

>> No.22528698
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Is any of the New Wave African SF actually any good?

>> No.22528701
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I was just re-reading The Eye of the World. And I noticed that Lan gets compared to a wolf a number of times. Was that supposed to be more significant? I think it's interesting that Lan gets compared to wolves, and Elias the wolf man is a former Warder. So it kind of draws this connection between Warders and Wolves. Was that an intentional connection? Why isn't it developed more later in the story? Was it a dropped plot thread?

I can kind of imagine Warders being like chained wolves. Suppressed wolves. Their true nature obfuscated in order to serve Aes Sedai. That would explain all of Lan's heightened senses in the first book. He seemed to see farther, walk quieter, and have a 6th sense for dark creatures like Fades and Trollocs.

Am I crazy, or was that all foreshadowing dropped in later books?

>> No.22528714

>niggers doing anything that doesn't resemble detroit
>speculative fiction

>> No.22528716

It's just Jordan being influenced by Howard, who likens Conan to a wolf every 3 pages or so.

Also the descriptions of tough guys and fighting are generally pretty laughable in WoT too.

>> No.22528725

I don't know, man. I'm noticing that The Eye of the World references so many things that end up showing up later in the series. It's actually pretty insane how many people, places and concepts show up in later books. It's actually weird that the Warder/Wolf thing never gets followed up on.

>> No.22528732

Also, I should point out, that when Perrin finally reconnects with Moiraine and Lan, he's being all mopey and insecure about his new wolf powers. And for some reason, he ends up talking to Lan about it. They have this little heart to heart where Lan tells Perrin what little he knows. And Lan even says that he learned it from Elyas. So they have that shared connection to the wolf man. Why bother giving Perrin that scene, if there wasn't more significance there? Why let us know that Lan knows about wolves?

>> No.22528840

some stories are good, especially the one about mother ai, but really it's just sf with a coat of WE WUZ AFRIKA over it.

>> No.22528977

I'll piggyback on your post because I want to complain
I started reading The Eye of The World and it's been rough. I just got past Shadar Logoth and holy shit I hate everyone from Emond's Field.
The boys are annoying, they keep flip flopping between "woe is me" and "lets fuck with the inquisitors lmao". "please moraine change my diapers" and "vade retro, satana!". Nynaeve is insufferable and I hate her magic tracking powers.
I give Egwene a pass because she has to fight tooth and nail to get anything done and that would wear anyone down.
The entire book so far is Moiraine on a goddamn escort quest with particularly unhelpful npcs

>> No.22528991

This post has to be bait to get the Egwene haters riled up. Luckily, I'm not an Egwene hater, so it's not going to bother me much. but I'm sensing a heavy amount of insincerity in your post.

>> No.22529007

I know absolutely nothing about this series other than it's 14 books long, so I dont know which characters are generally liked or not.
I thought all my points were fairly mild opinions, even if sympathizing with Egwene is stretching it a bit

>> No.22529037

More scifi books should have a Male MC romance with a black girl.

>> No.22529057

Well on the off chance you're actually genuine. Allow me to point out a couple things. The Emond's Fielders are all very superstitious. Which is why they're so resistant to everything. That, and stubbornness just runs through their blood. But a lot of what they know about the world is based on misunderstandings and misconceptions, ingrained within their fabric of society. So when they encounter stuff that goes against their beliefs, they don't take to it so easily.

They're in a constant state of culture shock since they leave their home. It's like taking some Amish kids, and showing them the wider world, while simultaneously trying to protect them from getting murdered. You just have to be patient with them. The characters steadily begin to wisen up in the second book and onward. They're not a dumb bunch. But for the first book, they're pretty much country bumpkins the whole time.

About Rand and Mat antagonizing the White Cloaks: They were under the influences of external forces. If you read the scene again, you'll notice how the narration talks about how the feeling comes on them all of a sudden and then passes. That wasn't just a description about how they feel. It was a clue that something strange is happening to them. I won't say more, for fear of spoiling.

Nynaeve's tracking powers are really just an excuse for her to catch up to Moiraine and Lan. A bit contrived, but not a big deal. It also doubles as a reason for Lan to take Notice of Nynaeve. Her tracking ability really doesn't come into play again after the first book. It's really just a bit of literary grease to wedge her into the story.

>The entire book so far is Moiraine on a goddamn escort quest with particularly unhelpful npcs
Basically, yeah. But you should be at the part where they split up. So you'll get to see them develop without Moiraine for some time.

>> No.22529252
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22529253
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22529299

How can you not be an Egwene hater after book 5?

>> No.22529358

you being so suspicious is very amusing to me since I have no idea why what I'm saying is odd.
As that other anon implies something must happen later in the story.

>> No.22529376

When I first read EotW I absolutely hated it and was going to drop it until a little after where you are. Rand and Mat on the road to Caemlyn and the Caemlyn scene itself and then really the last 100 pages or so were all so good I had to go straight to the sequel after reading it. So my advice is always to hang on to the end.

I think hating Nynaeve at this point in the story is understandable. Even liking Egwene almost is as well since she's a little haughty qt before you start getting her POVs.

>> No.22529384
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The Big Book of Cyberpunk (2023)

>> No.22529406

hope so, I'll definitely finish it.
Also I dont _like_ Egwene, but when everyone keeps telling her what do to or not to do, I understand her being antagonistic.
Compared to the boys who keep dragging their feet to do anything, and Nynaeve just being a nuisance, having her actively working toward her goals is neat.

>> No.22529418

>I dont know which characters are generally liked or not.
People love the Gary Stues and hate all the female characters (especially the one that works the hardest and has to make the toughest decisions).

>> No.22529421


>> No.22529429

Yeah that's Egwene's defining trait and I think it's pretty good characterization. In the perspective of the first book, Egwene is the only one of them who actually wanted to come along. The others were told if they didn't come then everyone they loved would die and now they're frustrated that Moiraine isn't telling them jack squat. Once you read the other books and get to see how far everyone comes and develops since then it retroactively makes EotW one of the best books in the series. I really enjoy it on rereads now.

>> No.22529432
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>matriarchal society
>literally a primitive warlord type of government
>sexual assault men is normalized
what did she mean by this

>> No.22529460
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Is the Robin Hobb? Anyway, I fucking hate Ursula K. Le Guin. I just started reading A Wizard of Earthsea a couple days ago because everyone says her prose is amazing and it's all incredible and shit, but this is some of the driest garbage I've read in a long damn time. Should've known better than to listen to other people's opinions on fantasy of all things. God damn.

>> No.22529561

Is the Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe really the "Dark Souls" of fantasy? That has me really intrigued.

>> No.22529590

No, not really. I guess it's similar to Dark Souls, in that the real story is read somewhere between the lines, and you have to kind of piece together scraps of information to really understand what's happening. But other than that, no.

