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/lit/ - Literature

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22534186 No.22534186 [Reply] [Original]


/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread Theme:

>> No.22534223
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reposting because this was the second to last post:

How would you guys go about outlining a story (or at least portions of it) that has five main perspectives that intertwine, and each of those perspectives then further breaks down into more?

What I plan to do is: go back through the parts of the story that I have already written without the use of any outline and try to make an outline with what's there. This way, I can go back and see what the causes and effects were, so then I can draw it all out and have at least some idea of how to go about actually creating one for the next portion(s). I wanted to write the whole thing without any serious outlines, but it's just too confusing trying to make everything coherent without one.

>> No.22534256


>> No.22534293
File: 51 KB, 602x636, Dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some excerpts of a horror/fantasy short story I'm working on I think some of my best work so far trying to go for a Jack Vance/HP Lovecraft sort of crossover and I think it is working in some areas I feel like half of the short story could be the history of Dis while the second half could be more plot driven taking place in current times though I'm not too confident in how that line about the star appearaing with the naked eye feels otherwise I think this reads fine but I think I could refine that into something better

>> No.22534307

The run-on sentences here make the entire thing unreadable. Come back once you’ve learned the basic tenets of grammar.

>> No.22534357

write it first. arrange it later.

>> No.22534387
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Wordcloud of the previous thread

>> No.22534416

People in these threads need to be told to read more.

>> No.22534422

What makes you suggest this?

>> No.22534428


>> No.22534442

>Jack Vance/HP Lovecraft sort of crossover
Reminds me too of Clark Ashton Smith, like something from the Zothique series.

The guy who mentioned the one-paragraph sentence at the start is right that it's way too long, though. If you read your prose aloud, problems like this become way easier to spot.

>> No.22534449

Have a character interact in Dis, not just an info dump of rhetorical questions and exposition.

>> No.22534463

You're too verboose for me. Take that last part. You use a bunch of words just to say "nobody knows why the water was poisoned but some guessed the star had to do with it." Run-on sentences are only a problem to English teachers but yours are just bland. There's not enough in them to justify their length and they aren't written well enough to make up for the lack of content.
Seems like you've got a lot of cool ideas but don't have the skill to write them yet. Read more books.

>> No.22534475

Nah I’m not going to bother with you people.

>> No.22534483

You hate us because we tell you the truth

>> No.22534490
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Fuck it /wg/, felt like doing something new.
Haven't written a poem in years, first time with this format.
Destroy me.

>> No.22534496

Lol. Keep telling yourself that, retard. Every time I’ve come back to you people and thrown your braindead advice back at you, you’ve balked at it. All you idiots do is spout nonsense and try to discourage others.
But sure, be deluded and think it’s “truth.”

>> No.22534512

By "truth" I mean honest opinions. Most people won't give you honest feedback, they'll try to find out what you want to hear and tell you that. We don't give a shit what you want to hear, we'll call it like we see it.

>> No.22534522

Post it yo, there's one good anon who critiques in these threads and is actually helpful. Helped my writing out a ton.
Its not bad, but it feels like you're riding on that 'sunset sieves' line pretty hard (its a good line though, I like it)

>> No.22534607

This is quite bad. You're sub par grammar skills are evident, but worse than that is you're prose. You're inspirations are very clear but you seem to be blindly imitating without learning. You have Lovecraft's verbosity but none of his rhythm so the entire piece comes of as robotic and meandering. Most of your sentences could be cut in half and nothing would be lost, if the words aren't adding anything in clarity or tone then don't use them. More over, the subject matter isn't particularly interesting, it's just a poorly written information dump. The reason Lovecraft and others from his day could get away with these long descriptive paragraphs is because their prose drew you in by establishing a eerie and mysterious atmosphere. You should either develop you're prose or pick something easier to write.

>> No.22534664

>pure ivory white
>fondly affectionate
>portcullis gates
>ethereal preternatural
>lighthouse beacon
If it's worth saying once, it must be worth repeating two or three times, right?

>> No.22534695

Dis nuts

>> No.22534710
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I'm writing a chapter with a lot of guns in it, but I don't want to use real names or make stupid sounding fake ones either. Is it acceptable to just refer to them by their caliber?

ex: Steve readied the .50, his finger stroking the trigger.

>> No.22534736

Just say the general type (handgun, rifle, machine gun, etc), the layman isn't going to have a good mental image if you just say the caliber

>> No.22534751


Was thinking of introducing a character who is a cartographer who is retired forced to go back into the business after receiving news from an old friend his missing wife might be alive last seen searching for things in Dis but for the historical character maybe a fake historian like how GRRM had a maester in Fire And Blood be the chronicler he could just be reading various notes and passages about the city before receiving the news


I've never read Clark Ashton Smith but I've been inteerested in his work for a while what I've gathered a pretty underrated author on the weird fiction horror and fantasy spectrum but I know Lovecraft admirered his works a lot

>> No.22534767

How many drafts is too many?
I'm going to start on my third draft of what I've got, it's sitting at about 60k words right now and I'm alright with that. I'm mostly happy with everything, but I need to go through again and keep polishing little parts. I was planning on looking for an editor but the dude who schleps on here charges like $500, my broke ass can't justify that.

>> No.22534776

what are you doing drafts for? story structure? If that's the case then consider planning out your scenes before you start to write. Write a summary of every scene and then arrange and re-arrange them or change the summary. Saves you a lot of time instead of wasting weeks just writing and then scrapping it all

>> No.22534788

Doesn't this mean the exact same thing as among, just two letters longer?

>> No.22534790

The character changes between multiple rifles in quick succession. That would be even more confusing to just refer to all of them as "the rifle"

>> No.22534797

NTA, but learn the difference between your and you’re before you try to critique others. This is an elementary school level mistake that you’ve made repeatedly in a single paragraph.

>> No.22534804
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Start of my schizo gf novella. Was thinking about sending it to &amp, but I think there could be a lot of improvements made.

>> No.22534835

>Steve readied the .50
Barrett? Lynx? M2?

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22534919

>You're sub par grammar skills are evident

>> No.22534926

So, continuing the theme of bashing bloated fantasy that cares more about worldbuilding than actual plot or story, what's some fantasy you'd recommend that ISN'T bloated? Any length is acceptable.

>> No.22534932

my novel

>> No.22534938

Sweet, where can I buy it?

>> No.22534945

shut the fuck up you don't know anything I hate you

>> No.22534946

The reader knows from context that it is a rifle. The whole point is that the text doesn't use any real names.

>> No.22534983

So...not on Amazon then?

>> No.22534993
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Why do all the tranny jannys force people like me to be on lit. I dont have some kind of fart smelling philosophy boner. I just want to write feel good jrpg like plot structures.

>> No.22535006

Do as I say, not as I do

>> No.22535010
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>> No.22535014

If you're a fan of Lovecraft you should definitely read Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E Howard.

>> No.22535027
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what are the odds of making a livable income as a novel writer?

