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/lit/ - Literature

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22518093 No.22518093 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the essential /chudcore/ reading list to help me /chudmaxxx/???

>> No.22518151

start with the cucks:
Jordan Peterson, Scott Adams, Robert Greene

>> No.22518159

Good start. Also get some Malcolm Gladwell and Neil de asse Tyson in there to get a nice scientific Dunning Krueger veneer.

>> No.22518168

Marie Kondo, not because you follow her advice, but because she will be your Queen when you are crowned King of The Whites.

>> No.22518178

Commence with the cucks

>> No.22518183

Resume with the Revisionists

(someone make a list of revisionist authors, I'm not actually familiar with them)

>> No.22518208

you know, lefties always go out of their way to pretend that chuds have this weird taste in literature, but the reality is that /chudcore/ is basically overlapping 1:1 with the regular western canon. Like, a real chud would never read Jordan Peterson, but he would absolutely read the Bible, the greeks, Moby Dick, the Russians, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton etc. That's the problem the modern left has, everything of the past needs to be put down, mocked and destroyed, yet that means that they are also the ones who are the least educated and the least well read when it comes to the classics.

>> No.22518214

You have better things to do with your time than argue with leftists.

>> No.22518216

Begin with the cucks my friend. Bronze Age Pervert has the wisdom you seek.

And watch the sermons of Tucker.

>> No.22518225

Ah yes, the average /pol/tard just screams "ah, time to read Milton, just as soon as I set down this Nigger Hate thread #2019 and finish this video of a black child being viciously beaten by his mother, which I enjoy because..."

IDK man, I have many /pol/ friends and they generally don't read outside the internet. The only two full open 1488 people I know are felons and drug addicts.

>> No.22518233

you are making strawmen in your head

>> No.22518239

Leftists and milque toast fence sitter types are always dumb as shit and do not read in my experience. NatSocs on the other hand have a much higher proportion of people that are well read and incredibly intelligent.

Ask a liberal or normie what they most recently read and itll probably some flavor of the month fiction trash if they have read anything at all. Most NatSocs are reading histories,politics, economics,philosophy, etc. its not even close

>> No.22518246

I guarantee you the average far right “chud” is more well read than the average libtard. Didn’t the FBI put “interest in classic literature” on their list of ref flags for potential right wing extremists?

>> No.22518248

chuds dont read books they watch 5 hour youtube videos were a neckbeard is mad they put a black person in a video game

>> No.22518249

Jerk me off and I'll tell you my secrets

>> No.22518250

Both of you are wrong for assuming chuds aren't a very diverse group with different opinions, tastes, nationalities, and even races. Some will only read self-help books by BAP and Jordan Peterson, some will only read ancient literature and history, some will only read classics, some will do something else entirely. Putting them all into one group and calling it "chudcore" is complete nonsense.

>> No.22518251

>has to remind himself that they're people at all times

>> No.22518254

Surely someone has made a chudcore infograph by now?

>> No.22518263

Listen pal, if someone doesn't agree with 100% of my opinions distributed from my news sources, they're chuds. Despicable knuckle dragging redneck racist sexist chuds.

>> No.22518283

The /pol/ council is in fierce debate on the formation of the chudcore infograph. Their last announcement confirmed that the release of the infograph would only be... two more weeks!

>> No.22518294
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>> No.22518302

Don't worry champ. There's a quantum reality where you have a wit and people laugh with you rather than at you.

>> No.22518303


>> No.22518314

that's true, of course not all chuds are into the classics, but according to modern left wing ideology, everyone who is into the classics is by default a chud. The left has really driven themselves into a corner with this one because In the past several years they absolutely tried to push the narrative that "dead old white men" aren't worth reading and that's what most millennial and zoomer left wingers in higher education genuinely believe now. If you are a proper leftie, you do not read dead old white men. But the few lefties who are smarter and more educated realized that this was a huge self-own and that they now look like absolute troglodytes. So now they desperately try to backpedal and that's why you see so many of these "chudcore" threads all the time. It's an effort to reframe the "old white men" as random self-help authors and youtubers rather than Shakespeare and Tolstoy.

>> No.22518337

Anything of any consequence was written by Germanic men. What are these libniggers even reading? Diamonds in the Fecal Matter by Lashawnda Demarcusberg?