>> No.22529591

Reposting from last thread.
I don't know what to read next. I love Lem, but I'm not in the mood for more existentialism. I just finished reading Ellisons' Blood's a Rover, which reignited that Fallout flame, but I already read A Canticle for Leibowitz. Adjacent to that is the stalker world, but I've just recently read Roadside Picnic, and as far as Metro goes I'm content with just having played the videogames. I love Heinlein, but I've already read enough from him for the time being and I want to read something from someone else, same for Dick, same for Vonnegut, same for Clarke. I don't like Asimov. Mixed feelings on Gibson, and the most modern book I read was Stations of the Tide, which I really didn't like. I'm tempted to read The Three Body Problem, but I'd rather stick to stuff that withstood the test of time.

>> No.22529605

Oh :[ do you happen to know a series about fighting cool monsters like Dark Souls?

>> No.22529622
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鬼神 Kill Em All 4132 Year-of-the-Tusk
I Am Mandati Man
478,637,782 CULLED SRANC

>> No.22529627

No, I don't typically read the fight, fight, fight kind of stories. There are a few monster fights in BotNS. And the main character is basically a strength build. So he does some good chopping. But that's not really the focus of the story. Most of it is walking around and talking to weirdos, and seeing odd things, and being an emotional wreck. Periodically chopping people down with your oddly weighted sword. The book had a very stark feel when I read it. Bleak. Tonally muted. That kind of sounds Dark Soulsy now that I think about it. It might have more of a Dark Souls atmosphere than I initially thought.

You might want to check out Of Shadow and Sea.(The Elder Empire series) That had a number of monster fights. Not a bad book.

>> No.22529658
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Was wondering how the Necroscope series was, specifically if it stays consistent throughout the series. I just bought the first book and can tell I will most likely enjoy it.
I just really like fantasy that takes place in the real world, and I feel as if that is rarely done today. I read Night watch and was also wondering if there are other books anyone can recommend using real world periods as a fantasy setting.

>> No.22529862

bakker is king

>> No.22529932

>protag if he mentally ill
Dick popularized this decades before Sando.

Which Dick should I read or reread next?

>> No.22529934

What are some good fantasy novels about old-fashioned eerie, mean, secretive faeries?

>> No.22529938

re-read this dick
*unzips and pulls out my 5 inch special*

>> No.22529988
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Just started Malazan. What am i in for /lit/bros?

>> No.22529995
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I can't even be bothered to post the pasta anymore. These cunts are just so tiresome.

>> No.22530148

you could just stop monitoring this general 24/7.

>> No.22530280

lmao, I haven't been in the general in weeks. I don't even know what general war you're waging, but whatever it is, it never mattered to me. And it's not going to matter to me after a few hours when I leave the general again. The general does not matter.

>> No.22530313

He's talking about the bot spam of "What am I in for /lit/bros!?!?" and how it's fucking cancerous

>> No.22530319

You can't fight shitposting with shitposting.

>> No.22530331

He can take heart in the fact that I just ignore anything to do with Malazan.

>> No.22530352

The post-structuralist musings of a chronically GURPS playing anthropologist.

>> No.22530425

Why is The Wheel of Time considered a thing?

I often hear how the series goes downhill pretty fast until it gets picked up by Brandon Sanderson.

If so, it's strange to preach a series that fails to retain the same level of quality.

>> No.22530431

how many series can you name where the quality is retained after the first entry?
even accounting for sturgeons law, it's the norm for 'good' series to be shit after the first novel.

>> No.22530504
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It's actually really good for like 7 books. And then it quickly dips in the middle. And note: this dip is not because the plot is bad. The dip is because the plot is happening too slowly. Robert Jordan slows the pace down with a bunch of superfluous prose, and repetitive phrasing. All he needed was for his editor to actually do her job and edit the material down, so it reads better. 14 books really could have been like 12 books.

This chart shows the overall quality of the books, in my opinion. Probably exaggerated a little bit for effect. But you see that first arch going from mid to high? That's for books 1-7. So you basically get sucked into this super long, yet comfy story for 7 whole books. Then after that, you're stuck with it. You have to see it through. So you slog your way through 8-11. And then finally Sanderson comes in and makes reading flow again. Which is ironic to say, because Sanderson is another long winded writer. But at least his prose wasn't as repetitive as Jordan's.

>> No.22530548

I've heard that books 8-11 are basically nothing actually happening, which is fascinating. How can you have that many words about nothing?

>> No.22530595
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>> No.22530607

Its a very common tough-guy warrior description. I used Conan as an example because Jordan wrote some Conan stories. It's obvious that Howard's anthropomorphising descriptions rubbed off on him - given how much animals are used in lieu of more technical fight descriptions in WoT.

Lan acts as a masculine figure for the boys, thats why he gives them advice 1 on 1 at the start of the series.

>> No.22530639

I think it would be funny if every routune ritualistic shitposter across the entire site had their IP logged and were dragged out of their houses and beaten in the roads ROFL

>> No.22530662

I am reading Eye of the World at the moment. I'm enjoying it. I needed a break from grimderp fantasy.

>> No.22530769

Pain. And compassion.

>> No.22531074
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Fantasy that reads as good as Dungeon Synth sounds? Fantasy novels haven't done anything for me in so long, but music still scratches the itch somehow. Actually, the last time I feel I really enjoyed reading Fantasy was when I was listening to Depressive Silence II while reading Morningstar by David Gemmell. Unfortunately I didn't like his other books as much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkhKrB-EMD0

>> No.22531182

Who are some writers with a modern take on Lovecraftian-esque storytelling? Something with cosmic horror/absurdism

>> No.22531260

>modern take
HUGE red flag

>> No.22531266
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she wants to rape fitz and wintrow, she has the bujold syndrome of wanting to sexually assault young men

>> No.22531280

So just stick to the classics? gotcha

>> No.22531305

I don't know if there is a "modern take" for lovecraftian literature but in almost any other context "modern take" is always some post-modern, feminist SJW take perversion of the source material

>> No.22531312

What is that? A Dunc rip-off?

>> No.22531405

Ahh, my fault. I meant a writer from the 21st century focused on the Cthulhu mythos, or cosmic horror in general. None of that SJW crap.

>> No.22531409
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The first series is good and wraps all the plot points so you can stop reading there if you want, The Vampire Wars is good too but a lot of people say the last book is pretty weak, i liked it but i can see why is divisive E-Branch trilogy is an okay spin-off, Lost Years is just a cashgrab.
Brian lumley, the guy who wrote >>22529658
has two series about the lovecraft mythos, "Titus Crow" and "The Dreamlands" the series are about how the heroes defeat almost every creature lovecraft invented and in the last few books they fight against cthulhu. most lovecraft chuddie purists hate them for this reason because its basically S&S but set in the "real" world, i think they are fun as fuck. there are also a lot of references to howard's and Ashton-Smith's works.

>> No.22531440
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One of those contributors, Oogabooga Donald Ekpeki is a lolcow. Many great laffs were had when tried to "refresh" his visa by going back to Nigeria and back to the US. The CBP disliked those shenanigans and denied him entry and he's been crying about US racism on twitter ever since.

Oh and he's a defender of Patrick S. Tomlinson, self-swatter extraordinaire

>> No.22531475

>the heroes defeat almost every creature lovecraft invented and in the last few books they fight against cthulhu
That sounds awesome - thanks for bringing his work to my attention

>> No.22531538

read a few culture books. is look to windward worth a read? after sword and sorcery faggotry novels I think I need some sci fi.

