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22510566 No.22510566 [Reply] [Original]

>”dude you just gotta chill, read my book”
>”Take it easy man, just chill, don’t get worked up over anything”
>*wife cheats on him*
>*heavy metal playing*
>*eyes go red with veins, hair sticks up straight, steam starts blowing out of ears*
>”dude I’m so chill and wise”

>> No.22510584

a lot of people forget he was a roman emperor, not just another author so he offers legit good advice

>> No.22510598

Ryan Holiday's fault pushing him to the mainstream. Everything that stays underground are somehow treasured and valued, once it becomes popular it's not so cool anymore. I don't know man, I suspect same thing happened to Nietzsche. People are more likely to find holes on your work when it gets too popular.

>> No.22510663

I'll make sure to take him into account when I become roman emperor

>> No.22510732

Pro tip, retard nigger: Killing your enemies and being stoic are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.22510746


>> No.22510776

Was he gay?

>> No.22510795

kek based

>> No.22510803


>> No.22510804
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>> No.22510824

>*eats more opium*

>> No.22510988
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how will stoictrannies ever recover?

>> No.22510998

The only reason that the book is even known is because it was written by Marcus Aurelius. He's writing his own thoughts, not trying to make some working philosophy or even publically announce it. It's his private journal he's going to say whatever the fuck he feels like and shit in the moment

>> No.22512643

I never thought about it like that

>> No.22512699

do you think forgiving your wife's lover would be a good look for a roman emperor?

>> No.22512785

Stoicism is literally max level coping.

>> No.22512936

Nothing wrong with that. He just wasn't a cuck.

>> No.22512953

>He just wasn't a cuck.
He was, by definition, since cuckold just means a man whose wife is unfaithful, until altrighters changed the definition circa 2015

>> No.22512967

The appeal of the book is that you are reading the personal thoughts of a Roman emperor, not intended to be read by anyone else. That alone makes it interesting and remarkable, but it's since become a normie reddit book, which means 4channers feel like they have to shit on it

>> No.22513012


>> No.22513134

Cynicism is more fun