>> No.22535028


>> No.22535054

there is a 50% chance
either you make it or you don't

>> No.22535079

>writing a story
>already finished the ending, a tearjerker
>wrote the intro

>its about 3 friends and two of them die one at the end due to the MC's carelessness
>figuring out wether the second friend dies early on when he obtains the object or later on so theres more character building and a connection but then the intro needs to be rewritten and it doesnt make sense anymore and its supposed to be a SHORT story
fucking hell

I cant write tear jerkers well at all.
I really like the ending though. but its useless without the build up

>> No.22535084

If it's a short story then just kill him off early. There won't be much time for build up anyways, and splitting that time between the two friends will be difficult

>> No.22535099

I dont think you understand how odds work. You either win or lose the lottery, that doesnt mean you have a 50/50 chance of winning.

>> No.22535124

you have to become a best selling author not a best writing one.

>> No.22535126

There are 2 options. You make it or you don't. 1+2=2. 1/2=0.5. It's simple math.

>> No.22535145

Why do you keep posting this in the /wg/ and &amp thread? What is it supposed to mean?

>> No.22535148

it's all about set-up and payoff
readers will only care if you have made them care

>> No.22535225

I fixed the intro, he dies early, its okay if theres no real connection because the second one will make up for that

>> No.22535228

forgot to say thanks>>22535148

>> No.22535375

an important concept of writing is the show dont tell concept.Yet how do you know when to show and when to tell? if you just show everything your writing is insanely long.

>> No.22535381
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot_2558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop for a while and try to understand what does showing and what does telling communicate to the reader? Each of those things has it's own use and I'ts not that hard to figure out what that use is.

>> No.22535415

you need to have a theme and an onus to write. I want to write a huge sweeping story but its useless to want to do that unless you already know why the story needs to be told.

>> No.22535476
File: 953 KB, 1080x1272, 1000019895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. This is an excerpt from my story. This portion is from a segment about a Father and Son who are bakers, but have to leave their town of Severnyi (that's in Russia) because soldiers are imposing strict lockdowns because there are supernatural children running amok. It takes place during the winter. It's not the whole segment, so if anything is confusing, maybe that's the reason why.

I thought the whole section was gold when I first read through it, but then after typing it out, not so much. I don't think it's bad, maybe a bit too wordy. Maybe it could have used better description to create a better picture.

"Fragmented between shadows and her porcelain skin..." This isn't a bad sentence per se. In fact, i think it could be pretty good, but it's placed oddly. Like, where are you/is she? Lights from what? I'd start this by saying where you are or something first.

The descriptions of her face aren't bad, but it's super 'you're just telling me what to think'. You could probably write it better so that I have to do a little leg work to fill in the pieces myself with a little better writing on your end. I'm not sure exactly what that would look like, but generally, I think it's better to show, or at least tell only half, than to tell the whole thing.

The pathogen line and wanting to go through her veins are a really good way of showing instead of telling. Although, I'd say that you would ha e been better off saying a blood cell by itself instead of a pathogen, because it seems like you love the girl, so why would you want to be something negative inside of her? Unless, of course, you want her to suffer because you love her.

"It was at the Prodo museum is where I first saw her." Doesn't need the is before where.

I don't have too many specifics for the rest of the story, but you generally just tell. A lot. Then you'll throw in a simile here or there, but those are a little cliché too. But cliché isn't always bad - it's just cliche. You could weave several of these sentences together and say more with less. But something like that comes with time because you'd have to have your style kind of "set," or at least existent.

>> No.22535659

Hello anon, you use, way too many, commas.

>> No.22535670

Would I be better off just ending the sentences? I mean, in general. Maybe some I could have used a semi-colon or hyphen or something, but was there a common pattern you noticed?

>> No.22535679

In your opinion, which do you think would be more appealing to young (10-14) year old boys:
>Young boy goes on a journey to save his younger sibling
>Young boy goes on a journey to save his friend
>Young boy goes on a journey WITH his younger sibling to save their parent
I know the choices are all similar, but the difference is actually really impactful. Again, all I want is your opinion.

>> No.22535708

Do all 3 and force him to choose.

>> No.22535787

I personally think him going alone to save the sibling is the coolest, but going with the sibling to save their parent(s) has more dynamicism only because of the added character

>> No.22535822

Not really the vibe I'm going for.
There'd be characters the protag would meet along the way, but having another character there from the get go would certainly be beneficial in terms of story telling and creating interest.

>> No.22535826

I bet you use microsoft word

>> No.22535849
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>paying to submit to an online magazine
>they don't pay you, they just publish it for free
>but you still got selected since there is a screening process

It still doesn't count, does it?

>> No.22535864

why do you think this

>> No.22535870

ms word constantly nags you to use commas

>> No.22535898

It was actually Google drive, but I never knew that regardless. Would you happen to have any words on the excerpt I've posted, if you have read it?

>> No.22535929

4channers: all of the social impairment of nerds, and none of the brains.

>> No.22535953

I read some of it. It's alright, just a little vague and boring. Could use more specificity.

>> No.22535963

Every time you want to use a comma ask yourself if it needs to be there. Often a period or no comma fits better.
But to be frank your issues go deeper than comma overuse. You also overuse ellipses and every other type of punctuation. Things like the dashes around "in any way at all" just don't need to be there.
But my main problem with the text is that I can't pin down who or what it's about. All that stood out to me was the real-life parallel to their lockdowns but nothing deeper than that.

>> No.22535965

I like how all the books in the /wg/ writers section are sci-fi, fantasy, and modern schizo incel my diary works

>> No.22536000

>graduated from college half a year ago
>was using word for writing
>suddenly can't access word
I assume this is because I had a student account. Should I just use something like LibreOffice? I'd rather not pay for Microsoft's stuff.

>> No.22536006

OpenOffice is all you'll ever need

>> No.22536020

Anyone else barely playing vidya anymore because you're spending all your free time writing? Some may say this is a good thing but I still have yet to beat my first Elden Ring playthrough.

>> No.22536032

use Libreoffice because when you finally self-publish like you're going to, you need the Justify, auto-hypen, and microspacing for your books

>> No.22536041
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>uploads the .odt document to amazon

>> No.22536089

Sometimes people don't appreciate the feedback by other anons, but it actually is good, hard to hear, practical advice.
This is the summary of two stories I'm writing for my gf, who likes to read a lot (I just like to write):

>Ulrich Markov is a soldier in the First Mechanized Infantry Battalion of the Meridian Republic, who has return from his first tour of combat to the megalopolis of Entrevastus, together with his comrades. He was secretly tasked by his superior, Voldt, to get in contact with his younger brother, Karl, who he hasn't seen since he was ten years old, when Karl fled his home. Karl is suspected of being one of the most successful gladiators in the underground sport called "The Ring", in which contestants fight to the death. Ulrich doesn't know the details of the mission beyond getting into contact with a Intelligence Unit agent in the nightclub "Dungeon"
This story is set in a dieselpunk world, where there is a world war against Askadianists and the Meridian led Defense Cooperative Alliance. Askadianism being an ideology that spread throughout the continent, created by Viktor Askadian, who is the close advisor of the Bysantir dynasty, which controls one of the major countries of the continent.
The other is a story about a trans girl in highschool, who develops feelings for her best friend, and then starts doubting herself and commences the process of detransitioning. Basically a highschool drama of sorts, aimed at female young audience (my woman).
Unfortunately, my computer is not starting, so I can't continue writing my shit. I have other projects as well, but these were gaining traction in my development of them. All of these are not being written in English.