>> No.22531546

The old drift

>> No.22531548

Absolute kino, the first Gemmell I read and probably still my favourite.

>> No.22531611

Any fantasy books about shagging your childfree music teacher?

>> No.22531699

A town called panic

>> No.22531732

Different anon, but in the sense that its a big sparse open world where time is fucky, it has some of the same atmosphere yes.
You might like The Wizard and The Knight as far as Wolfe goes actually. Particularly if you liked Elden Ring

>> No.22531772
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>Unfortunately I didn't like his other books as much
then I assume you have not read them all...

>> No.22531778
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anyone have a fantasy series with a strong female mc that get's put into sleazy situations where she has to disguise herself as a courtesan or dancer to get past the bad guys?

>> No.22531881

I've read the sequel, it doesn't get better.
After two thousand fucking pages I thought the one bright spot was at least Rand finally accepted the obvious and I was a little curious about book 3, I look at the back blurb and it ends with some shit like "and Rand must confront whether he truly is teh dargon reborn"



How human beings can enjoy this crap is beyond me.

>> No.22531885

Sounds like every chinese royal palace tv drama where the heroine seeking revenge ends up in the kings harem. Always the same plot, only the costumes change.

I can't think of any books that match you're mediocre fetish.

>> No.22531888

Most readers of the series do not have your level of adhd. But people like you are why books these days are only 80k-100k words long.

>> No.22531898

I've read Moby Dick, Don Quixote, C&P, Sot Weed Factor and other lengthy tomes. I don't mind length. But it has to be justified.
But enjoy reading 14,000 pages of muh sheep.

>> No.22531903

There are lots of filler in these books.

>> No.22531909

Good. Books should be short. Most of those words are filler anyway. Apologies for the long post, I didn't have time to craft a short one.

>> No.22531911

The only people who can actually enjoy trash like Malazan and Wheel of Time are people who have never read literature.

>> No.22531912

>sex in fantasy books
Number one red flag from hack writers

>> No.22531929


>> No.22531934
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more words = more gooder

>> No.22531938

Don't worry anon, the purpose of this entire board is discussing old books. Nobody posting here is dumb enough to read anything from the last decade at the very least.

>> No.22531940

im comfy on my chair reading old dragonlance books :))

>> No.22531946
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>it's an east asian inspired magical fantasy
>it's written by an asian american woman

>> No.22531948
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>fat women in fantasy books
Number one green flag from based writers (erikson)

>> No.22531949

this thread is overrun with normalfags who shriek if you insult GRRM and constantly circlejerk their favorite mainstream author all day
the average reading range of this general is as wide as something very narrow that i do not at this present time have an apt metaphor for

>> No.22531955
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>> No.22531962
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dang. well, thanks for replying

>> No.22531967

>there's a non-asian love interest

>> No.22531980

one thing i noticed is true in a lot of hyperpopular fantasy books that have a reputation among some for being "real literature" - kkc, asoiaf, etc. - is that the author rarely makes the reader wait past the end of the next paragraph to explain whatever little nugget of mystery they introduced. of course there are some things that are paid off chapters later, but they're a huge minority. i think this makes people feel like they're smart for getting it and causes them to elevate it above genre schlock. but really it's all genre shlock. i'm kind of curious who the first major player to write this way in genre fic was.

>> No.22532006

recommend something then

>> No.22532014

Probably Chesterton. Even his essays are influencial in the fantasy genre.

>> No.22532035
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I wish I could help you my brother in kink,but the only book I can think of that has this is A Court of Thorns and Roses.

>> No.22532040
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>> No.22532116
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>> No.22532124

thanks. i read a quick summary and this looks promising

>> No.22532144

>he did not believe it possible that flesh could move in as many directions all at once
holy kek

>> No.22532198


>> No.22532210


>> No.22532213
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Any tips on how to read more?

>> No.22532240

with your eyes

>> No.22532319

Kushiel's Dart. Except it's not a disguise and she actually is a courtesan.

>> No.22532343

Read on the toilet.
And for me I like to have at least three books going at once, a physical book that I really want to focus on, a kindle book for traveling or before bed, and a phone book, usually a comic, for on the go or if I'm on the toilet without either of the other two.
Right now I'm reading Sot Weed Factor, SPQR, and Berserk.

>> No.22532367
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Jus read The Twelve Kingdoms

>> No.22532369

there's a reason most people tend to read before they go to bed. put aside 30 minutes each day and it will add up.

>> No.22532463

Does anyone else imagine what they're reading like a little movie in their mind? I also have unique voices for different characters

>> No.22532477

I stopped doing that many, many years ago.

>> No.22532723

>still no nescroscope adaptation of any kind
how? it's tailor-made for it.

>> No.22532813
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Thoughts on the Gentleman Bastards series? The 4th book is coming out in February and I was thinking of getting into it.

>> No.22532830

Nearly every opinion I've read, and my own, is that the first book is great and does an excellent job of evoking the setting. But then it's like a different author took over as there is a massive drop in quality after that. It's one of the more extreme examples of second book syndrome I have ever encountered.

>> No.22532831

The first one is good, then it gets progressively worse. The second one has some interesting moment,s but it's kind of a slog. The third one is just boring from start to finish, and I regret reading it.
I don't think I will read the fourth book, I don't trust the guy to write another good story.

>> No.22532842


>> No.22532846

third book is just retarded. zero stakes and terminal simping

>> No.22532847

textbook case of a trilogy that never should have went past the first book

>> No.22532955

Don’t bother with Reverend insanity.

The CCP censored the guy, the book ends on a huge cliffhanger and it will never be finished.

>> No.22532972

Just like asoiaf and many other series, likely never to be finished but that doesn't stop people from reading them

>> No.22532975
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I’ve heard good things about this series. Is it worth a read?

>> No.22532993

Great post anon, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker??
Any books with incest?

>> No.22533013
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>> No.22533081

that's a dope title and cover, shame about the female-coomer story

>> No.22533129

downloaded the anime a week ago coz I know it has kino tier reputation, it cover the full thing ?

>> No.22533133

>in February
lmao this nigger got hoodwinked by Bezos

>> No.22533168 [DELETED] 
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Also it has cuckshit and phedre keeps cuckin joscelin in the sequel series despite being a wife and mother (her son is the mc of the sequel trilogy)

>> No.22533177

Why are americans so utterly buck broken by cuckshit?

>> No.22533249

Is Lexicon Urthus worth $60AUD?

>> No.22533280

Just finished The Man in the High Castle and was left very disappointed.

>> No.22533291

Probably one of the worst dick's, i don't know why it's so popular.

>> No.22533305
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It was written by an american white woman, they can't help it.

>> No.22533319

> i don't know why it's so popular.
the premise of course

>> No.22533332

That's all it has going for it

>> No.22533356

>royal road authors and not bloating stories with useless side plots challenge (impossible)
Even for slop I have standards...

>> No.22533409

Yes but it goes nowhere
>japan ruling Manhattan
Cool, and then what happens? Nothing, it's just dick talking about jewish women

>> No.22533430
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Anybody tell me if this is worth a read

>> No.22533434

That's a picture book.

