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/lit/ - Literature

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22536145 No.22536145 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>no previous link required

>> No.22536171

am i winning yet?

>> No.22536179

Yes but not at what you want to win at.

>> No.22536182


>> No.22536203

I’ve been ordering too many books from Amazon lately. I’m waiting for like 5 in the mail over the next week. At least a gift card covered some and most are shorter form writing, and not novels, so I shouldn’t get a big backlog

>> No.22536232

What did he mean by this

>> No.22536247

>mangy hair
No thanks

>> No.22536251


Be careful! that shit'll become an addiction – the shot of happiness one feels when opening a package will become something which you cannot go without.
If you have the money for it, you're ok - I'm a reading nut and bibliophile, have the money for it, but I'm aware (and it kind of vexes me) that I will die without having read at least 85% of the books I own. If your financial situation is a tight one, you'll find yourself, in a few months, tormenting yourself and thinking you're no better than the hordes who think their situation is solely a consequence of external wicked influences.

>> No.22536278

Can I come inside your pocket, femanon? I'm tired of my jacket.

>> No.22536297

I’m fine financially and read most of what I buy, probably 3/4 of like 500 books but thanks for the warning. I usually just buy a book or 2 a week which I’ll read when it comes because that’s where my interest lies at the time. If I was getting 5 every week I’d run into problems. Although it’s never bad to have some unread books, you never know when one will strike your fancy and it’s nice to be able to just walk into your library and grab it. My reading journey has taken me on many twists and turns and sometimes I’ll reread something I thought I’d never be interested in again

>> No.22536306
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>i sit alone in the same pew week after week
>everyone around me is announcing they are expecting child number 10
>at least I've read the complete works of augustine, calvin, a brakel, witsius, van mastricht, bavinck, vos, and berkhof

>> No.22536307

I reach for my hallucination, and it shrinks into nothing.

>> No.22536318


I read a lot, really a lot, to the point where reading has, pardon the hostile verb, exterminated secondary activities such as watching the telly and playing xbox. 99% of the tv I watch happens with my gf, and guess what? I always have a book in my hands. If I go somewhere and I think I will have to wait (even if only for 10 minutes), I’ll bring a book with me. I, lol, read in the bath.
But even this reading voraciousness cannot cope with the number of books I buy every year (not necessarily every week, but 10 books now, 15 in 3 weeks, that sort of purchasing pattern).
I was stubbornly against rereading books, but have abandoned that rule some years ago, yet every single time I reread a book, I think: hum, what about reading one of the 4 or 5 books you bought a couple of days ago?
At times it all becomes a tad risible really: when I've finished a book and go for another, and find myself standing for dozens of minutes staring at my shelves in pursuit of which book I should read.

>> No.22536374

I got out of a really bad depression yesterday and having no will after I met Hitler in my dream. Schopenhauers words are boosting me now too

>> No.22536383

There's a very delicate balance of coffee drinking i have to mantain to not gwt a headache. Drink too much head aches. Drink too little head also aches.
Still worth it

>> No.22536408

i took the wocky sus to poland

>> No.22536483

The kind of chick you meet hanging outside a Crass show in a dingy building that’s gonna be demolished. Probably stinks of week and bad body odor.

>> No.22536488

Imagine the suction

>> No.22536545

Whenever I try to watch a movie on a free movie site (I only use the trusted ones) they always lag, I wonder if it's the fault of the website and their servers or if it's my shitty Australian internet.

>> No.22536560

>doesn't know what mange looks like or is
You could at least try and be literate, this is a literature forum after all.

>> No.22536576 [DELETED] 
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I was not diagnosed with autism. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

I've been planning on making a very not serious novel only written for myself solely for the sake of writing alone, which takes place in a fantasy setting which is basically a combination of Buddhist jataka tales, Hindu mythology, and the final fantasy video games, which also contains aspects of astrotheology and parapsychology. (Basically ideas stolen from alleged alien cultures and philosophy.) The 'final fantasy' in question in this novel is the Ego, or perhaps duality itself, I don't know yet. Ideas taken from Hindu mythology are that of avatars which fit into final fantasy summons, with characters unknowingly being the incarnations of the giant monsters people fight with in FF but which are now basically considered to be gods, or are at least treated as such. The members of the good guy group who inevitably save the world are all named after antidepressant medications. (The leader is named Prozac.) The good guy group is guided by their spiritual teacher, who is an avatar of Alexander, who is incarnated as a moogle named Xanax.

>> No.22536589

I just finished "My Year of Rest and Relaxation". I didn't really care for it, although I think some aspects of it were good. It should've been like 100 pages shorter because it got way too repetitive.

I'm reading some reviews for it and I just realized that the protagonist was never named. Am I a bad reader if I finish a book and never notice that?

>> No.22536600


Two women who look just like that were sitting on the front lawn of my parents' house. They had parked their van right in front. They were there for two and a half hours. I think they were feds, or fed-backed antifa. This is not a work of fiction, I've had enough trouble with feds to know the difference between coincidence and surveillance. There is a public park with plenty of space just 500m away, so their intentions cannot but have been malicious. They've gone now.

>> No.22536605

Have I not suffered enough?

>> No.22536608

Between the good life and lying down to pleasant dreams I find the partition pretty slim at times. I can hardly imagine what it's like to have been born and raised in poverty or tyranny, in reality or the imagination. Likewise, young men who aren't particularly willing or easy when it comes to description seem alien to me. Try as they do at wit, they fail so terribly that one sees nothing from it except the implication of rabbit-holes hardly fit for human habitation.

>> No.22536613

>Am I a bad reader if I finish a book and never notice that?
I don't think so. There's a movie called "Layer Cake" and the main character played by Daniel Craig is never named in that either but I had no idea until the credits. Maybe you could judge the person differently for not picking it up in a book but personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

>> No.22536616

Just torrent. Takes longer to download but once its downloaded it's yours

>> No.22536619

Take ur meds schizo
Your3 not that important

>> No.22536640

Excellent advice. Firefox + ublock origin + YT "free with ads" movies is also good when it comes to recommendations if you're not an idiot. As a general procedure it filters out almost everything lucrative as capeshit and such is these days.

>> No.22536648

I have a site that I use to download movies, I only watch them on the free movie sites when my regular downloading site doesn't have the one I'm looking for. It's also hard to find a good torrenting site here in Australia because despite torrenting not being illegal here, the government still makes it difficult and I don't care to pay for a VPN.

>> No.22536652

I know how to love animals but I don't know if I'll ever feel the same way toward a human and even if I do, there's a chance that they won't feel the same way back.

>> No.22536690

I haven't read for a long time. Yesterday in the afternoon I picked up The Magic Mountain. I was really into that for a while but after about 10 pages I fell asleep. Had a really good nap. It wasn't the first time either lately that a book made me fall asleep. What to do?

>> No.22536691

Can't say I've ever loved an animal except for a big fat old cat that would leap onto my bed with a heavy oomph, then settle down in the general region of my right arm. In his youth he enjoyed a certain arrogance and ease, given his sheer size. He would visit and enter the houses of neighbors as if he owned the whole place, and loll on the sidewalk to let passers-by pet him without a qualm. Magnificent bastard, as cats go.