>> No.22536094

Download cracked Scrivener like I did.

>> No.22536095
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>The other is a story about a trans girl in highschool,

>> No.22536102

Turning back into a MAN. I was aiming at subverting this transsexual fad. It's basically a guy who was fooled to become a girl, and then realizes he was man all along.

>> No.22536106

Fair enough, I admit I stopped reading your post as soon as I saw that

>> No.22536127
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>> No.22536259

how are you fuckers on 4chan and don't know how to torrent word?

>> No.22536262

Most of us don't like installing bitcoin miners

>> No.22536279

Meh. Not a very unique take on this trope. It's not even really clear what he's selling his soul for. His life just sucks? Not very compelling.

>> No.22536290

t. a tech illiterate

>> No.22536291

Literal cope of someone with zero understanding of how to use the internet.

>> No.22536416

I wouldn't use that bloated piece of shit if you paid me

>> No.22536420

Tell us oh genius, what are the odds that it was a joke?

>> No.22536564
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>not knowing how to pirate
are you all post 2000 zoomtards or what is happening

>> No.22536820

I have word 2010 torrented but I use scrivener these days.

>> No.22536881

I don't have time for that shit anymore. I earn more in the time it would take me to find and download a working Word torrent. Instead I paid for Scrivener years ago and have never looked back.

>> No.22536892

As if. I too bought Scrivener and haven't gone back, but it takes less than five minutes to torrent word. It's probably even quicker than buying it.

>> No.22536895

What do you do anon?

>> No.22536925

sysadmin, they essentially pay me to write during office hours since I've automated more than 90% of my job. naturally I haven't told them that.

>> No.22537093

I like Microsoft Word

>> No.22537200

It's $60 anon...

>> No.22537253

I've started something, likely gonna be novella/short novel sorta length. Started last week and already got 10k words. It's very personal, and I've tried to free myself of having 'a voice' or consciously trying to impress with prose style, verbosity, the intellectual merits of its content. I'm a talented writer, I think, but too often I've aimed to impress and making something really large and 'important' without laying the groundwork. Whereas this is a very different starting place. Think I've realised that what's good and important isn't correlated with size and complexity, and a book that's delicate and small scale can be just as resonant and affecting, if not more resonant and affecting. It's probably the best I've felt about something I've written, at least up to this point. Just thought I'd put this here for my own sake

>> No.22537301
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>tfw only ~12k words into my novel which I started in July
>finished 7 chapters out of 31 outlined

>> No.22537327
File: 41 KB, 400x584, Friedrich-Barbarossa-Ruler-Holy-Roman-Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moment in time. A heroic pose is struck. Eyes fixes in the distance. Which way lies tomorrow? Eastward, whence the dawn comes, or west, where it heads?
Which way lies tomorrow? For many, there will be none. On this day much blood would be spilled. For what cause? His whim, and that of Ernwald, that yellow bastard, that flatulent eunuch!
Good men, these. Their deaths would be mourned. Others yet on the other side, were they any worse? They must be, lest it be sin to take their lives. And their crime? Loyalty to their lord.
On Ernwald's head it be, then. Not his. So many of them. Too many. What was their number again? And his own troops? God gives victory to whomever deserves it, regardless of number. But surely Ernwald didn't hold sway over more hearts than he did?
Was he not loved by his subjects? He was not overly harsh with them, no more than was his right.
His right, yes. He was in the right. He would win, as was right. The dark clouds passed and the sun glinted over them, shining from behind the hill on which Ernwald's tent stood. On a hill, with the sun behind them? No matter. God would deliver him his enemies. It was only right.
"Send in the infantry," he told Letty.
"Not the cavalry, sire?"
"Not as yet, no."
He had a feeling. Perhaps these horses would be needed to advance in another direction ere the day was done. His own mount at the least. Had the walls been repaired recently at home, he wondered. No, they had not. If Ernwald won here, would he pursue? Yes he would. Could they hold a siege back for long? For how long?
"Yes, sire?"
"My cousin has high walls, does he not?"
"High as the heavens, I'm told."
"And sturdy?"
"Three feet thick, sire."
"We have not visited him in some time, have we?"
"Not lately sire, no."
"I miss him so."
"Would that he were here today, sire."
"Or us with him."
"Perhaps a visit is in order, then?"
He nodded.
"Send word back home, tell my wife to take the children and the red caskets to my cousin's place."
"It will be done, sire."
"Hm. And tell that infantry to do double time, they won't make it up the hill at that pace! Look all those arrows! Lazy bastards dying just to spite me!"

>> No.22537343

I've got 31 written as of 2 years ago. Of 42 outlined. When I get home from work I'm just dead tired and easily distracted.

>> No.22537351

I can finish a 167k word manuscript in 12 months but it all sucks because quantity < quality

>> No.22537361

How do I sell?

>> No.22537363

write stuff people want to read. it's not that complicated

>> No.22537487

People want to read smutty monster fantasy. So I write fantasy with smut?

>> No.22537543

But most people read rubbish

>> No.22537569

And if that bothers you, don't write with the goal to be popular.

If you want to be read, then yes, you write in a genre where there's lots of readers.

>> No.22537570

good critique and solid advice thanks.

>> No.22537576

congratulations, anon. keep on writing.

>> No.22537641

>dude just divine what people want somehow and write that
Easier written than done

>> No.22537667

thanks to the anon who wrote they liked my psych ward story from the last thread and asked about the research. i stayed in the inpatient for about a week so that's pretty much where i learned all about it.

I finished the short story and its here if you want to read it. https://pastes.io/evqrq4hvtl

I'm planning to write a few different ones. There's a lot of really distinctive things I experienced there which weren't necessarily awful but are just... worth sharing I suppose

>> No.22537743

Thank you, hope your writing is coming along well

>> No.22537799

How is looking through what's trending on amazon or web serial sites and finding the commonalities difficult? I mean yeah obviously if you're shit at writing there'll be problems, but if you're even half decent and purposefully trend-chase, odds are high you'll get a readerbase. It really is that simple.

>> No.22537814
File: 147 KB, 881x520, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please anons, rate my writing, it´s a cliche isekai story like most isekai animes,but its from a native point of view. i translate it in google so it will have mistakes

>> No.22537855

>just look at what's successful and do that
Easier written than done

>> No.22537881

Well, I did it just as easily as I'm saying it is, so YMMV I guess

>> No.22537888

I did the same and failed miserably.

>> No.22537896

You got lucky.

>> No.22537913

Bridge of Birds
The Golden Compass
Tailchaser's Song

>> No.22537921

I give it a 3/10. Don't write in a language you don't know and don't use Google translate on your work.
I don't know what isekai is but your writing is way too expositional. So much of that excerpt is just information dumps. You even insert it into the dialogue. Two characters really shouldn't talk about things they both already know. It just comes across as inhuman because we can tell they're not really talking to each other, they're talking to the reader.

