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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 1571x896, bronze-age-pervert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22527894 No.22527894 [Reply] [Original]

>single-handedly revives interest in Nietzsche
>single-handedly turns /lit/ into a Nietzschean board
>single-handedly reconciles pro porn policy and brotherhood with the nationalist right

Heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.22527896

Keith Woods>>>bap

>> No.22527899

>single-handedly revives interest in Nietzsche

>> No.22527910

atheists have been infatuated with Nietzsche since the nazis

>> No.22527912

>>single-handedly reconciles pro porn policy and brotherhood with the nationalist right
what, BAP is pro-porn?

>> No.22527917
File: 21 KB, 400x400, LsVmryws_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Jash, right?

>> No.22527922

no one will know or care who this dumb xitter grifter self-modeled after Fight Club is in a hundred years but Nietzsche will be relevant as long as slave morality is with us, whether in the form of christlarping or humanism or pretending to be an oiled up pankration champion to sell books to neo-hermits

>> No.22527923
File: 220 KB, 1125x1165, IMG_6096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says at the conclusion of his book that white men must ban together in a “brotherhood of the damned” that fosters porn, drugs and gambling

>> No.22527964


>> No.22527970


>> No.22527990

- author uses twitter
DROPPED. Stop making these threads to advertise your STUPID book.

>> No.22528014

Pic rel is why the online right gets nowhere. They are not a serious people.

>> No.22528020

Can we get another BAP thread please?

BAP is the best writer of our generation! He's dreamy! (For an astroturfed fucking kike)

>> No.22528023

This guys influence is limited to people who are addicted to Twitter. Nobody else knows who the fuck this guy is, and that’s okay, he’s found his niche and happily serves an audience of terminally online, socially maladjusted people. But don’t act like you freaks are part of some grand movement.

>> No.22528042

He didn’t do shit and his book sucks.

>> No.22528082

I don't know anyone irl who knows about BAP. Everything I know about him confirms my suspicion he's just pandering to maladjusted losers online. He's basically the liver king of writers and I 100% expect his career will die in a similar way.

>> No.22528097


>> No.22528112

Haha glowie

>> No.22528377

KYS faggot he literally just RIPPED OFF revolt against the modern world by Evola and turned it into tate bro faggot prose.

Bronze Age PUSSY is more appropriate

>> No.22528386

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.22528398

Haha jewie

>> No.22528416

>single-handedly pro-porn
Unfortunate choice of phrase.

BAP is a bit like Moldbug: superficially appealing, but no lasting worth. Also, like CY, he achieves most of his effect by vulgarizing a few snippets from old books.

Ignore them both and just read the books.

>> No.22528421

Mostly agree, but Moldbug's analyzis of the cathedral is way ahead of anything BAP has ever written.

>> No.22528693

>>single-handedly revives interest in Nietzsche
Hahaha no

>I found this gem recently by S. Sailer
>>One reason for the rise in popularity of neo-Nietzscheans like Bronze Age Pervert is that the 19th Century German pre-history model of Europe and India being conquered by an Indo-European race of warriors who enslaved the indigenous has lately been mostly upheld by ancient DNA.
>He apparently forgot to read the paper by Reich himself where he says that this never actually happened because there is no non-proxy Steppe MLBA admixture in India, basically zero in Iran, or that Sintashta were different than Yamnaya and thus not an "Indo-European race"

>These people don't actually read and have no idea about what they are talking about
>Also all of this is irrelevant to Nietzsche because he used a bad translation of the law of Manu which is much later and a retarded theory of jews being pajeets as "proof". Nonetheless his theories aren't affected
>Modern "neo-Nietzscheans" are Gobineauist WEWUZ larpers, not Nietzscheans and use Nietzsche as a way to overcome an inferiority complex of being part of a cucked and decaying peoples. This intellectual posturing that gets destroyed once you actually look it up proves this. Nietzsche is an emotional crutch to them

>> No.22528697


>> No.22528731
File: 50 KB, 490x164, Demoule 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny, i was just reading this

>> No.22528735
File: 53 KB, 505x178, media_F6uOqMIakAAgW30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bapoids wonder why nobody outside their terminally online incel circles takes them seriously when they talk about "science" lol

>> No.22528739

BAP is the best.

There are no masculine white male writers in 2023, the closest thing is BAP.