What a fucking joke

>> No.22518588

haha black people have stupid made up names that reflect their mental deficiencies

>> No.22518614
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Yeah, right and left wingers are different sides of the same coin. I never take any direction-brain seriously

>> No.22518618


where did you get this photo of my parents

>> No.22518620

uh i think you mean liberal or progressive not leftist

>> No.22518622

Yes they do. What was the point of this comment? It seems sarcastic

>> No.22518811
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Chuds are just pre-trannies.

>> No.22518815

>written by a jewish tranny

Like clockwork

>> No.22518831

start with the Homeric Greeks

>> No.22518833

who did u expect would write a book on how to transition?

>> No.22518837

1. Evola
2. Absolutely nothing else. No exceptions.

>> No.22518842

Chuds are just reactionary conservatives so the chart would have to contain pretty much the whole of literature going back multiple millenia.

>> No.22519678

Whoa what a fascinating comment. You must be a really incredible thinker

>> No.22519707

>anon so retarded he could never figure out the difference between left and right wing and kept getting them confused so he thinks they are the same thing

>> No.22519711

Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil, Genealogy of Morals, The Antichrist and Ecce HOmo

>> No.22520026

This. Not one /pol/ guy I know IRL reads fuck all, let alone classics. The whole /pol/ reading list is especially funny because it's just a whose who of the canon, but like half the shit explicitly calls everything /pol/ is about retarded.

>Making up strawman
>/pol/ doesn't actually have regular "nigger hate threads."
Why don't you try actually going to /pol/.

>> No.22520034

>The average slug is more intelligent than the average mosquito, therefore slugs read Kant and Bonaventure before bed.

They legit had Augustine on their dumb as list. A guy who says to love everyone and an African who at one point was a migrant to Europe.

>> No.22520078

>Not one /pol/ guy I know IRL
How many /pol/ guys do you know IRL?

>> No.22520079


>> No.22520089

You are probably one of those anons confused about how Nietzsche hated Jews and antisemites

>> No.22520156

These guys are Gay

>> No.22520257

Schopenhauer (start with On Women)
Mainländer (arguably since he was a leftist)
Drieu La Rochelle

Evola fucked so he doesn't belong here.

>> No.22520283

Jared Taylor - White Identity
Charles Murray - The Bell Curve
Nicholas Wade - A Troublesome Inheritance
Stephen Goodson - History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
Duchense - The Uniqueness of western civilization

It's a pretty small circle publishing on these topics

>> No.22520654

I am reading "False God's" by Adolf Eichmann
and before that I read the passing of the great race by madison grant

>> No.22520841

I'm curious to see if you can name any significant black authors (ideologically). Invisible Man guy doesn't count

>> No.22520844

> Reducing Augustine to "uhh just be heckin nice bro"
> Travelling from one part of the Roman Empire to another is the same as NGOs shipping in a gorillian Somalis for geopolitical purposes

Is this the power of leftism? I don't know if we can handle these intellectual titans

>> No.22521021
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>BAP and Jordan Peterson

>> No.22521034
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All this reading and still never going to do shit.

>> No.22521062

epic burn bro

>> No.22521068

Hagakure and Spengler

>> No.22521069

Read Wind, Sand and Stars by Saint-Exupèry, all of you

>> No.22521071

Zen monks are chuds?

>> No.22521096

Only read /pol/ posts, don't visit /lit/ except to laugh at weebs.

t. ultra chud maxxer

>> No.22521112

You took the bait

>> No.22521468

I know everyone here is sick to death of me shilling Hippo but On Airs and Waters is the earliest race science book. That is incredible he thought of climate = race thousands of years before Darwin and Nazi Germany.

>> No.22521491

Also the fact he thought niggers and sand niggers were the peaceful ones and that euros were naturally violent. Kek

>> No.22521498

Why are you even on a literature board when you can't read an under 500 words section

>> No.22521507

Awful suggestions

>> No.22521515

You are a loser and that's why you just know losers. Misery loves company my friend. You are as much of a sack of shit as the people you know.

>> No.22521564

Hippo did say that. Climates where food isn’t scarce create men without courage while those where it is scarce create warlike men. That’s funny because it’s pretty much reverse of what people say nowadays.

>> No.22521568

Take your time and slowly reread what you wrote.

