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22525183 No.22525183 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy dog edition
Previous >>22517592

>> No.22525192

People who take their opinion from pulp history movies will disagree, but Western civilization is collapsing currently, a process that won't end in more than 30 years optimistically speaking.
Some blame what they call the great problems of our days, because they consider le society and civil society as something more or less granted because they don't know better, for a lack of words, capitalism, immigration, the joos, taxes, inequality, racism, poverty, call it what you want. Others, more opinionated then the former, blame the increasing prostitution, retardation, suffocation of culture replaced by a bastardized language and a complete lack of morals and religions. The sad truth is that if 18th Century France was much more cultured than any Western country is today, it is that the noble, the upper bourgeois, the general pre-disposed over a larger amount of intellectual principles than the ruling classes of today. Those who have received their first history lessons not from schlop but from their fathers have, if not an own history, a grasp of antiquity and

>> No.22525196

the middle ages, characters of Titanic opulence with no lack of actions to be admired for, strange to those who despise the past for their hierarchies and disconsider any objectionable society to have existed prior to the social and industrial Revolutions of the 18th and 19th Century of our era.
Rootless, ignorant and disconsiderate of their past, believing that the entire world belongs to them, themselves not even proper of their living places, mutts.
Above them, normies, either liberal or conservative, the ones too degenerate to consider monogamy, any sustainable form of culture or theology as viable options for the mantainment of a lifestyle, intelligent enough to afford a material condition that they consider worth to live, incapable of imagining any sort of autonomous lifestyle because they lack the energy to do so, a strong dislike for anything that resembles what they call primitive, largely infertile both physically and in the ideas that they promote (no citation needed!) and therefore, heading towards extinction; the second, the conservatives, a group too large to make generalizations, the ones full blown primitivists that willingly accept poverty and low economic statuses to maintain as much independance as possible towards other groups that they despise for what they confound with rich or arrogant, but not devoid of the ability of individually propelling themselves out of their socially conditioned poverty to become rich and successful, at the same time, completely autonomous, conquering, languishing for improvements, haughty of their individual rights, spiteful of anything that deems collective, another, economically successful, energetic and active and engaging in outgoing activities like hiking and camping but with a taste for everything that is cultured, superior or efficient, prosperous and insusceptible to becoming degenerate, a third, to proud not to be comfortable even on vacation, this is how you distinguish the pull-the-boots rich trailer rag, vitalist, from the classical, commodist bourgeois, a fourth, an intermediate form between the prosperous conservatives and the degenerate lefts.
This is the ethnic prospect of all the Western nations, and there's no reason to believe that this is going to change any time soon.

>> No.22525197

I miss my ex but she doesn't miss me
I flirt with other women but they always have a boyfriend
Women who don't have a boyfriend are either slutty or mentally ill or both
Kinda tired of living like this

>> No.22525205


We were “designed” by natural selection to do certain things that helped our ancestors get their genes into the next generation—things like eating, having sex, earning the esteem of other people, and outdoing rivals. So if you ask the question “What kinds of perceptions and thoughts and feelings guide us through life each day?” the answer isn’t “The kinds of thoughts and feelings and perceptions that give us an accurate picture of reality.” At the most basic level the answer is “The kinds of thoughts and feelings and perceptions that helped our ancestors get genes into the next generation.” Our brains are designed to, among other things, delude us.

If you were designing organisms to be good at spreading their genes, how would you get them to pursue the goals that further this cause? At least three basic principles of design would make sense:

1.Achieving these goals should bring pleasure, since animals, including humans, tend to pursue things that bring pleasure.
2.The pleasure shouldn’t last forever. After all, if the pleasure didn’t subside, we’d never seek it again; our first meal would be our last, because hunger would never return. So too with sex: a single act of intercourse, and then a lifetime of lying there basking in the afterglow. That’s no way to get lots of genes into the next generation!
3.The animal’s brain should focus more on (1), the fact that pleasure will accompany the reaching of a goal, than on (2), the fact that the pleasure will dissipate shortly thereafter. After all, if you focus on (1), you’ll pursue things like food and sex and social status with unalloyed gusto, whereas if you focus on (2), you could start feeling ambivalence. You might start asking what the point is of so fiercely pursuing pleasure if the pleasure will wear off shortly after you get it and leave you hungering for more.

As the Buddha said, pleasure is fleeting and this leaves us recurrently dissatisfied. And the reason is that pleasure is designed by natural selection to evaporate so that the ensuing dissatisfaction will get us to pursue more pleasure. Natural selection doesn’t “want” us to be happy, after all; it just “wants” us to be productive, in its narrow sense of productive. And the way to make us productive is to make the anticipation of pleasure very strong but the pleasure itself not very long-lasting.

>> No.22525211
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Scientists can watch this logic play out at the biochemical level by observing dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is correlated with pleasure and the anticipation of pleasure. They took monkeys and monitored dopamine-generating neurons as drops of sweet juice fell onto the monkeys’ tongues. Dopamine was released right after the juice touched the tongue. But then the monkeys were trained to expect drops of juice after a light turned on. As the trials proceeded, more and more of the dopamine came when the light turned on, and less and less came after the juice hit the tongue.

As time passed, there was more in the way of anticipating the pleasure that would come from the sweetness, yet less in the way of pleasure actually coming from the sweetness. If you encounter a new kind of pleasure—if, say, you’ve somehow gone your whole life without eating a powdered-sugar doughnut, and somebody hands you one and suggests you try it—you’ll get a big blast of dopamine after the taste of the doughnut sinks in. But later, once you’re a confirmed powdered-sugar-doughnut eater, the lion’s share of the dopamine spike comes before you actually bite into the doughnut, as you’re staring longingly at it; the amount that comes after the bite is much less than the amount you got after that first, blissful bite into a powdered-sugar doughnut. The pre-bite dopamine blast you’re now getting is the promise of more bliss, and the post-bite drop in dopamine is, in a way, the breaking of the promise—or, at least, it’s a kind of biochemical acknowledgment that there was some overpromising. To the extent that you bought the promise—anticipated greater pleasure than would be delivered by the consumption itself—you have been, if not deluded in the strong sense of that term, at least misled.

Natural selection's job is to build machines that spread genes, and if that means programming some measure of illusion into the machines, then illusion there will be.

>> No.22525228

>Kinda tired of living like this
Then stop living?

>> No.22525238 [DELETED] 

doesn't matter if they have a bf. my sister always had a bf but was always willing to trade up and did so regularly until she hit the wall now she lives alone with a cat.

>> No.22525243
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If you were to die at this moment, what last thoughts cross your mind?

I for one, would be sad that I've never understood this world, other people and myself.

>> No.22525249

>Really, I'm gonna die with a phimosis ring in? It's gonna be so embarrassing when the doctors eventually undress me.

>> No.22525277

I just really like listening to old black women and old white women sing, I'm a simple man.

>> No.22525278

I'm going to church in a few minutes. I hope some cute girl sits next to me, and she thinks I'm cute and talks to me, then we exchange numbers. One thing leads to another, and we send our child off to MIT to create AGI.

>> No.22525281

I don't believe in the fella but godspeed to you anyway, anon.

>> No.22525288

Thank you.

>> No.22525299

Do you even have young people in your church? Everyone used to be double the age (I'm 31) when I was going.

>> No.22525352


>> No.22525355

speaking irl takes so much effort, the will is gone

>> No.22525711

Tfw no boyfriend free girl

>> No.22525718
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Why I always end up doing things at the last moment

>> No.22525719
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>> No.22525747
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I'm going abroad for a job. In 3 years of working I will be able to buy myself comfy apartment in my country. Another 3 years and I will be able to modestly neet for 10 years in my country. I think that's the plan, after that I will be around 40 yo, so after reading every most important book out there I will either already figure out what that life was all about and what I want to do with it after, or just kms. That's the plan

>> No.22525768

>The ability to decieve yourself into spinning your wheels for decades while pretending you're above it all. Of losing all your chances at life because you won't make a move, and when you do it's out of such lack of thought that it bites you in the ass.

This comment lives,rent free in my fucking head. Because this is me. But fuck Flaubert, he was a son of a fucking rich doctor, he got good education and grooming and he never worked in his life. He can make these retarded remarks from the comfort of his attic with a full belly and a fat bank account. What about working class bastards like us who have been getting treated like dogshit since their most early memories? Life is one big bite on ass.


>> No.22525777

a man of culture

>> No.22525838

So what exactly is the answer to the ship of theseus problem

>> No.22525846

the real ship is the idea and not it's material components

>> No.22525848

So like the real ship is the friends we made along the way?

>> No.22525857

Fart in my mouf. I said.

>> No.22525886
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>> No.22525890
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>> No.22525897

Hijacking this thread to let everyone know I am taller than you, smarter than you, have more hair than you, have a bigger dick than you, have 0 debt, own property and work in the cigar industry

>> No.22525922

Is the word gif pronounced gif or gif?

>> No.22525926

and you are a faggot

>> No.22525929

i refuse to elaborate

>> No.22525932

I'm white and I have a big cock, should I start dating asian women?

>> No.22525941

Theologians vs mystics….give me the latter always

>> No.22525945

Currently working unskilled physical jobs, no diploma, no school, but considering to apply for a high-paid prestige job with credentials but by nobility of blood, like some noble Aryan of 17th Century Europe.

>> No.22525956

Most people are old, children, or parents (the church is also a school). Not many my age who are single. No girls have ever approached me in my years of going to church, but when I was in college I got approached by a girl the first day. Maybe it's because I go to the 9am mass, and all the cute girls go to later mass?

>> No.22525965

>all the cute girls go to later mass?
I didnt see any of girls there.
t. went to later mass

>> No.22525972

I have found myself in quite a strange situation, my life is actually improving. This has come as a surprise to me since sometime before last summer I took the "black pill", and fully expected things to simply degrade over time. However upon entering college I have found that, almost despite myself, I am much more popular than ever before. I at one point had three people come up to sit beside me, to you more popular anon's this may seem unimpressive but to many this is quite a feat. I am of course still deeply suspicious of it all, after all when you've seen things go up in flames as often as I have it's hard to feel secure in anything.

