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File: 124 KB, 444x562, JoyceUlysses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22514831 No.22514831 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the "plot" of this absolute shitshow, please. Be as detailed as possible. Anyone who can divine more than a paragraph of content is a lying ass. Also the Jew loving and scat shit really pisses me off

>> No.22514839

Based Joyce making chuds seethe

>> No.22514841

You remind me of the titular character of Episode 12. Meaning eat my ass while I drive off

>> No.22514902

Still waiting sweaties

>> No.22514931

Huh? I always thought James Joyce is quintessential chudcore. Ulysses is high up there on every /lit/ essential reading list I've ever seen.

>> No.22514933


>> No.22514935

you dont need to wait longer crown yourself the winner cutie. just remember honey next time dont make a thread honey

>> No.22514948

If any of your forefathers caught you talking this faggily, they would bludgeon you to death with a large rock and rightfully so

>> No.22514951

my four daddies would never do that

>> No.22514962

joycetrannies eternally BTFO'd. imagine not even being able to explain the plot of your favorite book

>> No.22514968

This. Gotem

>> No.22514970

>Joyce, who wrote his women as whores and imbeciles
>Making Chuds seethe

>> No.22514996

>Joyce, who bashed Christians and praised Jews
>making liberals get thrills up their leg

>> No.22515101

Ireland, they say, has the honor of being the only country which never persecuted the Jews do you know why?
Because she never let them in!

>> No.22515109

>"Ulysses" by James Joyce is about two characters, Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus. It tells their story over the course of one day in Dublin, Ireland. Bloom is a middle-aged husband with a family and a job, while Dedalus is a young writer struggling to find his own place in the world. Throughout the novel, we follow them and the people around them as they experience a range of emotions and thoughts. But despite the drama and complexity, the message is ultimately one of acceptance and understanding.
I haven't read this but it's pretty clear you're supposed to get to know the characters and relate to them and their lives and experiences. So there is no plot, per se. It's the kind of book that by definition filters 4chan autists, a lot like the catcher in the rye.

>> No.22515112

For me, it's the Citizen.

>> No.22515125

A precocious young man who is disenchanted and has family issues, and a normal middle aged everyman jew who hasn’t had sex with his wife since the death of their son (she is cheating as well), wander over Dublin in the course of 24 hours and eventually meet. Loosely a modernized retelling of the Odyssey with lots of other references. Experimental style that differs chapter to chapter

>> No.22515130

I forgot to add, methinks OP is projecting

>> No.22515136

Isn't the point of those books to hardly have a plot? Either because the author is untalented (Pynchon) or as an artistic choice (Joyce).

>> No.22515190


>> No.22515197

>Isn't the point of those books to hardly have a plot?
So it would seem. You know how many pages I need to write a book without a plot? 0. Here please read in it's entirety, my newly written novel: Ulysses 2

>> No.22515253

It’s genuinely not that hard to get a sense of the overall plot, even if passages are obscure (e.g. the exact allusion Joyce is going for, or the detail, person or situation being referred to in a character’s stream-of-consciousness going over your head). Moreover, it’s too much of a waste of effort just for some edgy faggot barbaric OP who assumes, “If *I* couldn’t get through this, clearly NO ONE ELSE could either, and they’re only pretending to!”

It’s a book to be read slowly and enjoyed, if it’s your type of literature. When I was younger, I was baffled by it, got little to no enjoyment out of it, and didn’t see why it was a classic. Now, I love it so much it’s one of those rare books I’d gladly read and reread throughout my life, indefinitely, not just as a status-symbol of how many times I’ve read it, but for how beautiful a writer Joyce is.