>> No.22533442

>Featuring Julie Bell, Philippe Druillet, Frank Frazetta, H.R. Giger, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, Rowena Morrill, and Boris Vallejo, among many others
Seems good

>> No.22533452

Japan doesn't run Manhattan, the Germans do in the book.

>> No.22533485

It's got short essays in it too, silly.

>> No.22533515

Sus but I'll allow it.

>> No.22533521

Even good jp fantasy is isekai

>> No.22533524

Chapter 1: The Industry and the Genres
Chapter 2: Clans and Sects
Chapter 3: Alcohol and “Wine”
Chapter 4: Harems and Polygamy
Chapter 5: Sworn Brotherhood
Chapter 6: Courting Death
Chapter 7: “Beat You to Death”
Chapter 8: Forms of Address Among Family Members
Chapter 9: Forms of Address in Sects and Other Organizations
Chapter 10: “I, Your Father”
Chapter 11: Confusion About Stars and Planets
Chapter 12: Differences between Daoist Magics, Divine Abilities, and Magical Techniques
Chapter 13: "Devils" and "Demons"
Chapter 14: Clones
Chapter 15: Spirit Stones
Chapter 16: Qi Deviation, Fire Deviation, and Cultivation Deviation, etc.?
Chapter 17: Nascent Souls
Chapter 18: Breakthroughs and Bottlenecks
Chapter 19: Why Immortals aren't "Immortal"
Chapter 20: What is Cultivation?
Chapter 21: The Ruthlessness and Brutality of the Cultivation World
Chapter 22: What is the Jianghu?
Chapter 23: Unheroic Heroes?
Chapter 24: Unrealistic Sizes and Distances
Chapter 25: Why Immortal Cultivators often don’t “act their age”

>> No.22533566

>Almost finished The Hero of Ages
Man, I've enjoyed the whole book so far, now I kinda just want it to end

>> No.22533567

First and third books are great but I found the second book a bit boring until the latter half.

I don't think Gemmell ever wrote a bad book, but there's been a few I've read that didn't do much for me when I was finished, unlike Sword in the storm/Midnight Falcon, Legend and the Waylander series.

>> No.22533598

That's interesting because I felt on a reread that the second book was the strongest

>> No.22533600


>> No.22533604

This has always been a weird one to me, it's incredibly well received but it seems to have a pretty small readership (or at least a less vocal one) compared to other contemporary fantasy

>> No.22533623

Perhaps I'll reread them soon and see how I feel then. What would you say is Gemmell's strongest work?

>> No.22533633

A lot of his stuff is I think equal in rank so I guess it's subjective. Really love the Jerusalem man books and their setting. Morningstar is a great as mentioned before

>> No.22533635
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LNs are shit bros. I was actually tricked into thinking MT was going to be somewhat good for the first 6 volumes, but then is quickly came crashing down.
Any of you have much experience with them?

>> No.22533644

>reading japshit
If you want to read this kind of webnovel slop at least stick with RI and LOTM/COI

>> No.22533647

Assuming you mean Mushoku Tensei, too bad. I've read 125+ light novel volumes over many series and have looked at many 100s more series. My conclusion is that their only real purpose is to serve as the raw material for manga and anime.

>> No.22533648

I wait for the manga so I at least get tits with my derivative fantasy world.

>> No.22533763

The good ones are pretty decent but bad light novels are some of the worst shit I've ever read

off the top of my head
Good: Boogiepop, Violet Evergarden, Otherside Picnic, Spice and Wolf, Katanagatari
Okay: Reincarnated as a Slime(I enjoyed it until they started fighting other kingdoms), Trapped in a Dating Sim (this one's fun, I'd just had enough after vol 3), Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, Ascendance of a Bookworm (tbf I stopped reading this before the first big setting change so it might get better)
Awful: Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter, Cooking With Wild Game, Reincarnated as a Sword, My Next Life as a Villainess, Overlord, The Eminence in Shadow
By the Grace of the Gods is kinda faded in my memory, it's okay but I can't remember if it was leaning good or bad, read to vol 10 anyway. Also I read like 5 pages of Classroom of the Elite and gave up on that one.

The general rule for light novels seems to be that if it's got an OP protagonist it will be awful but if it doesn't you might get lucky and find a decent fantasy/scifi/bildungsroman.
It is quite funny that if you look up awards like the Dengeki prize a lot of really well received LNs haven't been translated whilst so much gutter trash has made it into english.

>> No.22533774
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one of the worst threads we've had in months
fuck you all

>> No.22533790

If I we're to write SF or fantasy, I would just follow the masters of the genre and make my own mark despite my race. Either my shit is good or it isn't. When they put your shit in a journal full of other mediocre writers, guess what...your a crab in the same bucket.

When I submit my pamphlet, I'm not letting people know my name or race. Let the story be the statement.

>> No.22533799

you're an idiot

>> No.22533807

I really like David Gemmell's work, can anyone give me any similar suggestions?

>> No.22533826

Work on your writing skills, don't rest on being a black trans athlete or whatever you identify as.

>> No.22533829

>no brom

>> No.22533832

It's not even worth 60 seconds of your time.

>> No.22533833

>writing 20+ pages as a "review"
No one is going to read that.

>> No.22533850

The Big Book of Pee and Poo (2023)

>> No.22533852

Certified hood classic. Look out for the pee pee poo poo caca omnibus on amazon prime.

>> No.22533856
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>> No.22533862

>Ascendance of a Bookworm
Easily the best LN I have read by far; I am surprised you have it that low.
Have you read Youjo Senki aka Saga of Tanya the Evil? The idea and setting was cool but the author is the PERFECT anti-thesis of show don't tell, I just couldn't slog through it.

>> No.22533890

I read too many webnovels and my brain is fried. If it doesn't have at least 500 chapters or 5000 pages I can't bring myself to read it.

>> No.22533893

Thanks. Not the exact thing I had in mind but after reading the blurb I’ve downloaded it and read the first three chapters.

>> No.22533967

>female author
>female mc
into the trash it goes

>> No.22533975

you faggots seriously read light and webnovels? Fuck off to /a/.

>> No.22533979

/a/ then says to fuck off to /lit/

>> No.22533988
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>Julie Bell
Giga stacy

>> No.22533990

It's really bad but nobody wants to call it like it is, because it's one of the first "ambitious" fantasy projects in that kind of setting. The writing is just awful, which is unfortunate; I was excited to read it.

>> No.22534019

Not really

>> No.22534038

who are the indie authors in SciFi + Fantasy with the biggest success in the last 5 years?

>> No.22534055

/a/ are literally weeaboos who have never read a book in their lives, they are fucking stupid. It a story does not have pictures in it then it's beyond them.

>> No.22534057

I've sold 30 copies in total

>> No.22534060

cradle's author by far, he had the top selling self-pub (controlling for amazon-endorsed shit) on arguably multiple occasions
dungeon crawler carl's author - anon posted a bunch of commentary by him, including him making around $10k per month (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong)

>> No.22534064

No one asked.

>> No.22534073

Nah it got cancelled but by the time it was cancelled it had covered the whole main significant plot.