>> No.22525978

I have a shia friend who is trying to convert me to their take. Some of his arguments are pretty convincing, but I spent like an hour and a half listening to him today and I really gotta study.

You pray ya muqallib al qulub, thabbit qalbi 'ala deenik and then you live on I guess.

>> No.22525980

fell for the meme

>> No.22525982

what's the buddhist take on prayer?

>> No.22525983
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why not both?
>Speculative truth, it may also be noted, means very much the same as what, in special connection with religious experience and doctrines, used to be called Mysticism.

>> No.22525985

Idk, if the plan fails I still can become a Don Juan, spend the rest of my days in Italy unemployed courting woman after woman until I die of aids or get killed in a fight against another man

>> No.22525993

I thought this time it would be different. I was a fool.

>> No.22526052

I deserve hell. I deserve to suffer. Nothing comes easy to someone like me. If it weren't for my wife I'd be living on the streets. Maybe I deserve to live that life, to be one of the foresworn on the sidewalks.

I want to die. I want this existence to end but it's not my choice to go on it not. It's encoded in my very being too keep going, to not let this world beat me. My time is coming though. I can feel it.

>> No.22526055

and what does it mean to be a buddhist in our world?

>> No.22526062
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>has wife

>> No.22526072

Nta but you are in for a rude shock when you find out having a girl doesn’t fix your problems and make you happy

>> No.22526082

I do understand that but you cannot be suffering if you're getting validated. There's a reason why solitary confinement is the cruelest punishment.

>> No.22526096
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NTA but is it though

>> No.22526100

Yes. White women are trash

>> No.22526108

said the amerimutt

>> No.22526120

My family keeps mocking me for not getting a girls phone number. I cant help that I'm scared of girls

>> No.22526121

If you examine and think hard about what you just typed you can find the solution to your angst

>> No.22526128

I'm med though. I've dicked down my fair share of waspoids in summers, they are total trash and now also have terrible skin.

>> No.22526130

Just keep a cold face and say 'uh hm' with your shoulders straight

>> No.22526138

>this is what aspies think is the peak of social interaction

>> No.22526144

This is what looking like someone who's getting laid every night by a different woman looks like. Don't speak about anything at all unless it interests you, and never reply to comments that are meant to lower your self esteem. Mumbling 'Uhm yeah I fugg bitche mothafucka' also works sometimes.

>> No.22526146

But does it matter in the end?

>> No.22526152

Going the college route is vaiysha tier at best

>> No.22526155

Bros I've been infatuated with a girl since she was 12. I was 18 at the time. I wanted to wait until she was older before I made a move. The only problem is she was infatuated with me. But I felt uncomfortable asking a high school girl on a date. She's 18 now. Her infatuation with me persisted all these years, up until very recently. I guess she didnt like how timid I was about making a move abd waiting for years. Now she's moving away for college. All my hope is gone. I keep thinking I did the right thing waiting and that dating a teen girl while in my 20s would be uncomfortable. But I still feel like I messed up.

>> No.22526167


>> No.22526172

this. wait till he realizes the price of exclusive rights to the pussy.

>> No.22526177

good self control anon. also the world is full of hot women. just keep looking.

>> No.22526186

Theres a lot about her I like. We've known each other for years, belong to the same church, and I'm pretty good friends with her brothers. She also has a very interesting background which I wont go into because it's too specific.

>> No.22526198
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>author puts the Greek version of the word right next to the English word for some etymologically masturbatory reason
>its literally the exact some word but just in Greek letters
>the diacritics is included
I swear If i see another shitty stemfag paper with wikipedia copy pasted google translate bullshit

>> No.22526202

Yep. The price is high and one should only get a girl when they are ready. Are you ready to put up when she’s in the mood for arguing about every stupid thing? If you don’t handle it well and walk the middle path you are done; too lenient and you will get walked all over, too strong and overreactive and you will lose her. And just wait for those times she isn’t answering her phones or texts and you start thinking. If you are the jealous paranoid type you are fucked and your life will be hell. Be careful what you wish for. Many guys like the idea of having a girl than actually having a girl. It takes effort and a toll on you

>> No.22526278

They say one should stop procrastinating and get to work, but what work exactly?

>> No.22526318

Is porn degenerate?

>> No.22526322

Degenerate is not the same as decadent. Porn is a decadent practice, but not degenerate in itself. Degenerate is a lot of decadence summed up.

>> No.22526375
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>but what work exactly?
The Great Work

>> No.22526384

Can't sleep. Stress about work and lack of exercise today probably to blame. What can I do except puff a smoke, do my qi-gong and then get to it?

>> No.22526395

The more I study history, the more I realize the importance of establishing a fascist empire in Europe with me as the fuhrer.

>> No.22526411

I'm going braless today and forever.

>> No.22526451

Should I go to Hawaii tomorrow?

>> No.22526469
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>tfw got my IQ tested
>136 midwit
This bothers me more than it should. It's like i'm close enough to be smart, but just too far off to actually do something truly groundbreaking with it.
And i also got fucking autism

>> No.22526481
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Do you care about getting old and losing your hair and getting dry wrinkly skin? Do you care that your beauty is fading day by day?

>> No.22526488

No, I was always ugly.

>> No.22526489

No, I'm literally immortal.

>> No.22526510

here's a real tongue-splitter for you: 400 level courses are usually the easiest

>> No.22526514

So if women can sniff out the virgin guys, ....

>> No.22526556

ywabaw ;P

>> No.22526581

Yes, I've never worn a bra or plan to wear one hence I'm braless. This is an example of not adhering to Grice's maxim of manner because my statement was deliberately ambiguous in order to confuse readers despite being a true statement.

>> No.22526582

I do this thing where I get really motivated and optimistic and become outgoing and productive. And then everywhere I turn I hit closed doors and dead ends. I end up alone or rejected. Nothing I try goes anywhere. Then my motivation drops and I get into a slump. I am not naturally a slumped kind of person but I feel so constantly alienated that I can't be anything else.

>> No.22526594

I met a beautiful and kind woman, haven't felt like this in years. Forgot the warmth it lights up in you. I must see her again.

>> No.22526597

What an optimistic view of the future

>> No.22526599

It often makes things worse

>> No.22526609 [DELETED] 

dude you know what i just found out? that masters degrees are actually easier than undergrad degrees. this whole time i had been putting off doing a masters cuz i thought wow like a 600 level class that must be super intense stuff! then i saw the coursework one of my coworkers who's doing a masters was doing and it was like braindead shit. i was like wow i could do that without studying. i did know that 400 level is easier than 100 level of course, but for some reason i didn't put it together than the hardness doesn't reset once you go to grad school, it just keeps getting easier. i was like dude i put off grad school for so long cuz i thought it was gonna be hard. damn i'm stupid. the 100 and 200 levels classes at the school i did my undergrad was like some kind of crazy hazing to give you ptsd. that was back in the 00s though. now that everything is about equity and inclusion they probably make the courses so easy you can't fail as long as you show up like how public high schools operate. god i hope not, but probably.

>> No.22526608

Its amazing how rent free we've been up in that cranium of yours since forever. Its almost sexual.

>> No.22526612

Most social interaction is a waste of time and most people talk to other people because they want something from them

>> No.22526617

I honestly dont care that i got bald. What i do really care about is that i need glasses now. That fucking sucks

>> No.22526629

I wanna get a good fountain pen but I don't got a clue which is good for a decent price.

>> No.22526634

Is 136 that low? Seems pretty good mid-tier

>> No.22526641

I have a boner to pick with my sister because of how noisy she is at night when I'm trying to sleep. Next time I'm just barging in there.

>> No.22526658

>boner to pick

>> No.22526661
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Got tons of rain the last couple days and this guy was in my basement. I don’t see them around my place but there is an underground creek. Can anyone identify it?

>> No.22526667

My buddy's roommate is the same way. One day my buddy is gonna beat his ass.

>> No.22526668

What country

>> No.22526669

Women really shouldn't have a choice in whom with which they procreate

>> No.22526670

This 9/10 girl responded to me and I've been autistically shaking all day while talking to her. Did not expect her to show interest in me and I've never talked to a girl at all.

>> No.22526675

Is this true? Why is this?

>> No.22526676

lol i haven't seen a salamander in ages. i used to see those a lot when i was a kid growing up in western mass. idk which one that is specifically though.

>> No.22526679


>> No.22526685

Suburbs of Philadelphia in the US

>> No.22526695 [DELETED] 

i've heard someone say that it's because you cover more historical developments in less time in those classes. like in the calculus sequence you're covering like 300 years of math breakthroughs in three semesters, but some specialized shit might just be like 50 years of shit. likewise, some survey of western civ shit might cover 3500 years in two semesters, but some class on milton covers one lifetime of one dude, etc. as for masters degrees, not sure that theory holds up entirely. i think part of it is just hazing to filter weak students.

>> No.22526707

looks like it might be a young wehrle's?

>> No.22526708

I'm retarded

>> No.22526722

Just fuck her dude

>> No.22526758

I genuinely, sincerely believe that I have the potential to become one of the great minds of my generations but I have no clue how to make my name known or obtain the right opportunities. It's insanely pompous to say that but I won't apologize for having real ambitions in our trannified digital mutt world

>> No.22526778

A friend of mine was being all open and gushy about his feelings and these girls were swooning. What the fuck bros

>> No.22526807
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wtf redpilled incels told me that girls dry up when you start showing weakness and emotions

>> No.22526823

it's a new world

>> No.22526826

Not if they can be part of the drama

>> No.22526846
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This is gonna sound nuts but there is an actual shadow government/cult/secret organization in America. Its goal is to create a theocratic Mormon state by infiltrating the intelligence services, military, and executive branch and eventually pulling off a coup or changing the laws in its favor. It's been operating for decades and any government organization you can think of has been infiltrated on one level or another. The group also has a major presence in the corporate and business world, construction firms, banking, the medical practice industry (but not pharmaceuticals), and law, but it doesn't have as many people in academia or local governments outside Utah and it currently has little influence in big social media and tech conglomerates.
Their existence and actions aren't officially sanctioned by the Mormon church but are tacitly allowed on the condition that they do not bring bad press to the church or get caught. If that does happen the group members in question get burned, like Tim Ballard (of Operation Underground Railroad and The Sound of Freedom fame) most recently (who was operating with the funding and tacit support of M. Russell Ballard).
Feel free to disbelieve me, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.22526857

>it's the mormons
Anything but the Jews.