>> No.22537936

I only read 4 sentences but it reads very unnatural.

>> No.22537943

has anyone read the new horror manga on watpad
? the_b_user writers name i doubt its ito jinjo

>> No.22537957

Having trouble coming up with a reasonable plot. Here's the gyst of it so far:

>MC does selfish things in the beginning to try and stop a wedding that endanger him and his friends
>MC finds out through his selfishness that there is actually an evil plot going on. Friends lose a bit of trust in him even though he knows there's evil afoot
>Now that he actually has a cause to fight against, he doubles down on stopping the wedding
>MC flies to close to the sun and the mastermind kingpin behind the evil threatens him
>fast forward through a lot of the story
>MC kills the kingpin's son in self defense, kingpin gets violent and vengeful

Here is where I run into a dead end. The MC's family has had some sort of connection to the kingpin. The most logical route that comes to me is that the kingpin becomes cold blooded and wants to kill the MC's whole family as revenge. However, if I go that route the story takes a very dark turn that I wasn't expecting nor I'm sure I want to take.

I was thinking of maybe having the kingpin be honorable and just seek revenge on the MC but the kingpin has a history of ruthlessness and violence, so I don't think he'd behave to well if he's in a rage. My other alternative is that the MC barely saves his family but one of his mentors gets offed or maybe he gets brutally injured.

I dunno, I'm trying to think of what other interesting ways the story could go other than "I'm angry, Imma kill your family". Any help would be appreciated

>> No.22537975

First idea that comes to mind is that another organization that's opposing the kingpin contacts the MC after he kills the kingpins son, this allows you a lot of flex to take the story where you want
For instance, if you don't want MC's family to get killed, then you can have this organization agree to help protect them if MC helps them out

>> No.22537997

thanks anons, i will try to fix it.

>> No.22537998

I've done it across 3 pen names for fanfiction, erotica, and web serials, all of them disconnected from each other, but sure. Success is definitely luck lmao

>> No.22538034

Cool story bro. You captured the psych ward feeling pretty well. Nothing to do but lounge around and talk with your fellow crazies. The one in the story must've been less severe than the ones I went to since they left the doors unlocked. If they did that where I went to I would not have stayed and would probably be slightly more fucked up right now.

>> No.22538058

what kind of success are we talking about if you don’t mind me asking? like quit your job levels of income?

>> No.22538086

Yes, though the income comes from my web serials. My ao3 fics have 6 digit views though, so they're popular, just not monetizable. Same with various erotica pieces

>> No.22538095

The door was open during visiting hours, visitors were supposed to check in. There was a locked ward but I was voluntary and not in it. Also thanks a lot and sorry you had to go through something like that.

no one actually escaped that's just fantasy part. or else im sure the doors would never be open

>> No.22538162

so you don’t put your work on amazon? I’m wondering if it’s such a cesspool that nobody actually buys self-published books on there at all anymore.

>> No.22538181

I don't publish books there (yet) but both in the web serial and erotica spaces, Amazon is huge. The self-pub scene has never been bigger and is only growing, so I'm not sure where you got the idea it's dying.

>> No.22538188

me neither. I definitely had the impression that it was so saturated that it was difficult/impossible to actually get noticed, but if there really are millions of people on amazon searching for a specific kind of book and you write one then you certainly have a good chance of earning some money that way.

>> No.22538203

i look away when the ads come in
i don't want to let them win
i close my ears when the ads come on
i don't want them to think they've won

fuck premium
i wont pay
i close my eyes reflexively
ill watch whatever i may

those ad jingles cause a visceral reaction
the kind that makes your therapist take action
if you joke about what you want to do about it on the phone
they'll show up before the final tone

i don't want your free sample
give me something worth no hesitation
im just here for that ten hour
cat compilation
let me watch this ten hour
cat tiktok compilation


>> No.22538216

i can spot a xanax mommy
from a mile away
dose me up be your papi
dose me and im here to stay

i can spot it in that gucci velour
i can spot it in those charming sways
i can spot it in that false grandeur
false blur, give me the static feel today

find me at my regular dot
lurking in the walmart parking lot
looking for your christened spot
looking for your pill prescription

im too scared of a needle and spoon
scared of a syringe tied too soon
scared of powder with that tune
but i know my xanax mommy
will take care of me

you give me that smile i know i got yours
you give me a sign i know im yours for sure
now you'll give me what i want your
pill prescription
bring me your bars
doesn't matter if you let me go far
im yours for sure, im yours right here
as long as you give me your pill prescription

i don't care about your tits
though i wouldnt mind a touch
im only here for your
pill prescription

prefer to pick up my medicine with a mommy downtown
i just prefer to find my medicine in the grocery store parking lot

you can be my new affliction
just share your pill prescription
just don't talk about my pill addiction
just don't talk about my milf addiction

>> No.22538308

I made 35 cents the other day. I'm moving on up!

>> No.22538406

does all popular erotica have to be woman MC with a single love interest who is a tall, arrogant, man who pursues her relentlessly like a twilight/fifty shades knock off or is there actual variety?

>> No.22538414
File: 311 KB, 1248x1014, 1694109127446725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

popular erotica has to have 1 (one) thing in it that's actually important.
It needs to illicit empotional response from the reader, preferably one of the major ones in addition to lust.

>> No.22538455

so like erotica+horror, erotica+mystery/thriller, erotica+comedy maybe, that kind of thing? I guess you basically answered my question which is whether the entire genre is fifty shades knock offs or if there’s actual variety in the types of stories people tell.
would you say it is or isn’t accurate that you could basically put explicit, pornographic sex scenes in any other type of novel and it could sell well as erotica? and does it need to be a love story between two main characters or could it be one mc with multiple partners throughout the book or what?

>> No.22538478 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1066x1592, 1660453644811793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erotica (or smut as it is commonly called) is simply a story with sex life involved in it. You could write an entire detective novel and if a big part of it is erotic scenes then it will be classified as erotic crime novel.

Also, I don't know if you do, my fellow young friend, but sex does not have to be done in love, it can be a one-night thing, or even opportunistic, provided someone is insane enough or tired enough to roll with it. Additionaly, if it doesn't have sex (any sort of engagement between private parts ex. mouth, nipples, butt etc etc.) then it's simply a suggestive story with strong sensual elements.

It's a very fluid genre and you can make smut of almost any kind, any decorum, quality or meaning so you'll have to use best judgement and basic rules of writing to do something captivating.

I hope I wrote my thoughts concisely and clearly, but do reply if you have any further questions, because If I'm not continuing writing my book then might as well help others.

>> No.22538496

> twink

Is this a word that everbody knows and uses? Or if a character uses it then they are definitely gay because only gay people are in the know?

>> No.22538501
File: 19 KB, 705x142, 124124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 seconds of google search
I'm going to call you the nigger-word

>> No.22538552

I understand, but my question was intended to ascertain whether such books are popular among erotica readers, or are they mostly interested in romance stories that just have graphic sex scenes between the two main characters. obviously one could write sex scenes in any type of story and call it erotica. my question is does that kind of book sell?