>> No.22536706

>It's also hard to find a good torrenting site here in Australia because despite torrenting not being illegal here, the government still makes it difficult and I don't care to pay for a VPN.
There's plenty of free vpns. Ive got like 8 different ones on my laptop. Privado, hide.me., etc
I don't see the difficulty. There's a million websites. Pirate bay and 1300 neing the most prominent

>> No.22536713

You said you loved me. We picked out the names of our future children. I'd never been so happy. You were everything I wanted.


>> No.22536745

A part of the fun is choosing what to read next. As long as reading isn’t ruining your life in some way you’re okay

>> No.22536772
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>> No.22536775

whatchu guys think about Christopher Hitchens?

>> No.22536794

nothing more disgusting than dreads

>> No.22536812

>There's plenty of free vpns
Which will all be crypto miners.
>There's a million websites. Pirate bay
And that's where I stop taking your advice. You musn't know anything about torrenting if you're still using Pirate Bay in 2023.

>> No.22536815

Get better rest. If your sleep schedule is already decent you might want to do a sleep study to make sure you are getting enough restful sleep at night. Also maybe some caffein if you arent averse to it. Could also be diet. Not enough of certain nutrients can lead to lethargy that will obviously come up more readily when relaxing for a reading sesh. Pray you don't have some kind of acute narcolepsy. Been reading about people with brain damage developing something like that where any time they reach a certain level of relaxed they are instantly overwhelmingly tired. Or maybe you just find magic mountain boring. I hear its not a book for everyone, more a collection of people philosophizing than a novel with narrative and plot structure.

>> No.22536819

Never heard of him, just looked him up, he looks like he would've been a huge asshole, I don't care for him.

>> No.22536866

Thank you, that makes me feel a bit better. I guess this is a sign that the author is good at the first-person perspective. It really didn't feel like anything was missing.

>> No.22536914
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I liked it, I'm now considering getting a tattoo of a crite, maybe a patch tattoo.

>> No.22536943

I don't even wanna fuck right now, I just wanna make out with someone, what the fuck.

>> No.22536966
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n i g g e r

>> No.22536979
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Don't care

>> No.22537016

---- Solaria ----
Another Thursday Afternoon

I can hardly tell what looks better, the garden
Or my means for rendering it.

Amid cultivation so considerate and light thus amplified
I can hardly believe my eyes at such pearls,

It's as if the industry of planets were made just for me.

>> No.22537029
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I'm going abroad to work. In a month, my life will consist only of: working, exercising and reading books
What books should I download on my kindle? Already have Bible and How To Read A Book. Give some reccs

>> No.22537034

Read the Russians. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Platonov, Chekhov, Olesha, Bulgakov etc.
If you know how to torrent, you can find all of these uploaded by mad autist workerbee on piratebay etc.

>> No.22537044

Surely you can get them without risking your shit by downloading from The Piratebay?

Not the guy you're replying to.

>> No.22537059

Russians might be a great choice. I've only read C&P Dosto and W&P Tolstoy though. I think I'll at least download The Underground Man, seeing as how often it's discussed there

>> No.22537060

You can find books on mobilism, soulseek, libgen etc as well.
By the way, why are you so scared of pirating in 2023 for god's sake?

>> No.22537132

I'm not scared of pirating, I do it nearly every single day, I just know how shitty The Piratebay has become and how unsafe it is these days,

>> No.22537217

Am I the only one that just absolutely despises their small, mundane life? I don’t want to die as unhappy with all this as I am now…

>> No.22537220

I saw a white dude with a white woman and a brown kid. It looked like they were on a date. And yes, the dude did look like a chump.

>> No.22537226

Nope. Far from the only one. You should do something about it.

>> No.22537228

What would you do if you were a white guy with a white gf/wife, and shes delivering your first child…and it comes out brown or black?

>> No.22537245

"Slept with a fucking nigger, huh woman? (Leans out the window, lights cigarette) Slept with a fucking nigger, huh woman?"

>> No.22537302

My first thought was adoption, damn

>> No.22537308

It looked as if they were still getting to know eachother. Not a first date or a second but definitely still in the courting phase.

>> No.22537329

Calvin's a surprise. Far better reading than I initially expected--
I'll pray for you, fren

>> No.22537335

Heh, simps...

>> No.22537342

I wonder if there are non fetish books that explore genderbending. No, not trannies, but magical or sci fi genderbending.

>> No.22537355

Absolutely digusting, desu.

>> No.22537362

Altered Carbon

>> No.22537599
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>> No.22537815

Should I buy the used panties at the thrift store?

>> No.22537820

No, you sick fucko

Buy them fresh

>> No.22537822

Hell's Paradise

>> No.22537834

Her feet are nice.
That, i can tell.
But the tattoo and hair
Suggest she might smell

>> No.22537838

>BUY them fresh

>> No.22537843

I support locally owned women, sir.

>> No.22537857

That hair is disgusting

>> No.22537864

I cope by imagining my library of niche philosophy will be inherited by interested parties after my death

>> No.22537870

I want to get started on calvin but am not sure where to start

>> No.22537873

Wonder if being a merc in south asia pays well
or are PMCs not allowed there yet?

>> No.22537878

Ive had a nasty cold for nearly 2 weeks. I can't drink coffee while sick like this. I'm dying for a coffee. I cannot wait til this cold ends and I can coffee again

>> No.22537884

Not even close

>> No.22537897


>> No.22538008

At what point do people stop pretending like the better side didn't lose the war? Even if you're not fascist and even if you assume the regime would have collapsed at some point, it would have still been better than this, no?

>> No.22538029

my colds and flus always last 2 days max
get fucked inferior specimen

>> No.22538038

From a South Euro perspective, no. Now I get to see nearly 90% of Europe being decimated which means claiming it becomes easier. Plus I don't like Germans, Germanicus should've finished the job in 21 CE.

>> No.22538052

I was poisoned with vaccines as a child

>> No.22538133

Dude, like, bro, shit I uh. I got.
Fuck, I lost it.
Handle it, hold on to it.
Ignore her, that’s not real.
Look at her, she’s kind of a bitch.
You like that though.
What’s to like?
Like? Such a simple word.
Beyond tolerate, my endearment is purely superficial and primal.
I can’t hold on for too long.
Stomach is full of water and coffee and that over salted steak.
Way too much salt, shit stung.
Need the protein though.
Saw the squareness in my torso again, shits good.
96/100 on a midterm, done it in 15 minutes too. Kids can eat me.
I want to read more, I’m only 50 pages into Pinker’s book. Not bad so far.
Reading textbooks count, right?
I’m actually reading through them too, interesting stuff.
Still on dolphins.
Those are some fucked up animals.
Math, math. Math…
Calculus, self teaching multi variable is not as bad as I thought.
Why the fuck are we learning number theory though?
No gym for 4 days, this cold took me down a notch.
Playing same song on repeat for hours, not even a good song.
Just catchy, old school.
You keep me hangin on…
Five minutes.
Eyes dry.
Two more hours and I’m back in traffic.