>> No.22526859
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Mormons are playing the long game

>> No.22526862

get a load of this guy

>> No.22526886
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If there's an equivalent network of Jewish people I haven't researched it but I wouldn't doubt it. What sets the Mormon group apart is the vast resources and connections it has at its disposal - Mormon culture makes them perfect candidates for intelligence work and classified positions, while the church itself has assets valued at over $150 billion (and possibly much more). As mainline Mormonism is a monolith with centralized authority it's difficult for denominational infighting or differences in theology to strain operations as they could between different types of Muslims or different types of Protestants.
The one wrench in their plans is the fact that Mormonism among young people is dying and real membership growth and activity rates are slowing - the gif posted by >>22526859 is essentially patent fiction at this point, especially following the massive drop in true activity rates post-COVID. Easy access to information the church doesn't want people to see has allowed disgruntled former members to punch well above their weight in terms of effects on public opinion. The overall goal is to turn America into a theocratic state filled with faithful members of the church but by the time the various hidden agendas fulfill their different smaller plans it may be too late for the church as a whole.

>> No.22526901

This is like Pinky and the Brain tier

>> No.22526903

Am I paranoid for thinking my mate's wife(who drunkenly hit on me once) keeping her maiden name is a portent of bad things later on?

>> No.22526911

Maybe it's the same logic behind how attending an Ivy League is easier than getting into one

>> No.22526937

136 means you're practically a genius.

>> No.22526961

Lulz. Likewise, I go "topless" in public rather a lot, provided that's outdoors. When you think about it, it's almost startling how simple and almost universal that rule is in the developed world. Even the "don't be fat" rule-of-thumb is more obvious, since its breach is more observed, thence the assumption less hidden.

>> No.22526983
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A work of art does not need to be perfect in order for it to be enjoyed as if it were so.

>> No.22527057

Nonverbal communication can be pretty crazy. I can instantly tell if a girl likes me even if she gives no signs. She’ll just give off an aura in the air. Also that square of light in a girl’s eyes if she’s into you. I wonder if this kinda stuff will ever be able to be scientifically studied? Also related but sometimes I can tell if someone is a good or bad person just by looking at them and it has nothing to do with their clothes or their appearance

>> No.22527077


>> No.22527083

The problem with internet usage:

the choice objects of everyday body language or aesthetics and verbiage remains unheard, as it is displaced on social cues to be picked out: item(s) out of the baggage displaced on civilization. A verbal argument, no rational motives. A fuck is given. That fuck aesthete is escalated into the displacement of morality into an illusion hypnotizing the masses which is it's ignorance. There is no tone set on the internet in text and words. It is in fact, only in images and directives, all abstract or perma-frozen.

The image of letters, a single alphabetic symbol used for a communication does no harm in and of itself. It does not, and cannot set tones or imagery. The image is from a user's childhood, which is now projected onto the argumentation fallacious of internet conspiracy or infatuations intended to deceive (while not bestowing knowable content) or not deceive, yet either in the form of conceit. To make, the general public, narcissists filled with void reflections signifying self-loathing, emptiness, and malice or scrambled egg's basket of chaotic hate.

There cannot be tones. Now, for Karen, there is a tone, a very special or hypothetical tone, and theoretic intuition. She puts her whole existence in her bag. She guilt trips everyone into believing, fallaciously, they are the conceited ones. She doesn't know, nor does acknowledge the theoretic nature of her hypothetical existence to others, becoming disillusional with her conceit. She crosses acceptable bounds, treading on other's usage of utility and facilitates our collective destruction through her [cringe-word]/fundamentally/purely/essentially/morally/w.e. evil holier than thou attitude. It is her magic formula for all of her sociopathic problems stemming from fall, sin, or basic commune of narcissistic values, i.e impediments from the internet at our weak, sore, sad, sorry, pathetic existenciae. Must we apologize because the Karen pigeonholes everyone onto her fallacious reasoning?

Her path is eccentric and onto torsion against our pathos fabrique.

But this is a common monster. This is the witchs spell cast onto their unpwntentated agent spawn influencing through effective parental channels with respect to the other. Cue, meat sternum. We might be the most possibly wraithy fuckers. Would you like some innocent niche and clique stitches. Booze. Replif u'r drnk. Gee, I hope this sates ye.

>> No.22527088

Most of my friends are married and for my own sanity I stay the fuck out of their relationships and drama. I always change the topic when they start bitching about their dumb wives.>>22526911

>> No.22527090

Should I get a dog and name him Dogstoevsky?

>> No.22527096

You will own nothing, and you will be happy. LOL, thanks a lot Kapeeps. reeeee~

Eccentric concentric, GETHIS SHIT!

>> No.22527102

That's the most depressing thing I've ever seen.

>> No.22527103

Name him Sua Serenità Marino Faliero

>> No.22527113

Fido Dogstoevsky

>> No.22527117

Yeah, I guess. I just don't want him to get hurt, but he's happy now

>> No.22527123

I wish I could be a teenager again and do everything different. I would play sports, talk to girls, and most of all avoid drugs and alcohol and those fucking emo kids

>> No.22527127

it's always the damn emo kids

>> No.22527140

I'm pretty sure this is pepe's version of events. But is it a good one? A verse in loneliness. Credeeted to u'r accnt. And how did the rest of us get t here ;), (anecdote connotation of dramatic personae, or drop spot literally). ))))))))).: If we have something to agree on, it's nothing, [because, do we?]. Questionable invalidity. That is our common ground: void. I swear, ... (cue whisper) doubting

So anyways, the least is nil.

>> No.22527146

Yeah seriously. Getting in with the emo kids was a huge mistake

>> No.22527177

man i usually ignore the apple music "chill mix" on sundays but that shit has some bangers on it

>> No.22527213

I'm being forced against my will to study karst geomorphology.

>> No.22527214

I've fallen in love with a beautiful singer who started dating an nfl quarterback. One of the few things that keeps me going is seeing him fail as knowing their together makes me want to slit my wrists. If his team wins the super bowl I might actually bite it. I know I would have less than zero percent chance with her even if we knew each other but the fantasy of our love got me through some dark times and brought me great comfort.

>> No.22527220

how to progressives reconcile notions of male socialization and patriarchy with trans "women" being a seemingly innocent group? I imagine some would say that they can still have "internalized transphobia/misogyny", but in general I don't think they would say trans women are transphobic or misogynistic. but if they were raised male, and all men who identify as such are by default transphobic and misogynistic (somehow), then how do trans women get around that?

>> No.22527223

get a hobby, homie. or go for a walk.

>> No.22527253

Progressivism doesnt reconcile anything because it's a cult, not a philosophy

>> No.22527255

do you actually think any leftist has the critical thinking to ponder about inconsistencies like this? they just don't care. trannies are the jews of the 21st century to them and they verbatim claim this

>> No.22527264

I am sure some have the capacity but are hindered by the grip their ideology has on them. I was pretty staunch about certain political issues a few years ago, but over time grew more and more open to being wrong and eventually changed how I thought about it. I'm on the whole cynical about people changing their beliefs, I'm just curious how they would respond to the question posed. I imagine some have been faced with it in one form or another, regardless of whether I've seen them tackle it myself

>> No.22527288

A neighbor broad named her jack russell terrier Jack. She's not as stupid as she seems, especially on first sight.

>> No.22527290

Aren’t emos ex-straight edgers usually?

>> No.22527291

Yeah I’d say so. I tend to avoid women with hyphenated names.

>> No.22527295

They usually do, unless you’re tall.

>> No.22527313

general attractiveness is relevant. women like a guy they can "work on", but obviously they're not gonna pick joe schmoe unless they have realisitcally no chance on the market themselves

>> No.22527326 [DELETED] 

i think i'm gonna do an mba even though it won't help my career. i just want it. i'm not even gonna tell anybody. well i'll put it on my linkedin when i finish, but that's it. if people can do poetry or panting masters for fun, why shouldn't i be able to do an mba for fun?

>> No.22527328

I could make a princess out of you, but I am not going to.

>> No.22527419

As a teenager I was one of those nerds who got on well with the jocks, at least half of those who played football and basketball: The track & field guys were all either pricks or so introverted they may as well have been mute. Didn't care for sport, unless you count chess, Risk, and Third Reich as that.

>> No.22527433

I’m so sorry.

>> No.22527436

no real point in dwelling on it now except to get your priorities in check and to potentially give good advice to someone who might go down a similar road in the future. aside from that it's just torture porn and not productive

>> No.22527572

I desperately need a cute female to fuck

>> No.22527579


>> No.22527582

No, I'm classifying it under psychological need at this point

>> No.22527585

GF is acting weird because she had a dream where I fucked her friend. Sometimes I wish I was gay.

>> No.22527598

doesn't make it a need m8. you could easily become a monk on a mountain, reach enlightenment, and be a-ok

>> No.22527606


>> No.22527611

No I could not easily do that.

>> No.22527614

What is bullshit?

>> No.22527618

yeah I realized that wasn't the best way to word it after posting it. at any rate, it is possible to go on without having sexual intercourse with a cute female

>> No.22527639

I saw a happy young couple on tv and had a mini breakdown

>> No.22527646

shit from a bull?

>> No.22527655

plenty of people have had triggers that have lead to breakdowns but they've gotten out of it. I don't see why you can't acknowledge your *want* but still pursue it or feel justified in wanting it ultimately. all I'm saying is that it's really not a matter of life or death, though you may (or may not) have some romantic attachement to that idea

>> No.22527658

Yeah but I mean, why are you posting that?

>> No.22527686

I'm growing more and more numb everyday, I'm rotting, the only thing I crave are more wounds.