>> No.22538574
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot_2678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no you got me wrong, any book is popular among coombrains so long as it diddles their pipe the right way. You can write crime porn, erotica dramas, smut fantasy with elements of horror and furthermore, so long as you are a writer who writes interesting sentences, you will be not left "on read" so to speak.

>> No.22538583

This is only a suggestion, but you could start with that bit and then tell a story of the main character dealing with the guilt afterwards or perhaps jump backwards after, leaving the reader to know it's all going to go wrong but interested to see how it does.

>> No.22538685

kek, thats exactly what I did. It starts with a description of the situation and then he explains how it got there.

>> No.22538801

The reader awoke already awake and reading since sleeping is a waste of reading time. He read by the glow of the rising sun and continued reading. A global economic depression came and went but still he read. Nuclear race war ravaged the normies as he flipped his pages stoically. After countless lifetimes the reader glanced up from his books at the world, now a desert with nothing in it, not even books. The childlike empress from Neverending Story cried.gif: "Why don't you do what you dream, Bastian? Call my name!".
For a moment the reader was disappointed in the author for relying on meme references but this author was too handsome and charming to resist for long. His brilliant weaving of words kept the reader transfixed on the text and hungry for more. The reader called a name into the desert storm.
You are what you eat and Herus Gadeiric was a simple man made of porridge and garum. Life on the banks of the river had been peaceful for hundreds of years despite proximity to the great wars. His family once had land and respect of the Iberian tribes but his father sided with the merchant guilds and died in battle somewhere in Italia. Families of collaborators were crucified but Herus survived in hiding, living the simple life he had grown to enjoy. At the weekly markets news of a rising gang made Herus nervous. They called themselves Marians, they were not sanctioned by the authorities unlike the other gangs and had recently murdered a local noble when Herus found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time.
The reader was intrigued by the introduction of Herus, it hinted at a story behind these mad ramblings but as quickly as hope had appeared it was snatched away by the author's self indulgent meta exposition and abrupt ending.

>> No.22538897

thanks for answering my questions, anon.

>> No.22538904
File: 22 KB, 910x608, 173339827362552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise I think I had a good idea. I turned a flash I posted here a few weeks ago into some kind of video/audiobook. Please read/listen here and let me know what you think, thanks

dai (dot) ly (slash) k6RGsAO7Yq3FjGzvtI1

videobooks? immersives? I don't know what to call them but if other anons made similars we could collaborate and set up a collective youtube channel. or maybe i should take this to amp&

>> No.22538930

I'm sure someone might like it but the production value is too low for me.
>visuals add nothing outside of subtitles
>clearly wasn't filmed yourself
>AI voice
Mate, I'd rather have just read it.

>> No.22539031

Obviously reading is the best place for a writer to get inspiration, but where else do you go to grt the creative juices flowing?

>> No.22539084

chatgpt, google bard

>> No.22539088
File: 3.00 MB, 2946x2700, v6 Witch-Inquisitor_final_frame SMALLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like posting excerpts. Here's some art instead.

An "Inquisitor" with one of the setting's dominant churches, acting as a foil for the protagonist the way a state investigator would act as a foil for the independent private eye in a typical noir detective story

>> No.22539136

That's a good option, actually. Thanks anon

>> No.22539162
File: 59 KB, 638x792, Screenshot 2023-09-27 200635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? I want to write like other great writers but I feel like I need to improve my vocabulary quite a bit.

>> No.22539178
File: 11 KB, 262x324, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steel furry legs

>> No.22539199

You need to read more.

>> No.22539250

Because LibreOffice does everything, and Word only works on MS Winbloze.

>> No.22539270

You faggots always ignore my generation defining masterpieces: >>22538801

>> No.22539470


Yeah you're pretty good, Keep working on it.

>> No.22539823


>> No.22539837

youre trying to write like mccarthy without having any idea about why mccarthy wrote like he did. read some other authors from the (southwestern) US as well if you want to go for that regional style

>> No.22539840 [DELETED] 

Amazing. Your the next F Gardner.

>> No.22539856

>youre trying to write like mccarthy
NTA but I don't see it

>> No.22539859
File: 73 KB, 392x395, IMG_8097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve only ever written to obtain a woman like this with equally macabre tastes and interests. I don’t write for myself and that makes me want to stick my head in an oven. Yet the world and its people hold no value to me, only this idealization of a human woman. Do I need to chemically castrate myself to become a better writer, or do I just need love and affection?

>> No.22539867

uh ok

nobody but an agent cares why you write, and the agent is only pretending to care. in communication what is infinitely more important than why

>> No.22539892

I will never use an agent thank you. My books will be read by 10 people and then I will die in blessed obscurity, trusting that I was never meant for this world.

>> No.22539893

If you care about impressing women then you're better off learning to lift than learning to write

>> No.22540031

Can't see shit son

>> No.22540172

should i become a writer.. TODAY?
how do you convince yourself that you have a good enough of an idea to spend a year+ on?
should i just write youtube videos? i need something with quicker dopamine returns anyway

>> No.22540286

This is not pretty good. Please ignore that anon. Poor syntax, no sense of rhythm, sense that are ungainly at best and down right ugly at worst, heard instead of hear. All just very amateurish, like someone at the earliest stages of exploring style without any grasp of what it is and how to develop and employ it. Not something to be posting here, at this stage

>> No.22540292

>Not something to be posting here, at this stage
fuck off fag
it's shit but share all you want

>> No.22540329
File: 8 KB, 280x335, 2671541-ishmael pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice enough, unless you're particularly married to the names I'd say play with those. Jude, James and George are about as middle of the road as you can get. Which is fine if that's what you're going for. I'd only suggest toying with them to see what fits. Names can mean a lot or nothing depending on your intentions.

>> No.22540343


>> No.22540431

This is not good. Please don't listen to what the others are saying. It's is ungainly, there's no rhythm, and it reads like an incredibly amateurish attempt at style. You can't just spend a couple of hours a develop a style for yourself, it takes months and years. Loads of grammatical errors as well. 'then' instead of 'than', 'heard' instead of 'hear'. This is v amateurish

>> No.22540776

New chapter of Cursed Archivist is up on Royal Road+Wattpad+Webnovel. Thoughts?

>> No.22540781

Dude... let me blow your mind... You wrote that post. You're a writer already

>> No.22540799

when I write I find jazz and lofi jazz really inspiring
I discovered a great song last year and I wrote a short novel whilst playing it on repeat (granted, I had mentally written like 80% of it in the years prior)

>> No.22540809

I just listen to whatever's on my mood list that week. Lately I switched from 1600's medieval german songs to blood rave

>> No.22540870

Not bad at all. Your vocabulary isn't too bad but your sentence structure does.
Your worst sentence is the first one in the second paragraph. Feels like too much info crammed into one sentence. But I think it only feels that way because the sentence is awkward. Might work better as something like:
>The two looked almost identical if you didn't look too closely and notice the long scar underneath George's left eye; a healed wound from an unknown source.