>> No.22528747
File: 162 KB, 1080x457, 20230925_130549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't pro-porn. He says that the right should take control of the porn business at most which is different, but he's against porn consumption per-se, which he consider a masturbatory, "longhoused" activity.
Interestingly a similar worldview is shared by Guillaume Faye, author of Archeofuturism, which at the same time spawned the modern /pol/ right and relightened interests in reactionary movements, yet starred in a porn movie due to his huge cock. Pic related is what he thinks about it, and BAP's more or lesd share his opinion

>> No.22528750

>(why not?)
... It's like... wow

>> No.22528755

Interestingly Evola used to say similar things. He was absolutely okay with sex and yet at the same time he proposed semen retention and general abstinence when needed. You can find a lot about this in Metaphysics of Sex.
Evola used to tell stories to journalists to troll them, like how he said that he was a drug dealer and a pimp to a commie italian journalist etc...

An even funnier story is when he told one of his students to date a marxist girl at his university, telling him to not care about her political opinions, the two ended up fucking lol

>> No.22528774

BAP (nonwhite, gay, jewish) gets mogged by Waggener (white, straight) and Donovan (white, gay).

>> No.22528791

Buy an ad you scumfuck.

>> No.22528807

>gets a PhD from Yale with a thesis about Plato and Nietzsche
>fluent in Greek
>known by classmates for trolling and by professors for being brilliant
>gets a huge online following and publishes a wildly successful ebook under a pseudonym, allowing him to write freely without the shackles of academia
>but even his actual academic work is full of thinly veiled defenses of current taboos such as eugenics
>makes hundreds of thousands from his podcasts where he recites Homer in Greek, talks about food, discusses the ancients, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
>not ugly
>not a basement dweller
>not a loser
Just face it, this guy lives the life every /lit/izen secretly wants to live, the BAP hate is just envy and everyone knows it

>> No.22528812

>He apparently forgot to read the paper by Reich himself where he says that this never actually happened because there is no non-proxy Steppe MLBA admixture in India, basically zero in Iran, or that Sintashta were different than Yamnaya and thus not an "Indo-European race"
This sounds like you are trying to science this away through obfuscation and cope. But I can't confirm nor deny. I also have to say I have an emotional investment in steppe theories because it's just kind of cool and honestly makes sense. Regardless, why would a language family spread to an entire continent if not through violence?

>> No.22528817

is he not a socially irrelevant twitter eceleb making money off his followers?

>> No.22528818

yeah, sounds like a pretty good life, especially compared to the average /lit/ poster who is also socially irrelevant yet is not read and makes no money

>> No.22528821

stop shilling your dogshit book here kike

>> No.22528824

You can read it from the man himself: title is Ancient DNA suggests Steppe migrations spread Indo-European languages, pdf available from Harvard
>I have an emotional investment in steppe theories because it's just kind of cool and honestly makes sense.
Most theories make sense, except OIT kek
>Regardless, why would a language family spread to an entire continent if not through violence?
Why would a language family spread over an entire subcontinent if not through mass migration and no excess violence? This is the case for Neolithic languages as well as for steppe migrations into Europe. Steppe migrations into Central Asia were an even bigger nothingburger and we now have samples from Andronovo sites living side by side with BMAC, peacefully coexisting for centuries.
You fell for archaeologist marketing tricks that they use to sell books, at a time where aDNA wasn't a thing and BMAC wasn't even excavated.

>> No.22528827

sorry for insulting your boyfriend anon

>> No.22528828

The cathedral is a shit metaphor, it's not a great mystery why institutions are largely in lock-step, and the idea that the government leaks power to universities is laughable.

>> No.22528832

That's fine, you're the one who lives such a sad life you need to bash every one who does better than you instead of trying to achieve the same, crabs in a bucket

>> No.22528851
File: 439 KB, 1080x688, tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the intellectual equivalent of Andrew Tate. He's even Jewish too.

>> No.22528881

did you get a rush of arousal while writing that anon?

>> No.22528892

I’ve not heard him say anything novel, his book is also full of typos it’s actually pathetic. I’ve grown tired of the Nietzsche comparisons, someone who he wishes he was. He wishes he was even a fraction as insightful and original. His X circle is often obnoxious and a ridiculous movement.
>be strong like gladiator man now here’s a rambling about how strong and glory men go to war
>hehe it’s a good beach read XD
>join the military dude
>is clearly a flaming homosexual
Sorry but some of us aren’t that impressed by cheap parlor tricks and no novelty. His entire image has just been shilled at varying levels for years, the whole thing feels manufactured, fake. Shoved down my throat. Not forced to his personality because he actually did some writing or produced interesting ideas, no because he’s more like a complete meme who got a foothold with midwits. Land is cool, was actually fun to read. BAP is all his persona. Another superficial internet influencer. His book just feels like a meme placeholder to put above his head and take in money with, which is fine, but he needs to stop being peddled as some genius. You sound like a childish faggot appealing to his highschool popularity and handsome face.