I'm losing happiness, or I'm just realizing I never had it.

>> No.22527690

I googled schizophrenic speech patterns and was distressed at how many of the signs I exhibited. Then I observed the ease at which I speak with my family, and felt better. My first theory was that over exposure to information in too many differing contexts (like the internet) resulted in disorganized thoughts. When these disorganized thoughts go unresolved, the lack of resolution gets conflated with the anticipation of speaking with someone you are not comfortable with, and so you speak nonsense. If you read half a chapter of 100 books which are vastly different from one another in the course of an hour, you would probably exhibit disruptive speech patterns. I don't like this theory as its not so practical expressed this way. My second theory is that its dangerous to expose yourself to stimulus you are not particularly engaged in. You're conditioning and reinforcing a withdrawal from your environment. I like this theory because its paradoxical in nature. The implication is that you may have to become reengaged with the distraction before you can properly forego it. I would like some input from the buddhist anons itt. With regards to speaking with strangers, I think its a matter of containing some knowledge of how people are: how they set their boundaries, a formal process of getting acquainted with someone, signalling that you aren't an antisocial reject. Should come with experience.

>> No.22527693

Do you get any action?

>> No.22527700

Yeah, I've had a couple, I have no friends or anything though, and I don't seek it. I have some issue's with my girlfriend here and there but sometimes I like being with her.

I don't enjoy any hobbies I used to, I started college and was disappointed with how easy it is.

>> No.22527710

Also, I started reading 48 Laws of Power, idk if it's meme shit, I've never really read before, I was discouraged from it at a young age when a teacher wouldn't let me read a dictionary in class.

Aside from that I just read compsci shit

>> No.22527714
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>> No.22527731

The stinky cheese I ate tasted fuzzy. Not very good.

>> No.22527741

Oh then there's nothing that can help you. Good luck though. Maybe there's something in the store. I don't know.

>> No.22527743

My current plan is to drown myself in studying until I decide to die. Thanks though anon.

>> No.22527748

Should men feel bad about living with a parent at 30? Should they feel bad for not having entered a good career at 30?

>> No.22527754

I don't

>> No.22527758

i was forced here so no

>> No.22527770

sometimes when im alone in my bed, i feel so emotional, so alone, so in need of company. like i just want to be with someone. yet when i get a move on, i simply don't care for others. i just want to get work done and then fuck off to video games or watch shows i like. interactions with other people in a non-work context or transactional nature doesn't make sense to me, i am entirely lost in my own world. i hope the bedside feelings goes away, it's kind of annoying

>> No.22527776

Tfw when you’ve been reading for years, hundreds of books, and you’ve ignored a writer you consider basic bitch tier, and when you finally read them your blown away

>> No.22527789

>singular they
Read more.

>> No.22527796

Don't be an ESL.

>> No.22527800

I never said it had to be one or the other. I don't care for LARPing what other people believe and pursue with conviction. That means not baying like a donkey every time I try to communicate. Many normies will never perceive the fraction I have perceived but it helps no one for me to go and bludgeon them with that fraction.

>> No.22527813

ياودي انا حمار تاع الصح. خايف لا مانتسڤمش. بالاك فيها السلاك ، بالاك مافيهاش. على الأقل نآمن بلي لي جات رايحة تكون حقي.

>> No.22527831

I love you.

>> No.22527837


>> No.22527838

Had an existential crisis of what I'm doing with my life at 26. I can't believe I'm nearly 30 now.

>> No.22527855

Do you ever get attached to certain sentences or titles?
For example, there's a X-Files episode called "The Field Where I Died" and I always liked the sound of it, I think it's kinda poetic. The epiaode itself is terrible though.

>> No.22527885

I'm the kind of guy frequently called bud or buddy.
It's over I'll never be a real man, others will always look at me diminuitively because of my appearance.
At best I can be "cute" like a pet.

>> No.22527889

Getting bitched is tough, but you the insect you are would do it to me. So fuck yourself.

>> No.22527895

so here's my problem since adopting no-fap: i am this close to downloading one of those dating apps and doing one-night stands to get it off my chest, which is arguably worse than porn + fapping, because now other people are physically involved. i don't know what to do. i now have so much pent up sexual frustration that i just need to let it out, but i know that waking up with some stranger would probably make me feel worse about myself than that few seconds after fapping where you realize how disgusting it all is

this sucks

>> No.22527897

>Getting bitched is tough, but you the insect you are would do it to me.
I don't know what this means. English translation please

>> No.22527901

But yes i do agree I'm an insect and deserve a bitching

>> No.22527905

You know what you have to do, the question is are you strong enough?

>> No.22527908

>I need to let it out
be productive. you do not need to have sex. I'm not saying don't have sex. hell, I'm not even saying don't masturbate or watch porn (though I am also doing nofap), but your sexual desires come and go, you do not "need" to let it out - certainly not in a sexual manner

>> No.22527919

Others have already decided what you "deserve". Whether or not you agree does not factor.

>> No.22527937

My dad was trying to encourage me to ask out girls and he said "the worst they can say is no." I told him that is not the worst they can say. He seemed incredulous.

>> No.22527939
File: 21 KB, 593x517, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So today I found out that there's homosexual men who have extreme homophobia and degradation fetishes. I don't know what it is called, but apparently they get turned on by homophobes and MAGA conservative types
So for every /pol/tard posting about sending faggots to concentration camps, there's probably some gay guy jacking off while reading it.
It's funny but it can get disturbing real quick. I hope they find Jesus soon.

>> No.22527957

>I told him that is not the worst they can say
depends on your personality/perspective

>> No.22528017

>Others have already decided what you "deserve". Whether or not you agree does not factor
Yes you're right.

>> No.22528022

>So for every /pol/tard posting about sending faggots to concentration camps, there's probably some gay guy jacking off while reading it.
The poltards are the gay ones jacking off. Where do you think you are?

>> No.22528027 [DELETED] 

In Scape of Present, I scuttle without sight for onward toward colorful Pasture away from house, so crazy Future's increased velocity in the back of me causes its closed in on like rust in a metal bucket over from

>> No.22528041

This. They are the same ones watching IR porn too

>> No.22528043


>> No.22528058

>still occasionally think of girl I lost virginity to
>as in she is who I think about when love songs etc play
>don't think of any girl I've been with or had a crush on since her at all.

What's going on here? Why is she been in my memory loop when it's been over 15 years and haven't even seen her in maybe 4 or 5 years?

>> No.22528107

>It's funny but it can get disturbing real quick.
So you are a homophobe? Lmao I bet you're secretly gay.

>> No.22528135 [DELETED] 
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I went back to college and am in the process of failing all my courses again. I used the last of my savings to do this. I don't know why but I can't bring myself to do this shit, each time I wait around and do nothing. I'm 36 years old. I wish my parents would die so I could kill myself. There's absolutely no value to my life, even I don't enjoy it, I'm an apathetic parasite and yet I'm exhausted to my core. I don't understand why I do anything, how can I be aware of but in control of myself? I'm so tired, every night I crawl into bed much too late and think how ungrateful I am for having this warm safe bed to retreat into as I pray not to wake up ever again. And then I do the same thing tomorrow. I wonder if it's because I have no real goals or values, I have general hungers and vague ambitions of being rich and having sex and food but they don't seem that important to me, and certainly there is nothing more substantial I want to do or even people I want in my life. Is life like this for everyone? It seems no, it looks to me like other people are motivated to do specific things or to pursue other people be they friends or family or lovers. I have no such drive except in the vaguest sense that never actually occurs to me save when it's 4am and I am trying to rationalize my behavior and failed life. Is it possible to not care about anyone but still feel ashamed? I do think I'd feel better if my parents weren't witness to my constant degradation.

>> No.22528144
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I went back to college and am in the process of failing all my courses again. I used the last of my savings to do this. I don't know why but I can't bring myself to do this shit, each time I wait around and do nothing. I'm 36 years old. I wish my parents would die so I could kill myself. There's absolutely no value to my life, even I don't enjoy it, I'm an apathetic parasite and yet I'm exhausted to my core. I don't understand why I do nothing, how can I be aware of but not in control of myself? I'm so tired, every night I crawl into bed much too late and think how ungrateful I am for having this warm safe bed to retreat into as I pray not to wake up ever again. And then I do the same thing tomorrow. I wonder if it's because I have no real goals or values, I have general hungers and vague ambitions of being rich and having sex and food but they don't seem that important to me, and certainly there is nothing more substantial I want to do or even people I want in my life. Is life like this for everyone? It seems no, it looks to me like other people are motivated to do specific things or to pursue other people be they friends or family or lovers. I have no such drive except in the vaguest sense that never actually occurs to me save when it's 4am and I am trying to rationalize my behavior and failed life. Is it possible to not care about anyone but still feel ashamed? I do think I'd feel better if my parents weren't witness to my constant degradation.

>> No.22528149

Mental illness needa to be more stigmatised. It is impossible to spread the message that "x people need to be judged more negatively" so the worsening of the collective mental health will continue.

>> No.22528157

Why stigmatize it when you can cure it with a pill? Half of America is on anti-depressants. If you suggest that's not an effective solution you are going against the entire edifice of our socio-economic system, it needs to sell those pills and ideas and degrees and media and sponsored content to support itself. You ask for nothing less than total revolution.

>> No.22528183

Yes, I understand it's all about money and this has been a long con for decades. It still feels that even the outsiders to the 'system' will oppose virtually everything including anti depressants but then still support being open about mental health and breaking stigmas. I guess the drive to look caring is just too ingrained in us. I just don't know how it was ever different.

I was listening to someone explain borderline personality disorder to see if there was anything I missed, turns out it is just like I though, it's another name for being unstable and irrational. The video also said we shouldn't judge the people when they act out because it's not their fault, it's a consequence of their condition. If we can no longer judge people for being unpleasant to/around us then what have we become?

>> No.22528198

>It still feels that even the outsiders to the 'system' will oppose virtually everything including anti depressants but then still support being open about mental health and breaking stigmas. I guess the drive to look caring is just too ingrained in us. I just don't know how it was ever different.
This is why I mentioned all those other things, they are all interconnected, it's one giant ideological sphere.