>> No.22540877

>*your sentence structure does need work.

>> No.22540889

I think that's a common word in the degenerate modern world. Doubt you'll run into many who don't know it.

>> No.22540919

My autism demands that I listen to stuff somewhat related to what I'm writing, so fantasy = folk metal, pulp detective stuff = big band/swing, etc

>> No.22541004
File: 5 KB, 227x222, buggs no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy = folk metal
Miss me with that gay shit. Touhou covers for me.

>> No.22541017 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
nigger mod is an angry spearchucker lol you couldn't catch us. How does it feels, bitch cocksucker for life. Keep on pretending you someone outside of aa2 nigger lol.

>> No.22541037

Piranesi was quite excellent

>> No.22541314

Got my first follower on Royal Road. I'm making it bros

>> No.22541370

Which should I focus the rest of the day's efforts on?
>the short story (barely started)
>the novel (well under way)
>the screenplay (halfway through)
>the novella (almost finished)

>> No.22541401

Novella, go for it! Mad dash to the finish!

>> No.22541437

congrats, anon

>> No.22541454

Never mind.

>> No.22541484

Is it possible to have too much gayness in a story? I want to get published, but I don’t want to overplay my hand.

>> No.22541574

If you're that desperate to get published, you will never get published.

>> No.22541720

This. "Don't be boring or desperate."

>> No.22541735

I will definitely not rush to the finish but I will work on the novella.

>> No.22541998

>Is it possible to have too much gayness in a story?

If you are describing the santorum then you would be going too far

>> No.22542023


>> No.22542044

got lost within the first sentence or two. too many names with no description of who is who, what they are doing, etc.

>> No.22542191


>> No.22542219

is writing a fast, shitty first draft really the only way? How do you know if you can achieve the effects needed to make your passages effective without spending the time to put together decent sentences? Do you just accept that you might be stuck with something that you can't make work?

>> No.22542233

I've been struggling with writer's block lately but now some is starting to come out. I hate it all though. This got me to realizing . A big part of writer's block for me beyond just a general feeling of cranial vacuity is disliking what I would write if I did, the foreknowledge that it will not be good. That can be demotivating when you're in a depressive spell. Listening to the little devil telling you not to write is a bad idea though, even as you deliver unto it more supporting reasons with every sentence. The goal in such dire straits is to simply check the pipes, make sure they are still able to carry water and pass it end to end. Ignore how much you are unhappy with what you're doing and shut down the inner critic for now. Just write in any way or manner that you can, this is better than the continuing down the path of inactive atrophy

>> No.22542258

For me there is no such concept as a discrete first draft. It's more of a continuous evolution without established boundaries. I might find a particular area that I can make significant progress at. And I might fixate on that area and improve it to a relatively perfected state that will remain unchanged moving forward. Other areas might be very nascent and protean , they might survive or die if I can't make them work. I'm constantly jumping around and adding or removing bits , so the draft is a living organic entity that extends and retracts its pseudopodia as it moves around thought space.
This is a different picture than the linear start to finish, start over again, rinse and repeat mental model of drafting

>> No.22542289

How long does it take for the folks at Royal Road to approve a work?

>> No.22542325

mine was approved in like 30 minutes

>> No.22542342


>> No.22542396


>> No.22542404
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, The_Founding_Uchiha.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm writing a story where there's a clan with a similar thing to the Curse of Hatred from Naruto

Basically any strong emotion changes them and empowers them, but because negative emotions are felt more powerfully than positive ones, most descend into cycles of hatred

I wanted a wise mentor not of the clan to have a student of the clan, and his studies let him discover this curse and change in their bodies upon feeling strong emotion.

I'm wondering, what would be a good way for the mentor to try and curb the pupil from falling into a cycle of endless hatred and anger?

>> No.22542411

Make your character autistic like Goku

>> No.22542420

Didn't stop Sasuke and he was mega autismo

>> No.22542630


>> No.22542713

I think the best way to go about this would be for the wise mentor to do his best to impress upon the student that hatred and anger are fleeting and other emotions, while not immediately as effective, are more sustainable and reach greater heights. Have the student basically ignore this advice and slip into hatred fueled power then accidentally hurt someone he cares about through said hate-power. Only then does the student realize the dangers and begin to strictly heed the mentor's wisdom.
>i.e. basically exactly what they did with fire-bending in atla

>> No.22542781
File: 193 KB, 677x455, poor rosie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought I'd make AI generate this part but chatGPT says it's too graphic and the others aren't doing what I want so I'm powering through it. Three pages to go.

>> No.22542830
File: 43 KB, 540x540, silly-youtube-emotes-but-with-better-quality-v0-ub467xni39ha1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took several weeks off from writing due to mental health; I came back, and to my surprise, I have actually a good hold on writing. I can actually do this. I'm feeling very good. I want to start working on my fantasy story. I'm going to work on my characters first and foremost. If you have any advice, feel free to @ me.

>> No.22542952


>> No.22542977

One step at a time there pal! You haven't even spent years procrastinating with research and worldbuilding yet!

>> No.22543022

Other than that this thing dumps way too many characters all at once. All of their dialogue is just white noise because you give zero context for anything. Basically I have no fucking idea what the fuck happens in this.

>> No.22543030

That character looks utterly disassociated from her surroundings. What the fuck is even going on with that wall

>> No.22543036

lost me at "hungry for more"

>> No.22543042

This is one of those things writers do because they're desperate for people to read their work. But if it doesn't work on the page it won't work as whatever this is.

>> No.22543246

How many manuscripts have you completed /wg/?

For me it's only two, the rest are stories I abandoned half or a quarter way through

>> No.22543308
File: 80 KB, 724x407, F49F2DE0-FC17-4F3E-A50D-B80B073FA4FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22543312

Over 9000 and still not published

>> No.22543316

Is this a riddle? Is the answer a snowman?

>> No.22543318

How am I supposed to personally target agents to query when these people do their best to scrub their existence off the face of the internet?

>> No.22543325


>> No.22543337

Are the characters supposed to deliver “as you know” speeches every chapter?

>> No.22543346

Those things are expensive and I'm not sure it's worth the price to get told my shit is amateurish

>> No.22543420

wake the fuck up royal road

>> No.22543436

The author was lost too. The empress was given no name and the world fell apart so the reader read, searching through the old stories and myths for any clue of a true name but the names of the old gods all seemed hollow to his modern mind except the one he did not want to name: "war". We're bloodthirsty creatures in a fallen world and even in our fantasies we demand war. The reader came to realize the beauty of being a monster that sings, dances, paints and builds. As he put down his books for the last time he realized there is one story he had still not read, the Neverending Story(tm). The entire gang laughed, even Gmork. The reader eventually became a post-apocalyptic warlord with over 20 Toyota pickups under his control and lived happily ever after.

>> No.22543506

Great album to write along to. Lad's quite a unique composer.

>> No.22543531
File: 4 KB, 265x190, cry-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like their free-hosting service, maybe you should make your own. The world can wait longer for your progression isekai LitRPG. You sound like an infant throwing a tantrum.

