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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 553x286, rings of buck breaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22518691 No.22518691 [Reply] [Original]

bookchads...... we just can't stop winning.....

>> No.22518734

I can't understand why so many people are okay with ads. Especially recently they have become a nuisance I feel. Some have begun incorporating swearing which I thought was a nono for advertisers.

>> No.22519112
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>> No.22519132

hideous yet powerful, with a tricky stature

>> No.22519150

Fucking zoomer never had a TV with broadcast channels that spammed ads every 15 minutes

>> No.22519182

Did your family not have "kissing break" during ads?

>> No.22519193

ay u speakin my language, that of the descriptive mind

>> No.22519195

Stopped gaming and started reading. Best decision of my life.

>> No.22519752

every 10 minutes in amerika

>> No.22519758
File: 244 KB, 775x1000, YVNOt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both

>> No.22519819

I can’t fathom people who still watch TV or movies anymore. I know the “NPC” meme is overused and a bit ridiculous in its foundation, but it is absolutely applicable when it comes to visual mediums. Maybe it’s because you’re passively watching rather than interacting mentally with it.

>> No.22519874

She's a good character in a shit show. The only thing she really lacks is a beard

>> No.22520135

I only watch older TV shows nowadays, and I sometimes go to the movies because I find that although rare, there's at least a few decent movies out every now and again. I'm never paying for any sort of subscription though lmao

>> No.22520190

>The only thing she really lacks is a beard
and white skin

>> No.22520191

there is unfortunately a whole generation of people growing up with this media now that simply don't know anything else.

>> No.22520218

If you watched that kinda shit you’re essentially no better than a slave and no longer have human rights.

>> No.22521199
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I agree, old programs are good. In fact, older shit for every single medium is better than what's being released nowadays. The only real exception is /mu/ stuff.

>> No.22521210

i'd pay 2.99 a month to not watch rings of power seasons 2.

>> No.22521227
File: 1.88 MB, 778x360, rings of power amazing off screen action sequence.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create the "highest viewed, most successful show in the history of streaming... ever!"
>next year you have no money
interesting. Very interesting.

>> No.22521276

Good. I stopped gaming as well but I cannot read because games fried my brain.

>> No.22521286

not really. actual young people barely watch the stuff, the just stare at tiktok/youtube. tv shows are mostly aimed at the middle-aged and up.

>> No.22521384

I wanna stop gaming but gmod DarkRP is still fucking hilarious. Fucking with the larpers is addictive.

>> No.22521470
File: 142 KB, 595x572, 1684238757472470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rot has long since seeped into literary fiction

>> No.22521482
File: 110 KB, 816x1024, IMG_5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are a people too.

Dwarves are a germanic myth, they shouldn’t be played by an African, it’s offensive is much the same way a white guy playing Shaka Zulu would be.

Black little mermaid? That’s Dutch.
Black Lancelot? That’s British.
Black asgardians in marvel movie? Scandinavian.

So I hope you stop supporting it.

>> No.22521487
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Oh god….

>> No.22521506

I always wonder why people say the little mermaid is a Dutch story. I always thought it was Danish?

>> No.22521534

My bad, it is danish.

>> No.22521631

>even the part you can see you still can't see shit
Action directing is truly an art of obfuscation but this is fucking absurd.

>> No.22521635


>> No.22522272

>entertainment can't sustain itself without revenue from outside
Pretty weird considering there's an ever growing pool of material. Seems indicative of bloated production salaries and greed.

>> No.22522311
File: 64 KB, 358x250, 1676780502240662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have the screengrab of the post from /tv/, describing how the reason the writer's strike is happening is because Amazon and every other entertainment company tricked people, including their own writers, into thinking streaming was profitable? But it turns out it wasn't, and the studios can't admit it without being screwed by lawsuits?

>> No.22522318
File: 8 KB, 394x323, 1667672645894031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>season 2 for a show most people didn't bother watching the whole first season

>> No.22522356

I'm not even white and I still hate this new diversity bullshit. I very much prefer for dwarves, elves, westrons etc to be exclusively white. I don't understand how inferior american niggers feel to steal their "enemy's" history and culture. Thankfully, my culture is too niche for blacks to want to steal it, but the day they do it, I'm gonna chimp out against them

>> No.22522398

Sunk cost fallacy. Amazon paid, like, a billion dollars for the rights to Tolkien's stuff.

>> No.22522782

took me a moment to get the pic. kek

>> No.22522804

movies (or what i rather calll kino) are based

>> No.22522950

Same. Most mentally degraded activity possible

>> No.22522983
File: 1.24 MB, 774x817, unsolicited-opinions-on-israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the jews at the FCC, you can say just about anything on TV

>> No.22523147

>tranime garbage

>> No.22523176

Don't badmouth kinos

>> No.22524465

Once I realized my favorite video games were the ones that had a more fleshed out story or presented interesting ideas I slowly stopped playing them. Good movies are fine. Tv network slop is dreadful, but some of that shit really got me through some shit as a youngin when all my family did was fight. Same with video games.