>> No.22538193

I see fascism just as part of the collapse. Just shows what degrees of madness a nation van reach after a decade of full-blown libshit degeneracy like was Weimar of the 1920s.

>> No.22538262

Nietzsche said God is dead because things that don't become can only un-become

>> No.22538306


>> No.22538346
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I'm unsure as to what I'm supposed to be doing with my life as a male. I start a new career in a week (corrections officer), which is something to look forward to, but I feel like there is supposed to be more to life. I don't want to just cope, I want to feel alive.

>> No.22538359

Start chasing girls.

>> No.22538370


>> No.22538398

>accepted into grad school
>gonna quit the wage hell
>will finally finish infinite jest and have time to read again
I'd say I'm happy but it all feels so hollow

>> No.22538449

>Which will all be crypto miners.
So what?
>And that's where I stop taking your advice. You musn't know anything about torrenting if you're still using Pirate Bay in 2023.
I don't use Pirate Bay primarily as it usually doesnt work. It was just the 1st name that came to mind.
Usually use 1300x or whatever other site
Also i like that yiu think you need to know a lot about pirating to torrent
A literal retard could do it. Its not rocket science

>> No.22538459

>So what?
Also if they are crypto miners that's strange i havent noticed any drop in performance on my laptop.
And i have like 8

>> No.22538485

I worry that there’s nothing to me besides my anger. I tell myself that it’s something I can fix, and maybe then I’ll find happiness, but it hasn’t happened yet and I can’t fathom what that would even mean at this point.

>> No.22538495

What are you angry about? Society?

>> No.22538498

I am either seeking God or seeking death.

>> No.22538502

I thought the same at one point. I used to believe in "If you don't wanna listen you will feel". Balls to the wall with insulting too because I'd only start when being nice was no option anymore so why hold back.
I changed, or I am better than before at least. I didn't want to be angry all the time anymore. I disengaged from the things that made me angry and practiced gratefulness. Enjoy the small things. Have a really faggy brunch but genuinely enjoy it.

>> No.22538505

I was bullied a lot growing up and it taught me that people are horrible and not worth my time. Now I’m midway through my life and I never saw anything to convince me otherwise. Even as an adult I had to endure power-tripping, small-minded assholes at work and in my social circles.
Is the world really so bad or did I just never manage to grow up from being that bullied kid who was angry at the world?

>> No.22538507

I would argue most of Western classical literature is trash. Too much Christcuckery. China has superior classical literature as a whole, especially the poetry.

I only like certain genres from the West. Also, whenever I come across a single allusion to Abrahamic myths, I drop it. For example, if I am reading a poem from William Blake and see a mention to Abrahamic myths, such as King Solomon or whatever, I immediately drop it. All of Abrahamism makes me seethe. I want to burn Mecca and Jerusalem. I wish I were Chinese.

>> No.22538520

Well I was bullied too and quite hardly but today if fills me with pride that I did not react when people punched me. In the long run I've shown strength although strangely enough it made me at times mad at my own family for teaching me human values like non-violence. I blame public schooling, there's just too many subhumans.

>> No.22538531

What I mean when public schooling wasn't a thing you might go out on the street and play and then perchance get chased by some bullies until you managed to run the way home

>> No.22538547

I have a lot of regret about not starting graduate school this fall. I held out because I wanted to see if I could get higher scores and in doing so get into a better school with more scholarship next fall, but that was a mistake. I should’ve just taken on the debt burden and transferred after my first year. Now this whole year is turning out to be like a NEET waiting game.

>> No.22538561

It's fucked up when you go to another part of the world and there's people there. Why are they there? Where did they come from? It's fucked up.

>> No.22538598

Yeah thats what I hate most about school. So much of it is a fuckjng waiting game

>> No.22538627

Until you start classes. Then it’s a hurry up and go to office hours to kiss your professor’s ass game. Or at least, that’s how it seems.

>> No.22538642

Truth for All Time is an accessible work of his, I can't recommend trying to start with Institutes of the Christian Religion given its enormity.
His commentaries are also quite good, I enjoyed Daniel in particular.

>> No.22538663
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I lift to intimidate women like this and, if need be, physically dominate them into submission. Somebody has to do it, since most "men" are too impotent to do a goddamn thing when a woman steps out of line. Fuck, most men are too scared to even make eye contact with a woman. No wonder they're walking all over us.

Example: women wear clothes in the gym or elsewhere in public to attract attention and show off their bodies and then shut men down when they give the attention. Most men play the game the way women want it to be played, the same way women want all their games to be played: with the woman coming out on top and the men losing. These same "men" think they win because they didn't get #MeToo'd by her because they were respectful and averted their eyes like good little cuckboys.

I refuse to abide. I stare. I make faces of disgust at them. I approach them and make comments: respectful but firm. The look on their faces and in their eyes and body language is priceless. I humiliate them in public and it feels great. They simply do not expect to be called out on their shit in 2023, and I do it, and it blows their mind. This wasn't supposed to happen! All their slutty, tattooed, pierced, used-up whore girlfriends said they should do it and there were no consequences! Then she goes home and wallows in her humiliation for days, weeks, months even. I know first hand because I've dated many women. Boys fail to comprehend just how easily women are influenced and how insecure they are under their micrometer-thin bad-bitch facade.

My muscular build gives credence to my disapproval, it helps ensure they know I mean business, and it also is a great asset when I'm dating a woman and she's out of line. Multiple women have, without fail, allowed me to slap them into submission when they get out of line and are manipulative, or dishonest, or otherwise unladylike. And most of these women have directly admitted it turns them on and they've gotten wet after I've hit them.

Try it.

>> No.22538668

>I blame public schooling, there's just too many subhumans.
Then it’s right to hate the world. Just a bunch of unintelligent beasts deluding themselves into thinking they’re anything other than worthless.

>> No.22538752


>> No.22538811


>> No.22538839

commuting 4 days a week for a shitty degree that i don't care for i want to fucking blow my brains out

>> No.22538871

Every challenge in my life is actually piss easy but my attention span is completely fucked

>> No.22538879

I feel like I shouldve died young. Ive accomplished none of my goals & am not on a path I approve of.

>> No.22538887

bruh I work a job so boring its a challenge to even spend 1 minute on it. I could excel with 2 hours a day, but its a battle to put in the barest amount of effort.
Looking for a new one atm

>> No.22538923
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comically outmatched by his older brother (9 year age gap)

>> No.22538943

My parents don't seem to realize how sound works. They really don't think I can hear them 10 feet away furtively whispering about me.

>> No.22538965

Why did the West have to become the bad guys? We were supposed to be defenders of the faith…

>> No.22538991

I’ve always struggled with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy but for the first time in my life I really am ashamed at what a loser I am.

>> No.22539147

My shit wasn’t black today so I’m drinking again fuck it.

>> No.22539152

Kek they forgot to get the drake and josh kitchen acoustics.