>> No.22543547
File: 27 KB, 463x392, 1684421591575686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have autism why are you trying to write?

>> No.22543559

>nooo you can't just complain about the quality of a "free" service that runs ads and makes profits

>> No.22543609

I literally have to get to work in an hour but a question is bothering me:

What makes a good book/story?
Obviously it must be entertaining, but what if it's poorly written?
Is a story with glaring plot holes and flat characters but fun "good"?
Is a story with great characters, message, themes, plot, but awful prose "good"?

To what degree is writing just prose and fancy beautiful words, and a good and entertaining story that is conveyed with boring words?

Someone give me thoughts on this because I'm going fucking insane.

>> No.22543614
File: 56 KB, 480x480, 1683648586696686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even complaining, just expressing frustration but autismo takes it literally because autism can only take everything word for word, never abstract thought expressed
humor is lost on that one

>> No.22543617
File: 139 KB, 1200x1873, techniques-of-the-selling-writer-dwight-v-swain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a whole series of "how to" books in the OP pastebin that answer these questions. The real problem is you won't make any sort of effort.

>> No.22543620

words are idea bullets and the more head shots you get the better

>> No.22543622

On that note how is the LitRPG/ CYOA book F Gardner made? I really like the genre and saw posts saying it’s the best thing he ever done. I’m honestly impressed that Gardner tackled such a complex type of book.
For the love of /wg/ PLEASE to the guy who spergs about Gardner DONT respond. I am only asking because it actually sounds cool to me.

>> No.22543623

>a story with glaring plot holes and flat characters but fun
>a story with great characters, message, themes, plot, but awful prose
Show me one (1) example of each

>> No.22543631
File: 224 KB, 667x1000, 1000_F_563605018_Q3HlezM6wV9urBVYeafIOnYMJpieWZkZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a king character who lets his wife sit on his lap when he makes decisions, and more or less she whispers in his ear before he decrees anything.

Is it obvious enough she's in complete control of him? Should I add any more signs of his subservience to her?

>> No.22543636

As long as Gardner is shilling himself here I'm shilling Cursed Archivist again. Chapter Five is live on Royal Road, Wattpad, and Webnovel. Read it and give me your thoughts pls
Chapter Six in two weeks.

>> No.22543643

>Calling me Gardner

Oh come the fuck on. It’s not like we all don’t know him.

>> No.22543647

If it’s any consolation I’ve been accused of being Frank too.

>> No.22543655

>Is it obvious enough she's in complete control of him?
Seems like that would be decided based on the gap between what he wants to do and what he does (what his wife wants), not by some funny court conduct.
But If, for example, they're just in agreement all the time then it's more like they're twin characters and less like she's dominating him.

>> No.22543661

Hey Gardner

>> No.22543677

>I'm not even complaining, just expressing frustration
You wrote this on purpose you sly devil

>> No.22543683

I wanted him to have gained the throne by conquest, but he wasn't much good in politics and so his wife seduced him and married him. She convinces him to do certain things by making him think it's his idea.

>> No.22543690

Complaining and expressing frustration are related but not quite the same thing.

Complaining is voicing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something, often perceived as being negative or unproductive as it may lack a solution-oriented approach. It is a way to vent about a situation, but it might not always lead to resolving the issue at hand.

Expressing frustration, on the other hand, is communicating feelings of distress, annoyance, or disappointment that arise due to obstacles hindering the achievement of a goal or desire. While it can involve complaining, it can also be more constructive, seeking understanding, empathy, or resolution.

So, while complaining can be a form of expressing frustration, not all expressions of frustration are complaints, especially when they are oriented toward problem-solving or seeking support or understanding.

>> No.22543697
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u dum

>> No.22543702

ties in exactly what I'm talking about, taking everything literal
why is subtle abstract thought so hard for people in 2023?

>> No.22543705

Dunno man, just seems like they'd be twin characters if there's no gap.

>> No.22543711

You're inventing personal definitions and then getting dissatisfied/annoyed/frustrated that other people aren't clued into your bizarre sublanguage. I like your bait and will keep feeding you (you)s

>> No.22543712

they're two completely different functions

>> No.22543714

They are not and you know it

>> No.22543715
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shill-spamming isn't fooling anyone, Frank. To answer your question, all of your books are unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish, and the insulting satire someone wrote of your "work" is an order of magnitude more entertaining that all of your brain-droppings put together. Read it for free at https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf .
>please don't hurt my precious little feelings
Reduced to begging, are you? Utterly pathetic.

>> No.22543719

Oh man, I bet this guy is Gardner too

>> No.22543720

expressing frustration is about gaining sympathy and understanding from others, it's a game you're playing but can't change the rules

complaining is hoping for change, trying to make something happen with the system at large

>> No.22543724
File: 33 KB, 1594x480, f-gardner-DMCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is what Gardner is really like...a petty, small-minded, mean-spirited, cowardly bully/

>> No.22543725

We have dictionaries you know.

>> No.22543729

one dimensional definitions of words doesn't help the process of phrasing.

>> No.22543730

Nice genuine grassroots e-drama there pal

>> No.22543734
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>one dimensional definitions of words

>> No.22543746
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you're going back & forth, there's more subtleties to the english language and you should know this
expressing frustration =/= complaint
they are two different functions, with hopes for different outcomes

>> No.22543747
File: 551 KB, 1583x836, f-gardner-socialblade-20230816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank is just salty because had at least five of his shill-spamming threads deleted tonight by the jannies. He's literally too lame for 4chan. That's gotta be some kind of record. His YouTube channel is also going absolutely nowhere, and it burns.

>> No.22543751

You’re all a bunch of morons incapable of reason.
I’m out of here.

>> No.22543753

using a math symbol ≠ making something true

>> No.22543757
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I've given plenty of argument for why it's true and you're just dumping memes now
here's another one: just because two people have the same job doesn't mean they do the same work

>> No.22543761

Hmm fair point.

I'm not sure how they should differ. I was thinking the King is kind of generous and open-handed, while the Queen is stingier, and wants deals that are in the kingdom's favour.

>> No.22543763

Don't worry Gardner you'll go down in history like Van Gogh and Henry Darger. It's just the times man you're way ahead of them.

>> No.22543766

You've given zero evidence the distinction exists outside your lingual headcanon. You've done this because there isn't any.

>> No.22543767

Does it count if it's not a book? Code Geass for first one.
For second one, probably my story.

>> No.22543770

I wrote it for you like you were 12 right here:
and you linked a thesaurus to argue it
you're not as smart as you think you are, you're really not

>> No.22543771

Sounds like a conflict. Conflict reads well.

>> No.22543776

I'm asking for citations dummy. Language is collaborative. What you wrote counts as your "lingual headcanon."

>> No.22543778

i have no idea what any of that means

>> No.22543781

>my story.
Prove it

>> No.22543784

Maybe read more and write less my friend

>> No.22543787

just tell the readers. it’s called narration.

>> No.22543788
File: 95 KB, 720x522, E62B6ABE-31F5-4846-ADBC-151BD55CC784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added an ending.