>> No.22528898

Looking for novelty is the highest sign of the frustrated inet pseud using D'annunzian terms. KaliACK perhaps?

>> No.22528903

a bunch of bullshit and a narcissist writer

>> No.22528912

>He wishes he was even a fraction as insightful and original
This. BAP isn't "discount nietzsche", he's discount r/Nietzsche

>> No.22528918

His circle is both hardened Nietzscheans and livid about random spics and niggers and south africa at the same time
Downright peculiar

>> No.22528923

>you don’t need to produce anything just regurgitate memes and get a following
The bar is so low, and I’m supposed to also believe he’s some random unknown who got relevancy because his work is just really good. Kek. I don’t even care to look into it either it’s just amusing to me.

>> No.22529059

This happened way before BAP became famous. I do like him in the recent years. Currently cuck leftie academics are whining way too much about him.

>> No.22529065

He is pro-postie, which is a position even popes have had. But paying for OnlyFans or other sex-worker that doesn't let you fuck her is cuck shit.

>> No.22529070

Academics on political science are now having a row of bragging that they knew Costin before he was twitter famous. Ofc they are seething about it since their books are selling 2-3 copies a week.

>> No.22529083

> Bronze Age Pervert
> Keith Woods
> Moldbug
People who actually read don’t care about these nobodies. They often don’t even care about Nietzsche. That all of these people have become household names among the terminally online right is a funny, or sick (depending on who you ask), joke.

>> No.22529093

An objectively correct reply. The right got excluded from the academia, journalism, and publishing broadly, and I’m supposed to accept that this BAP guy the LARPing as Bronze Age conquerors on Twitter is the response? No, sorry. If anything, this just reveals how ultra-dominant the left-progressive victory has really been.

>> No.22529102

>all men are gay
>Porn is good actually
>Amphetamine is good actually
>I hate my bitch mommy/"the longhouse'"

Yeah bap ain't for me but have fun with your twinks or we homos

>> No.22529112

>If anything, this just reveals how ultra-dominant the left-progressive victory has really been.
exactly, the at-risk population for domestic terrorism has been given breathing room since contrary to popular opinion, the unelected portions of our government and security state apparatus are actually quite competent 90% of the time, and giving disaffected opposition virtual space to destroy is a stroke of genius—no real ground has to be ceded, and should they fancy themselves actual revolutionaries they can all be arrested anyway and presented to the public as deranged and feral with reams of evidence.

>> No.22529171

I think it has little to do with domestic terrorism and more to do with sucking that right wing will into something that’s more like a role playing table top game but online than actual political philosophy and debate. Conservatives gave up the universities and as a result gave up the game. But yeah, you’re right. That happens too. The regime is happy to keep them jerking off and swapping bodybuilding pics and reading BAP “theory”. It’s kind of a sick joke when you really think about it.

>> No.22529214

>gets a PhD from Yale with a thesis about Plato and Nietzsche
Yeah, he's a nepotism case. His father worked at MIT.
>fluent in Greek
As are plenty of academically minded people.
>known by classmates for trolling and by professors for being brilliant
Conjecture, likely exaggerated by his cult of personality.
>gets a huge online following and publishes a wildly successful ebook under a pseudonym, allowing him to write freely without the shackles of academia
...and is almost certainly controlled opposition.
>but even his actual academic work is full of thinly veiled defenses of current taboos such as eugenics
See above.
>makes hundreds of thousands from his podcasts where he recites Homer in Greek, talks about food, discusses the ancients, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
And certain women make thousands from getting their tits out on camera. They're both parasites more than anything else, and their wealth is based upon the need of weak willed men to live by proxy.
>not ugly... not a basement dweller... not a loser
Still a childless homosexual.

>> No.22529227

Conservatives are
Leftards actually ignore him lol, they attack spic fuentes

>> No.22529234

There are no political solutions, and bapists know this. But they mistake escapism for a solution

>> No.22529236

wait, what "huge following" does he have? He has 125k followers and gets 1-2k likes max

>> No.22529237

>his book is also full of typos it’s actually pathetic
so you literally got filtered and didn't read past the first few pages, okay

>> No.22529243

so if he's a nepotism case, how good is your Greek anon?

>> No.22529254

You think being taught Greek isn't pure nepo shit?
read some Bourdieu or something

>> No.22529255

so if you're gay, how come you're a manlet too?

>> No.22529260

Can he actually converse in Greek? I can read and easily understand fluent English speakers but my own English is broken.