>> No.22539301

I’m moving and I have to keep 95% of the books I own in storage for the time being and it’s making me anxious.

>> No.22539317

All those desert island threads were preparing you for this moment

>> No.22539396
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Just got a letter from the hospital that says that they wanna stick a camera up my ass. I don't know why I got this, when I went in last, the guy said that I just had hemorrhoids so I don't know why he set me up for this. I can decline, sure, but I wanna talk to some people about it first, I'm just confused.

>> No.22539404

Board is trash tonight. Dubs and I go jerk off instead

>> No.22539450

Dubs and I jerk you off

>> No.22539452

if you're even close to 40 it's SOP and probably covered by even the shittiest insurance (UnitedHealthcare). My hesitation is that I need 5 different meds to get to sleep at night, so I have no idea what ungodly substance they'd actually need to knock me out and keep me out. I deeply fear waking up mid-procedure.

>> No.22539507

dubs and i jerk u both off

>> No.22539638

I miss you.

>> No.22539680
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>this post is extremely low quality

I’m about to start reporting more selecting this reason

>> No.22539700
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I don't think people find anything close to true love. At the end of the day, they just settle. I don't want that to happen to me. I'd rather die alone than fall in love with a woman and marry her, only to fall out of love with her as time goes on. I don't want to live a lie and bring children into the world where they can't see a functional marital relationship. Sure, she won't be perfect, but people are way to focused on short term flings rather than abiding love the grows over time, even moreso as you get to know your spouse, have kids with them and live a gull life with them. It may be a tomantic view of life, but the modern world's alternative is just bleak and anti-human.

>> No.22539739
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What does /lit/ think of movies? What are your favorite films? Do you not care and just spend most of your free time reading?

>> No.22539745

I'm only 20 and it would be covered by Medicare because Australian healthcare rules.

>> No.22539750

I've been watching a movie every single day for over two years, today I'm going to watch The World's Fastest Indian and then in the days following, I'm going to watch the rest of the Critters movies. My all-time favourite is Fight Club.

>> No.22539751

I’m sorry that I made it a strange time for you.

>> No.22539754

>730 movies watched
>fight club favorite
Kek. Cinema is such a waste of time.

>> No.22539803

Oh my god, people have different opinions, quick everyone, sound the alarms!!!

>> No.22539887

Is the rate of divorce at an all-time high? Yes. Are dysfunctional relationships and marriages often a thing? Yes. Do they need to be that way? No. Finding someone that you won't fall out of love with isn't an impossibility, it won't be easy and it will take trial and error but it can definitely happen if you want it bad enough and you're willing to go through the trials and tribulations for it. By this spiel, I think I can safely assume that you had the childhood that you fear raising someone else in and that your parents had the relationship that you describe but you shouldn't let that sway you.

>> No.22539898

Why did you post that in /wg/ in August?

>> No.22539917


>> No.22539968

why does everyone say they like travel? traveling fucking sucks.

>> No.22539972

People like experiencing new things, seeing new places, trying new foods, experiencing different cultures, meeting new people etc. I've never traveled and up until recently I thought the idea of traveling was dumb but I've had a really big want to travel lately, I can't wait to get on a place for the first time.

>> No.22539995

I don't like movies.

>> No.22540000

I coughed up blood.

>> No.22540017

I have traveled a lot. it's shit. everywhere is the same. people eat, shit, fuck, drink, and yap yap yap. fuck culture, it's not interesting. you've seen one you've seen em all.

>> No.22540021

all of that is shit

>> No.22540073

Got ubermogged by some random guy who wanted to see my drawings.
He sketched something a billion times better in like a minute.
I can't even bring myself to seethe at him.
But I'm still pissy.
God damn it.
He was just better than me.

>> No.22540088

Are people really as racist as this site makes it seem. Look I know there’s tons of racism against whites in popular western media and entertainment but it’s honestly bothersome how much racism goes on here against all races. Like that’s not good if most people think this way. Obviously there’s probably some just predisposed to desire to come to 4chan who just generally are racist, but it’s pretty constant cross board in this forum where you can be anonymous and “mask off”. With this much frequency it’s more than just likely not farms or fringe groups. I don’t know it’s sad I’ve been racist before and I guess I still believe there are differences but I think some interpretations are uncharitable, but you should generally give every individual you meet a fair shake. It’s a bit corny sure but it’s true as far as I can tell

>> No.22540093

>you've seen one you've seen em all.
You're right, the bustling culture of New York is the exact same as the culture found in the tribes of the Amazon jungle, the exact same down to the suits they wear and the subways that they race to catch.

>> No.22540098

>I have no real comeback so I'm gonna shit my pants and make a blanket statement about the things you just said.
Lol, seethe, cry, mald. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.22540119

all you did was list things people experience while traveling dumbass. wow eating the same protein cooked a little different how exciting. wow these people squat when they shit such a fascinating culture. boring bullshit. 'I just love the hustle and bustle and meeting people and the exciting experience 'stfu reddit faggot

>> No.22540124

>'stfu reddit faggot
You really had to double down on that concede, didn't you? I get it, you know you lost, I don't care.

>> No.22540128

I do not concede. traveling is gay. the only travel I enjoyed was when I got to shoot farmers in Afghanistan.

>> No.22540133

The best experience is having someone from there who can show you around and speak the language. If I had to plan everything and go to tourist areas I feel like it would've sucked.

>> No.22540134

You're both spastics. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22540141

>the only travel I enjoyed was when I got to shoot farmers in Afghanistan.
And then you woke up.

>> No.22540142

I have a friend from Hong Kong so it'd be great to visit there and have him show me around.

>> No.22540148

nah I killed 3-5 people in Afghanistan. I deployed 5 times.

>> No.22540151

no kids, no tattoos, no debt.

>> No.22540157

>I deployed 5 times.
Lmao, now I know you're trolling.

>> No.22540168

my deployments were 4 months long. more senior guys could have like 10-12. what the fuck do you know anyway bitch.

>> No.22540173

>what the fuck do you know anyway bitch.
Imagine getting this emotional over the internet, lmao, are you red in the face yet? Have you had to grab something to mop up the puddle of tears under your chair yet? How's the girlfriend doing? When was the last time you gave her a black eye?

>> No.22540178

I don't have a girlfriend retard. I have been alone my entire life and will die alone.

>> No.22540183

is this your ideal woman or something? gl

>> No.22540186

any of you listen to the Very Bad Wizards podcast? they just did a good 2 part discussion on Blood Meridian, I think you would like it.

>> No.22540189

what would you estimate as the percentage of women in America under 30 that meet that criteria?

>> No.22540190

>I have been alone my entire life and will die alone.
Really? Shocker.

>> No.22540193

I've never read the book and I have no interest in listening to book nerds having a deep discussion. Thanks for mentioning it though.

>> No.22540199

they are actually proffesors in philosophy and psychology, respectively, and you're welcome. how have you not read BM you dilettante, what are you even doing here?