>> No.22521585


>Manly courage, endurance of suffering, laborious enterprise, and high spirit, could not be produced in such a state of things either among the native inhabitants or those of a different country, for there pleasure necessarily reigns. For this reason, also, the forms of wild beasts there are much varied. Thus it is, as I think, with the Egyptians and Libyans.

The entire essay can be boiled down to anatolians and niggers = wimps and aryans =VBERMENSVH

>> No.22521590

Mein kampf

>> No.22521604

Why do you automatically equate chuds with completely unhinged neonazis though? "Chud" is a very broad spectrum. Sure, the unhinged racists are part of that spectrum, but so are people who like Harry Potter, anyone who doesn't have a Disney+ subscription, anyone who has ever voted for a conservative politician, followers of abrahamic religions, anyone who has read Dostoevsky, people who think men shouldn't compete against women in sports etc. Deep down there's a little chud in all of us, some are just more in tune with their own chud than others, who are still closeted and in denial.

>> No.22521612

Things that non-chuds don't read. Everyone reads Greeks
Read Waggener, Donovan, Evola

>> No.22521624

Kek this, muslims are 100x chuddier than the average american wignat

>> No.22521672

>people who think men shouldn't compete against women in sports
I think they should though. I am quite happy whenever a woman loses a spot, wherever it is.

>> No.22521717
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I mean, the term comes from a shitty horror movie, but it's generally used to describe /pol/ Nazis, not conservatism writ large or anything like that.

Your archetypal Chud shoots up a grocery store, church, or school because of some vision of being a crusader in a race war or because he can't have sex, normally both. That's were the chudjack comes from. "Saint Tarrant," etc.

>> No.22521722
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It seems to me that chuds have no fun at all. Whats the point of living life if you are just going to get offended by everything

>> No.22521725

Yes, I've read Milton, Melville, Shakespeare, the ancient Greek tragedians, Homer, Virgil, Ovid's Metamorphoses and Heroides and so on.

>> No.22521729

Bonus points if their work is about anything other than the black experience with racism

>> No.22521746

Granted I don‘t follow school shooters all too closely but I can‘t even recall the last one who was significantly motivated by lack of sex. I think you have to go back to Elliot Rodger and let that count.

>> No.22521749

It's so obvious that the person that made this has not read 90% of these

>> No.22521751 [DELETED] 

As someone who has met actual neo-nazis I can tell you the rank and file chud isn't one for the most part, the idea of putting ideology to practice is too far removed from their limited cognitive capacity. They are mostly nazi-larpers though, and almost exclusively as some sort of badge of contrarian honor, at least on this site, the other sites they frequent necessitate a different larp with similar results. They have the vibe of an incel mixed with a school shooter and a room temperature IQ. That isn't to say they aren't capable of saying something intelligible but generally refrain from doing so. This also isn't to say they can like stuff generally not associated with typical chud interests but usually also refrain from this. They are most commonly identified as /pol/ because the majority of what they talk about is /pol/ related.

>> No.22521788

Find some self-respect. This can't be healthy.

>> No.22521796

>/pol/ Nazis
>Your archetypal Chud shoots up a grocery store, church, or school because of some vision of being a crusader in a race war or because he can't have sex, normally both.
But the first is not related to the second. /pol/ is a spic board and has had basically 0 shooters. The people chudjak is based on were from other boards/sites

>> No.22521800

Actual neonazis are C18, nazi larpers are twitter incels
Don't confuse the two

>> No.22521803 [DELETED] 

OP started a thread about chuds, anons are posting about chuds. You seem to be the butthurt one here, why don't you just go back to reading Harry Potter and talking about women's sports or something.

>> No.22521810

Refer to above once again.

>> No.22521813 [DELETED] 

A non-sequiter? Looks like I'm still right about the room temperature IQ part.

>> No.22522120

The journals of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

A compilation of Adam Lanza's private writings and online posts.

>> No.22522130

/pol/ has become more than a board. It is more like a mindset. You can be /pol/ and never go on the board

>> No.22522137

spend 1 hour/day browsing every thread in /pol/

>> No.22522155


>> No.22522156

Europe became the progenitor of innovation due to the scarce resources. Many wars were needed to fight over what little was available. This is also why tropical climates never progressed very far because they didn’t really need to. That is basic Jerrod Diamond type stuff.