This is what happens when you live in consensus based reality instead of real reality. The west is completely obsessed with consensus based reality.


Is a great listen, Moldbug describes the root of the issue in an entertaining way.

>> No.22528201

Thank, I'm at work but will listen later. That guy is very onto it

>> No.22528205


>> No.22528209

I have no idea what's going on outside. A group of idiots set up a stage and are playing shitty music, well past midnight. This is a complex for university students, and these people found it to be a good idea to perform shitty jam band music on a school night. Anyways I'm entirely consumed by my infatuation with a girl I met at a rave the other night. I need to take her on a date. I haven't felt this intense for a woman in over a year. Feels good to have these projections again. I was starting to think I couldn't love again.

>> No.22528211

Idk, probably something about your mother.

>> No.22528214

>Mental illness needa to be more stigmatised
I agree the mentally ill need to be killed off including myself for expressing such a mentally ill opinion

>> No.22528222

Stigmatised as in it being ok to say again "you're not depressed, you're just a narcissistic little whiny bitch who needs to grow up" even if they are somewhat depressed, it still needs to be said more. Like how mocking fat people kept them somewhat in check, bullying works.

>> No.22528231

>I was listening to someone explain borderline personality disorder to see if there was anything I missed, turns out it is just like I though, it's another name for being unstable and irrational. The video also said we shouldn't judge the people when they act out because it's not their fault, it's a consequence of their condition.
I see this shit opinion all the time. It's like people have this weird notion that having a "condition" absolves one of all responsibility. Unless your brain is ultra fucked by drugs or you have a tumor i don't care about your condition.
Even the word itself implies something passing, temporary, or conditional. Yet some seem to see their condition not as a condition but rather as a permanent identity they can use to win pity from others.
Reminds me of this girl in a class i took. She did a presentation on mental health in media and showed the cringiest video of some attention seeking youtuber crying about how she has disassociative identity disorder.

>> No.22528236

I agree but think we need to go farther.
Nip the problem in the bud starting with me.

>> No.22528248

The amount of times I have heard people mention their 'illnesses' when I barely know them is sad. Like sure, be open and honest and all that but it definitely feels like they take pride in them. Make being broken uncool again.

I guess it's not just mental illness it's narcissism reflected in everything. Like all these girls taking pride in promiscuity "i thrive in chaos, I am too complex and full of life to be content with one relationship". Nope, you just have an endless need for validation because you know you're empty inside.

>> No.22528251
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Gotta say this Jesus-nigger is a hell of a guy.

>> No.22528271

>sit down to meditate
>immediately become the horniest man on earth
ive been doing this shit with vary degrees of gusto for about fifteen years give or take and this remains probably the biggest hindrance. should i just make it a habit to beat off before i take to the cushion?

>> No.22528306
File: 87 KB, 250x329, UG-in-Jan-2007-2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meditation is evil

>> No.22528309


>> No.22528312

I love Taylor Fwift fo FUCKING much

>> No.22528333

What would you do with her?

>> No.22528350

I would kiff her very hard and floppily on the mouth and then fuck her in her moift vagina and cum in her puffy

>> No.22528740

I'm freaked. Never believed in ghosts but my recent experience is making me consider the possibility.
This was single handedly the spookiest experience ive ever had.
I work security at a hospital. We've a decent sized wing now abandoned that used to be like a hospice--a place for the terminally ill. Lots of people have died up there. And lots claim it's haunted. I've never believed that as I'm up there all the time and have never seen anything.
Two hours ago though im patrolling and hear a shower on in 267.
I'm extremely freaked. Wtf did a homeless person somehow get in the building? Doubtful as tge entire building is locked up at night, security cameras everywhere, and i patrol regularly. I've have never heard a shower on.
Through the door crack I see the light is on.
Hello anyone there? I knock repeatedly.
Take a deep breath and shove the door open fast keeping to the side.
No one there.
Shower is going full blast cranked to max. If someone was showering why leave it on?
Think to myself maybe engineering turned it on for some reason.
Call him. Nope, he says he hasn't touched any of the showers.
Also as far as i know they just run the sinks and toilets.
Engineering guy comes up and we search every single room.
Alarm had gone off earlier. Not weird as they go off all the time.
What was weird though when we checked the alarm the closest was open when it wasn't before.
Also found a crumpled up tissue by entrance to wing. I'm really the only one who comes up there.
Call other security team that handles patients (the place is also a crisis center/mental ward) and ask if maybe they're missing a patient. Nope all accounted for.
Checking final room and hear a dripping sound in the shower. Shower is slightly turned on enough to be audible. Definitely wasn't before on prior patrols.
Been up there 2 times more now and haven't seen anything but I'm at a loss for an alternative explanation. I consider myself a pretty skeptical person but I really just don't know.

>> No.22528757

I wish scientists were these mengelian sociopaths with no sense of ethics whatsoever, like GLaDOS from Portal 2, justifying all means to find the truth and master nature. Instead they are just boring and slightly autistic liberals.

>> No.22528857

I thought I was finally going to be able to move where I want, do what I want, but I now realize I’m going to remain stuck here so that I subsidize my siblings. It’s not all bad. After all, I suppose I like it here. Still, I would like to be able to do what I want with my life.

I so regret these last few years… I feel like I destroyed by life with them.

>> No.22528863

If you’re failing, it’s because you’re not going to classes and not doing the assignments. That’s called laziness. You want to know why you “can’t” do this? It’s because you’re lazy. Fix your laziness, fix your problems.

Today is the day to make a radical change in your life. Refrain from this website and other addictions like it. Wake up, and do what you need to do.

It’s now or never, my man.

>> No.22528870

Some guy asked me last week to update him on how my reading ability is going since I claimed that roleplaying with AI's helped it and uh, I don't really know what to write as an update but it's still going good, I guess. If that guy is here and has any questions for me, fire away.

>> No.22529104

You ever feel like you missed your calling in regard to literature? I consider it pretty often…

>> No.22529118

I read At Day's Close and it was really eye-opening and informative. I'm not sure I've ever read a modern book delve so deeply through years of writings and journals on a single topic before. The whole book was just discussing night before electricity and how different European and American countries regarded it and the customs and beliefs they had about it.
I highly recommend it. But I'm now desperately searching for something else that's as comprehensive in a sea of pop science and self-improvement shit. Anybody got anything that sounds similar? I'd love a dense book that talks about fasting throughout history, or really anything. I felt I was learning a neat fact on every page of this book. Did you know that in Scotland there was a bird that was used as a lamp because it's body was oily enough to sustain a wick? Or that in a number of places in medieval Europe, they naturally spoke of first and second sleep, because they assumably woke during the night for ~an hours or two for non-specified reasons? Neat shit, download it and give it a read.

>> No.22529151

Should I care about receiving very low marks at university even though I graduated years ago? At various points, I’ve wanted to do certain things and those grades have been an impediment. It’s not like I can go back and fix them however. They just are what they are.

>> No.22529178

My neighbour brought me hot beans with meat in it. Took four bites, can't eat it. Tastes like shit.

>> No.22529182

'Cereal' killed my mom.

Candy for breakfast. dund. nuff said.

You knew me well.
I knew you well.
I was a dark sadistic empath,
implying heavily, immediately persuasive, as you are Rose,
to go forth and
put cake in your basket.

At this extent, drawing a graphic visual of my influence, it appears
the fractal effect of natural phenomena,
that instead of being a Feminist, (like I wanted to),
I, instead inconvenienced the ecological world with my maladaptations egotistical, which mattered to no one as a selfish, and self isolating piece off a puzzle that cannot be found any longer.

There is now more pandemics than ever before.

Am I the reason I created me?

It is perhaps, on the name of the dollar.


>> No.22529194

This is me, I'm exactly like this, also in college, also failling...

>> No.22529195

Nvm, I had put the dish into a plate that still contained the liquid leftovers of a meal I ate three days ago, taking from the bowl directly and it's fine

>> No.22529212

I’m having such a hard time deciding where to go and what to do. The thing is, when you feel like you’re behind or like you’ve made mistakes, you want salvage what you can, but you often feel like you can’t and so you become indifferent. If things aren’t going to work out, what difference does it make where they don’t work out? But this is just negative, pessimistic thinking. What’s required of me is spinning up a committed streak of confidence and not just self-assuredness, but an assuredness that the self and what’s possible are reconcilable, which I currently don’t accept.

>> No.22529223

>Put in bigger phimosis ring last night and it feels fine.
>Put it in again tonight and it hurts a little bit.

>> No.22529232

> he fell to the propaganda

>> No.22529235

>a healthy breakfast includes a massive serving of inflated corn/rice soaked in corn syrup
>you should eat fuck tons of carbs every day because they're healthy
>you only need 50g of protein a day
Whoever promotes the official dietary guidelines in America is unironically evil.

>> No.22529240

Probably produced too much carbs/ too little protein and/or can't import it from whatever 'third world' nation that is currently trade-blocking them
Sucks to be a Westerner

>> No.22529251

I'm a jews worst nightmare, not only do I have a foreskin, it doesn't retract.

>> No.22529281

They’re not. They’re just misguided in that A) they think they’re prescribing dietary guidelines for baseline hormonally normal people and B) they don’t realize the difference between natural and manufactured foods. A person who has a healthy hormonal profile and daily activity level and habits, really could eat grain all day every day and be perfectly healthy. You know who can’t? People who have hormones that have undergone a century of change from the chemicals in their environment and their daily lifestyles. It’s very difficult for people to accept for some reason that to a huge degree, it’s not the food pyramid that’s making us obese. It’s the chemicals in the water, in the air, in the fabrics, in the food containers, in the food supply itself, and the cars, the office chairs, the computers, all that. The question of manufactured cereal grains vs organically naturally occurring grains is just a question of delusional belief in science and modernity. They don’t realize it’s delusion however. It’s all misguided because there simply is no natural way to live now. We are the most unnatural people who have ever lived on the planet. So what they should be advising people to do is to figure out ways to optimize their hormones. If that’s dietary modifications, great. If that’s exogenous hormones, that’s not great but there are cases where that might be required. And also to get away from the chairs, the couches.