>> No.22534078

I find myself really liking Isekai as a trope because I get to learn about the world alongside the MC.
Otherwise I find myself dumped into a new world where everyone else posesses far more knowledge than I do at any point.

>> No.22534086

IQ issue.

>> No.22534087

It's a cheap literary mechanic. We already have never ending story and the wizard of oz. The japs need to catch the fuck up.

>> No.22534088

Isekai is lazy fucking storytelling. Infodumps are not interesting.

>> No.22534093

The blue tollbooth.

>> No.22534099
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>this filters your average isekai fag

>> No.22534106

>Writes a vast amount of sex scenes
>All of them are cuckolding/NTR

>> No.22534108

NOPE, not reading all that lol. I don't give a fuck. I don't even like trash animu isekai but lore-wanking THIS HARD is also hyper fuckin gay.

>ooh the gates of blbljdkljkopfd
>oh and the guards and this old-lore blurb of hdkl;jklfdjkl;

nah take a fucking page out of tolkein and start with a character.

>> No.22534112

Another isekai tranny filtered. By the way if you had a brain you could see that every single proper noun used is subtly defined right there in the excerpt.

>> No.22534115

based, except for calling it "isekai" (gay weeb name) instead of "portal fantasy" (traditional english terminology)

>> No.22534119

No one gives a flying shit, I also don't read light novels. None of the masters do this gay loredump shit unless it's excerpts from inter-fictional works. You're just a dnd-grog but with books. You think writing fantasy is like being some faggy DM.

>> No.22534121

Whatever you say low IQ isekai shitter.

>> No.22534124

based and SO true

>> No.22534125

>is a dnd grog
>can't read

>> No.22534130
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>>can't read
Nice try isekai tranny.

>> No.22534131

I don't mind but I'm increasingly of the opinion that it leads to lazy worldbuilding.
Like even within webnovels the non-isekai ones introduce facets of the world to you in a much more interesting way than the protag who knows nothing having everything explained to them

>> No.22534137
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Check out my epic fantasy novel /sffg/!

>chapter 1:

>> No.22534140
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esmenet's butt

>> No.22534143

cool passage, when's his publisher releasing the next book in the series?

>> No.22534145

>Bakker seethe rages anew

>> No.22534147
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it would be hilarious if physical harm came to this creature in real life

>> No.22534153

i'm a big fan of The Knight, where nobody explains shit to the protagonist and he just pretends the world behaves like he thinks it should because he's kind of retarded. the audience learns about the world by seeing it stop and say "what the fuck is this guy doing" as the protagonist tramples through it.

>> No.22534158

I'm a big fan of Eyes of the Overworld where this jack ass trapes around and fucks shit up in this fucked up end-game world, being a jack ass and getting away with it some times.

>> No.22534161
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>the absolute rage in this thread
How does he do it?

>> No.22534164

Not even how he writes. You've not even read a single novel by him, have you? Just another retard trying to fit in by bad-mouthing Scott Bakker. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.22534185
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>> No.22534187

>the antibakker fag is seething so hard he made a whole new thread

>> No.22534191

nü thread

>> No.22534196

>the antibakker
The No-Bakker, even.

>> No.22534197

Best scifi novels per decade?

>> No.22534231

See >>22534164

>> No.22534481
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will I enjoy The Dragonbone Chair if I'm a zoomer

>> No.22534499

>will I enjoy [book] if I'm a zoomer
Statistically speaking? No. But if you've made it far enough to even hear about MST then there might be hope for you yet. It starts exceptionally slow (but good) so do whatever adhd tiktok shit you need to do to get through it.

>> No.22534506

Can I request some epubs here? Several other threads pointed me this way.

>> No.22534507 [DELETED] 
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Lindsay Buroker because she writes milf peotagonists, she's successful un my heart

>> No.22534521

Use mobilism and/or Anna's archive.

>> No.22534538

>Anna's archive
Mobilism, z-library and libgen never have what I am looking for. I will try Anne's Archive, thank you.

>> No.22534557

Tad Williams has a very languid style. He takes a long time to build up to the climax of the story and can spend many pages lingering in a slow, peaceful scene, and you just don't really see that done now in modern fantasy. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn in particular is a series that harkens back to an older style of heroic fantasy, with magic swords, runaway princesses, evil wizards, tragic knights, dragons that need slaying, etc. If that sounds like your bag, you'll probably enjoy it. Just don't expect it to "get to the point" in a hurry.

>> No.22534564

Tigana was a lot of fun, anons.

>> No.22534573

It had promise but I lost all interest in it after the second book.

>> No.22534585
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I remember reading either the first or second book of the prince of nothing series and coming across a line that said something approximating: "truth is the destruction of falsehood", does anyone have an exact quote? Thanks in advance

>> No.22534598

Eye of the World is a pretty hard intro to a series because it's very unlike the rest of the Wheel of Time, and it only becomes really good on re-read because there is a ton of foreshadowing in it that you're not going to recognize at all your first time through it.

Your takes on characters are pretty typical for where you are in book one, but I predict that, out of the boys, you'll start to at least like Perrin in book 1. Rand and Mat become much, much more interesting after book 1, and Mat is one of the most popular characters in the entire series for a good reason, but it's hard to understand why reading him in book 1.

Also, Nynaeve is the best girl. You don't understand her at all right now, but that's okay. Most people have the completely wrong idea about her because they're not good at interpreting the way Jordan writes women and take everything at face value. If you stick with it you'll start to see what I mean.

>> No.22534604

>Robert Jordan slows the pace down with a bunch of superfluous prose, and repetitive phrasing
His prose has nothing to do with it, he bloated the number of characters. There's simply too many side plots happening and a lot of them flat out do not matter. He badly needed a second editor to tell him to shelve some stuff for side stories and the like, and just focus on the main plot.

>> No.22534615

It just drags events out by constantly hopping between different perspectives. The series starts out focused on Rand, he dominates the chapter perspectives early on, but by book 8 he's a bit player in the narrative.

>> No.22534632

If that's the case then it's very obscure, was never digitized, or you're doing it wrong. Could be all three.

>> No.22534636

Did the tv series do the Beastman attack justice?

>> No.22534656
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destroy all doorstoppers
kill doorstopper readers
long live the novella

>> No.22534658

Any Malazan reads here? Are the Ian Esslemont books important for a first time read or should I not bother with them

>> No.22534681
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No but I found this doozy.

>> No.22534687

I haven't gotten to those yet, but I wish Lorn survived a little longer.

>> No.22534733

I'm going to assume you're serious for now, but I've got my eye on you.

The Esslemont books are not important, they're mostly their own thing. If you want to sprinkle them in, read Night of Knives between book 5 and 6, read Return of the Crimson Guard after book 6 and before book 8.

>> No.22534754

if you can't find it after trying anything ask and I'll double check on irc but it's probably just not avaliable

>> No.22534757

Well, some huge events happens in those, and a lot of Erikson's characters will unceremoniously migrate over to Esselmont's books, but most people skip them on a first read.

>> No.22534774

Thank you, but I doubt IRC has what I am looking for. I agree the item(s) I'm looking for may not be available there or on the other sites mentioned here. I will have to be patient & hope they will eventually be freed up.

