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22520969 No.22520969 [Reply] [Original]

I’m going to get rid of all my electronics and go full ascetic for a month at least. Maybe longer. I want to spend my entire time studying and actually implementing a single system or philosophy. Any recommendations? Pythagoreanism? Gurdjieff? Christianity. Neoplatonism, Druidry. Evola's Magic books?... I’m not sure. Any ideas?

>> No.22520976

Socrates and Hitler so you can implement their end cumskin

>> No.22520979

That's mean thing to say

>> No.22520995
File: 16 KB, 376x471, Hesse Abi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, i have nothing to add to your spiritual journey per se, but i wish you all the best, i hope you find what you are looking for and also your picture is peak comfy

>> No.22521177

Spinoza if you are interested in truth

>> No.22521183

He is actually interesting but fuck the early life makes it tough for me to start to read him

>> No.22521548

Hegel's Dialectics

>> No.22521603

Only good answer

>> No.22521904


>> No.22522070

I really need to get rid of distractions in my life and detox my mind. Which is more effective, going all in like OP, or a gradual change of habits?

>> No.22522094

All-in and then keeping the changes you liked for the long run. I've quite the consumption of sugar, cigarettes, alcohol and coffee this way after multiple years of trying to quit them gradually. Implementing a change with immediate effect (multiple times if needed) are much more effective than trying to do things gradually.
Try picking a date and then force yourself to live through it.

>> No.22522102

Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation (by Brian P. Copenhaver)

>> No.22522111


>> No.22522205

comfy? There is so little light its straining to read, almost impossible even at morning time

>> No.22522265

I'll give it a shot (or a couple), thanks

>> No.22522286
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>> No.22522291

Nietzsche actually recommended this type of asceticism for the purpose of strengthening the will. So read Nietzsche. Seek power.

>> No.22522306

Perfect time and place to take the leap of faith! Read Kierkegaard

>> No.22522400

No problem friend, you can do it.

>> No.22522493

Nah, he subsumed god to nature, he’s hardly truthful. More of a curious charlatan if anything

See you tomorrow

>> No.22522600

>See you tomorrow
I just came back from 9 days. I lock my electronics away in a timed box. I physically can't touch them

>> No.22522704

This is the room I imagined Smerdyakov lying in when he was visited by Ivan

>> No.22523097

I’m sure you did

>> No.22523104

Read Plato and spend your time philosophizing. That isn't the same thing as adopting another fully formed system.

>> No.22523366

You want a picture of my lockbox dumb fuck

>> No.22524628
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You will never be a real human

>> No.22524852


>> No.22525063