>> No.22529267

look how they recoil
nothing stops you from learning Greek anon, it's not too late

>> No.22529278

>I think it has little to do with domestic terrorism and more to do with sucking that right wing will into something that’s more like a role playing table top game
all of the gunko pops these people collect and their political cosplaying would be actually dangerous if they had nothing to lose, but they do have 401ks and mortgages and that sort of thing; really the biggest stressor is the childless and unmarried ones because surplus males are a problem in any society but hey BAP says you should be doing drugs, gambling, and fapping, and he is a Serious Right Wing Intellectual so these kinds of anti-social characters are happy to agree with him and stay on their digital reservation, and that's a good thing, BAP for thee not for me

>> No.22529280

lol, in civilized Europe Latin and Greek are still part of the high school curriculum, it's not elitist at all except the kids tend to be upper-middle class. I had Greek and Latin classes for 6 years as did lots of people in my country. The fact that everyone is displaying their inferiority complex here is just funny

>> No.22529282

Γιαϊντα να μαθω 'κεινο που κατεχω ηδη ρε μπινε;

>> No.22529288

Learning Classical Greek is primarily an indication of wealth, not intelligence. There are plenty of wealthy, well-connected, yet otherwise vacuous people who presume they're intelligent simply because they know a dead language.

>> No.22529290

okay but he also has a Yale PhD in political philosophy

>> No.22529291

Emily Wilson knows better Greek than BAP lol

>> No.22529294

Larry Fink and Yellen manage trillions
Soros is also a PhD in philosophy iirc

>> No.22529296

yeah I detest their politics but I do think these people are intelligent. your point?

>> No.22529304

You are young. Not very long ago in America, pundits mocked John Kerry, who ran unsuccessfully against Bush, for being fluent in French. You are gay for knowing a language that isn't English or Spanish, and this is so obviously true for BAP that American anti-intellectualism, while a broken clock, is still right twice a day.

>> No.22529315

He's a faculty kiddie whose father already worked for MIT. Doesn't mean he's a total moron, but it does undermine the idea that he got in on merit alone.

>> No.22529317

Are they superior to BAP? They are clearly far more accomplished
>English or Spanish

>> No.22529328

BAPism in a nutshell is imagining yourself being an "aristocrat" on eternal luxury vacation, much like the average instagram whore.

>> No.22529332

Learning Greek at Eaton =/= being some autodidactic nerd

How is that germane to the conversation? Good for you I guess

Academic succes is famously and overwhelmingly influenced by parental education.

>> No.22529335

I don’t think BAP or these “BAPists” know whether there is a political solution or not because they’re too busy LARPing. You see this strain very prominently in American politics. Young right wingers find modern life so distasteful that they just reject it altogether and prefer to like play Skyrim or pretend they’re a Bronze Age warrior on Twitter. Meanwhile, leftists are going to Harvard law school and becoming legislators and judges and prosecutors so neoliberal modernity just becomes more and more solid. They fail to realize that theory isn’t going to save them and theory that is in reality just escapist fantasy really isn’t going to save them. I can actually respect the young men who unabashedly indulge in medieval fantasy literature and manga to escape the realities of modern life a lot more than these terminally online wannabe Evolas because the former at least don’t have delusions about what they’re doing. Why don’t any of these BAPists become priests and poets by the way? Why don’t they ever aspire to be Homer or Virgil? They only ever want to aspire to be Achilles or Conan the Barbarian? It’s pretty obvious just how childish this really is. Now, if the point is like “look, all is lost so just cope with this however you can even if it’s fantasy posing as theory” then I guess there’s something to be said for that.

>> No.22529342

It’s not though. BAPists would unironically tell you with a straight face that the lifestyle of any aristocrat c. 300 BC to 1800 AD is gay. The ideal for them is literally Ragnar Lothbrok in the History Channel’s Vikings.

>> No.22529350

>They fail to realize that theory isn’t going to save them and theory that is in reality just escapist fantasy really isn’t going to save them
I have noticed this too
But I don't understand how they keep living in america, it is beyond me. It's one thing to hate modren society (understandably) but altogether another to not just live somewhere better and cheaper while maintaining the same escapism except now it's actually legitimate
My guess is that half of them are middle aged dudes with a job (some have families too), and the other half are just depressed incel zoomers who have 0 energy to do anything, including moving the fuck away from what's killing them

Imagine thinking the tropics are great (they indeed are), yet still forcing yourself to live in literal spiritual piss and shit

>> No.22529354

Yeah, but one of the more pernicious things about neoliberal modernity is that it has generally found ways to sublimate the militant will of young men into something benign or something that actually helps neoliberal modernity. Would-be officers become bankers and would-be infantrymen spend too much time watching Twitch streamers.