>> No.22540217

my friend has been dating women through dating apps in toronto. women like 30-40. and it's going fairly well. the trick is to swipe left on white women

>> No.22540221

will i enjoy it if im not a pseud (not actually intelligent either)?

>> No.22540233

yeah I think so. I'm going to sleep but will check back to see if you liked it.

>> No.22540235

are you dumb? that isn't a percentage and i said under 30. pay attention man.

>> No.22540240

are you paying me for some sort of service? you get whatever anecdote i give you, you fucking stain
anyway, under 30 really shouldn't be a problem if older has been relatively smooth sailing

>> No.22540262

I need to get on the property ladder. I hate paying half my income on rent. God rent is literally the most Jewish thing

>> No.22540267

Living alone has thrown me into a deep pit and I'm falling further.

>> No.22540276

interest feels just as bad
i moved in with my mom

>> No.22540285

>i moved in with my mom
How is it?

>> No.22540298

it's been good. she makes me food and is momlike.
but i moved in at the start of covid from another province. housing/rent has since gone to shit, and now im kind of trapped. if i leave she has to get a random roommate, and i can barely afford to go elsewhere anyway

>> No.22540301

i fucked Barrack Obama in 1999

>> No.22540316

All sexual puritanism is caused by the basic uncomfortable discordance between our uncontrollable, irrational sexual impulses and our rational falculties.
That a man capable of waxing poetic about divinity also from time to time desires his flesh rod rubbed or sucked is profoundly repulsive.
It is our own reality which is repugnant, the realization of how dependent we are are and moved by bodily urges

>> No.22540342

Every time I see your posts it upsets me so much.

>> No.22540366

if dubs i get drunk and get kicked out of the recovery house

>> No.22540368


>> No.22540376

Recovery is for chumps. The pnly recovering you need is a drink

>> No.22540429

>they are actually proffesors in philosophy and psychology
Oh god, yeah, I definitely don't care to listen to them then.

>> No.22540468

I barely know who I am, I'm only ever my real self when I'm at home, I wear a different mask around everyone.

>> No.22540472

You--ahuh--filthy little--ahuhauhauhuah--ahuahauhauhahhuururuurruMMMMMNGNGRGAAAAARR

>> No.22540493
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pooped twice today, and both shits were of considerable size

>> No.22540499

Everything about sex of any kind, whether masturbatory or with another revolts me.
Even as I'm driven to it, i hate it.
There was a point in my life where i considered castration I was so disgusted by my own urges.
And the fact of it is no matter what your own activity is usually always heard by some other and that makes it all the more shameful.
Not to mention the product itself, what's leftover...
If there is a God the fact that he designed us with a protruding tube with wrinkled sacs full of sticky. white liquid testifies to the fact that he may be some kind of mad god. The fact that he designed us with liquids at all ...
Sexual desire is just pure thoughtless repetition without end. There is no finality to it.
The body shouldnt just be covered up, it ought to be gotten rid of entirely. Heads in jars is the ideal state of being. Contemporary puritans dont go far enough--as they don't totally renounce or extinguish their sexuality and even celebrate it in marriage.
By contrast the "sex-positive" feminist types are usually only deluding themselves pretending they don't feel the natural shame which accompanies sex.
True freedom can only be found in a total emancipation from the flesh in all its repulsive facets.
Total sexual prohibition achieved through state mandated castration would permanently free the human race.
Beyond the sexual parts, all over my body run little tubes pumping red liquid.
This is also perverse. Each one of these tubes could easily be ruptured spilling unsightly liquid all over the place.
Or the snot that drains down the nasal cavity. Or the sweat which seeps out of tiny skin holes.
Really every facet of our bodies is revolting.
The next step in my program would be the replacement of bodily parts with cleaner more moral alternatives metal or tupperware

>> No.22540564

>the natural shame which accompanies sex
Sorry your dad stuck his finger in your ass

>> No.22540591


>> No.22540604

I don't think cinema is a waste of time. I just think that anon has really bad taste. He should slow down his pace and think about the movies he watches a bit more.

>> No.22540623

Those feet look very soft.

>> No.22540668

Amen. In Him is life and there is no life outside of Him

>> No.22540713

>I just think that anon has really bad taste.
Good thing taste is subjective, huh?

>> No.22540719

Also, I could spend a week thinking about a movie and still come up with nothing more than I do when I spend a night thinking about it. I'm just retarded, there's really nothing to it.

>> No.22540737
File: 5 KB, 200x160, help helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every now and then i think of this concept i call hauntological poetry, i want to sort of make like the vaporwave of poetry, but im too dumb to fully flesh out this concept. what would it be, like poems about ghosts and being haunted, or a poem that is haunted by an event.

i dont know, none of this matters

>> No.22540768

Mental illness
Have sex shizocel

>> No.22540772

I have become Sudra

>> No.22540802

It's not like hauntological music is all about ghosts and stuff, it's more like being "haunted by the past"

>> No.22540900

You are objectively retarded. Also, go back.

>> No.22540909

>You are objectively retarded.
I know, I already said that.

>> No.22540989

Did you really do it in a moment of frustration?

>> No.22541075

i hope one of the schizophrenic vagrants who hangs out outside the convenience store pulls out a gun and ices me on my way to buy a pack of smokes today

>> No.22541103

>and it's going fairly well. the trick is to swipe left on white women
Fuck you for revealing my cheat code.

>> No.22541248

i don't care about ye letters

>> No.22541286

What do you think is the path to genuine philosophical training today? Is it even possible? From my perspective, graduate level philosophy departments are basically a joke.

>> No.22541287

No wife, no horse, no mustache

>> No.22541301

There’s no such thing as paranoia” says the blind fool as he tucks a silver pocket watch in his pants.
Riding the streets with swirl in your brain, your ears full of toffee and 50 screaming bozo’s coursing all around your head, it feels like the eyes of the devil are watching every step I take and he don’t take kindly to steps, especially not stepping on his turf, buster. The devil’s got a key to your cell, mister, and lemme tell you a secret, he’s the judge, jury and executioner of this here town, he’s the prison warden with a list as long as the milwaukee river and on top of that list is one name buster, that buster is YOU. Get ready to forget everything you thought you knew about peace cause where you’re going the fire’s hotter than burning asphalt and the smell’ll make a skunk croak. Keep walking, buddy boy, keep walking nice and calm, pretend there ain’t nothing happening, keep walking step by step and things’ll turn out just fine. Don’t mind the skulls and whatever you do, DON’T LOOK IN THE EYES OF THE VAMPIRE STATUE, other than that you’ll be just fine and dandy. The gargoyles don’t bite and as long as you don’t feel any tentacles wrapping around the balls of your feet you’ll live to see another morning. The devil’s got a busy schedule. You don’t need to fret too much. Just don’t dilly dally or your pants are his, and every piece of loose change dangling in there’ll go straight into his slot machine, it’ll spin and flash until all numbers land on 6 and you’ll know you’ve won a big fat prize. The devil don’t take too kindly to strangers, and he don’t estrange the kindly ones, the devil soars high above the purple clouds and deep beneath crystal caves, he don’t give a damn. Watch as he spins around and around, riding on an infernal Ferris wheel that dips into rivers of molten fire, the devil’s the only one on it.