Another thing that makes recounting the plot useless is that, on the one hand, it is a plot with a lot of details, twists and turns, but, on the other hand, also ultimately doesn’t add up to much (since, at its core, it’s just one not-particularly-special-day day in Dublin centered mainly around three not-particularly-special characters). Nevertheless:

Stephen Dedalus’s mother has recently died (he infamously refuses to kneel at her deathbed, out of an objection to the Roman Catholic Church, which he seems to view as a means of imperialist subjugation of the Irish, even though he was himself heavily schooled in Catholic theology and considered becoming a priest once, as also recounted in Joyce’s “Portrait”), and he’s a young, destitute schoolteacher and budding writer estranged from his family, living with medical student Buck Mulligan, who is both a friend to him, but also sometimes emasculates Stephen by how much more masculine, gregarious, full of life, and sometimes insensitive Mulligan is.

Leopold Bloom is a kindly middle-aged man married to Molly Bloom and with a daughter Milly (Millicent), and he works as an ad canvasser. He is only partially Jewish (his father being a Jew who converted to Protestantism, and also committed suicide a long while back), himself non-observant of Judaism and going to a Catholic Mass at some point in the day. Molly, his wife, is a singer fucking Blazes Boylan, her manager for an upcoming concert. Bloom and Molly haven’t done the deed since their son, Rudy, died as an infant.

A funeral (of Paddy Dignam) takes place in the day, which Bloom attends along with other middle-aged Dublin men who knew Paddy, as well as (later) the birth of a baby to Mina Purefoy (whom Bloom knew and was attracted to when younger, and where Bloom + Stephen & his group of medical-student drinking friends/cronies finally interact in the waiting-room of the maternity ward).

>> No.22515257

Throughout the day, Bloom has been wandering around trying to get an ad put up in the paper, but also in the course fulfilling errands like having lunch and later dinner with someone, going to a pub, buying soap, taking a bath, writing erotic letters to a pseudonymous “Martha Clifford,” entering a church briefly, and walking along Sandymount Strand (ditto Stephen earlier) where he ogles a pretty young girl, Gerty MacDowell, from a distance (not necessarily all in that order), while Stephen has similarly been rambling about after finishing a schoolday teaching his students, getting paid by headmaster Deasy (as well as getting some Nestor-like wisdom from him), trying to get Deasy’s article about foot-and-mouth disease published in a newspaper at Deasy’s request, talking about his elaborate Shakespeare theories (centered around a biographical explanation of Hamlet) at a library, and drinking with the boys, eventually ending up at a brothel in the closest thing we have to a climax in the Circe chapter.

A drunk Stephen is causing a mess and a compassionate, kindly Bloom, feeling paternal towards him and having met him before in the maternity ward while Mina Purefoy was giving birth, has followed him in to the brothel to make sure of his safety, Bloom also being a loose acquaintance of Stephen’s father, Simon Dedalus, whom he talked and stayed with at Paddy’s funeral, and thus having further reason to feel kindly towards Stephen. In this chapter, a psychodrama in Stephen and Bloom’s minds takes place, including ghostly apparitions of Stephen’s dead mother and of Bloom’s dead son and father, the whole chapter also written in stage-directions and dialogue as if it were a play. Stephen drunkenly breaks something after seeing an apparition of his mother, Bloom pays for it and leads Stephen out, and Stephen gets in a further fight with a policeman, making Bloom step in again to apologize, say Stephen has had too much to drink, and that Bloom will lead him home.

Bloom eventually brings Stephen to sober up at his home, talks kindly with him, suggests he can help the young writer get something published, and offers him a place to stay overnight, which Stephen refuses, apparently wandering off. Bloom then finally talks with Molly again, having returned after a long day, and they drift off to sleep, with the focus now shifting to Molly’s famous monologue, the most heavily stream-of-consciousness section in the novel (loose, rambling, largely unpunctuated, and having the till-then longest published sentence in English literature). She reminisces and speculates about life, Bloom, her own past, lovers and loved ones, ending with a swooning memory of Bloom having asked her to marry him and her own ecstatic response of “Yes”.

>> No.22515714
File: 6 KB, 223x226, 1673401297356468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the pee pee poo poo book?

>> No.22515743

It describes shit running warmly through the asshole of a Jew who's held in esteem over racist evil Christians who would gladly wrong him when all he wants to do is enjoy shitting, like truly enjoy it because it's so comforting and feels nice on his anus and he also wants to be a perv.