>> No.22529355

It is pretty funny how people will look at this list and find every reason to keep hating on the guy as if they wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat. it's the most perfect example of sour grapes I've ever seen. He is somehow both successful by mainstream standards and by dissident standards, and making a living by talking about his intellectual passions but without having to self-censor like most academics. Honestly I envy him

>> No.22529362

Why would anyone want to trade places with someone who is a childless middle aged jewish homosexual who makes money off twitter? Would you trade places with Larry Fink? Or Hunter Biden? Dont let the sour grapes get in the way of your judgment anon!

>> No.22529363

NTA but I spent the last few years building a location independent online business for the express purpose of moving away from decaying Europe with shit weather and where I have to pay daddy government 50% of my income. It does take a lot of work though, work that most people don't want to do (I got up at 5 AM for a year to work on my biz before leaving for my 9-to-5 then worked more in the evenings)

>> No.22529365

Some people don't aspire to be a edgy failson turbo fag. Shocker.

>> No.22529368

I think first world countries allow for escapism better than elsewhere, especially if you were born and/or educated into this upper-middle to upper class echelon of people that can easily get into PhD programs and hang out in New York with wannabe writers. Even if you’re not that, American lifestyle affords a lot of freedom. It is not THAT hard to find a remote software developer job that enables you to spend all day on Twitter. Again, the nature of neoliberal modernity is such that specifically provides these spaces to sublimate tendencies that endanger it. I don’t think they’re middle aged. I think they’re mostly youngish people, 25-35. To be clear, I don’t blame them. Modern life is a horror show. I completely understand why someone would just choose escapism. I just think it’s lame and stupid to pretend your escapism is political theory or that theory is really andequate escapism. Meanwhile, they leave the stones that are actually interesting stones to turn over in regard to politics and law totally unturned. Why? It’s just about LARPing. It’s perfectly clear. And to be honest, it’s kind of crazy we even talk about these guys still. The book was kinda intriguing when it came out. It got its 15 minutes of fame. But it’s been years. Move on from this dime store trash, people.

>> No.22529374

>this guy is amazing!
>here are all the reasons why he's a fake
>y-yeah... well... you'd still all want to be him if you could...
Easily the most obvious case of moving the goalposts I've seen in a while. Of course most people would rather be rich and live a life of leisure. That doesn't mean BAP is actually talented.

>> No.22529375

He doesn’t because his book is unironically retarded and so is the whole BAP persona. If he were a serious writer, he would be the /lit/ fantasy, but he’s not.

>> No.22529379

I’m quite alright without writing a schizo Nietzschean Grecophile manifesto, anon. That would just be a waste of my time.

>> No.22529382

Are you crazy? Hunter Biden lives a dream life.
Yes I'm sure you have a faithful trad wife and 5 kids Anon.
And I'd love to make money on Twitter, are you crazy? I'd be living like a king in Thailand or Argentina or whatever. Sign me the fuck up. Is it better to make money as a corporate wage slave for Nike?
What's fake about him having a PhD and being proficient in Greek? Oh he comes from a rich prestigious family... That means he must actually be really stupid instead, my bad

>> No.22529385

see, critiques like these would hit harder if they came from people who actually did write something of note instead and who have an audience of their own, now it comes across as petty jealousy

>> No.22529387

so OP is BAP,has no followers and shit the /lit/ himself

>> No.22529388

Hunter Biden is quite clearly a mentally and emotionally tortured drug addict incapable of independence even into middle age and it wouldn’t be all that surprising if he ended his life by suicide.

But your reply highlights a real problem thread that runs across BAP and the online right and probably your as well by the sounds of it and that’s an entire generation of men poisoned by video games and manga who simply never grew up and will never grow up.

>> No.22529389

>50% of my income.
Let me guess UK or something akin to scandinavia?
Good for you anon, I live in the med so I got no worries
Working hard isn't that big of a deal for young men. I have done and do both manual labor and 9 to 8/9 for tourist season. It's easy to find motivation when you know you're saving up for 1-2 years so you can finance a plan you got (like you did)
American or euro zoomers and millenials not being able to do that means they're just lost. Ironic, since bap is supposed to lead somewhere (maybe israel lmao)

>> No.22529390

In what way does that illustrate jealousy? Do you suppose people with no publications are always particularly jealous of people who self-publish Harry Potter political thriller fanfics? I fail to see how BAP is all that different from that.

>> No.22529395

I’m curious what the business actually is. I’d like to hear about it if you’ll indulge me, but if not I understand.