You’re busy watching TV, you’re busy sagging your pants, you’re busy eyeing the shops, just know that the devil’s busy eyeing you, pal. Keep riding your bike, keep strutting along, strut and strut until you can’t no more. Strutting won’t make a damn bit of difference when you’re standing at the pearly gates, you can’t strut your way into eternal paradise, sunshine, especially not with a smile like that. You’re better off taking the low road, the road less traveled bears the most fruit, or something like that anyway. You’re better off singing “the wheels of the bus go round and round” before you start thinking about making a change. You’re better off singing Christmas Carrols until the day you croak. No Santa Claus is climbing down your chim-e-ney tonight, you fucking fiend. You’re better of going the way of the dodo than you are looking in the mirror above your crusty toothbrush and singing “we will rock you” along to the morning radio station.

>> No.22541315

Just tell me if it was you or not.

>> No.22541425

I'm not content with my lot in life, but I'm not willing to work hard to attempt to change it either.

>> No.22541473

It's white genocide man.

>> No.22541508


>> No.22541521

a lot of leftists rightly say that part of how we operate and interact with others is based on assumptions (however right or wrong) from how they look. this is related to the idea of "passing", whether on racial lines or sex/gender lines. but the problem with some of their overarching claims about "women being oppressed", when they include trans "women", is that most of them do not pass and so are not seen as women. and even if they are treated as such and their "gender identity" is affirmed, some portion, perhaps most of it depending on their circumstances, is based on fear - not a belief that they are actually a woman

>> No.22541537

> muh trannies

>> No.22541815

Leftists don’t care. The teleology is what matters. They want a choose your player choose your life utopia. The communist last man that painted in the morning, philosophized at lunch, gardened in the anfternoon, and socialized in the evening is not enough for them. They have to be anboe to choose their biology, choose their geography, choose their culture, and they will never let up from that. It is a race to the lowest common denominator of freedom of materialistic choice. If you can choose everything about yourself and what it consumes, but absolutely nothing else, the leftist utopia will have been achieved.

>> No.22541819

I have a weird relationship with hard work. I’ve worked hard at various times in my life. I have a hard time working hard for something I don’t enjoy or don’t believe is worth it. When I had a really high paying job that nonetheless made my life miserable, I thought “what is the point” and got lazy. Where I’m at now is having a hard time identifying what is worth working hard for. Modern life feels very limiting.

>> No.22541827

Should people stop lurking and posting on this board by a certain age?

>> No.22541860

You people just make up shit to get angry about

>> No.22541866

I don’t. Everything I wrote seems to me plainly obvious. Rightists are often misguided but almost never utopians. Leftists are utopians almost 100% of the time.

>> No.22541872

"Utopian" is just a word people throw around when they want to discredit someone's politics. Leftists call other leftists utopians all the time

>> No.22541885

Dubs and I'll die today.

>> No.22541897

Mad based, son.
Also, niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.22541946 [DELETED] 

What does he like about me

>> No.22542048

The university is where both cultural and civilizational relevance goes to die.

And I’ve hitched my wagon to it…

>> No.22542155

Dubs and you experiment with prostate stimulation

>> No.22542163

Damn you're old

>> No.22542277

Dubs have spoken. Get that finger in your ass.

>> No.22542283

>raised by a young single mom
Tell me truthfully, did I ever stand a chance?

>> No.22542291

>having to raise a toddler brained woman from the get go
it will either make you a survivor chad or break you

>> No.22542292

I'm tired of being the outsider. I'm reflecting on the past several years of my life and I've always been the loner on the fringes. All the times I tried to be outgoing I encountered these already existent groups that I could never break into. And now I'm at a point where I'm in my mid 20s, spent my entire life as a loner, and see no possible alternative going forward. It's not like I can be a teenager again when group formation begins. I can't be a freshman in college again where everyone else is new and looking for their group too. I'll forever just be me, a kind of hermit on the fringes of humanity

>> No.22542293

Step in your father's shoes, pump and dump.

>> No.22542297

Okay Hamlet

>> No.22542318

He never had any other kids, to my knowledge I don't even know if he ever had any other relationships as I had never seen him with another woman. He died relatively young in his 40s because of cancer caused by his lifelong alcoholism and nicotine addiction.
Also I do not feel the cruelty in my heart to do something of the sort.

>> No.22542332

My neighbor made me nigga soup for my birthday today.

>> No.22542346

So you knew your father?

>> No.22542357
File: 24 KB, 482x494, 1654392312012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to write a sci fi novel but modern advancements in AI make the setting so fucking boring since its obvious that so many systems would realistically end up being controlled by AI that would outperform humans by wide margin

>> No.22542371

Yes, but he never had any hand in raising me, I will never ask my mom as she would probably lie but I'm fairly certain I was an unwanted pregnancy, as my father never had any interest in me and we only ever saw one another during christmas and birthdays for a few hours and an awkward ten minute talk. And also mother handed me over to my grandmother, some time when I was around four or five, until fourth grade when she made me move in with her and her boyfiend in another city.

>> No.22542378

what systems?

>> No.22542410

for starters anything involving piloting ships and ship to ship combat

forever war was probably the most realistic ship to ship combat since it literally involved everyone just going into pods while the AI took over and performed 3D maneuvers and calculations that no human pilot or tactical officer would be able to match. it worked well in that setting but its shit for what i would have liked to do

>> No.22542415

Going to the wrong university fucked me over for life

>> No.22542426

How old are you? What do you do in life?

>> No.22542429

care to expand upon that?

>> No.22542433

28, I don't do much of anything. I usually work for around a year then quit and neet with the saved up money, and repeat if I run out of money or get bored. My days are spend in browsing this site, playing video games, masturbating and reading books.

>> No.22542435

Please just tell me whether it was you or not in August.

>> No.22542448

Sounds like a (you) problem. Having had a shitty childhood sucks but everyone can into self-improvement.
I say this as someone who gone through a bad upbringing.

>> No.22542454

I would gladly tell you, but I don't have a darn idea of what I did in August. Memory kaboom.

>> No.22542488

I suppose, but when one has no real hope for a better future or a goal, he wanes. I will either be forced into activity by some new found resolution or perish, I just wish I could have experienced a loving stable family. There was a scene I once stumbled on while working in a hotel, I had to go into a room with the guests still inside for something, it was a little girl, no more than seven or eight, and she was on the ground drawing something with both her parents sitting on her sides looking over her, happy and smiling. It felt like my heart squeezed itself and I couldn't take a breath for close to five seconds.

>> No.22542500

colomire al niu pilatding ain u Earth gret iluma pilu pilu haiyul forkoxe mi leodin sen?

>> No.22542501

My honest advice I would try to just forget about everything and live in the present moment. I don't mean some hedonism type of thing where you literally never think ahead guided by your primal instincts but just enjoying things you know calmly, and doing nothing and one thing at a time in your free time.