>> No.22534783
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How exactly did the characters of BotNS became gods in the Long Sun ship?

>> No.22534900

Please recommend me anything similar to Lord of Mysteries. This thing really broke fantasy to me

>> No.22534924

Is it stuff that hasn't been released yet? That's something you'd have to ask someone who has access to it do for you personally. I think sometimes the private book trackers have those.

>> No.22534967

I'll list what I'm looking for. Note that I have already tried /tg/ & the above-mentioned online library caches.

Shadowrun novels;
Best Laid Plans by Anton Strout
Corporate Business by Dylan Birtolo
Dragonbones by Stephen Dedman
Scorpion's Bane byMel Odom
The Kilimanjaro Run by Jennifer Brozek

I did score Wild Cards: Pairing Up almost a month ago, thanks to a kind provider on soulseek. And yes, I tried there too.

>> No.22534978

Why does this chink shit stand above the others?

>> No.22535019

It's the perfect example of "fuck around and find out". Also, I simply loved Klein's way of doing things.

>> No.22535077

Appreciate the link
I noticed this too. Seems like the first book filters a lot of people and its a love it or hate it thing. This has me intrigued.
What did you not like about the writing? Did you make it past book 1?>>22534573
I haven’t seen this take on the series yet. Did you just enjoy the first book far more?

>> No.22535177

Sufficiently advanced tech.
They copied their minds on to the ships computer, which can also upload copies of those copies onto human and animal minds that are on the ship.

>> No.22535204

Is Zlib down for anyone else?

>> No.22535221
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>be me
>denizen of the Culture
>everyone's a similar shade of brown because of genetic admixture
>can change sex at will in a few months as many times as I like, looking androgynous as the transition progresses
>gender roles are not at all strict anyway
Kill me now, for I've been denied a life in the paradise of brown tomboys and not wageslaving.

On a related note, I finished The Player of Games yesterday and I did like it more than Consider Phlebas, the narrative's a lot more cohesive, it has much less cutting and jumping from moment to moment and new chapters and plot points that weren't at all relevant to the plot, all in favor of a more straight forward story about what happens to a character and why albeit with an unsatisfying ending where nothing explicit is said of Gurgeh's state of mind and feelings aside from him being overwhelmed by emotion in the very last page.
Also one thing that's probably a lie is that Gurgeh was, in some way, groomed by Special Circumstances to be their representative in the game of Azad, since the drone Mawhrin-Skel, who turns out to be Flere-Imsaho in disguise, appears and befriends him months before he first expresses interest to have Contact find him something new and interesting to do; though it's not like Mawhrin-Skel pushed him to cheat before he expressed interest in Contact, and there's no way to know if he was actually groomed in any way.
Still, story aside, the writing is much the same, some dry and matter-of-fact description of what's happening, a metaphor at the end, then one more matter-of-fact description, then a colorful description of the surroundings or something about a character, clothes, thoughts... then rinse and repeat.
I read it years ago so my memory might be flattering, but I remember Against a Dark Background being much better in this regard.

I remember someone from a few threads ago saying that the Culture's interference with other civilizations could have serious negative consequences, and that I would see that in The Player of Games, but I don't think these were negative consequences, so to speak.
There was, indeed, an interference, which led to the fall of Azad the empire, but these were the precisely intended consequences, and the fall of an empire that, for the whole story, was being made to look as tyrannical as possible, sharing many characteristics with current Earth but also being worse, which is only bad I'm that it was an aggression via external interference, but the good (or, less bad) guys won over the bad (the baddest pretty much), even if it meant manipulating Gurgeh, which is, again, bad, but he's the only one being made to unknowingly work for SCs' schemes, while everyone in the empire save for a small elite is working for the emperor who lies to everyone about anything in addition to the discrimination, racism, poverty...
So in the end the Culture's bad, but everyone else's even worse, so it's allright.

>> No.22535245

Tried reading the bakker series. Got filtered lol.
Something about a kid in a castle that got plagued, then some random tribe moving in. Followed by a assassinate servant guy talking to a merchant Mage about another Mage that they don't like. Blah blah blah, where's all the bs thats actually good that yall keep going on aboot?

>> No.22535262

Bakker dick rider pretending to be someone who got filtered because not enough people give a fuck about him. The meme is truly evolving.

>> No.22535285

Why do people always put the picture of Bakker together with an excerpt from the very first page of his very first novel?

The Charge of the Ishual Knights was kino prose, and that is but one of many examples intertwined with utterly YA prose. For some reasons, Bakker tends to be inconsistent with his writing quality.

>> No.22535337

I hold that Banks believed the Culture to be a true liberal utopia and part of his progression was steadily looking at the Culture in different ways. Player of Games, while portraying parts of the Culture as very cunning and deceptive, hold the Culture to be very much the Greater Good. This concept gets tested much more thoroughly and to better effect in Use of Weapons where the continued use of absolute monsters and warfiends is justified by familiarly post 9/11 conjecture by the Minds. Player of Games is a good introduction to the Culture but it doesn't really develop some of the ideas it proposes, that infamous scene of the musical broadcast would be seen as amateur shockseeking from a lesser author. Still, it does at least give us an interesting view of a standard Culture citizen on the outside.

>> No.22535362

update, second half of the book has been much more fun
>Rand falls head first into the Queen's Garden by complete accident
I'll never not be amused by this trope

>> No.22535379

More like a retarded anon that gave it a shot and was left burned, all the more to be accused of deceit.
I'm going back to kino black library shlock warhammer lol

>> No.22535501

>"muh prose"
Is it as important as midwits makes it to be?

>> No.22535516

Almost nothing happens each page in Name of the Wind, it's just words. But people like the prose enough that they're mad they won't get more of it.

>> No.22535526

not at all, unless it's bad
the important thing for prose is that it should be invisible, not making the reader stop or confuse him, pulling them out of the story

>> No.22535540

You're going to love book 2 then.

>> No.22535544

>I haven’t seen this take on the series yet. Did you just enjoy the first book far more?
Yes. Book 1 didn't exactly enthrall me, but it had promise and I feel like book 2 squandered it.

>> No.22535550
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On the contrary, it's the midwits that can't handle any amount of prose with soul in it, and need to have their stories airplaned into their mouths Sanderson style.

>> No.22535561

Nope. Pseuds talk about prose so people think they're smart. It's the equivalent of people wanting to talk about a movie and all you talk about is the type of camera it was filmed on, you bore everybody you talk to and nobody cares what you have to say.

>> No.22535569

For genre fiction prose just needs to be invisible, it shouldn't distract from the story. If you're reading fantasy or sci-fi for prose artistry you have ready barely any of it or else you hate-read everything, in either case you don't belong in this thread.

>> No.22535656

>getting filtered this hard and fast
Pathetic. Did you even finish the prologue?

>> No.22535744

There's one good light novel out there, but it isn't /sffg/.

>> No.22535760

Now more than ever I think.
There's so many books in the flat almost YA american writers workshop register that anything with a bit of confidence and flourish stands out.

Funniest way this is observable right now is that well received critically books like Black Leopard, Red Wolf have loads of really negative reviews on goodreads from ya and ya-adjacent readers who seem offended that the authors didn't make it an easy read.