>> No.22529396
File: 391 KB, 1365x1024, Nietzsche_jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggot jew shills for self-hating good goy
Surprise, surprise. Neechians are all overweight suburbanites pretending to be Barbarians.

>> No.22529401

>That means he must actually be really stupid instead, my bad
As already stated, coming from a wealthy, well-connected family with a father who already works at MIT doesn't necessarily mean he got in despite being a total dimwit - but it is possible. Could he have got in on merit alone? We will never know. All we can know with certainty is that merit in isolation wasn't what got him his place.

>> No.22529402

>f they came from people who actually did write something of note instead and who have an audience of their own, now it comes across as petty jealousy
Oh cool but his sycophants can all be retarded mouth breathers like yourself and thats totally not indicative of something I'm sure.

>> No.22529419

I remember this gay kike started seething when Kanye named (((them))).

>> No.22529423

because conservatives have more faith in prosperity than liberals they are not actually going to dismantle a system that lets you purchase what you desire, look at what you yourself are deluded about here—men who have gone into banking or gaming should be joining armies? What does an army do? Is it just a based and redpilled nationalist thing to do? Who cares. Are there any rewards there, any glory? No, far more glory to be found in investment banking where you can make more plunder in a single trade than the crusaders could ever take from Jerusalem or Constantinople. The army isn't even allowed to plunder or conquer anymore, we use different instruments for that today against targets both domestic and foreign. Join the financial legion, see the world, acquire booty in every sense, bring glory to your name as the greatest of merchant princes. That is our age. The army is for people whose states' largest employers are Walmart and McDonalds, the army will pay for them to go to college and their children can then do better things. For some it is some prideful patriotic thing to do, but that's on them and it has nothing to do with traditional military structure and is entirely a mercenary psy op.

>> No.22529425

It's nice that the dumbest people on the board found an author who makes them feel smart enough to be here.

>> No.22529426

What does growing up look like to you? Having a family with some woman? That's what 99% of humanity did, it's not special, it's not unique, it's not hard. It's the expectation. Only in the degenerate porn-addicted West can having children be seen as an accomplishment. Let alone a political solution for anything.
You're on a board that frequently hosts sardonic "how's the writing career coming along anon?" threads. Lots of people here dream of being read. So yes, jealousy is a fair assessment, even if just statistically. I can imagine that lots of people on Harry Potter fanfic boards are jealous of writers who break through and make lots of money and build a huge audience.
You can read his dissertation and decide for yourself. His lectors agree that his reading of Plato is wholly original in scholarship (to their knowledge.) He discusses Pindar at length, considered to be one of the most difficult Greek poets. The fact that he comes from a prestigious family just proves he's genetically smart rather than the opposite. Intelligence is hereditary you know. If his dad was a butcher instead of an MIT dude then yeah he probably wouldn't be as smart.
I also make a living by talking about Nietzsche and I've gone to Oxford before to give talks on conferences. I'm doing just fine. What have you been up to?

>> No.22529431

>clearly a mentally and emotionally tortured drug addict incapable of independence even into middle age and it wouldn’t be all that surprising if he ended his life by suicide.
sounds very BAP audience

>> No.22529436

>I also make a living by talking about Nietzsche and I've gone to Oxford before to give talks on conferences.
What a way to say you're a retarded huckster.

>> No.22529437

I know it must be tough to come to realize that some people are just smarter and more successful than you, luckily you can always call someone a retard and press Enter

>> No.22529438

>antisemite worshiping a dead rabbi
i will never understand nietzsche haters

>> No.22529441

You vaguely talk about Nietzsche in a non-descript capacity and have been to Oxford a few times. What's so impressive about that?

>> No.22529443

I'm highly specialized in a niche topic and found enough people to pay me some cash every month (plus some sponsored content) to keep me afloat while doing research and writing about it

>> No.22529448

It's a few steps over being a "retarded mouth breather" per that Anon's post. But I mention degrees or accolades then you people just cry credentialism, there's just no way to win because people here are just miserable

>> No.22529451

>But I mention degrees or accolades then you people just cry credentialism
Try me might just change my mind

>> No.22529456

>You can read his dissertation and decide for yourself.
Plenty have already done so and found him lacking in insight and originality.
>His lectors agree that his reading of Plato is wholly original in scholarship (to their knowledge.) He discusses Pindar at length, considered to be one of the most difficult Greek poets.
You'll find my Classics teachers also sang my praises at university. Does that make me a genius?
>The fact that he comes from a prestigious family just proves he's genetically smart rather than the opposite.
There's a correlation, but there are also plenty of very stupid, arrogant people with a lot of money who like to think that they're children are somehow destined for greatness simply because they move in the right circles. I've yet to see anything from BAP that I would regard as being genuinely novel or inspiring. As others have already said, it's online roleplaying at best.