>> No.22529286

My mother had once expressed her desire to think sexually in the manner of a man, she explained that women do not "see images" like men see images but instead see in a complex array of numbers and category codes, "don't you understand," she pleaded with me, "I wish to look upon a dirty hairy arsehole of a common man, perhaps overweight and balding, and pound at my quim as I do so, in the manner that you, Ephraim, do so over the female counterpart of that common balding man; the MILF," and I was repulsed. My mother broke down into tears and bade me never speak of this again, lamenting in-between sobs, that she should not have spoken so candidly about the secret nature of the female brain.

As I was laying on my bedroom floor later that day I suddenly realized that my name was not Ephraim at all. What was going on here? So I put on some underpants and a pair of slippers and went back downstairs to question my mother.

Imagine my surprise to find that the downstairs portion of our small terraced house had been transformed into the the cockpit of a jumbo jet, and I do not mean 'actually' but rather a crude representation of the cockpit of a jumbo jet. My mother was playing pilot in the comfy chair saying, "brrrrrt," as if she were operating a ground attack weapon which was entirely out of place for a jumbo jet and I should know because I had seen one once on television.

"What are you doing?" I shouted.

>> No.22529351

The jew fear the phimosees

>> No.22529356

I feel my depression and Plath's depression are not comparable. At least Plath had a life worth living but chose instead not to live it. Children to care for but chose instead to abandon. I don't even have a life to begin with.
Sometimes, I wonder if I can claim some strength for having not killed myself where many others most certainly would have done so.

>> No.22529369

Do you think I would be like a shiny pokemon to Jewish women because of my phimosis?

>> No.22529521

The reality of academics can erode the brightest minds. Where I live the smarter biochemistry students know they won't land a job with a PhD and just quit the field after a few years. Only the autists and the mentally deranged remain.

>> No.22529571

I jerk off to traps but I'm not gay.

>> No.22529608

I bet every office with more than 250 employees has gay faggots, 'married' lesbians, troons, unironical libshits, plebbitors, try-hard muttoids, forgiveness-loan plobbipoors, and other degenerates. If I was the CEO in such a company I'd tyrannize the shit out of those subhumans.

>> No.22529615

If you're still going after a week then it must actually be of practical help. All I needed to know.

>> No.22529618

I forgot to mention the megawhore with a bodycount of 250+ still being treated like a princess by swathes of simps who also work there.

>> No.22529625

I've been a part of every group in my generation. The nerds were interesting sometimes but also insufferable and thought themselves above everyone. The jocks partied more than the nerds and I met a lot of people through them, with some having brillant minds even if they kept pretending they were stupid to fit in. The emos and druggies were among the worst bunch with everyone fucking the same girl, creating drama all the time. Most of them being friends because they all shared one friend (addictions). The middle classes and the poor ones were the funniest and overall the most social. If I could do it all over again I'd avoid the nerds, the emos and the jocks like the pest. I especially hate fat nerds due to how clingy and smelly they are.

>> No.22529636

I fall in love very easily and am very emotionally sensitive.
For people like me, dating becomes hell at certain age. Guess it wouldn't be if I had one stable relationship since teen years, but it's too late for that.

>> No.22529638

I have very high marks at university while pursuing a worthless degree. Your situation is not that bad

>> No.22529646

I will seduce a 18 year old, marry her, then fuck the shit out of her until she makes a baby

>> No.22529683

My take on the cyberpill and airpod psyop

The Airpod pro 2nd generation is getting insane. After the new update:

> ambience mode - mix between noise cancelling and transparency
> personalised volume - it learns what volume you like and keeps it there, also auto adjusts
> adjusting the eq so you always hear the best
> if you speak they lower the volume to 10% and turn on transparency mode

In essence, if I have them in my ears, they give me the sound that THEY think I want.
> you want to hear a honk, a bell, but not all of it
> you want to hear music at this volume, dw, we'll adjust it so that you hear it the way WE think you'll like, (e.g. running water = louder)
> airpod slipping out? dw, we'll redo the eq so you hear what WE want to hear

Right now it's fucking awesome. But the tin foil in me that wanted to make this thread thinks that cyber-pill might be near. And it might not be only internet content, but also our senses in general.

Notwithstanding, I absolutely love the airpods and especially the ambient mode and the volume adjust. I hear my surrounding, but I don't hear the loud noise of the city. Leaves ruffling in the corner? I know they're there. Honk? I hear it. Tires against pavement? I hear 10% of it.

Any thoughts?

>> No.22529692

Nice pos, but what's so insane about something any college graduate computer scientist could program?

>> No.22529698

After a certain age, regret is the hardest thing to cope with. There’s always this comparison of who you are and who you could’ve been lurking in your thoughts.

>> No.22529706

I don't know if any cs grad could program that. Maybe they could. Still, it's a product that can directly fuck with your senses in a very convincing way if apple decided to - boost all horns, but dim all airplanes flying above you.

>> No.22529708

Lmao, the average feel after spending a decade on porn, masturbation, vydia and smoking weed in your moms basement.

>> No.22529714

Marketing lie, sadly the surveillance state will never happen, just five more years bro

>> No.22529743

Imagine simping for a woman that has a bodycount of more than one unironically
Dumb whore, might as well just fuck her you stupid idiot
Why the hypocrisy

>> No.22529749

I think that’s just the extremely example. The truth is many, many people feel this way now. They’ve been conned into degrees they don’t actually want, pushed into careers that aren’t really careers and will take them nowhere, they’ve been systematically excluded from buying a home and very often even a car. You no longer have to have been a basement dwelling weed smoking masturbating to porn drop out to be overcome with life regret in your 30s and 40s. I have friends who have PhDs but want to kill themselves because it didn’t work out and I know rich finance bros who have a lot of money, but are miserable because they spend all of their time working and have no obvious alternative for their lives.

>> No.22529750

Here´s my thought: don't fucking buy them then. And most of the times all of that shit is configurable anyway, you just have to sit for 10 minutes and read an idiot-proof manual

>> No.22529756

Too bad you went the college route
It's not even illegal to stop going to school with 16
Why didn't you do that?

>> No.22529799

I don’t regret going to college. Maybe I regret what I studied and the path I embarked on there, but I don’t regret going. I’m only pointing out that out because it’s a common regret among many people today. People in their 30s and 40s pretty commonly feel now that something went tragically wrong. The number of “correct” life paths has slightly shrunk while the number of “incorrect” paths has greatly expanded in a sense. I briefly worked in finance and I couldn’t tell you how many people I met that were academically and professionally successful but nonetheless completely miserable and steeped in regret because they had dedicated their lives to something they no longer felt was worthwhile and believed it was too late to get on the path to the life they wish they had. That was shocking if for no other reason than the immense success these people had, with money, with women, with socializing in general. They had basically chosen a role they hated without realizing it. I found that sad.

But to answer your question, people who do well academically generally don’t drop out. They typically at least go onto a bachelor’s degree because conventional wisdom fails these people when it points out that degrees usually do pay off but ignore how often they make you regretful anyway.

>> No.22529806

I do not now, nor have I ever, nor will I ever fit in.

>> No.22529814

>heh too bad you lived in your mom's basement
>heh too bad you went to college and got a career

>> No.22529823

People who do academically well can still be smart enough not to do stupid decisions that they will regret alter in life.
People need to rebell more in puberty life has become too conformist people are retards alcohol and sex is allowed but dare you miss one day at school.
My route in life was less than ideal, but at some point I had become so nihilistic that I dropped out of high school. Now I'm 21 and it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon.
The truth is that I don't regret shit besides not having dropped out even earlier. School is a waste of time and having a diploma nowadays is useless anyways.
Spent the time others went to college in hiking trips, going to random places, wasting time, working here and there, neeting, reading books, it was like a long summer holiday.

>> No.22529827

It’s not a matter of making stupid decisions but rather making the wrong decisions. You can choose a certain career and become very professionally successful, but if you believe that that choice was an error for some reason other than professional success then you’re going to regret it.

I do believe you’ll come to regret your decision, but it’s your decision to make.

>> No.22529847

I don't regret my decision, my social skills have become so advanced I will never ever become unemployed again in my life, maybe in a crisis perhaps but then it can happen to anyone. I even tell people I have a high school degree and no one ever asked for proof, it's just taken for granted these days.
One of the big lies told today is that your career is supposed to be something you enjoy. That might be true when you are entrepreneur with your career and have an independant income, but when it comes to jobs, not really. The truth is retard economists working at libshit companies thought it would be a good idea to tell people they should like their career because they think that improves the profits of the company. But for the individual worker if you see your job just as your duty or as a means to get resources than there's no reason to like it at all.

>> No.22529889

How old are you?

>> No.22529890

hm, good technology, probably will be forgotten, we'll pick it up in the future and use it as a weapon.

>> No.22529920

oooo at 21 though? Yeah I did the same thing, got given a really nice high level sounding job at 19, was there until 25 .... never had a job anywhere close to that level of pay again and really thought it would be easy to walk into another one. Probably you're going to figure out that ditzy little girls are occupying middle management and unless you're going in through nepotism they aren't going to let you anywhere near the workplace; why hire someone who might recognize you're incompetent and do nothing?

good luck though! be sure to save money.

>> No.22529947

>I absolutely love the airpods and especially the ambient mode and the volume adjust. I hear my surrounding, but I don't hear the loud noise of the city. Leaves ruffling in the corner? I know they're there. Honk? I hear it. Tires against pavement? I hear 10% of it.
>Any thoughts?
you're going to get jumped or hit by a car, idk what the stats are for this but i know robbers look out for people wearing earphones. kind of amazing to me that so many cows are wandering around deaf in the cities, this was obvious to me as a child...
... and...
don't you feel weird and unbalanced if you can't hear what's happening around you? i used to walk to school with earphones and always felt .........strange ...? idk, deadened senses, lowered reaction time.