This book 100% convinced me never again to read anything written by a non-Christian. I've stuck to that and I'm happy with my choice.

>> No.22515969

Kill yourselves tranny faggots. YWNBAW.

>> No.22515981

No it's the masturbatiom on the beach while fireworks are thrown book

>> No.22516031
File: 93 KB, 498x468, IMG_7576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, I don’t post these much because I myself hate leftists/libs and am idiotically accused by them of being the same chuds as you guys when it comes to me and politics, but here you go. You earned it.

>> No.22516032

>muh plot
Haven't even read the book yet and can already tell you got filtered

>> No.22516066

That's Houellebecq's Whatever.

>> No.22516078

>he also wants to be a perv.
>wants to be

Bloom is 100% a pervert, this is abundantly clear before the book is even finished.

>> No.22516086

>Describe the "plot"
The clue is literally in the title, you fuckwitted arse-dribble. The plot is stolen wholesale from The Odyssey.

>> No.22516093
File: 95 KB, 602x777, 1612106145242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting effort but wrong LOL. This is what happens when a nigger ain't actually read and engage the book and memorizes summaries. Pathetic and immediately obvious to the rare Joycean motherfucker. Hoooo boy.

>> No.22516581

>He can't appreciate taking a good shit

>> No.22516686

Gross people (homosexuals) have gross minds and their gross minds beg them to speak forth gross thoughts to impress their grossness upon the masses.

>> No.22516700

Joyce was many things, but he wasn't a homosexual. He had a wife and kids to prove it. How about you?

>> No.22516716

Joyce wasn’t gay but having a wife and kids means nothing. Many guys are deep down low and have families as beards

>> No.22516717

Fuck off faggot, the idea that all Jews are bad is retarded. I don’t like it when people do that to me as a white, remember the categorical imperative?

>> No.22516721

You can't have a family without being sexually aroused by a woman. That's pretty much a watertight defence against charges of homosexuality.

>> No.22516723


>> No.22516738

Explain you're dad then

>> No.22516742

Explain your sentence then.
(Or even "you're" sentence, if that makes sense to you.)

>> No.22516758

You're dad is a homosexual but he fucked your mom at least once in the pussy, filled it with white thick cum that produced you so we can have this argument anon

>> No.22516780
File: 67 KB, 884x800, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're dad
You can lead a horse to water ...
Well, at least I know who he was.

>> No.22516785

If I fuck a watermelon and cum, it doesn’t mean I’m attracted to watermelons. Just curious, if a virgin is nervous the first time he has sex and can’t get a hard on, does that mean he isn’t attracted to women?

>> No.22516803

These are the quality thread for which I browse this board

>> No.22517164
File: 64 KB, 476x611, IMG_7577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re really some “rare Joycean,” then why do you write like a subhuman biglipsmacking, sagging-jeans-below-the-ass, watermelon-chomping, fried-chicken-chewing, pickup-basketball-playing, weed-smoking, coke-snorting (through your big filthy black nose), stupid crackhead subhuman nigger? As well as idiotically claim a completely valid summary of Ulysses is proof of “me not having engaged with the book”?

>This is what happens when a nigger ain't actually read and engage the book
>Hoooo boy.

“XD!!! my fellow nigger.” Jesus fucking Christ, I’d gladly tie you down to an operating table, pull out your teeth with pliers, insert a needle covered in hot-sauce through the tip of your dickhole into your urethra, stick your testicles in a vice-clamp, and pour drain-cleaner down your throat, you subhuman baboon porchmonkey mooncricket orangutan gorilla NIGGER. Go puff your fruity vape and drink your purple drank, you goddamn nigger.

>> No.22517498

Not him, I tried to read houllebecq once, but it didn't grab me.

guess I aint no houllebecq girl

>> No.22517514

Man called Bloom.
He go for walk.
Odysseus references.

>> No.22517517

>plot is """"content""""
Did you hear there's a new Red Letter Media video out?