>> No.22542545

what kind of jobs do you work in between neet spells?

>> No.22542725

Mental deterioration beyond basic internet addiction and depression has completely calcified in my mind at this point. Recently breaking of basic zombified routine by using computer less, losing weight, reading more, putting on muscle and getting outside for a bit led to me teetering on the edge of similar mania experienced in years past that led to full blown psychosis and psych ward visit.
One taste of this familiar schizo state of mind and I've rebounded back to complete dejected hermit isolation in attempt of self-suppression and imprisonment. Internal monologue of scatter brained all encompassing manic thoughts completely silenced as a result.
I see really only two options; be complete dopamine addict neet and spiritually castrate myself to prevent full blown mania or take the meds and live in emotionally deadened state for the rest of life.

>> No.22542773

I can be that schizo vagrant for you for the right price

>> No.22542833

It threw my life way off course. The environment was terrible for me. I didn't even want to go there but my family gaslighted me into it. Every single day there was a whole barrage from them telling me I have to go there. They actually brought in a dozen people to convince me to go there. I was getting phone calls from people I never met telling me I just had to go to that university. It turned out I was right. It's a commuter school with a very large student population in an urban area. My dormmate was a tranny. I did not fit in at all. I faced probably the worst social alienation of my entire life. I would often go weeks at a time withoutspeaking to another person. I ended up dropping out and decided to finish my GEs at a community college. But it sent me down a trajectory of isolation and alienation and a deep aversion to school. That was 6 years ago and I only barely achieved junior standing at a different school. My education was derailed and so also my career path. Im in my mid 20s and still live with my parents. If I had gone to the small rural school I wanted to attend things could have been different.

>> No.22542840

living as a clear-eyed pessimist instead of wallowing in the mud like a human pig.

>> No.22542847

I don't like admiting it but I feel lonely in my family circle because they are all uncultured brainlets, yet, I don't feel comfortable among other people because I have impostor syndrome due being brought up in a family of uncultured people

>> No.22542854

I knew you would say that, so predictable.

>> No.22542864

Damn thats rough. I feel lonely in my family circle because my mom and brothers are trailer park drug addicts and schizos, so my dad left to start a new family with an asian woman.

>> No.22542866

yeah that's why we fit in perfectly here.

>> No.22542870

no kids, no pysch meds, no tattoos, no debt.

>> No.22542889

is there a pessimism chart? I want to get as depressed and hopeless as possible.

>> No.22542891

>I only barely achieved junior standing at a different school
I'm not sure what this means exactly. is that the same school you finished your GEs at? so do you have an associate's at least or no?

>> No.22542912

I just completed my associates in spring and transfered to a university in fall. This has dredged up all kinds of old memories and regrets. Then I got the notification that my student debt payments are resuming. The fucking debt I took out to have the worst year of my life in that stupid university 6 years ago. I just keep brooding about it. If things went right I could have had my bachelors 2 years ago and either be in post grad or working a career. Of course I dont know how the pandemic would have affected this, but I can't help but feel like I'm doing pretty badly

>> No.22543056

I've been preparing for years to gain the necessary skills to do a certain job and lately having had difficulty searching for a position anywhere while I kept improving my skills non stop.

Now AI can do that job much better, faster and for no salary.

What do I do with my life now? How will I eat?

>> No.22543081

most non-creative jobs will go the way of automation and AI sooner or later, hope that your country will have some kind of safety nets in place for the unemployed that the dwindling jobs will cause

>> No.22543085

Would it be worth joining TPUSA

>> No.22543087

You’re talking about fiction. That isn’t the real future.

>> No.22543100

You’re wrong as fuck and that faggot was vague about which job because it isn’t a true story.

>> No.22543104

Fuck meant for >>22543081

>> No.22543112

do share which non-creative career you believe is automation / AI proof for the next 27 years?

>> No.22543119

Middle management

>> No.22543123

>the already obsolete job that only exists for cronyism and nepotism
you are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct t. bureaucracy

>> No.22543145

>an example of a job that could be automated but sticks around because people want to do it
>that won’t happen with other jobs though

>> No.22543168

It’s one thing to be unhappy with your life but it’s something else entirely to start to lose hope that it will get better.

>> No.22543193
File: 311 KB, 796x712, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i still visit this site as a decrepit old man?

>> No.22543198

Not if you die young

>> No.22543207

How old is old?

>> No.22543215

Atomized. On my own. Unmoored. Walking through the dark without a light. Rootless. Trying to make it. Ambiguity. Uncertain steps. Hesitation. Unfocused. Struggling to flourish.

>> No.22543219

I've been here for over 15 years

>> No.22543253


>> No.22543275

3 years and I only managed to save $30k

>> No.22543277

I have my girlfriend brush my teeth for me.

>> No.22543283

>tfw didn't make it into the fetish commission artist's list this month
>one less thing to look forward to for ~30 days

>> No.22543309

I haven’t even met a new person since I broke up with my ex-girlfriend 5 years ago…

>> No.22543314

That is decent

>> No.22543320

Will the so-called incel phenomenon reach a breaking point?
What happens when it isn't just a highly visible minority who are bitter, alone, and alienated, but the majority? What happens when the average person's natural desires for intimacy and connection collide with the increasingly isolated and conditional world of modern relationships? Can most people be placated by giving them universal basic income, a cheap apartment (a pod, if you will), AI-generated personalized porn, and an Internet connection? Is there a good way to solve the isolation, atomization, and existential ennui commonly seen among young people today without taking immoral or unethical action?

>> No.22543329

Was it really just a moment of frustration? Please tell me.

>> No.22543333

>angry young men go looking for community and meaning
>join various cults (ideologies, religions, mass movements)
>general social decay causes society to destabilize
>eventual tipping point (economic crisis, war, food shortage)
>powderkeg ignites

>> No.22543338

Incels aren’t really worth caring about. The world isn’t going to implode over some low quality males crying on the internet

>> No.22543345

Sure, I doubt the beta uprising will bring about the kali yuga or whatever, but at the same time I think that when a group of people share common experiences and beliefs at the scale the incel thing is at, they become capable of influencing society at large, even if only subtly, and that just ignoring the problem will cause more problems down the road.
On a more personal level I think that a society which produces such people at a rate significant enough for the phenomenon to become this well-known is a society with serious problems which are going unaddressed and which will likely produce further phenomena in this vein in the future, which may be much more harmful than bitter lonely dudes ranting online.

>> No.22543351

Every major social upheaval was preceded by young men not being able to marry and procreate. Even ISIS was a bunch of incels

>> No.22543357

Have you tried asking girls out or lowering your standards?