>> No.22535778

I just learned that there are "text-only Light Novels"
guess it sells better than the name "Novella"

>> No.22536111

Good prose wont make a bad story good, but it can make a great story excellent. Good prose simply makes what you have better, it can't carry a story by itself. And the better your story, the more it's elevated by having good prose.

>> No.22536201
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>I just learned that there are "text-only Light Novels"
It's more about the format and serialization.

>> No.22536255

Where do all the LN readers store their volumes? Just throw them out at some point?

>> No.22536275

Anyone read the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks? Finished the first book, and Jesus it's so edgy. It's the book version of "heh, nottin personelle kid *teleports behind you*". That being said, I found the ending parts to be kinda enjoyable. I'm split if I want to read more or drop it.

>> No.22536298

Kinda ironic that no one gives a fuck about fantasy/scifi novellas but the masses gobble up Light Novels which are literally the same thing but with a picture every few pages

>> No.22536299
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>Brent Weeks
formerly of bioware? naww.

>> No.22536303

serialization is key. it hooks you to buy the next one. there's also the whole "I want to support the artist" as well mentality in japan since manga is so huge.

>> No.22536308

Light isn't about their length, it's about their level of complexity. It's equivalent would be YA. Also, there's maybe 2-3 illustrations for the entire volume most of the time.

>> No.22536315
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>> No.22536326

The first book is a homage to Tolkien and is rather simplistic in comparison to rest of the books in the series. The second book kicks things into overdrive by comparison and sets the stage for the rest of the series in terms of complexity with the third and fourth providing somewhat of a stable model for the books going forwards ( specifically really nailing down the character of Rand ). Though I feel pretty much all of the books have a unique character of their own with specific and complex storylines, while also managing to continue to expand the various threads and plotlines from previous books weaving them together with prose that makes it feel like true epic fantasy that rewards your attention and dedication to detail. WoT has some of the best worldbuilding in fiction and even the smallest details are remembered and weaved into the story at various points ). Makes for endless re-readability. The level of consistency the world and all of its systems possess is also nice.

I know a lot of people say that the middle section of the series can drag, but for me the vast majority of the middle is my absolute favorite part of the series by far ( call it an iron gut ). The run of Fires of Heaven, Lords of Chaos, Crown of Swords ( 5-7 ) is just peak fiction for me, and honestly, I don't have much of a bone to pick with any of the books starting with Great Hunt ( 2 ) going all the way up through to Path of Daggers ( 8 ). That's a streak of 7 nearly 1,000 page novels where I find the vast majority of the content to be well written and engaging. Admittedly, some perspectives and storylines were more interesting than others, but so much variety was provided, I think you can very reasonably say that there's something there for everybody.

I find that every fresh read of the series feels like a new experience because of how many new connections I make and how that increases my understanding and appreciation for everything else that new detail affects down the line. The real slog I've found hits once you get to Winter's Heart ( 9 ) and continues on into Crossroads of Twilight ( 10 ). Knife of Dreams ( 11 ) was a solid return to form and managed to steer the story back on track after it had been meandering.

TL;DR: Read The Great Hunt if you didn't end up enjoying Eye of the World all that much. If you're at all predisposed to the kind of complex interwoven narrative Jordan refines in the second book, you can't afford to potentially deprive yourself of the experience imo.

>> No.22536330

>Sanderson comes in and makes reading flow again

More like makes 1 novels worth of content into 3 in order to extend his payday at the expense of sticking the landing... At most he should have done two novels if he wanted to addressing all the dangling threads

>> No.22536331

>formerly of bioware?
I don't see him doing anything for bioware? Qrd?

>> No.22536339

Bakker doesn't have dragons. I thought he wrote fantasy.

>> No.22536351

lmao even

>> No.22536355

it's way milder than majority of jap or gookshit, despite it being edgy at certain points there was some presence of innocence in it
like when the black guy got his spectacles broken and kip was apologetic about it
or presentation of how much mothers treasure their off spring
or how older women takes care of a younger kid despite him being possible bastard from another woman of the man she loves

>> No.22536365
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The only YA I still remember fondly.

>> No.22536389

I wouldn't say that's THAT innocent, when you compare it to everything else, especially at the start of the book. Young kids living in the slums, barely surviving. And then the shit with Jarl, where he as an 8 year old boy gets publicly seriously beaten up and then serially assraped by 12 year olds and forced to wear a dress as humiliation.
That would be the thing that primarily struck me as too edgy. And then also all the edgy "le life is suffering" shit Durzo spouts. The end of the book gets better as Kyler isn't such an edgelord and is still hopeful, and the plot being interesting helps with that. But god just the start of the book was way too much for me, I don't think there's a fantasy book that is LESS edgy than this.

>> No.22536453

he does actually

>> No.22536504

Oh. I'll read it then.

>> No.22536508

I finished the trilogy. Holy FUCK that was some kino ass shit right there. Now onto Red Rising.

>> No.22536513
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Read this and The Death of Grass and Ubik

>> No.22536517

Open a page and read one word after the other.

>> No.22536523

There is a mention of dragons on literally the first page.

>> No.22536696
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>is that... is that a WHITE PERSON!?!?

>> No.22536732

Keep a book on your person most of the day and any time you find yourself having to wait for any reason, just pull it out and read. Maybe don't do this while driving though.

>> No.22536765

Gene Wolfe in the Library of America when?

>> No.22537065
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Any books with older ladies?

>> No.22537114

I do this when I take my local train for long trips. Been savoring the novelization of 'Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter' by Guy Adams.

>> No.22537145

I do this but instead of a book i watch/read porn

>> No.22537156

finished WoA yesterday and read 150 pages of HoA today, i didnt want to put it down. Trying to decide whether to read the next trilogy or start clearing out some of the backlog after i finish it

>> No.22537157

>being insufferable cunts is "working hard"
Sure pal. I'm sure she'll see this post, bro

>> No.22537167

Rand and Mat's journey to Caemlyn is probably my favorite part of EotW. It's comfy and it also shows you their friendship

>> No.22537179

>not thinking that book 11: Knife of Dreams is one of the best in the series
Wrong opinion but okay. But for the mkst part, I agree. CoT was downright atrocious, though, and could've been literally condensed into a prologue

>> No.22537193

I'm a zoomer and I enjoyed it; it's one of my favorite fantasy series, actually. Think of it as a bridge between LOTR and ASOIAF.

Just let yourself be taken away by the story. The start is slow but very comfy and entertaining, imo.

>> No.22537221

The feel of reading a story is the only important part of it. Prose comprises much of that experience, so no.

>> No.22537255

I have to agree. For the most part, I consider myself something of a 'traditionalist'; I do enjoy the heft, smell & feel of a hardcopy tone. I do enjoy stepping into a classic bookstore & inhaling the vellum & vanilla, despite my allergies.
But I know that most of the readables I have are only available in PDF and/or Epub formats, so I drop them onto my e-reader.