>> No.22529951

Let me tell you something, there's no such thing as a good job. All jobs are inherently cucked besides maybe CEO so why be a hypocrite about it? This is just another one of those lies to make workers more productive is spreading the lie of a good job. A good job is being a policeman, a lawyer, an entrepreneur, but cucking at a company is not inherently more attractive simply because the wage is bigger.

>> No.22529977
File: 604 KB, 1319x645, Henry Ford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the opposite, crappy people ruin the fun of work and the bust companies and make life miserable on the job. It's people with that attitude of "i'm just here to save money to buy nail polish" who have trashed the economy since being forced into getting a job. Being in charge on the ground is hella fun. But some of us are just built for that.

>> No.22529996

Idgaf about the economy, what is a good economy good for if it only benefits rich people anyways? I'm not arguing from a leftist standpoint in any way, just pointing out that a good economy is meaningless to people with shitty or medium incomes.
Going to work and getting actively at the tasks does it for me. Why be a hypocrite about stuff that needs to be done but pretending to do something when there's nothing to do is also stupid.
In the end a job is acceptable when the working hours are decent and when it improves the living standard somewhat.

>> No.22530000

Why can I not be normal? Say the thing. Do it. You have convictions. You act in accordance to them. You honor your values. Is it not a species of benign madness, to say one thing and have your body do the opposite. Is it not the very definition of insanity to be a prisoner in your mind. Observant, self aware, but not a sliver of will exerted. No limb twitches. Psychosis is only the end of madness. A public declaration.

>> No.22530004

In the end of the day you can only become that rich with having a job, the amount of resources that one has to invest into getting a high-paid job makes the return almost non-existent, min-wage workers are arguably not less rich/poor than people who are doctorates and lawyers.

>> No.22530017

i smell bad

>> No.22530108

I really think you’re missing the points of my replies and I suspect you only replied to me as an excuse to talk about yourself.

>> No.22530111

If you find modern work meaningful, there’s something wrong with you.

>> No.22530115

>700+ pages long book
>soft cover
why do publishers hate books so much?

>> No.22530144

absolutely deranged take. doctors and lawyers in one year make more than a min wage worker makes in five. even a bachelors degree has been repeatedly shown to increase lifetime earnings by one million dollars on average. one million over a 40 year career is "only" an extra $25,000 a year average, but since a bachelors can be had for 30k, the return on investment is enormous.

>> No.22530161
File: 3.13 MB, 576x1024, 1694120035754972.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving from the US to the Philippines.

>> No.22530173

Imagine fighting in the Vietnam War or those other SE asia conflicts and you can just burst in some village house with an M16, and take a girl’s cheeks like this with force. I was truly born in the wrong era

>> No.22530182

Stfu whiny bitch
Lol and are you a lawyer or doctor? Those are just exceptions and I'm eager to believe that the statistical result is amplified by a few outstanders among doctors and lawyers who earn millions a year.
The second point you brought is a blatant lie. Even if it wasn't it's meaningless. An average person in the first world earns one million dollars in one decade, with four decades of work that's not even that much and it becomes even less when you've wasted an entire million dollars 'working on your career' without having earned a single penny. You have done nothing but confirm my original point that the costs of education outbalance it's benefits in the average case.

>> No.22530223

>"there's no such thing as a good job"
>lists good jobs
A good job is subjective per person. I work as a librarian because I love books. I'm in total control of the library's book choices and sorting arrangement, and I spend all day browsing our catalog or reading and then recommending people books. The clerks handle other questions. It's a state job too so I'll have a full pension in another 16 years. You would probably call it "inherently cucked" for some reason or another, but I love it here because it's like a dream. Find something you love, and if you don't love anything, starve yourself until you do.

>> No.22530230

Crime rate is pretty low here. If I'm walking at night or not in the city, where I know all the spots, then I have one in at most, even then I usually use the transparency mode. In general, the noise modes make it possible to hear the necessary sounds outside.

But walking back in the day with properly sealed iem's and blasting garbage in my ears was a stupid decision. I'm thankful nothing bad happened.

>> No.22530236

If you have a job you love that's fine, but not everyone is supposed to find a purpose. If your job is just your duty because you have to pay the bills in the end of the month, why be a hypocrite about it? When you're good at something you'll earn more, so it's not like people have a rational reason to change their careers in their 30s. Usually it's just cope.

>> No.22530237

When I was in the Philippines a few years ago I had multiple girls flirting, touching me, playing footsies, inviting me to their home, etc. And some of these were underage. I'm not even that handsome, but I guess they really like Americans. (I'm not a sex tourist). My family owns property there.

>> No.22530239

> 3$ wordsworth classics
> muh soft cover


>> No.22530256

>not everyone is supposed to find a purpose
this is equally cope, anon

>> No.22530267

No it's not, people work jobs because they have to, not because uhh I just felt like going to work because I love my job! Cope.

>> No.22530268

When I went to Japan I had random teenage girls coming up to me to take selfies with me. They were bold about it. Asians can be strange

>> No.22530272

The Mormons try this but their hierarchy gets in the way. Christian Scientists are the ones who actually gets shit done and change policy.

>> No.22530282

At least you're not being forced to learn Irish at the same time.

>> No.22530329

>people work jobs because they have to
You work a job because you have to. Your situation and mindset are not the same as everyone else's, anon. Other people can and do actually enjoy their lives/jobs.

>> No.22530339

I don't care. Why, am I supposed to enjoy my job? Theoretically you're implying that I would be less miserable working another job. Why? I just feel miserable at my job because although I decently enjoy it, like I could enjoy any other job, I'd still just rather be at home and nothing will ever change that.

>> No.22530346

trips and the sticker is the quote "fear of black penis 5"

>> No.22530356

Women like exotic men and they really like exotic men that have money. It’s not rocket science.

>> No.22530360

>Why, am I supposed to enjoy my job?
You're supposed to enjoy your life. If you had an income of five million dollars each year, regardless of what job you worked, but you still had to do SOMETHING, what would you be doing? Taking care of animals on a farm? Being a nurse? A higher up in a business where you are in charge of others?
If there is no activity you would want to do besides sitting in your house, then it's a mindset problem and you need to fix that. Life and job do not need to be separate things, your job should ideally be your life because you are choosing to do it and it makes you happy.

>> No.22530362

Having a college degree is extremely useful if you ever want to emigrate, as well you should, if you live in the US.

>> No.22530369
File: 328 KB, 498x498, new_pepe_drink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went back to college and am in the process of failing all my courses again. I used the last of my savings to do this. I don't know why but I can't bring myself to do this shit, each time I wait around and do nothing. I'm 36 years old. I wish my parents would die so I could kill myself. There's absolutely no value to my life, even I don't enjoy it, I'm an apathetic parasite and yet I'm exhausted to my core. I don't understand why I do nothing, how can I be aware of but not in control of myself? I'm so tired, every night I crawl into bed much too late and think how ungrateful I am for having this warm safe bed to retreat into as I pray not to wake up ever again. And then I do the same thing tomorrow. I wonder if it's because I have no real goals or values, I have general hungers and vague ambitions of being rich and having sex and food but they don't seem that important to me, and certainly there is nothing more substantial I want to do or even people I want in my life. Is life like this for everyone? It seems no, it looks to me like other people are motivated to do specific things or to pursue other people be they friends or family or lovers. I have no such drive except in the vaguest sense that never actually occurs to me save when it's 4am and I am trying to rationalize my behavior and failed life. Is it possible to not care about anyone but still feel ashamed? I do think I'd feel better if my parents weren't witness to my constant degradation.
Why not just do the work?

>> No.22530371

I want to have free time. I don't work because that's the purpose of life, unironically if it was socially accepted I would just not work but sadly society is not like that, and to improve my material conditions somewhat, I just work the expected 8 hours daily and go home. That's 16 hours of free time per day plus weekend. I'm perfectly happy.

>> No.22530388
File: 110 KB, 512x500, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to have free time.
What do you want to do with it? You may die within the next five years, anon. When you are laying alone in the hospital bed, will you feel contented with what you've done with your life? If the answer is no, ask yourself why not.
If you're really happy, then I am glad.

>> No.22530390

magus, Ive, decrosslinked tritriacontadiene counterorthodoxy, bancorporation retrotranscriptomic replanter, bollocks otosurgical, Scoresby, fursonality badbye, eggcorn whooosh, Heystek, khichiri, HoYay!, bothriolepid, Galician counterscreeen, Craggs, burnover, Blumenkopf, alloferon, gonodactyloid, McGrogan, hx, sevengill Withernsea predpol coprimacy, decawatt, keratinaceous dodecafluorinated Leckie zalouk, decommitment, cholesteride, Dumbo, polyelectrostatic, Campbeltown, MKV, Ilissus, enantiosymmetric incudomalleal proamanullin, mislabelling, semicaptivity, pound, Iden, glomeruleopenia, Netsilingmiut Medley, cousinliness, peripheralise clinically depressed holophrasticity, mulberroside, volcanoplot, ngoma, MMORPGer, inventionist morphomechanics, minimycin, tea-pot, cymbelloid, fisheress, Clouatre, colobognathan subocclusal, foob geotical, bradytelic Spratton Rhazes geratologic wychert, flat-foot, repressurization, trammage, mythinformation Golphin birdfucker, ætheling, Wickard, spatialise otariine hypopyrexia, McGaugh pithecology, relational adjective, Litt. D., northernism, creatininemia, sfx heterophonemenologically thanatocratic, Prescot microconsole, Sinospheric Cawdrey subnervose, masora, regraph, scriptal DiMuzio, carewornness, McManamon, Alness, Syston tornade, trochiform echinocytic, Donohue tipward, pelagial occipitomastoid, backstabber, Malmesbury, wheelbased preformationist, Jewtard, moneyhatting, iliotrochantericus, mallarky, paleoelevation cappelenite, tepa Plenty euchred, corpsperson, leptome, payd, tasky, hormetin strally scoutess overcalculated metronomicity, unpermeable bobbysocks, expartner, nonabandoned, Machynlleth antilichen pleaching Pratas, nonflagellated, pental, blother, Bhutani, galactogogue toeslope Plantationocene anticonstitutionally decenol, carotenase, parricidally, Negretti, paracrinal dendrogramic ungilled Pharoahess, Solonian, spheroidogenic, gonja showbag, duodenocholedochotomy, oekist C.Bssn., varnishy, Somalist atheromatosis, hypernavigation, omnicarnivore, epalpebrate, trachelion, spoon chime, Szuch, Jesenice, Niçoise olive, gigantomaniac funduscopically Disraelitish, oplan supernerd, clinolimnion occasionly, mososcale entomotoxicity craniocentral, yumpie Villalon, plantaris turdhat lymphagogue electrolyzed, Droz Fanshaw, Fette Archman. saphenectomy, Horobec, plesiopithecid, IPv6, dropshipper, perivillous, consensualize Nethead, Yadav, chemokinase, paraglioma, Toler-etic, oesophagostenosis, protoplasmodial kontigi unsuspectedness, Ramillie cofreeness Suleimanic, placodermian, neuroendocrinically, dabbaba, Ryedale, beautypreneur, polylingualism, labellar quower Pyrton, felinekind ansalactam, bastarditis, Trumposphere Antwerpen occludent, PRISMA Zaiets, spondylotherapeutic, navelled soilscape Fairey mercaptoacetate, Gelhardt screamathon, JDAM jummabundee, Greatham, lordoscoliosis, pitangua, saguin, Amanus, overviolent underparameterization, syphilisation, diaminoglucose, callstack achromatope bioperspective,

