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22509670 No.22509670 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not particularly well read and am trying to change. I had an accident earlier today that is going to keep me out of work for at least a day or two and figure I can use this time to actually read some of the classics I have never read before. What should I read? For reference to what I like, my two favorite books are 1984 and All the Pretty Horses

>> No.22509683

Lonesome Dove, you have to read it, man.

>> No.22509690

A favorite of yours?

>> No.22509706

> I had an accident earlier today that is going to keep me out of work for at least a day or two
What happened?

>> No.22509720

I was working on a ladder and it slipped out from under me. Luckily, I didn’t get too hurt, but I smacked my face off the concrete floor and have a minor concussion and a major black eye.

>> No.22509774

If you liked 1984 and that type of dystopian novel, you may want to check out Brave New World

>> No.22509797

A Clockwork Orange is a short read and fits in to the dystopian thing.

>> No.22509818

How does it compare to the movie? I didn’t love the movie, but I’m not the biggest Kubrick fan

>> No.22509853

>minor concussion
i was under the impression you shouldnt do too much reading with a concussion
you also seem like the type to have not gone to the doctor for something so small. if so i recommend you do, concussions are one of the few injuries that warrant a visit for both medical and insurance reasons.

>> No.22509876

>you also seem to be the type to have not gone to the doctor for something so small.
I didn’t, but I had a buddy at work who used to be an EMT look at me who said I probably had a concussion and should take it easy for a couple days but should be fine. He was actually more concerned about the eye, but said it would be okay in about a week.

>> No.22509882

Read the Apology of Plato.

>> No.22509883
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None of these are “classics.” They’re just old books. If it’s not in Loebs classical library it isn’t a real classic.

>> No.22509889

How bad is the eye? If it’s bad, you should get it looked at by a real doctor

>> No.22509895

They mean modern classic, not Greco-Roman Classic

>> No.22509903
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Pretty bad… it’s only been like 2 hours since I fell

>> No.22509906

Modern classic is an oxymoron. The idea that a 20th century book can be classic is incorrect. Words have meanings so OP should specify next time that he means “New York times best sellers.”

>> No.22509926
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>Modern classic is an oxymoron
So is 'incel' yet people use it.
>Words have meanings
A word's meanings aren't static. They can have different uses in time and context.
>“New York times best sellers.”
That's not necessarily what it's meant by a classic here.

>> No.22509927

I’m honestly up for anything. I like Shakespeare but I don’t love a lot of his work. Admittedly it’s been years since I last ready any. I enjoyed reading the Odyssey too.

>> No.22509937

Dude, you need to get that looked at by a real doctor. That’s only after 2 hours? Have you iced it at all?

>> No.22509950

this, its short and one of the best places to start with the greeks

>> No.22509960

Looks alright

>> No.22509962

1 is the only literary definition so you played yourself.

>> No.22509964

I'd suggest Jorge Luis Borges' short stories, they are pretty surreal and have some great imagery, they might have an effect that distracts you from whatever physical pain you may have because your brain will just be trying to unravel his metaphors and symbols

>> No.22509967

You think so? The other guy seemed to think it looked bad enough to warrant a doctor’s visit. I take it you don’t think so?

>> No.22509970

You should get an expert’s opinion on that.

>> No.22509973
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2a also applies. See also its adjective form.

>> No.22509982

I hope it distracts from the physical pain, because as you can imagine, I’m in a decent bit. Do you know if they’re available as audiobooks? I don’t know if I’ll be able to see in the morning

>> No.22509993

That eye looks crazy man. Can you even see out of it?

>> No.22510007

So I should see a doctor? I just don’t want to waste money if I don’t have to. If it’s not that bad, I probably wouldn’t bother unless it gets worse. Like if the bruising starts spreading to below my eye, I’ll probably be really concerned

>> No.22510065

Bruising like that is going to get way worse. You may even end up with a second black eye

>> No.22510090
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Shit, really? I really don’t want that. Is there any avoiding that?

Also, back to the original post, what do you all think about the Inferno? I’ve always wanted to read it.

>> No.22510167

Anon, have you seen a doctor? That eye is horrific

>> No.22510175


>> No.22510195

Read The Book of Prognstics by Hippo. He talks about eye problems and the various diseases associated with them in there though I dont recal any blunt force trauma discussion.

Also read On Airs, wters and places. You should know the ill effects which a westward wind will have on your eye problems. You should seek to live in a city of perfect temperate (such as Delos which is given as an example) without harsh climate, winds or sun.

>> No.22510214

Thanks! Definitely relevant too. It’s funny, thinking of the classics, I can’t stop thinking about Polyphemus in the Odyssey. Now that I’m down to only one eye, it would really suck to get a hot stake driven through the other

>> No.22510232

Luckily even if that did happen, luckily the swelling that’s over your other eye would go down and you’d be a real cyclops lol. How’s the eye by the way?

>> No.22510247
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Pretty bad. I decided to go to the hospital to get it looked at. Waiting on X-rays now.

>> No.22510255

I call fake. Vastly different level of swollenness here >>22509903 compared to here >>22510247

>> No.22510293
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I don’t know why you wouldn’t believe me. I don’t know why I would lie about something like this. I feel like black eyes do really weird things when forming, but I haven’t ever had one like this before

>> No.22510298

Did you put ice on it? see >>22510175

>> No.22510309

Yeah, I’ve pretty much had ice on it for the past 3 hours straight. Think that might be why it’s changed colors so much

>> No.22510327

That only took 3 hours? Every black eye I’ve ever seen may get that bad but it usually takes a day or two. I’ve never seen one get so bad so fast. You need to go to a hospital ASAP

>> No.22510360

I am on a big Hippo kick right now. It is really interesting seeing what he got right and what he was entirely off base about. He was listing the different cities and their wind directions and the way the sun shines down on them. Also in a different essay he was talking about contradictory methods of divination and sacrificial practices. Some of the stuff is so primitive yet some is so spot on.

>> No.22510493

Not to discourage you, but Inferno is quite long. Of course, this might not be a problem if your eye doesn’t get any better. It definitely is worth reading though

>> No.22511434

How into mythology are you? You mentioned Polyphemus so I feel like you have some background

>> No.22511460

anon go to a doctor please

>> No.22511491

I went last night. The good news is that I’ll be okay. The bad news is I have a small fracture in my frontal bone, but it won’t require surgery so there’s a small silver lining. I did get a doctor’s note for the next 2 days off work for the minor concussion I have.

>> No.22511494

okay cool, then read brothers karamzov

>> No.22511725

I’ve always been a big fan of mythology, but I’ve only ever read the Odyssey. As I said, I’m not very well read unfortunately and trying to change that

>> No.22511938

You look like you came out of a bout against Tyson which Iooks badass but really, I strongly suggest to visit the doctor. Your eye sight could become damaged due to the increase pressure on your eyeball.