>> No.22529457

No. Apparently a Yale PhD isn't even enough to impress all the brilliant minds on /lit/, so I'm good.

>> No.22529462

*their children

>> No.22529463

>my dad works at Nintendo, guys

>> No.22529466

It’s shit and you get far more from just reading Nietzsche himself. Cope and go back to Xitter, I don’t need some wannabe derivative to tell me how I should live my life. Even he himself says he’s just repackaged Nietzsche, so why should I care? None of you pussies are necessary.

>> No.22529469

>Plenty have already done so and found him lacking in insight and originality.
You can read this about literally every book on the planet. There are always critics who think your book is "lacking in insight and originality" all the way up to Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, all the big names all had this similar cheap critique thrown at them. It doesn't mean anything. Apparently it fit the standard for a PhD at an Ivy League school. Why is is to damn hard to just admit that's pretty impressive and more than what 99% of /lit/ will ever accomplish?
>You'll find my Classics teachers also sang my praises at university. Does that make me a genius?
I don't know anon, care to share your PhD dissertation with us?
>I've yet to see anything from BAP that I would regard as being genuinely novel or inspiring.
BAP is on record multiple times saying he's happy to be regarded as a Nietzsche popularizer and nothing more. BAM has some unique ideas, his dissertation too. But it's easy to play critique and say his ideas are not original or unique *enough* because if you hate the guy, that's an impossible standard.

>> No.22529483

>Why is is to damn hard to just admit that's pretty impressive and more than what 99% of /lit/ will ever accomplish?
The aforementioned nepotism, I imagine. If he were a poor, white kid from Alabama who had made good rather than a rich, atheistic, smug Jewish kid from the city, I'm sure people here would adore him.

>> No.22529494

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer were rather unknown for the most part except in niche academic circles. BAP is an astroturfed Internet personality with his own little herd of cult followers. Nietzsche released multiple works before he was ever really recognized and those that you mentioned went through much trial before getting somewhere. There you go again with the superficial comparisons to giants though. You guys will yap endlessly as well about how academia is worthless and credentialism is onions but then point at his Yale certificate of completion as evidence of his supposed genius.

>> No.22529528

BAP himself admits to being a derivative because that's literally all he's good for. If you want to admit to that, you can't in the same breath have a go at those who rightfully wish to avoid you for being unoriginal.

>I am to Nietzsche what Cava is to champagne
>OK. I think Cava is a little tacky.
>How dare you? >:(

>> No.22529530

That’s interesting. So they pay you for your writing? That’s not really a business is it? You’re more like a freelancer.

>> No.22529558

No, you don’t understand. You have to read Classical Vitalist Warrior’s manifesto in order to understand the finer points of Nietzsche’s thought. This is testosterone and brutality folded over 1000 times. Hardship? I’m rich and an aristocrat! Kneel and buy my book peasant!

>> No.22529762

I read more than you ever will. BAP is great. Best living humorist. Deal with it.

>> No.22530039

These BAP threads are great. People worship this jew like he's fucking amazing while actual non-jewish writers are completely ignored.

>> No.22530253

Nice hot take but it’s unfortunately retarded.

>> No.22530260

> I’m not immature, I bet you think I just have to wear a suit and be a dad but I don’t wanna I don’t wanna I don’t wanna
Calm down, nutter. Nobody mentioned kids before you did. Start here: maturity is not idealizing suicidal drug addicts because they get pussy.

>> No.22530269

And? I also walk on a street where people frequently say stupid shit? Do I say stupid shit because I use the same street. You know fully well I don’t care about the people who do aspire to write Harry Potter fanfic, of whom there are few on this board anyway.

>> No.22530276

Don’t care if he’s Jewish. He’s still ridiculous, and so are his readers.

>> No.22530392

I checked Nick Land's twitter recently and what the fuck, it's random boomer babbling about BAP and retweeting of "indo-europeanist" grifters
Larping as Yamnaya being prevalent tells me that this is how they view BAP too: the same way Juden Peterstein was viewed. As a pundit for heckin based takes to own the libs.
At least BAP is smart enough to cash in on his niggercattle paypigs, one of which is Land funnily enough
waspoids simply can't stop getting fucked by jews. Have they been selectively bred for it? Oh no...