>> No.22530402

I spend those hours chilling out, thinking about the well-being of the nation and waiting for a stabilization of my current situation.
Unironically though now that you ask that question I have no idea. Probably hang out with people who are chill and who like discussing literature and philosophy, but I have yet to meet them.

>> No.22530447

>A good job is being a policeman
Lol a good job is beimg a glorified security guard having to constanflu deal with schizos, addicts, and drunks? Doesn't sound too good to me

>> No.22530451

Day drunk and driving with the top down

>> No.22530511

kind of get what you mean in the 2nd bit, not disagreeing btw, the way things are I feel no desire whatsoever to have anything to do with the white collar world ... but it is that mentality which got it this bad; the temps and day jobbers who can't get anything right are 100% the people who "don't work to live" and they succc

sad thing is the doctors and lawyers are basic middle class, they have a little bit and that's about it. that's how bad things have gotten; even a specialist surgeon with a high salary can't afford to buy a house outright, $80,000 p/a is far from $4M or however much a tent and a plastic toilet costs in america nowadays.

>> No.22530515

Egyptiot automoderation, unli sledgie transistorised Gümüşhane, undecet asspie farfara interbelline barberchair, gemwork, yangire, Crundall, roomscale, Haaland, Curwen, archallaxis, ribonucleoproteomic, obstet. fusogenesis, Manville, appendicostomy, it's what's inside that counts retinophilin, shomer, Treu, vendorspeak, Wingello, Smucker, pummelo, exmatriculate, housemaking, semigrand sujud, anana, Lije, Negraglia, agnotological, polychronous, plaiting, videofluroescence, thermoreflective, Firthian, Czexit, McMurdo Ana fibroskeleton, Boop, pejvakin, unsumoylatable wharve rhapsodistic, Schatzman agonizedly, Cauchyan Tonti, phot-Dember effect, transmissional, philosemitic, Asiatically, neuropterological nestbuilding, pneumotonometry, Wilna Wuchow, nonsarcastically, Anglistic geoscheme, shaharith outdrag LATP, minipalette Kronie -oxanide, Shiv talofuranose, downtilt, tribochemistry, aerobar, inoculent veinously, unfadeable galip, anthraniloyl, Winnipegonian macromodel, orthocaine subconvex Gallentine, nonapposable Denbow, coconstrain robocop circumambulatory, Petwo atelophobia, centillionaire tonomorphological, phosphoprotease hyposexual, dumpyard hypermutagenesis, Category:English prepositions, largesome, faggily, Thalwil, phanotron, Safavi, IAMFI, Cromford orgo payline, muddyish autoplasticity, reposable versammling terminaline, Stanyon, anthophorinid idionym degrime, disocclude, piptazobactam, Seconal, Lockie extraspective ecdysiasm centronelliform, meechingly, Pyrrha, diaphorin thermoafferent offlineable, Nazir, nocicipient, overingenious contristation, melizitose pseudopodal, Tomatin intraserotypic, Ribblehead, SAARC, kylym, upbrim, LGBTphobia denumber barnstormingly, reignore hypervibronic procleusmatic technoromanticism, semideep horse trading, poovery LSASE, hits merfriend, Afaria, uncloathed, nonfunny, nonrelapser, choicy misfitdom, standdown hexadecaroon, gu. mesipisternum, screamathon, āśram, Guisborough, Étaples, palistrophic, Northgate, Mouldsworth, potass, Playstation, bilinearize Wusuli, Treforest, benxoylhydroxylamine veilmaker Tzipi bianthraquinone cryoprocedure fuckjuice Ushant, pisterine Vitiello, phlyctis, shareherder, that's me told, D.R.Congo, unbenignity, Roa, enterobacteriosis, fibroneovascularization, Kenworthy, Purmerend, psychosyndrome TAC Wikipedist, narcoeconomy Schuermann Honeyville, monoaural, Mascord, shitfire, Bogale, zaalouk, aqsaqal, exhaustify submeningeally atractylate Mounties, Nowell, subtruncate nonmacho infarctive, microchemotaxis, snooz, Bristol, supraterminal, kilocandela conurbate, forehander, devaluative, Meaburn mangonized clinicohistological Orland, rhizocompartment, Servetian, Frankia, Oxton, kick out the jams, karsy, syndinean overlenient, outpleases, dispersional, microapartment meterlessness Glenfinnan orthostyle, poulteress counterfactuality, nonabundant uncannibalized metaconglomerates Boreham, linalg, orangequit, YECism, clears jalt, Hemann, valtrate, pericholecystitic, metrogon, Marhatta

>> No.22530527

Pretty sure I have psychosis from prescription stimulants.

>> No.22530543

What stimulants and where can I get them?

>> No.22530549

Vyvanse, Medicaid.

>> No.22530569


>> No.22530646

prezzy, pseudolocular Willits, Vanzanten, debamboozle antiplectic bruz Pamunkey, dubsman, antennocular, atall, mesiopalatal arthrokatadysis, prosecretory McCaslin, Salway, malacocoenosis, Montbéliarde, fluorid, thaumarchaeote, Ise, shrimp paste, kaafir, coherent remolade, boxwalking, innage, basophobia, carbomonoxyhaemoglobin, Itylos, virometry, Shimonski, accelerationism, Araucania, bisulfited, saviourism, hyperscanning, Aby, gluttonie, Seaview, dorodango slotted rebeach, adaunt, dentilled, snowsurfer, Reylo Rybka factio testamenti, Floribbean night crawling, unneglectable pantropism, Rideout, shakingly, intrapsychically, keelboatman, weedeating hessian, enormacy rectanguloid, immunopoiesis sulfoform Tishbite, Kanawha, bantz, Doland, Wascana, coccydynious, Pellerin Manoukian, overthings Dahalo, grandala, yolo, PvP opthalmodynamometric, sarcinopterin birdspotter, unparticularised pudor, cocurriculum, autoalgometric anthropomorph, Clerihew, quinvigintillion dermatovenereological iodobeads tetralumino, hectad negativisation, leaseless logatome paladinic buttrice, bioimmure madrigaletto, Shivalinga Armani, megaphonically hypoaggregative wheelsmith, photopiezoelectric stromavascular strophemenoid, Kezza, Gerke, Helsby kijanimicin-amundo, promelanosome Broussard telerelascope, chromometer, frogged carboxyterminally, ureterocoele, Faus, phenylpropane, Enns, trigonum, pre-AIDS, telegenicity, postdilate, Olympianly, refixational, cuemaker, overmanure, antagonisable, siphosomal, Hashimi, isoflavonol, McAulay, beflirt, unvettable, skoufia, moorberry, peepot, Alabai, supershot, macrofollicular, Maguiresbridge, legalitarianism, pharmacophagy, unquenchability, Pontesbury, lambsfoot, geonomy, churchal, Restormel, brayne, Crusher, hurtsome, bargander, bioelastomeric Surtees Mlle, elinin, mashlam, erythrocytopathy, redisinfect, lethall, Rothbardism, overcoherence, scratchsome, pseudocount, Tauberian, docuseries, unfavourite, aegyptism, ultraflexible, creeded, pimpless, Hinkley, escharred, presteroid, technidilation, Emesenian, moonbathed maletote brakevan paganiser, Kydonia, kajukenbo, Kaimata, Lata, budsite strawhatted, ephorate nominant, Somaliphobia, borapyridine, Keyes, werepuppy, SISEA, dented alloverishness, Snaresbrook Jedediah, Emesan electrostunning underpriest, cotterless, equidense, Nebeker, Svystun, Samurai Blue isoallotype, armfull load-and-go, olenimorph trapp subexon, rakehoe befreckled, gelosis, Acorda, Batcape, downbow, trinucleate Kaleb, infraslow, tomasha, subiterative, catachthonian, intuitive eating, unpanned, yift, Caillard, jogi hourless lawbot xenomorphously, Shannen, trimethoxyacetophone, Kinlochleven, toput, ornamentational ls, Sheline, intertumorally, Millan Gatling, cooperativism, nopinene, pseudosacred, treemageddon, anarthria, introflexion, Upshire, superguide, datiscoside, apickaback, lithobrake klephtism, toothypeg, freedmanship Southrey contractarianism, pisane, -logs, vapourized womanspeak, Percocet, syair, gangsa Gödelisation

>> No.22531585

My cousin has a Latina-Spanish GF with Big Black Booties.

>> No.22531655

My cousin is Filipino born but scored a hot Spanish-Mexican chiqué.

>> No.22531715
File: 189 KB, 1200x1391, 18F45C00-2B69-404A-AE7E-0EAB22C70BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read Plutarch’s ‘Rise and Fall of Athens’ or Nassim Taleb’s ‘Skin in the Game’ next?