>> No.22543359

I've met and casually dated around but I find that it ends badly since I keep looking for her everywhere. Wish I could just purge the thought entirely

>> No.22543378

Yeah I have. I'm really bad with girls. Met this aspie chick whom I think has a crush on me tho. Might pursue it

>> No.22543384

I believe that, although Damon Salvatore (from the Vampire Diaries) is not real of course, that his essence -- the essence pulled into him from the real world of life -- is almost truer than true. it IS reality. And I am drawn to it for reasons I don't know. Purely psychologically, I am like a moth drawn to light. It is almost as if I sense something in the humanity pattern he manifests that I feel I require. Something about the acerbic honesty, the integration of his psyche. The balance. Living on the edge. And I happen to cope with dry humor and wit, too. It's what keeps me sane and amused in this life.

Today I was thinking about my fear of there being nothing after death. What if it was just nothingness? I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. These reflections caused me to think: "What is there to lose then? Why not live hard. Why not live honestly. Why not push myself onto the edge forever? If there is nothing after this, why not live as well as I can? And if there is something after this, let me be deserving of it. Either way I must live well."

>> No.22543388

At least you’re putting in effort instead of doing nothing but bitching. Almost all guys who have trouble getting a girlfriend think changing the world is the way to go. No, it’s a you problem, and you have to get better and be better

>> No.22543398

Yeah I pulled out of those incel/mgtow woman hate circles. Women are just as fucked as men these days. I dont hate them for being what they are. I've put a lot of effort into improving myself but I still get pretty dejected.

>> No.22543414

Just keep your head up and moving in the right direction. There will be setbacks, don’t let them demotivate you. And don’t worry about others, just compare yourself to yourself of yesterday. Many people are starved for a good relationship today, there has never been a better time to grab the bull by the horns

>> No.22543435 [DELETED] 

did you guys hear that new doja cat song with line that goes "boys be mad that i don't fuck incels" i was like well of course you don't by definition? what kind of cultural appropriation is this? but then i remembered a few years ago people were trying to cancel doja cat cuz of a recording of her in a tinychat from before she was famous saying semi-racist stuff and i thought well anyone goes on tinychat with a bunch of random nerds and says a bunch of politically incorrect shit is authentic enough to use that slang.

>> No.22543458

Doja cat is based

>> No.22543479

I'm completely stuck on the novel I'm writing. It's a transition chapter where the main character needs to confront the antagonist.

>> No.22543528

It really bothers me that even if I started living my life in exactly the way I wanted right now that I probably wouldn’t end up where I want in the long run just because it’s been the way it is for so long.

>> No.22543542

I'm arguing about Gatsby again... God will it ever end? Why make the majority of the population average intelligence? Some sick joke?

>> No.22543599

Why does Campanella want even the women of his ideal polity in the City of the Sun to be held in common? What sane man fantasizes about a city where he would have to tolerate other dudes banging his wife constantly? Fucking gross...

>> No.22543607

i could fix it
but im going to sleep soon

>> No.22543960

ESL here. Would you say words like SIGINT (First 3 letters of the two words to make one word) be called an abbreviation or is there another term for it?

>> No.22543984

I would still say it's an abbreviation just not an acronym

>> No.22544023

Men in public always try to look up my skirt.

>> No.22544026

London right? Wanna meet in London and hang out totally platonically hahaha I wouldn't be weird or anything unless that's what you're looking for then I can be adaptable but not in a weird way hahaha you have really nice eyes?

>> No.22544033

No I live in Minnesota.

>> No.22544034

OK well you're still pretty and cool haha

>> No.22544035

Thank you.

>> No.22544062

Who the fuck lives in Minnesota?

>> No.22544102

My brother does. Apparently twin cities is big for a lot of young faggoty professionals

>> No.22544187

still haven't finished that podcast, but i will

>> No.22544266

In the next couple of years my luck will finally change.
I've succeeded in my initial goal several times over, now I will be able to profit financially from my hard work and change the life of not only myself, but others.
"I just know that something good is gonna happen
I don't know when
But just saying it could even make it happen"

>> No.22544290

I am the neckbeard. I am the cringy un-socialized sweaty weirdo.
Adulthood is coming to the realization that you have morphed into a caricature, that you are the stereotypical loser in every way not deserving of love.

>> No.22544324

really though? usually these people aren't self aware.

>> No.22544338

>usually these people aren't self aware.
Nah that's just what people tell themselves
It's more comfortable to believe the sweaty weirdo isn't aware he's a sweaty weirdo.
I mean I don't know if i fit all the boxes exactly of the gamer neckbeard, but I'm definitely weird.
23 no friends, and I'm basically a shut-in at this point.
Not that I ever had them. I also spend more time than I care to admit compulsively playing videogames.
Spent my two days off playing Oblivion non-stop

>> No.22544384


this is quite old

>> No.22544398

I am not ashamed to admit it. My ancestors were once native savages, a relatively peaceful tribe regularly terrorised by larger, more warlike and violent rival-clans. For the longest time our folk prophecy was that the ocean, at the time our pagan god of gods, would someday grant us great glory in destroying our enemies, taking care of our people, and essentially ushering in abundance and prosperity. Ancestor wisdom interpreted this event as a great and almighty storm swallowing the rival-clans, providing plenty of fish for our starving mouths, and nourishing the farmlands so our crops can thrive as watered by the blood of our enemies.

But behold: Instead a gift from the sea of seas on a sunny day would come ashore to our beach. A magnificent vessel unlike we had ever seen before, with strange people telling us that the true god of gods had revealed himself long ago in a desert, and that his messengers have come all this way to deliver upon great promises.

Of course, we did not initially believe them. And yet, they would in time destroy all our enemies with rods of thunder and fire, outran them with swift animal-rides, and heal our sick with potions and expert surgeons. Their strange ways allowed the land to prosper unlike never before, and they even introduced to us mastery of earth-fire into cold silver-shells stronger than any tortoise.

The rival-clans no longer exists, meanwhile I rest here in my abode with much fruit, a full stomach, and wonder of it all. We no longer even have to conduct ritual sacrifices anymore, as apparently the one true God had sent his own son as sacrifice to us.

With my ancestor's prophecy fulfilled, another was introduced: The sacrificed-son is said to return someday to deliver upon a great and mighty judgement in due time. Meanwhile, we are called to prepare. Rest assured I tell you, my people stand ready, worshipping daily, for this God delivered our ancestors, and so we sing praise of him ready for the final prophecy to asunder our enemies once and for all.

>> No.22544879
File: 206 KB, 550x669, 550px-Laocoon.b.p1.300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.

>> No.22545093

Not decent enough for a down payment on a house or even a good truck. It took me 3 years of living with mom and I can barely by a used pos SUV

>> No.22545099

It’s not a coincidence that each epochal shift in Western history brought with it a cohort of men to be admired by the people. For the Medievals, the saints, and for modern Europeans, the revolutionaries. In certain circles, the way the Founding Fathers are spoken of is very much like that of a series of church fathers or saints. What sort of men then will the next epochal shift bring? I think it’s clear that we’re approaching one if not in one already.

>> No.22545111

> an epochal shift is about to happen
Better not, millions would die

>> No.22545262

History seems to care little for the number of dead unfortunately

>> No.22545481

All woman are whores. Ones just hide it better then others.

>> No.22545520

I'm not ashamed to admit it: I kind of enjoyed this. Name of the tribe?