>> No.22537331

Find a lull in your day. Instead of filling that time with 4chan, just turn everything off and sit down for a while. after 5-10 minutes of just sitting and thing, 1 of 2 things will happen. You will either feel like napping, or you mind will calm down enough to where it starts wondering what it can do while idle. That's when you grab a book.

>> No.22537346

To me honest, I've only read beyond book 7 once. So I don't remember Knife of Dream. I only remember the impression I felt reading those middle books. Which was "RJ keeps repeating himself like a senile old man"

>> No.22537354

Sadly books 8-10 were written when Jordan's illness was quite severe and his wife took over as fulltime editor so she could help him while caring for him. His previous editor was much better. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Harriet ghostwrote some of those books since they are so much slower than the previous ones. KoD is Jordan's second wind and last hurrah. It was quite good.

>> No.22537369

I want to go back through the whole series, so I can solidify the information in my mind. And also try to appreciate it as a more mature reader. Because the first time I read it all, I was still kind of new to reading. I still think of myself as a new reader. But I am beginning to form better comprehension, retention, and taste. So I'm no longer at a toddler level, so to speak.

I'm also getting tire of WoT fans trying to correct me about everything. It will be nice to be just like "shut up, I remember what happened, you're wrong". Instead of trying to pull information from the abyss of my shadowed memory.

>> No.22537396

>I'm also getting tire of WoT fans trying to correct me about everything
I know what you mean. /wot/ is full of reddit refugees who sperg out and call you a lying amazon shill who hasn't read the books if you dare to get a single detail wrong or simply have a different perspective on what happened in a scene. It's infuriating. You really can't talk about WoT anywhere unless you have encyclopedic knowledge.

>> No.22537412

Not sure where you got the idea from. His wife edited the entire series from start to finish, even the novels Sanderson wrote. What changed is that she had to spend more time looking after him than editing.

>> No.22537417

where do you draw the line between hard and soft sci-fi?

>> No.22537423

For me, I'm gonna start Red Rising. I originally wanted to just stick with the Cosmere, but decided to break it up and chew through my TBR as I switch back and forth.

>> No.22537427

I don't. Genre autism is usually quite silly.

>> No.22537432

Hard sci-fi is scientifically plausible, though it doesn't have to be 100% realistic if that gets in the way of a good story.
Soft sci-fi is magic in space.

>> No.22537457

This nigga thinks scifi is just space opera

>> No.22537463

Hard scifi involves lots of forced exposition about physics and/or mathematical concepts only tangentially related to the story.

>> No.22537485

every advancement can be traced back to some modern day theory
function over form
magic / psykers/chics / "entity" / god
space planes
mega mega-structures

>> No.22537516

DUNC is hard :<

>> No.22537542

Anyone else get put off reading Sanderson? I started The Way of Kings a while ago, and was actually enjoying the story and world-building, but there's something about his prose/writing style that makes me feel like I'm reading a gigantic children's novel. It's no wonder he releases so many novels when he can just regurgitate any idea onto the pages as basically formatted as possible

>> No.22537571

I'm going through the part in Eye of the World, where the gang are traveling through the blight. And there's another Perrin/Lan/Wolf connections. Rand is noting how everyone is reacting to the blight. Mat is puking, Loial is covering his face and complaining about the smell and trees. Egwene looks to be on the edge of puking. Nynaeve is putting on her best determined face, staring at Moiraine. Because Nynaeve won't admit she feels sick until Moiraine does. Moiraine herself is looking tight around the eyes, and white around the lips.

And yet, Lan and Perrin are seemingly unaffected. Save for Mat exhibiting some wolf like characteristics. It makes sense that Lan would be unaffected, since he grew up making trips into the blight. But Perrin? He's just a wolf boy. He should find everything just as disgusting as everyone else. I think this is another hint between Wolf and Warder.

Also, I just remembered that Perrin specifically has a connection to Hopper. And what did hopper want to do? Soar like a bird. What is Lan's symbol? The Golden Crane. And the Shienar symbol is a black hawk. So the bird symbols wrapping Lan are the goals that the wolf want to reach.

>> No.22537594 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22537598

I found a bakker reader

>> No.22537664

Lady Jessica makes me hard iynwim

>> No.22537759

Lud-in-the-Mist was not really what I was expecting (not in a bad way). If you're planning on reading it, have a dictionary handy.

>> No.22537765

I cannot think of anything less useful to discussing sci-fi than erecting arbitrary and artificial subgenre divisions. Just look at how abysmal the state of fantasy discussion is with how people cannot even grasp the difference between high and low fantasy, a distinction which has existed for decades but which people still continually misapprehend. Even people in this thread.

>> No.22537793

KoD is a big step up from the slog, imo. Things actually start moving at a normal pace and many things happen before the end events of the series are set in motion. It was just a very well done build up to the final phase of the series

>> No.22537812

Happened to me with Well of Ascension. Enjoyed Mistborn a fair amount but for some reason book 2 put me off

>> No.22537816

Idk I would have sworn that there was another editor involved before book 8 but I can't find anything to support it so I guess I just made it all up. Thank you for the correction

>> No.22537856

Yeah. I stopped at oathbringer. Couldn't continue the Stormlight book. Him keeping certain characters (Shallan) and being forced to add fag main POVs into the book by his publishers made me lose interest. His books are 70% filler anyways. It's only near the end when he ties everything together that it gets really good.

>> No.22537925

The peak of the series is the Mindrape NTR sub plot of Queen Morgase, Galad is a real bro.

>> No.22538030

There's not really a clear line and there are some overlaps that point out where the subgenres fall short. If I have science fiction that doesn't really stretch itself too far, everything feels like a natural iteration of what already is, yet the author themselves have no real care for the science of it at all does that really get to the appeal of what hard science fiction claims to offer? In contrast what if there is the fantastical but its handled in loving detail and thoroughly explained and worked through.

I find it more useful to categorize things by the intent vis-à-vis technology's place in the plot. Ringworld is very hard scientifically but that's mostly just to allow for a playground to explore, its an adventure novel. Contrast that with Foundation which is much softer and at its core has a made up discipline of psychohistory that has no real equivalent in modern science: the series revolves around it though and as best as he can Asimov focuses on the details of such a field of study and how it can be used and misused, what would it require to work, why anyone would pursue it. The hardness of science fiction seldom matters to me, instead I am obsessed with whether or not that author is focusing on technology and all else cascades from there or if the science fiction is in service of the narrative as either set dressing or to allow events to occur.

>> No.22538213
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>> No.22538218

He's utterly incapable of subtlety and does things strictly by the numbers.
>this chapter establishes hero's flaw X
>this chapter is a tender bonding scene
>this chapter is comic relief
>this chapter is character growth
Once you see it it's impossible to unsee and ruins any sense of immersion.

Also his attempts at worldbuilding and "magic systems" make it painfully obvious how little he knows about how anything in the real world works.

>> No.22538275

Only read Mistborn but yeah. Its very transparent and simplistic story telling alongside functional but bland prose. He has some good ideas but his writing constantly walks the edge of being unbearable.

>> No.22538560

New /sffg/ Thread


>> No.22538611

well, thanks for any efforts anyway. I'll not return here or to the new thread.
Stay safe, everyone.

>> No.22538832

Bon voyage gay boy