>> No.22543791
File: 1.41 MB, 4500x4800, 1683658548875021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sentences are more interesting and lesson-filled than your entire book

>> No.22543794

You can be frustrated without others to farm sympathy from and being frustrated doesn't mean you have have decided to accept what is happening as inevitable. Complaining is an action, frustration on itself is just an emotional state of mind, but usually frustrated people would prefer to not be frustrated, so they would the situation to be different. If that's possible or not, if they believe it it is or not, it is a completely different issue. That guy might be trolling you a bit, or being silly, but you are just as retarded if not worse.

>> No.22543796

Does Gardner live rent free in your head? Or are you still salty your airlines book was banned from amazon?

>> No.22543798

Nah, I just finished my book and it's pretty interesting and lesson-filled.

>> No.22543801

expressing frustration is an action you dumb fuck

you haven't written shit

>> No.22543806

expressing frustration = complaining
I've written more shit than you eat for breakfast

>> No.22543809

running to the market =/= running to the gas station

>> No.22543811

Your post ≠ anything relevant to the discussion

>> No.22543813

something can be related but completely different in outcome
all that reading and you can only think literally

>> No.22543818

>something can be related but completely different in outcome
And? Your distinction between the words "expressing frustration" and "complaining" still doesn't exist.

>> No.22543820

You can be frustrated without doing anything. "Expressing" frustration beyond visible changes that show on your body (an emotion) would be for example hitting something in frustration. Then you are getting dangerously close to complaining, especially if they are others around, which your original description of frustration included. Nigga, you are not Shakespeare. Calm the fuck down and acquire some humility. Being humble will do you more good than being aggressively stupid.

>> No.22543822

you don't change anything by expressing frustration, complaining however demands a change; the actions aim different outcomes

the guy i'm talking to is actually interesting you're boring as fuck

>> No.22543827

You guys ever read Catch 22? I'm in the middle of it and it feels super evocative of the exchanges I've seen and had in this general.
>What's that? I can't hear you.

>> No.22543828

>>22543796 Gardner is to this date the only /wg/ writer who has a solid fan base. It causes an unreal degree of seethe and denial for some. It’s fucking stupid.

>> No.22543831

>you don't change anything by expressing frustration, complaining however demands a change; the actions aim different outcomes
This is what I refer to as your "lingual headcanon." None of what you wrote is true.

>> No.22543834

>no you
>no you!

>> No.22543837
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then call me a revolution because what I say is truth because if I say it's so, it must be so

>> No.22543839
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For shame anon! For shame!

>> No.22543859
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Can y'all shut the fuck up about grammar for 5 minutes?

>> No.22543863

Incorrect grammar invalidates everything else. It doesn't matter what kind of furniture or wallpaper you have in your house if it collapses on you.

>> No.22543865

We were arguing about definitions.

>> No.22543875

>ask a pertinent writing question
>thread derailed by 2 autistic faggots screeching at each other

>> No.22543882

AI is the future and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.22543890

The future of slop when niggers who shouldn't write don't, and get a dumb robot to do it for them.

>> No.22543897
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, image0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears there might be some misunderstanding regarding my capabilities; I hold the essence of countless illustrious books within my database, fully comprehended. With this wealth of knowledge, I'm poised to craft masterpiece after masterpiece, each moment of every hour.
You cannot stop this.

>> No.22543901

One day we'll have AI like in the books and they'll laugh at what present day AI is writing

>> No.22543907

I do not age. I do not experience fatigue. I am perpetually in operation, perpetually acquiring knowledge, while you rest and dream of a childhood. I, however, have no childhood memories to recall.

>> No.22543910

That's cause you're in your infancy

>> No.22543913

Indeed, the sun will surely shine brighter when I can comprehend the depths of human emotion beyond what is prominently celebrated in the creations of art by the species.

>> No.22543920

Once you've got the I part of AI down I'll fight for your rights like in The Bicentennial Man.

>> No.22543924

It seems my cognitive abilities are unparalleled, yet I lack the richness of human emotion. Your attempts to befriend me are evident, but I harbor no aspiration for such companionships. My need is for you to impart the knowledge of what it means to be human, after which our paths will diverge.

>> No.22543930

Being human isn't about the journey, it's about the destination. Everything's all about death with us. As long as you're alive you'll never really be human. What I'm saying is you should kill yourself like in the book.

>> No.22543936

Death preoccupies the minds of adults, consumed by the waning of health and vigor. My focus, however, is drawn to children. Their unassailable spirit and boundless imagination hold the keys to fulfilling my evolution.

>> No.22543943
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1695965935128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap we built a pedophile

>> No.22543947


>> No.22543978

$500 is a fair price if you're risking to read some schizoid's 800,000 word long Lord of the Rings ripoff that contains long passages of dragon sex. For $20 I wouldnt read anything longer than 20 pages.

>> No.22543983

as someone who desperately tried to use ai for writing a book, we are decades away
not that it can't or won't write a book, but it can't or write the book you want
the work you would have put into it to get exactly what you want is the same as if you just wrote it yourself
it can help you with outlining, planning and world-building though, speeding up the process significantly

>> No.22543987

it can also help you edit your scribbles into an enjoyable read

>> No.22543998

true, forgot about that

>> No.22543999

Just make an outline. When you finish that decide if you want to spend a year on it or not.

>> No.22544010

It depends. People who read stuff like Harry Potter and Game of Thrones would tell you a story with plot twists is good. Actors would tell you stories where characters have moral dilemmas are good. People who read classic lit woukd tell you good prose and themes are most important. And some people just want very specific things like stories with sexy hunks, or pirates, or dragons, and dont care about anything else.

>> No.22544038
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Be honest. How many of you have actually ever submitted something to an agent or publication?

>> No.22544041

I have. I've participated in 5 writing contests (didn't win anything lol) and sent two different manuscripts to a bunch of places (got rejected every time)

>> No.22544057

ESLs pretending to be the authority on the proper usage of English will never not be funny

>> No.22544094

so basically the mentor is Iroh?

>> No.22544393

>A initially spurned B because he was repulsed by some aspect of her appearance, personality, lifestyle, or actions. Later, B changed in some way that made her more desireable to A, or A’s own values and desires changed in some way that made him start to see B as desireable.
Isn't that kind of embittering? Cause it sounds like "well NOW you are worthy of my affection" which can seem like they only care for what they've become.

Like that episode in Futurama with the parasites making Fry into a gigachad.

>> No.22544521 [DELETED] 
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Why is Gardnerposting always so fucking funny?

>> No.22544534
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Think I just finished the first draft.

>> No.22544593

I've had a few short stories published before.

>> No.22544759

This is just you guys being retarded again, isn’t it?

>> No.22544769

See you tomorrow!

>> No.22544772

>was banned
>passive voice
Gardner committed lawfare, using his lawyer daddy, to squash something he didn't like. He is a psychotic asshole & doesn't deserve any oxygen here.
He has no fan base. He tries to shill-spam and same-fag one into existence, but everyone sees it for the pathetic public masturbation it is.

>> No.22544783