>> No.22530408

agreed, so tired of all the envious losers criticizing larry fink, brussels, schwab, establishment journos, biden...
conservatives are jealous of liberals' success
you can get away with being a bapist and having some socialist opinions
you can not get away with being a bapist and naming the jew
therefore, this is what bapism is

>> No.22530475

you mean this from an "independent researcher"?
>Absolutely riveting, jaw-dropping article yesterday from @razibkhan, it's paywalled but here's the summary:
Sensationalist garbage, razib is a literal dalit blogger who has actually done 0 studies
>Two papers in paleogenomics from 2015 seem to unequivocally vindicate the theory that, around 5,000 years ago, mass migrations from the steppe overtook previously existing populations from Britain to Mongolia. These Indo-European nomads were patriarchal: A small number of men reproduced with a large number of indigenous women all over Eurasia in the period known as the Bronze Age.
No lol, there have been dozens of papers since 2014 and the one from haak and iirc lazaridis that he refers to do not show that. they show small sex bias in mating and nonexistent mating bias for central europe. In eastern europe the newcomers were 75% steppe, which requires many steppe females. Otherwise few men and many local women dilutes the new ancestry to less than 20% pretty quickly

>In some areas like Scandinavia and Britain, the takeover was absolute and left no trace of the previous people, in Greece and India some indigenous elites synergized with the nomads.
No, and there are also no "elites" in those places that are different than the locals. these are also not from the paper he mentions but from later lapers

>Indo-Europeans were not civilization-bearers. They were powerful obviously but built nothing that lasted.
That's actually true, assuming by IEs he means Yamnaya

>Marija Gimbutas was right. Critics of this theory, such as Colin Renfrew, have admitted the genomic data is a big problem for his viewpoint. Incidentally and rather awkwardly, the theory of prehistory favored by the Nazis turns out to be closer to true than false.
Nope, Gimbutas was proven wrong. The steppe urheimat theory as accepted now is very different to what gimbutas said
Also the mainstream position has now shifted to west asia as the PIE homeland instead of the steppe (and no, not renfrew's theory)

>In fact, it was the Central European fork (the Corded Ware Culture) of the original gang (the Yamnaya) that went on to dominate even more than the original gang.
CWC is in east europe mainly. Bell beakers spread far more, and their lineages are not found in CWC

>The majority of Northern European ancestry derives from the steppe tribes. 60% of modern Poles’ ancestry can be traced to the Yamnaya. Even in France it's not far below 50%.
HAHAHAHAHA most steppe ancestry in europe is 48% (allentoft et al 2022). Even in haak et al 2015 that he quotes it didnt go above 50%. Mexican spics are more european than the northernmost european is yamnaya
France also has 35-40% and in the south it's 15-20%

>> No.22530479

also he forgot to mention that northern and eastern europeans carry additional asian ancestry as have been found by consecutive studies. Lamnidis et al 2018 being the first, for example

there are hundreds of studies published on this, more than 10 get published every year. none of them has read them
these people make up a good chunk of bap's readerbase. willing audience for a piper who will blatantly lie to their face as long as it makes them feel good about themselves and own the heckin libs with facts and logicTM

America is done. Good riddance.

>> No.22530500

KEK someone called him out in the comments
>“In some areas like Scandinavia and Britain, the takeover was absolute and left no trace of the previous people”
>i’m confused about this claim. my understanding is that upwards of 50% of Scandinavians are I-M170 haplogroup
That's a neolithic haplogroup lmfao
didnt even read the paper himself

BTW fuck you janny tranny

>> No.22530642

>>makes hundreds of thousands from his podcasts

Doubt that. Most channels advocating eugenics and stupid shit are demonetized. His only income is from shilling a few self-published pamphlets on Amazon. Pretty sad actually. I wonder if he gets some Neetbux. That would help.

>> No.22530654

>political philosophy

Absolutely the least challenging branch of Philosophy out there. And look at his advisors and people who reviewed his thesis? To a one, a bunch of right-wing hacks who had students like Tom Cotton. So much for "philosophy."

It's kind of like Dershowitz calling Ted Cruz a genius. You probably believe that too, right?

>> No.22530946

/// There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye /// They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street /// Rather, a listicle is a series of simple points that are easily understood, appreciated and, as a result, shared widely /// Give the media and the public something racy and mysterious and it will sell /// A performer seeks the attention and approval of his or her audience, who can pay rapt attention, catcall and boo, or, worst of all, simply remain indifferent /// Plangent organ music filled the church /// For a moment, Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson /// Eating too many of the kernels causes distressing dyspeptic symptoms because of the large amount of oil which they contain /// He liked to fulminate over moral depravity and the decline of traditional family life /// She claimed to have had an affair with the candidate, which produced a huge media flap ///

>> No.22530969
